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HazzaPlumbob & Cesal95


Monday, June 5, 2017
I’m certain that I speak for everyone when I say, “FINALLY!” Players have been
begging for this pack since the Sims 4 came out. We now have a wide range of
clothing for the sizzling summer heat, the freezing winter chill, and the rainy and
chilly weather. We have 296 Buy/Build Mode objects (I counted!), which is always
a huge plus for people like me to love to create fantastic lots. And, of course, the
weather. In this pack and for the first time in Sims, Mother Nature will be playing
a big role with storms, earthquakes, and tornadoes. But good thing you can build
a shelter under your house for your Sims to stay safe in. READ MORE

Patch Notes 06.03.17

The Sims team released a summer challenge with the patch notes this week. This
challenge requires you to collect sun rocks from Sims dressed in flower-patterned
bathing suits. Once you have collected seven sun rocks, you can place them in
the sun box, which you will receive in your household inventory at the start of
the challenge, and create seven days of sunshine and beautiful weather for your
Sims to enjoy. During the seven days of sunshine, your Sims will receive a boost
for all outdoor skills, such as fitness, wellness, and fishing. Along with the new
challenge, the Sims team fixed many bugs and issues. READ MORE


The SimSupply Lakehouse

James Turner has outdone himself again!
In his latest build video, James uses the
new Seasons Pack to create a lakehouse in
the new world called Willowton. He walks
through his decisions and explains his
thought process as he creates the perfect
vacation home. And as he is building, James
will entertain you with funny and relatable
stories. So if you have never seen or heard
of James Turner, you will get to know him
pretty well through his videos, especially
James Turner
the speed builds he uploads. Besides, who
can turn down his wonderful Australian accent? Check out his YouTube channel
for more builds and his Origin account to download them. Find his social media
accounts on

New Seasons Cheat Codes

Let’s be honest, we all do it. We open Origin and begin playing Sims. After a while,
we realize that the game is not going the way we want it to. So we cheat. With a
swift tap of Ctrl + Shift + C, we open up the cheat tab, allowing us to have an easier,
more convenient time playing the game. If you have the new Seasons Expansion
Pack, you are definitely going to want to take notes of these new cheat codes,
because they will help you control weather patterns and reset the damage caused
by storms. READ MORE

Simmer Highlight: Hatsy

Hatsy has been a Simmer for basically all
her life. She started playing Sims 2 when she
was 10, and she is now one of the most well-
known Simmers who play Sims 4 on YouTube.
Hatsy’s speed build videos and Let’s Play ep-
isodes often reach thousands of views, and
her channel has over 100,000 subscribers. “I
think Sims 4 is my favorite Sims game,” Hatsy
said. “I just love how the Sims 4 lets me create
some fantastic builds so easily. I can spend
hours building and adding details to different Hatsy
lots.” Hatsy is an amazing builder; with reference photos and an incredible imag-
ination, she is able to create big castles and giant mansions. In fact, Hatsy’s most
popular videos are the Hogwarts build, receiving more than 765,000 views, and
Elsa’s Castle build, with more than 647,000 views. You can find her speed builds
on YouTube or download the lots from her Origin account. READ MORE


Lot Spotlights, Tips, & Tricks

Every time I browse through the Gallery, I
lose track of time. That’s because you guys
are incredible builders! I have seen some
great builds, like a massive 5-floor Victorian
mansion, a Japanese-inspired restaurant, a
quirky steampunk house, and a nightclub
that lights up all different colors at night. You
never cease to amaze! In this article, I have
included some fantastic lots made by some of
you. Definitely check them out and download
them on the Gallery.
sueladysims & arielle 47
For those of you who struggle with building or wondering how
to even begin building, WORRY NOT. I was and sometimes am still in your shoes,
so I understand your struggle. Besides lot highlights, I have also included tips and
tricks that I have learned in the past to help me build houses that I am proud of.

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