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Extra innings / ps3

1. A person split his property amongst his three sons. The youngest one got 50% of the entire property, the
second got Rs10000. The eldest got 20% less than the youngest. How much did the eldest son get?
a. Rs 20000 b. Rs 40000 c. Rs 50000 d.Rs 30000

2. There are 24 students in a class whose average marks in a subject is 89 out of 100. If 3 students leave the
class, then what is the maximum by which the average could go up?
a. 12.7 b.11.5 c.11.2 d.11

3. The cost price of an item increases by 10% first, then by 10% next and by 10% yet again finally. If the last
10% increase is equivalent to an increase of Rs 121, what was the first 10% equivalent to?
a.Rs100 b.Rs110 c.Rs13.31 d.None of these

4. I bought some oranges at the rate of 5 for a Rupee. I sold all of them to you at the rate of 4 for a Rupee,
bought all of them again from you at the rate of 3 for a rupee and sold them all to you in the end at the rate
of 2 for a rupee. What is my percentage profit in this whole transaction?
a.108.3% b.40.6% c.191.6% d.None of these

5. A dealer offers a cash discount of 20% and still makes a profit of 20%, even when he further allows 16
articles to a dozen to a particularly sticky bargainer. How much percentage above the cost price were his
wares listed?
a.100% b.80% c.75% d.66.66%

6. Find the average of all 5 digit numbers that leave a remainder of 2 when divided by 7.
a. 55001 b. 54985 c. 55020 d. 55069

7. If the average of m numbers is a, and on adding x to the m numbers,the average of the (1+m) numbers
is b. Then find the value of x.?
a. m(b-a)+b b. m(b+a)+a c. m(a-b)+a d. None of These

8. A man finds that it costs Rs (300+4N) per day to make N articles. If the selling price of each article is Rs
7, what are the minimum articles to be produced per day if he has to make a profit?
a.300 b.150 c.100 d.None of these

9. The averave age of a group of people is increased by 10 when a person aged 19 years is replaced by a new
person aged 59 years. How many people are there in the group?
a. 4 b.8 c.14 d.15

10. I purchase some eggs for Rs100. 20% of the eggs break in transit, out of the remaining 25%was rotten.
What profit percentage should I make on the remaining to get an overall 20% profit?
a.25% b.50% c.75% d.100%

11. A man invested Rs. 3300 in a bank on simple interest for 2 years at 5% p.a. Had the man invested the
same principal at the same rate of interest for the same period compounded annually, what would be the
percentage increase in the interest earned?
a.2.4% b.2.5% c. 2.6% d.2.7%

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Extra innings / ps3
12. In an examination, there are 100 questions divided into three groups A, B and C such that each group
contains at least one question. Each question in group A carries 1 mark, each question in group B
carries 2 marks and each question in group C carries 3 marks. It is known that the questions in group A
together carry at least 60% of the total marks.If group C contains 8 questions and group B carries at least
20% of the total marks, which of the following best describes the number of questions in group B?
a.11 or 12 b.12 or 13 c.13 or 14 d.14 or 15

13. A watch dealer incurs an expense of Rs 150 for producing every watch. He also incurs an additional
expenditure of Rs 30,000, which is independent of the number of watches produced. If he is able to sell a
watch during the season, he sells it for Rs 250. If he fails to do so, he has to sell each watch for Rs 100. If
he is able to sell only 1200 out of 1500 watches he has made in the season, then in the season he has made
a profit of?
a.90, 000 b.75, 000 c.45, 000 d.60, 000

14. From a certain number of mangoes a man sold half the number of existing mangoes plus 1 to the first
customer, sold 1/3rd of the remaining plus 1 to the second customer, 1/4th of the remaining plus 1 to the
third customer and 1/5th of the remaining plus 1 to the fourth one.He then found that he did not have many
mangoes left. How many mangoes did he originally have?
a.12 b.14 c.15 d.13

15. An item which was purchased for X was sold for 18 thereby getting X+5 % profit.
What would be the cost price of X-5 items each purchased for X-5?
a.100 b.200 c.300 d.400

16. The average of 26 numbers is 23. Three consecutive prime numbers are removed to get an average of 25.
What are the three numbers removed?
a. 5,7,11 b. 11, 13, 17 c.7, 11, 13 d .3, 5, 7

17. Average of 11 numbers that are range of 1 to 100(inclusive) is 50. One of the numbers is removed.
Which one of the following is necessarily true?
a. The minimum average of the remaining 10 numbers is 45
b. The maximum average of the remaining 10 numbers is 54.9
c. The range of the average of the remaining numbers will be 45 to 54.9
d. All 1, 2 and 3.

18. A student got marks in the ratio 4:3:5:6:7 in five subjects having equal maximum marks. In all, he scored
70% marks. In how many subjects, he got more than 72%?
a.1 b.2 c.3 d.0

19. There are a certain number of children in a class. Each child has a different number of sweets and there is
one who has none. No child has exactly 15 sweets and there are more children in the class than there are
sweets with any child. Find the maximum number of children in the class.
a.14 b.15 c.8 d.cannot be determined


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What percentage of the females polled said “Yes”?

a.40 b.33 c.60 d.75

21. In a certain hotel, there are not more than 3 children and not less than 5 adults at any table for lunch. If
the total number of children is more than the total number of adult females which in turn is more than the
total number of adult males in the hostel, then the minimum number of tables in the hostel is:
a.3 b.4 c.5 d.2

22. A grocer cheats his customers by using a faulty weighing balance. The left pan of his balance weighs 200g
more than the right pan. While selling, he keeps the goods in the left pan and while buying, he keeps the
weight measure in the left pan. If he sells 1kg of wheat and clainms to sell it for neither profit nor loss,
find his profit percentage.
a.20% b.25% c.33% d.50%

23. Seven friends agreed to divide their lunch bill in a restaurant. Six of them shared the bill equally while the
seventh paid a 15% tip. If the person paying the tip spends Rs 1.5 paise less than each of his friends, the
total bill without the tip is
a.60 b.90 c.120 d.150

24. The pendulum of a clock takes 7 s to strike 4 o’clock. How much time will it take to strike 11 o’clock?
a.18s b.20s c.19.25s d.23.33s

25. If the price of essential commodities were to go up by 30%, then find the percentage decrease in the
quantity of essential commodities purchased by a householder who can manage only a 10% increase in
a.20% b.15.4% c.84.6% d.17%

26. A shopkeeper gives a discount equal to the profit he gets on the article. If he gets a profit equal to 25% of
selling price, what is the percentage of discount he gives on the article?
a.25% b.33.33% c.16.66% d.20%

27. My father had a certain number of toffees. When he distributed them amongst all his grand children giving
four toffees to each child, I found that mu daughter Ramya,who was the youngest, got only three. Instead,
if he gave three toffees to each, he would have been left with seven toffees. How many more toffees
should he buy to give five toffees to each of his grand children?
a.7 b.8 c.9 d.10

28. In the year 1990, an organization had 25 employees whose average age was 50 years. In 1992, 5
employees with an average age of 42 years left the organization. In 1994 10 employees with an average
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Extra innings / ps3
age of 34 years joined the organization. What was the average age of the employees of the organization in
a.40 years b.50 years c.45 years d.35 years

29. Hari got an average of 60% in his exam consisting of 7 papers. If his average in Maths, Science, Socal and
English is 70% and his average in Maths, French, Practicals and Hindi is 55%.Find his score in Maths.
a.55 b.80 c.65 d.70

30. The fee charges by IMS for the studnts of MBA is 25% less than that charged for the students of MCA. If
the total amount received from MBA is 50% more than that from MCA, the number of students in MCA
course is what percent of that in MBA?
a.80% b.75% c.50% d.None of these

1. A person split his property amongst his three sons. The youngest one got 50% of the entire property, the
second got Rs.10000. The eldest got 20% less than the youngest. How much did the eldest son get?
a. Rs. 20000 b. Rs. 40000 c. Rs. 50000 d.Rs.30000

2. There are 24 students in a class whose average marks in a subject is 89 out of 100. If 3 students leave the
class, then what is the maximum by which the average could go up?
a. 12.7 b.11.5 c.11.2 d.11

3. The cost price of an item increases by 10% first, then by 10% next and by 10% yet again finally. If the last
10% increase is equivalent to an increase of Rs 121, what was the first 10% equivalent to?
a.Rs100 b.Rs110 c.Rs13.31 d.None of these

4. A dealer offers a cash discount of 20% and still makes a profit of 20%, even when he further allows 16
articles to a dozen to a particularly sticky bargainer. How much percentage above the cost price were his
wares listed?
a.100% b.80% c.75% d.66.66%

5. A person closes his account in an investment scheme by withdrawing Rs. 10,000. One year ago he had
withdrawn Rs. 6,000. Two years ago he had withdrawn Rs. 5000. Three years ago he had not withdrawn
any money. How much money had he deposited approximately at the time of opening the account 4 years
ago, if the annual simple interest is 10%?
a. Rs 15,600 b. Rs 16,500 c. Rs 17,280 d. None of these

6. If the average of m numbers is a, and on adding x to the m numbers,the average of the (1+m) numbers
is b. Then find the value of x.?
a. m(b-a)+b b. m(b+a)+a c. m(a-b)+a d. None of These

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Extra innings / ps3
7. A man finds that it costs Rs (300+4N) per day to make N articles. If the selling price of each article is Rs
7, what are the minimum articles to be produced per day if he has to make a profit?
a.300 b.150 c.100 d.None of these

8. Sachin spends 1/4th of his leisure hours on reading and 1/3 rd of the remaining watching the television and ½
of the remaining eating. If he spends an hour eating. What is the total time he has?
a. 4hrs b.8hrs c.10hrs d.12hrs

9. I purchase some eggs for Rs100. 20% of the eggs break in transit, out of the remaining 25%was rotten. What
profit percentage should I make on the remaining to get an overall 20% profit?
a.25% b.50% c.75% d.100%

10. In a cricket match a batsman wants to have the strike through out the match. Also he wants to score the
maximum runs. How many runs can he score under both the above conditions?
a.1533 b.1550 c.1653 d.None

11. A watch dealer incurs an expense of Rs 150 for producing every watch. He also incurs an additional
expenditure of Rs 30,000, which is independent of the number of watches produced. If he is able to sell a
watch during the season, he sells it for Rs 250. If he fails to do so, he has to sell each watch for Rs 100. If
he is able to sell only 1200 out of 1500 watches he has made in the season, then in the season he has made
a profit of?
a.90, 000 b.75, 000 c.45, 000 d.60, 000

12. From a certain number of mangoes a man sold half the number of existing mangoes plus 1 to the first
customer, sold 1/3rd of the remaining plus 1 to the second customer, 1/4th of the remaining plus 1 to the
third customer and 1/5th of the remaining plus 1 to the fourth one.He then found that he did not have many
mangoes left. How many mangoes did he originally have?
a.12 b.14 c.15 d.13

13. The average of 26 numbers is 23. Three consecutive prime numbers are removed to get an average of 25.
What are the three numbers removed?
a. 5,7,11 b. 11, 13, 17 c.7, 11, 13 d .3, 5, 7

14. Average of 11 numbers that are in the range of 1 to 100 ( both inclusive) is 50. One of the numbers is
removed. Which one of the following is necessarily true?
a. The minimum average of the remaining 10 numbers is 45
b. The maximum average of the remaining 10 numbers is 54.9
c. The range of the average of the remaining numbers will be 45 to 54.9
d. All of the above

15. A student got marks in the ratio 4:3:5:6:7 in five subjects having equal maximum marks. In all, he scored
70% marks. In how many subjects, he got more than 72%?
a.1 b.2 c.3 d.0

16. There are a certain number of children in a class. Each child has a different number of sweets and there is
one who has none. No child has exactly 15 sweets and there are more children in the class than there are
sweets with any child. Find the maximum number of children in the class.
a.14 b.15 c.8 d.cannot be determined

IMS Learning Resources Pvt. Ltd. 5

Extra innings / ps3
17. A grocer cheats his customers by using a faulty weighing balance. The left pan of his balance weighs 200g
more than the right pan. While selling, he keeps the goods in the left pan and while buying, he keeps the
weight measure in the left pan. If he sells 1kg of wheat and clainms to sell it for neither profit nor loss,
find his profit percentage.
a.20% b.25% c.33% d.50%

18. Seven friends agreed to divide their lunch bill in a restaurant. Six of them shared the bill equally while the
seventh paid a 15% tip. If the person paying the tip spends Rs 1.5 paise less than each of his friends, the
total bill without the tip is
a.60 b.90 c.120 d.150

19. The pendulum of a clock takes 7 s to strike 4 o’clock. How much time will it take to strike 11 o’clock?
a.18s b.20s c.19.25s d.23.33s

20. If the price of essential commodities were to go up by 30%, then find the percentage decrease in the
quantity of essential commodities purchased by a householder who can manage only a 10% increase in
a.20% b.15.4% c.84.6% d.17%

21. A shopkeeper gives a discount equal to the profit he gets on the article. If he gets a profit equal to 25% of
selling price, what is the percentage of discount he gives on the article?
a.25% b.33.33% c.16.66% d.20%

22. My father had a certain number of toffees. When he distributed them amongst all his grand children giving
four toffees to each child, I found that mu daughter Ramya,who was the youngest, got only three. Instead,
if he gave three toffees to each, he would have been left with seven toffees. How many more toffees
should he buy to give five toffees to each of his grand children?
a.7 b.8 c.9 d.10

23. In the year 1990, an organization had 25 employees whose average age was 50 years. In 1992, 5
employees with an average age of 42 years left the organization. In 1994 10 employees with an average
age of 34 years joined the organization. What was the average age of the employees of the organization in
a.40 years b.50 years c.45 years d.35 years

24. Hari got an average of 60% in his exam consisting of 7 papers. If his average in Maths, Science, Socal and
English is 70% and his average in Maths, French, Practicals and Hindi is 55%.Find his score in Maths.
a.55 b.80 c.65 d.70

25. The fee charges by IMS for the studnts of MBA is 25% less than that charged for the students of MCA. If
the total amount received from MBA is 50% more than that from MCA, the number of students in MCA
course is what percent of that in MBA?
a.80% b.75% c.50% d.None of these

Q26. A trader gives successive discounts of 10% and 20% on a marked price of Rs. 5000 of an article. He had
to give a further discount equal to 20% of his cost price on his new selling price as a result of which he
made neither a profit nor a loss. Find the cost price of the article
a) Rs. 3600 b) Rs. 3000 c) Rs. 2000 d) Rs. 4500

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