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Coleenah’s grandparents both from her mother and father’s family side died before she reached the age
of 10 and because of this, she has little knowledge of their causes of death or other possible inherent
diseases they had had. In her own understanding, she believes that they died of old age (ilo. kinabaket)
at their respective residences and were never brought to any health facilities for determination of the
cause of deaths.

Coleenah’s mother has 9 siblings whom she has little information of their medical health status aside
from the presence of hypertension among all of them (including her mother). However she is
knowledgable that her mother died of stroke as a complication from her diagnosed chronic
hypertension in the year ____, when Coleenah was ____years old. Her Father however,

Her Father had 5 siblings, 3of which have died with the client having no information of how because of
the loose family tie they share. One cousin of her is Calen, a daughter of her aunt Deena, died of colon
cancer at the age of 60, on May last year. According to the client,when Calen (who lives in Hawaii)
started feeling symptoms she took them for granted and did not bother to have it medically checked.
During their visit in the Philippines she went for a medical check up (unknown health facility), and she
was a suspect of having myoma. Calen seaked for second opinion and became a suspect of polycystic
ovarian syndrome, contributed to her cessation of menstrual flow. Calen remained unsatisfied and
seaked for a third opinion when she got back in Hawaii, they found out that she was already at her late
stage of Colon Cancer (client is unaware of specific part).

Coleenah is the fifth child of 7 children. All of them have been diagnosed of chronic hypertension.
Alejandro and Gladys are only suffering from chronic hypertension, while the rest of them have
accompanying health disturbances. Shiva (with 4 children) had undergone surgical removal of myoma
year, _______________. Grazilda, according to our patient, is ill because of her arthritis. Fernando has
suffered 2 mild stroke, and ______state. Vina, 49 is diagnosed of Diabetes mellitus type 2 last, _______.

Coleenah’s husband has no known disease or ongoing ailment/ illness but has an
amputated left arm, below his elbow. This is attributed to the dynamite fishing incident last Oct,
2005 wherein Coleeno was using a dynamite for fishing and the dynamite had premature
explosion upon throwing it to the sea. He was immediately brought by fellow fishermen to the
Bangui District Hospital via a tricycle while other fishermen informed her about the incident. As
far as Coleenah remembers, the cloth they used to cover the injured area was a shirt. She
cannot remember exactly what happened upon reaching the Bangui District Hospital because
she was in panic that time. She let her children tackle the incident since she cannot face the
scene. She even verbalized that “ti ammuk matay idikuan.” The rest she cannot recall the
diagnostics, treatment (except for AMPUTATION) and the names of medications given (except
for antibiotic). Compliance on the take home medications was ensured because Coleenah was
the one giving those medications to Coleeno.
The two living children of Coleenah, have no known health disturbances. Childrens of
Agilus and Alwyna had-

At the time being, only Alwyna (among the two children of Coleenah and Coleeno) is
living with them. Bagwis, who is in Manila as of the moment works as a security guard and has
no known disease or ongoing ailments/ illness. Coleenah claims that Bagwis was never
hospitalized. Nonetheless, Coleenah claims that he had his circumcision in the RHU of Burgos.
He was prescribed of ANTIBIOTIC and PAIN RELIEVERS, with forgotten dosages. Alwyna, on the
other hand, is 30 years old and has no known disease or ongoing ailments/ illness. Her four
children, were delivered thru normal spontaneous vaginal delivery at Governor Roque Ablan
Sr. Memorial Hospital. Coleenah claims that there were no other hospitalizations of Alwyna.
Lina, Magina, Kings and Lanaya have no known disease or ongoing ailments.

All of the family members experienced common ailments such as fever, cough, colds,
headache, and toothache. Fever was treated with tepid sponge bath (labar with lukewarm tap
water or vinegar using a labakara), increasing the water intake and covering with blanket when
chilling and giving Paracetamol 500 mg PO every 4 hours for Coleenah, Coleeno, and Alwyna
and Paracetamol Syrup 1 Tbsp for the children (Lina, Magina, Kings and Lanaya) q 4 hours.
These treatments were perceived, as verbalized, effective since fever subsides within the next 3
to 8 hours. Cough and colds were usually managed by increasing the fluid intake, drinking the
syrup from boiled lagundi leaves and sometimes they extract calamansi juice and add into a
glass of water; these were done as long as cough and colds were present and that these
managements were perceived effective since complaints subsided after few days. Over the
counter drugs are not used and she also verbalized that “haan kami nga agtatake iti agas nga
para uyek ken panateng ta adda gamin nabasak idikwa nga haan nga maagasan iti panateng
ken uyek, agawan tu latta.” Headaches were managed by rest and having some fresh air or
fanning; these were perceived effective since headache was minimized after hours. Toothaches
were managed by applying peeled cloves of garlic on the affected tooth/ teeth, gargling with
salt and water solution and resting; these were perceived effective as pain subsides after hours.
In headache and toothache, Paracetamol 500mg PO every 4 hours is sometimes used by
Coleenah, Coleeno and Alwyna and is deemed effective since pain subsides after around 30

When asked if the family members had experienced common childhood illnesses like
measles, mumps and chickenpox, she expressed that none of her ongoing housemates had
these yet except for herself and Coleeno. Coleeno had his measles when he was in Grade
school, but Coleenah verbalized that Coleeno was not able to share to him the managements
done to him.

According to the client, they experienced minor injuries already such as bruises and
abrasions, especially Magina for the latter because of playing bawang base, and treat it by
washing it with soap and clean water.
Concerning the immunization status of the family members, Coleenah claims that Lina,
Magina, kings and Lanaya completed their vaccination since Coleenah now knows about these
vaccinations. Coleenah claims that she is never vaccinated nor her husband.

The family members does not have known allergy to any sort.

Coleenah, cooks for the family. Rice is cooked thru boiling and sometimes fried rice is
made. She usually cooks vegetable dishes such as pinakbet and dinengdeng When chicken,
pork, fish or beef are available, chicken is prepared as tinola, pork is cooked as to adobo or
igado, fish is to sinigang, liningta, prito, raw fish, smoked fish, and beef is primed as kilawen,
sinanglaw or boiled or “bulalo”. The family would usually eat at around 6:00 to 7:00 in the
morning for breakfast, 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM for lunch and around 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM for

On the other hand, activities of family members include but not limited to: Coleeno
(partial fishing), Coleenah (doing household chores), Alwyna (doing household chores) and
playing for the children.

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