HW 3 Sol

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#1 The pressures at A and B are the same, 100 kPa.

If water is

introduced at A to increase P to 130 kPa, find and sketch the new


positions of the mercury menisci. The connecting tube is a uniform

1-cm diameter. Assume no change in the liquid densities.


At initial condition, PA = PB = 100kPa ,

PA + γ water h1 = PB + γ air h2 ⇒ γ water h1 = γ air h2

After water is introduced, PA' = 130kPa , PB' = 100kPa . The length of the

mercury goes down on the left side is equal to the length of the mercury

goes up on the right side, as shown in the following figure.

PA + γ water h1 + γ water h = PB + γ air (h2 − h sin15°) + γ Hg (h sin15° + h )
(From the initial condition, two terms are canceled, so)
⇒ PA' + γ water h = PB' − γ air h sin15° + γ Hg (h sin15° + h )
⇒ (γ water + γ air sin15° − γ Hg (sin15° + 1))h = PB' − PA'
⇒ (1000 + 1.204 sin15° − 13600(sin15° + 1))h = 30000
⇒ h = 0.19m

#2 Determine the gage pressure at point A in Pa. Is it higher or lower

than atmospheric?

P = Patm + γ oil (0.4 ) − γ Hg (0.15) − γ air (0.3) + γ water (0.45)

⇒ P − Patm = γ oil (0.4 ) − γ Hg (0.15) − γ air (0.3) + γ water (0.45)
⇒ P − Patm = (0.85)(1000 )g (0.4 ) − (13600) g (0.15) − (1.204)g (0.3) + (1000)g (0.45)
⇒ P − Patm = −12253.5Pa

It is lower than atmosphere.

#3 Compute the pressure at point A in lbf/ft absolute.

PA = Patm − γ water ( 5 ) + γ Hg ( 10 ) − γ oil ( 6 )

= (14.7 )(122 ) − (62.428)(5 / 12 ) + ( 13.6 )( 62.428 )( 10 / 12 ) − ( 0.85 )( 62.428 )( 6 / 12 )
= 2769.3lbf / ft 2

#4 Gate AB has length L and width b into the paper, is hinged at B,

and has negligible weight. The liquid level h remains at the top of the

gate for any angle q. Find an analytic expression for the force P,

perpendicular to AB, required to keep the gate in equilibrium as

shown below.

Resultant force, which acts on the pressure center, is

FR = γhc A = γhbL / 2 ;

I xx bL3 / 12 L L L 2 L
yR = + yc = + = + =
yc A L / 2 Lb 2 6 2 3
Taking a moment about point B at the location of the hinge and equating it to zero gives:

∑ M B = 0 ⇒ PL − FR y R = 0 ⇒ PL = (γ hbL / 2 )(L / 3) = γ hbL2 / 6 ⇒ P = γ hbL / 6

#5 The quarter circle gate BC given below is hinged at C. Find the

horizontal force P required to hold the gate stationary.

Assume: width=1m.

The easiest way to determine the resultant hydrostatic force FR acting

on edge BC is to determine the horizontal and vertical components FH

and FV separately.

The free-body diagram of the liquid block enclosed by edge BC, CD and

BD is shown as follows:

The horizontal force component of the hydrostatic force acing on curved

surface BC is equal to the hydrostatic force acting on edge CD, the

vertical projection of the curved surface.

FH = Fx = γ water hc A = γ water (R / 2 )(R )(1) = 19580 N

On edge CD, the distance of the center of pressure from the free surface


I xx R 3 / 12 R R
yR = + yc = + = + 1 = 1.333m
yc A (R / 2)(R ) 2 6
The vertical force component of the hydrostatic force acting on curved

surface BC is equal to the hydrostatic force (0 in this case) acting on edge

BD, the horizontal projection of the curved surface, plus the weight of the

liquid block.

The weight of the liquid block is

W = ρ water gV = ρ water g R 2 (1) = 9790π = 30768.6 N

Taking a moment about point C at the location of the hinge and equating

it to zero gives:

⎛ 4R ⎞
PR − FH (R − y R ) − W ⎜ ⎟=0
⎝ 3π ⎠
FH (R − y R ) ⎛ 4 ⎞ (19580 )(2 − 1.333) ⎛ 4 ⎞
P= +W⎜ ⎟ = + 30768.6⎜ ⎟ = 19595.2 N
R ⎝ 3π ⎠ 2 ⎝ 3π ⎠

#6 The spar buoy is a buoyant rod weighted to float and protrude

vertically, as shown. It can be used for measurements or markers.

Suppose that the buoy is maple wood (SG = 0.6), 2 in by 2 in by 12 ft,

floating in seawater (SG = 1.025). How many pounds of steel (SG =

7.85) should be added to the bottom end so that h = 18 in?


For equilibrium, The weights of the steel and wood are equal to the

buoyant force acting on the steel and wood.

Wsteel + Wwood = Fsteel + Fwood
⇒ γ steelVsteel + γ wood Vwood = γ seawaterVsteel + γ seawaterVdisplaced by wood
⇒ (γ steel − γ seawater )Vsteel = γ seawaterVdisplaced by wood − γ wood Vwood
⎛ 2 ⎞⎛ 2 ⎞⎛ 18 ⎞
⇒ [(7.85)(62.4 ) − (1.025)(62.4 )]Vsteel = (1.025)(62.4 )⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜12 − ⎟
⎝ 12 ⎠⎝ 12 ⎠⎝ 12 ⎠
⎛ 2 ⎞⎛ 2 ⎞
− (0.6 )(62.4 )⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟(12 )
⎝ 12 ⎠⎝ 12 ⎠
⇒ Vsteel = 0.0145 ft 3
Wsteel = γ steelVsteel = (7.85)(62.4 )(0.0145) = 7.1lbf

#7 The German Zeppelins of World War I were dirigibles with the

following typical characteristics: volume=15000m3 and maximum

diameter=14.0m. Consider a Zeppelin flying at a velocity of 30m/s at

a standard altitude of 1000m (look up the corresponding density in

any standard altitude table). The Zeppelin is at a small angle of

attack such that its lift coefficient is 0.05 (based on the maximum

cross-sectional area). The Zeppelin is flying in straight-and-level

flight with no acceleration. Calculate the total weight of the Zeppelin.


From the standard altitude table, when h = 1000m , ρ air = 1.112kg / m 3 .

From lift coefficient,

L L ρ ∞V∞2 (1.112 )(30 ) ⎡ π (14) ⎤

2 2

CL = = ⇒L= SC L = ⎢ ⎥ (0.05) = 3852.03 N

q∞ S ρ ∞V∞2 2 2 ⎣ 4 ⎦
The buoyant force is

FB = ρ air gVdisplaced = (1.112 )(9.8)(15000 ) = 163464 N

For equilibrium, the weight force is equal to the summation of lift force

and buoyant force.

W = L + FB = 3852.03 + 163464 = 167316.03 N

#8 Derive Archimedes’ principle using a body of general shape.


Consider the fluid ABCD surrounding the general shape, as shown in the

free-body diagram.

FB is the force exerted by the body on the fluid;

W is the weight of the fluid ABCD. W = ρg [(h2 − h1 ) A − V ] , where, V

is the volume of the general shape.

The areas of the top and bottom surfaces of fluid are A.

F1 and F2 are the resultant forces caused by the pressure at the top

surface and bottom surface. F1 = ρgh1 A , F2 = ρgh2 A .

For equilibrium,

∑ Fy = 0 ⇒ FB + W + F1 = F2
⇒ FB = F2 − W − F1 = ρg (h2 − h1 )A − ρg [(h2 − h1 )A − V ]
⇒ FB = ρgV


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