Wtm-058 Ut Procedure Aws d1.5 (2010)

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LPN Metallurgy Research center (Thailand) Ltd.

Document No. : WTM - 058


AWS D1.5/ D1.5 M :2008 Date of Issue : 01 / Sep / 2011



AWS D1.5/ D1.5 M :2008

Revision Prepared by Approved Approved

No. Date NDE Level II NDE level III (Client’s Representative)

Review / Approved
0 01 – 11 - 11
for Application

Mr. Surasak Phoomool Dr. Asa Prateepasen

Total page in this procedure ( Including cover ) 8

LPN Metallurgy Research center (Thailand) Ltd.
Document No. : WTM - 058


AWS D1.5/ D1.5 M :2008 Date of Issue : 01 / Sep / 2011


1. Objective

2. Scope

3. Reference Document

4. NDE Personnel Qualification

5. Equipment and Materials

6. Calibration for Equipment Qualification

7. Calibration for Testing

8. All applicable Surface Preparation

9. Examination

10. Evaluation of Indications

11. Acceptance Criteria

12. Record/Reporting

This procedure provides the general conditions that are normally required by the project general specification
and specific instructions on ultrasonic examination using manual ultrasonic flaw detector for the NDE personnel
performing examination on the materials & welds of structural member that are required in compliance with AWS
D.1.5 and project specifications. LPN Metallurgy Research center (Thailand) Ltd. will apply this
NDE procedure in conjunction with corresponding project NDE specifications for the project
after obtaining client’s approval.


This document describes the operation procedure to be followed and applied for performing Ultrasonic Examination
of the parent and complete joint penetration groove weld and HAZ of material between the thickness of 8 mm and
200 mm inclusive in accordance with AWS D.1.5 This procedure is to be used for detecting, locating and
evaluating indications within the welds and heat affected zone of carbon steel and low alloy steel using the
manual contact pulse echo inspection technique. Additional specific procedures for ultrasonic examination of
special configurations, materials or technique sheets shall be developed if and when the needs arise.


3.1 International Codes and Standards

 AWS D1.5 Structural Welding Code, Steel (Edition 2010)

 ASTM A435/A435M Standard Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Plates
 ASTM Vol. 03.03 Nondestructive Testing

3.2 Project Specifications

 Applicable project specifications and relevant information such as weld joint geometry, material
thickness and welding process used shall be provided prior to commencement of the project and

3.3 Written Practice and Recommended Practice for NDE Certification

 Company Written Practice WTM - 036
 ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (Edition 2001 , 2008)


4.1 Personnel conducting Ultrasonic Examination in accordance with this procedure shall be qualified to NDE
Level II in Ultrasonic Testing Method.
4.2 However, UT Level I personnel shall be qualified to assist UT Level II in performing specific
calibrations, specific tests, specific evaluations and record test results following specific written
instructions provided under the direct supervision from designated UT Level II.

4.3 All NDE personnel shall be given annual vision examinations and capable of reading Jaeger
Number 1 or equivalent letters at not less than 30 cm for near vision acuity and 20/40 for far vision
acuity or better with one or both eyes, either corrected or natural.

4.4 All NDE personnel shall be certified in accordance with company written practice “WTM-036” which meets
the ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A current code accepted edition and/or approved equivalent by
the applicable code.


5.1 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

"A" scan pulse-echo system equipment such as Panametric Epoch II or Krautkramer USM35 or equivalent
approved equipment which meets the requirements of Clause 6.15 of AWS D.1.5

5.2 Search Unit

a) Longitudinal Wave (Straight Beam)Probe

Frequency Range : 2.0 MHz, 2.5 MHz
Beam Angle : 0 deg.
Tranducer Size : 24 mm, 25 mm diameter Single/ Twin Crystal
Brand : Krautkramer, Panametric

b) Shear Wave (Angle Beam) Probe

Frequency Range : 2.0 MHz, 2.25 MHz
Beam Angle : 45 deg., 60 deg., 70 deg.
Tranducer Size : 20 mm x 22 mm, 15.8 mm x 15.8 mm
Brand : Krautkramer, Panametric

5.3 Reference/ Calibration Block

a) International Institute of Welding Ultrasonic Reference Block Type-I (IIW V1)

b) Miniature Angle Beam (Rompas) Block (IIW V2)
c) Resolution Reference Block
d) Distance and Sensitivity Block

5.4 Couplant
Cellulose Paste (Wall Paper Paste), Glycerin, Oil




Horizontal IIW Block Clause 6.17.1 Every 40 hours Each Intermediate reflection shall be
Linearity of AWSD1.5 of use Each of within 2 % of screen width
the change in
distance ranges
Determine Acceptable dB range
Clause 6.17.2 Every 2
Gain Control DS Block within 2dB Window
of AWSD1.5 months
Free of any indication in screen area
Clause 6.17.3 Every 40 hours beyond 12 mm SP and above
Internal Reflection IIW Block
of AWSD1.5 of use reference level height

Calibration of Determine contact face is flat ,
Clause 6.17.4 Every 8 hours
Angle beam Search IIW Block sound entry point is correct, and the
of AWSD1.5 of use
Unit beam angle is within the permitted
tolerance range of 2 deg

If during any check it is determined that testing equipment is not functioning properly, all of the welds that have been
tested since the last valid calibration check shall be reexamined.


7.1 All calibrations and testing shall be made with the reject (clipping or suppression) control turn off.

7.2 Calibration for sensitivity and horizontal sweep (distance) shall be performed just prior to and at the
location of examination of each weld.

7.3 Recalibrated shall be done in the following condition as a minimum :

 after each 30 minutes maximum time interval of use
 when examination personnel are changed
 when power supply, search unit, coaxial cables are changed
 power outage (failure)


8.1 Contact surfaces area minimum of one half skip-distance from edge of the weld on both sides shall
be smooth and free of irregularity such as spatter, dirt, rust, grease, oil (other than that used as a couplant), any
other roughness that will interfere with the free movement of the search unit or would prevent the transmission
of ultrasonic vibrations.

8.2 Weld surface shall also be adequately smooth to prevent interference with the interpretation of the


9.1 Probe Selection

Selection of the angle beam probes (degree) for full examination coverage shall be dependent on
material thickness, angle of weld preparation, anticipated type of defect, etc. Table 6.2 of AWS D.1.5 shall be
followed for each thickness, weld type and configuration.

9.2 Test Range

When selecting test range (time base range/horizontal sweep) for straight beam scanning, a minimum of two
Back Wall Echoes (BWEs) should be shown across the screen. When selecting test ranges for angle beam scanning,
the horizontal sweep shall be made either 125 mm or 250 mm scale on the display, whichever is appropriate.
However, the test range of 400 mm or 500 mm shall also be used if the joint configuration or thickness prevents the
full examination of the weld.

9.3 Examination Coverage and Scanning Method

The parent and weld volume shall be examined by moving the probe over the examination surface by passing
sound through the entire volume of weld and HAZ in two crossing direction, whenever practical. All examination
shall be done by manual scanning. Scanning pattern such as rotation (10 deg), swiveling, lateral, to-and fro, zig-zig
as shown in Fig 6.7 of AWS D.1.5 or combination of those patterns could be applied to achieve the entire coverage
of weld volume and to detect both longitudinal and transverse discontinuities. Scanning on the flush surface along the
direction parallel to the weld axis shall be used if the welds are ground flush. Scanning on the base metal
direction along the lines 15 deg from the weld axis shall be done if the weld reinforcement is not ground

a) Straight Beam Scanning:

A scan shall be used to verify the thickness and to check the integrity of the material prior to angle beam
shear wave examination. The straight beam probe shall also be used for examine tee weld where accessible with
particular emphasis paid to fusion weld defects and to determine the presence of laminar tearing.

b) Angle Beam Scanning:

All butt joint welds shall be scanned from each side of the weld axis. Corner and T joint weld shall be primarily
scanned from the one side of the weld axis only. The testing angle and scanning procedure for angle beam
scanning shall be in conformance with the Table 6.2 of AWS D.1.5 Wherever possible, all examination shall be
made from Face A and Leg 1 unless otherwise specified in the Table 6.2 Root area of single groove weld joint with
backing, the test shall be in Leg I, where feasible, with Face A. Examination in Leg II or III will only be
used when testing weld area made inaccessible by an unground weld surface, or interference with other parts of
the weldment or necessary to cover the entire weld volume.

Where the thickness or geometry prevents scanning of complete weld area or HAZ in leg I and II, a maximum
of Leg III shall be used. Where the restricted access is encountered, the weld shall be examined in such a manner to
give maximum coverage possible and restriction noted on report. Detailed scanning shall be reflected on each
specific procedure/technique sheets.

9.4 Sensitivity
a) Straight Beam Scan
First back wall echo shall be set at 50 to 75 % Full Screen Height. Scanning shall be performed at a gain
setting of at least two times the primary reference level.

b) Angle Beam Scan

Echo from 1.5 mm diameter side drill hole (S.D.H.) of IIW Reference Block V1 shall be set to attain a horizontal
reference line height indication at 50-75 % Full Screen Height. This dB reading shall be used as Reference Level.
Scanning shall be done at scanning level prescribed in Table 6.3/6.4 of AWS D1.5


10.1 Each weld discontinuity shall be evaluated on the basis of its indication rating and its length in
conformance with Table 6.3 of AWS D.1.5 for statically loaded structures or Table 6.4 of AWS D.1.5 for
cyclically loaded structures whichever is applicable. Indication Rating, d, shall be determined by using the
formula: d = a - b - c (where a = indication level, b = reference level, c = attenuation factor)

10.2 When discontinuity indication appears on the screen, maximum attainable indication from
discontinuity shall be adjusted to produce a horizontal reference level trace deflection on the display. The dB
reading shall be used as an “Indication Level”.

10.3 Attenuation factor shall be attained by subtracting 1 in (25 mm) from the sound path distance and multiplying
the remainder by 2.This factor shall be rounded out to nearest dB.

10.4 Discontinuity size evaluation shall be as per Clause 6.23 of AWS D.1.5


11.1 Acceptance criteria will be in accordance with the applicable project specification.

11.2 The following acceptance standards shall be applied as appropriate except where requirements are
specified for specific materials or application.

 AWS Section 6, Para and Table 6.3 for the Welds of Tensile Stress Non-tubular
 AWS Section 6, Para and Table 6.4 for the Welds of Compressive Stress Non-tubular


12.1 Written reports shall be completed on the approved form and shall include all relevant information
such as equipment, basic calibration and reference blocks, probes (frequency and angle), couplant,
materials, surface condition, material and thickness of component, ID and location of weld or
volume examined, location of each recorded indication, ID and level of UT personnel, date and
time of examination, surface from which examination is conducted.

12.2 The report shall be submitted to the designated personnel as soon as possible after inspection is

12.3 Only rejectable discontinuities need to be recorded on the report except for the case of Fracture
Critical structure, indication rating up to 6dB more sensitive than rejectable shall be recorded.

12.4 Each rejectable discontinuity shall be marked on the weld directly over the discontinuity for its
entire length. The depth and each indication rating shall also be noted on nearby base metal.

12.5 Repaired area shall be noted on the report and the results of the re-examination for the repaired area shall
be recorded and indicated as indication number with R1, R2,.., Rn on the new line on the original report or
report number with R number for additional report.

12.6 All the restrictions that limit the effectiveness of the examination shall be noted on the report.
These reports shall be accompanied by a sketch or drawing.

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