The 50th Anniversary of The Discovery of 6-Aminopenicillanic Acid (6-APA)

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International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 29 (2007) 3–8


The 50th anniversary of the discovery

of 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA)
G.N. Rolinson a , A.M. Geddes b,∗
a Formerly Associate Director of Research (Microbiology), Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Brockham Park, Betchworth, UK
b Emeritus Professor of Infectious Diseases, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

I have pleasure in introducing this review, which is published in celebration of the half century since the discovery of the penicillin
‘nucleus’—6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA). This discovery enabled the development of the semi-synthetic penicillins that have proved
so important in clinical practice and that are only under serious threat today with the advent of virulent new clones of methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
The authors are a distinguished scientist who was one of the team of chemists and microbiologists at Beecham Research Laboratories
involved in the discovery of 6-APA in 1957, and a clinician who participated in many of the early clinical studies of the semi-synthetic
penicillins and cephalosporins that defined the golden age of antimicrobial chemotherapy.
I.M. Gould
Reviews Editor


This year (2007) marks the 50th anniversary of the discovery of 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA), the precursor of all semi-synthetic
penicillins and cephalosporins—the ␤-lactam antibiotics. This review, by a scientist who played a major part in the discovery and a physician
who participated in the early clinical trials of these antibiotics, tells the story of the discovery and of the early development of the ␤-lactam
antibiotics that revolutionised the treatment of infections.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.

Keywords: ␤-Lactam antibiotics; History of medicine

1. Introduction compounds, penicillin G and penicillin V, but with 6-APA as

the starting point for the preparation of new penicillins the
The year 2007 marks the 50th anniversary of the discovery family grew to more than 20 different compounds in clinical
of the so-called penicillin nucleus, 6-aminopenicillanic acid use by the end of the 1970s.
(6-APA). This discovery made possible the development
of the semi-synthetic penicillins that became one of the
most important groups of antibiotics in clinical practice. In
addition, the discovery of 6-APA provided the incentive for 2. Early work on the preparation of new penicillins
the development of other types of ␤-lactam antibiotics.
When the discovery of 6-APA was made in 1957, the peni- Research on the preparation of new penicillins that might
cillin family, from a clinical point of view, comprised just two have advantageous properties has quite a long history. In the
early work on penicillin fermentation in the 1940s it was
found that the mould Penicillium chrysogenum produced not
just one penicillin but a small family of penicillins, differing
∗ Corresponding author. only in the nature of an acyl side chain attached to a fused
E-mail address: (A.M. Geddes). ␤-lactam thiazolidine ring system, which has become known

0924-8579/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
4 G.N. Rolinson, A.M. Geddes / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 29 (2007) 3–8

as the penicillin nucleus. In the UK, each member of the Such a compound could be expected to be assayed by the
penicillin family was designated by numerals and in the USA chemical method and might well show little activity in the
by the letters X, G, F and K. bioassay. This interpretation proved to be correct and the
It was then discovered that addition of phenylacetic acid to compound was identified as 6-APA. Experiments showing
the fermentation medium resulted in the preferential forma- this to be the case were carried out in the laboratories of
tion of penicillin G, the phenylacetic acid being accepted by Beecham Research in the summer of 1957 and these findings
the mould as a precursor for the particular side chain present were published by Batchelor et al. in Nature in January 1959
in penicillin G, namely a benzyl group. Evaluation of the [6].
individual penicillins X, G, F and K had already shown that
they differed in their microbiological and pharmacological
properties and this stimulated interest in the possibility of 4. Early reports of possible relevance to the discovery
preparing further penicillins with different side chain struc- of 6-APA
tures that might show advantageous properties compared with
penicillin G. Research showed that a great many new peni- The discovery of 6-APA in 1957 prompted a literature
cillins could indeed be produced if the desired side chain search for any reports that might be relevant, which revealed
structure was provided in the fermentation medium in the a publication by Kato in 1953 in the Journal of Antibiotics
form of a precursor [1], and one of the penicillins produced (Tokyo) [7] in which the author reported that penicillin fer-
in this way was penicillin V, although the important prop- mentations contained a component that Kato described as
erties of acid stability and absorption when administered by ‘imperfect’ penicillin (or ‘incomplete’ penicillin, depending
mouth were not appreciated until the work of Brandl and on the translation). Kato did not isolate this compound or
Margreiter in 1954 [2]. A large number of new penicillins characterise it in any way and it was certainly not reported to
were produced by fermentation using side chain precursors, be 6-APA. No further publications by Kato appeared on this
but apart from penicillin V none found any place in clinical subject and the nature of the compound in question remains
practice. obscure.
Another approach to the preparation of new types of peni- The literature search also revealed a publication by Sak-
cillin was chemical modification of the naturally occurring aguchi and Murao in 1950 [8] and a later paper by Murao in
penicillin, penicillin X, the para hydroxy group in the side 1955 [9]. These reports claimed that an enzyme preparation
chain of the penicillin facilitating such modifications [3]. A from P. chrysogenum Q176 could bring about the splitting of
number of semi-synthetic penicillins were prepared in this penicillin G to give phenylacetic acid and a compound that
way but none was considered to be superior to penicillin G. the authors called ‘penicin’. The structure shown for penicin
was indeed the structure of 6-APA. However, the chemical
and physical properties given for penicin do not agree with
3. The discovery of 6-APA those of authentic 6-APA. Moreover, the Beecham Research
Laboratories received a sample of the enzyme from Murao,
Although the work with penicillin X and side chain through the good offices of Sir Ernest Chain, together with a
precursors did not lead to any new penicillins of clinical culture of the strain of P. chrysogenum used by Murao. Thor-
importance (with the exception of penicillin V), these stud- ough testing of the enzyme and the culture of P. chrysogenum
ies provided the incentive for a programme of work in which failed to detect the formation of any 6-APA by deacylation of
p-aminobenzyl penicillin was to be used as the starting point penicillin G. Moreover, no published confirmation of the Sak-
for the preparation of new penicillins, the p-amino group in aguchi and Murao work has appeared in any of the scientific
the side chain of this penicillin providing the point through literature. The identity of the compound ‘penicin’ therefore
which chemical modification could be carried out [4]. The remains unclear.
p-aminobenzyl penicillin itself was prepared by fermenta-
tion using p-aminophenylacetic acid as the precursor, and
production of this penicillin was followed using two differ- 5. Production of 6-APA by enzymatic hydrolysis of
ent assay procedures. One was the conventional cup-plate penicillin
bioassay and the other was a chemical method not depending
on the antibacterial activity of the penicillin. It was found Notwithstanding the inability to confirm the work of Sak-
that when the side chain precursor was present in the fer- aguchi and Murao, a programme of work was begun in the
mentation medium the two assay methods gave very similar Beecham Research Laboratories at the end of 1957 in which
results, but in control fermentations in which the precursor microorganisms were screened for possible production of a
was absent the chemical assay gave a very much higher value penicillin deacylase.
than the bioassay [5]. The interpretation of these results was It was found that a deacylase was indeed produced by a
that under fermentation conditions in which there was a lack number of actinomycetes as well as certain filamentous fungi,
of available side chain structures, the nucleus of the peni- although not by P. chrysogenum. Moreover, with this deacy-
cillin molecule was produced without any side chain attached. lase, penicillin G was split only very slowly, but penicillin V
G.N. Rolinson, A.M. Geddes / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 29 (2007) 3–8 5

was deacylated very readily [10]. A process for 6-APA pro- against P. aeruginosa had yet to make their appearance.
duction was developed using a deacylase from Streptomyces In 1970, an analogue of carbenicillin appeared, namely
lavendulae and penicillin V as the substrate, and a patent for ticarcillin, and in the mid 1970s the ureidopenicillins were
this process was filed by Beecham Pharmaceuticals in March introduced, including azlocillin and piperacillin.
1959. As the development of the semi-synthetic penicillins pro-
Subsequently, a deacylase of bacterial origin was discov- gressed, the role of ␤-lactamase as a resistance mechanism
ered independently in a number of laboratories [10–13] and steadily increased in importance. As a result, synthesis of
using this enzyme penicillin G was deacylated very readily. penicillins stable to ␤-lactamases had even greater signifi-
Later, a process for chemical deacylation of penicillin was cance and in 1981 temocillin was introduced. This penicillin
developed. showed a very high degree of stability against a number of
␤-lactamases, including the extended-spectrum ␤-lactamases
[17], and, interestingly, temocillin has recently re-entered the
6. Semi-synthetic penicillins market.

With the availability of 6-APA, the way was open for the
preparation of a wide range of new penicillins, but it should 7. ␤-Lactamase inhibitors
be remembered that there was no guarantee that any of the
penicillins prepared in this way would have advantageous An alternative approach to the problem of ␤-lactamase-
properties compared with penicillin G or V. The work with mediated resistance to penicillin has been the use of a
side chain precursors in fermentation and the chemical modi- ␤-lactamase inhibitor. In 1967, a programme of work was
fication of penicillin X had not led to any penicillin of clinical begun in the Beecham Research Laboratories in which
importance other than penicillin V. Nevertheless, the objec- microorganisms were examined for the possible production
tives clearly presented themselves. One was the possibility of a naturally occurring inhibitor of ␤-lactamase [18]. This
of preparing a penicillin active against the penicillin- resulted in the discovery of an inhibitor produced by a strain
resistant staphylococci that had become a serious clinical of Streptomyces olivaceus. Further work led to the discovery
problem. of clavulanic acid, produced by Streptomyces clavuligerus,
Writing in the British Medical Journal in 1956 [14], just 1 and in 1980 a combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic
year before the discovery of 6-APA, the late Paul Garrod said acid was introduced, namely co-amoxiclav.
‘The most disquieting feature of present-day hospital prac-
tice is the prevalence of antibiotic resistant staphylococcal
infections’. The basis of penicillin resistance in Staphylococ- 8. The influence of 6-APA on development of the
cus aureus had already been shown by Kirby in 1944 [15] cephalosporins
to be production of ␤-lactamase, referred to at that time as
penicillinase, and with 6-APA as the starting point this clearly Shortly after the introduction of the first semi-synthetic
offered the possibility of preparing penicillins that were stable penicillins, the first cephalosporins made their appearance
to attack by this enzyme. in clinical practice, with cefalothin in 1962 and cefalori-
The first semi-synthetic penicillin stable to staphylococcal dine in 1964. As with the semi-synthetic penicillins, the
penicillinase and clinically effective against penicillin- semi-synthetic cephalosporins are derived from a nucleus,
resistant S. aureus was methicillin [16]. This was followed the nucleus in this case being that of the naturally occur-
by penicillins that were more active than methicillin and ring cephalosporin, cephalosporin C. However, unlike the
that were also well absorbed when given by mouth, notably penicillin nucleus 6-APA, the cephalosporin nucleus 7-
cloxacillin and flucloxacillin. aminocephalosporinic acid (7-ACA) is not itself a naturally
Methicillin was introduced in 1960, just 3 years after the occurring compound; it can only be obtained by deliberate
discovery of 6-APA, and in the following year (1961) ampi- removal of the side chain from cephalosporin C. A chemical
cillin made its appearance. Further research in 1964 showed process was devised to enable this to be done, but the ques-
that the introduction of a p-hydroxy group in the side chain tion arises as to whether there would have been the incentive
of ampicillin led to greatly improved absorption following to do this had it not been for the discovery of 6-APA and the
oral administration and this penicillin, namely amoxicillin, demonstration that important new penicillins could be pre-
became the most widely prescribed antibiotic in clinical prac- pared from this nucleus. With hindsight, of course, it could be
tice. said that it was obvious that removal of the side chain from
In 1967, carbenicillin was introduced, the first penicillin, cephalosporin C would provide a nucleus from which new
indeed the first ␤-lactam antibiotic, clinically active against cephalosporins could be prepared, but in that case we have to
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. At that time, the range of antibi- ask why it was not obvious to do this in the penicillin field.
otics available for the treatment of Pseudomonas infections The fact is that prior to the discovery of 6-APA no attempt
was extremely limited; gentamicin had only recently been had been made to remove the side chain from penicillin and
introduced and the carbapenems and cephalosporins active such a step never even appears to have been considered. Had
6 G.N. Rolinson, A.M. Geddes / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 29 (2007) 3–8

it not been for the discovery of 6-APA, therefore, the deacy- exacerbations of chronic bronchitis caused by Streptococcus
lation of cephalosporin C might not have been attempted, in pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae.
which case there would not have been the development of the The discovery of carbenicillin [24] followed by ticarcillin
cephalosporins. [25], then piperacillin [26] and mezlocillin and azlocillin
[27], all with activity against P. aeruginosa, proved valu-
able for the treatment of infections in immunocompromised
9. Translation of the discovery of 6-APA into clinical patients in whom this organism is an important pathogen.
practice Inactivation of amoxicillin by ␤-lactamases was a major
problem as amoxicillin-resistant bacteria became increas-
9.1. The penicillins ingly common in the 1970s. Clavulanic acid is an inhibitor
of ␤-lactamases and, when combined with amoxicillin as
In the early 1960s there were only around six antimicrobial co-amoxiclav, has a wide spectrum of activity that includes
agents available for the treatment of infections—penicillin, penicillin-resistant staphylococci and Bacteroides fragilis.
chloramphenicol, the tetracyclines, erythromycin, strepto- The combination proved to be very effective for the treatment
mycin and the sulphonamides. Rapidly emerging microbial of a wide range of infections [28].
resistance and the discovery that certain of these agents
had unacceptable side effects, e.g. chloramphenicol caused 9.2. The cephalosporins
aplastic anaemia and the tetracyclines stained developing
teeth, were the catalysts for the search for new anti-infective One of the first cephalosporin antibiotics was cefaloridine
drugs. [29]. This was an exciting broad-spectrum antibiotic effec-
While working initially in Edinburgh in the 1960s, and tive in a wide range of infections, including pneumococcal
later in Birmingham, one of the authors (A.M.G.) was meningitis. Unfortunately it proved to be nephrotoxic and
involved in clinical trials of a number of the new semi- was eventually withdrawn.
synthetic ␤-lactam antibiotics. The first new ␤-lactam agent Fortunately, other cephalosporins with broad antibacte-
to be studied was ampicillin, which proved to be enormously rial spectra became available, including cefuroxime [30],
successful in the management of a wide range of infections, ceftazidime [31] and cefotaxime [32].
particularly those affecting the respiratory and renal tracts.
A study was made [19] of the efficacy of ampicillin in the 9.3. The cephamycins
treatment of enteric fever, in which it proved to be as effi-
cacious as chloramphenicol, one of the earliest comparative Cefoxitin, a semi-synthetic cephamycin antibiotic, was
clinical trials that later became mandatory for the registra- introduced in the early 1970s and proved to be particu-
tion of new antimicrobial agents. This study was recorded in larly effective for the treatment of intra-abdominal sepsis
a monograph, published by the Fellowship of Postgraduate [33].
Medicine, which reported the proceedings of the First Inter-
national Conference on Therapy with the New Penicillins, 9.4. The thienamycins
held in London in 1964.
Methicillin [20] was another new semi-synthetic ␤- A further development in the ␤-lactam group of antibi-
lactam antibiotic introduced in the 1960s. Its activity against otics was the introduction of the first carbapenem antibiotic,
penicillinase-producing S. aureus was especially welcome at imipenem, a combination of N-formimidoyl thienamycin and
a time when penicillin-resistant staphylococci had become a cilastatin. Cilastatin was necessary to protect the kidneys
major problem in hospitals. from tubular damage caused by thienamycin. This antibiotic
Methicillin was superseded by cloxacillin (except for lab- has a particularly broad antibacterial spectrum and has been
oratory sensitivity testing of staphylococci), which was also used to treat a wide variety of infections [34].
stable to ␤-lactamases and was more active than methicillin
and could be administered both by injection and by mouth
[21]. Cloxacillin (1962) was not particularly well absorbed 10. Discussion
from the gastrointestinal tract and was replaced in 1970 by
its better absorbed analogue, flucloxacillin [22]. The discovery of 6-APA by scientists in the Beecham
As ampicillin is also not particularly well absorbed from Research Laboratories was a major event in the fight against
the gut, workers at the Beecham Research Laboratories syn- infection at a time when there was a real danger of the bat-
thesised amoxicillin (␣-amino-p-hydroxybenzyl penicillin). tle being lost owing to the emergence of bacteria resistant to
Studies [23] confirmed that amoxicillin was better absorbed available antibiotics and the recognition that certain of the
following oral administration, resulting in higher blood levels available agents had potentially serious adverse reactions.
than those achieved following equivalent doses of ampi- The introduction of immunosuppressive drugs, as well as of
cillin. The antibiotic proved to be valuable in the treatment organ transplantation and other major surgical procedures,
of infections of the urinary and biliary tracts as well as for and hospital-acquired infections in general resulted in the
G.N. Rolinson, A.M. Geddes / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 29 (2007) 3–8 7

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