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With this company specialized in money orders, payments,

recharges and collections at the national level with more
Geographic Segmentation than 20 years of experience in the market and with a
network of 8,000 customer service points, located in more
than 1,070 municipalities nationwide, wants to replace the
need to achieve proximity between customers and their
Facilitate life generating experiences of trust, closeness and
tranquility. Present as an alternative the sending and
Age and Life - Cycle of payment of money orders without distinction of gender, age,
Segmentation etc. Sending of Money: Persons over 18 years of age.
Payment of Money Orders: People from 14 years of age.

According to the DANE:

0-14 years: 25.3% (men 5,998,645 / women 5,720,229)
15-24 years: 18% (male 4,243,251 / female 4,099,299)
25-54 years: 41.6% (men 9,515,723 / women 9,720,894)
55-64 years: 8.3% (men 1,796,050 / women 2,051,948)
65 years and over: 6.7% (men 1,293,258 / women
1,806,000) (2016 est.)

A large part of the population is in the Urban area with

Population Segmentation 37,816,051 and in the Rural area with 11,475,558 (according
to data projected to June 30, 2017)
Provide sustainable solutions in transactions and means of
payment that contribute to the economic, social and
environmental wellbeing of our stakeholders, with
innovation and excellence, offering all:
Benefit Segmentation
 Low prices.
 More comfort and convenience.
 Product innovation in the market.
 Optimal attention points for customer service in any
region of the country.
 Excellent quality product.
Efecty Ltda has established the above purpose as "Facilitate
Psychological Segmentation life generating experiences of trust, closeness and
tranquility, Provide sustainable solutions in transactions and
means of payment that contribute to the economic, social
and environmental well-being of our stakeholders, with
innovation and excellence", Without distinction of gender,
age, sex, all services will be provided in the same way.
OCCASION SEGMETATION Meeting basic needs, exchanging products and services
through money orders, has become one of the best options
for trade, reducing time and reliability. With accuracy, it can
be determined with what frequency people make use of the
services offered by this type of commercial activity.
Income sectors in Colombia:
Agriculture, livestock, hunting, forestry and fishing 6.11%
Exploitation of mines and quarries 7.32%
Manufacturing industries 10.70%
INCOME SEGMENTACION Electricity supply gas and water 3.45%
Construction 7.47%
Commerce, repair, restaurants and hotels 12.04%
Transport, storage and telecommunications 7,10%
Financial establishments, insurance and real estate activities
Social, communal and personal services activities 15.35%
There can be three types of consumers in the middle of
finance and banking. They are differentiated by their related
attitudes with competitive prices and low costs, and your
level of interest in a high quality and efficient service. Two
additional factors trustworthiness are important (measured
by the ability of the bank to protect personal data) and
interest in an innovative digital model, reflected by the
BEHAVIORAL provision of consumers to consider an online provider as
SEGMENTACION Amazon or Google for financial services.

The consumers:
Nomads: High activity group digital, prepared for a
new delivery model.
Hunters: High activity group digital, prepared for a
new delivery model.
Quality Seekers: Seek a high service quality and
effective and the Data Protection.

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