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Chapter 2: System Setup

To specify an individual unit

1. Select Options > Units on the menu bar.

2. Select the item for which unit-change is desired.

3. Use the associated dropdown to select the desired unit.

(The Currently Selected Unit Set specification becomes “undefined.”)

4. Click OK to accept the change or Cancel to reject the change.

5. (Optional) Click Save to provide a new name for the unit set.

Converting Units
Though not part of the system-setup options, other units “management” options are available in Cerberus.

Units may be converted via the Units Conversion utility.

To use the Units Conversion utility

1. Access the utility: select the Cerberus menu-bar option Utilities > Units Conversion.

12 NOV CTES Cerberus 11.5 User Guide

Chapter 2: System Setup

The Units Converter dialog appears.

2. Select the Category and Type of unit to convert.

3. Select the unit Precision desired.

4. Input the From number.

5. Select the Units type.

The To field automatically populates with the converted units.

Select Options > Keyboard to view and use the optional keyboard.

Changing Authorization
The authorization level determines the option availability in Cerberus. Typically, an authorization level is
good for the term of the current Cerberus license period. To reflect new options purchased, or if the current
authorization expiration is near, the authorization can be changed.

To change authorization

1. Select Options > Authorization....

Cerberus 11.5 User Guide NOV CTES 13

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