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Designating Components On-the-Fly Page 1 of 2

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Concept: Designating Components On-the-Fly

Designating Components On-the-Fly
Designate an otherwise undesignated component on-the-fly.

If a component is not designated, and once its CSYS is selected, you are prompted to autodesignate the
component. If you select Yes, the component is designated with the default parameters and then enables wire

To designate a component on-the-fly, follow these steps:

• Right-click and select Allow Undesignated CSYS when routing a wire/cable.

Figure 1 – Allow Undesignated CSYS

• Select a CSYS belonging to an undesignated component. 01-11-2017
Designating Components On-the-Fly Page 2 of 2

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Figure 3 – Designate as Connector

The following parameters are assigned to the component and selected coordinate system:

• Component
◦ ref_des set to the model name.

• Csys
◦ entry_port set to the coordinate system name

◦ Grouping set to Round

◦ Internal_len set to 0.0

You can view and edit the assigned default parameters using the Cabling Parameters dialog box. 01-11-2017

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