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Effective Deep Brain Stimulation in Heroin Addiction: Table 1. Average Drug Use and Craving Scores During Different
A Case Report with Complementary Intracranial Stimulation Location Settings
Electroencephalogram Average Drug Use Average
Stimulation/Contact Points (g/day) Score DI
To the Editor:
eep brain stimulation (DBS) treatment consists of perma- Before DBS .50 33

D nently implanted electrodes that deliver electrical pulses

to a target brain region. DBS of the nucleus accumbens
shows encouraging results as treatment for certain therapy-
No Stimulation
Two Dorsal Contact Pointsa
Two Middle Contact Points
2 Ventral Contact Points
resistant psychiatric disorders (1,2) and has been suggested for
therapy-resistant addiction (3). Heroin addiction is a chronic DBS, deep brain stimulation; DI, Desire and Intention Scale of the desire
relapsing brain disorder seriously affecting both the individual for drugs.
Average over time including 4 months reduced drug use and 6 months
and the public (4), and DBS could provide a new intervention for abstinence with 14-day relapse.
those patients who do not respond to current treatments. One
central issue in DBS treatment is adaptation of the stimulation
parameters: to achieve effective DBS treatment, an extensive During the optimization period, several electrode settings were
optimization period is required in which stimulation parame- systematically tested according to a standardized procedure (bilat-
ters— such as contact points, current, and pulse width—are eral, monopolar stimulation with 3.5-V amplitude, 90-␮s pulse
width, and 180-Hz frequency). In general, three combinations of
adapted based on clinical observations.
contact points were tested: two ventral, two middle, and two dorsal
Here we report effective DBS treatment in a patient with therapy-
contacts. When improvement was observed on drug use and/or
resistant heroin addiction in whom we also obtained pretreatment
craving, the stimulation location was conserved, and small changes
intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) recordings from the nucleus
in voltage were tested to achieve further improvement. In this
accumbens and adjacent anterior limb of the internal capsule in re-
period, the patient was assessed approximately once a week for
sponse to drug-related pictures. We argue that pretreatment EEG re-
heroin use, his intention and desire to use heroin, and possible side
cordings from the implanted target area might be used to shorten the
effects. Stimulation of the middle contact points (1 and 2) led to an
optimization procedure and provide a more systematic and empiri-
increase in drug use and reported craving (see Table 1 for drug use
cally based approach for optimizing the stimulation parameters (1). and craving) and was therefore stopped after 1 week. Stimula-
tion of the ventral contact points (0 and 1) was suboptimal with
Case Report. Patient A is a 47-year-old treatment-refractory
limited reduction in heroine use and craving. Stimulation of the
heroin-dependent man who had been using heroin for 22 years at
two dorsal contact points (2 and 3), at the border of the internal
the time of intake. After he was fully informed and signed informed
capsule and nucleus accumbens, was effective in generating a
consent, he was the first patient to be included in a larger pilot study
significant reduction of drug use and craving. With this dorsal
that was approved by the medical ethical board of the Academic
stimulation (3.5-V amplitude at contact 2 and 3, 90-␮s pulse
Medical Center Amsterdam (Protocol 09/322). The patient had width, and 180-Hz frequency), the patient first reduced his use to
been treated with all currently available evidence-based interven- the weekends and then succeeded in cessation of his heroin use;
tions, including four long-term inpatient treatments with a detoxi- he is currently clean for more than 6 months with the exception
fication period— two under full anaesthesia—followed by oral nal- of a 14-day relapse.
trexone maintenance treatment and complementary behavioral During the iEEG recordings, we observed significant differences
therapy and several outpatient psychotherapeutic and substitution in power for drug-related compared to drug-unrelated pictures at
treatments with methadone and buprenorphine. At intake, he the dorsal contact points (2 and 3) but not at the other contact
smoked on average .5 g of heroin a day in addition to taking 20 mg of points (Figure 1). This difference was significant in the right hemi-
oral methadone, which was switched to 6 mg buprenorphine during sphere for the gamma band (40 – 60 Hz). To assess the connectivity
the current treatment episode. To evaluate the desire for heroin, we of the implanted target and the frontal cortex, we correlated
implemented the “desire and intention” scale of the desires for drugs gamma power with frontal theta (4 – 8 Hz) power on a trial-by-trial
questionnaire (5) on which the patient scored 33 at intake. basis (6) and found a lower correlation in response to drug-related
The patient was implanted following standard procedures (3) compared with drug-unrelated pictures at the dorsal contact
with a four contact electrode (model 3387 with contact points 1.5 points, whereas no difference was found for the other contact
mm long and separated from adjacent contacts by 1.5 mm; points (Figure 1). On the basis of the commonalities of the iEEG
Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minnesota) in each hemisphere. Elec- results and the clinical response in the dorsal contact points, we
trodes were implanted following the anterior limb of the internal propose that pretreatment recordings of the implanted target in
capsule into the nucleus accumbens. Contact point 0 (most ventral) response to symptom triggers can help to determine the clinically
was located 7 mm lateral to midline and 4 mm below and 3 mm most effective location for DBS stimulation.
anterior to the anterior border of the anterior commissure. Imme- To the best of our knowledge this is the second report of suc-
diately after electrode implantation the patient was exposed to cessful DBS in a heroin-dependent patient (7) and the first report on
drug-related and drug-unrelated pictures for which he rated the the association between pretreatment electrophysiologic mea-
arousal, valence, and symptom-inducing properties. During the surements of the implanted target and DBS effectiveness. Our re-
presentation of the pictures, concurrent iEEG and scalp EEG were sults support the existing literature (3), suggesting nucleus accum-
recorded. On the basis of the ratings, all pictures were classified as bens and adjacent internal capsule DBS as a promising treatment
either drug-related or drug-unrelated. Immediately following the EEG for drug addiction and advocating for clinical studies with larger
recordings, the electrodes were connected to the stimulator (Activa, samples. Additionally, given the observation that clinical outcome
Medtronic), implanted in the chest, and activated 1 week later. in this patient seemed to be associated with pretreatment EEG

0006-3223/$36.00 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2012;71:e35– e37

© 2012 Society of Biological Psychiatry
e36 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2012;71:e35– e37 Correspondence

Figure 1. Intracranial measurements of drug-related versus drug-unrelated stimuli. (A) Overview of the task. Two hundred stimuli were randomly
presented to provoke affective responses. (B) To increase the specificity of the signal, the intracranial signals were re-referenced to the adjacent
contact point (0 –1, 1–2, 2–3, where 0 is the most ventral contact). We then computed time-frequency representations along the electrodes. Right
bipolar contact point 2–3 showed higher power for drug-related compared with non-drug-related responses in the gamma-band (40 – 60 Hz) based on
permutation-based cluster-level statistics (p ⬍ .05). We then correlated the power time series of all bipolar intracranial electroencephalogram channels
to the time series of the theta range (4 – 8 Hz) of the scalp electrodes on a trial-by-trial basis and converted the correlation coefficients to Fisher Z scores
to make comparisons between conditions. Only the right bipolar contact point showed a significantly lower correlation to frontal theta compared with
the drug-unrelated responses (based on image by Mikael Häggström, reprinted with permission).

recordings, we argue that using such recordings may shorten DBS This work was supported by Geestkracht programme of the Netherlands Organization
optimization and facilitate custom-tailored DBS treatment. How- for Health Research and Development (ZonMw, Grant No. 60-60600-97-168).
PRS received travel grants from Medtronic and occasional consultant fees for edu-
ever, the inclusion of more patients is needed to validate this pro-
cational purposes, DD receives occasional consultant fees from Medtronic for educa-
cedure. tional purposes, WvdM received travel grants from Medtronic. C-EV-A, JL, RS, MXC, NL,
Carlos-Eduardo Valencia-Alfonsoa,b AM, and WvdB reported no biomedical financial interests or potential conflicts of
Judy Luigjesb* interest.
Ruud Smoldersb Authors C-EV-A and JL contributed equally to this work.
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