Chapter 2: System Setup

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Chapter 2: System Setup

2. Click Get Authorization Code.

3. If connected to the Internet, use Option 1 to obtain authorization over the Internet. (Note that if behind a
firewall, this option may not work.)
Click the Internet button, enter the contact information, and click OK. Text must be entered in all of the

4. If not connected to the Internet, or if the Internet authorization fails, use Option 2 to obtain authorization.
If possible, it is best to remain in front of the computer when contacting NOV CTES.
Contact NOV CTES and supply the Authorization Code on the screen. Enter the corresponding Access
Key provided and click Verify.

14 NOV CTES Cerberus 11.5 User Guide

Chapter 2: System Setup

Using Cerberus Setup

To Change Cerberus Setup

1. On the Options menu, select Cerberus Setup....

The Cerberus Setup display screen contains four tabs.

2. Within the General tab, check/toggle the associated boxes to achieve the described effect:
• Use last string/reel/well/tool as default – automatically selects the last item viewed by the user
upon next startup.
• Enable automatic customer feedback – activates customer-feedback management, allowing, after
182 days, a form to appear upon Cerberus startup.
• Within the form, enter contact information and click Yes to send feedback information – in the
form of a Cerberus usage datalog – to NOV CTES.

• Within the form, click No to automatically deselect the checkbox. No information is sent to
NOV CTES, unless the user re-checks the box.

• Within the form, click Later to close the feedback information dialog. The form will again
appear when the user re-opens Cerberus.
• Enable Watch Dog – The Cerberus Watch Dog displays a warning if a string, reel, well, or tool is
selected that is incompatible with another existing selection. Example: the string is too long for the
reel. (Click Tip to see a message similar to this one.)
• Enable Heave Calculations – Heave calculations estimate the additional fatigue due to coiled tub-

Cerberus 11.5 User Guide NOV CTES 15

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