PTVI Supv Recruitment Counseling

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Required immediately:


Purpose of the role:

To oversee the recruitment and selection process to ensure that the organization attracts and
recruits suitable applicants for identified vacancies as plan within quality, monitors an
organization’s business strategy to make sure it employs enough workers with the right skills at
the right time. forecasting job fulfillment and provide strategic advice to company decision-makers
and also to facilitate counseling for all employee who needed to achieve the productivity target.

Major Accountabilities:
1. Supervise the process for the placing for all internal and external vacancies also the
implementation of the organization’s recruitment strategy to ensure that staffing needs are met
with the system and PTVI recruitment procedure.
2. Supervise the contract negotiation with external advertising and recruitment consultants to
secure the most favorable terms for the organization and to achieve the company target.
3. Supervise the assessment process including interview potential recruits and appoint staff in
consultation with the appropriate line managers also arranging assessment and providing
suitable arrangements for applicants with special needs.
4. To conduct counseling to PT Vale Indonesia Tbk employees and provide the psychological services
5. Develop communication with HRBP and other HR function to ensure hiring plan and necessary
document are complete and internal stakeholder are properly inform and communicated also
including how to optimize work schedules, identify critical positions, when to re-assign workers
and pinpoint jobs that have become obsolete.
6. Develop communication with External Relation Department to maintain communication with
external PTVI Stakeholders to manage potential social issues that may affect on recruitment
process to prevent any disorder of the operation and production.
7. Develop reports, presentation and other documents recruitment and counseling section as
required, including researching of comparative information as required to get new talent and
met with job description required and productive people

Technical Specialization:
1. English
2. Assessment Centre
3. Competency Assessment including interview skills
4. Psychological test tools
5. Counseling methodology and practices
6. Computer Skills (MS Office and HR Software)

1. Bachelor degree (S1) from Psychology and Professional Psychology
2. Certified Pengawas Operational Pratama (POP) by ESDM is preferred
3. Minimum 4 years of relevant working experience

How to apply:
 Submit CV, recent photograph, copy of proof of work experience, copy of academic certificate
(must be in pdf format) to:
 Position name and code MUST be written as the email subject;
 Application must be submitted no later than May 16, 2019;
 Only those who meet the requirements that will be notified for further selection process.

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