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The Lysinger Mertongue

and its speakers

舌ㄣㄌㄚ 爻父ㄋㄢ 疋白ㄤ

Séthela Síephoth´ñae Líeusea

Lysea, or Lyseland – or to be more correct – the Great Lysinger
氏面ㄍㄢ里ㄞ 大ㄚ疋白ㄋㄢ
Seáĭnae Sala'ei Líeus'ñae
Commonwealth - is a place in a Grimbright and largely unexplored, Great Lysinger Commonwealth
decadent fantasy Roman Empire-ish setting called the Cacophony. It
is spoken by the Lysinger HH̶iH̶gH̶hH̶ H̶EH̶lH̶vH̶eH̶sH̶ Merfolk and many of their

A not-so-short history of the Merkin

According to Merkin's (officially approved) Yorelore Legends, the original inhabitants of The
Cacophony – back then known as The Melody – were the ancestors of the Faekin. They lived in a
primordal, hierarchical, “natural” caste system where everyone had a “natural” place in life.
Nymphs tended the rivers, Dryads tended the woods, Haflings the hills, etc. But around ten to
fifteen thousand years ago, from the Void behind the Stars came the Drakekin, led by the demonic
Dragon Father. They took over parts of The Melody using forbidden knowledge and “uplifted”
various creatures into sentience. In response, eventually, arrived the Merkin to, from the Sun itself.
Skilled in Forbidden Knowledge, but using this for the benefit of The Bloom (“Dharma”), they
communicated with each others on plates of pure light, and had spears of pure light as well. A lot of
stuff happened that's to convoluted to describe here. But it all ended when the “True Dragon” Mizu
betrayed the Dragon Father and her beloved, the Merish folkhero Ĭunil, dropped the Spear of the
Gods over the Nest of the Dragon Father and caused a great volcano and an earthquake that killed
everything nearby including himself.

The Mer lost contact with their forbidden Knowledge. Around this time, humans arrived – but
their cousins, the NH̶eH̶aH̶nH̶dH̶eH̶rH̶tH̶hH̶aH̶lH̶sH̶ “Hikers” have probably been around in the margins of the known
world at least since Before Yoretide Prehistory. They arrived fleeing from a tyrannical king, they
say, thanks to portals opened by someone they claim was a “Warden” Guardian of this world. But
we know that is was a demon because they breed like rabbits and barren the earth.

The Mer settled in a warm place supposedly called “Qŭemeth” in the warm sandstrides deserts
in the far north and built pyramids and a civilisation there through their knowledge of Spellore. Alas
– three thousand years ago – a false prophet known as the Lanternmaker arrived and demanded that
all the Mer should become Gods themselves by killing themselves. He found another Spear of Gods
and detonated it, causing a prolonged winter. The majority – called Duskmer – descendents of
Merkin's traditional warrior caste - revered the Dusk instead of the Dawn, and took this as an
excuse to slaughter the righteous few who revered their real home – the Sun. The later had to flee
across the Great Sea, to the cold bogs and marshlands of the Southern Land. But one tribe – the
Starmakers – was deceived on the way by the mysterious Snakefolk. Thinking them to be
descendants of the True Dragon Mizu, they were enslaved on their island and forced to build false
Pyramids dedicated to evil gods.
But the spirits of their ancestors protected them, and Ĭunil was incarnated as the fair Meress Ìena
and through ill cunning she built a shrine to the True Dragon who summoned her as a mermale of
terrifying bodily strength. And through great spellcrafts (s)he sunk the land of the Snakefolk below
the tides and was killed in the process. And (s)he could enter the Heavens with her bellowed, having
repaid the debt.

These two, along with another, the loremaster Ĭína, have incarnated through the ages, and are known
as the “Triune Incarnations”, who made all other gods mere Saints. For to the Dawnmer, who
crossed the Great Sea and finally reached the Southern Continent, they were their true guidiance.
And Merkin became a blessing for all the margnialized broods, the duckkin, the goatkin, the hikers,
the gremlins, the catmer, the pupkin and the lizardkin, among others. For they had been
marginalized by the savage race of men. Merkin uplifted them and gave them their dignity back,
these fascinating “primitive” cultures, that stand so high over the savage male race of men and their
primitive urges.

They found other Merkin there who had build shirecraft civilization, but none who possessed
the secrets of iron, which they had learnt from the Snakekin. But Ìena had no daughter to pass on
her divine providence to (Mer culture is martilinear) but four sons of four fathers (drones) and four
different rulerminds. And (a lot of stuff happened, including a beloved wife who was a snake, who
was killed by alcohol by the cunning of the eeebil Elians) they expanded across the known world
and finally the descendants of Zena took over and became the Grand Princess, or Radiant One, the
true Small Incarnation, the daughter of heaven. But ruling over a folk who where men five to one,
one Radiant One gave several concessions to the lesser folk, including making tribefolk such as
Manmer Half-elves or Catmer Shirelings Citizens and invited them to the Commonwealthly
Chancery Government and all but the Eldermoot of the highest Ladies and Lords Spellers Wizards.
And so, even the cult of the devil Eli Hosios was invited to settle among our kin. But this demon
had his manservant “The Father” tell mankin to omit that they through their shorter lives, indeed
were a lesser race. And they forsake their Merguided vows of vegetarianism and righteousness of
females and went back to their primitive savage state, and burned the holy groves, the nymphs and
the groves. This Eli is said to have conquered other planes of existance, luring those who serve him
that they shall have eternal pleasure, and that all others shall have eternal suffering. But on this
plane, the “heathens”, empowered by their gods, defeated the Elians and made a museum of his
Great Temple. Some say that this Eli is the Dragon Father reincarnated himself, still on a quest for

That's kinda the official story. Others tell a story of a Merpeople who called themselves “Brood of
the Dawn” or “Children of the Sun” but started a blood civil war with the so called “Duskmer”
(who never really existed) back in Qŭemeth because they could not accept the Lanternmaker's
teachings of this existence being fundamentally flawed and wanted to live for ever. A people whose
leaders and later “gods” shamelessly allied themselves with various “eeebil” entities such as the
Dragon Father's remaining Lieutenants and later the false god Eli for their own benefit. Some say
that Eli was actively invited here to help the Triune Incarnations to rise even above the heavens, but
deceived them and later betrayed them to enslave new souls for himself. Some say that the actual
original home of Merkin was not the Sun but rather a place where a mad false god took “shards” of
the creative aspect of the universe and made carnal life... doomed to wish more of existence despite
its pains. Some even claim that The Cacophony itself is not an infinite flat disk at the bottom of
space but rather a star near a gigantic red disc in the heavens that is home to the Gods themselves,
one that can be seen if one ventures beyond the Deep South. Of course, such heretical superstitious
nonsense is not commonly tolerated in Líeusea. But whenever someone says that we're “not
tolerant”.. bah.. just reply “but the Elians..” lol.

Okay, So the Lysean Mantongue is represented here as Anglish, ie. English without Latin loan
words. Kinda. I'm not well versed in it. =P In any case, words that have a more exact meaning in
contemporary English are written in violet like this: Spellore Magic, Godlore Religion, Starlore
Astrology. Etc.

Stuff I had to think about when making this conlang:

⚘ This is an artlang. It's a work I've made for a story I'm writing for a course. The Mertongue is
not “logical” and what youtuber Biblaridion calls the diachronic approach, ie sort of “naturally”..
The feeling of something sounding “nice” takes precedent over things like “logic” or consistency.
The folks who use this language (or at least those who have a say...) officially holds such concepts
in contempt. Rationalism, streamlining, being generic etc. is viewed as human and male and CH̶rH̶yH̶sH̶tH̶aH̶lH̶ H̶
H̶DH̶rH̶aH̶gH̶oH̶nH̶ H̶JH̶eH̶sH̶uH̶sH̶ H̶XH̶-H̶tH̶iH̶aH̶nH̶sH̶ Elianist (ie. as rather tacky to say the least). Except when it suits us wH̶hH̶eH̶nH̶ H̶wH̶eH̶ H̶
H̶nH̶eH̶eH̶dH̶ H̶mH̶aH̶tH̶hH̶ H̶tH̶oH̶ H̶mH̶eH̶aH̶sH̶uH̶rH̶eH̶ H̶oH̶uH̶rH̶ H̶pH̶rH̶iH̶vH̶aH̶tH̶eH̶ H̶pH̶aH̶rH̶tH̶sH̶ H̶oH̶rH̶ H̶wH̶hH̶aH̶tH̶eH̶vH̶eH̶rH̶ H̶lH̶oH̶lH̶ , of course. That's kinda the bottom line lol.
⚘ Idealism can take a hike for these folks. In Lysea, “truth” is always a matter of opinion. It's not
“lies” - it's “enhanced truths”, it's not “kill all the Elians” - it's “productively assist the Elians in
their vanishing from the realm”. We are civilised Merkin, after all. Lol. Also, the official narrative
about historical stuff might starkly deviate from... ehrrm.. what the folks who actually were there
think they experienced. The dominant ideology of Lyseans may – in DnD terms – be described as
(loosely) “Chaotic Neutral for me personally and Lawful Evil for everyone else”.
⚘ ...but not without its constrains. Consonant clusters may be associated with Mankin.. so we're
not gonna have exceptions for those. Actually, taking the physical and physiognomic differences
between Merkin and Mankin is one of my goals here – and the explanation for the abundance of
fricatives (which just so happens to be my favourite kind of sounds lol).
⚘ Speaking of physiological differences, Síephoth´ñae Líeusea is a multi-rH̶aH̶cH̶iH̶aH̶lH̶ special (is that
even a word? lol) realm where humans may be the most numerous but are also most often at the
bottom of the hierarchy. If there are physiological differences between Mer and Men affecting
speech – what about the Duckkin, the Drakekin, the Whiskersmer (cute kittehs) or the Vättar
(Gremlins)? Any loans from those will have to take those into account (and the fact that many of
those may communicate with both sounds and sign/body language as well). I'm later gonna do the
language of the H̶CH̶oH̶pH̶pH̶eH̶rH̶ H̶aH̶gH̶eH̶ H̶VH̶iH̶kH̶iH̶nH̶gH̶ H̶NH̶eH̶aH̶nH̶dH̶eH̶rH̶tH̶hH̶aH̶lH̶sH̶ so-called “Hikerfolk” in the cold Deep South..
and that's deffinently gonna take such things into account... and those are after all simply a race of
humans and not even another spieces..
⚘ The phonology is gonna be inspired by Welsh mushed together with some (imho) Hindi-
sounding sounds for non-fricatives. The later may be due draconic influence. As for multi-
speciesism – this also means that places, Shires Provinces and landmarks often have two, three or
even four different names. The Highseat Capital of Lysea is called Lanterntown in Mantongue and
Léaĭhniêadh Líeŭsa (Great City of Lanterns) in the Mertongue, but is still often poetically refered to
as Ñátzátzar (/ɲaʈʒaʈʒɐʁ/), the area's supposed old Drakekintongue name. Which no one truly knows
what it means. And on top of that.. kinda breaks about every rule in the Mertongue possible (/ʈʒ/
isn't even a proper phoneme in the Mertongue, see below). But its still around because... you
know... screw “consistency” 'cause dragons are cool lol..
⚘ Another thing to consider is that the number system is based on 5. For several kinda esoteric
reasons. A hand has five fingers. There are five seasons (related to the bioculture of the area) and
there are five elements.. Uh.. wait.. no actually there are eight now... because someone with power
said so. But there were five originally, at least.
⚘ This language evolved from two goals: helping me memorize Chinese radicals and me learning
grammar. I've studied grammar at Uni but it didn't work for me, since sitting in a desk memorising
definitions of arcane terminology simply isn't my kind of thing. -.- So I know very well this is a
work in progress. Trying to follow Artifexian's advice: less is more, things like mutation have had to
go for now. Might return if I find them useful though.
⚘ The language has to be usable and has to be comprehensible enough to appear in a book that
someone else will read. Without taking over the book entirely... more like a plot device to explain
social/cultural crashes etc. Like the difficulty fo being taken serious when you can't speak a
language well enough. Etc. And it has to “appear” beautiful and melodic. That's why /ʋ/ got
transcribed as “ŭ” rather than “v” or “w”, for instance.
⚘ The phonemes should sound exotic, but not on the level of Mandarin where it's
unpronounceable for eh... folks around here lol. They should be designed in a way that makes
eventual mispronunciations kinda irrelevant. Interestingly, many “exotic” sounds like /ʈ/, /ɳ/, /ɭ/, /ʒ/*
or even /ɖ/ already there in my native Swedish, hidden behind silly spellings. Kinda funny because
here I though Swedish had a more regular spelling than English – but after actually taking note of
all these “hidden” phonemes (like the 64 variants of spelling /ɕ/ or /ɧ/.. which one of those for what
word is a dialectal matter – they're both “sje-sounds” in our grammar) I've realized that we're just as
bad (not taking our silly gender system into account which arbitrary confuses plural tense and
perfect tense lol).
* for any unlikely student of Swedish obsessed with phonetics reading this: yeh wikipedia disagrees with me – but I'd say that for me as a
Stockholmian – in these hoods “rs” definitely sounds more like /ʒ/ than /ʂ/. Likewise, our “r” sounds more like an English /ɹ/ than a proper “rolling”
/r/. In any case – none of these phonemes have a sort of “standardised” spelling in Swedish.

Disclaimer: I'll be using a bunch of fanciful words, words that all end with “ogy”, here bellow. It's mostly to give my
own thought process some structure. I might not be using those correctly. Lol. =D

I'm not big on charts since I dislike streamlining lol... but I made one bellow. The ones marked with
colours are dialectal varieties (allophones) of the same phoneme. The small superscript numbers
represent pairings. More on that further below.

Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alevoar Post- Retroflex Palatal Velar Uvular Glotal
Plosive /p/ /b/ /g/ /qʋ/ /ʔ/
Nasal /ɱ/ /ɳ/ /ɲ/ /ŋ/
Fricative /ɸ/ /f/ /θ/ /ð/ /s/ /ʃ/ /ʒ/ /ʝ/ /ʁ/ /ɦ/
Lateral /ɬ/ /ɮ/
Approxima /ʋ/ /ɻ/
Lateral /ɭ/
Not sure /w/ /ɳʒ/ /ʈs/
where to
put this

Phonology and grammar

The Mertongue iH̶sH̶ used to be sort of monosyllabic, but has – through the times, evolved to include
vowel clusters, and regard these as a single syllable. The core of the language is still monosyllabic
in the sense that each syllable is supposed to have a possible subtle mening of its own.

Consonant clusters are still, with the exception of a few integrated loanwords and/or a few clusters
that are regarded as a single phoneme, not “allowed” ie. would sound strange and alien to the Lyse
Merkin. Exceptions include the phonemes ĭ and ŭ who are considered variants of vowels. That's
why I've chosen to transcribe them like this (and not “j”/”y” or “v”/“w”). I've thought that these are
remnants of older glottal stops where two syllables used to meet. So I've chosen to treat them as
kinda exempt from the rules. Which I felt gave them a kinda naturalistic flavour.

The Mertongue boasts a primitive tonal system of sorts. All vowels (including diphthongs) belong
to one of three “pitches” - the high, middle or low pitch – respectively. The highest pitch -
conveniently transcribed with a tilde (´), always comes before others. A stressed wovel always
belongs to the highest pitch. The first part of a diphthong (“íe”) is always stressed and thus always
high pitched.

When used in a compound word, or together with a suffix particle, the first syllable of the
compound is always stressed. This may, obviously, lead to some confusion when there are
homophones involved, emphasising the actual need for the glyphs.

Originally, for instance - “dh” and “th” were pairings as well, and “r” had an “m” pairing, but that
morpheme has been lost through time, possibly due its associations with humanity.

Here's two graphs. So entertaining. I know lol.

Consonant Inventory
This one looks a lot more complex than it really is. Basically: in the beginning, Merkind started out
having two “twined” variants for each consonant. One was used before hard wovels and after soft
ones, and vice versa. But through the ages, due to loanwords and various other factors, some of
these twins have been lost to history. Others have been replaced with phonemes borrowed from
other languages, primarily from which they nowadays refer to as the Drakekintongue (the phonemes
/qʋ/, /ʒ/ and /ɳʒ/ are all borrowed from there, /ʈs/ is probably a loan from their friends, the Duckkin).

An idea I've toyed with is that “r” – for instance – used to have “m” (/ɱ/) as a twin before soft
words and after hard words. But this phoneme was lost to history (exceptions may still exist
somewhere) because of its association with mankind.

Glyph before before soft after hard after soft between compounds notes

ㄅ b p ph b ph Rare. Godlorely religious

/b/ /p/ /ɸ/ /b/ /ɸ/ connotations

ㄍ c qŭ g ng /qw/, /kʋ/ or /kw/ are all

/k/ /qʋ/ /g/ /ŋ/ possible variants of qŭ
ㄊ dh
/ð/ th
ㄉ th

ㄗ ts - ts Loanwords, /ɖs/ is a possible

/ʈs/ /ʈs/ variant

ㄒ hl h
/ɦɭ/ /ɦ/

ㄈ f ŭ f ph Never together with “u” or

/f/ /ʋ/ or /w/ /f/ /ɸ/ “o”

ㄓ z loan / foreign influence


ㄘ nz z loanwords
/ɳʒ/ /ʒ/

ㄌ lh l lh lh varies by dialect
/ɬ/ or /ɮ/ /ɭ/ /ɬ/ or /ɮ/ /ɬ/ or /ɮ/

ㄖ r varies by dialect - /ɻ/ is the

/ɻ/ or /ʁ/ original - /ʁ/ has upper class

ㄋ ñ n ng
/ɲ/ /ɳ/ /ŋ/

ㄕ sh s sh
/ʃ/ /s/ /ʃ/

ㄏ - x Extremely rare, archaic,

/x/ refers to yorely ancient tribes

- ' Glottal stops are used for

/ʔ/ things like suffixes and
compound words – to avoid
clusters of vowels or

Vowel inventory
high medium low

ㄚ. ㄚ ㄚ:

á a â
/a/ /ɐ/ /ɑ/

ㄢ. ㄢ

áe aê
/ae/ /ɐɪ/

ㄟ. ㄟ

ái aĭ
/aɨ/ /ɐ/
ㄡ. ㄡ

áu aŭ
/aʉ/ /ɐʋ/

ㄣ. ㄣ ㄣ:

é e ê
/ɛ/ /e/ /ɪ/

ㄤ. ㄤ

éa eâ
/ɛɐ/ /eɑ/

ㄞ. ㄞ

éi eĭ
/ɛɨ/ /ej/

ㄥ. ㄥ ㄥ:

í i ĭ
/i/ /ɨ/ /j/

ㄝ. ㄝ

ía iâ
/iɐ/ /ɨɑ/

ㄩ. ㄩ

íe iê
/ie/ /ɨɪ/

ㄨ. ㄨ ㄨ:

o u ŭ
/u/ /ʉ/ /ʋ/ or /w/

ㄢ. ㄢ

oe uê
/ue/ /ʉɪ/

Content words
Generally speaking, a content word may, in theory, be a noun, a verb or an adjective. A sentence
must always contain at least one verb, which is its first content word. The sentence structure is
VSO, so the verb can always be identified by being the first content word in the sentence. There are
a hundred basic glyphs (radicals) for content words. In practice, the adjective needs an additional

particle, such as鸟 Fíen'ie – Bird-like (“gracious”). But more on that later.

Big ass wordlist...

Which I'm sure any reader is not at all gonna just scroll over.. lol.. =D There are bound to be some
errors here and there.

Glyph Transcription Meaning(s) Notes

Adh Field, Place

Áth Tower, Tall building

An Hammer, Club

Ánaith “Earthhammer”, Shovel

田 土
Áeĭ Bow, Sling

Áeĭ Face, “Honour”, Respect

Aêr Ritual, Sooth-saying

Áir Drakeling, Dragonkin

Áith Soil, Earth

Aĭng Thread, Line

Áĭŭr Fair, White, Light

Al Privacy, Intimacy

Ân Net

Âr Moon, Purple element

Áth Spellcraft (magic)

Cáer Wood, Tree, Tan (colour) element

Caĭer Salt

Cáir Valley

Dhíer Hand

Éaĭn Heart, Core

Eâin Belly, Sense, Feeling

Eáir Turtle

Eaŭr Work

Éŭn Arm

儿ㄣㄌ ㄚ Éŭnel Séana Fight (physically) ArmACT HarmABL
工 欠
Éiar Spirit

Fel Shell, Armour

Fér Shield

Fíen Bird, Beak

Hláŭ Hemp, Herbs

Hláŭheĭ Flower
Hláŭheĭ Líeaŭreĭ Rose (Red-like Flower)
麻川 火ㄞ
Heĭ River, Force, Steam

Íen Honey, Sweet

Ĭaêl Wing Here is an example of

羽 the special designation

of ĭ and ŭ – the “ĭ” here
is not considered
belonging to the
diphthong “aê” and as
such not subject to

Ĭar Ear

Lháeur Water, Blue element

Leah Blade, Knife

Léaĭh City, Hive

Leáĭr Foot, Foundation

Lean Hook

Léĭ Cloud, Fog

Leĭeiar Sadness (Spirit-fog), Grief
Lhan Goat, Goatkin

Lhoedh Hinder Obstacle

Lia Fish

Líeaŭr Fire, Red element

Líeŭ Cloth, Linen

Líeŭs Lantern, “Guiding Light” Mythological

疋 connotations

Líeudh Cave, “Shack”

Néa Melon, Fruit

Néath Cat, Feline

Níeadh Great, Big

Níeb Body

Níedh Merfiddle Cello, String instrument

Ñar Stone, Metal, Teal/Blue-green element

Ñear Dry, Barren

Ñeath Guide, Chief, Power

Nzedh Spear loanword

Or Grass, Green element

Oth Father, Family line though the Merkin are

父 sort-of matrilinear, the

“father” is the offspring
of such a family line

Qŭear Brush, Pen

Qŭélh Meat, “Sinful”

Qŭen Nose

Qŭíear Frog, Frogkin

Ráen Mother, Origin

Sáel Life

Sáin Small, Little

Sál Village, Cottage,
里 Fellowship Community
Sáng Home, Door, Homeland

Sar Horn, Point

Seáĭm Recurring, Repeating, Help

Seáĭn Tribe, People

Seáĭ Code of laws, Convention, “-dom”

Seáĭnae Sala'ei “Commonwealth”
Séan Deficit, Harm

Seân Leg

Seĭar Tooth

Sel Staff, Sceptre

Ser Claw

Séth Tongue

Shén Blood, Life essence

Síar Eye

Síar'el Seek
目 ㄠㄌ

Síean Clothes, Mask

Síear Hair

Síeb Star

Síephoth “Starbrood”, Merkin “b” mutates into “ph”

Síedh Rice

Síeŭ Papyrus

Síêlh Harvest

Síeh Youngling child

Síel Sun, Orange element

Síel'hléĭ Calendar
Síen Cart, Box, Furniture

Síeth Mountain, Hill, Heigh

Sil The Self Can denote personality

己 or conciousness

Tha Jar

Tháthaĭer “Rusejar” - Bottle
Tháeĭl Dark, Shadow

Tháel Male

Thaĭer Ale, Rusedrink alcohol

Thâl Flute, Instrument

Than Head, Leader, “Ringleader”

Thañ Arrow, Projectile

Thar Tool, Weapon

Thir Table

Tsa Walk, Stride

Tsásiar “Eyestride”, Find, Quest
Tsael Bean, Nut

Tsan Old, Elder

Tséĭa Mouth, Taste

Un Rain, Storm

Uñ Boat, Floating

Ush Fur, Bodily hair

Ŭel Colour, Flavour May be used to denote

色 the colour of an

element, ie. 日色

Zan Corpse, Cadaver, victim

Zar Beakstrider Flamingo-like creature

马 used for traŭel

Zen Sprout, Growth

Zeth Axe, Pickaxe

Zíeth Female


Auxiliary verbs (I think?), conjunctives, postpositions, pronouns, interjections and counters are
“Particles”. They're written in superscript with phonetic glyphs. Okay.. so I haven't really finished
this, but the tempus particle and any question particle always comes first in a sentence. The rest
(except counters and numbers are suffixes). The basic structure goes like: “How? Where? Who?”..
After those we'll have eventual counters.

When it comes to transliteration, articles are not capitalized.


a is of
éa is of (plural and/or formal)
éi is like
el action
mal is against, harms
ñae imperative and/or possessive

ná from
lhá to
ua over, before
nê under, below


i I, Me
ie You
o he/her/they
un it (inanimate)


(n)an plural
(th)ĭéu and, as well as


(may or may not be used, depending on necessity/context)

Present Én
Past Án
Future Ath

Question Thán

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