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CNH Industrial Supplier Portal

Guidelines for Suppliers

CNH Industrial Supplier Portal is an interactive website supporting the CNH Industrial’s
procurement processes and activities.
The Portal can be reached via the URL

The use of a supported, up-to-date browser is recommended: Internet Explorer 10, Firefox 46,
Chrome 45 or later versions.

Portal contents
Supplying to A page general information regarding CNH Industrial’s approach to the
CNH Industrial supply chain management including to the Supplier Code of Conduct
How to An area where new potential Suppliers interested in a collaboration with
become a CNH Industrial can present themselves and leave their company’s
Supplier information. Their data is kept for a year in our databases for buyers.
Sustainability A page containing the Supplier Sustainability Self Assessment tool
News Corporate news and operational communications towards our Suppliers

My Profile Allows users to see both their personal data
(user name, email settings) and functional
groups activated on their profiles. You can view
here all roles assigned to you and request
additional ones.
Company Section with functionalities related to: Supplier Manual for Suppliers:
Profile Enablement, searching and modification of MENU > Documents >
Supplier data (vendor codes, contacts, New Supplier > CNH
structure), creation/modification process. Industrial Supplier

Manual for Suppliers:

Suppliers’ contacts; an area within the MENU > Documents >
Company Profile section where Suppliers’ Training > Contact
contacts can be updated. Information

Documents An area from which Suppliers can download our MENU > Documents
company's policies, guidelines, specifications
and manuals.
Modules The interactive part of the portal containing MENU > Modules
Supplier collaboration tools.. See details below

Modules already available for all brands’ Suppliers worldwide
Global Supplier A tool measuring the Suppliers’ performance, Only available for Key
Scorecard composed of a series of KPI related to different Account Managers that
aspects of activities, each of them evaluated with can extend to other users
a score. The evaluation received by Suppliers of their company
through the Supplier Scorecard is used in the
sourcing process.
Quality SQP and Production Part Approval (PPAP) Modules -> Quality
OOGD (Origin A tool by which Suppliers can see an overview of Manual: Documents>
of goods) the parts they deliver to different plants and they Purchasing > Origin of
are requested to declare the country of origin and Goods Declaration
preferential zones part by part..
BBS Bulletin Board System to exchange files in a Manual: Documents >
secure way. Training Documents >
BBS Tutorial
Engineering Communication of the specs and standards via Modules -> Engineering
the segment tools SDB-I (PT), TAS (CV),
Suppliers’ A tool in which Suppliers will be able to add cost Modules > Suppliers’
Proposals Tool reduction ideas or quality technical improvement. Proposals

Modules to be extended
Order The module gives Suppliers the possibility to Manual: Documents >
communication search for orders, amendments and spot buys Purchasing > Direct
and to print out orders as official print, inclusive Purchasing
history order printing. Available for AG, CE, CV
and FPT direct Suppliers, to be extended on
indirect ones.
Accounts A module that reads directly into the finance The North American
Payable systems to show invoices and payment statuses. manual: Menu >
Available for AG, CE, CV and FPT direct and Documents > Accounts
indirect Suppliers, to be extended to CNH France Payable > North America.
WW manual is being
and Australia
Delivery Planning tool to show the Suppliers a horizon of Modules > Delivery
Schedules around 6 months of requirements per plant. Schedules
Linked with many manufacturing systems
worldwide, all giving their requirements, shown to
Suppliers in one view. Available for AG/CE
worldwide, major part of CV plants excluding Ulm
and Piacenza, and FPT in Cordoba. To be
extended to all remaining plants.
Logistic flows Features for Suppliers and internal users to keep Modules > Logistics
track on shipments of material to plants. Available
for AG/CE worldwide, major part of CV plants
excluding Ulm and Piacenza, and FPT in
Cordoba. To be extended to all remaining plants.
Warranty A feature supporting warranty negotiation Training material: Menu
available for the CV segment. Further extension > Documents > Training
is planned in 2019. Documents > Warranty
Training Material.

Portal access management

How to access
Existing Suppliers who have been using CSCN or CPS portals can access with the same
credentials for those portals.
New Suppliers need to register by clicking on Create a new User Id on the home page and
follow the steps of the indicated procedure. They can also be added by the Supplier Company’s
More detailed information on how to access and register to the Portal are available under
MENU -> Documents -> New Supplier

Approving access requests to the Portal

1. A Supplier requests to access the Portal through the Create a new User Id section on the
2. The Supplier is requested to choose a functional group according to what he needs to do
on the Portal (see the complete list of the functional groups on page 5). Each functional group
foresees access to dedicated modules. Modules can have contents visible to all Suppliers
(for example, BBS module or Suppliers’ Proposals), or restricted (for example, Purchasing
3. In a dedicated field the Supplier is asked to indicate a CNH Industrial contact person who
will approve their access. This person must be the buyer if he is requesting Purchasing
Documents functional group; otherwise it can be any other professional who he/she maintains
a business relationship with in CNH Industrial.
4. The Supplier’s access request will be received by e-mail by the person indicated by the
Supplier as his CNH Industrial contact person.
5. If the access request is approved, the Supplier will receive his user credentials by e-mail
from the Portal administration team and he can eventually log in to the Portal.
6. Upon the first log in after being mapped, the Supplier will be popped up the request to
update their contact information. Please see the chapter Suppliers’ contact information
on page 5 for more details.
7. If the access request is rejected for some reason, the Supplier will receive an e-mail
containing reason and can start the procedure again.

Approving access requests to modules

To do this, Suppliers should go to: MENU > My Profile > My Functional Groups, then click on
the “+” in front of the desired functional group.

If the chosen group grants access to not restricted modules, Suppliers can start to use them
immediately and no further authorization is required.

If the chosen group grants access to restricted modules, in order to see their contents an
approval from the Supplier’s CNH Industrial contact person will be needed:

1. When requesting the new role on the portal, the Supplier is asked to provide the contact
details of his CNH Industrial contact person, who will evaluate the request
2. In case the request if for Purchasing Documents functional group, the contact person
must be the buyer of reference, who will evaluate the request
3. In case it’s approved, the Supplier will receive a confirmation from and they can start using the modules.
4. The additional functional roles can also be requested by e-mail to, always with the CNH Industrial contact person in copy as
explained above.

Suppliers’ Functional Groups on the Portal
When registering to the Portal, Suppliers are requested to choose a functional group
according to what they need to do on the Portal. After having registered, Suppliers can also
request access to additional modules by adding a new functional group to their profile. Below is
the list of all available groups.

Functional Group Description

Engineer FPT Engineer FPT
Engineer Iveco Engineer Iveco
You will have access to the portal with the possibility to enter the
OOGD Compiler origin of goods declarations for your company
You will have access to the portal and to the Supplier Quality
Performance tool SQP, Sustainability tool and IRW, you need
Quality SQP mandatory to enter contact information
You will be able to negotiate/manage the warranty contract with CNH
Warranty Contract Industrial
Warranty Operations You will be able to manage the claims analysis
You will be able to manage/verify the Debit note received from CNH
Warranty Debit / Credit Industrial
You will have access to the supplier portal and all modules. In
addition you will have capability to setup new users or modify settings
Administrator for all users of your administrative group.
You will have basic access to the supplier portal, including modules
Basic User for engineering, Supplier proposals and BBS
You will have access to the portal and to engineering specific
Engineer AG&CE modules
Purchasing Documents You will have access to the purchase orders documents
You will have access to the portal and to accounts payable and
Finance delivery schedules modules
You will have access to the portal and to the delivery schedules,
pickup requests, forecast collaboration and purchased wholegoods
Materials modules
Quality PPAP You will have access to the portal and to PPAP

Suppliers with multiple vendor codes
Suppliers with a complex structure may request mapping to additional vendor codes. The
request needs to be sent to the Portal administration team – with
the CNH Industrial contact person in copy as explained above.

Portal administration
There is an external service provider helpdesk that takes care of all access management tasks
on the Portal. The team can be contacted for the following issues by email
• Managing access requests coming from the Portal and adding new users;
• Mapping users;
• Adding users to specific functional groups, allowing access to modules;
• Helping the Supplier administrators;
• Managing access and password issues experienced by the Portal users.

Suppliers’ contact information

The request to update their company contact details will be popped up to Suppliers the
first time they log in to the Portal, and will appear at each log in until they complete the
requested information. The request to update the existing information will also be popped up
An updated Supplier contact database is crucial for the effectiveness of our communications on
specific topics, can be time saving and useful for many purposes in the whole purchasing
organization. Please make sure that your contact information is complete and up to date.

Mapping means associating a Supplier’s user id on the Portal with the proper vendor code(s),
which grants the visibility to the appropriate documents and modules on the Portal for his
Until they are mapped, Suppliers will not see restricted contents related to their company such as
purchase orders or will not be able to add contact information.
Mapping can start only when the Supplier's company vendor code has been created.
When registering to the portal, the Supplier’s user id will be mapped by default to the vendor code
corresponding to the address he is registering with. He can then ask to be mapped to additional
vendor codes by sending a request to, as explained above.

Portal Instructions for Suppliers who want to register to the Portal can be found under MENU -
> Documents -> New Supplier
Portal Instructions for Suppliers’ administrators can be found under MENU -> Documents ->
Training -> User Administrator (log in required).
For access and mapping issues, the Supplier Portal Access Team can be contacted:
For Supplier enablement issues and Company Profile section, please contact your Buyer.
In the Contact Us section, a detailed Portal’s contact list is provided for specific matters.

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