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The Thomond Times

September Edition 2018

Principal’s Address
The Year Ahead
It is an honour and a privilege to take up the position of Principal of Thomond
Community College and it is with great enthusiasm that I embrace the role. I
look forward to leading this school as it continues to develop and grow into the
First Term future, equipping our young people with the knowledge, skills and competen-
Thursday 23rd August cies to thrive and flourish in a rapidly changing world.
2018 to Friday
21st December 2018 As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you
Midterm 1 can use to change the world.” Norma O’Brien
Monday 29th October to

Junior Certificate Results

Friday 2nd November 2018
School Closed
Friday 28th September

Christmas Holidays
All schools close on
Friday 21st December 2018
and reopen on Monday 7th
January 2019

Second Term
Monday 9th January 2018
to Friday 12th
April 2019
Midterm 2
Monday 18th February to
Friday 22nd February 2019
School Closed
Friday the 15th & Monday
the 18th of March

Easter Holidays
All schools close on Friday
12th April and reopen Mon-
day 29th April 2019

Third Term
Monday 29th April
to Friday 31st May 2019
School Closed
Monday the 6th of May

State Examinations
Wednesday 5th June

Parent Teacher Meetings

3rd Year & 6th Year
Thursday 25th October 2.30
- 5.00
2nd Year, 5th Year & TY
Thursday 29th November
2.30 - 5.00

1st Year
Thursday 14th February
2.30 - 5.00

3rd Year & 6th Year

Thursday 21st March 2.30
- 5.00
The Greaney Family Scholarship Fund

2017/2018 Junior Cycle Greaney family Scholarship recipients. The top 5 students from each of last years junior cycle year groups
received a financial bursary to the collective value of E8,750. We are very lucky to have such a caring & generous past pupil who is so
committed to education.

2017/2018 Senior Cycle Greaney family Scholarship recipients. The top 5 students from each of last years senior cycle year groups
received a financial bursary to the collective value of €17,500.
Trip to Ardnacrusha Hydroelectric Plant

In conjunction with the 38th EVA International Biennale, Ms Murphy/Mr Power (Student teacher) 5th Year students from Thomond
Community College were invited to participate in an art project to create an audio response to the EVA 2018 exhibition. The project in-
volved creating a sound collage of audio samples from the major themes of the exhibition; creatively compiled and edited. The resulting
audio works were be performed at an event in EVA in the Limerick City Gallery and were also available to download via the EVA Interna-
tional website. A trip was arranged for 5th Year art students for to Ardnacrusha Hydroelectric Plant on Tuesday 22nd May 2018. The aim
of the trip was to give students an opportunity to respond to the primary theme of the EVA International exhibition, by recording various
sounds in this environment. The cost of the trip was paid in advance by EVA International.

Transition Year Students Support Student Enterprise Launch

Peter Mc Veery Trust
Well done to transition Year students Emma Cannon, Katelynn O Byrne
Troy, Ciara Mc Namara and Emily O Sullivan Mullane who recently fund-
raised for the Peter Mc Veery Trust on a Sunday morning. Good to see the
spirit of volunteering in Transition year. Well done girls!

Letter from Peter Mc Veery Trust thanking the girls.

On behalf of Peter McVerry Trust, I would like to thank you for your sup-
port in helping us to raise funds for our work with people who are
The Student Enterprise Programme launch was held in
Throughout our collections on September 8th & 9th, we raised a total of Thomond Park on Wednesday the 26th September. All
€1,565.33. This was gratefully received by our office. our TYs attended the event. Garry Lowe from Whizzkids
Established in 1983, Peter McVerry Trust provides low-threshold entry introduced us all to the Student Enterprise Project and was
services, primarily to young people and vulnerable adults with complex a wonderful MC for the day. We heard from many speakers;
needs. We offer pathways out of homelessness based on the principles of including the Major of Limerick Cllr James Collins, previ-
the Housing First model. ous winners of Limerick SEP, Emily Duffy who has earned
national recognition stemming from her SEP participation,
As we mark our 35th anniversary in 2018, your support and kindness and Eamon Ryan Head of Enterprise at Limerick Local
ensures that we can continue to provide crucial services to those who need Enterprise Office.
them most.
The keynote speech came from Joe O’Connor, strength
Last year, Peter McVerry Trust supported 4,971 individuals across our ser- and conditioning coach with the Limerick Senior Hurling
vices. By the end of the year, we were providing over 1,000 beds nightly. As Team. We gained valuable tips from all the speakers and
the demand for our services continues to grow, we are ever expanding the great words of motivation were delivered into the business
range of accommodation and supports we provide. minds of the future! We all left the event full of enthusiasm
This level of support would not be possible without you. Thank you. and eager to start on our projects! Best of luck to all the TYs
Yours sincerely as they enter the wonderful world of entrepreneurship!
Michael Thompson Ms O’Connor
Student Mentoring Programme
Transition year and 5th year mentors together with their first year mentees had
their first activity session this week. The Thomond Community College mentor-
ing programme allows for our first year students to be mentored by students
from the senior cycle. Peer mentors maintain contact with their first year mentees
throughout the year. As part of the programme mentors offer information and
advice on daily school life, support with academic queries, extracurricular activities
and support with social adjustment as they find their way through the first year of
secondary school. Many thanks to all the mentors who have volunteered and to all
students involved.

Ms. A. O’ Brien and Ms Trish Ryan.

Scoilbhliain nua 2018/19, Failte ar ais gach duine

!!. Mar ba ghnáth tá an bhéim ar ‘’Beatha Teanga í a
Labhairt’’. Is teanga bheo bheathach í an Ghaeilge.
I mbliaina beidh MEMES Le Feiceáil ar scáileán
sa GPA. Iarracht eile an Gheailge a choiméad mar
mhodh chumarsáide ar fud na scoile .
Seo a leanas iad :(Buíochas le Ms.Ayers iad a chur
le chéile)
Ms Ware (Roinn Na Gaeilge)

Debating Club
Thomond Community College Junior Debating Club
is up and running. Every Thursday after school,
first and second year students meet for friendly
debates on interesting topics. Students debate with
each other and practice their speaking skills for

Tale as Old as Time

debating competitions with other schools. If you
are interested in joining, please contact
Ms Bingham-Shee in the JCSP library.
First Years: Katie Franklin, Jordan Aherne,Grace
Walsh, Anna Linehan
Second years: Amy Roys, Orestis Smalis, Catriona
Rogan, John Hannon, Isabelle Power, Lucy Smyth

Phone Number

After a colossal amount of auditions (62 in total) we have finally cast our
2018 production. Christine and Mr O’Connell were bowled over with the
level of talent that was on display at auditions, so much so we have added
more parts to include more students in this years production of Beauty and
the Beast. The show will take place in the 12th and 13th of December and
Just a reminder for parents to ensure that we is definitely one not to be missed.
have your correct phone number on file. Mr. O’Connell
This is of importance for whole school
Contact Details : Thomond Community College, Newsletter Coordinator: Mr. O’Connor
announcements, such as text messages that Moylish Park, Limerick. Phone: 061 - 452422 Printed by: Limerick Printing 061 - 422 300
may be sent from time to time.
The Thomond Times
October Edition 2018

Getting Thomond active

The Year Ahead

First Term
Thursday 23rd August
2018 to Friday
21st December 2018

Midterm 1
Monday 29th October to
Friday 2nd November 2018
School Closed
Friday 28th September

Christmas Holidays
All schools close on Students took part in a World Marathon recently placing 4th with a very good time of 2:09:04,
Friday 21st December 2018 which is 7 minutes away from breaking the world record. Each student had to sprint 200
and reopen on Monday 7th meters at least 7 times to ensure the team completed the distance, which is hard enough in
January 2019 itself but the students had the added task of the very strong wind on the day as well.
The participation and behaviour of our students was second to none on the day and every
Second Term student demonstrated a great respect for the event, staff of the event and for Thomond
Monday 9th January 2018 Community College. Mr. Barr
to Friday 12th
April 2019
Midterm 2 Geography Fieldtrip
Monday 18th February to
Friday 22nd February 2019
School Closed
Friday the 15th & Monday
the 18th of March

Easter Holidays
All schools close on Friday
12th April and reopen
Monday 29th April 2019

Third Term
Monday 29th April
to Friday 31st May 2019
School Closed
Monday the 6th of May
Ms. Hickey’s Leaving Certificate Geography class recently went to Liscannor Bay on a field trip.
State Examinations They also took in Creg Beach, Lahinch and Doolin. Ms. Hickey
Wednesday 5th June
Limerick Institute of Technology Visit
Parent Teacher Meetings
3rd Year & 6th Year
Thursday 25th October
2.30 - 5.00

2nd Year, 5th Year & TY

Thursday 29th November
2.30 - 5.00

1st Year
Thursday 14th February
2.30 - 5.00

3rd Year & 6th Year

Thursday 21st March Students pictured on a recent visit to LIT to view the facilities and learn what courses will be
2.30 - 5.00 on offer for 2019.
Student Merit Certificate Awards

Second year students accompanied by their

Year head Ms. Conway and Principal Ms. O’Brien, pictured with their merit certificates

Fifth year students accompanied by their Year head Mr. Corry,

Deputy Principal Ms. Hogan and Principal Ms. O’Brien, pictured with their merit certificates

Maths Week Song as old as Rhyme

in the library Character Casting List

Limerick Maths Magician, Leon Andersen came to visit us in the

library during Maths Week. He taught first years and transition
years how to use their maths skills to do magic. The students and
staff really enjoyed the exciting maths magic workshops and had
fun practicing their new skills!
LCA Key Assignment Parents Classes

Students from LCA 1 completed one of their Key As-

signments by visiting Musgrave’s Market Place.
Students got a guided tour of the Wholesaler premis-
es along with the opportunity to see first-hand orders
being processed for customer collection. Students
also had a Q and A session with Brian the Store
Manager at the end of visit. Students gained a
valuable insight to the daily operations within a Parents Classes continue this term with
Wholesaler and the products which were available Craft Classes on Monday with Caroline.
within the store. A great day was had by all made “We are making beautiful Christmas table
even better by the free can of coke provided by mats and garlands and patch work bags
Musgraves! using hand stitching and sewing machines”
Maths classes for parents continue on
A big thanks (too many to name) to all that helped Tuesday mornings and, on Friday morn-
in the successful Coffee Morning in aid of Milford ings, there are delicious flavours and aro-
Hospice ran by our 6th year LCVP group. A total of mas in the parents’ kitchen in our “Cooking
€303.45 was raised for such an noteworthy charity. with Andy” class.
Thanks again to all who helped make the morning Christine Dunne, HSCL
such a success. Mr. Cullinane

Spotlight on a Student Junior Rugby Up and Running

Hi, I’m Tara. I’m a second year student. I am a dancer. I dance with
`Billy Franklins’ Flawless School of Dance’. I’m a starter in freestyle
and slow-dance. I’ve been dancing for 3 years, 4 - 5 days a week
straight. My best placing was winning 1st place and overalls in `Ennis
on The Move’ 2018. The reason I dance is because I get an adrenaline
rush and butterfly’s in my stomach and I feel a buzz right before I

My most recent competition was `Trabolgan All Ireland Dance Compe-

tition’ A week ago. I placed 2nd in freestyle doubles and 5th in hip hop
doubles with Erin Dawson. She does dancing with me too and she’s
also a 2nd year student in this school. My next big completion is DOTY
`Dancer Of The Year’, I qualified for both freestyle and slow dance. It’s
on the 2nd of November to the 5th.

Us dancers work hard for perfection, there are dancers all over the
A selection of photographs from the recent first
world just like me but not one are the same, not even close. So thank
year friendly matches.
you for reading this and bye.
Cúrsa Nua Gaeilge don tSraith Shóisearach
New Junior Cycle Irish Course
Mar is eol daoibh go léir, tá cúrsa nua Gaeilge againn.Tá cúig scil seo a leanas ag teastáil ag scoláirí chun cumarsáid
chruthaitheach a dhéanamh í nGaeilge: éisteacht, léamh, labhairt, idirghníomhú cainte agus scríobh. Tugtar neart deise-
anna do na daltaí na scileanna go léir a chleachtadh sna ranganna.Cuirtear béim ar an bhfoghlaim ghníomhach le mórán
cleachtaí a mholann. Tugtar deiseanna don scolaire saothar a chruthú í modhanna éagsúla.

As we all are aware we have a new Junior Cycle Irish Course. There are 5 skills required of students: listening, reading,
speaking, inter – active activities and writing. Students are given many opportunities to practice these skills in class.
Interactive learning is encouraged via various activities .Students are encouraged to display/present work in various ways.
Ms.. Ware, Roinn na Gaeilge

Cuir I láthair: “Dán Do Lara” Le

Mícheál Ó hAirtnéide – Presenting
“Dán do Lara” agus ‘’Seachtain na
Spreagtar an scoláire chun:
Tuiscint agus meas a bheith aige ar
litríocht na gaeilge ar mhaithe le
taitneamh agus tairbhe a bhaint as.
Seo sampla: Ón dara bhliain

u15’s Minor Trophy Update

The Under 15 boys were unfortunately
defeated in the U15’s Minor Trophy
Competition early in the month. They
performed very well and were humble in
their defeat. The team lost in one of the
worst ways to lose any game in penalties,
but the game was an amazing spectacle of
soccer. We found ourselves 2-0 down
within the first 20 minutes, with both goals
going against the run of play, that was until
William Faulkner stepped up with a riffled
volley into the bottom corner just before
half-time. The team were very optimistic of going on and winning the game from this point and this was back-up in the first
10 minutes of the second half with the equaliser coming when Michael Nseka fired a free kick from 30m out into the top
right hand corner. Unfortunately we found it hard to find another goal after this, allow we had numerous chances. It was
the turn of the defenders to keep us in the game with Conor Bourke, Dean Cleary, Levi NcNamara and Brandon Kelly all
making last ditch tackles to stop the ball ending up in our net again. This however was all in vain as Killmallock got the 3
goal, 10 minutes from time and we had to search for the equaliser again, but once again Michael Nseka stepped up to head
home a corner from Brandon in the dying minutes, which meant extra time.

We had a bad start to the extra periods as Killmallock immediately scored from the start and we had to go again in search
of the equaliser. Michael Nseka stepped back up and headed in another before head scored another free-kick to give us the
lead at 5-4, which we held until the very last kick of the game. After extra time it was still in the balance at 5-5 which meant

The penalties were a nervous experience for all players which included our young goal keeper Michael Dike who had a
great game between the sticks and showed up great in the penalty’s nearly saving 3 of Killmallock’s penalties but to no
avail. All penalties were scored and we had to score our last 1 to keep the game going, and we were very confident with
Michael Nseka taking it. However and unfortunately for Michael (the man of the match) he missed the penalty with a great
save from their keeper.

The team were amazing in the effort they showed during the game and how they made sure to shake every player’s hand
on the other team after the game which I am sure couldn’t have been easy for any of them. Please congratulate the boys on
their efforts. Mr. Barr

Contact Details : Thomond Community College, Moylish Park, Limerick. Newsletter Coordinator: Mr. O’Connor
Phone: 061 - 452422 Printed by: Limerick Printing 061 - 422 300
The Thomond Times
November Edition 2018

The Year Ahead Junior Cycle Attendance Awards

First Term
Thursday 23rd August
2018 to Friday
21st December 2018

Midterm 1
Monday 29th October to
Friday 2nd November 2018
School Closed
Friday 28th September

Christmas Holidays
All schools close on Each month, students
Friday 21st December 2018
with 100% attendance are
and reopen on Monday 7th
January 2019 celebrated and rewarded.
Pictured are the Junior Cycle
Second Term students who achieved the
Monday 9th January 2018 feat in October & September.
to Friday 12th
April 2019 Something to consider,
Midterm 2 90% attendance may seem
Monday 18th February to good but it does mean that
Friday 22nd February 2019
your child will miss the
School Closed
Friday the 15th & Monday equivalent of 19 days of
the 18th of March school during the school
year – that’s nearly 4 school
Easter Holidays weeks.
All schools close on Friday Give your child the best start
12th April and reopen in life – every school day
Monday 29th April 2019 counts.
Third Term
Monday 29th April
to Friday 31st May 2019
School Closed
Monday the 6th of May

State Examinations
Wednesday 5th June

Parent Teacher Meetings

3rd Year & 6th Year
Thursday 25th October
2.30 - 5.00

2nd Year, 5th Year & TY

Thursday 6th December
2.30 - 5.00

1st Year
Thursday 14th February
2.30 - 5.00

3rd Year & 6th Year

Thursday 21st March A selection of the school choir who performed at the recent Limerick and Clare Education Training
2.30 - 5.00 Board (LCETB) function for recently retired employees.
Following our students wonderful trip to California in October 2017 it was the
turn of Thomond Community College and Limerick City & County Council to
host a visiting group from Santa Clara. The group of six, four students and two
representatives of Sister Cities, Tedra Nikolai & Kulvinder Grewal, arrived in
Ireland on November 18th. With a packed schedule organised for the group,
visits were made to the Cliffs of Moher, the Rock of Cashel, Blarney Castle and
the English Market in Cork City. Closer to home students visited the sights of
Limerick city, including King John’s Castle and St. Mary’s Cathedral. Following
a reception in City Hall with Mayor James Collins the group visited picturesque
Adare Village. For two days of the trip it was our honour in Thomond Commu-
nity College to host the four students. Riana Grewal and Francesca Penabella
were kindly hosted by the Rogan family (Sinead 5th Yr & Siobhan 2nd Yr) while
Emma Mustovic and Mika Horoszko were hosted by the O’Callaghan family (Erin
3rd Yr). The students attended 5th and 3rd Year classes for the two days and
really enjoyed their experience staying with an Irish family attending an Irish
school. The visit coincided with Friendship Week in school and the group left us
on a positivity high following a fun dance session with Miss Ryan to round their
final day off! Many thanks to choreographer Molly Ryan for the dance routine the
students learned to Galway Girl!!
Limerick and Santa Clara, California have been Sister Cities for a number of
years. A key feature of the relationship between the two cities has been the link
created between secondary schools in Limerick and High Schools in Santa Clara. This connection, built over the past
decade, continues to strengthen. We look forward to further trips in the coming years! Ms. Harrison.

Poetry Aloud
In late October two of our 5th year students Thomas Kerrigan and Sadbh O’
Riordan took on the daunting challenge of a poetry recitation competition with
the first round being held in St. Munchins College in Corbally.

Both students memorised two poems and recited them in front of a panel of
judges and a room full of their peers from schools throughout Munster. Both
students performed to a very high standard and represented Thomond College
with great pride. From a pool of 1771 students from all over the country Sadbh
was one of 100 to reach the semi-final which was held in the National Library in
Dublin on November 21st. Sadbh memorised both a poem by Theo Dorgan “The
Angel of History” and a soliloquy from Shakespeare’s King Lear and performed
both to the best of her ability.
Unfortunately Sadbh did not make it to the final but both she and Tommy
represented Thomond College with great pride and I would like to commend
their hard work, dedication and the manner in which they conducted
themselves throughout the competition. Ms. Conway Sadbh O’Riordan and Simon Cunningham


Ms. Conway’s 5th year english students recently studied Hamlet and used creative and innovative approaches to gain an
understanding and knowledge of the Shakespearean play.
Debating Team LCVP Raffle Organisers & Winners

Thomond Community College at Feilte

We are very proud of our second year debating team.
They competed against Villiers in the first round of
Edmund Rice Cup 2019. The motion, which they
opposed, was “Religion should be a mandatory
subject in secondary schools”. We are delighted to
report that Thomond Community College won the
debate! It was a great day and thanks to Ard Scoil Ris
for hosting us. The team will compete against Laurel
Hill Coláiste in the second round in Thomond
Community College on December 10th.
ITLG Event Shannon Airport
Our 2nd year team will also compete in a friendly
debate on the day so this will be an exciting and fun
event in the library. Ms Bingham-Shee and Ms Roche
run the Debating Club and it is on every Thursday
in the library for 1st and 2nd years. Newcomers are
always welcome so if you are interested in debating,
please come along and try it.
Ms Jane Bingham-Shee and Ms Emma Roche

Science Week 2018

Slam Poetry in the JCSP library

To celebrate Science Week 2018, Second Year

students were invited to Limerick Institute of
Technology on Wednesday, November 14th.
The students participated in “Force of Course”, an
interactive show on the fundamental forces
experienced in everyday life.
Through fun and interactive demonstrations the stu-
dents were able to visualise some more challenging
theories, allowing for clearer understanding of key First years participated in workshops with Limerick poet Stephen
Junior Cert concepts. The show was presented by a Murray. They learned how to write and perform Slam poetry, a form
team from W5, an award winning Science & of performance poetry that is similar to rap and often paired with
Discovery Centre based in Belfast. Ms. Harrison beats and music.
Junior Basketball Success Senior Rugby Success

Our junior basketball team recently took part in a blitz On Friday 23rd of November, our Senior Girls Rugby team
against Villiers and Gaelcholaiste, emerging victorious. took to the pitch against Villiers in what was a very
Well done to all the students that took part. entertaining encounter, which they won 20 - 10. The winning
team are pictured with their coach, Mr. O’Hanlon.

Team photo of the Junior Boys team that won the Munster Rugby Blitz held recently in the University of Limerick.
They won all three matches.

Beauty and the Beast

The students are working hard behind the scenes getting

prepared for this years production of Beauty & the Beast.
Tickets will go on sale this week and cost €5 each.

They will be limited to 300 tickets for each night so make

sure you keep an eye of our Facebook page for the
announcement of ‘tickets on sale’.

Contact Details : Thomond Community College, Moylish Park, Limerick. Newsletter Coordinator: Mr. O’Connor
Phone: 061 - 452422 Printed by: Limerick Printing 061 - 422 300
The Thomond Times
December Edition 2018

Beauty & the Beast

The Year Ahead

First Term
Thursday 23rd August
2018 to Friday
21st December 2018

Christmas Holidays
All schools close on
Friday 21st December 2018
and reopen on Monday 7th
January 2019

Second Term
Monday 9th January 2018
to Friday 12th
April 2019
Midterm 2
Monday 18th February to
Friday 22nd February 2019
School Closed
Friday the 15th & Monday
the 18th of March
This year’s school musical, Beauty and the Beast was a triumph! A matinée was held on
Easter Holidays
Wednesday 12th for 250 primary school children. Over 450 people attended on Wednesday
All schools close on Friday
12th April and reopen
and Thursday night to watch the performance. Hugh congratulations to the cast and crew
Monday 29th April 2019 especially Mr O’Connell

Third Term Fr. Gerry Daly Food Appeal

Monday 29th April
to Friday 31st May 2019
School Closed
Monday the 6th of May

State Examinations
Wednesday 5th June

Parent Teacher Meetings

3rd Year & 6th Year
Thursday 25th October
2.30 - 5.00

2nd Year, 5th Year & TY

Thursday 6th December
2.30 - 5.00
Thank you to all staff and students who very generously donated to the Fr. Gerry Daly Food
1st Year Appeal. We packed a van full to the brim of food! To all who went the extra mile,
Thursday 14th February encouraging people to donate, boxing up food,
2.30 - 5.00 helping to fill the van, thank you so much!
Hampers will be distributed around Limerick
3rd Year & 6th Year this Christmas season and many families will
Thursday 21st March now have food in the presses and it’s down to
2.30 - 5.00 you all. Happy Christmas to the staff and
students in Thomond Community College!
Ms. O’Connor
Debating Club Victory against Laurel Hill Coláiste
Congratulations to our debating club who
recently won two debate’s against Laurel Hill
Coláiste. The first debate in the second round
of the Edmund Rice was “Young people today
will inherit a better world than their parents
did”. Well done to second years Catriona
Rogan, Orestis Smalis and John Hannon
who successfully proposed the notion. They
are now through to the third round in the
Edmund Rice Cup. The next debate was a
friendly debate and our first year team were
against the motion “Reading a physical book
is better than using an e-reader”

Well done to our first year team who also

won: Jordan Aherne, Katie Franklyn and
Anna Linehan. It was their first time debating
against another school and they were
brilliant. Debating takes place every
Thursday in the library after school with Ms Roche and Ms Bingham-Shee.
First and second years, if you are interested in joining, please come along to try it out after Christmas.
Jane Bingham-Shee

Butlers Chocolate Factory Field Trip

As part of LCVP course students must prepare a Report on an Enterprise. Students visited Butlers Chocolates on Monday
the 10th of December. The students had a long journey in the morning to reach their destination but the wait was worth it.
Students had a guided tour of the factory which included a video on the history of chocolate and also of Butlers Enterprise.
Students then had to complete a questionnaire in the museum while also sampling a number of Butlers chocolates.
(Students did not like these at all!). Then it was on to the factory itself where students got to see first-hand, a Master
Chocolatier in action. Students also got to examine the factory line production (along with more chocolates) and how the
manufacturing process worked within Butlers. Students then had the pleasure of decorating their own chocolate Santa as
part of the tour at the end along with tasting Butlers hot chocolate (students did not like this either!). Overall the students
gained a valuable insight into the workings of a major Enterprise such as Butlers along with having the opportunity to sam-
ple some of their delicious chocolates! All the students behaved impeccably and were a credit to the school.

Merry Christmas and enjoy the Santa chocolate if any survived the trip home! Mr Cullinane

Elite IRFU Rugby Referee Visit

Former Grand Slam winner and current Elite IRFU Rugby Referee Joy Neville
called in to meet some of our Junior Rugby team and LCA 2 students earlier
this month.
Performance at Bunratty Castle Hotel
On the 22nd of November fifteen members of the Thomond Commu-
nity College choir performed at Bunratty Castle Hotel at a dinner in
honour of retiring employees of the LCETB. The choir, accompanied
by guitars and keyboard, performed a varied repertoire of seven songs
first in the foyer of the hotel, followed by three songs in the Shan-
non Suite. Students gave a heartfelt performance and were especially
delighted to have been invited when they realised that their former
principal Eugene O’Brien was also in attendance.
Pictured (Back row, left to right): Lisa Dike, Nikola Kasperek, Temera
Odhomor, Amy Roys, Adam McNamara, Saoirse O’Sullivan, Sage Kaya,
Sadbh O’Riordan, Merit Amadasun. (Front Row, left to right): Bruno
Basil, Sarah Myles, Katie Hayes, Katie Molloy and Grace Amadasun.
Missing from photo is Aisha Garba. Ms. Corr

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex Plus Week

Thanks to all members of new ERA (Equal Rights for All)
LGBTQI+ support group for organising a great variety of
activities for the entire school community.
Special thanks to Katelynn and friends who organised
the face painting at lunch time and collected a small sum
to support GOSHH, Rebecca who kept us all in check
and helped with others to hang the bunting, flags etc.
and also liaised with the Guidance Counsellor all week,
Courtney, Isabelle, Simon, Abbie, Ali and Mackensie who
came up with great ideas in the new ERA meetings. The
Art department and ICT department were great support
and got lots of classes participating in poster design and
nice artistic pictures and messages of support. Pat and
Tommy ensured the flag hung proudly and still does at the
entrance to Thomond CC. Claire
got us a delicious Rainbow cake.
Congratulations to our Deputy
Principal who was the most colourful and stylish teacher on Funky Friday!!
A special thanks to Ms. Rachel Newland from GOSHH who came in to give an excellent workshop
to the Transition Year classes. Stand Up week shows that all of us in Thomond CC school
community support our motto ACE Appreciate, Celebrate and Educate all members of the school
community as equals. New ERA. Ms. O’Sullivan

Studio One
Fitness Visit

Ag an am seo don bhliain seoltar beannachtaí na féile chugaibh go

léir. Ná déan dearmad beannachtaí na féile a rá i nGaeilge. Ian Benson of Studio One Fitness,
Nollaig shona duit ! = Happy Christmas to you ! Annacotty gave a talk to a group of students on
Nollaig shona agus athbhliain faoi mhaise duit ! = Happy Christmas health, fitness, starting your own business and
and a happy new year to you ! Ms. Ware succeeding in life... Against the odds!
Wellread National Award
Thomond Community College are proud to have been the first ever
Limerick school awarded the prestigious Wellread National Award.
Well done to all the new Wellread schools in Ireland in 2018! The PDST
‘Wellread National Award’ is a national initiative organised by the
Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST). It aims to
create heightened awareness about the importance of creating a culture
of reading for pleasure in school communities for our young people as
part of their personal and academic development. There is a strong cul-
ture of reading in Thomond Community College. The school has a fully
stocked school library filled with interesting and exciting books which
is run by a professional librarian. The school runs many reading initia-
tives such as Readathons, Word Millionaire and Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) and students also have weekly reading
classes in the library where they read for pleasure. Teachers and students borrow books from the school library and are
encouraged to bring books home to share with family members. There are regular visits from authors and storytellers to
encourage students to keep reading. Thomond Community College is very proud to have the Wellread Flag in our school!

Award Certificates for 1st year students

Perfect Attendance so far in 1st Year were Amy Buckley, Max Cummins, Jade Daly, Katie Forde Downes, Amira Garba, Danny
Hanifin, Katie Hennessy, Anna Linehan, Magda Maj, Darragh Manning, Emilija Miller, Dylan McLoughlin, Joey Prieto, Shane
Sener and Katie Walsh.
Top readers in 1st Year were Aaron Milstein, Jake Kelleher, Courtney O’Donoghue, Amira Garba, Scott Moloney and
Jouwairia Ghariani.
The award winners from 1 Ash were Max Cummins, Mikayla McNamara, Katie Quilligan and Martina Quilligan.
The award winners from 1 Elm were Shane Sener, Ashlee Sheehan, Amber Killeen and Dylan McLoughlin.
The award winners from 1 Yew were Katie Franklin, Kayleigh Kennedy, Scott Moloney and Brian Kinsella.
The award winners from 1 Pine were Emilija Miller, Katie Walsh, Darragh Manning and David Cronin.

The staff and management of Thomond Community College

would like to wish all their students and families a
merry Christmas and a peaceful new year.
Contact Details : Thomond Community College, Moylish Park, Limerick. Newsletter Coordinator: Mr O’Connor
Phone: 061 - 452422 Printed by: Limerick Printing 061 - 422 300
The Thomond Times
January Edition 2019

Global School Visit

The Year Ahead

Second Term
Monday 9th January
2018 to Friday 12th
April 2019

Midterm 2
Monday 18th February to
Friday 22nd February 2019

School Closed
Friday the 15th & Monday the
18th of March

Multicultural Day
Friday March 29th.

Easter Holidays
All schools close on
Friday 12th April and reopen
Monday 29th April 2019

Third Term
Monday 29th April
to Friday 31st May 2019
School Closed
Monday the 6th of May

State Examinations
Wednesday 5th June

Parent Teacher Meetings

‘Global Ireland’ is an ambitious government programme to double Ireland’s impact in the
1st Year world by 2025. The programme was launched by the Taoiseach, Tánaiste, and Ministers of
Thursday 14th February Enterprise, and Culture in June 2018. ‘Global Ireland’ sets Ireland’s global footprint into three
2.30 - 5.00 broad areas, how we trade, the bilateral and multilateral partnerships we build, and our wider
3rd Year & 6th Year
contribution to the world. The ‘Global Schools’ programme is a means of engaging second-level
Thursday 21st March students across the country in the three central elements of ‘Global Ireland’.
2.30 - 5.00
On January 10th Thomond Community
College was the 1st school in Limerick and
one of only 20 schools nationally to host a
Global Schools Delegation. Captain Brian
Lynch of the Defence Forces and Mr Donal
Cronin from the Department of Foreign
Affairs & Trade spoke of Ireland’s role in the
wider world. Students heard about the work
of Irish Embassies abroad, Irish bilateral &
multilateral partnerships, the UN, and
Ireland’s peacekeeping history. After an
Don’t forget to follow excellent Q&A session, a copy of the UN
Thomond Community Charter was presented to the school. It was
College on Social Media accepted on behalf of the school community
to stay up to date with by Principal Norma O’Brien, Cllr Kieran
all the latest O’Hanlon, Chairperson of the Board of Man-
news and events agement, Ms Christine Moloney, vice-chair-
person of the Parents’ Association and Aisha
Garba & Aimee Williams senior and junior
chairs of the Student Council. Captain Lynch
then raised the UN flag at the school.
On Wednesday 3rd Dec 2018 , 2 oak held a Referen-
dum on the Use of plastic bottles in our school. The
students and staff voted and the Question asked was “
Do you agree that our school should stop using plastic
bottles in favour of water fountains”: Total valid vote
364 / No vote 131/ Yes vote 233
On the 10th Dec 2018 , our class collected used plas-
tic bottles over two hours – breaktime to lunch time.
Three bags were collected and put on display in the
GPA to show how much waste we created.
Also on the 10th Dec the students did an audit of the
recycling bins in the staffroom and made signs to
remind staff of correct way top recycle.
On the 7th Jan, when we returned to school after the
Christmas Holidays , we saw water fountains in the
GPA. We are very proud of our project and the differ-
Students from 2nd Yr Oak took on the issue of single-use plastics ence it has made! Keith O Mahony 2 Oak
as their CSPE project. They carried out research and surveyed
the school community on attitudes towards the continued use of Book in your bag
plastic water bottles. The majority of the students surveyed were in
favour of getting rid of the single-use plastic water bottles. Principal
Norma O’Brien took these findings on board and during the Christ-
mas holidays, water fountains were installed in the General Purpose
Area. Students all received a reusable plastic bottle that they can fill
with cool, filtered water during the school day. The 2nd Yr students
are delighted with the outcome of their work and the benefits for
students and the environment.

Green Schools Committee

target the Biodiversity Flag
This is a whole school JCSP Library initiative.
Students, you are challenged to always have a library
book to read in your school bag. You can get your
book from the library and change it whenever you
want. There will be random checks and raffles for
prizes for participants. Happy reading and best of
luck. Ms. Bingham-Shee

CSPE citizenship project

Democracy in action

This year we have started working for our Biodiversity flag. As On the 26th of October two of the 3rd year classes
part of this we are involved in the LEAF (Learning about forests) held a mock Presidential election. The purpose of this
project. Mr Sean Hartigan from An Taisce visited the school on the was to show people how to vote .Three hundred and
14 January. He gave a presentation on trees and biodiversity to the eighty one voted., There were 9 spoiled votes and the
2nd year Materials Technology (Wood) class and to members of the quota was 186. Top of the poll was Michael D HiggIns
Green Schools Committee. Then the group were guided through the with 265 votes. He also topped the poll in the national
school grounds where they explored all the variety of trees, shrubs election becoming President for the second time.
and habitats for wildlife. Jake Price and Katie Mc Namara
Beauty and the Beast

This year’s production was (arguably) easily the biggest performance we have undertaken to date. We started rehearsing
back in September. We worked tirelessly with our Director Mr O’Connell choreographer Amanda Kearns, chorus mistress
Helen Colbert and Ms Dunne. We stayed back after school two days a week, every Saturday and even dedicated two days
of our midterm break to rehearse. It wasn’t all hard work though. Late October we travelled to Thurles to see the Ursuline
convent’s production Beauty and the Beast. With the cast of to 350 girls and an enviable set, they put on a spellbinding
show. Seeing how good the show could be encouraged us to give it our all. Before we knew it December had crept up on us
and for one week, dressed in eye catching costumes on a set designed by Mr O’Connor, we gave performances we could be
extremely proud of.

We had the pleasure of performing for over 250 local primary school students for our matinee show. We also performed to
nearly 600 people for our evening shows. Our front line cast was undoubtedly one of the strongest we’ve had on stage led
confidently by Saoirse O’Sullivan’s sweet performance as the leading lady Belle. She showcased her talent by taking on the
role of the brave, bookish and complex character. She is a strong, intelligent, spirited, and independent young woman. Belle
is the moral conscience of the story, elevated by her thoughts and deeds. The maturity and depth of her character allow her
to see the true beauty and spirit within The Beast and to love him for it. Tommy captivated the audience with his sublime
performance as Beast. His anger and frustration was expertly portrayed resulting in rousing applause from the audience
for ‘If I can’t love her’ song which made his transformation at the end all the more rewarding. Sage Kaya commanded the
stage as Gaston. The rude, brute of an antagonist drew laughter and applause for his on stage performance of ‘Me’ mak-
ing Gaston both arrogant and insufferable while also being highly comical. The dynamic duo of Sophie Boyce and Adam
Moynihan gave stellar performances as Cogsworth and Lumiere while O’Keefe Olenga transformed on stage every night
into Gaston’s comical sidekick. His outstanding delivery of the song “Gaston” put his talents front and centre. Mrs. Potts was
expertly handled by Sadbh O’Riordan. The maternal housekeeper was beautifully brought to life effortlessly by Sadbh and
her stage presence and experience to date really shone through. Sarah Myles played the adorable optimism of Chip while
Tilly Curtin brought a dark haunting macabre atmosphere to the show as the asylum owner Madame D’Arque. Paired with
the leads was our talented young chorus (And stars of future productions) who opened the show up beautifully every time.
Their warm start helped give off the right energy for the rest of the show. And so as the curtain falls on another production
it all came together for a magical, enthralling performance.
By Sadbh O’Riordan
LCA visit Limerick College Business in the Community
of Further Education commences at LIT

On the 24th January the LCA1 class were delighted to

attend Limerick College of Further Education Open
Day with the Guidance Counsellors and Ms. Kenny.
They explored the many interesting options avail-
able after graduation. We enjoyed chatting with past
pupils Kiera Ryan and Darragh Hogan (Radio & Film
Studies) and also Courtney Barrett and Lauren Wyse Business in the Community commenced on
(Beauty Therapy) who were very helpful explaining the 16th of January with our 5th students.
their courses. On the way back to school we stopped Thank you to LIT staff members Laura
off for food at McDonald’s for some hot cuisine! Downey, Leigh Fitzgerald, Stacey Getlevog.
A very enjoyable trip for all. #Thomond Community College

Transition Year students at the Christmas Market

Christmas lunch is served

Some photos from our Senior Christmas lunch

on Tuesday, the 18th of December. We’d such
a fun day singing carols and having traditional
Turkey & Ham together!

Junior students had their lunch served with staff

on Thursday the 20th of December.
Internet Safety talk

“Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Daoibh”ó

Roinn na Gaeilge “Sláinte agus

Health agus Wealth to all!

Oíche Mhór na Scannán

Golden Globe Awards
Bíonn Golden Globe Awards ar
siúl ag an tráth seo den bhliain
i gcónaí. Seo an 76ú bliain de
na gradaim cháilúla sin.Is ocáid
mhór í. Í mbliana bhí Sandra Oh
agus Andy Samberg mar láithre-
oirí.Bhí an céiliúradh ar siúl in
Beverly Hills.

Ná Buaiteorí :
Bechemian Rhaposdy - clár atá
bunaithe ar Freddie Mercury agus a ghrúpa.
Spiderman: Into the Spider Verse – scannán beochora is fearr. Jeremy Pagden speaks to students about staying safe on-
Lady Gaga: don amhrán “Shallow” sa scannan “A Star is Born” line.

Sandra Ó Parents Classes

Aisteoir Cristine Yong ón “Greys
Anatomy agus buaiteoir ar an oíche
clár sraithe “Killing Eve”

Athbhliain Shineach 2019

Ag foghlaim faoi chultúr

• 05ú Feabhra – beidh

bhliain nua na síneach a
• Athraíonn na dátaí gach
uile bliain mar réitítear an
bhliain de réir chéimeanna
na gealaí.
• Is í an mhuc a roghnaíodh
don bhliain 2019.
• Is ócáid agus ceiliúadh mhór í i saol na Síneach.
• Leann muintir na Síneach ag ceiliúradh ar feadh 15 lá.

Piseoga na Síneach
Ar a gcaoi céanna a bhfuil piseoga againn in Éireann tá siad ag Follow through on those New Year Resolutions by join-
na Sínigh. ing us for Parents’ Classes in the Parents’ room here at
Seo a leanas cuid acu; Thomond Community College! Needlecraft started on Mon-
1. Níor chóir do bhean an teach a fhágáil ar an gcéad lá den day, 21st of January allowing for creativity using sewing
bhliain nua nó beidh mí - ádh uirthi ar feadh na bliana. machines and hand sewing, you decide! Cooking with Andy
2. Ná bain úsáíd as scian ar an lá seo mar tá sé cóntúireach. will take place on Friday mornings where everyone can get
3. Maidir le cúrsaí faisin - ná caith éadaí bána na éadaí dubha involved with producing delicious meals. Both classes run
ar an lá - Is Comharthaí an bháís iad dubh agus bán. from 9:30 till 11:30 am and all parents are welcome.
We are hoping to run classes in Basic Computers and in
Tá súil againn go mbeidh na Sínigh ar mhuin na muice sa Art/Crafts if we get enough parents interested.
bhliain 2019 !! Let me know if you are interested. We’d love to see you!
Ms S.Ware Roinn na Gaeilge Christine Dunne
Contact Details : Thomond Community College, Moylish Park, Limerick. Newsletter Coordinator: Mr. O’Connor
Phone: 061 - 452422 Printed by: Limerick Printing 061 - 422 300
The Thomond Times
February Edition 2019

Thomond Community College Students are Authors!

The Year Ahead
We are very proud of our first years who recently wrote their own book. 12 first years have
written stories for a book called “Terrifying Tales” and it is illustrated by Limerick artist Hugh
Second Term McMahon. The book came about as the result of a short story competition. The students wrote
Monday 9th January the stories with encouragement from their English teachers. The best stories were compiled by
2018 to Friday 12th the school’s librarian Jane Bingham-Shee and illustrated by Hugh McMahon to create this book
April 2019 called “Terrifying Tales.” The students were presented with copies of their own book at a book
Midterm 2 launch this morning. The students met the illustrator Hugh McMahon and were delighted to
Monday 18th February to receive copies of their book to treasure. The event was attended by the students, their parents,
Friday 22nd February 2019 teachers and our principal, Ms Norma O’Brien who warmly congratulated the students on
becoming published authors. The book will soon be available as an e-book on the JCSP Digital
School Closed
Friday the 15th & Monday the library reserve for all post-primary students to read nationwide. Well done to all involved!
18th of March

Multicultural Day
Friday March 29th.

Easter Holidays
All schools close on
Friday 12th April and reopen
Monday 29th April 2019

Third Term
Monday 29th April
to Friday 31st May 2019
School Closed
Monday the 6th of May

State Examinations
Wednesday 5th June

Parent Teacher Meetings


1st Year
Thursday 28th February
2.30 - 5.00
Pictured are artist Hugh McMahon, first year authors, JCSP Librarian Jane Bingham-Shee and Principal
3rd Year & Norma O’Brien.
6th Year Meeting
Thursday 21st March
2.30 - 5.00 First Year Soccer

Don’t forget to follow

Thomond Community
College on Social Media
to stay up to date with
all the latest
news and events

The first years played their round 16 match in the Collins Cup on Monday 25th February, unfortu-
nately losing the game despite performing very well.
Update from
Munster rowing

The two 2nd year girls teams had fantastic rows to both finish
2nd in their heat at the Munster Championships. There were
10 schools in each heat! Great performance by all the 1st and
2nd year girls. Boys up soon. .

Junior Rugby

The Junior rugby boys team attended a blitz recently winning one match, drawing another and losing one. Great performances
all round!

What is cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is when one is being bullied over
Social Media and the Internet. We had an internet
safety speaker come in on the 28th of January 2019
named Jeremy Pagden. He taught us all about the
dangers of the internet and had some very helpful
tips too, E.g. Apparently,
having a fake account and using it to bully or
intimidate people maliciously is a serious offence.
Cyberbullying can affect people in different ways, it
could send us into an emotional spiral and can lead
to mental health problems.

Nowadays, most schools around the world have a

zero tolerance bullying/cyberbullying policy. In our
own school, Thomond Community College, we have
our own anti-bullying committee and they work very
hard to make sure we don’t get bullied and/or cyber-
bullied. Cyberbullying, unfortunately is very common
in the world but if we work together, we can prevent
this from happening.
By Alex Lavin and Sinead Ward
INSPIRE : Women for Engineering
On Friday, Feb 15th, a group of 35 female students made up from 2nd year, TY & 5th year girls got to attend the Inspire
Women for Engineering Event held in the Millenium Theatre in LIT. The speakers were:
• Dr. Norah Patten Entrepreneur Space & STEM Advocate Engineer - from Ballina in Co. Mayo, is one of 12 participants
from around the world selected to take part in a unique scientist-astronaut training programme in Florida and aims to
be the first Irish Astronaut in Space!
• Grainne Barry Regional Operations Director, EMEA at STATS LLC Co-Founder SportsTech Ireland -STATS, are the
worldwide leader in sports data and intelligence.
• Samira Kaissi Site Lead, BD Biosciences, Ireland - Genetic Engineering having come from the Lebanon, education in
California and travelled the world, now Site lead BD Biosciences Limerick.
• Marian Corcoran Independent Director, Coach and Business Leader; technology and business transformation -
Executive Client Director at Accenture
They women spoke about how studying engineering can give you a career that is hugely diverse and allows you the ability
to specialise in any area that you are passionate about as well as travel the world. Each speaker had a unique carrier path
that showed the girls that you don’t need to know all the answers at 17 but just have an idea to follow what you’re inter-
ested in and to take chances. The female astronaut was incredibly inspiring as she showed us how she followed her dream
from a young age & how her art teacher encouraged her passion for space through secondary school. Her videos of her in
a zero gravity flight was very entertaining for all to see. Overall the girls enjoyed their trip out. Thanks to Mr Hennessy, Ms
Sheehan & MS O’Driscoll for bringing us.

Thomond Mentoring Programme

Thomond Mentoring Programme - February Session. This mentoring session had a Numeracy twist entitled ‘Crack The
Code!’ All groups loved this session and its wonderful to see friendships developing between senior and junior students in
the school. Ms. Ryan

School Debating

We are very proud of our second year debating team who made it to the quarter final of the Limerick Debating Cup. The
motion was “Young people don’t care about democracy” with Thomond Community College proposing the motion and
Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh opposing the motion . They are pictured here with Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh who won by 5 points.
There was also a fun debate with first years vs second years on the day. The debating topic was “Should we celebrate
Valentine’s day?” The first years said “Yes” and the second years said “no”. It was a very entertaining and exciting debate
and both teams did an amazing job. The first years won this debate so perhaps romance is not dead after all J Debating is
on every week in the JCSP library in Thomond Community College. It is great for building confidence and a lot of fun. If you
are interested in joining the Debating Club, please come along on Thursdays after school. Jane Bingham-Shee and Emma
Roche run the debating club and are always looking for new members.
French Week in Thomond Community College:
Le Festival des Arts et de la Culture de France:
For its 10th anniversary, French Week in Thomond Community College brings a lot of French cultural experiences this year
again. French Cinema is a must as it is every year. And for this 2019 edition, we have concocted a mix of Musical, Theatrical
and Food experiences for student and staff.

French colours abu!! Staff = Style

Thomond Community
College personnel a la
mode de France!!!

The winner of French

week best dressed staff
member was Ms Leanne
Kelly for wearing the Bleu,
Blanc and Rouge inside
out with style!!

LA Joconde (Mona Lisa) French Theatre In School


Surprise visit a la bibliotheque de Thomond C.C. by

this incredibly famous painting!
We were delighted when the Louvre contacted us
to say they would lend us the Mona Lisa for French
week. Special thanks to Mr Hennessy for building an The play was a success again this year as students laughed and
anti-bullet wired glass case on such short notice! giggled while listening to French actors.
Petite Crêpe S’il vous plait

Thomond sings in French

Caroline Moreau et son guitarist Alain made about 90 French students sing and clap along famous tunes like Je veux from
Zaz, Tous les Garçons et les Filles de mon Age, a classic from Sylvie Vartan and the infamous song Le Cactus. Some soloists
and musicians joined in.. Merci for all the fun!!

Felicitations ! Congrats! DELF Presentation

In this photo, students are proudly presented their DELF A1
diplomas. The diplomas were handed out by Madame Elise
Busson (on the far left)who came from the Alliance Francaise
de Dublin specially for the occasion. Another distinguished
guest, Catherine Jeanneau, from the French Department in
the University of Limerick handed them out some goodie
bags. They congratulate students and explained how vital
those students are for the future of Ireland whose economy
cries out for multilingual speakers.

Why take a DELF exam?

Today French is an official language in almost 50 countries,
including Canada. It is spoken by more than 200 million
people on five continents. It is also an official language of the
United Nations, the Red Cross, and many other international
A Tiny Forest in Thomond Community College!!

Tiny Forests is a wonderful initiative of LEAF

(Learning about Forests) and on the 6th and 7th
of February 2019 Thomond Community College
planted our tiny forest. There was a palpable air
of excitement among the 2nd year Woodwork
students as the boots and wellies were put on
in preparation for the outdoors. NiamhNi Dhuill
(Tiny Forests) and Sean Hartigan from LEAF ar-
rived early. The bark mulch was unloaded as all
proceeded to do the first planting. Planting two
hundred native Irish trees was the goal.
Digging a hole is an art that was quickly mastered
by the students and they were delighted that they
were going to become a teaching team for the first
year classes. Each 1st year class was taught how
to plant a tree by the 2nd years. Students loved
the experience. With the trees planted the next
learning was the placing of the cardboard around the trees along with the bark mulch. It was a wonderful experience as the
following comment, memories and
learning show: “I thought it was great as we are building nature on our doorstep”
“It’s cool to know that after we leave school the trees we planted will still be there”.

Some of the students ‘best memories of the

Actively learning how to plant a tree.
Putting down the mulch as I was so focused on
getting it done that I blocked out everything else.
Watching everyone race with the buckets and
wheelbarrows full of mulch!
Teaching the first years to plant a tree.
The teamwork and the fun.
When at the end we took a look at all our work
The final photo with the wheelbarrow.

What did I learn?

The difference between a spade and a shovel.
Roots shouldn’t be showing when you plant
a tree.
That cardboard comes from trees.
Never knew how to plant a tree but now I know!
Former student awarded ‘Cake Designer of the Year’
A former student who studied home economics under Sr. Margaret was recently awarded a
national award and all in Thomond Community College wish her every success.
Bella’s Baking, a couture cake shop specialising in bespoke wedding cakes took home the title
of “Cake Designer of the Year” at last night’s Irish Wedding Awards. Now in their third year, the
prestigious awards celebrated excellence in the wedding industry with a glamorous evening at the
Crowne Plaza in Dublin on Monday night. Bella’s Baking opened on Parnell Street in Ennis just last
October, and our former student and owner Fionnuala Crowe was delighted to receive the coveted
award for Cake Designer of the Year. “I’m absolutely delighted, it’s very overwhelming, I really didn’t
expect to win and was happy just to be shortlisted; the competition was fierce, so I really can’t believe
it - moving the business from my parent’s kitchen to my own premises in Ennis last year was a huge
leap of faith and I’m so excited to be recognised in such a competitive industry.”

Bella’s Baking began as a small side business for Fionnuala, who has a degree in Sports Science
but taught herself cake design - “I have always loved the creative side of baking so began by mak-
ing cakes for friends and family - I must have been doing something right as people kept asking for more so I decided to try it
as a business, and Bella’s was born. Over the past couple of years I’ve been working out of my long suffering parents’ kitchen,
so as business grew I knew I wanted to look for my own premises. I found the shop in Ennis and it was perfect, and we opened
towards the end of last year.”
Fionnuala is looking forward to becoming a well known business in Ennis and in joining the town’s business community.

“I love Ennis and there is great support for small businesses in the town so I’m really looking forward to becoming part of that
over the coming year and beyond.” 
To see some of Fionnuala’s work visit . Instagram: @bellasbaking2 or Facebook: @bellasbaking

An t-Earrach ,
Is iad Feabhra ,Márta agus Aibréan míonna an ear-
raigh. Céiliúrtar, ‘Lá Fhéile Bhríde’, ‘Lá Fheile Vailíntín’,
‘ Lá Fhéile Pádraig’,’Máirt na bpanóg’’, ‘An Cháisc’ agus
Seachtain na Gaeilge I rith an earraigh.Éiríonn na
laethanta níos faide agus gile.Tá saghas ‘athbhreithe’ sa

Ag Cur I Latháir
Díospóireacht : Ag 2ú Bliain
Mar chuid don chúrsa nua Gaeilge sa tsraith Shóisear-
ach , ghlac an dara bliain páirt ghníomhach i díospói-
reacht ranga le deanaí .An rún a bhí a phlé ná ‘Tá Saol
na Tuaithe níos fearr ná Saol na Cathrach’.Bhí spórt
agus spraoi againn ag comhoibriú agus bhíomar ar bís Saol na Tuaithe Saol na Cathrach
chun fáilteach a chur le rang eile mar lucht éisteachta. Tús: Emma Ryan Tús: Amy Roys
Bhí an príomhoide (Ms O ‘ Brien) , Ms Conway (Year Cainteoir 1: Alan Hastings - Dúlra Cainteoir 1: Jack Long - Dúlra
Cainteoir 2: Ashleigh Kelly Cainteoir 2: Kelly Dunworth – na
head), Ms Bingham Shee (J.C.S.P librarian) agus Miss
muintir na tuaithe cathrach
Kierce –Ayers ann mar mholóirí. Deis eile ag daltaí a Cainteoir 3: Luca Conte -Áiseanna Cainteoir 3: Kelly Duworth - Áiseanna
scileanna a chur in iúl, tríd cumas cumarsáide , cur i Cainteoir 4: - Ashleigh Kelly -Cultúr Cainteoir 4: Canada Clancy - Cultúr
láthair , idirghníomhú cainte, úsáid na teicneolaíochta Ag screadáil – Tara Ludden Ag screadáíl – Emma Hanley O’Brien
gan fiú ar spraoi! Cúr I láthair – Tara Ludden Cur I láthar – Conor Bourke
Críoch - Emma Ryan Críoch – Isabelle Power
Comghairdeas gach duine - seo a leanas an foireann. **Ríomhaire –Conor Bourke Ms S.Ware – Roinn na Gaeilge

LCVP students
Five second year students recently raised funds for Respond , a charity support local charity
which supports the homeless. The students put together two Valentine
day hampers and sold tickets in the week coming up to the 14th Febru- Ms. Foley’s year LCVP group held a bake sale in
ary. Jay Quirke, Niall Power, Oliwia Pastuszka, Carly Moran and Celine aid of Milford Hospice on Wednesday 27th in the
Connors raised €113.20 for the worthwhile cause. Our thanks to all staff room at small break and in the GPA at lunch.
who supported and also to volunteer Bridget Moran who spoke to the They raised €230. Support and donations were
class about the work that Respond does. greatly appreciated.
I WISH Conference
On Thursday, 7th of February, a group of 30 female students accompanied by their teachers, Ms Carew & Ms O’Driscoll at-
tended the I WISH conference in Cork City Hall. The I WISH is an initiative to inspire, encourage and motivate young female
students to pursue careers in STEM (Science, Technol-
ogy, Engineering & Maths). I WISH (Inspiring Women in
Stem) features a conference and interactive exhibitions.
The conference also features workshops, daily keynotes
and engaging talks by women and men who have seen
the opportunities for a great career in STEM.
We listened to incredibly powerful inspiring speakers
such as the MC Sinead Kennedy from RTE, one of the
IWISH founders Gillian Keating wo is a lawyer herself
on Choices, Chances & changes we can make to create
our own inspiring future. Others speakers such as Aine
Weldon from Qualcomm & Kathy Chou from VMWare
spoke on the impact Technology has on our lives. They
said that by 2030, experts have predicted that 80% of
all jobs will be in STEM related careers.
The panel discussion that followed was incredibly
interesting with women from careers such as Project
Engineers, VMWare Managers, Lecturers in Civil Engi-
neering & AIB Senior Branch Manager giving us advice
and a clear message to“Be your Authentic Self”.

After the talk we moved into the Exhibition Hall where

loads of companies were showcasing their products
& services. There was loads of technology such as VR
Glasses, robotics to medical advancements to research
projects and internships to chat to the companies
about. Overall, we all came home a lot more inspired
and excited about the future career prospects that lay
ahead of us…

Contact Details : Thomond Community College, Moylish Park, Limerick. Newsletter Coordinator: Mr. O’Connor
Phone: 061 - 452422 Printed by: Limerick Printing 061 - 422 300
The Thomond Times
March Edition 2019

My week at The Bar of Ireland

The Year Ahead
I was very excited when I found
out that our school was being
Second Term offered the opportunity to send
Monday 9th January one student to The Bar of
2018 to Friday 12th Ireland for a week of work
April 2019 experience called Looking into
Law. I really wanted to take
Midterm 2 part in this course as I
Monday 18th February to
am almost 100% sure I want to
Friday 22nd February 2019
study law when I finish
School Closed second level education. I knew
Friday the 15th & Monday I couldn’t pass up an oppor-
the 18th of March tunity like this. I was ecstatic
when I heard that I had been
Multicultural Day selected to take part. This
Friday March 29th. course was either going to
make or break my career choice.
Easter Holidays
The course took on 100 TY pupils. On my first day, we were broken into groups of 5 and
All schools close on
Friday 12th April and
assigned a host barrister. We would shadow or barrister each day from 9:30am-1pm. I was
reopen fortunate enough to experience first-hand and learn many different sides of what goes into a
Monday 29th April 2019 case, the general process of how a case is initially planned, developed and completed; as well
as how much work and detail goes into every stage. Another valuable lesson I have learned
Third Term during this week, were the many different types of work a barrister has to perform, which in
Monday 29th April turn, have provided me with more insight into the different types of roles and responsibilities
to Friday 31st May 2019
that I could perform, as a barrister. I really enjoyed visiting the different courts like the Crimi-
School Closed
Monday the 6th of May
nal Courts of Justice and The Four courts. We got to listen to some really interesting court
cases such as the Slurry tank murder trial. We also sat in on some boring cases about unpaid
State Examinations parking tickets and not having a T.V. Licence; this allowed me to see both the glamourous and
Wednesday 5th June the monotonous side of a career at The Bar.

Parent Teacher Meetings I also enjoyed chatting with my class mates about what college or profession we are all look-
ing into after school. The chance to get to know other students from all over the country who
1st Year
have a similar interest in law really helped me by giving me insight into why others would
Meeting be interested in such a career, hence allowing me to become aware of the pros and cons I may
Thursday 28th February not have previously considered. We received a number of talks, including talks from a defence
2.30 - 5.00 solicitor, members of the Garda Siochana and the DPP, a legal affairs correspondent and even
a judge! My favourite was the talk from the DPP. Personally this talk scared me out of doing
3rd Year & anything considered “bad”. I’m assuming that was the point. I really liked this talk as it was the
6th Year Meeting most engaging. It gave me a real idea of how the legal system in Ireland works and I found it
Thursday 21st March extremely interesting, even compelling.
2.30 - 5.00

I collected information I wouldn’t have been able to find online. We heard empirical stories of
how so many barristers and solicitors made it to where they are today. How they built their
careers and we got to hear their personal thoughts and opinions. I thought this was amazing as
so many of us would probably never have gotten the opportunity to do so at such early stages
of building our future careers. This Law programme was an incredibly rewarding experi-
ence for me. I think that this course was a magnificent idea and was extremely beneficial to all
involved. I also believe that a course of this type would be advantageous to all future students
who are interested in or curious about a career at The Bar, or in law in general.
Don’t forget to follow I cannot express enough how grateful I am for being given this opportunity. Thank you for
Thomond Community taking the time to set up a programme like this to help and educate children like myself who
College on Social Media are interested in law. I sincerely appreciate the time and effort that had to be put in to make it
to stay up to date with all happen. Thank you!
all the latest
news and events Katelynn O’Byrne-Troy
Seachtain Na Gaeilge
Tugann Seachtain na Gaeilge BAIN TRIAIL AS DO CHUID Imeachtaí na seachtaine;
deis dúinn úsáid a bhaint as an GAEILGE - IS LEOR BEIRTE
nGaeilge.Feile idirnáisiúnta í IT JUST TAKES TWO. • Biongó
Seachtain na Gaeilge.Is é aidhm • Tráth na gceist
na féile ná an Ghaeilge a chur • Léirmheas leabhar
chun cinn in Éirinn agus ar fud an • Ciorcal comhrá
domhain. • Seisiún ceoil thraidisiúnta
Is teanga bheo bheathach í an • Liricí agus aistriúcháin
Ghaeilge .Is féidir linn í a úsáid I amhráin
mbealach nádúrtha inár saolta • Cuairt ó seanachaí
laethúil.Ní amháin sa seomra • Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine
ranga ach taobh amuigh de thim- I mbliana chuir Cór na Scoile tús • Lá Glas
peallacht an tseomra ranga.Ní gá oifigiúil le Seachtain na Gaeilge
bheith líofa le sult a bhaint as an nuair a chan said Amhrán na
teanga agus cultúr . bhFiann.Ansin thug Ryan O
Donoghoue rendition speisialta Fuair daltaí na chéad bhliana
dúinn of THE FOGGY DEW ar bronntanais dlúthdiosca ceol
Bain triail aisti - Surprise Yourself! an fheadóg stáin.Go raibh mile 2018 le hEoghan Mc Dermott.
maith agaibh.
Buaiteoirí le linn na seachtaine ná;
Chloe Cleary,Magda Maj,Angel Kinsealla,Danny
David Cronin and Abbie Murrihy.
Amira Garba and Amber Kileen
Orestis Smailis and Lucy Ryan
Tommy Fitz and Bernice Quilligan
Paulina Pastuszka and Martina Pembroke
Kate Price and Leeanne Tsang

Ms S Ware. Roinn na Gaeilge

Mairín Mhic Lochlain - Seannachaí sa Leabharlann

Mairín Mhic Lochlain, a Seannachaí
from Galway came to visit the library
to tell us gentle and magical stories
through Irish and English. We had
a lovely relaxing days listening to
tales about mermaids, fairies and the
legends of

Fionn mac Cumhaill. It was a great

way to end Seachtain na Gaeilge and
we hope that Mairín comes back to
visit us again soon!
Jane Bingham-Shee

Engineers Week Article 2019

Engineers Week brings the fascinating world of engineering to life in communities nationwide, inspiring children and
young adults to engineer the Ireland of tomorrow. A recent survey undertaken by Engineers Ireland predicts over 6,000
jobs in the sector next year. To meet the talent demands of Irelands project 2040 ambitions we need skilled engineers and
as a result are urging more young people to consider a career in engineering. Showcasing engineering as a diverse career
choice, Thomond Community College, organised a week-long of events for the 1st years and TY’s as well as local primary
school students from Corpus Christi and Thomond National School. Workshops held were Rocket building, Scribble Robots,
Microbits with Alice in Wonderland themed Hats and Secret Doors, Spaghetti and Marshmallow Tower Structures and Lego
Mindstorm Robot Maze. Students were then treated to afternoon movie showings of “DREAM BIG: Engineering Our World”.
From the Great Wall of China and the world’s tallest buildings to underwater robots, solar cars and smart, sustainable cit-
ies, Dream Big celebrates the human ingenuity behind engineering marvels big and small, and shows how engineers push
the limits of innovation in unexpected and amazing ways.

With its inspiring stories of human grit and aspiration, Dream Big reveals the compassion and creativity that drive engi-
neers to create better lives for people and a more sustainable future for us all. Big thanks to our Engineering & IT Depart-
ments - Ms O’Driscoll, Ms Nally, Ms Carew, Mr O’Connell, Mr Hennessy and Mr Doody for organising these workshops for
A group of Transition and Fifth Year students has a fabulous day in Northern Trust thanks to Heather Hamilton,
Vice President, Global Training Manager and all the staff in NT who went to so much trouble to make the day educational and
really enjoyable. We got a great insight into the variety of careers accountants do. In Northern Trust they look after Wealth
Management and Asset Management for companies and very rich people (You must have at least €20 million before being
accepted as an NT client). We all got a delicious lunch courtesy of NT, lots of snacks and refreshments all day.

We all very much enjoyed a Dragon Den style Entrepreneurial Skills Competition where the students had to design a product
for sale at a music festival. All teams then had to present their idea to three Senior Management Judges from NT. Michele
Foley - Senior Vice President, Head of Alternative Investment Services, James Murphy - Senior Vice President, EMEA Finan-
cial Controller and James Mahon - Senior Vice President, Head of Ireland Financial Reporting. The winning team is pictured,
Sarah, Katelynn, Rebecca, Jordan and Ciara and they designed a SAFE CUP which detects drugs and can warn you that your
drink has been spiked! Generous prizes were awarded and indeed everyone got some nice memorabilia of a great day. Some
other staff of NT, Adam McGrath, James Hall and Claire McMahon kindly volunteered to give up some of their working day to
sit with the students and give their insights into their roles within Northern Trust.

Mr. Kelly and Ms. O’Sullivan were really appreciative of the great effort by Heather and all her team in Norther Trust to
ensure we had a very good day with the company. It was a very worthwhile visit and gave the entire group who participated
a much better insight into the business world and into accounting in particular.

Table Tennis Champion

Basketball Success

OKeeffe Olenga recently competed in the

Munster Table Tennis Championships finishing
runner up and receiving a silver medal for his
accomplishments. OKeeffe will compete again Our first year girls had wins over Educate Together and Gael Colaiste.
in the Munster Championships at the end of The girls never gave up from start to finish. Their determination and
March. Best of Luck OKeeffe. dedication shone through. #GOTCC
Dr Tara Connolly School Visit

Dr. Tara Connolly visited the school this month and demonstrated how to stitch using bananas to mimic the
texture of human skin. A very interesting lesson for all the students involved.

Junior Rugby going from strength to strength

Our Junior Rugby team who beat St. Munchin’s recently in a challenge match. They will now go on to play in Thomond Park.
A great display of sportsmanship & young talent from all.
Multicultural Day in Caherdavin
On Friday, the 7th of March, a
delegation from Thomond attended
Caherdavin Boy’s MultiCultural day.
They had a lovely time sampling the
food and chatting to the students
representing the many different
Students from there will come to our
Multicultural Day to sing in the
afternoon concert.

Students from Thomond Community College pictured with Multicultural Day Organiser Ms. Siobhan Conway.
Thomond Community College Multicultural Day 2019 was held Friday, March 29th and there were plenty of colourful
photo opportunities available with participating students in national costume. Richard Lynch was honoured to be the
Master of Ceremonies again for the eighth consecutive year. Previously, the event was held at the Salesians School before it
closed three years ago and every year the event is organised by an amazing teacher named Siobhan Conway.

Thomond Community College Multicultural Day 2019 was a hugely worthwhile, inclusive event, which gave each and every
student the opportunity to showcase their home nation and educate their fellow students. To see the pride of students in
their native traditions and language is just wonderful. So many students can truly find a voice through this event and all in
attendance, students, staff, parents, and guests, learned so much – it truly is an education for all. The day created a real op-
portunity to celebrate both diversity and integration.

Teacher Siobhan Conway said, “Thomond Community College Multicultural Day 2019 gave a well-deserved forum to the
citizens of the new Ireland, and a real opportunity to share heritage. This is a unique event across the schools of the Limerick-
Clare E.T.B., and indeed further afield, attracting praise from Limerick migrant rights organisation Doras Luimni over the
years. This initiative was running for almost 10 years in Salesian Secondary School and was called Salesians Multicultural
Day– Integration through Education. Following amalgamation and the establishment of Thomond Community College in Sep-
tember 2016, there was no hesitation in continuing with an event of such enormous popularity and previous success. At a time
when it was never more important to demonstrate leadership in integration this event really is a worthwhile initiative.”

Countries that were showcased at Thomond Community College Multicultural Day 2019 include Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Lithuania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Morroco, South Africa, Poland, Nigeria, The Congo, The USA, and Syria to name just a few! Each
country had a visual display of all that makes their individual cultures unique and interesting, including fun facts, history
and weather information. Many of the students also wore traditional costumes for the day. Delicious food, prepared and
cooked by the students and their families, further reflected the intercultural theme.

An afternoon of international music and dance attended by the whole school brought the celebrations to an end. The
afternoon’s acts included members of the Rusangano Family as part of Music Generation Limerick, trad group Gale Force,
dancer Tara Ludden and singer Michelle Grimes accompanied by the school choir.
World Book Day

On Thursday 7th March, Thomond Community College celebrated World Book Day in a very fancy way with both
teachers and students coming in to school in fancy dress . World Book Day is the biggest celebration of books and reading
ever mounted in Ireland. The main aim is to encourage students to explore the pleasure of books and reading by providing
them with the opportunity to have a book of their own and to allow time for reading on the day. Each 1st and 2nd and 3rd
Year student received a special World Book Day book. Seven specially produced World Book Day books have been pub-
lished and again O’Mahony’s and Easons stock these books for just €1.50.

The day began with an extended assembly for 1st and 2nd, and 3rd Years, which included the distribution of WBD books
by the class prefects. Then Mayor Daniel Butler addressed the students and spoke about his love of reading and the
importance to your overall well-being of trying to read every day. Mayor Butler suggested that we all should close down
our screens and open a good book as reading is proven to reduce stress and increase relaxation. All our budding authors
and readers took part in the many competitions that were held over the course of the day -Design a Book Mark Competi-
tion, Write a Book Review and Design a Book Cover Competition. The day ended with a special DEAR, drop everything
and read which allowed all students and teachers time to read for a full class period. The highlight of the day was that all
students and teachers dressed up as their favourite book character so sightings of various literary characters became the
norm during the day ,even Mayor Daniel Butler came dressed as the Mayor! He was really impressed with the students and
appreciated that here in the school there is a great appetite for reading and various literacy initiatives. Both our JCSP Coor-
dinator and JCSP Librarian addressed the students .

Ms Toomey ,the JCSP Coordinator said. “You can’t expect to get better if you’re not going to read beyond your normal expecta-
tions of yourself. You need to kick start your reading because reading and writing go hand in hand. Reading is key.”
Ms Bingham Shee, the JCSP Librarian told the students that “the best way to be a good writer is to be a good reader”.
All the students involved deserve great credit for their behaviour and enthusiasm on the day.
Thanks to all for making World Book Day happen, a great response from students and staff.
Hopefully this is something they will try at home and keep reading. Ms Marie Toomey
Munster Make A Book Book Review Winners!

Well done to the students who recently attended the

Munster Make a Book Exhibition with Ms Bingham-Shee and The students of Thomond Community College were recently
Ms Toomey in the Woodlands Hotel, Adare. The students challenged to write reviews based on books they had
displayed the fabulous book that they had written and were borrowed from their school library. There were over 200
treated to a rap concert and lunch afterwards in the hotel. entries and the quality of the reviews was fantastic. Well
After the exhibition, we went for a walk around the done to all the students who won medals for their book
picturesque village of Adare and visited the museum in reviews. Ms. Bingham-Shee
Adare Heritage Centre. Ms. Bingham-Shee

Transitioning through the gears

On Wednesday, 20th March, Both TY classes got a day workshop learning how to drive, change a tyre, theory test practice
and try out their shooting skills while wearing Beer goggles. One of the highlights of the day was when Shannon Ryan was
driving and while thinking she was doing brilliant, stuttered the car causing it to shake and nearly destroying poor Niamh
Micks phone as she tried to record the experience... Might need a few more driving lessons Shannon!! Overall everyone
thoroughly enjoyed the day and learned some valuable skills for when they turn 17! Ms O’Driscoll
Salmon’s Wake project

A cross cultural collaboration with TY students from Thomond Community School

and Grade 9 students from Ukaliusaq School in Nuuk, Greenland. The educational
programme educates the students on the building of a salmon fishing cot by
local Limerick traditional boat builders. When complete it will, as deck cargo
on the Limerick sailing ship Ilen, travel towards the West Coast of Greenland to
facilitate direct participation with river, sea and traditional craft communities. 15
lucky Transition years students were chosen to participate in the Angling Cot 3D
modelling workshop, facilitated by architect Gerard Walsh. Most enjoyable part
of the day was with the arrival of our boatmen, Tony Daly and Liam O’Donoghue.
Students got to take home their 3D model made after a very educational day out at
the FABLAB in the city. Ms. O’Driscoll
Students compete in 4K Trail Run

On the 20th of March, a number of first years took part in the ETB annual 4k trial run at Lee’s Road Park in Ennis.
Michael Dike and Jake Kelleher finished 4th and 5th, whilst Grace O’Halloran finished a very impressive 1st place by
completing the 4k in 21 minutes.

Planting the Seed Orienteering in Kilfinane

Little Shop of Horrors has been settled upon as next years

school musical production.
Construction of props is already underway in what will
prove to be a monster production and exciting musical to Second Year students orienteering at Kilfinane Outdoor
bring to the stage. Education & Training Centre as part of their CBA in PE.
Contact Details : Thomond Community College, Moylish Park, Limerick. Special thanks to Richard Lynch & Orla McLaughlin from for Newsletter Coordinator: Mr. O’Connor
Phone: 061 - 452422 additional photographs and article used in Multicultural Day section. Printed by: Limerick Printing 061 - 422 300
The Thomond Times
April Edition 2019

School Tour to Barcelona

The Year Ahead

Second Term
Monday 9th January
2018 to Friday 12th
April 2019

Midterm 2
Monday 18th February to
Friday 22nd February 2019

School Closed
Friday the 15th & Monday
the 18th of March

Multicultural Day
Friday March 29th.

Easter Holidays
All schools close on
Friday 12th April and
reopen On the 10th of April 2019 students from Thomond Community College went on a school tour
Monday 29th April 2019 to Barcelona, Spain. We started our school tour with a bus up to Dublin airport at 01:00am,
and arrived in terminal 1 at about 03:30am. We boarded Ryanair flight FR6875 to Barcelona
Third Term at 06:00am and took off at 06:15. We landed at about 09:45 in Barcelona and met up with our
Monday 29th April bus tour service, Eros Travel. The group was than dropped off at the Maremagnum Shopping
to Friday 31st May 2019 Centre featuring shops from popular brands such as Adidas, McDonalds, Jack and Jones and so
School Closed on. The group got to go around shopping for an hour and a half then gathered back together to
Monday the 6th of May
board our bus to go on a tour of the beautiful city. After this we drove to the Calypso Medplaya
State Examinations
Hotel where we stayed for 3 nights.
Wednesday 5th June
The second day we had an amazing day at Port Aventura theme park. It was filled with amaz-
Parent Teacher Meetings ing rides, shows and shops filled with souvenirs. We were collected at 18:30 by our bus and
2019 transferred to the hotel for our evening meal than escorted to Bowling Diverland Vila Seca
at 20:30 for an hour and then stayed over night at our reservation. The third day we went to
1st Year the Sagrada Familia, which was designed by the architect Gaudi and will be fully constructed
Meeting by 2026. We went through security and went inside to see this beautiful, incredible piece of
Thursday 28th February architecture. In the afternoon we visited Montserrat monastery home of the La Moreneta or
2.30 - 5.00
Black Virgin. We were then transferred back to the hotel for our evening meal. At 19:00 we
3rd Year &
walked down to the to the House of Illusions which was a 15 minute walk from the hotel. It
6th Year Meeting was a very funny and entertaining show that was enjoyed by everyone there. We then made
Thursday 21st March our way back to the hotel for our last night.
2.30 - 5.00
On our fourth and final day we went around Salou and were able to go to beach and the pool
at the hotel. We were collected by our bus and escorted to the CosmoCaixa Science Museum
which was a fascinating interactive experience
We traveled home that evening after an amazing trip where I made new friends, learnt a lot
and had lots of laughs. The teachers were great fun too!!
Luca Conte 2nd year Ash

An alternative view from another student

Don’t forget to follow
The funniest moment I remember on our school trip to Spain was when we were on the plane
Thomond Community and there was turbulence and I decided to go toilet. So when I went to close the door the
College on Social Media to whole plane started shaking and I couldn’t lock the door so I panicked and got out and the
stay up to date with flight attendant started laughing at me. I ran as fast as l could while everyone was watching
all the latest me. The plane was rocking and I was rushing to my seat trying not to fall over. That was one of
news and events many funny memories I have of the trip to Salou. Photos on following page...
Fundraising and Raising awareness for Limerick Suicide Watch
Mrs Anslow’s 5th Year LCVP class fundraised as part
of their course. There were four groups and each did
different events- a guess how many jellies in the jar,
a bake sale in the GPA, a sweet sale in the GPA and
a bake sale in the staffroom. They raised 53.80 euro
for Milford Hospice and 255.95 euro for Limerick
Suicide Watch. The Chairperson of Limerick Suicide
Watch Colm came in with the treasurer Yvonne to
collect the money. Limerick Suicide Watch were
established in 2016 and they do patrols 4nights per
week and also patrol for other events such as exam
results nights, college nights out and Christmas night
etc. Patrols are done by members on foot and by bike.
They wear bright orange jackets with personal flota-
tion devices and they bring with them throw bags, first aid kits, defibrillator and other safety equip-
ment. They also have two way radios to communicate with each other. It costs 40,000 euro a year for
equipment and training. Currently there are 70 people volunteering and we are grateful for their kind-
ness and for giving up their time to care for others. We could all learn from their great example. Visit to find out more details about where to get help and also information
on their new downloadable app that makes accessing help easier.

Limerick Animal Welfare Visit

On the 8th of April, 2 Oak visited Limerick Animal Welfare to learn about their work rescuing and rehoming dogs, cats,
rabbits, horses and many other animals. They attended a presentation and got a tour of the facilities, meeting all the
animals on site in what proved to be a very educational tour. Before leaving, the class made a donation with money they
raised as a class for Limerick Animal Welfare.
Study Workshop
This month Leaving Cert Students and Ms.Ware took part in a study skills workshop.
The aim of this session was to assist students in learning how to : Set realistic goals
and targets, Find which note making style best suits their individual learning style,
provide realistic practical advice to help assist students to achieve in their leaving
certificate. A productive day was had by all. Here are some of the comments following
the session.
• “I think that the study skills workshop helped us a lot. We learnt some practical skills
to help study successfully as we are only weeks away from our leaving cert” – Abby
• “I think the study skills workshop gave me a lot of good tips in regards to retaining
information and note making. It was a great opportunity to improve on time effec-
tive revision close to exams” – Raissa Pululu
• “I think the study skills workshop made me aware of getting something out of every
study session” – Jasmine Rush

Thanks to all who took part and to Ms. O Brien for supporting this.

Thomond Park Outing

Our Junior rugby team who recently took part in a blitz had held at Thomond Park,
reaching the semi final of the emerging schools Munster competition.
LCETB Sports day
Farewell Our Friend
Our world stood still on that April
When the news broke of your passing,
our hearts they were torn.

We held one another to get through the

We talked of your smile and the things
you would say.

We commented on suit jackets and how

you were always well dressed,
We remembered the laughs and the
jokes, oh how we were blessed.

Our hearts they are breaking and the tears they do fall,
When we think of the gentleman, the scholar, the friend to us all.

Your memory will live on in Thomond C.C.,

Well done to all our students today who participated
Michael, our friend you will always be.
in the LCETB sports day at the UL track.
Contact Details : Thomond Community College, Moylish Park, Limerick. Newsletter Coordinator: Mr. O’Connor
Phone: 061 - 452422 Website: Printed by: Limerick Printing - 061 - 422 300
The Thomond Times
May Edition 2019

A Perfect Year
The Year Ahead

Second Term
Monday 9th January
2018 to Friday 12th
April 2019

Midterm 2
Monday 18th February to
Friday 22nd February 2019

School Closed
Friday the 15th & Monday
the 18th of March

Multicultural Day
Friday March 29th.

Easter Holidays
All schools close on
Friday 12th April and
Monday 29th April 2019

Third Term The following students (Sara Chan, Katie Forde, Alan Hastings, Joshua Ikponmwosa, Nikola
Monday 29th April Kasperek, Muhammad Khizar, Anna Linehan, Nixon Pululu, Siobhan Rogan, Tia Williams,
to Friday 31st May 2019
Christopher Fitzgerald, Michael Meehan and Sinead Rogan) achieved perfect attendance since
September. This achievement was recognised at an attendance award ceremony on Friday
School Closed May 3rd at 9am. All junior students received a JCSP attendance certificate, whilst all students
Monday the 27th of May received a gift voucher for their accomplishment.
State Examinations
Wednesday 5th June
A group of 5th year
Business In The Community Awards
Parent Teacher Meetings students took part in
2019 the Business in the
Community again this
3rd Year & year with LIT with
6th Year Meeting
their teachers Ms.
Thursday 21st March
2.30 - 5.00
O’Sullivan, Ms. Foley
and Ms. Nicholas.
The students had 4
visits to LIT where
they learned about
CV preparation and
how to apply for jobs,
presentation skills and
finally interview skills
where they did a mock
interview and staff
from LIT interviewed
Don’t forget to follow It was a great success again this year and the students who took part really learned a lot of
Thomond Community valuable lifelong skills. Congratulations to the 3 winners from the mock interviews; Thomas
College on Social Media to Kerrigan, Sophie Boyce and Aiobhin McGee. Well done to all those involved. We would like to
stay up to date with thank Eleanor Walsh, the BITC coordinator, Mary Nash, the LIT Access Project Officer and
all the latest David McCarthy, Access Office, for all their organisation and coordinating the programme
news and events again this year.
First year pine taking part in Drama Workshops
Students in 1Pine are taking part in Drama Workshops in the
library with Limerick Actor Myles Breen to complement their
study of drama in English. Myles Breen is a familiar face to
many of the students as he has a role in the Christmas
Pantomime in UL every year.

The aim of the workshops are to develop listening, reading

comprehension, as well teamwork skills. During the work-
shops, the students gain confidence and expand their imagi-
nation as they engage in acting and writing their own scenes.
Drama is for everyone and the students and teachers are
really enjoying the workshops! Jane Bingham-Shee

Friendly Debating Competition

Well done to the second year debating team who had a great day of friendly debates in St Munchin’s on May 10th.
This friendly competition was kindly organised by St. Munchin’s teacher, Mr O’Connell.

Caitriona Rogen,Amy Roys and Isabelle Power opposed the motion: Batman would beat Spiderman in a fight. It was an
exciting debate about superheroes and Thomond won the debate. Orestis Smalis, John Hannon and Lucy Smyth proposed
the motion: Punishment is effective in secondary school. This was a very interesting debate and St Munchin’s won this one.
Afterwards, the Thomond and St Munchin’s students split into mixed groups of 6 students on each team and were given 15
minutes to prepare for debate. The debate topic was “Zoos should be banned”. We have no results for this because
unfortunately there was a fire drill after four students had spoken so we will never know whether we should ban zoos or
not! After the fire drill our bus arrived and we had to return to school.

We had a lovely day in St Munchin’s and we are already planning to host a similar debating competition and host them here
in September. Watch this space! Debating takes place every Thursday after school in the library with Ms Bingham-Shee.
If you are interested please come along and join us. Jane Bingham-Shee

Sports Day 2019

On the 17th of May, Thomond held its Sports Day. It was a fun filled day of activities and challenges for students including
races such as the girls and boys 50 and 100 metre sprint, 200 metre sprint and 400 metre relay race. The high jump, shot
putt, javelin throw, long jump, tennis ball throw and penalty shoot out were also on offer for students throughout the day.
The charity fund raiser event held during lunch break presented students with a chance to throw some water soaked
sponges at the staff at the ‘face in the hole’ board which proved to be very popular. Students also had the opportunity to
take part in sumo wrestling. MC for the day was none other than Mr. McAuley who kept everyone entertained with his witty
and comprehensive detailing of the days events. Presentations of medals took place in the afternoon before the final event
in which staff took on the Transition Year students in a Tug of War, with the staff emerging victorious.
A great day of activities with fantastic weather an added bonus.

We’d like to acknowledge the fantastic work of Mr. Barr and the PE Dept for the organisation and running of the event,
which was a huge success and thoroughly enjoyed by all the school community.
Engineers Week

Engineers Week brings the fascinating world of engineering to

life in communities nationwide, inspiring children and young
adults to engineer the Ireland of tomorrow. A recent survey
undertaken by Engineers Ireland predicts over 6,000 jobs in the
sector next year. To meet the talent demands of Irelands project
2040 ambitions we need skilled engineers and as a result are
urging more young people to consider a career in engineering.
Showcasing engineering as a diverse career choice, Thomond
Community College, organised a week-long of events for the 1st
years and TY’s as well as local primary school students from
Corpus Christi and Thomond National School. Workshops held
were Rocket building, Scribble Robots, Microbits with Alice
in Wonderland themed Hats and Secret Doors, Spaghetti and
Marshmallow Tower Structures and Lego Mindstorm Robot
Maze. Students were then treated to afternoon movie showings
of “DREAM BIG: Engineering Our World”. From the Great Wall
of China and the world’s tallest buildings to underwater robots,
solar cars and smart, sustainable cities, Dream Big celebrates the human ingenuity behind engineering marvels big and
small, and shows how engineers push the limits of innovation in unexpected and amazing ways. With its inspiring stories
of human grit and aspiration, Dream Big reveals the compassion and creativity that drive engineers to create better lives
for people and a more sustainable future for us all. Big thanks to our Engineering & IT Departments - Ms O’Driscoll, Ms
Nally, MS Carew, Mr O’Connell, Mr Hennessy and Mr Doody for organising these workshops for students.
Visit of Dr Tara Connolly
During March and May, Ms Dillion’s and Ms Waters 5th year Biology classes had a visit from Dr Tara Connolly a General
and Colorectal Surgeon from the University College Hospital Limerick.
Dr Connolly conducted a talk about her background and career path to surgery, which included a journey from Boston to
Limerick and from college life in Galway studying Arts to qualifying as a Surgeon. The presentation focused on the day
to day working life of Surgeons, Doctors and Nurses in University Hospital Limerick. Perhaps the most interesting part
of the visit for students was that they got to practice Surgical Suture (stitching to you and me) on some bananas (which
were used to mimic human skin). Dr Connolly supplied Suture kits for the students, who really embraced the opportunity
to first create incisions on the skin of the banana’s with a scalpel before beginning the process of stitching the skin back
together. Dr Connolly pleasantly surprised at the speed with which the students picked this skill up’
P.S. Dr Connolly assures us that all the bananas made a full recovery!


Robyn Cronin and Conor Bourke pictured with their yearhead

Ms. Conway and their haul of trophies which they won after
competing in an international dance competition in England
early in the year.

First Year Homework Club

End of Year Party

The First Year Homework Club had its end of year party in
the library. We had cakes and treats and celebrated a
successful year! The librarian thanked The School
Completion Programme for all their help in running this club
and also TY student Rebecca Crawford who has been volun-
teering with us for the last 2 years. Ms Patton congratulated
the students on their hard work studying and doing home-
work for the year and encouraged them to join the second
year homework club in September. The homework club runs Parents’ Art Class with tutor Ber Bourke. Thursday
for an hour after school every Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- mornings are proving to be a time of creativity up in the
day and is very popular with the students. It is a quiet space parents’ room with lovely paintings being produced in a
to study in a friendly supportive environment. relaxed setting. Christine (HSCL)
Students ‘ENGAGE’ with LIT Programme
The LIT ENGAGE Programme supports students’
transition to and retention in third level. On
each campus, student leaders will be
available to assist you providing:

• A welcoming and friendly face at the LIT

Welcome Hub / Student Desk
• Information about student services and
campus life
• Relevant updates on the ENGAGE programme
• Assistance with IT skills by delivering support
• Real time updates and supports on student
• Information & assistance with financial mat-
ters (i.e. referral to websites, online resources
and Fees and Grants)

Together with on-campus Student Leaders the

ENGAGE programme provides students with the
opportunity to actively engage in college life, et
to grips with their course, join a club or society,
become a volunteer and develop a personal toolkit to live a healthy balanced and enjoyable lifestyle. Each week is tailored
with different events to promote and support a positive start in LIT.

Graduation Group Photo 2019

We would like to wish all the graduating students all the best in their exams in June and in the next stage of their education.

Contact Details : Thomond Community College, Moylish Park, Limerick. Newsletter Coordinator: Mr. O’Connor
Phone: 061 - 452422 Website: Printed by: Limerick Printing - 061 - 422 300
The Thomond Times
Awards Edition 2019

1st Year Merit Cert Awards

Congratulations to all the 1st years who received merit certificate awards this week. They are pictured with their Yearhead
Ms. Patton , Class Tutors - (Ms. Toomey, Ms. Corr, Ms. O’Driscoll and Mr. Chawke) and Principal Ms. O’Brien. Congratulations
and well done to each student.

Ms. Bingham -Shee and Ms. O’Brien pictured with 1st year Ms. Conway (Multicultural Day Coordinator) pictured with 1st
students who won awards for the National JCSP Book Review year students Anna Linehan and Emilija Miller who won 1st
competition with Amber Killeen the overall National Winner. prize for their stand on France and French Culture.

Graduation Class of 2019

The graduation class of 2019 were joined by staff on Thursday, the 23rd of May for a BBQ
celebration in the school. They arrived in great spirits and shared some funny and
poignant moments with staff members as they prepared for the graduation ceremony on
Friday. The ceremony on Friday consisted of students reflecting on their time in Thomond
Community College with humour and gratitude and a pinch of sadness. The school choir
performed flawlessly throughout and were applauded by the many parents in attendance
whilst the principal, deputy principal, Yearhead and chaplain addressed the students,
reflecting on the past and offering words of encouragement and inspiration for the future.

The following pages are a small reflection of those moments...

2nd Year Merit Cert Awards

Second year students proudly displaying their merit certificates pictured with their Yearhead Ms. Conway, Deputy
Principal Ms. Hogan and Principal Ms. O’Brien. Congratulations and well done to each student.

3rd Year JCSP Awards

JCSP Award Student of the Year On Tuesday the 21st of May, third
year students received their JCSP
profile booklets. They are pictured
with their Yearhead Sr. B. O’Connell,
JCSP coordiantor Ms. Toomey, JCSP
librarian Ms. Bingham-Shee, Deputy
Principal Ms. Hogan Principal Ms.
O’Brien. Congratulations and well
done to each student.

Kate Yeung received the 3rd Year

‘Student of the Year’ Award whilst Tia
Williams received an award for her
entry in National JCSP Book Review
5th Year Merit Cert Awards

Fifth year students proudly displaying their merit certificates pictured with their Yearhead Mr. Corry , Class Tutors
(Ms. O’Brien, Ms. Ayers and Ms. Brennan), Deputy Principal Ms. Hogan and Principal Ms. O’Brien.
Congratulations and well done to each student.

Busy Bees get Thomond blossoming for the Summer

Niamh Ní Dhúill from the An Choill Bheag - Growing Habitats in School initiative of Learning about Forests (LEAF) worked
with our green fingered second year students. They have now begun to create a Pollinator area in which bees are
encouraged to feed on the newly planted wild flowers. They also took part in various exercises to identify trees and their
leaves. The students had a wonderful time getting their hands dirty.
Contact Details : Thomond Community College, Moylish Park, Limerick. Newsletter Coordinator: Mr. O’Connor
Phone: 061 - 452422 Website: Printed by: Limerick Printing - 061 - 422 300

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