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2017 18-Day Campaign To End VAW

Proposed VAW activity for agencies


VAW: The Unspoken Words

“VAW: The Unspoken Words” is one of the lined-up activities for the 2017 18-Day
Campaign To End VAW.

Using free-verse poetry and images, the project aims to make the public understand the
difficult experiences of VAW victim-survivors.

Five videos narrating various forms of VAW will be presented which include VAW in the
Home, VAW in the Workplace, VAW in the School, VAW in Public Spaces and Online
Harassment. It is hoped that these videos will develop compassion and concern towards
the victim-survivors.


I. Venue and facilities

 Closed venue (auditorium, function room or hall)

II. Facilitator
 Resource Speaker on Violence Against Women
 Speaker’s Guide
 Guide Questionnaires

III. Equipment and Supplies

 Laptop and Projector
 Audio Equipment/Speakers or amplifiers
 Pen and paper for the participants
 Notepads/Post-its
 Panel boards for commitment setting

IV. Time requirement

 Estimated 4-5 hours, depending on the topics which the agency would
like to cover

V. IEC materials
 Please see program for guide


I. Preliminaries
 All-women cast Lupang Hinirang Video
 Opening Remarks or Welcome Message
 Overview on VAW and 18-Day Campaign To End VAW

II. VAW in the home

 Play the VAW in the home: The Unspoken Words
 Reflection
 Q&A

III. VAW in schools and workplaces

 Play the VAW in the school and workplaces videos
 Reflection
 Q&A

IV. VAW in public places

 Play the VAW in public places: The Unspoken Words

 Reflection
 Q&A

V. Online Harassment/VAW in the Digital Media

 Play the video on VAW in the Digital Media
 Reflection
 Q&A

VI. Where to seek help?

 Show the PowerPoint presentation on where to seek help
 Q&A

VII. Commitment Setting

 Play the “We Can Be Violence-Free” Video
 Writing of commitments and posting in commitment wall

Guide Questions for Reflection:

VAW in home

 Was there ever a time when you felt that your partner violated you? In what
 Do you know someone who is a victim of VAW?
 If you were in her shoes, what would you do?
 What can you to eliminate VAW in homes?

VAW in school and workplaces

 What would you if you were in the shoes of the victim?
 How can you help victims of VAW?

VAW in public places

 Has the video changed the way you view the day-to-day struggles of Filipino
women? In what way?
 How can you help victims of VAW in public places?
 If you were in her shoes, what would you do?

Online Harassment
 Have you experienced harassment made via electronic media?
 If you were in her shoes, what would you do?
 What can you do to help victims of online harassment?

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