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University of Ulm, Department of Distributed Systems, 89069 Ulm, Germany
{ schoettner | kassler | lupper | schulthess}
Phone / Fax: +49 (0)731-502-4138 / 4142

ABSTRACT Availability of expert knowledge can be increased by

Wireless ATM technology provides mobility, high band- adding mobility to medical applications. Currently avail-
width, and quality of service (QoS) which is a promising able high end notebooks satisfy the requirements of such
base for medical applications. In this paper the archi- programs. This does not apply for available wireless net-
tecture of the European WAND (Wireless ATM Network works (DECT, WaveLAN, etc.). Technologies like Wire-
Demonstrator) System is presented which will be evalu- less ATM developed within the Magic WAND, with
ated in a medical environment. The doctoral needs are transmission rates up to 20 Mbit/s and Quality of Service
access to patient databases, video-conferencing (VC) and (QoS) provide a solid base for medical multimedia appli-
telemedicine (collaborative groupwork) wherever they are cations.
in the hospital. Doctors are not willing to use special ap- The first section of this paper is composed describes
plications for groupwork, instead they want to continue the requirements of a medical environments. Section 3
using their familiar programs. Therefore, we establish an unfolds the benefits of wirless ATM for medical applica-
Application Sharing (AS) tool which extends standard tions. Afterwards, in section 4 an overview of the Magic
applications with multiple user capabilities. We describe WAND Demonstrator is presented. In the following sec-
two different AS architectures including performance tion 5 we present the architecture and performance
evaluation. We also review QoS issues for transmitting evaluation of the medical software developed in WAND.
videos over wireless ATM connections. Such mobile Section 6 focuses on QoS aspects for wireless video
CSCW applications increase quality and efficiency of transmission. The conclusion includes measurements of
treatment but require high bandwidth and low latency possible risks caused by wireless networks in hospitals
which can be guaranted by a wireless ATM network. Be- and deals with questions of data protection.
side these benefits this paper discusses possible radio
interference with medical equipment. 2. REQUIREMENT PROFLE FOR A MEDICAL
1. INTRODUCTION The Magic WAND project, will evaluate the wireless
During the last years a lot of special applications for ATM technology in two user trials in hospitals. The intro-
medical environments have been developed. These medi- duction of mobility offers new possibilities: a doctor has
cal multimedia applications support doctors at their daily full access to medical data (e.g. x-rays) while visiting pa-
work and therefore improve the treatment of patients. tients at their bedside (see fig.-1). Furthermore expert con-
Most of these programs are only designed for a single user sultation is available everywhere, e.g. during a surgery.
usage and don’t support collaborative groupwork. Espe- The new developed applications meet the requirements of
cially collaboration in medical fields can gain synergistic the physicans evaluated by a questionaire. Various inter-
effects (e.g. discuss x-ray images with experts). For this views (38) with doctors at Germany, Finland and Swit-
purpose we propose telemedicine (medical CSCW appli- zerland revealed the following requirements (see [1]):
cations), which encompass video-conferencing (VC) and • office software for daily work
groupware multimedia applications. However, doctors are • access to patient databases
not willing to use special groupware toolkits. Instead they • viewing of x-rays images and ultrasonic videos
want to keep their well known single user applications. • collaboration supported by computers (video-
This can be realized by establishing the concept of Appli- conferencing and application sharing)
cation Sharing (AS). AS is an operating system extension
which enhances standard single user applications by Furthermore there was a great accordance for the imple-
groupwork capabilities. Typically doctors are seldom at mentation of wireless communication in hospitals. Wire-
their office but instead moving around in the hospital. less networks make all above services available independ-
ent of doctors location.
Nevertheless data protection (e.g. encryption on the wire- The Control Station provides support for mobility only in
less link) and avoidance of interferences with medical software. Due to the till on-going implementation phase it
equipment is a strict requirement. is impossible to present any performance evaluation for
the Magic WAND hardware at this point of time.
Medical Consulting Control Station
over wireless ATM
AP Server
20 Mbit/s Wireless ATM
5 GHz

20 Mbit/s Switch API

ATM network
Wireless devices are only accepted if they provide data Terminal Access
fast and with high reliability. For example a typically x- Point

ray image consumes 1-3MB memory and transmitting it )LJXUH0DJLF:$1'6\VWHP

requires high bandwidth. Additional VC necessitates a
guaranted quality of service for the transmission. Wireless
ATM can satisfy all these needs. Today, most hospitals 5. TELEMEDICINE SOFTWARE FOR WIRELESS
don’t have area-wide coverage with classical wired net- MEDICAL CONSULTATION
works. Hence, wireless ATM is predestinated for closing Typically, doctors use standard applications for their daily
this gap. Furthermore one base station can serve multiple work. These word processors or image-viewers are single
mobile clients within an range of 50m. This can be a po- user applications which don’t support collaborative work.
tential saving of costs if compared to an area-wide instal- However, telemedicine requires collaboration aware ap-
lation of fixed networks. plications. There are different options for CSCW applica-
• develop special co-operation aware applications
È doctors can’t use standard applications
The Magic WAND project brings the ATM technology to
wireless networks (see [2] and [3]), while all existing
• screen sharing
È typically used for administration purposes
services and applications currently available for fixed
ATM networks are supported. Applications developed in
• application sharing tools
È share windows of standard applications
the Magic WAND project run under Windows NT 4.0 and
use the WinSock 2.0 interface. They can either use native
ATM services or TCP/IP over LAN emulation. The The Joint Viewing and Tele Operating System (JVTOS)
Magic WAND system is composed of four main compo- was developed within the CIO project (see [4]) allows
nents: sharing of applications and video streams. With respect to
the wireless ATM and Windows NT as an OS basis a
• Mobile ATM Terminal (MT)
complete redesign became necessary. We give now an
• Access Point (AP)
overview of the WAND JVTOS architecture and perform-
• Mobility enhanced ATM switch ance evaluation (see [5] and [1]). It consists of two main
• Control Station parts (see figure-3): application sharing (white parts) and
The MT is the user device (e.g. notebook) with a built-in audio/video subsystem (gray parts).
radio interface card offering a wireless connection (20 Because Windows NT doesn’t support displaying appli-
MBit/s) to an AP. The MT is composed of two PCs. The cations on remote machines, an OS extension, so called
user PC runs Windows NT 4.0 with the terminal signaling Interceptor, was introduced. This module intercepts sys-
software (implemented below WinSock 2.0). The wireless tem-calls of applications (e.g. drawing commands). These
link is controlled by a second PC which compromises the system-calls are transformed to a network protocol and
DLC layer and the WAND radio modem. The mobile ter- passed to a remote display server called GDI-Server. The
minals are connected back-to-back with STM-1 ATM shared application must only be installed on the exporting
connection. The APs are wired to the mobility enhanced machine. Every participant of a sharing conference only
switch and create cells of approx. 50m diameter with ra- needs the GDI-Server on his machine. Application Shar-
dio-links in the 5 GHz band. The switch is a standard ing can be implemented in several ways:
customer premises ATM switch connected (via ATM) to a • transmission of screen contents based on compressed
Control Station raster graphics (optional compressed)
• transmission of drawing commands (graphic primi-
tives including attributes)
0HG'% ;5D\9LHZHU
-97268VHU,QWHUIDFH Access to the User Interface is provided through the ses-
3LFWXUH3KRQH sion manager which in turn takes requests from the User
Interface to open video windows or to disconnect whole
&RGHF sessions. The starting point for a session is the SSM,
:LQ; where the user specifies the remote user to which A/V
connection should be established. Since the user is not
concerned with network QoS parameters like cell loss

ratio, the QoSC is a kind of wizard for fine-tuning the
quality of the connections and the system behaviour to the
specified user related parameters like expected visual
The AVW compresses, distributes, serializes and
Figure-3, JVTOS architecture for WAND System mixes A/V streams. Two different operation modes are
possible depending on the side of the connection: on the
We evaluated the two application sharing architectures
distribution side, the AVW duplicates data (may be soft-
with different applications (figure-4) and measured net-
ware replicated, if different users are served with different
work output (kbit/s) and additional cpu load (1 = 100%)
compression methods or by using a multicast service) and
introduced by application sharing.
on the receiver side it merges/mixes (audio) or filters
Screen Capture Screen Capture Graphic (video) and decodes the incoming streams and forwards
with RLE Primitives them to the local PP, which displays the streams in local
Word processing 1600 / 0.3 1440 / 0.33 8 / 0.02 windows. AVW also sets up new ATM connections dy-
Shape drawing 9600 / 0.4 5520 / 0.43 960 / 0.3 namically using AAL5.
cube-animation 6240 / 0.38 1400 / 0.39 3500 / 0.1 The user is the starting point for evaluating the system.
Figure-4, comparison of different AS architectures
Without userfriendliness no success is possible. There-
(kbit/s and percentage of additional cpu load) fore, the user specifies his subjective wishes or satisfac-
tory values for the perceived quality of the A/V subsystem
Independent of the chosen implementation the network in a convenient way. The complexity to deal with QoS-
output of application sharing is very bursty. If there is no parameters is hidden by a simplified user interface [7].
user interaction, the network load is zero. However, if a This includes the acquisition of user perceived quality, the
user is scrolling large images, this requires high band- users preferences in the case the network or system cannot
widths. The following chart (figure-5) shows the through- support the old values longer (in this case the user can
put of the shape benchmark in different networks. select the category to degrade first like spatial resolution,
WaveLAN Ethernet ATM color, framerate). Based on these preferences, the system
Screen capture with RLE 960 440 5520
load and capabilities (like inbuild A/V equipment and
installed codecs) and the capabilities of the remote system
Graphic primitives 960 960 960
the network QoS parameters are calculated and negotiated
Figure 5, network throughput (in kbit/s) of the shape with the network in the following way: first the estimated
drawing application in different networks
parameters are used to set-up an ATM-connection to the
The application sharing system basing on graphic primi- remote host. If this connection is dropped or cannot be
tives represents the better solution for limited bandwidth established because it cannot be supported by the network,
(see [5] and [6]). For screen capturing solutions (like the AVWedge asks the QoSC for lower values based on
NetMeeting of Microsoft) only a fast ATM network can the users preferences and establishes a connection using
satisfy bandwidth requirements. Nevertheless, the bitmap conservative parameters and subsequently tries to increase
solution might be reasonable for heterogeneous environ- the capacity by establishing new connections based on
ments. higher values transparently to the user. [7] gives some
details in how the mapping functions between the users
6. QOS ISSUES FOR TRANSMITTING VIDEO OVER QoS wishes and the overall quality could look like.
A ressources controller inside the AVWedge continu-
The Audio/Video – subsystem of the WAND demonstra-
ously measures system and network behaviour for adapt-
tor consists of the following parts: Picture Phone (PP),
ing to different conditions. This is necessary for wireless
AVWedge (AVW) and QoS Controller (QoSC) and man-
transmissions, because the radio link quality can change
ages the acquisition, coding, scheduling and transport of
dramatically during a short period of time. If the BER (bit
A/V-streams. The PP serves as a front-end for the user,
error rate) on the wireless link increases, the WAND
displays and captures the audio and the video and for-
WDLC sublayer may reduce available bandwidth due to
wards the captured data to the AVW.
forward error correction (FEC) affecting negotiated QoS.
During a handover procedure, the new AP may not be ACKNOWLEDGGEMENT
possible to support old negotiated QoS values which re- This work has been performed in the framework of the
sults in a drop of the connection. Then, the AVW has to project ACTS AC085 The WAND which is partly funded
establish new connection transparently based on the users by the European Commission and the Swiss Bundesamt
preferences which may lead to quality of service re- für Bildung und Wissenschaft. The Authors would like to
negotiation between all system and network layers. acknowledge the contributions of colleagues from Nokia
This approach is very flexible and it would be possible Mobile Phones, Tampere University of Technology,
to obtain a desired frame rate by reducing framesize, Technical Research Centre of Finland, Ascom Tech AG,
colordepth or imagequality. In general it would be possi- Lucent Technologies WCND, University of Lancaster,
ble with our system to select different codecs for different Robert BOSCH GmbH, University of Ulm, Compagnie
users based on the system capabilities of the local and IBM France, IBM Zuerich Research Laboratory, ETH
remote hosts. But with current PCs it is not feasible to Zuerich, INTRACOM Hellenic Telecommunications and
compress one video frame more than once using different University of Athens.
codecs. This leads to the problem, that different users may
wish to receive the same video in different qualities si- REFERENCES
multaneously. The Wavevideo codec is designed scalable
and supports to extract different parts of the video stream [1] A. Kassler, A. Lupper, Multimedia Applications in
by using a multi-resolution representation and clever seg- Medical Environments over Wireless ATM, ACTS
mentation of the video information into tagged network Mobile Communication Summit ’96, 1996
frames (see 8]). By dropping the frames not needed for the [2] J. Ala-Laurila, G. Awater, The Magic WAND –
desired quality, the AVW (or an intermediate filter) can Wireless ATM Network Demonstrator System, ACTS
extract the desired quality from the stream. The remaining Mobile Communication Summit ’97, 1997
non redundant parts are then re-assembled and decoded [3] J. Mikkonen, J. Kuys, The Magic WAND: A Wire-
according to the negotiated QoS parameters allowing cli- less ATM Access System, ACTS Mobile Summit '96,
ents with a high bandwidth connection to display a high 1996
quality, high resolution video-stream and simultaneously
[4] H. Wolf, K. Froitzheim, P. Schulthess, Multimedia
low bandwidth clients to be served by low resolution or
Application Sharing in a Heterogeneous Environ-
greyscale frames from the high quality color video stream
ment, ACM Multimedia '95, 1995
without the need for transcoding.
[5] M. Schoettner, A. Kassler, A. Lupper, P. Dudzik P.
7. CONCLUSION Schulthess, Application Sharing – Architecture and
The use of radio based communications devices raises the Performance Analysis, ACTS Mobile Communication
problem of interferences with sensitive medical equipment Summit ’97, 1997
(Electro Magnetic Compatibility = EMC). Due to the fear [6] M. Schoettner, Application Sharing mit MS-
of EMC mobile telephones are forbidden in most german Windows, Diplomarbeit, University of Ulm, 1996
hospitals. However the WAND technology has no signifi-
[7] R. Wood, G. Fankhauser, R. Kreula: Multimedia Ap-
cant influence on medical devices (see [7]). Furthermore
plications and QoS support in a wireless ATM envi-
WAND equipment only operate at lower power levels and
ronment, Proceedings of the ACTS Mobile Communi-
higher frequencies like GSM.
cation Summit ’97, 1997
Another problem is prevention of intruders. Authori-
[8] G. Frankhauser, M. Dasen, An Error Tolerant, Scal-
zation of the MT is realized by a registration mechanism
able Video Stream Encoding and Compression for
between MT and AP, when the MT enters the network.
Mobile Computing, Proceedings of the ACTS Mobile
Data security can be achieved by introducing a data en-
Communication Summit ’96
cryption algorithm above the link level.
[9] P. Schelbert, U. Lott, Report on Measured Interfer-
Without doubt, mobility in medical environments en-
ence Effects of Magic WAND Devices on Sensitive
hances treatment of patients. Wireless ATM is a solid
Medical Equipment, Magic WAND, Deliverable 2D2,
base for a medical environment as it offers high band-
August 1996
widths and guaranted QoS required by Telemedicine (VC
and AS). By sharing standard applications the acceptance
in medical environments can be greatly increased.

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