Lesson Plan 5 - 2br02b

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Lesson Plan 5: 2BR02B

UTL 640E Mei Knuth

Paul Meadows / AISD ELAR Pre-AP / 9th
Date: April 15, 2019 Teach(es) #8
Class Period & Time: Period 1, 9 am
Note: Reflections 1 and 2 are due within 72 hours of teaches 3 and 6, respectively. Reflection 3 is due within 7 days
of the final teach.

Lesson Frame:
- Today we will read the short story “2BR02B” by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. and perform
group research on a topic relevant to the story in order to gain a deeper
understanding of the reading.
Companion Concluding Task(s)
- I will read the short story “2BR02B” and compose two questions for before, during,
and after reading the piece. Afterwards, I will conduct research on a chosen topic
that is relevant to the story “2BR02B” and present data in a 3-4 minute panel

Unit Connection—Enduring Understanding(s) & Essential Question(s):

o Global EU: While utopias present us with a view of a perfect and unattainable world,
dystopias present plausible utopias that are gained through usually horrific costs.
o EQ:
a. What is a dystopia? (f)
b. What is a utopia? (f)
c. What forces prevent society from achieving a utopia? (c )
d. Is a utopian society attainable? (p)
e. Is the society described in “2BR02B” a utopia or dystopia? (p)
f. Should society continually strive toward a utopia? (p)

TEKS/SEs Addressed in the Lesson:

(4) Comprehension skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using
multiple texts. The student uses metacognitive skills to both develop and deepen
comprehension of increasingly complex texts. The student is expected to:
(A) establish purpose for reading assigned and self-selected texts;
(B) generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen
understanding and gain information;
(E) make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society;
(F) make inferences and use evidence to support understanding;
A. “TO DO” before the day of the lesson:
o Print handouts
B. For the lesson itself:
o Place signs on four corners of the room to indicate which response it represents
o Place 5 chairs in the front of the room for presentations

Steps in Lesson:
ENGAGEMENT— ~10 minutes
What the TEACHER will do / say— What the STUDENTS will do—
o Before the lesson begins, the teacher will
place a sign in each four corners of the room o Students will listen to the instructions that
(the door, the back table, the teacher’s desk, the teacher gives out
and the rocking chair). The signs will read: o Possible questions:
a. “STRONGLY AGREE” a. What if I can’t move that well?
b. “SOMEWHAT AGREE” ▪ If you are unable to move
c. “STRONGLY DISAGREE” due to medical reasons you
d. “SOMEWHAT DISAGREE” are welcome to stay at your
o “Today our opening activity is going to table and use these signs to
require some movement so don’t get too convey which corner you
comfortable at your tables!” would stand in
o “In this activity, I’m going to read a series of b. What if I’m torn between two
statements that will also be projected on the answers?
board. Based on your personal beliefs, you ▪ Choose the answer that you
are going to stand in the corner that best are most drawn to
reflects your response to each statement.”
o “This corner (the one closest to the door)
will be for those who STRONGLY AGREE to
the statement. This corner (the one by the
rocking chair) is for those who STRONGLY
DISAGREE. This corner (the one by the back
table) will be for those who SOMEWHAT
AGREE. This corner (the one by Mr.
Meadows desk) will be for those who
SOMEWHAT DISAGREE. As you’ve probably
already noticed, there are signs placed to
indicate each corner.”
o “If for some reason, you cannot move o Students will move to a corner according to
around a lot for medical reasons, you may their response to each of the statements
remain at your table and use these signs to presented by the teacher
indicate your response.”
o The teacher will hand out signs to students
who are immobilized due to injury or other
o ”You will have about 20 seconds to decide
where to go and move to the designated
area so please listen and pay attention
closely. If you’re unsure where to go based
on the statement please go to where you
identify with the MOST.”
o The teacher will project the statement as
well as a timer of 20 seconds for students to
keep track of the time they have to decide
their responses.
o Statements for this activity:
a. People are inherently good.
b. People share a common goal of
c. There is hope for humanity to one
day achieve total peace.

o After the students have gone to their corner o Groups that result from the response of the
in response to the final statement, final final statement will come up with a
groups will be tasked with creating their own definition of a utopia and share with the
definition/description of what a utopia looks class
like before sharing with the class. o Possible questions:
a. “Now in your current groups, talk to a. Do we need to write down the
one another and decide on a definitions we came up with?
definition for the term ‘utopia’” ▪ No, as long as you know
o The teacher will record these onto a Word what it is because I will be
Doc on the board asking so that I can record
b. Instead of a definition can we write
a description?
▪ Your definition may include
a description of what your
group thinks a utopia looks

STATE THE “WE WILL” OBJECTIVE following the engagement.

ACTIVE LEARNING— 15 + 10 + 30 + 25 = 80 minutes

What the TEACHER will do / say— What the STUDENTS will do / may ask—

Introduce/Explore: 10-15 minutes

o Students will read 2BR02B and fill out the o Students will read the title of the short story
questions survey and record two questions on the reading
o Students will need to write 2 questions handout before beginning to read
before, during, and after reading o Students will write questions they have
a. “Now, turn to the reading we have while reading the story and record two of
today and read the title. After you them on the reading handout
read the title, go to your reading
handout and record 2 questions you o Students will write questions that are still
have about what you are about to remaining after reading the short story and
read.” record them on the reading handout
b. “When you’re done, start reading o Students will go back to their first four
the short story and make sure you questions from before and during reading
record 2 questions you have during and attempt to answer them with their new
reading and 2 questions you have knowledge of the story
after reading. “
o After doing so, students will go back and
read it again, answering questions they o Students will share unanswered questions
wrote previously if possible with their group and attempt to come up
a. “When you’re done reading and with some answers through discussion.
writing your questions, go back and Afterwards, groups will reach a consensus on
try to answer some of your earlier a question they would like to share and
questions. Don’t be afraid to look share it with the class.
back at the text.”

Explain: 10 minutes
o Students will share their questions with their
groups members and discuss possible
answers to unanswered questions (~3 min) o Group will share their single most puzzling
a. “Now turn to your group and share question and students from other groups
the questions you came up with. will discuss and attempt to answer said
You don’t have to share all of them, question
you can choose your favorite one if
you want. “
o Groups will choose one question that
remains puzzling to share with the class and
the class will attempt to answer them (~5-7
a. “After you discuss you questions,
have you group choose one question
that remains puzzling that you’d like
to share with the class.”
o The teacher will record questions from
groups and possible answers from the class
discussion onto a Word Doc or PPT and act
as a scribe

o Apply/elaborate: 30 minutes
o Groups will pick a topic relating to 2BR02B o Students will decide on a topic to research as
and perform research. Students will a group. Once decided, a member of the
conclude their research with a brief group will go up to the board and write their
summary of how the research affected their name next to the topic of choice on the
interpretation of the story and provided new chalkboard.
insight as well as an answer to the EQ: o Possible students questions:
“Should society strive to form a utopia?” a. Can two groups present on the same
o The teacher will have all six possible topics ▪ No, sorry! Topics are first
for research written on the chalkboard. come first serve.
o “Your group will participate in research for b. How long will the presentation need
one of the following topics: to be?
1. Etymology (dystopia, eutopia, ▪ Your presentation should be
utopia) 3-4 minutes long and will
2. History of Gas Chambers include time at the end for
3. Population Control in Countries questions by other groups
4. Overpopulation? c. Can we include a video in our
5. Art Analysis (the mural) presentation?
6. Adaptations ▪ Your presentation may
After your group has chosen a topic, have a include a short clip or
messenger from your group come up to the graphic or any multimedia
chalkboard and write their names next to the aspect but please be aware
subject your team chose.” of time constraints! Instead
● Students will begin working and of showing a whole video
researching their topic you may just show a tiny
● The teacher will visit from group to clip.
group to check progress, answer
questions, and provide feedback on o Students will perform in-depth research on
student work their topic
o Students will organize a presentation where
they will present their findings and data as
well as their answer to the EQ and how the
research affected their interpretation of the
Evaluate: 25 minutes text.
● Students will present their 3-4 minute
presentation panel o Five chairs will situated in the front of the
● After each group has finished, audience room. Group members will sit in front of the
will be able to ask questions that class and share research findings as well as
panelists should attempt to answer answers to the two bold reading questions
based on research on their topic questions sheet
o After presenting, students will have an
opportunity to answer questions by their
student audience and answer what they can

What the TEACHER will do / say— What the STUDENTS will do—
o After students have concluded their o Students will return to their groups and
presentations, the teacher will ask groups to write a new definition for “utopia” based off
create a new definition of a utopia based on the presentations they watched
the findings shared in the student
o The created definitions will be turned in as
an exit ticket
o Time permitting, the teacher will compare
new statements of definitions for utopia to
the first set of definitions from the beginning
of class
*The concluding task, enabling students to execute the “I will” statement, will either fall within
‘apply/elaborate’ or ‘evaluate’ phase of active learning or function as the closure activity, depending.

Modifications/Differentiation Strategies:
o Individual differences: students with mobility issues can choose not to partake in the
opening activity and may remain in their seats and use signs to indicate their responses to
the statements
o Choice: Student groups choose their own topics for investigation

Evaluation Strategies:
o Participation - Students will participate in a kinesthetic activity in the beginning and
organize themselves into categories of moral beliefs
o Formative - Teacher will roam and visit groups to provide feedback and help
o Summative - Student presentations on their research

Notes/Recommendations for next time:


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