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Danielle Evans

Introduction (TOTAL TIME FOR THE INTRODUCTION– 1 minute)
I. Attention-getting device:

Remember the Disney Movie dumbo? For those of you too young, the movie dumbo was
Personal credibility:

I have been in the early childhood field for over 5 years know and one of the most
important lessons I learned was about empowerment.

I believe that empowering the young child is vital for their success and place in the world. And it
is our jobs as adults, parents, teachers, to do so in order for them to become their best selves. To
do it, we have to relinquish some of our control.

Preview of main points:

Today, I will like to talk to you about early childhood empowerment . What it is, what it looks
like, why its so important and give some examples of how to do it.

Transitional word or phrase:

Discussion (Body of the Speech) (TOTAL TIME FOR ALL 3 MAIN POINTS– 5-6 minutes)
II. Main Point #1: What is empowerment? What does it look like?

A. The oxford Dictionary definition: “The process of becoming stronger, more

confident, especially in controlling one’s life & one’s rights”

1. Children have rights too, their human, everyone wants a sense of

B. Give synopsis of Dumbo movie & say that’s what empowerment looks like in
children. Lighting the spark inside of them that’s already there, so they can

Transitional word or phrase: Furthermore,

III. Main Point #2: Why is it important?

A. Psychologist Daniel Goleman estimates that Intellectual IQ only makes up 20% of

life factors that determine success. But your emotional IQ, how you react & respond
Danielle Evans
to situations, and include other factors such as motivation, perseverance, coping and
impulse control are key factors to your success.

B. When we empower young child, we create critical thinkers, confident learners who
become the future leaders of the world.

Transitional word or phrase: For these reasons,

IV. Main Point #3: How can we empower our children during their early

A. Lead by example. Give example of EJ & Yolanda’s conversation about grades &
highlight response & reflection

B. Involving children in decision making.

1. Example of me & EJ creating house rules; highlight collaboration & critical



V. Cue the ending:

Summarize main points:

Call to action:
I encourage you to relinquish some

Leave a lasting impression:

We all want the same for our children. To be . But you don’t get there by just “going with the
flow, day by day”. You get there by taking the time, making the concous decision to plant the
seeds, till the soil, mend the roots to guide your children. And you don’t do so by contolling

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