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Elementary Student’s Book

Tim Falla, Paul A Davies U N IV E R S IT Y PRESS
p4 Saying hello p5 be. possessives «nd pronoun» p6 hare go!
| Introduction alphabet, numbers Possessive adjectives Vocabulary: Adjectives (fcl/, short. Cart, et:
(II Introducing myself Demonstrative pronouns O' Oes<ribing people


p8 Family and friends p9 P w v w t »Imple: «fflimativ« p io Thi* Knyal family

^ My network Family (aunt, brother, etc.) Pronunciation: third person -s Reading: Queen Elizabeth II
Possessive's; plural noun fonns CM Vo* Pops: Opinions on the Royals
Pronunciation: vowel sounds
.O t Describing family and friends
Ex a m p i6 lesson i Speaking Situational role-play • Listening Completing notes
Lesson 3 Reading Matching headings to paragraphs • Speaking Situotionat role-pJoy
p l8 Fre«-tlm« activities p l9 P r»«n! wmple: quMtlons
Sports and hobbies {athletics, basketball, books, chess, etc.) IVh questions Reading: Sun, sea and sport!
• f t - Talking about hobbies l like/don’t like Q Interview 0 1 lan Thorp«
Verb and noun collocations (ploy football, do karate. go
cycling, c tc j
• Language revicw Units '- J p26 • S kills round - up Units »-* p27
d28 School subjects 9 tfrtrr h lth e rr ore
School subjects [biology, English, maths, etc.) Reading: Secondary education In England
flIT a lk in g about subjects I like/don*t like i l l Talking about schools
Things in the classroom (bin, board, shelves, etc.)
Prepositions of place [between, in front of. on. etc.)
Ex a m P36 Lesson J • Listening Muttiplt-<hci(e statements • Speaking Situational role-play
Lesson * • Reading Multiple-dioice statements • Speaking Situational ro!e-ptoy
p38 Clothe* pW >*+*
Clothes (boots, top. ¡eons, etc.) Spelling rules Vocabulary: Descnbr.g a pfcolo (on th r leftI right, etc.)
fr W h a i people wear to school and in their free time Reading: Thret festivals
Adjectives (beautiful. big. cheap, pink. red. etc J 0 Song: Sailing

• L an g u ag e rc view Units >-* p46 • S k il l s r o u n d -u p Units p*7

p48 Geography Comp«r*t»v« idjncslvts pJO H jllonal f
Geographical features (desert, hill, etc.); continents than Reading: The Lake District
Adjectives for measurements {deep, high, long, etc.) Pronunciation: weak vowel sounds Vocabulary: Outdoor act .■ *« linking, fishing, etc.)
M A radio qub 0 1 Descriptions of natio'-a sarks

Ex a m p$6 lesson * • Listening Matching statements to speakers • Speaking Picture-based discussion

Lesson » • Reading Missing phrases • Speaking Situotionol role-play
p58 In town pS9 Past simple, b t »nd can p60
Out and about Places In town (bank, church, park, etc.) Reading: Out and about i" Londor
•¡D e s c rib in g where placis are Q Radio advcnisenents

• la n g u ag e review Units »-* p66 • S k il l s rouno -up Units >-« p67

p68 On th« map p69 P*»t kinplc: tn tp O tI v*rb* p7C
7 W o rl(j f a m o u s Countries; nationalities (Austria. French etc.) Pronunciation: -oughtf-aughti Reading: I have a ûream (Martin Lu*.'’ ?? K
moke. do. have and take irregular forms
0 1 Describing famous people e*P'*5S‘^ s Oast night, two
days ago. eic.)
Ex a m p76 Lesson r • U itening Matching statements to speakers • Speaking Picture-based discussion
Lesson • • Reading True, false, not given • Speaking Situational role-plcv
p78 Breakfast p79 som* and arty. How much! p«0 duhe*
Food and drink (apples. bc<on, ¡cm. coffee, etc.) How ment ’ Readmf: 3riWh food
Countable and uncountable nouns M Oesc- : :.o i of traditional dist’ es
Partitives (a bowl o f cereal, a bottle o f water, etc.) Jk
Ordering food
• Language review Units ?-• p86 • S k il l s roumd-up Units >-• p87
p 8 9 Prasmt perfect: affirmative r> ‘ on th r m o w
9 Jouimeys p88 Transport
Transport (bicycle, bus. car, etc.) just Reas i f . Multicultural Britain
Prepositions {by bike, on foot, etc J 0 T* :* ng about life in B rili r
f t How do you get to school?
Phrasal vert» (get in. gel off. slow down, etc.)
Ex a m p96 Lesson 9 • Listening True/False statements • Speaking P ktu rt-b o ftd discussion
lesson >o • Reading Missing sentences • Speaking Situationc r&le-plcy
p98 lobs and work 099 going to )«6t to*
Jobs (actor, builder, nurse, etc.) • Part-time Jobs
M l o b descriptions Opinions on part t-ne jobs
Suffixes ( er. or, -1st)

• La n c u a c i R tv iiw Units**® p l0 6 • S k il l s ro un d-up Un>is>-» M 07

G ra m m a r B u ild e r a n d R e fe re n c e pio8
p7 Time. days, months V o c a b u l a r y B u i l d e r p >28
and seasons
O Listening (1.01 - disk 1. track 1 / 2.01 - disk 2. track 1 I 3.01 - disk 3, track 1)
O Asking and telling
Ihe time

p l l Present simple; p i 2 Family life p l4 Introducing people p lS An Informal letter

negative Supcrmutn! 0 Introductions Ordinal numbers; dates
Q Inscribing what Vocabulary: Everyday activities ((Icon the house, get
people do 3nd don't up. etc.)

p21 Advetbs of frequency p22 Kungfu p24 Giving an opinio« p25 An announcement
How often...? No pain, no gain A Expressing likes and dislikes Imperatives
Vocabulary: Parts of the bod/ (arms. back, etc.) Pronunciation: opinions (/ can't stand ¡1. she's great, etc.) Vocabulary: Clubs (art club, basketball club.
O Song: Kung Fu Fighting Object pronouns book dub. etc.)

p31 flo w to p32 Hlgti flyers p3A Giving directions p35 Adestriptlon
Pronunciation: have/has School of the air < 0 Following directions Capital letters
,0 Vocabulary: Parts of Ihe school (canteen. gym, stairs. Pronunciation: directions

pAI con and advefbs p42 It’ s party time! pAA Making arrangements p45 An invitation
O ' Describing ability Vocabulary: Opinions (I think, perhapi. etc.); musical Present continuous for future arrangements can for requests
instruments [guitar. cello, drums, etc.) Let's for suggestions
Party planner Vocabulary: Activities (ploy football, go to th t disco, etc.);
prepositions o f time (of 5 o'clock, in the evening, etc.)
H Arranging to meet

p51 Sup«fUtiv* p52 Dangerous! pS4 Making a phone call p5S A postcjrd
ad;ecl<ve% most dangerous animals in the world would like Vocabulary: Prepositions of place (by a
® A Qu'7 Vocabulary: Wildlife (bear, eagle, elephant, etc.) O ' Asking for Information lake, at the seaside, in a hotel, etc.); holiday
accommodation (cottage, hotel, eic.)

p61 Pasl simple: p62 Out on the town p64 On the phone p65 A message
jffiim ativc (regular A bump In the night Offers with will f t \ Taking a mcssase on the phone
Vocabulary: Sequencing words {first. then, ofter that, Pronunciation: phone numbers
Pronunciation: pasl etc.)
simple endings O Leaving messages
Time expressions (fwo
days ago. lost week, etc.)

p71 Past simple: p72 Inventions p74 Talking about your weekend p75 An e-mail mesvsge
negative and Two great inventors Q Conversation about a bad day
Vocabulary: Events in life (be born, get a job. get Vocabulary: Reacting with sympathy (oft dear, poor you.
married, etc.) etc.)

pS l A rticlw p82 Healthy eating p84 In a café p85 A fo o m t letter

Pronunciation: o/on Can eating be a sport? W Ordering food
Expressions which do and 9 Song: Junk food junkie Pronunciation: saying prices
don’i take an artkle

p91 Pr»tent p e rf« l: p92 Alone on the water p94 Buying a train ticket p95 An e-mail
negative and 'It's given me my life again' Pronunciation: 24-hour clock already and yet
Vocabulary: Weather (cloudy, hot. rainy, etc.) f i Train station announcement«.
i t Talking about
holidays >

plOJ will p i 02 A year abroad p l0 4 Giving advice plOS An application letter

Gap years Should/shouldn't
Vcxabutary: Places of work (bank, factory, 01 Giving advice
office, etc.)
Q ’ Song: Car Wash
T H IS U N IT IN C LU D E S • • • *
Vocabulary • alphabet • numbers • describing people
• time, days, months and seasons
Grammar • be • possessive adjectives • demonstrative pronouns • have got
Speaking • introducing yourself
W riting • a description o f a friend or fam ily member

I c-xn introduce M y j d f

1 Look at the photo. How old do you think the boy is? How old 8 1.05 Listen to the conversations. Write the names and
is the girl? the ages of the people.
Conversation 1

Name _
Age —

Conversation 2

Name Name
Age _ Age —
2 Q 1.01 Read and listen to the dialogue. Check your ideas.
9 Write the questions. Match 1 - 4 with a -d .
Malgosia Hi, I’m Francesca. What’s your name? 1 What’s a do you spell your name?
Ben Ben. Nice to meet you. 2 How old b your name?
Malgosia Nice to meet you too. 3 How c about you?
Ben How do you spell your name? 4 What d are you?
Malgosia F -R -A -N -C -E -S -C -A . How old are you, Ben?
Ben I’m 16 . What about you? 10 Q 1.06 Listen and repeat the questions
Malgosia I’m 17. in exercise 9. Copy the intonation.

3 ^ 1.02 Listen and repeat the alphabet. 11 Work in pairs. Prepare a dialogue following the chart below.
4 f t 1.03 Listen. Write the names of the famous people.
Say your name.
Ask what B's name is. Say your name.
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Choose a famous person, but Say it’s nice to meet A.
don’t tell your partner. Spell the name out loud. How quickly
can your partner guess the name? Say it's nice to meet B.

B-R-A-D P -... I know! It’s Brad Pitt. Ask how to spell A's
--------------------------- M --------- name.
Spell your name.
6 © 1.04 Listen and repeat the numbers.
Ask how old B is.
Say how old you are.
7 Say the numbers 1 to 20 round the class. Then say them in
Ask how old A is.
reverse from 20 to 1 .
Say your age. ’
one - two - ...
twenty - nineteen - ... 12 SPEAKING Act out your dialogue to the class.

I caw u sk a n d answ er q u c jtic n j

be, possessives and pronouns

Read the text. True or false? 5 0 3 Z 2 2 E !lfl Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
1 Ben is Scottish. exercise A.
2 His sister is 17.
3 Ben and Clare are at the
same school.

complete the table.

Subject pronoun Possessive adjective

My name's Ben My home town is York in England But I'm not i
English - I'm Scottish I'm 16 years old This is a photo of me and
my sister Her name is Clare. She's 19. Sfte isn't at school. She's you your
at university in London In the photo we aren’t at home, we're on
holiday in Spain We re at our grandparents' house he his
she 2
P o s te d 1 2 .4 5 1 5 th A u g u s t
we 3
Complete the table with the affirmative and negative forms you your
of the verb be.
they their
affirmative interrogative 7 Read the Learn th is! box. Look at the pictures.
Write questions using demonstrative pronouns.
11 Am 1... ?
h e /s h e / it? Is he /she / i t ... ? Demonstrative pronouns
y o u /w e /th e y 3 Are y o u /w e /th e y ... ? z singular plural
x this these
negative short answers
that those
1* Yes, 1am ./No, I’m not.
We use this and these for things that are close to us
h e /s h e / it 5 Yes, h e /s h e /it is. (‘here’). We use that and those for things that are further
y o u /w e /th e y 6 No. h e /s h e /it isn’t. away (“there*).
Yes, yo u /w e /th e y are.
No, you / we / they aren’t. Is l b * ■four MF? p la fw ?

Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative

form of be. Make them true for you.
1 I 14 years old.
I'm i4 '(M rs old / I ’m not lA old.
My parents____________from Prague.
1 this / MP3 player
W e____________in school now.
My b a g _______ yellow.
My friends and from England.
I t _________ . very cold today,
I ________ hungry.
Our teacher __________ very tall.

Write questions. Use the interrogative of be.

3 these / trainers 4 that / bike
1 y o u /15 years old?
2 Ronaldinho / your favourite footballer?
3 our teacher/in the classroom?
A we /from Hungary?
5 Julia Roberts/your favourite actress?
6 you/thirsty?
7 your frien ds/a t home?
5 th is /C D 6 these / pencils
• Grammar Reference: page 109

/ c m describe people.

have got
1.07 Read and listen to the dialogue. Choose the A w ork in pairs. Ask and answer about the things
correct answers. in exercise 3.
1 Francesca has / hasn’t got a sister.
Have you got a bike? Yes, I have./N o. I haven’t.
2 Marco has / hasn’t got blue eyes.
3 Marco and Maria have / haven’t got children.
5 Check the meaning of the words below. Then describe the
people in the photos.

tall. long
short. short
He's He’s got hair.
thin. fair
good-looking. dark
straight blue
He's got wavy hair. He’s got brown eyes.
curly green
Francesca This is a photo of my parents at home.
Ben They’ve got a lovely house. Have you got brothers or
He's got a beard.
sisters, Francesca?
a moustache.
Francesca I haven't got a sister, but I’ve got a brother. His
name’s Marco. This is a photo of him. He’s got blue A n a i^ ia 'f. 901 long, (air h a ir and

eyes, like me, but he hasn’t got fair hair.

A n a s ta c ia ^g
Ben Who’s that with him?
Francesca That’s his wife, Maria.
Ben Have they got children?
Francesca No, they haven't.

• m*
2 Underline all the examples of have g o t in the dialogue in
exercise 1. Then complete the table.

hove got

affirmative interrogative
I’ve got Have 1g o t... ?
h e /s h e / it 1 - got Has h e /s h e /it g o t... ?
y o u /w e /th e y ! ----- 3 _ .you /w e /they
got g o t... ?
negative short answers
I4 got Yes, 1have./No, 1haven’t.
hp/<;hp/it ' -got Yes, h e /s h e /it has.
No, h e /s h e /it hasn't.
y o u /w e /th e y haven’t got
Yes, you / we / they have. 6 H j£ Q 3 E 0 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about people in
No, you/we/they 6 the class.

Has Blanka got fair hair? No, she hasn't.

3 Write sentences about Mark. Use have got, affirmative
or negative.
Mark. 7 l.'ilh tK M Write a short description of a friend or member of
lit'* got a bite
f rt b ik e / 5 a skntcbOAra / your family.
2 a computer / i> « natch /
brotbrr is tall Hf-'s got
3 x pet / 7 a m c b llc plu!H£ /
<r m M P 3 p la y e r X 8 a DVD player X

Grammar Reference: page 109

I c m <?uk tlic tim e ta lk
abcttf th e MOxthj o f th e yw r.

1 Q 1.08 Listen and repeat the times.

5 Write the days of the week and the months of the year in the
correct order.

k p rtt A u g u s t

February Mafcft
M o n d a y f r y ) J a n u a ry
one o’clock quarter past one half past one
fat* 7u/y
N ovem ber
1 Sund^i e r

''a t .

quarter to two ten past one twenty-five to two Tu

w e D n e s d a y
2 1.09 Listen and draw the times.
1 January 7
2 ______ 8
3 _______ 9
A ______ 10
5 _______ 11
6 _____ 12

6 O l . l l Listen, check and repeat.

7 Match the pictures with the words in the box.

The seasons autumn spring summer winter

3 0 1.10 Listen and complete the dialogue with the words

in the box.

very time excuse to welcome

1 2

Sarah 1 ______ me. What is it, please? 8 Q l . 1 2 Listen, check and repeat.
Man It’s five 3. eleven.
Sarah Thanks4. much. 9 Which season are the months in?
Man You're 5 _ Tanuarf is in winter.

4 Ask and answer about these times. Follow the SPEAKING Ask and answer the questions.
dialogue in exercise 3. 1 What day is it today?
2 What day is it tomorrow?
3 What’s your favourite day?
4 What’s the worst day of the week?
5 What days are the weekend?
6 In which month is your birthday?
7 In which season is Christmas?
8 In which month is Valentine’s Day?
9 In which month is New Year’s Day?
10 What’s your favourite season?

Introduction f 7
T H IS U N IT IN C LU D E S • • •
Vocabulary • fam ily • possessive 's • plural noun forms • everyday activities
• sports and hobbies» dates
Grammar • present simple affirmalive and negative
Speaking • talking about fam ily and friends • introducing friends • talking about
everyday activities
W riting • an informal letter

A Family and friends

I c m fo lk a b o u t people
[ ty ie ti re g u la rly .

1 Put the words in the box into the two groups below. A and B. 7 0 1 . 1 6 Listen and complete Laura's network of people she
Which word goes in both groups? meets regularly. Use the names in the box.

Family atmt bmther cousin daughter father Baker jake Hannah Lucy Molly Pete Sam
granddaughter grandfather grandmother grandson
husband mother nephew niece sister son
uncle wife

Janice Miss Blair
B : school I—
volleyball team friends 1 (maths)

2 © 1 . 1 3 Listen, repeat and check your answers.

Bob; music group:

3 9 1.14 PRONUNCIATION Listen to the pronunciation of
the underlined vowels.

mother /'n u ta / cousin /'kAzn/

Which other words in exercise 1 have the sound \ ? family

4 £ ) 1.15 Listen and check your answers to exercise 3. Amy's cousin

5 Read the Learn th is ! box. Then complete the puzzles.

J Possessive's cousins Mark

granddad! and _
x 1 We add 's after a name or a noun to show possession brother,
Tt or a family relationship.
< my dad's com puter my uncle’s wife
2 After a plural noun ending in -s, we just add \ 8 Draw a network of the people you meet regularly.
my parents ’ car my cousins ’ grandfather
9 M js fM rtrc l Work in pairs. Give your partner the names of six
1 My mother's brother is my people from your network. Ask and answer about the people
2 My father is my cousins’ _ on your lists.
3 My uncle’s daughter is my
A My aunt is my cousin’s 1 fA & rlc
5 My nephews’ sister is m y_________ 2 Jdjvc-e
6 My uncle is my mother’s or father’s

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Write more puzzles for each other. He's my cousin. He’s 18 years old.

She’s my friend. She’s in

my volleyball team.
Vocabulary Builder (part 2): page 128

Unit 1 • My network
I c m talk, a b o u t m y

Present simple: affirmative fa m ily a n d frie n d s .

Look at the picture. Do you know the names of the people in PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat.
Bart Simpson’s family? 1 /s / likes works
His dad'fe name is llomcr. His... 2 /z / plays goes lives
3 !\U watches finishes
Read the text and check your answers to exercise 1. Which
members of the family does the text mention? 6 1.18 Listen and write the words in the correct group.

does dances drives hates listens looks loves

speaks stays teaches tells washes

Is/ or t i l fa J

Bart Simpson is the star of The Simpsons, a popular American

TV programme. Eleven million Americans watch it every week.
The Simpsons live in Springfield and Bart goes to Springfield
Elementary School. He's very lazy and he isn't popular with the
teachers, but his classmates like him. Bart has got two sisters, 7 Complete the text. Use the present simple affirmative.
Lisa and Maggie. Lisa is very intelligent and she studies hard.
Maggie is a baby. Bart's parenls are Homer and Marge. Homer
works at a power station from Monday to Friday and waiches
My best friend
TV at weekends. Marge stays at home with Maggie. My best friend is called H annah. She * (live) next
door to m e. We 3 (go) to th e sam e school but
we are in d ifferen t classes.
Look at the table and find the missing verb form in line 8 of 1 (walk) to school, b u t H an n ah *______
the text. What letter does it end with? (go) by bike, because she alw ays
* (get up) late. A fter school w e 6---------
I Present simple: affirmative (finish) our hom ew ork first, th e n w e 7---------
(listen) to our fav o u rite m usic. I 8.
1 work we work
(like) R&B. but
you work you work H annah
’ 9_________
h e /s h e /it they work
(hate) it. She
— 10______
We use the present simple to talk about (think) it's
1 something that happens always or regularly. boring. She
2 a fact that is always true. ‘ 11 (love)
rock m usic.
Complete the sentences with the present simple affirmative
of the verbs in the box. Then write which member of the
Simpson family says it. 8 Write three true sentences and three false sentences about
you or your family. Use the verbs in the box.
go like live stay study work
go get up like live play watch work speak
1 *1 v at a power sta tio n .'t 1 M
2 *My brother and I _______to Springfield Elementary School.’ M-f dad Frtnch I lifct Pobbit William*
3 ‘My little sister hard at school.’
SPEAKING Say your sentences to your partner. Your partner
4 ‘My w ife at home with our baby.’
says if they are true or false.
5 'My classmates me.’
6 '1 in Springfield with my husband and children.* My dad speaks French. 1 think that’s true /
'— y 1 think that’s false.
»• Grammar Builder (IB ): page 108

Unit 1 • My network
\r\* l\\fo rn \a tiồ f\
th e ủ y t ĩỉ Fa m it

1 H ÏE Q j Ii M Work in pairs. Can you match the names with the Read the text. Match the headings with the paragraphs
people in the photos? Ask and answer questions about the (A-E). There is one heading that you don't need.
family members.
The Queen’ s family [_ ] The Queen’s h o m e __
Camilla Chartes Diana Elizabeth Harry Introduction Q The Queen’s job [_ j

Philip William The Queen’s free time | I Queen's travels O

Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.

1 The British Royal Family is over 100 years old.
2 The Queen goes to Scotland in the summer.
3 Prince Philip is the Queen’s eldest son.
A Camilla is Charles’ sister.
C^jieen EíừaỀeth I I 5 The Queen and the Prime Minister meet every evening.
6 The Queen sometimes goes to the horse races in July and
The British Royal Kunily is over August.
1,000 years old. Queen Elizabeth is
Match the highlighted words in the text with the definitions
tin- fifty-fourth monarch since King
Alfred in the ninth century
1 now ____________
B The Queen lives in Buckingham
2 the son of a king and queen-------------------
Palace in London. She also sjx’nds
3 a building where kings and queens live (find two words)
lime in two other castles in England.
She stays in Balmoral Castle in
4 one hundred years
Scotland in the summer.
5 king or queen____
c Her husband is Pnncv Philip. They 6 talk about________
have got lour childa’n and seven
grandrhildivn. The Queen’s eldest 1.19 Listen to some people talking about the Royal
son is Prince Charles. He has got two Family. Match two opinions with each speaker.
sons from his marriage to Princess Diana
(1961 1997). Charles is now married to
Camilla, Duchess o f Cornwall.
I) Tlx- Queen works very hard. She
visits a lot o f dificrcnt countries and
she welcomes hundreds of visitors to
Buckingham Pnl.icc every year. She is
head ol t>20 charities. She also discusses
ix>litics with the Prime Minister Opinion
of the United Kingdom every They’re a bit boring.
They're very expensive.
The Queen loves doys and
I like reading about them.
horses. At the moment, she has
got 14 clogs and 30 racehorses. They work hard.
Hie Queen hiisn't got a lot
They aren’t modem.
of free time, but she loves
going to the horse races in They have interesting lives.
May and June.
SPEAKING What can you remember about the British Queen
and her family? Close your books, then take turns in class to
say one true sentence each.

Her husband’s name is Philip.

She loves dogs.

10 Unit 1 • My network
I a m jx y wkat. so M tctxt decs

Present simple: negative doa>\'t tic.

Read the text about two brothers. Label the photos with the Ü 1.20 Listen to Mark and Sally. Is the information in the
correct names. table true ( / ) or false (/)?

Josh and Ben are brothers. Both boys are athletic, but they
don't like the same things. Ben loves football. He plays for two
teams - his school team and his ciiy team - and he trains every
weekend. Josh trains a lot too. but he doesn't play football. He
loves dancing. He does ballet and modern dance at a dance I Mark Sally
academy in the city. 1 comes from Oxford / Cardiff
‘I wan! (o be a professional dancer.’ says Josh. 'Bui Ben wants
2 lives in Liverpool ✓ London
to play for Manchester United. I don’t like football, but I think
Ben is fantastic.' 3 studies maths medicine
*1don't like dancing at all. but I know Josh is great,’ says Ben. A enjoys playing the piano shopping
We don't like the same ihings. but we like each other.'
5 plays basketball volleyball

2 Find examples of the present simple negative in the text. 6 works in a restaurant a shop
Then read the Learn th is! box and complete the sentences.

Present simple: negative 5 Write sentences about Mark and Sally. Use the information
in the table and the present simple affirmative or negative.
1J Dlav football. We 3 Dlav football.
M ar* (iw sn 't tom t from On-ford
You don’t play football. You don’t play football.
He- livto in U vtrpool
H e/S he /It 3 play football. Thev* plav football.
6 Write true sentences about yourself w ith the present simple
We form the present simple negative with don’t or affirmative or negative. Use the phrases below and your own
doesn't and the base form of the verb. ideas.
1 live in a flat
Make the sentences negative. 1livt in a flat /1 don'1 Kvt in a flal
1 I live in England.
2 study history
3 watch TV every day
2 We come from London.
A speak Russian
3 Sarah studies science.
A Mick plays ice hockey. 5 walk to school
5 My parents work in an office.
6 get up at seven o’clock on Saturdays
7 read in bed
6 You like computer games.
7 Tom and I walk to school.
8 like classical music
8 Katharine gets up at five o’clock. 7 Work in pairs. Listen to your partner’s sentences.
« • • • Grammar Builder (ID ): page 108 Then tell the class about your partner.

Martin lives in a flat.


Unit 1 • My network
Sue Povey gets u p at six every m orning hom e w ith the other four children. help her w ith th e shopping. She buys 50
and makes breakfast for fifteen people. Every weekday she looks after the litres of milk a week!
Sue has a difficult jo b she works hard children and cleans the house. She does Sue says: ‘I love my big family. All
every day. W hy? Because she's a m other the w ashing eight tim es a day. and she the children help m e and help each
w ith fifteen children, and thirteen o f irons clothes for three hours. other. I w ant m ore children!'
them live at home. Every afternoon at 3.30 she collects H er husband Ian says: 'It's never
Sue Povey and her fam ily live in the children from school in the m inibus. boring in this fam ily.’
Swindon in the south o f England. A fter T h en she helps them w ith their T hom as, 7, says: '1 always have
breakfast her husband, Ian. goes to hom ew ork. A fter that she cooks dinner som eone to play w ith .’
work. Sue drives the children to school. for fifteen. H er husband comes hom e Katie. 5, says: ‘I like having new
(She needs a m inibus for this!) N ine at six. A fter dinner, she goes to the babies in the house.’
children go to school and she drives superm arket w ith tw o of her sons. T hey A nd M att. 9. says: 'I t ’s very noisy!’

12 1 Unit 1 • My network
1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 5 Write true sentences about yourself and your family. Use the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Who are the people in the photos?
2 Is your family big or small? 1 ______________ (get up) a t ________________
mum gets up at uvtn o'clo£*
2 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?
2 ______________ (make) breakfast in my house.
1 Sue Povey has got thirteen children.
3 ______________ (go) to work a t _______________
2 Sue’s husband stays at home and looks after the children.
in the morning.
3 Sue is happy with her big family.
A _____________ (come) home a t _______________
Exam tip in the evening.
5 ______________ (help) my parents with the housework.
When you answer m ultiple choice questions, read the
first part of the question only and then look for the 6 ______________ (cook) dinner in my house.
information in the text. When you have found the correct 7 ______________ (go) to the supermarket on
place in the text, read the options carefully and compare
them with the text. 8 _______________ (tidy and clean) the house.

3 Read the exam tip above. Then choose the best answers. 6 Write down three things that you do after school. Use the
ideas in exercise A to help you, or think of your own.
1 Sue has a difficult job because
a she makes breakfast every morning,
7 Memory game! Take it in turns around the class
b she has got a very big family,
to repeat the whole sentence and add one of your ideas from
c two of her children don’t live at home.
exercise 6 .
2 After breakfast Sue
a drives her husband to work, When I get home, I do
b drives the children to school, my homework.
c looks after the children. v -------------
3 In the morning and afternoon, Sue When I get home, I do my
a plays with the children. homework and I watch
b shops and drives in the minibus, television.
c looks after children.
4 The children come home from school
a by minibus.
b with Sue’s husband,
When I get home, I do my
c by bus.
homework, I watch television
5 Who helps her with the shopping? and I take the dog for a walk.
a Two daughters.
n s ---------------------------------------
b Two sons,
c Her husband.

4 Complete the everyday activities with the words in the box.

Underline them in the text.

breakfast the children clothes dinner home

supermarket the house the washing work up

1 Everyday activities

flpan gpt
rnmp gn tn
cook go tn thp
do iron
drive . to school make

Unit 1 • My network
c<?n introduce people.

ig people
1 Complete the conversation with the words in the box. ^ 1.22 Listen to the conversations. Are the sentences true
or false?
doesn’t from got How old this too you
1 Alfie and Jenny live in the same street.
2 Sam’s cousin goes to Elston Secondary School.
3 Alfie’s sister is 12 years old.
A Jane and Ella have dance classes together.
5 Jane and Ella go to school together.
6 Rosie’s mother is a teacher.

1.22 Complete the sentences. Then listen again and

Alfie is my neighbour.
H e__ to Elston Secondary___
S h e __ _ go to school. She____ in a shop.
Rosie,____ is m y , Jane.
Jane to th e dance class as me.
My m um at that school. She Italian.
Mark Hi. Rachel. ». are you? Match each sentence in A with a reply from B.
Rachel Fine, thanks, Mark. And you?
Mark Not bad. Rachel, 2 is Susan. Hello, Sam.
Rachel Hello. Susan. Nice to meet you. How are you?
Susan Hi, Rachel. Nice to meet yo u 3______ Nice to meet you.
Mark Susan is new to the school. Where are you from?
Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Rachel Oh, right. Where are you 4______ ?
How old is your sister?
Susan London.
Is your brother at the same school?
Rachel Have yo u 5 any brothers or sisters?
Susan Yes, I’ve got a brother and a sister. Not bad. And you?
Rachel Really? How 6 are they? No, I haven’t.
Susan My sister is 14 and my brother is 18. My sister is in Nice to meet you too.
class 12C. No, he works in an office.
Hi, Andrea.
Rachel What about your brother?
She’s 16.
Susan He7 go to this school. He's at university in
Edinburgh, in Scotland.
Mark That’s the bell. I’ve got maths now. See you later. 8 SPEAKING Work in groups of three. Imagine that one of you
Rachel Bye. is new to the school. Complete this information about the
new student w ith your own ideas.
Susan See8 _
You’ re from _______
2 » 1 .21 Listen and check your answers. You’ve got a brother and a sister.
Your brother is at the school. He’ s __ years old. He’ s in
3 In groups of three, practise reading the conversation. class_______
Your sister isn’t at the school. She works in
k Complete the sentences with information about Susan.
9 Write a conversation like the one in exercise 1. Use your own
She’s from _______ names and your notes from exercise 8 .
She*s g o t_______ brothers) a n d ______ sisters).
SpeaKing tip
Her brother is _______years old.
Always look at the person you are speaking to. Speak in a
He’s a t_______
loud, clear voice.
Her sister is years old.
She’s in class.
10 flrarc llkffl Read the speaking tip above. Then act out your
conversation to the class.

Unit 1 • My network
w rite a n inform al

informal letter lc /fc r to <1 penfrithuf.

Match numbers from exercise 4 with the words below.

Dear Sas*,
A AVf Akue »s 'r&bbie djx.i Vha ifC i/r
/vstv p e t'fr,e td -. T7v5 »s d p ird o o f
¿ te eighteenth___
fo urteenth___
e ig hth ___
fifte e n th __
second ___
te n th ___
seventeenth ___ tw e lfth ___ th irtie th ___
A*e. V * fi; years o ld <is<k Vha frt'*a
th ird ___ twenty-first tw entieth__
fr\a j'cV e s ie r . th irty-first___ fifth ___ ninth ___
B I //t/e f la t With v ij paren ts twenty-second___ firs t___ sixth

(Ot.( rs tj s is te r Karev. S te 's II <uxX she's ustAa.lly

(L b it ajweytra. VJe'i/e aiso get a. doo c a lle d "Rcver.
W riting and saying the date
C I eje to KetsAcw/y C tiv fr& e rs ts z S drcct. A fte r We write We say
5 c U d , I ta ke tire dcq fo r a, w a lk , ih e * 1do 1st January or 1 January ‘the first of January'
l-6AAew0r k . AV» p d re i'ts d c fli a e i Vove w b l s& /er 1900 ‘nineteen hundred’
1992 ‘nineteen ninety-two’
c 'd c c k , so K o re r curd I cock d u v e r. A fte r d tw e r,
2004 ‘two thousand and four*
I T V or hste^ to w s iC . 2012 ‘twenty twelve’
vJ r,te scar*.
1.24 Read the Learn th is ! box. Then listen and write
M est w /ste s,
the dates.
i& bixe
I 3rd 100V

1.25 Say these dates. Then listen and check.

Read the letter. In which paragraph (A-C) does Robbie:
1 21$l)anuary2007 4 29th March 1900
1 say how old he is?__
2 8 th October 1995 5 22nd September 2008
2 say what he does after school?__
3 5th May 2010 6 4th December 2020
3 say what his name is? __
4 talk about his family?__ 8 SPEAKING Ask and answer the questions.
5 say where he’s from?__
1 What’s your date of birth? 5 When’s Christmas Day?
6 say which school he goes to ? __
it‘&the... o f.... nineteen 6 What year is it now?
Answer the questions. 2 When’s New Year's Eve? 7 In what year is the next
3 What’s the date today? a World Cup?
1 How old is Robbie?
4 When’s Valentine’ s Day? b Olympic Games?
2 Where is he from?
3 What is his sister’s name? Imagine you have a penfriend in Britain. Write a short letter
A How old is his sister? (70-100 words) to him or her. Use the writing guide to help you.
5 Whai does he do after school?
D ear______
6 Who cooks dinner at Robbie’s house?
Paragraph 1
Complete the w riting tip with words and phrases from • Introduce yourself. Say how old you are and where you are
Robbie’s letter.
Paragraph 2
• Say something about your family. (How many brothers and
We start an informal letter w ith __ and the person's
sisters? Ages? Pets?)
first name.
We finish the letter w ith and our first name. Paragraph 3
(We can use Love if we know the person very well.) • What do you do after school? What do you do after dinner?
• Best wishes
1.23 Listen and repeat the ordinal numbers.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

Check your work
8th 9th 10th l l t h 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Have you
17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 30th 31st followed the writing guide?
written 70-100 words?
checked your spelling and grammar?

Unit 1 • My network
1 Look at the photo. How old do you think the boy is? Quickly 6 Do the Speaking exam task.
read the text and check.

2 Do the Use of English exam task. Speak in a loud, clear voice and look at the examiner while
you are speaking
U se of En g l is h exam ta s k

Complete the text. Write one word only in each gap. S p e a k in g exam ta s k

You have to interview your partner for your school magazine.

Find out about his/her family. Ask about:
1 his/her brothers and sisters (e.g. their age, school,
what they do)
2 his/her parents’ jobs

Listening dp
Read the sentences in the exam task and think about what
kind of information is missing.

When you listen for the answers, remember that the words
in the listening may be slightly different from the words in
‘I’ve 1__ two brothers. My little brother, Jake, is 12 the sentences.
years _ , and 3__ big brother, Sam, is 21. I’m
16. jake is at * same school as me, but Get ready to LISTEN Read the listening tip above. Then read
a different class. Sam 6 at university. He . the sentences in the Listening exam task. Try to predict what
German and history. My dad works in ____ office in kind of word or words might fill the gaps.

Brighton. My mum doesn’t work. She stays home. I jo b : leather, polite officer?

s » Do the Listening exam task.

Get ready to SPEAK Make notes about your family. Then
complete the sentences. L is t e n in g exam ta s k

Listen and complete the sentences with a word or phrase.

0 M y t a n t fly

S M y p a re n ts ' jo b s

1 I’ve got...
2 My m u m ...
3 My dad ...

£) Listen to Anna doing the Speaking exam task in

exercise 6 . Answer the questions.
1 How many brothers and sisters has she got?
2 Where does her brother live?
1 A n n a b e lle is a ____________ .
3 Where do her parents work?
2 She works in a ____________ .
Correct the mistakes Anna makes. 3 She gets up at four o'clock______
4 She sometimes goes to th e _____
1 I got a sister and a brother. /
5 When she gets home, she _ _ _ _ _ or listens to music.
2 My brother he is 19. /
6 She goes to work b y _________ .
3 Yes, he do. X
7 She works fro m to six o’clock.
4 My dad work in an office in Prague. X
8 She lives in a ________ .
5 My mum works in supermarket. /

Gel ready for your exam ]

Quickly read the text. Which paragraph 2 Do the Reading exam task.
can you find this information in?
1 What kind of information do R e a d in g exam ta s k
people put on ‘friends’ websites? Q
2 Why are some people worried Read the text and match headings A-F with paragraphs 1-5.
There is one extra heading that you do not need.
about ‘friends’ websites? [H
3 How many friends has Millie got? I_ A Why do ‘friends’ websites seem dangerous?
B How do 'friends’ websites work?
AJ L iA - » / B C What’s the best advice for people who want to use
‘friends’ websites?
D Where do M illie’s friends live?
‘Friends’ websites E How can I Find 'friends’ websites?
Q Millie is 17 years old and lives in Miami. She F Why are ‘friends’ websites popular?
has got 204 friends and she makes two or three more
friends every week. About 20 of her friends also live in
Gel ready to SPEAK Look at exercise 5 on page 6. Which
Miami. Some go to the same school, and others go to
the same music clubs and sports centres. She often sees words do you need to describe the people in the photos on
them. The others live in other cities and other countries: page 16 and below?
England. Canada, Japan ... She never meets these
friends, but she talks to them on the Internet. They arc 4 Work in pairs. Which three things do you think a good friend
her ‘MySpace Friends’.
should be?
H Z ! Because of websites like MySpace, Yahoo 360 and
Bebo, people can make friends online. These websites are kind generous funny helpful clever honest
w ry popular all over the world, especially with young good-looking optimistic cheerful sensitive
people. Users have got their own homepage. They give
information about themselves. They write letters for iheir
webpage, show photos and give opinions. They write 5 Do the Speaking exam task.
about their favourite films, music and TV programmes.
ELI For many young people, a good homepage is an S p e a k in g exam ta s k
important part of their image. Ii says: ‘This is me! I've
got something to say. These things - and these people Work in pairs. Tell your partner about a friend of yours, or a
- are important in my life.’ And these websites are also an member of your family. Describe:
easy way to talk to a lot of different people. That is why
teenagers like these •friends’ websites. 1 his/her appearance
2 his/her personality, with examples of his/her behaviour
But some people arc worried that these websites
aren't safe. For example, it is impossible to know that the
information on a homepage is true. Perhaps the 16-year-
old girl you talk to online is really a 40-year-old man. So
here is some advice.
0 3 Keep your webpage private. (Only friends can
see a private webpage.) Do not put photos of yourself
on your webpage. Do not meet people that you only
know because of (he website. And finally, remember that
online friends are fun, but they are not the same as real

Get ready for your exam 2

T H IS U N IT IN C LU D E S • • • »
Vocabulary • sports and hobbles • collocations: verb • noun • parts o f the body
Grammar • present simple questions • adverbs o f frequency • How o f t e n ?
• object pronouns • Imperatives
Speaking • an interview • talking about free tim e • expressing likes and dislikes
W riting • an announcement

I ca n ta lk e’. b c a /

Sports a n d hôbbicJ,

Label the photos with eight words from the box.

Sports and hobbies athletics basketball books

chess computer games cycling dancing fashion
films football gymnastics ice skating jogging
music photography rollerblading swimming

2 1.28 Listen, repeat and check your answers. Check the

meaning of any new words.

3 Which sports and hobbies can you do:

1 at home? 3 on your own?
2 outside? A in a team? 6 Put the sports and hobbies from exercise 1 into four groups,
according to your own opinion.
• • • Vocabulary Builder (part 1): page 129
1 I really like ...
2 I quite like ...
4 1.29 Listen to four teenagers. Which sport or hobby is 3 I don’t like ...
each person interested in? 4 I h a te ...
1 O liv e r___________ 3 N ic k ___________
2 Lauren ___________ 4 Rachel ___________ 7 E G 2 J 3 E 0 Work in pairs. Tell your partner your opinions of
the sports and hobbies. Tick the ones that are the same for
5 1.29 Listen again. Complete the sentences with the both of you.
correct name from exercise A.
I really like basketball, football, computer
1 NiiE visits chat rooms.
games and music. I quite like ...
? goes to a club near her home.
V " ------------------------------
3 . listens to music on the bus.
A meets friends after school every day. 8 Do a class survey. Which sport or hobby is:
S has got a brother, Michael. 1 the most popular in the class?
6 . has lessons on Thursday«;. 2 the most popular with the boys?
7 plays the guitar. 3 the most popular with the girts?
8 has got an expensive bike.
• • • Vocabulary Builder (part 2): page 129
/ m u Qfk. ab Cut people's

Present simple: questions kobbic.( ¿wd interests.

5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in

exercise A.

j Doyo
you go snowboarding? Yes, I d o./N o , I don’t.

6 Read the Learn th is! box. Translate the question words.

i/ i
We can use the question words How, What, When,
Where and Who to ask for information. We put the
< question word at the beginning of the question.
Where does your dad work?
Who do you s it next to in class?
Look at the photo. What is the name of this sport?
a skiing b ice skating c snowboarding 7 Complete part 2 of the interview with the question words in
the Learn th is! box.
1.30 Listen to part 1 of an interview with 17-year-
Interviewer do you live?
old snowboarding star, Jed Bright. Put the interviewer’ s
Jed 1 live in Vancouver, in Canada.
questions in the correct places. Interviewer 2_______ do you live with?
a Do your parents travel with you? Jed My parents and my brother.
b Do you do any other sports? Interviewer * do you relax?
c Do you enjoy competitions? Jed I listen to music.
d Does Nathan take part in the competitions? Interviewer * bands do you like?
Interviewer 1______________________________________ Jed Arctic Monkeys, Coldplay and Snow Patrol
Jed Yes, I do. I love the excitement - and the are my favourites.
travelling. Interviewer 5_______ do you see your friends?
Interviewer 2____________________________________________________________ Jed In the evenings and at weekends.
Jed No, they don’t. I travel with my trainer, Martin
8 © 1.31 Listen to part 2 of the interview and check your
Atkins, and my brother Nathan.
answers. Practise reading the interview in pairs.
Interviewer ____________________________________________________________

Jed No. he doesn’t. He just watches. • • • Grammar Builder (2B): page 110
Interviewer 4
Jed No, I don’t. I don’t have time!
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Match the beginnings and endings
3 Complete the examples in the Learn th is ! box. Use the o f the questions. Then ask and answer them.
questions from exercise 2 to help you. 1 What music do you a get up in the morning?
2 Where do you b do?
We form present simple questions with do or does and
3 When do you c listen to?
the base form of the verb.
A What sport do you d sit next to in class?
1______ l/you/w e/they go snowboarding?
5 Who do you e buy your clothes?
Yes, 12_______ / No. 13_______
6 How do you f travel to school?
4 he/sh e/it play chess?
Yes, she K ,/N o , s h e 6. 10 Work in pairs. Prepare an interview. Write five questions for
your partner. Use the questions from exercises 7 and 9 to
help you.
4 Write questions.
1 y o u/g o snowboarding? 11 Write answers to your partner’s questions.
Do <(0U 30 snowboarding?
2 your friends /lik e computer games? 12 SPEAKING Act out your interview to the class.
3 Wayne Rooney / play football?
A you/w atch a lot of films?
5 your best frie n d /d o athletics?
6 y o u /lik e dancing?

Unit 2 • Free time

I (An talk, about popular
jp crtj w \d activities.
Sport in Australia
How much do you know about Australia? Answer the
1 Can you name any Australian cities?
2 Can you name any famous Australian sportspeople?
What sport do they do?

Match the photos with the sports and activities in the box.

cricket hockey horse riding martial arts netball

rugby Australian Rules football

Read the text and answer the questions.

1 What do Australians think o f sport?
2 Why is swimming popular?
3 Which three sports are only popular with boys?
A Which three sports are only popular with girls?

Çè 1.32 Listen to the information about swimmer, Ian

Thorpe. Which Olympic Games are his medals from?
a 2000 b 2004 c 2000 and 2004

Australians love sport. They play it, they talk about it and they
watch it on TV. Australian weather is perfect for sport, and there
are thousands of great beaches, so swimming is very popular. The
population of Australia is only about 20 million, but many of the
best sportsmen and sportswomen in the world come from Australia.

Young people in Australia are very active. More than 60% of

children go to sports clubs. They also do activities with friends: for
example, skateboarding, cycling and rollerbladmg.

The top five sports for boys are:

A c tiv ity P a rtic ip a tio n (% )

sw im m ing
Australian Rules football 13.6

Other popular sports for boys are basketball, rugby, martial arts,
athletics and hockey.
5 ^ 1.32 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? The top five sports for girls are:
1 Ian Thorpe is from Sydney, Australia.
^A c tiv ity P a rtic ip a tio n (% ) 1 >
2 He is very tall but he’s got small feet.
3 Ian’s sister, Christina, is a tennis player. netball 18.1
4 Ian is an Olympic champion and has got two gold medals. sw im m ing 17.5
5 Ian holds two world records.
tennis 7.8
6 Ian is interested in a lot of different sports.
7 Fashion is one of Ian’s hobbies. basketball 6.9

6 Correct the false sentences in exercise 5.

^gymnastics 5.4 J
Other popular sports for girls are football, athletics, martial arts.
SPEAKING Work in groups. What sports and activities are hockey and horse riding
popular in your country? Agree on a ‘top five’ list. »our«: www.vq«ia«ov^ j

20 1 Unit 2 • Free time

/ cu n ta lk, about

Adverbs of frequency d a ily ro u tin e r.

1 Look at the pictures. 6 Write sentences about Jacob and Kirsty using adverbs of
Do you go bowling frequency and a phrase from the box.
or dancing in your
on Saturday afternoon on Saturday evening
free time?
on Saturday morning on Saturday night

1 Jacob/have football practice ...

Tatob lias football practice on m orning
2 Kirsty /g e t up late ...
3 Kirsty / have breakfast...
A jaco b/play tennis ...
5 Kirsty / buy a mobile phone ...
6 Jacob and Kirsty/go out with friends ...
7 Jacob/be in bed before m id nig ht...
8 Kirsty / be in the dance club until two o’clock ...
1.33 Read and listen to what two teenagers say about
Grammar Builder (2D): page 110
their Saturdays. Match them with the pictures in exercise 1.

Jacob I always have football practice on Saturday morning, so Look at the table. How often do you do these activities at the
I get up early and have a big breakfast. After football practice. I weekend? Complete column 1 of the table with adverbs of
go home for lunch. In the afternoon, I usually do homework, but frequency.
I sometimes play tennis at the sports centre. I hardly ever watch
Activity 1 You 2 Your partner
TV during the day - the programmes are always really boring. In
the evening, I always go out with friends. We often go bowling. do homework
I’m usually in bed before midnight. visit relatives
cook dinner
Kirsty I usually get up late on Saturday morning. I never have
breakfast. I watch TV for an hour and then I usually check my do the washing up
e-mails or visit a chat room. After lunch, I go shopping. I look listen to music
at the new mobile phones, but I never buy a phone - they’re watch TV
always very expensive. I always go dancing with friends on
go swimming
Saturday evening. I’m often out until two o’clock.
play computer games

1.34 Complete the chart with the adverbs of frequency

8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the
from the box. Listen, repeat and check your answers.
activities in the chart using How o fte n ... ?. Write your
Adverbs of frequency always usually often never partner’s answers in column 2 .
hardly ever
How often do you do 1 always
homework at the weekend? do homework.


9 Tell the class about yourself and your partner.

Underline all the examples of adverbs of frequency in the Which things are the same and which are different?
texts in exercise 2 .
I usually do homework at the weekend,
Circle the correct words in the rules in the Learn th is! box. jan usually does homework in the evening.
Use the examples in the texts in exercise 2 to help you.

3 1 We use adverbs of frequency to say how often Jan often visits relatives. I hardly ever visit relatives.
something happens.
x 2 We normally put an adverb of frequency:
a b e fo re /a fte r the verb be
b b e fo re /a fte r most other verbs

Unit 2 • Free time 21

I can understand Magazine,
article about sport.

1 Look at the photo. Match the parts of the body with the
words from the box.

Parts of the body arms back chest ears eyes

feet fingers hands head knees legs mouth
neck nose shoulders stomach toes

No pain, no gain
D avid Sim m ons com es fro m London, but he’s
in C hina fo r th re e m onths. H e ’s a stu d e n t a t ihe
D e n g fen g K ung Fu School. In th is in te rv ie w with
M artial A r ts M onthly D avid ta lk s about life at the

MAM Tell me about a typical day. What time do you get up?
David We get up at five o’clock and start training
immediately. We haven’t got time to have breakfast. If
we’ re late, the teachers hit us with sticks.
MAM How do you train?
David First we train our legs, arms and stomachs. We run up
and down 1,000 steps and do press-ups. The training
is very, very hard.
MAM How do you understand the teachers? Do you speak
David A little, yes. But the teachers speak English so I don’t
have a problem.
MAM When do you have breakfast?
David At half past seven. We have rice and soup. We have
a short rest and training starts again at nine o’clock.
We practise hitting with our hands and kicking with
our feet. Then we have lunch and a long rest.
MAM Do you train in the afternoons too?
David Yes. I like the afternoons because we train with sticks
and swords.
MAM Is it dangerous?
David No, not really, because we don’t fight.
MAM When does training finish?
David At six o’clock. We have a shower, and have dinner at
half past six - rice and soup again - then we go to
2 O 1.35 Listen, repeat and check your answers.
MAM What do you want to do when you go back to Britain?
3 Work in pairs. Cover the words in exercise 1. Use the photos
David I want to start a kung fu school in London and teach
to test your partner. Point, ask and answer.
people kung fu. I also want to appear in films as a
What’s this? It’s his arrnT| kung fu fighter!

Unit 2 • Free time

Reading tip 8 © 1 . 3 6 Listen and complete the song with the verbs from
the box.
When you read a text for the first time, don't worry if you
don’t understand every word. Just try to understand the are are fight knows makes says start take
general meaning.

4 Read the reading tip. Then read the text quickly. Which
sentence is true? Everybody is kung fu fighting -
1 David trains only in the mornings. Those cats 1 fast as lightning
2 David trains only in the afternoons. In fact it is a little bit frightening.
3 David trains in the mornings and afternoons. But they ? w ith expert tim ing.

They funky Chinamen from funky

5 Find five parts of the body in the interview. Chinatown.
They are chopping them up,
6 Are the sentences true or false? They are chopping them down.
1 David Simmons works in China. It’s an ancient Chinese art
2 He has breakfast before he starts training. And everybody 4 th e ir part.
3 David speaks a little Chinese. From a feint into a slip,
A In the mornings they practise fighting. And Kicking from the hip
5 They have a rest before lunch.
6 David wants to teach kung fu when he goes back to
Britain. There is funky B illy Ching and
little Sammy Chung. G lo s s a r y
7 Read the answers and complete the questions. Use the
He *. 'Here comes the big cat - a person (slang)
present simple. boss - let's get it on!’ funky-unusual,
1 Where______________________________________________ ? W e6______a bow and make a eccentric (slang)
He comes from London. Chinamen - Chinese
men (not used now)
2 W hat_______________________________________________ ? ;_______swinging w ith the hand Chinatown - the part of
He studies kung fu. The sudden m o tio n 8 me a city where Chinese
3 W hat_______________________________________________ ? skip — people live
Rice and soup. Now we’re into a brand new trip ! boss = leader
A W hy________________________________________________ ? gel it on = get excited,
Chorus be energetic (slang)
Because he trains with sticks and swords.
feint, slip, trip = kung fu
5 W hen______________________________________________ ? moves
At half past six. brand new « very new

Unit 2 • Free time I 23


F Giving an opinion
I c m express m ỵ likes m d dislikes.

1.37 Read and listen to the 6 1.39 Listen to three dialogues. Choose the correct
dialogue. Who does Jim prefer, answers.
Christina Aguilera or Eminem? 1 Chris’s favourite sport is: a volleyball b athletics.
Jim Do you like music? 2 a Kylie thinks that Tomb Raider is brilliant,
Louise Yes. 1do. 1love it. b Jeff thinks that Tomb Raider is brilliant.
Jim Who’s your favourite singer? 3 a Grace and Charlie both like fashion.
Louise Christina Aguilera. b Charlie likes fashion, but Grace doesn’t.
Jim Christina Aguilera? Really? 1
7 ^ 1.40 Complete the sentences from the dialogues with
can’t stand her! She’s terrible!
the words from the box. Then listen and check.
Louise Oh. Who do you like, then?
Jim 1like Eminem. interested like OK really What Who
Louise He’s OK, 1suppose. But 1
prefer Christina Aguilera. 1 jenny: ‘ 's your favourite sport?’
2 Chris: ‘So. what do y o u , then?'
Put the phrases in the box into the 3 Kylie: 'Are you in computer games?’
correct place in the table. A Jeff: *lt’s _____ suppose.’
5 Charlie: ‘I’m _ _ interested in fashion.’
He’s all right. He’s terrible. I can’t stand it. I love it.
6 Grace: .’s your favourite designer?’
I hate them. She’s great. She’s not bad.
They’ re brilliant. They're OK. It’s awful. 8 B 3 l2 3 K E Work in pairs. Prepare a dialogue using one of
the ideas in the box and the chart below.
quite good_______ good____________
Hobby/favourite? Hobby/favourite?
|r 1 j r a j B H S films/actor football/team
L - o i r i g | i- m
books/author music/band
L A ~ _ s 3

Ask B about his/her hobby. B

© 1 . 3 8 PRONUNCIATION Listen, repeat and check your : Say that you like
answers. Copy the intonation. your hobby.

Complete the Learn th is ! box with the two missing object Ask about B’s favourite.
pronouns from the dialogue in exercise 1 .
£ Object pronouns
Give your opinion of
I - me you - you
B’s favourite.
» he - him she - 1______ it - 2______
we - us you - you they - them Ask about A's
Grammar Builder (2F): page 110
Give your opinion of
Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions, using phrases
A’s favourite.
from exercise 2 and the correct pronouns. Find out what your
partner thinks of:
1 Robbie Williams 4 Eminem
StpeaKing tip
2 Avril Lavigne 5 Angelina jolie Intonation is Important when you give an opinion.
3 computer games 6 dancing Remember to try and use the intonation you practised in
What do you think of Robbie Williams? exercise 3 when you use phrases that express an opinion
or an emotion.
I can’t stand him!
S i-------------
SPEAKING Act out your dialogue to the class.

Unit 2 • Free time

i to ñ tc e\n
tin n cn n íC M crư fü r <* club .

Chess % Club
Are you a chess player? Good o r bad, you’re welcome at our club.
Film Club We m eet ev ery l\ie sd ay at six o’clock in Gino’s Café to play chess.
We usually play for fun, but ive also have a com petition
Are you interested in ev ery year. You can win great prizes.
films? We are! We meet
lA s c y o u r W tc \d . P la y c h e s s !
at Lauren's h o u se eve ry
Thursday at four o'clock to Don’t wait. Phone Lewis Connor today on
watch and talk about our 07710 767262 or visit our website: www.chessatginos.com
fa vo u rite DVDs.

Every month, we meet to decide the next Complete the imperatives with the words from the box.
four films. We usually bring the DVDs, but we come don’t forget don’t stay leam meet play visit
sometimes rent them.
and join the fun.
Come to Film Club! basketball and get fit.
Call Lauren White on 07756 277382. at home.
people with the same hobby,
new dances,
Look at the announcements. Are there any clubs like this our website.
near your home? to tell your friends.

Read the announcements. Answer these questions for each • • • Grammar Builder (2G): page 110
club and write your answers in the table.
1 When do they meet? Invent a club. Use one of the names from the box or your
2 Where do they meet? own idea.
3 What do they do every week?
art club basketball club bookclub computer club
4 What do they do every month /year?
dance club gymnastics club music club
5 Who do you phone about the club?
photography club running club
1 Film Club Chess Club
1 Make notes about your club. Use the table to help you.

3 name of club:

when it meets:
A where it meets:
what they do:
5 who to phone:
phone number:
Read the Learn (his! box. How many imperatives can you find
in the announcements in exercise 1? Which imperative is website:
Write an announcement (5 0 -7 0 words) for your club. Use
1 We often use imperatives in announcements. They’re your notes from exercise 6 .
direct and easy to understand.
Don’t forget! Call this number: 6/4583. Check your wort,
2 We form the affirmative imperative with the base form of
Have you
the verb.
□ used some imperatives?
We form the negative imperative with don’t + base form.
written 5 0 -7 0 words?
□ checked your spelling and grammar?

Unit 2 • Free time

»cabulary Complete the questions (1-6). Then match them with the
answers (a-f).
Choose the correct ending.
___________ you live?
1 My uncle is my
he like sport?
a father's brother. b brother's father.
she study?
2 My grandmother is my
you get to school?
a father’s mother. b mother's father.
she get up early?
3 My niece is my
you know Lucas?
a daughter’s sister. b sister’s daughter.
4 My cousin is my
History and German.
a son's uncle. b uncle’s son.
No. she doesn’t. She gets up late.
5 My grandson is my
Yes, he loves it.
a daughter’s son. b son’s daughter.
I walk.
ro ro 1 3 Yes, I do. He’s in my class.
In New York.
Write the plural form of these words.
1 wifp 6 pntatn
m is
2 husband •> hiK Rewrite the sentences to include the adverb of frequency in
3 photo 6 family _ brackets.
rro is 1 I have cheese for breakfast, (often)
I often havt chew for breakfast
Complete the sports and hobbies. 2 She's late for school, (hardly ever)
3 I play computer games, (often)
1 basket______ A ices
A He does his homework on the bus. (never)
2 computer g ______ 5 photog
5 It’s cold in January, (usually)
3 gymn 6 rollerb
6 School finishes at quarter past four, (always)
gee m 7 We have lunch at school, (sometimes)

4 Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative form of Everyday English
the verbs in the box.
8 Complete the questions for these answers.
get up go live play study watch
A 1______ are you?
My sister_______ French at school. B Not bad, thanks.
My brother and I tennis. A 2______ you from?
My best friend to a different school. B Manchester.
My d a d _______television every evening. any brothers or sisters?
We in Cambridge. B Yes, I’ve got a brother.
My mum at six o’clock every morning. A * your brother?
B He's 19.
m m a m
Write two sentences in the present simple: ( / ) affirmative
and (X) negative. Put the lines of the dialogue into the correct order.

1 th ey/liste n to: X classical music / pop music Yes, I do. I love them.
Thcf don't Ulen to m im . Tbt-f listen to pop mufcc. Josh Hartnett.
2 she / sit: X next to Pete / next to Sue Do you like films?
3 I / p la y:✓ piano /g u ita r Really? I can’t stand him!
4 he / go: / swimming /c y c lin g Who’s your favourite actor?
they/com e from: ✓ France /S p a in
she/ teach: / music /s p o r t
Mark m
7 he / speak: / English / Italian Total mu

Language Review 1-2

1 Look quickly at the text. What is each paragraph about?
(a) a Hungarian person in the UK
(b) people from abroad in the UK

Merton is 20 years old. He comes from Hungary, but he

doesn't live in Hungary - he lives and works in the UK.
He is a waiter in a hotel. He earns £6 an hour.
More than 600,000 people from Central and Eastern
European countries live and work in the UK. Almost
half of them are between 18 and 24 years old and most
of them are single. They stay in the UK for about two
years and then return to their own countries. Nearly
40% w ork in factories; many others w ork in shops,
hotels, restaurants and on farms. They com e because
they earn more m oney in the UK for these jobs than in
their own countries.
But do they like their new hom e? The answ er is usually
‘yes.’ In a survey of foreign workers in the UK. 92% say
that the British are ‘usually friendly’. Their only problem Listening
with life in the UK is British food: 78% don’t like it! But 3 Listen to the conversations. Match the people with
that isn't a big problem, because British superm arkets
three of the descriptions below (a-e).
now sell Central and Eastern European food.
1 Anna is
2 Claudia is
2 Choose the best answers.
3 Dave is
1 Marlon is
a a British man who works at the hotel,
a British, but he lives in Hungary,
b Anna’s sister.
b Hungarian, and he lives in Hungary,
c a British girl who lives with Marton.
c Hungarian, but he lives in the UK.
d a Portuguese girl who lives with Marton.
2 Marton has got e a British man who lives with IV^rton.
a a job in the UK and a job in Hungary,
b a job in Hungary, 4 U Read the questions. Then listen again and write
c a job in the UK. M irto n ’s answers.
1 Where are you from?
3 Marton works in
2 Have you got any brothers and sisters?
a a shop.
3 How old are they?
b a hotel,
4 Do you like music?
c a factory.
5 Who’ s your favourite singer or band?
4 About 600,000 people in the UK
a arrive every year from Central and Eastern European
b are from Central and Eastern European countries, 5 Work in pairs. Ask your partner the questions from exercise
c are between 18 and 24 and single. A. Make a note of the answers.

5 People from Central and Eastern European countries come

to work in the UK because W riting
a they get jobs in factories and shops,
b they earn more money in the UK. 6 Imagine you are your partner. Write a short, informal letter
c they are happy in the UK. introducing yourself to a new penfriend called Sam. Use your
notes from exercise 5.
6 People from Central and Eastern European countries in the
UK usually
D «r Sam
a like the food and the people,
Hi1 I'm four r*w pfnfnwvi name's and I'm from
b like the food, but they don’t like the people,
c like the people, but they don’t like the food.

Skills Round-up 1-2

Vocabulary • school subjects • in the classroom • prepositions o f place
• parts o f a school • directions • capital letters
Grammar • there is/lhere are • have to
Speaking • talking about subjects and tim etables • describing a classroom
• giving directions
W riting • a description

I can ta lk , a b o u t mv school s u b jtc ts .

Match the textbooks with ten of the school subjects from 5 ^ l .43 Read the exam tip. Then listen and complete this
the box. timetable for Mondays with school subjects from exercise 1.

School subjects art and design biology chemistry

design and technology (D.T.) English French geography 1 8.45-9.30 matas
German history information and communication
technology (I.C.T.) maths music physical education 2 9.35-10.20
(P.E.) physics religious education (R.E.) Spanish MORNING BREAK

3 10.45-11.30
2 1.42 Listen, repeat and check your answers.
A 11.35-12.20
3 Which of the subjects from exercise 1 do you study? Do you
12.20-1.30 LUNCH BREAK
study any others?
5 1.30-2.15
• • Vocabulary Builder (part 1): page 130
6 2.20-3.05
4 Work in pairs. Which subjects do you like? Ask and 3.10-3.55
answer questions using the phrases in the box to help you.

I love it. / It’s great.

6 Write your perfect timetable for one day. Copy the timetable
It’s alright / OK / not bad.
in exercise 5 and complete it with your favourite subjects.
I hate it ./1 can't stand it.

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about

Do you like art and design? your partner’s timetable. Can you copy it correctly?
---------------------is ---------------
What lesson have you got at quarter to nine? |
Exam tip
When you listen, don’t worry or stop if you miss an answer, Art and design. What lesson have you g o t .
just move onto the next question. You’ll have a chance to
complete the missing answers when you listen again.
• Vocabulary Builder (part 2): page 130 J

28 1 Unit 3 • School life

0 IB S »
f there is/there ore
WA describe w lw t is in « room .

Look at the photo. In which country do you think this 6 Say if the sentences in exercise 4 are true or false for your
classroom is? classroom.

« • • Grammar Builder (3B): page 112

We use Is th e re ... ? to ask about singular nouns. We use

Are there a n y... ? to ask about plural nouns.

7 Read the Look o u t! box. Then look at the picture of a

bedroom and complete the questions with Is there a ...?
or Are there a n y ...?

Look around your own classroom. Are there any desks?

Is there a noticeboard? The answer is probably yes.
Schools in large cities in India are the same. But outside
the cities, they’re often very different. The children in
the photo go to a small school in India. Their classroom
is outside. There isn't a noticeboard. There's a desk for
the teacher, but there aren't any desks for the children.
In fact there aren’t any chairs - the children sit on the
floor. But there are some books - and a lot of motivation!

Read the text. Check your answer to exercise 1.

1 la tfiere a bed? 8 ___________ window?
Complete the table with the highlighted words from the text. 2 Arc- there at>f chairs? 9 ___________ CDs?
3 ___________ desk? 10 ___________ posters?
I there is | there are A ___________ CD player? 11 ____________ bin?
5 ___________ shelves? 12 ____________ clock?
singular plural
6 ___________ TV? 13____________ plants?
affirmative affirmative 7 ___________ books? 14 _____________ cupboard?
Tr-trt's a teacher. i <;ome studenK.
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
negative negative exercise 7. Use the prepositions from the box.
» a TV. 3 any CDs.
behind in front of next to near on under
interrogative interrogative
4 a notirphoard? * any children?
No. there isn’t. Yes, there are.

9 EB$I2Iu3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about

Look at the photo in exercise 1 again. Complete the
your partner’s bedroom using the nouns from exercise 7.
sentences with the correct form of there is / there ore.
1 _________som e boys. 5 __________ a noticeboard.
2 _________ a teacher. 6__________ a TV.
3 _________ a computer. 7 __________ any shelves.
4 _________any posters. 8 __________ five girls.

5 1.44 Listen and check your answers.

Unit 3 • School life I 29

I m u ta lk . abct<t

)ls in England . d iffe re n t school system s.

Look at the chart. How many years of compulsory education SPEAKING Decide if these sentences are true for England.
are there in England? Is this the same in your country? Then say what is true in your country.
1 Education is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16.
Th« English Education System
2 Students start secondary school when they are 13 years old.
School Number of yean Age Compulwry? 3 Students take national exams when they are 12 and 17
Nursery 2 3 to 4 No years old.
Most students go to state schools.
Primary 6 5 to 10 Yes
All students stay at school until they are 18 years old.
Secondary 5 11 to 16 Yes English is a compulsory subject at all secondary schools.
College 2 17 to 18 No Some students go to private schools.

Read the text. Match the paragraphs with three of the 1.45 Listen to two teenagers talking about their
headings. schools. Choose the correct answer.

a Types of secondary school d British primary schools 1 Nick and Stephanie wear a school uniform.
b Subjects at secondary school e Exams at 16 and 18 2 Nick and Stephanie don’t wear school uniforms.
c University education 3 Nick wears a uniform, but Stephanie doesn’t.

Secondary education in England

I I In England, children start secondary school at the age of
ii. In the first tw o years o f secondary school, all the students
study the same 12 subjects. They are: English, maths, science, 1.45 Listen again. Complete the table.
design and technology, information and communication
technology, history, geography, a foreign language, art and
Name of school Abingdon OakUvb
design, music, citizenship and P.E. When students are 14 , they
can choose the subjects that they like, but some subjects Private or state?

(e.g. maths, English, science and P.E.) are still compulsory. Number of students
Number of teachers
I I At the age o f sixteen, students take national exams called
GCSEs (General Certificate o f Secondary Education exams). Mixed (boys and girls)? yes/no yes/no

After these exams, about 25% o f students leave school and find Wants to leave when?
jobs. The other 75% stay at school. They study two, three or four
SPEAKING Ask and answer the questions.
school subjects and take advanced level exams (‘A levels’) when
1 Is your school a state school or a private school?
they are 18.
2 How many students are there in your class?
I I Most students in England (about 90 %) go to state 3 How many teachers have you got?
secondary schools. State schools are free. The other 10 % go to 4 Is it a mixed school (for both boys and girls)?
private schools. Some o f these schools are very famous - and 5 Do you wear a uniform?

very expensive. For example, it costs about £24.000 a year to Work in pairs. Make a chart for your country like the chart in
study at Eton College!

Unit 3 • School life


Look at the photo and read the text. What does the © 1 . 4 6 IsittiMFIlWMiMkM Listen, repeat and check vour
photo show? answers. How are the words have to (or has to) pronounced?
Try to copy what you hear.

• • Grammar Builder (3D): page 112

5 Look at the table. Are these things compulsory or not

compulsory at your school? Choose yes or no, then write
sentences with have to or don’t have to.
W t have- io/<J«Yt havt 1o wear a uniform

1 wear a uniform yes/no
2 study a foreign language yes/no
3 take exams yes/no
A do homework yes/no
5 get to school before 9.00 yes/no
Summerhill School in England is a private school, and it’s
very different from most other schools. There is a timetable, 6 stay at school after 3.00 yes/no
but students don't have to go to the lessons. They sometimes
play football instead! There’s a meeting every week for all the 6 Read and complete one student’s description of an ideal
children and teachers at the school, and they vote to decide
school. Use have to and don’t have to.
the school rules there. The teachers and students all have to
follow the rules. Does the head teacher have to follow the
rules? Yes, she does!

2 Read the Learn th is ! box. Complete the examples using the

highlighted words from the text in exercise 1 .

? 1 We use have to (or has to) to say that something is

x necessary or compulsory.
2 We use don’t have to (or doesn’t hove to) to say that
< something is not necessary (but it isn't against the

I We 1______ be at school before 9 o’clock.

We 2______ have lunch at school. Some people go

home for lunch.
We J get to school early in the morning - 10.30 or
11.00 is OK. W eJ wear a uniform - we can wear
what we like. Every morning the teachers 3 ask the
students what they want to study. There are classrooms,
Do you have to study French? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
but w e 4 go to lessons. We sometimes go to the
3 she have to do P.E.? Yes, s h e 4_______ / No, computer room or the library instead. W e5 be quiet
she doesn’t. in the library - we can sit and talk with friends. There’s a
cameen where students have a snack or lunch. We 6______
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to, buy the food - it’s all free.
affirmative or negative.
1 My brother wear a school uniform: black trousers and
7 Work in pairs. Think about your ideal school. Write a short
a green sweatshirt, but I to wear a uniform.
description using have to and don’t have to.
2 W e______ take exams every term - only at the end of the
8 M jgJwW rti Work with another pair. Ask and answer
3 I be at school by 8.50 because the first lesson starts
questions about your ideal schools.
A W e______ study a foreign language: French, Spanish or
5 I don’t like geography, but I study if.
6 My sister's school is a normal state school - s h e pay.

Unit 3 • School life f 31

I c m v M d trs tm d a n d r w c t to
<m t r t id c iib c n f jckcoU .

SPEAKING Look at the photos. What can you see?

There’s a ... There are ...

When you’re looking for specific Information in a text, BIG COUNTRY. SMALL POPULATION
use the subheadings to help you. and / or read the first Australia is an enormous country, but it has a population of
sentence of each paragraph. only 20 million. Some families live on farms, hundreds of
kilometres from a town or city. Children from these families
2 Read the reading tip. Then look through the text quickly and can't travel to school every day, so many of them use a
find the answers to these questions.
special school: the Australian School of the Air.
1 How many people live in Australia?
2 How many students use Schools of the Air?
3 How often do teachers visit their students?
There are twelve Schools of the Air in Australia and over
3 Match the highlighted words in the text with the definitions 1,000 students use them. Students of the School of the Air
below. haven't got lessons in classrooms with other students. They
1 with no other person there; a lo ne :______ study at home on their own. The teachers at the School of
2 very b ig :______ the Air prepare lessons and send them to the students by
3 take and use something, then give it back later:______ posl or e-mail. The students have to work on these lessons
4 happens:______ for five or six hours a day. Monday to Friday. They send
5 two tim e s:______ their work to the teachers once a week and discuss it by
6 letters, postcards, e tc :______ radio or over the Internet. They can also borrow books from
7 o n e tim e :______
the school library. The books arrive by post.
4 Choose the best answers.
1 Some students in Australia can’t go to normal schools
a their parents work on farms,
b they live hundreds of kilometres away from a school.
2 a There are 12,000 students in the Schools of the Air.
b There are 1,000 students in the Schools of the Air.
3 Once a week, students
a send work to the teachers,
b borrow books from the library.
4 Students discuss their work with a teacher
a on the phone.
b by radio or on the Internet.
5 A teacher and student meet when
a the student visits the teacher’s home,
b the teacher visits the student’s home.
6 The Sports Carnival happens once a year and is
a compulsory.
b optional.

32 T Unit 3 • School life

5 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Check
the meanings of any new words.

Parts of the school canteen classroom computer room

corridor gym hall library playing field staff room

You find lots of books in th e _______

You eat lunch in th e _______
You play sports like football and hockey on the
You have lessons in th e _
Once or twice a year, a teacher visits every student at Teachers meet and talk in th e _______
home. The teacher spends a day with the students, helps You usually play basketball and volleyball in the
them with their work and discusses problems. The teacher At the beginning of a lesson, you wait in th e ___ before
often has dinner with the family and stays for a night at you go into the classroom.
the student’s house. Teachers and students can also meet 8 You’ve got ICT lessons in th e _______
9 The whole school can meet in th e _______
at the Sports Carnival. This takes place once a year on
10 You walk up or down th e __ to get to another floor.
playing fields in Alice Springs. Students don't have to go,
but it is a great way for them to do sport together and to 6 © 1 . 4 7 Listen, repeat and check your answers.
make friends.
7 How many of the words in exercise 5 can you find in the text
about the School of the Air? List them.

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Use the phrases in the box and

your own ideas to make two lists in the table below:
1 The advantages of having lessons at home.
2 The disadvantages of having lessons at home.

compare ideas talk about your ideas

think make friends
get up early travel to school
have fun

Lessons at home
Advantages Disadvantages

It’s easy to think. There isn’t a gym.

You don’t have to get up It's difficult to compare

early. ideas.

9 Work with another pair. Compare your lists. In

general, are there more advantages or more disadvantages?

Unit 3 • School life

1 O 1.48 Read and listen to the dialogue. 4 1.49 Listen and follow the directions on the plan below.
Put the pictures in the correct order. Where is each person going?
Person 1 ______ Person 3 Person 5 ______
Person 2 ______ Person 4 ______

5 $ 1 . 5 0 Listen. Answer the questions.

1 Where does Oliver want to go?
2 Why does he want to go there?
3 How many people does he ask for directions?
A What happens when he arrives?

6 1.51 I Ü UKUfA»[Wl Listen and repeat the directions

Keith Excuse me. Where's classroom 7? from the box.
Molly It’s near the staff room. Directions Go along the corridor.
Keith Oh. right. Where’s that? I’m new here. Go past the school hall. Go up the stairs.
Molly Oh, OK. Go along this corridor and turn left. Go up Go down the stairs. Turn left. Turn right.
the stairs to the first floor. Turn right. Go past the Go through the doors. Go outside.
staff room. Classroom 7 is on your right.
Keith Thanks very much.
7 Work in pairs. Prepare a dialogue using the chart below and
Molly You’re welcome.
your own school or the plan in exercise 3.

Ask B where a room or

a part of the school is.
Say where it is.

Ask where that is.

Give directions.

Thank 8 .


2 1.48 Listen and repeat the dialogue. Then practise

8 SPEAKING Act out your dialogue to the class.
reading it in pairs.

3 Look at the plan of the school. Follow Keith’s route from

I cm! describe if
w eek v.t m y school.

Read the four parts of the description of a secondary school

for a new student. Number them in the correct order.

Lunch is at 12.30. You don’t have to buy lunch in the

canteen. There’s a shop next to ttie gym and it sells
sandwiches and other snacks.

—I Lessons start at 8.45 in the morning, and you have to

be at school before 8.30. There are four lessons in the
morning, two before the morning break and two after
the break. The morning break is from 10.20 to 10.50.

□ Lessons start again at 1.45 and finish at 3.30. On

Tuesdays, you have to go to the gym for P.E. before 1.45.
On Thursdays, school finishes an hour early at 2.30.

Welcome to St Michael’s Secondary School!

I hope that you enjoy your first week.

Match the photos with three parts of the description.

Photo A ( ] Photo B . Photo C Q

Answer the questions about St Michael's Secondary School.

1 What time do lessons start in the morning?
2 What time is the morning break?
3 Where is the shop?
4 When is P.E.?
5 When does school finish on most days?
6 When does school finish on Thursdays?

Read the w riting tip below. Which rules for capital letters are
different in your language?
. M ju -v™ Prepare a description (80-100 words) for a new student
W kéÂm àtéà-Æ éiji^l at your school. Write down some information about four of
We use capital letters in English for: these subjects.
• the personal pronoun I • lessons start - what time?
• days and m onths • lessons in the morning - how many?
• nam es • break - what time?
• languages and nationalities • lunch - where? what time?
• towns and countries • buy snacks, drinks - where?
• lessons finish - what time?
Write examples for each of the rules in the writing tip. • sports and games - what? where? when?

Write the note using the information in exercise 7.

Rewrite the sentences using the correct capital letters.
1 the new school year starts on monday 6th September. Check your work
2 your first lesson on thursday is history.
Have you
3 our Spanish teacher is from lima in peru.
4 my brother james and i go to eton college. used capital letters correctly?
5 our geography teacher's name is george white. written 8 0-10 0 words?
included all the information in exercise 7?

Unit 3 • School life

Gel ready to LISTEN Find these things in the photo: wave, 3 M M M B M lil.H - .M I Work in pairs. Make a list of presents
surfer, surfboard, wetsuit. that you could buy for a female friend and a male friend.

For a boy For a girl


© Read the Speaking exam task in exercise 5. Listen

to Daniel in the exam. Complete the conversation with words
from the box.
Do the Listening exam task. exciting idea Let’s like shall think
what about Why don’t
Listening tip
Read through the questions and the options before you Examiner It’s David’s birthday next week. We need to buy
listen. a present for him . 1 we buy him a Robbie
As you listen the first time, mark the answers that you Williams CD?
are sure of. If you’re not sure of an answer, don’t worry Daniel I don’t 1 that’s a very good idea. He doesn’t
and move on to the next question. J______ Robbie Williams.
When you listen the second time, try to answer the Examiner Really? He’s got lots of Robbie Williams CDs.
questions you weren’t sure of the first time and check
Daniel No. he hasn’t. He hasn't got any.
your answers to the others.
Examiner Oh. Well, w hat 4_______we get for him, then?
Daniel 5______ buy him a book.
L is t e n in g exam ta sk Examiner But that isn’t a very 6 present.
Daniel OK. Well. > _ _ a T-shirt? There are some great
Listen to an interview with a surfer. Choose the correct T-shirts in the clothes shop in town.
answers: A, B or C. Examiner OK. That’s a good 8 Let’s buy him a T-shirt.
1 How old is Joshua?
A 16. □ B 17. □ C 18. □ 5 Do the Speaking exam task. Use the phrases in the box below.
2 When are his exams?
Making a suggestion
A This year. [ | B Next month. Q ] C Next year. Q
3 In summer, how often does Joshua go surfing on Why don’t we (+ verb)?
schooldays? Let's (+ base form)
A Usually once a day. B Usually twice a day. [ j What about (+ noun/-¡ng form).
C He only surfs at weekends. Agreeing Disagreeing
4 Why does Joshua do homework at lunchtime? OK, th a t’s a good idea. 1d o n 't think th a t’s a very
A Because he wants more time for surfing. [ ] ] A ll rig ht. Let’s ... good ideo.
B Because he works hard, i_j He doesn't like ...
C Because he can’t go surfing atlunchtime. Q She can’t s ta n d ...
5 Why doesn’t Joshua surf before breakfast in winter? She’s already g o t...
A Because the waves are not very good. [ [ ]
B Because it’s cold. Q S p e a k in g exam ta sk
C Because there isn’t enough light. Q
Work in pairs. You and your friend are discussing what to
6 Who in Joshua's family surfs?
buy for another friend's birthday.
A just Joshua. □ BJoshua and his sister. □
C The whole family. [H Student A: suggest a CD.
Student B: disagree with Student A’s suggestion and say
7 When is the next competition for Joshua?
why you disagree. Suggest another present.
A Next week. | j B Next month. __
Student A: disagree with Student B’s suggestion and say
C In two months’ time. _
why you disagree.
Student A
and B: agree on a compromise.
Get ready for your exam 3
1 Quickly read the text. Does boot camp R e a d in g exam ta sk
make Melissa a better person?
Read the text and choose the correct answers: A, B or C.
1 What is ‘boot camp’ ?
A A holiday camp.
B A camp for difficult teenagers.
C A place for teenagers to go out with their friends.
2 What problems does Melissa have?
A She's difficult at home but enjoys school.
B She's difficult at school but is happy at home.
C She doesn’t like school and she fights a lot with her mum.
3 When do the young people start work?
A After breakfast.
B When they want to.
C When they get up.
4 When do they do their schoolwork?
Sixteen-year-old M elissa arrives a t "boot cam p', b u t she A In the morning and evening.
doesn't w ant to be here Boot camp is not for holidays. B In the morning and afternoon.
T eenagers conic to sta y here when they have got problems.
C In the morning, afternoon and evening.
And M elissa h as got aerious problems. She doesn't do any
work a t school. She ju s t w ants to go out w ith her friends 5 How does Melissa feel about boot camp at first?
all nigh t, and d m ik and tak e drugs. She is very difficult A Sometimes it’s boring, but Melissa enjoys it because
a t home. She arg u es w ith her m um all th e tu n e and sh outs the food is good.
a t her. Her m other can’t help her b u t she hopes th a t boot B She doesn’t enjoy it at all.
cam p can. C It’s hard work but she likes it.
Boot cam p is a difficult place to be. There are lots of 6 Melissa
rules. This boot cam p is in th e middle o f Che Arizona A rides a horse every day.
desert. It's a ranch, and th ere are lots of anim als. The B doesn't ride a horse because she is scared.
young people have to get up early every morning. They C doesn’t ride a horse because she has to work on the ranch.
have to help on the ranch for two hours. Then they
7 How does Melissa feel after two months at boot camp?
have a good breakfast. At least th e food here is nice.
After breakfast, they usually do th e ir schoolwork u n til A She wants to stay at boot camp and learn to ride.
lunchtim e. A fter lunch they have to do more work on the B She hates it and wants to go home.
ranch. In the evenings they do th e ir homework and write C She feels sorry for being difficult and wants to go home.
le tters home. I t ’s boring and hard work a t boot camp.
M elissa h ates everything, and is rude and difficult. 3 - w ork in pairs. Make a list of the
B ut every afternoon, a fte r th e ranch work, they learn subjects you study. What’s your favourite subject?
to ride a horse. At first. M elissa is scared, b u t Later she
begins to enjoy it. A fter two m onths. M elissa feels happier. 4 Read the Speaking exam task below and listen to
She loves her horse, and her schoolwork is much better.
Blanka in the exam. (She is Student B in the task.) Correct
She th in k s about her mum a lot. and feels sorry for being
the mistakes in Blanka’s sentences.
so horrible to her. She w ants to go home and go back to
school. For M elissa and hundreds of teen ag ers like hor, 1 There is about 1,000 students in the school. X
boot cam p works. 2 We study about ten subject. /
3 I like the biology and maths. /
A Lessons finish at half past three o’clock. /
2 Do the Reading exam task.
5 Do the Speaking exam task.

S p e a k in g exam ta sk
1 Read the text quickly to get a general idea of what it’s
about. Work in pairs. Student A: Imagine you are a student from
2 Read the questions or sentences carefully and identify abroad visiting your school. Ask Student B about the school.
the part of the text where you can find the answer. Ask about:
3 Read the text again carefully, and look at the options. 1 the number of students at the school.
Cross out any options that you are sure are wrong. 2 the subjects they study at the school, and Student B’s
4 If you aren’t sure of an answer, try and guess.
favourite subject.
3 the timetable - when lessons start and finish, break times
and lunchtime.
Student B: Answer the questions.

Gel ready for your exam A

T H I S U N I T I N C L U D ES • • •
Vocabulary • clothes • adjectives • musical instruments • types o f party
• free tim e activities • prepositions o f lim e
Grammar • present continuous • can/can't • adverbs
Speaking • describing clothes • talking about the clothes you wear
• making arrangements
W riting • a party invitation

w W somccnc i f

1 Match the clothes in the picture with the words from the SPEAKING Work in pairs. Play a memory game. Student A:
box. Which items aren’t illustrated? Look at the picture in exercise 1 fo r a m inute, then close your
book. Student B: Ask student A questions about the picture.
Clothes blouse boots cap dress jacket jeans
jumper shirt shoes shorts skirt socks sweatshirt Who’s got a pink dress?
T-shirt tie top tracksuit bottoms trainers trousers is VJ
What colour is Bill’s sweatshirt? It’s brown.

Vocabulary Builder (part 1): page 131

Write sentences describing three people in the picture in

exercise 1. Use the phrases from exercise 5 on page 6 to
help you.
Salty is till. ■h » 90I far hair and a m i Woust

Q 1.58 Listen to four teenagers talking about their

clothes. Which two have to wear a uniform for school?

1 David 2 Maria 3 Peter A Fiona

Q 1.58 Listen again. What do they wear when they go

out with friends? Complete the sentences with the correct
1 David usually w ears or jeans, and a sweatshirt or a

2 Maria wears jeans or a _ , and sometimes a

if it's a special occasion.
3 Peter usually wears a ___ and a jacket, and
4 Fiona usually wears jeans and a . sometimes a
if it’s cold.

8 g j0 3 3 E 0 Ask and answer the questions.

1 What do you usually wear to school?
2 What do you usually wear when you go out with friends?
3 What do you usually wear around the house?

9 Write one or two sentences describing a classmate’s clothes.

Don’t include the classmate’s name!
Thift ¿Uematt haft got jeans aid trainer* Ht'f. opt a wMr T-shiri
2 1.57 Listen, repeat and check your answers. Check the and a Wue top
meanings of any new words.
SPEAKING Read your description to the class. Can they
3 Match the clothes in the picture with the colours. guess who it is?

Cotours pink red purple blue green yellow Vocabulary Builder (part 2): page 131
orange brown white grey black
I can describe wJia/ if

Present continuous happening m <\ p ic tu re .

1.59 Read and listen to the phone conversation. 4 © 1 . 6 0 Listen and match the sounds with the verbs.
Where’s Jane? Where’s Alan? l-b
Alan Hello? a h e /p la y the guitar d th e y/ chat
Jane Hi Alan. Where are you? b she /s in g e h e /e a t
Alan I’m at Sarah’s party, but I’m not having a good time. c he /s h o u t f sh e /d o gymnastics
Jane Why not?
5 Now write sentences using the present continuous.
Alan I don’t know many people here and I don’t like the
music. i- b singing
Jane Is Kate at the party?
6 Write true sentences about what is happening now. Use the
Alan Yes. She’s dancing. What are you doing?
present continuous, affirmative or negative.
Jane I’m sitting in the living room with my parents. We’re
watching TV. It’s a boring documentary. 1 I/w e a r a sweatshirt
Alan Do you want to meet up for acoffee? I'm wearing a 4wwtshirt./fm ncrt w-ant^ a swwtiJrurt
Jane Sure. Where shall we meet? 2 I / sit next to a boy 6 I/w e ar/tra in ers
Alan At the cafe near the cinema. 3 the teacher /sm ile 7 my parents/work
Jane OK. I’m leaving the house now. See you in about 4 w e /s tu d y /m a th s 8 my friends and I/eat
5 the sun/shine
fifteen minutes.
Grammar Builder (AB): page I K
Read the rule and complete the examples in the Learn th is!
box with verbs from the text in exercise 1 .
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about
Present continuous the people in the picture. Use verbs from the box.
x We form the present continuous with the verb be
h- carry chat drink eat laugh play sit smile
Z and the verb + -mg.
oc stand walk wear
2 affirmative
I’ m 1 the house now.
What's Kate wearing?
She J dancing.

I We’re 5

having a good time.

W hat 5______ doing?
We use the present continuous to talk about
actions that are happening now.

Read the spelling rules for the present continuous in the

Look out! box. Underline one more example of each rule in
the conversation in exercise 1 .

Spelling rules: verb + -/ng

• Most verbs: + -¡ng
• Verbs ending in -e: e -^-in g
w rite—w ritin g
• Verbs ending in short vowel + consonant: double 8 Write a short description of one of the people in the photo.
consonant + -mg Include this information:
swim ->swim m ing
• his or her physical appearance (tall, short, short / long
hair, etc.)
• his or her clothes
• what he or she is doing

Unit 4 • Time to party! 39

I u rn describe. <
a pkotô m d talk
« b ent m usic /k/ivaLt.
Music festivals
Read the speaking tip below. Then describe the Read the text. Which festival is for:
photo using words from the box. 1 folk dancing? 2 pop and rock music? 3 world music?

nouns audience band stage singer Answer the questions.

verbs clap sing play stand dance sit wear
1 Where does Glastonbury Festival take place?
2 How many people come to Glastonbury every year?
Speakmq tip 3 What does WOMAD stand for?
4 Where do WOMAD festivals take place?
You can use these phrases to talk about different parts of
5 Where does the International Dance and Music Festival
a photo:
take place?
On the le ft/rig h t, I can se e ...
6 How long does the dance festival last?
In the foreground, there is /a re ...
In the background, there is /a re ... SPEAKING Ask and answer the questions.
1 What music festivals are there in your country?
2 When and where do they take place?
3 What type of music do the singers and bands play?

f t 1.61 Listen and complete the song w ith the -ing forms
from the box.

I am dying I am flying I am sailing passing trying

we are sailing

Home again across the sea

1____________stormy waters.
To be near you. to be free
2 2

Is a rock and pop festival. It takes place Like a bird across the sea
2 J high clouds.
every year in June on a farm in the south-west o f Britain,
and it lasts for three days. About 150.000 people come from To be near you. to be free
all over the UK and Europe to hear the bands and singers on Can you hear me. can you hear me?
three enormous stages. But there isn't only music - there Through the dark night, far away?
are also comedy shows, plays and circus acts. In to ta l there 4____________ forever *__________
are 380 performances. To be with you - who can say?
stands fo r 'W orld o f Music, Arts and Dance'. Can you hear me, can you hear me?
Every year there are WOMAD festivals in several different Through the dark night, far away?
countries. You can hear many different kinds o f music at *___________ _ forever 5__________
WOMAD festivals, for example, bands like Baaba Maal from To be with you - who can say5
Senegal and Chambao from Spain. 6 6________________

' ne international Dance anrJ Music Festival takes place in Home again across the sea
Rexburg, Idaho, in th e USA. About 300 folk dancers from 6___________ stormy waters.
around the w orld come there and perform th e ir dances. To be near you, to be free
They dance in te a m s -o n e team from each country. The
Oh Lord, to be near you. to be free
festival lasts for tw o weeks and people come from all over Oh lord, to be near you. to be free
the USA to see th e dancers perform.

INTERESTING FACTS What is the song saying? Choose a. b or c. Can you think of
other songs with the same message?
First Glastonbury Festival: 1970
First WOMAD Festival: 1982 a I'm sailing because I love the sea.
First International Dance and Music Festival: 1986 b I’ m coming to you because I love vou.
c I’m flying like a bird because i*m :>ee.

AO Unit A • Time to party!

Read the text and answer the questions. Adverbs
1 What TV show does Sarah Michelle Gellar star in? We form most adverbs by adding -ly to the adjective.
2 What are her hobbies?

slow ->slow ly careful-)carefully easy->easily
Some adjectives don’t change.
Sarah Michelle Gellar fast lote early
is an Am erican TV
The adverb form of good is well.
star. She's Buffy in
Buffy the Vampire We use adverbs with verbs to say how something
Slayer. In the happens.
show. Buffy can kill He drives slowly. She can sing beautifully.
vampires. In reality.
Sarah can’t kill
Complete each sentence with an adverb from the Learn th is!
vampires, but she
can do m artial arts. box above.
She’s very good at 1 He’s a slow driver. He drives dowlf.
m artial arts. She's 2 This is important, so lis te n _______
got a brown belt in
I’ve got an exam tomorrow so I have to go to bed
tae kwon do. W h a t
else can she do? We’re waiting for Jim. he always arrives_______
She really likes She’s good at volleyball. She plays ve ry _
sport. She can ice The exam isn’t difficult. All the students pass___
skate really well and
she can rollerblade. Grammar Builder (AD): page 114

5 £ ^ 1 . 6 2 Listen to an interview with Andrea. Complete the

2 Complete the Learn th is! box with the correct forms of can.
table. Tick the things that Andrea can do.
can Andrea You Your partner
1 dance well
l/You/He/She/lt/W e/They can sing,
2 type quickly
2 negative
l/You/He/She/lt/W e/They 1_______ sing. 3 speak Russian fluently
(Full form: cannot) 4 remember names easily

interrogative and short answers 5 run fast

2 l/yo u /h e /sh e /it/w e /th e y sing? 6 whistle loudly
Yes, I can./N o, I can’t. 7 play an instrument well
Use 8 eat chocolate slowly
We use can to talk about ability.
6 Complete the table for yourself.

Complete the sentences. Use can and can’t and the verbs SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about
from the box.
the activities in exercise 5. Complete the table for your
count do play ride talk dance drive speak swim partner.

1 Jake can iV.r a bike but he _ a car. Can you dance well? Yes, I can./No, I can’t.
2 I don’t like discos because I _ very well.
3 She’s a good sportsperson. She______ volleyball and 8 Tell the class about your partner.
sh e __________ gymnastics.
A H e__________ French, but he wants to learn. We can both dance well.
5 She’s only three years old but sh e __________ from one to David can type quickly, but I can’t.
twenty. We can’t speak Russian fluently.
6 I have swimming lessons every Saturday, but I __________
very well!
7 Emily is one year old. She can walk but sh e ___________

Unit 4 • Time to party!

I m i 1 understand a rtM ja z in t

It’s party time! article « W describe photos.

SPEAKING Look at the photo. Read the speaking tip below,

then ask and answer the questions.

1 Where is the woman?
2 What’s she wearing?
3 What's she doing?

SpeaKing tip
You can use these expressions when you are giving an

opinion about what you can see in a photo:
I th in k ... I d o n 't th in k ... Perhaps... I ’m s u re ... M aybe..

Read the text quickly and answer the questions.

1 What’s Meg’s job?
2 Does she like her job?

Reading tip
When you are looking for information in an interview, use
the interviewer's questions to help you find it.
Choose the best answers.
1 Why do famous people ask Meg to organise parties for Jenny W h a t do you do in y o u r job, Meg?
them? M eg \ organise parties - it's as sim ple as th a t. )t
a Because Meg is good at her job. takes a lo t o f tim e to organise a b ig party, and
b Because they are very busy, fam ous people o fte n haven’t g o t m uch tim e , so
c Because they’ve got a lot of money. I do it fo r them .

2 Meg can organise Jenny W h a t kind o f parties do people want?

a winter parties, but only in the summer, M eg Oh, a n y th in g and everything! I can organise
b parties only in people’s homes, a p arty on any th e m e - fo r exam ple, I can
c parties with music and animals. organise a 'H a w a ii' p arty w ith guitars, palm
trees and parrots, a historical p a rty in a castle,
3 At the moment, Meg is an ‘ India’ p arty w ith elephants, or a ‘W in te r'
a organising a party where everything is red. p a rty w ith ice and sn ow and skating, even
b planning to meet a pop star in London, in August!
c planning her close friend’s 30th birthday party.
Jenny W h a t are you d o in g at th e m om ent?
4 Why doesn't Meg tell the interviewer the name of the pop M eg I’m p la n n in g a party fo r a fa m o us pop star. I t ’s
star? her 30 th b irth d a y th is m o n th and she’s having
a She can’t remember the name, a p arty at her house in London. She w an ts a
b She doesn’t want to say the name, 'Red' p arty - I'm organising red rooms, a red
c She doesn't know the name. dress and shoes fo r her, red food and drink
- even th e grand piano is red!
5 What does Meg think of parties?
Jenny W ho is th is fam ous person?
a It’s boring when there are problems,
b She loves them. M eg Sorry! I ca n't te ll you!
c She likes planning them, but she doesn’t like going to Jenny Do you enjoy your job?
them. M eg I love it. I have to w ork very hard and very fast,
and there are always problem s. But i t ’s never
Read the text again. Find:
1 two animals
Jenny And do you like going to parties yourself?
2 two different clothes
M eg No. n o t really. I prefer to go o u t w ith a fe w close
3 two adverbs
friends. It's m uch m ore relaxing!
4 two buildings where people live

Unit U • Time to party!

5 Match the musical instruments with the pictures.

Musical instruments bass guitar cello drums

guitar piano saxophone trumpet violin

6 Find two of the instruments in the interview.

7 1.63 Listen and identify the instruments.

8 Ask and answer the questions.

1 Can you play a musical instrument?
2 Can you name any famous musicians and their

9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Describe the pictures of a party.

What are the people doing? How do you think they are feeling?

Unit 4 •Time to party! 43

i M n Make, ñrrnngtncnis te Meet somebody.

^ 2.01 Complete the dialogue with the words from the Prepositions of time
box. Then read, listen and check your answers.
at in
can’t meet See This want What at five o’clock in the evening
at the weekend
at night
on no preposition
on Monday this evening
on Tuesday evening tomorrow
tomorrow morning

4 © 2 . 0 2 Study the information about prepositions of time.

Then listen to three conversations and complete the table
with the arrangements.

Activity Day Time

1 go 10 the disco
Harry Hi Megan. is Harry. How are you?
Megan Fine thanks. And you? 2
Harry I’m fine. Do yo u 3 to go bowling tomorrow 3
Megan I’m afraid I J________I’m playing volleyball at the Q 2.03 Complete the sentences. Use ;'n, on, a t or no
sports centre. preposition. Listen again and check.
Harry Oh, OK. * about Tuesday? Are you doing 1 What are you d oing tomorrow evening?
anything on Tuesday evening? Let’s meet outside the disco eight.
Are you doing anything Saturday?
Megan No. I’m not.
I’m free the afternoon.
Harry Let’s go on Tuesday then.
We’ re meeting two o’clock.
Megan Good idea. Do you want to go for a coffee Saturday morning?
Harry Let’s s outside the bowling alley at 6.30. Then let’s go for a coffee____ Sunday.
Megan Great. 6 you there.
6 Work in pairs. Prepare a dialogue following the
chart below.
Study the information in the Learn th is ! box. Find an example
of the present continuous and an example of Let’s in the A
dialogue. Answer the phone. B
Reply. Say your name and
V/J 1 We use the present continuous to talk about future
arrangements. ask how A is.
I ’m playing fo otba ll on Saturday. Reply. Ask how B is.

3 2 We use le t's to make suggestions.
Let's go to the café. Reply. Ask if A wants to do
something tomorrow.
Say what you are doing.
SPEAKING Practise reading the dialogue, changing the words
Suggest another day.
in blue. Use the activities from the box or your own ideas.
Say what you are doing.
Free-time activities play football go swimming
Suggest another day.
go to the disco go to the cinema go shopping
go for a coffee go fishing go for a walk go to the beach
go to the park have a barbecue Suggest a time and place
to meet.
Grammar Builder (4F): page 114
Agree and end the call.

SPEAKING Act out your dialogue to the class.

Unit 4 • Time to party!

I can write a u in v ita tio n tc a party.

An invitation ^
SPEAKING Look at the photo and answer the questions.
1 Where are the people?
2 What are they wearing?
3 What are they doing?
AJ ■ ■ • a - » i n £ g____________ I

1 Hi Kate
Please come to my fancy dress party! It’s on Saturday
12th May and it starts at 7.30 p.m. I'm having the party
at home - 45 Stonesfield Rd. The theme is ‘horror films’.
Can you invite Mandy. please? I haven’t got her e-mail
address or her phone number.
I hope you can come.
See you soon.

Dear Mike, havinq a party. It

It'S my birthday on SaWfda* 1Vs at ,he village hall, 5 Underline two different ways of starting an e-mail, and three
starts at 8 o'clock. Can you ways of finishing an e-mail.
Can you bring some CDs. please
I hope to see you there. 6 Find five mistakes in this invitation. Some of them are
Love spelling mistakes, and some are grammar mistakes.
Dear I".At
VJe're raze a. Chrisn*is p a rty m S aturday. I t s ta rts
a.i seze* o'clock. The p a rty >a a.t m j kxtuse.
Dave and I are organising an end-of-term padly on Friday
after school, from six o'clock. The party js at my house. 1 bcpe tfcu coj\ to case.
Can you bring something to eat or something to drink
Hope you can come. Des

7 Write an invitation (40-60 words). Include this information:

• the type of party
Match the e-mail invitations above with three types of party • when it starts (time / day)
from the box. Check the meanings of any new expressions. • the place
• some extra information or a request
Types of party Christmas party end-of-term party
end-of-school year party fancy dress party Writing tip
New Year’s party birthday party Halloween party
When you have finished a piece of writing, ask your
Read the Learn th is! box. Find three examples of can for partner to look for mistakes. It’s often easier to find
requests in the invitations. mistakes in somebody else’s work.

can for requests Read the w riting tip above. Then work in pairs and swap your
We can use con for requests. invitations. Check each other’s work for mistakes and help
Can you help me, please? each other to correct them.

Put the information below in the order that it appears in the Check your work
invitations. Have you
I I the time Q extra information or request included all the information in exercise 7?
□ the event the day U used can for requests correctly?
P] the place written 4 0 -6 0 words?

Unit 4 • Time to party!

Vocabulary 6 Complete the sentences with the present continuous of the
verbs in brackets.
1 Complete the school subjects with the endings in the box.
1 She with her boyfriend, (dance)
aphy ic ics istry ology tion 2 They_______ their dinner, (not eat)
3 The d o g _______ in the river, (swim)
1 mus______ 4 I _____a letter, (write)
2 phys______ 5 He to me. (not listen)
3 chem______
4 religious educa______ E l
5 information and communication techn______
6 geogr---------- 7 Write sentences using can or can't.
1 Lucy / play te n n is /
r.FTîa WiM
U ttj (2rVt pbf twmift

2 Complete the words for clothes. Use a, e, i, o and u.

2 Jack and Sarah / speak Italian /
3 I / do martial arts /
1 tr _ cks__ t 5 b _ _ ts A my s is te r /c o o k /
2 tr _ _ s _ rs 6 s k _ rt 5 his cousins / swim /
3 tr _ _ n _ r s 7 j.m p .r
T O iZ l
A i _ _ ns 8 sw_ _ tsh

IM S E l 8 Rewrite the sentences using the adverb from the adjective in

1 He’s walking, (slow)
Ht* votary slovfVj
3 Write sentences with there is/are, affirmative ( / ) and 2 She’s singing, (good)
negative [/) . 3 They’ re playing football, (bad)
1 a cupboard / any shelves X 4 He speaks Chinese, (perfect)
5 She's dancing, (beautiful)
■Owes if. a aipbwni Urt fr m aren’t fhe\vw
2 a gym / a playing field /
3 a computer room ✓ a lib ra ry /
ros izi
A any DVDs / some videos /
5 a cinema / a museum / Everyday English
6 a café / any restaurants /
9 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.
csa m corridor left opposite stairs
4 Write sentences with have to, affirmative ( / ) and negative
Boy Excuse me. Where’s the computer room?
[/) . Use the prompts below.
Girl It’ s 1 the library.
1 la c k / do the w a sh in g / Boy Where’s that?
¿oc&rít Vavf to do fofc waániiv) Girl Go up the 1 Then go along the 3 and turn
2 Sue and Jenny / walk to school /
3 Karen / do a lot of homework / Boy Thanks!
4 my dad / get up early ✓ Girl You’re welcome.
5 my g ra n d p a re n ts /w o rk /
6 their mum / cook dinner every night / ms m
IMS m 1 0 Put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order,
a Great! Let's meet in town,
5 Write questions and short answers using the prompts from
b I’m afraid I can’t. I have to finish my homework,
exercise A.
c No, I’m not. Let's go out tomorrow afternoon,
Doc* have- to do the washing? No. he doesn't. d Do you want to go for a coffee this afternoon?
r ro ia e How about tomorrow afternoon? Are you doing
anything then?

ms B3
Language Review 3-4
Reading 3 The hotel has got
a two restaurants,
1 Look quickly through the text. Find this information. b a bar and a restaurant,
1 the distance from the hotel to Victoria Station c two bars.
2 the time when the restaurant opens k After 1 a.m., the bar is
3 the cost of a single room a only open to hotel guests,
b open to the public and hotel guests,
c not open.
5 The restaurant is open for
a 1 1 hours a day.
b 1 2 hours a day.
c 24 hours a day.
6 Tickets for the Friday night parties are
a £12 .
b free.
c £ 1 2 for the public, but free for guests.

3Listen. Put the events in the correct order.
a Francesca arrives for the party,
b Marton talks to Francesca,
c Merton arrives for work in the morning,
d Marton arrives for work in the evening.
e Dave asks Merton to work in the evening. __
A re y o u p la n n in g a v is it to L o n d o n ?
f MSrton sees Francesca.
The A rcad ia H o te l is p e r fe c t fo r a
h o lid a y o r a b u s in e s s trip . 4 ft Listen again. Answer the questions.
The A rca d ia is a s m a ll, fr ie n d ly h o te l 1 Why does Marton want to work on Friday evening?
n e a r th e c e n tre o f L o n d o n , o n ly two 2 What time does he need to arrive on Friday evening?
k ilo m e tre s fro m V ic to ria S ta tio n . 3 Why is Dave at the hotel in the evening?
A Why is Francesca at the hotel in the evening?
T here a re tw elve sin g le room s a n d tw e n ty double
5 What is Francesca wearing?
rooms. T h e re ’s a co ck tail bar. open to th e public u n til
1 a.m . (an d open all n ig h t for g u e s ts ). A t The A rcadia 6 Why can’t Marton talk to Francesca?
R e s ta u r a n t (open from 11 a.m . u n til 11 p.m .) you can
choose l'rom a wide m enu o f E n g lish a n d Ita lia n food. Writing
S in g le room s a re £ 9 0 a n ig h t. Double room s a re £130.
5 Imagine you are having a birthday party. Write a short
O u r re c e p tio n ists c a n sp e a k E n g lish . S p an ish . invita tion to your partner. Follow the w ritin g guide.
F re n c h a n d Ita lia n .
• Say when the party is (day and time).
R em em ber - F rid ay n ig h t is p a rty n ig h i a t The • Say where the party is.
A rc a d ia !T h e re ’s m usic, d a n c in g a n d co cktails. • Ask your friend to bring some COs.
T ic k e ts a re £ 1 2 b u t free for h o tel g^uests!

2 Choose the best answers. 6 Work in pairs. Take turns to be A and B.
1 The Arcadia hotel is for A: Look through Units 1 -4 and choose a person from any
a people on business trips, photograph. Don’t show your partner. Describe what the
b people on holiday, person is wearing and doing.
c people on holiday or a business trip. B: Listen to the description. Look through Units 1 -4 and find
2 At the hotel, there are the person.
a twelve rooms.
b twenty rooms,
c thirty-two rooms.

Skills Round-up 1-4

T H IS U N IT IN C L U D E S • • •
Vocabulary • geographical features • continents • adjectives for measurement
• w ildlife • outdoor activities • prepositions o f place • holiday accommodation
Grammar • comparative adjectives • superlative adjectives • would like
Speaking • asking and answering quiz questions • giving opinions
• talking about National Parks • asking for information
W riting • a description o f an animal • a postcard

J ta lk (\bont p ỉ^ c u
a röwurf' th e w ûrU .

4 Ỉ ) 2.08 Listen and repeat the names of the continents.

Continents Africa Asia Australia Europe

North America South America

SPEAKING Where are the places in exercise 3? Ask and

1 Match the photos with words from the box. Which word isn’t answer using the continents from exercise 4.
I - ¡sUvi. sea
I Miere* s the Amazon Rainforest? [Ẹ ỊỊT
Geographical features beach desert forest hill
e • • Vocabulary Builder (part 1): page 132
«tend lake mountains ocean rainforest river sea
valley waterfall
6 ữ 2.09 Listen and complete the questions from a radio
quiz. Then try to answer them.
2 2.06 Listen, repeat and check your answers.
1 Are the Rocky Mountains in North America o r ?
2 Which sea does th e Danube flow into - the Black
Sea or the Mediterranean?
1 We usually use the with
3 W hich is between America and Asia?
a the names of seas and oceans, rivers and deserts.
4 Where’s the G obi - in Africa or Asia?
the Mediterranean, (he Nile, the Atacama Desert
5 Can you name tw o in the Mediterranean Sea?
b the names of groups of islands and hills or mountains.
6 In which continent i s Victoria?
the Canary Islands, (he Cotswolds, the Himalayas
2 We don’t usually use the with the names of lakes, beaches, 7 ữ 2.10 Listen to the whole quiz and check your answers.
or single hills or mountains.
Lake Gordo, Bondi Beach, Primrose H ill, M ount Olympus 8 Work in pairs. Write three quiz questions about geographical
features. Use the examples to help you.
3 $ 2.07 Complete the names of the places with the
£an -you name tao__________ ?
geographical features from the box. Listen and check.
wbert’i- ? Is rt in ___________o r___________ ?
Desert island Lake Mountains Rainforest River Sea In cotitinwrt If.

1 the Amazon p^nforwt 5 th e _______ Ganges SPEAKING Work with another pair. Ask and answer each
2 the Baltic___________ 6 the Sahara other’s quiz questions.
3 the___________ of Tasmania 7 Superior
A the Tatra___________ • • • Vocabulary Builder (part 2): page 132
1 Read the text and look at the photos. Which is the African 6 Ask and answer the questions in exercise 5.
elephant, and which is the Asian elephant?
« » • Grammar Builder (SB): page 116
What is the difference
between African and
Asian elephants? African 7 Look at the table below and write sentences about the places.
elephants are larger Use the comparative form of these adjectives and than.
and heavier than Asian
1 cold
elephants, and they've
got bigger ears. However, The Atacama Deter! i& colder than Death Vail
Asian elephants are more 2 dry 5 hot
intelligent and better at 3 far from the sea 6 wet
following instructions. 4 high

2 Complete the Learn th is ! box with comparative adjectives

from the text.

Hi Short adjective 1Comparative
long longer + -er
large i + -r
heavy 2 -y - * -¡er
hot hotter double consonant
♦ -er
Long adjective Comparative Rule Atacama Desert (Chile)
intelligent A more + adjective
Irregular adjective Comparative
good t
bad worse
far further
We use than to make comparisons.
Sue is ta lle r than me.

f t 2.11 Listen and repeat. Copy the

pronunciation of the sound in red (the weak vowel /? /).
Death Valley (California, USA)
1 December is colder than September.
2 Water is heavier than ice. The Atacama Death Valley
2.12 liirH K H K W M iM Listen and repeat. Underline Desert
the words that end with the weak vowel /.">/. How much rain? 0 - 0.1 mm 50 mm
1 The River Volga is longer than the River Thames. How hot? (maximum) 25° C 46° C
2 America is further from Australia than Asia.
How cold? (minimum) 0 °C 4°C
Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the How high? (maximum) 2,400 m 3,300 m
adjectives in brackets.
How far from the sea? 30 km 250 km
Which ocean is _______ , the Atlantic or the Pacific? (wide)
Which planet is _______ from the sun. Jupiter or Saturn? (far)
8 klsJJM M d Compare places that you know. Use the
Which animals are dogs or dolphins? (intelligent)
comparative form of adjectives from the box.
Which country i s _ , Russia or Canada? (big)
Which animals are , cats or horses? (fast) beautiful big boring exciting
Which metal is ___ . gold or silver? (expensive) friendly hot small wet
7 Which is water or ice? (heavy)
I think Berlin is more exciting than ...

Unit 5 »Wild! I 49
I can describe
X N a tió m ỉ Park.
National Parks
Ma WH IHd Look at the photo of the Lake District. What can Are the sentences true or false?
you see? Use the phrases from the box to help you. 1 There are fifteen National Parks in the north of England.
2 The Lake District is forty-five kilometres wide.
In the photo, there is/th e re are ... In the foreground ...
3 There aren’t any beaches in the Lake District.
In the background ... On the le ft... On the rig h t...
A There are more than sixteen lakes.
5 Forty thousand people visit the Lake District every year.
Read the text. Match the questions (1 -3) with the 6 You can visit the homes of two famous English writers.
paragraphs (A-C).
1 What can people do there? Which of these outdoor activities are mentioned in the text?
2 Where is it, and how big is it?
Outdoor activities birdwatching canoeing climbing
3 What is the scenery like?
cycling diving fishing horse riding mountain biking
sailing snowboarding swimming skiing walking

The Lahe District Where can you do these activities in your country?
□ The Lake District National Park is in the north of England. There
are 15 National Parks in Britain, but the Lake District is bigger
6 2.13 Listen to speakers 1 -3 . Match their descriptions
of national parks with the photos (A-C) below.
than the others. It is about 55 kilometres from east to west and 55
kilometres from north to south. There are mountains, lakes, woods, Speaker 1 : Photo EH Speaker 2: Photo EH speaker 3: Photo EH
towns, villages and even some beaches. B Banff National Park w
A Killarnev National Park

c Great Barrier Reef National Park

0 The Lake District is famous

for its beautiful scenery. There
are a lot of mountains and
hundreds of hills. There are 16
large lakes, and many smaller
ones. This area has also got
a lot of different animals: f<y 7 2.13 Listen again and complete the chart.

example, you can see rare Great Barrier Reef National Park
animals like the red squirrel and Natural features: 1______ with beaches
the Golden Eagle.
Activities: swimming, 3 3______
Q Over 40.000 people live and Killarney National Park
work in the Lake District. There Natural features: 4______ _5_______ forest
are also many visitors every year. I Activities: sailing , 6_____ , walking
You can go walking and climbing
Banff National Park
in the hills, and go swimming
Natural features: 7______ lakes
and sailing on the lakes. You can
Activities: skiing , 8, 9 canoeing
also visit many pretty villages

and towns, and the homes of

two famous English writers: William Wordsworth (1770-1850) E H jQ 3 E E Ask and answer the questions.
and Beatrix Potter (1866-1943). It is a very popular place for 1 Can you name any National Parks in your country?
visitors because there is something for everyone! 2 What are they like? Describe the parks.
3 What activities do people do there?

50 1 Unit 5 • Wild!
i can describe people a n d th in g s

Superlative adjectives u sing J u p c ria tiv c adjectives.

Extreme climate
Antarctica is the coldest place in the world and it has the
worst weather. The lowest temperature on record is -89°C.
Antarctica is also the wettest and the driest place in the
world. How is this possible? It's the wettest place because
70 per cent of the world's fresh water is in Antarctica and 9
per cent of the world's ice. And it's the driest because in on
place, The Dry Valleys, it never rains or snows. The Dry Valle
is the most difficult place in the world for plants and anima
- nothing can live or grow there.

Look at the photos and answer the questions.

Use the words in the box to help you.
5 Work in pairs. Complete the quiz questions. Use the
1 What can you see? superlative form of the adjectives.
2 Why is it difficult for animals and plants to live there?

bad cold food grow ice mountain shelter

1 Which capital city is (far) north?
snow valley water weather
a Reykjavik (Iceland) b O ttaw a (C an ad a )
c O slo (N orw ay)
2 Read the article and find the superlative form of these
adjectives. 2 Which ocean i s __________ (deep)?
1 cold 1tetoMed 3 low 5 dry a th e In d ian O cean b th e A tlantic O cean
2 bad A wet 6 difficult c th e Pacific O cean

3 Çè 2.1 A Complete the Learn th is! box with the superlative 3 Which animals are (intelligent)?
form of the adjectives. Then listen, repeat and check your a do g s b d o lp h in s C ch im p an zees
4 Which i s __________ (long) river in the world?
? a the N ile b l lie A m azon C th e Yangtze
wn Short adjective Superlative Rule
long + est
5 Which a n im a l is (fast)?
the longest
large i + -St a ch eetah b leo p ard C lion
UJ heavy i -y — -iest

G W hat is (la rg e ) anim a l in thf> w orld?
hot i double consonant
a A frican e lep h an t b b lu e w hale C giraffe
+ -est
Long adjective Superlative Rule 7 Which is (big) continent?
a A frica b Asia C N o rth A m erica
difficult most + adjective
Irregular adjective Superlative
good the best
6 $ 2 . 1 5 Listen and check your answers.
far the furthest
bad s

Use who or what in the questions, and use the superlative

Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form of the
form of the adjectives.
adjectives in brackets. Which sentences do you agree with?
1 beautiful / actress in the world?
m person in the class, (funny)
In 'jour opinion, who's the most bwuliful in the world?
June is usually __________ month of the year, (hot)
2 interesting / city in your country?
Money is _____ thing in the world, (important)
3 good/programme on TV?
Brazil has got _ football team in the world, (good)
4 bad / singer in the world?
New York Is __ city in the world, (exciting)
5 easy/ subject at school?
English is ------- . subject at school, (difficult)
6 good / football player in the world?
• • • • Grammar Builder (5D): page 116 7 funny/actor on TV?

Unit 5 • Wild! 51
R EA D IN G I can understand *m
•i Dangerous! <.vf ic lt xb e n t tm inw Li.

1 Match the photos w ith the words from the box. 3 Put the animals into the correct groups. How many more
animals can you add to each group?
W ildlife bear eagle elephant jellyfish hippo lion
mosquito shark snake tiger whale

2 W 2.16 Listen, repeat and check your answers.

Read the text quickly. Match the photos with the

paragraphs (A-C).

If you don’t understand a word, use the words around it to

decide what kind of word it is. For example, is it the name
of an animal or is it an adjective?

5 Read the reading tip above. What part of speech (e.g. noun,
adjective, verb, etc.) are the highlighted words in the text?

6 Match the highlighted words in the text with the correct

1 angry and ready to attack
2 very long, thin parts o f a sea animal
3 all the people living in a place
4 children’s picture stories
5 a small animal with six legs, and often with wings

7 Complete the sentences. Use m osquito(es), hippo(s) and box

je lly fis h .
___________ kill millions of people every year.
___________ have got a short body and long tentacles.
___________ are fast in the water and on land.
You can die very quickly if you touch a -------------------
In children’s stories,___________ are usually friendly.
___________ have got the most dangerous bite in the world.
You can find in the seas near Australia.

8 Find these numbers in the text. What do they tell you about?
1 twenty The txxtf of 1he bwjettffah 6 about 20 centimetres lory
2 three hundred million 5 forty
3 three thousand 6 sixty
A three million

9 Write a short description of an animal. Use the phrases in

the box to help you.

It's got (legs/ ta il/ teeth / head / ears, etc)

It’s (tall / heavy / long / dangerous / black and white, etc)
It lives i n ... It eats ...
It can (run / swim / climb / eat, etc)

SPEAKING Read your description to the class. The class try

to guess the name of the animal.

I \s \\ a ...? I Yes, it is./N o , it isn’t.

52 Unit 5 • Wild!
The most dangerous
animals in the world
What are the most dangerous animals in
the world? Sharks? Snakes? Lions? These
animals are very dangerous, it’s true, but
they are certainly not the most dangerous.

In cartoons, hippos are usually slow, happy and funny. But real
hippos are mean and aggressive, and are certainly more dangerous
lhan lions and tigers. Hippos are very heavy - some are about
3,000 kilograms. But they can run very fast and swim well, and
they don't like people. Hippos kill more people in Africa than any
other animal.

When people think of dangerous animals in the sea. they usually

think of sharks. But sharks hardly ever kill people. The mosl
dangerous sea animal isn’t very big. It's a small jellyfish. The body
of the box jellyfish is aboul 20 centimetres long. But it has got
about 60 tentacles - and they are aboul three metres long. One of
these tentacles can kill a human very quickly. Box jeliylish swim in
(he seas around Australia from October to April When (he jellyfish
are there, nobody goes swimming.

The animal with the most dangerous bite isn't a snake or a lion. It's
an insect and you can find it all over the world. Mosquitoes give
malaria to over 300 million people every year, and about three million
people die. Forty per cent of the world's population are always in
danger of malaria from mosquitoes. The mosquito is the world's most
dangerous animal - and it’s is also one of the smalJesi.

Unit 5 • Wild!
I cm a s k f i r < \n d
(fiv e ù x fû n w a tiô n .

Listening tip
Before you listen, look at the poster below and think
about the information you need, for example, times and

4 f t 2.18 Read the listening tip above. Then listen to the

phone call. Complete the information on the poster.

Adults S----------
Children S______
Students S______

Opening houis
1 ^ 2 . 1 7 Read and listen to the phone conversation.
10. 00- ____________
Complete the dialogue w ith the questions in the box.
Last e n try ______
And what time do you close?
How much does it cost to get in?
How can I help you? 2.18 Listen again. Complete the questions (1-4) and
What time do you open? match them with the replies (a-d).
you me some information ... ? G
Clerk Good afternoon. Bronx Zoo. are your opening ?fl
Beth Good afternoon. I’d like some information about the are the tickets? D
zoo. please. How much is it fo r ?O
Clerk Certainly. *._____________________________________
We open at ten and close at quarter to six.
Beth »_________________________________________ Sure. What would you like to know?
Clerk We open at ten o’clock. For students it’s $10.
Beth OK. 3______________________________________ It’s $14 for adults and $8 for children under 12.
Clerk At half past four. Last entry is at four o’clock.
6 S I S E E B Work in pairs. Imagine you are phoning a museum
Beth *_________________________________________ for information. Prepare a dialogue following the chart below.
Clerk It’s $8 for adults and $6 for children under 12.
Beth OK. Thanks very much.
Museum clerk
Clerk You’re welcome. Thank you for calling Bronx Zoo. Answer the phone. Customer
Beth Goodbye. Ask for some information.

Offer help.
2 Read the Learn th is ! box. Find an example of w ould like in
the dialogue in exercise 1 . Ask about opening times.

w ould like Give information

about opening and
I ’d like is a polite way of saying I want.
closing times.
^ (I’d like - / would like)
Ask about ticket prices.
Give information
Grammar Builder (5F): page 116
about prices for adults
and children.
3 M a y J jlk M Work in pairs. Practise reading the dialogue,
Thank the clerk.
changing the words in blue. Use places from the box, and
invent times and ticket prices. Reply and thank the
customer for calling.
Gallery of Modern Art Natural History Museum
Say goodbye.
Science Museum
SPEAKING Act out your dialogue to the class.

54 Unit 5 • Wild!
I can w rite a p cstca u i
e fc jc rib in tj place.

D ear Marie

hi Sttaa/i, tfc V e in S cotland I t ' * g re a t. Kcrc.

but. w e a th e r \st\X_ ✓cry c^ood
W e 'r e ■/' A I f ’s Icvely
WeVe m a y o u th h o ste l near Loch
Vera mxX the w VLiher >s fdrt& siiC NCSS. Do yOu know Loch NCss? I t 's
W e're ¡it a ./i a. Paf*ou5 Pot th e rnonstcr1 Thi* is a
VtH&qe Vrv-j is a p id i /r e o f i're picture OP th e lock (‘Loch' mean*
beach w a r the We op 'la te '.* T te rc a rc lot_s o f lovely
mvv/wwa? &/erLj /^¿vvv/v a.jid K a te mount.cuas a ll round Wc go walk«*} ir,
cpes sailing </! ihe a.' terrccr tct T-he o-Ojotatn;- e^cry ciay
See. you n e x t week
W ish ■.-yere here1
ByC Pot now
bur * Kate yxx

Match the postcards with the photos. Before you begin to write, plan your writing: think about
what you want to write and makes notes.
Answer the questions for each postcard.
1 Where are they? Read the w riting tip above. Then imagine you are on holiday
2 What do they think of the place? in one of the places in exercise 5. Make notes about:
3 What is the weather like? 1 the weather
U Where are they staying (hotel, campsite, etc.)?
2 the type of accommodation
5 What is in the picture on the card?
3 the activities you can do there
6 What do they do every day?
Write a postcard (50 -7 0 words) to a friend. Use the writing
Put the words in the correct order to make phrases from the guide to help you.
• Start with D ear... or H i...
1 and is here it’s weather fantastic the lovely • Say where you are.
2 were wish here you • Say what the place is like and what the weather is like.
3 you see week next
• Say what type of accommodation you are staying in.
• Say what the picture is of.
Prepositions of place in the mountains near a lake/river
• Say what you do every day.
by a lake/river in a village/town at the seaside
• Finish with Love or Bye fo r now and your name.
in a hotel/youth hostel at a campsite
Check your work
Read the information about the prepositions of place. Have you
How many of the phrases can you find in the postcards? □ followed the writing guide?
Underline them.
□ written 5 0 -7 0 words?

Match the types of holiday accommodation with the pictures. checked your spelling and grammar?

Holiday accommodation apartment campsite cottage

hotel villa youth hostel
4 Look at photo 1 and match phrases 1 -4 with people a -d in
1 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer.
the photo.
1 What kind of music do you like listening to?
2 What do you like to wear when you go out in the evening? 1 The man on the left
2 The man on the right
Listening tip 3 The woman in the middle
4 The woman at the back
Before the recording starts, read the sentences carefully.
5 Say what the people in exercise A are doing and wearing.
2 ft Do the Listening exam task.

L is t e n in g exam ta s k

Match sentences A-F to speakers 1 -5 . There is one extra

sentence that you do not need. 1 Start by saying what is the same about the two photos.
A I only wear comfortable shoes. Both photos show ...
B I like wearing dresses and boots.
2 Then say what the biggest difference is.
C I always wear jeans.
D I wear T-shirts in bright colours. The biggest difference between the photos is that in
E I always wear jeans, T-shirt and trainers. photo 1 .... whereas in photo 2 ...
F I don’t wear trainers in the evenings, only during the day. In the firs t photo there is /a re ... but in the second photo
there is /a re ...

6 Read the speaking tip. Then do the Speaking exam task.

3 Look at the photos. Do the sentences S p e a k in g exam ta s k

describe photo 1 , photo 2 or both?
Compare and contrast the two photos. Think about these
1 It’s a birthday party.
2 The people are celebrating a special occasion.
1 Where are the people?
3 The people are dancing.
2 What are they wearing?
A It’s a formal occasion.
3 What are the people doing?
5 They are at a wedding reception.
A In which photo do you think the people are having the
most fun? Why?
5 Do you like occasions like these? Why? / Why not?

Get ready for your exam 5

Gel ready lo READ How much do you know about whales? 3 W Read the phrases in the box below. Then listen
Are the sentences true or false? and repeat.
1 Blue whales are the biggest animals ever.
Use these phrases to say Use these phrases to say
2 Blue whales eat large fish.
you don’t want to do why you don't want to do
3 Blue whales can make very loud noises.
something something
4 People still hunt blue whales.
I’m afraid 1can’t... 1 don't really like (+ noun or
Do the Reading exam task.
I’m sorry, but... ■mg form)
It’s kind of you to ask. 1 don't feel like (+ noun or
R e a d in g exam task
but... •ing form)
I’ m doing something else.
Complete gaps 1 -7 with phrases A-H. There is one phrase
that you do not need.
4 Work in pairs. Imagine you are on an adventure holiday.
Practise making the suggestions below, and refusing them.
Gentle Giants of the Sea Use Let’s or Do you want to ...? to make an invitation.
Blue whales are the biggest animals in the history of the 1 go swimming
earth - bigger than the largest dinosaurs. An adult blue 2 go for a bike ride
whale can be 30 metres long and weigh 180,000 kilos. Its 3 go climbing
to n g u e 1______ as an elephant, and its heart is the same size
4 play football
as a small car.
5 go windsurfing
When «i blue whale is bom , it is already very big. In fact, 6 go horse-riding
it is the sam e size and weight as an adult hippo. Like all
mammals, the baby blue whale drinks its m other's milk Do you want go swimming?
- about 400 lita*s every day. And i t 1_______, adding about
4.5 kilos to its weight every hour. It lives on milk for about
six months, and in this time, its size* and weight double.
Blue whales are enorm ous, but they only eat tiny sea
animals called 'krill'. An adult blue w h a le 1_______ than Arranging where to meet
1,000 kg of krill every day. Krill live deep in the water, so 1 When we agree where to meet, we usually use a t with a
blue whales dive when they are looking for food. Whales name of a place.
cannot breathe underwater, but they can swim underw ater
2 In order to give more details we can also use in (for
for a long time. A blue whale can hold its breath for an hour.
inside) or outside.
The blue whale * animal in the world, it is also the
loudest. The sound of an aeroplane when it takes off is
about 110 decibels. Some rock concerts'______ about 115 5 Read the information in the box above. Then complete the
decibels. A blue whale can make a sound that is 150 decibels. sentences with prepositions, where necessary. Look at the
The sound lasts for about 31) seconds. But w hy do they table of Prepositions o f tim e on page A4 if necessary.
make this sound? Are they calling to other whales? Are they
looking for food? Nobody knows. But the sound of a blue 1 Let’s m eet half past tw o Monday.
whale * sounds in Ihc ocean, and you can hear it 2 See y o u tomorrow evening the beach.
hundreds of kilometres away. 3 Let’s m eet_____ the bowling alley.
4 See y o u the m orning 12 the café.
There «ire probably about 10,000 blue whales in the world
today. That _______the number there were «it the beginning 5 Let’s m eet_____ this evening______ the youth hostel.
of the 20th century. The reason for the disappearance of 99%
of blue whales is hunting. The hunting of blue whales is 6 Do the Speaking exam task.
now against the law, but these beautiful anim als arc still in
danger because of pollution and fishing nets. S p e a k in g exam ta s k

A grows quickly Work in pairs. Imagine you are on an adventure holiday.

B are even louder You have to decide what to do in the afternoon.
C eats more
Student A: suggest an activity.
D is only 1% of
Student B: refuse and say why.
E is the same size
Student A: suggest another activity.
F is not the largest
Student B: agree and suggest a time and place to meet.
G is one of the strangest
H is not only the biggest

Get ready for your exam 6

T H IS U N IT IN C LU D E S • • •
Out and about Vocabulary • places in town • time expressions • sequencing words
Grammar • past simple: be and can • past simple affirmative (regular verbs)
Speaking • talking about places in town • retelling a story
• telephone English • saying phone numbers
W riting • a tourist information leaflet • phone messages


A p ta ccj a rc in m y tow n.

1 Match the places on the map with the words in the box. 5 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the places
I/ - museum on the map. Use the prepositions below.

Places in town art gallery bank bus station car park Where’s the park? It's next to the cinema.
cinema church department store library museum
park post office police station railway station
theatre tourist information office town hall

2 $ 2 .2 1 Listen, check and repeat.

3 Complete the sentences with words from exercise 1.

1 You can catch a train at th e __________
2 You can borrow a book from th e __________
3 You can buy stamps at th e __________ between near next to opposite
4 You can get information about interesting places at
Write six sentences about your town or city.
th e __________ 6
5 You can go for a walk with your dog in th e __________ There’s a onema oppo&te 1Vie dhurth
6 You can catch a bus at th e __________ ■flrcrc art four churches
7 You can park your car in th e __________ The tow ha\\ a ne»t to the mimim
8 You can watch a film at th e __________ -
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Talk about a place in your town or
9 You can see a play at th e __________
near your school. Don’t say the name of the place. Can your
10 You can look at paintings at th e __________
partner say which place it is?
4 W 2.22 Listen and identify the places. Choose from the
list in exercise 1 . It’ s opposite the car park. It’s the railway station.

1 _________ A 7 _________
2 _________ 5 8 _________
Vocabulary Builder (part 2): page 133
3 _________ 6 --------------

* • • Vocabulary Builder (part 1): page 133

Unit 6 • Out and about

0 2.23 Listen to the phone conversation and answer the 3 Complete the sentences w ith was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.
questions. 1 They at school, but they weren’t in the classroom.
1 Where is Cathy now? 2 I at home on Sunday morning. I was at church.
2 Where was Cathy last weekend? 3 Today is Wednesday, yesterday Tuesday.
4 You_______ at the art gallery. Where were you?
5 The w eather very nice yesterday. It was wet and
Tom Hi Cathy. Are you having a good time
in the States?
6 W e_______at the cinema last night. The film was great.
Cathy Yes, we’re in Boston now with Uncle
7 My grandparents_______ teachers. They were doctors.
8 Our last lesson_______ geography. It was maths.
Tom Were you in Chicago last weekend?
Cathy No. we weren't. We were in New York. Grammar Builder (6 B): page 118
Tom What was it like?
Cathy It was amazing. On Saturday we were 4 Write sentences about the famous people. Use could and was.
at the top of
1 Budhia Singh/run marathons/three
the Empire State Building.
fruitaa 'bnxfr'i could run marathons wbwi ht
Tom Really? What could you see?
was iVm.
Cathy We could see all the skyscrapers
2 Maria Sharapova/play tennis/four
in Manhattan, but we couldn’t see
3 Vanessa Mae / play the violin and
the Statue of Liberty because the
weather wasn’t very good.
4 Michael Schum acher/drive/four
5 Sergey Karjakin / play chess / four
Find the past simple forms of be and can in th 6 W. A. M ozart/w rite m usic/five
above and complete the table.
5 Write sentences with couldn’t and the phrases in the box.
I Past simple: be
he wasn’t home t was-iU I wasn't tired
we weren’t hungry it was dark it was wet
1/H e /S h e /It '* . in New York. the water was very cold they weren’t 18 years old
We/You/They •’ in New York.
1 I / go to school because ...
negative I couldn't go to «.bool because I ill
1/H e /S h e /It 3 in New York. 2 I/re a d my book because ...
3 She/swim because ...
W e/You/They* in New York.
4 W e/eat our dinner because...
interrogative and short answers 5 I / speak to Kevin because ...
» hp in New York? 6 They/play tennis because ...
7 I/sle e p because...
Yes, h e 6 ./N o. h e 7
8 They / buy alcohol because ...
you in New York?
Yp<;, W P » / Mn, w p »> 6 Write questions.
I Past simple: can \ 1 read / four £ould fx.» read vteo fou were four?
2 write your name/two 5 speak English / twelve
3 walk / one 6 ride a bike / ten
J /H e /S h e /lt/W e /Y o u /T h e y 11 . see it. 4 count to 1 0 /th re e 7 swim / four
negative SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
1/ Hp / ÇhP / It / W p / Yon / ThPy 12 . see it. exercise 6 . Make a note of your partner's answers.

interrogative and short answers read when you were four?

u 1 / hp / <;hp / it / wp / you / thpy see it?
Yes, s h e 1* ./N o , sh e 15.. Yes, I could./No, I couldn’t.

8 Tell the class about your partner.

Petra could/couldn’t read when she was four.

• We always use a base form after could, not an infinitive
(with to).
Unit 6 • Out and about
/ u n d e rsta n d m d w rite «

Tourist information to n r u f in fo n n a tio vi leaflet.

1 M useum s and Galleries

Visit Madame Tussauds and see models of the w orld’s
most famous people, including all your favourite actors
and singers. There are some great museums. Don't
Match the highlighted adjectives in the text with their
m iss Egyptian mummies at the British Museum o r the
dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum. Do you like opposites in the box.
m odern art? Then visit the Tate Modern.
boring dangerous dirty expensive old terrible
2 Interesting buildings
The Tower of London is over 900 years old and for a
long tim e it was a prison. After the Tower, take a boat 2.24 Listen to the radio advertisements. What are they
trip down the river to St Paul’s Cathedral, and then take for? Number them in the correct order.
a ride on The London Eye. There are fantastic views □ St Paul’s Cathedral
from the top.
□ The National Gallery
3 Shopping
D The Apollo Cinema
There are lots of fantastic shops in London. Walk down
Oxford Street, or visit one of the lively street markets, H The Science Museum
where everything is cheap! □ Harrods department store
4 N ight life
2.24 Listen again. Complete the sentences with the
There are lots of exciting things to do in the evening.
correct times, dates or prices.
The West End is full of theatres, cinemas and great
restaurants. There are all kinds of concerts every night 1 We're open every day from u n til_______
- rock, classical, pop, jazz ... 2 The exhibition starts on and finishes
5 Sport and leisure o n -----------
3 The film starts a t and again a t _______
Relax or walk in Hyde Park - it’s clean and safe. Do you
like football? Then go and see Chelsea play at Stamford 4 Open u n til Monday to Saturday and
Bridge. If you prefer tennis, there’s Wimbledon in June. u n til on Sundays.
5 Adults £ Children £ ________
Match the photos (A-E) with the paragraphs (1 -5) in the
Write a short tourist information leaflet for a town or city you
tourist information leaflet.
know. Include at least two of these places. Use the phrases
in the box to help you.
Where can you ...
• a museum or gallery
1 relax and walk?
• an interesting building
2 watch Chelsea play?
• a shop o ra shopping street
3 see models of famous people?
• a theatre, cinema or restaurant
A look at modern art?
• a place where you do or watch sport
5 watch tennis?
6 find lots of theatres? V is it... and see ... Don’t miss ... There are lots o f ...
7 find cheap things to buy? Are you interested in ... ? Then ...
8 enjoy wonderful views of the city? We’re open from ... to ... Tickets c o s t...

Unit 6 • Out and about

Past simple: affirmative (regular verbs)
Read joe's text. Are the sentences true or false? 6 Put the time expressions in the correct order. Start with the
1 Joe jogged to the cafe. most recent.
2 Laura was at the cafe when Joe arrived. i- tat night, i - ..
3 joe phoned Laura.
A Laura was al the ABC cinema. Time expressions the day before yesterday
three months ago two years ago last night
Last Saturday my friend Laura yesterday afternoon yesterday evening last week
and I decided to go to the last month last year
cinema. We agreed to meet
at six at the café because we
7 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the
wanted to have a drink before
past simple.
the film. I was late so I jogged
to the café and arrived at ten arrive ask decide hurry park stop visit watch
past six. Laura wasn't there. I
waited for a few minutes, then 1 Three days ago I _______ an art gallery.
I phoned her on her mobile. 2 We TV last night.
‘Where are you?’ I asked. 3 Last Tuesday I was late so I to school.
Laura answered, T m at the
A The day before yesterday w e the car in a car park
cinema. When I arrived at the
in the town centre.
café, you weren’t there, so I walked to the cinema.
5 Yesterday evening w e to have a pizza for dinner.
Be quick, the film starts in five minutes!' So I hurried
to the cinema. But Laura wasn't there! I phoned her 6 ‘What time is it?’ I her.
again. ‘I’m at the ABC cinema. Where are you?!' ‘The 7 The b u s opposite the library five minutes ago.
ABC!? I'm at the Odeon Cinema!' 8 I at the railway station at ten to seven.

- Grammar Builder (60): page 118

Look at the red verbs in the text. They are all past simple
forms. What is the ending? 8 Complete the text. Use the past simple form of the verbs in
Past simple: affirmative (regular verbs)
Endings One day a man 1 (walk) into a bank in the centre of
The form is the same for all persons: I danced, you London. He ? (want) to borrow £5,000.
danced, she danced, etc. 'OK,*3 (reply) the cashier. ‘We can lend you
l We add •ed to most verbs.
£5,000. but you have to leave your car here.*

i watch->watched
2 We add *d to verbs that end in -e.

The man * (agree) and 5 (park) his
expensive Ferrari in the car park at the bank. A week later
he 6 (return) to the bank.
•Can I have my car, please?’ h e 7 (ask) the cashier.
3 If the verb ends in a consonant and -y we change the ‘Of course. That’s £5,000 and £10 interest. Can I ask you
•yto ¡ed. something ?’ 8 (continue) the cashier. ‘You’ve got
an expensive Ferrari. Why do you need £5,000?*
U If the verb ends in a short vowel and a consonant, we
‘I don’t need £ 5 ,0 0 0 / 9 (answer) the man, ‘but last
double the consonant and add ed.
chat->chatted week I was in America. Your car park is very cheap - only
£10 fora week in the centre of London!’
Read the spelling rules in the Learn th is! box. Then put the
red verbs in the text into the correct groups ( 1 —A). 9 Play a memory game with the class. Repeat what
the last person said and add another action. You don’t have
( v 2.25 liM K U K K r a itM Listen and repeat. Pay attention to tell the truth. Use the verbs in the box to help you.
to the endings.
chat cycle decide listen phone play stay
1 z d /o r/t/ phoned asked arrived
study talk walk want watch work
2 /id/ waited
A: Yesterday morning, I watched TV.
Q 2.26 Listen. How are the verbs
B: Yesterday morning, I watched TV and I phoned my friend.
pronounced? Write 1 for V or /d/, or 2 for id/,
C: Yesterday morning, I watched TV, I phoned my friend and I ...
a liked « d agreed g shouted
b wanted 2. e decided h jogged
Unit 6 • Out and about
c watched f hurried
M 1
J can understand c\nA

Out on the town retell a story iv i/k help.

Unit 6 • Out and about

p in the night
Last month two brothers, sixteen-year-old Tom and eighteen- Tom and Harry stayed in the nightclub for a long time. It
year-old Harry, were on their own at home one Saturday was very late when they walked back to the car. Then they
afternoon. Their parents were on a weekend trip with some noticed something terrible. There was a big dent in the back
friends in the brothers' dad's car. Tom was bored and wanted of the car! They hurried home, and waited until six a.m Then
5 to have an adventure. He wanted Harry to drive their mum's 20 they phoned a garage and explained the situation. A mechanic
car to the city. Harry wasn't happy about it, but he was bored repaired the car, and the boys parked it outside the house just
too, so, in the end, he agreed. in time! A few minutes later their parents returned home
The boys arrived in the city centre, and decided to go to The boys were too scared to say anything about the
the cinema first. Harry parked the car carefully outside the accident. But later that day, their mother checked the car.
10 cinema. They watched a great film. Then they were hungry. 2s 'Heyi Look at the car!' she shouted. The boys waited nervously
Harry was happier now. so he stopped at a café, and they Their mother continued, ‘1 can't believe it! A van bumped into
ordered a big pizza. After that, Harry wanted to go home, but my car last Thursday, but now you can't even see the dent!’
Tom wanted to go to a nightclub. Harry wasn't sure, but again
he agreed in the end. He parked the car carefully outside the
is biggest nightclub in town.
5 Underline the following expressions in the text. Translate

Sequencing words
first (line 9) a few minutes later (line 22 )
1 Read the story and put the pictures in the correct order. then (line 10 ) later that day (line 24)
1« 2 _ 3 _ 4_ 5 _ 6 _ 7 _ 8 _ 9 _ after that (line 1 2 ) in the end (line 7)

2 Are the sentences true or false?

6 Work in groups of three. Cover the text and look
1 Tom and Harry's parents were on a day trip with their friends. at three pictures each. Retell the story using the words
2 Tom wanted to go out with Harry in their mum’s car. below.
3 They hated the film.
Student A (pictures 1 -3 )
A After the pizza. Harry wanted to go to a nightclub.
1 last month - Tom and Harry - at home
5 Harry believed that he caused the bump.
parents - on a trip with friends
6 The mechanic repaired the bump before their parents
bored - decided to drive mum’s car to the city
arrived home.
2 arrived - city centre
7 The bump was there before Tom and Harry used the car.
first - parked - cinema
3 Complete the phrases from the story using the nouns in the watched - film
box. 3 then - hungry - stopped at a cafe - pizza
Student B (pictures 4 -6 )
dent car film garage nightclub pizza
4 after that - wanted to go to a nightclub
situation something parked carefully outside
stayed for a long time
Í to park a - 5 to notice__
5 late - walked back to car
2 to watch a 6 to phone a -
3 to order a . 7 to explain a noticed a dent
4 to go to a _ 8 to repair a _ hurried home
6 waited until six o’clock
Choose the correct prepositions. Then find the red phrases phoned the garage
in the text and check your answers. Student C (pictures 7 -9 )
1 Were you at/in home yesterday morning? 7 mechanic repaired the car
2 I usually go to school with my brothers, but yesterday I parked - outside house
was ill so they walked to school in /o n their own. 8 a few minutes later - parents returned home
3 Last night we watched television during/for a long time. boys - scared
4 My sister is on a trip to London fo r/w ith some friends. 9 later that day - mum checked the car
5 Harry always sits at the back o f/in the class. ‘ Look’ - shouted - ‘van bumped into my car last week
6 ‘Look to/at me!’ shouted the little girl. - can’t see the dent’

Unit 6 • Out and about f 63

/ can M ake ít p k e n t c a ll

On the phone cwui [ ca \ i a M C J S M fC .

5 2.29 Complete the phrases with the words in the box.

Then listen and check.

called help in mobile number number

sorry take

1 I'm __ Susan. He isn’t here at the moment.

2 I can _ _ a message.
3 Tell him that Susan _
4 What's yo ur ?
Mrs Jones Hello. 5 I don't think she’s __
Oh. hello. ». 6 I’ll try h e r_______
Mrs Jones Yes, speaking. 7 Have you got h e r ___
Sam This is Sam. 2_ 8 Thanks for y o u r____
Mrs Jones 3 I'll see if ? Saying telephone numbers
she's here. x 563465 = ‘five six three four six five’
Thanks. z 0 ■ ‘oh* or ‘zero’
22 = ‘double two’
-»j 444 = ‘treble four* or ‘four double four*
Mrs Jones I'm sony, Sam. Do you want
to leave a message?
Sam No. it's OK, thanks. 6 ^ 2.30 Read the Learn th is ! box above.
Mrs Jones Well. I'll tell her you called. Then listen and repeat the phone numbers.
Sam Thanks. s_ 1 422408 3 574888
Mrs Jones Goodbye. 2 391902 A 334611

SPEAKING Write down three phone numbers. Say them to

1 Q 2.27 Read and listen to the dialogue. Complete the your partner. Your partner writes them down.
dialogue with the sentences and questions in the box.
SPEAKING Prepare a dialogue using the chart below.
Bye then. Can 1speak to Penny, please?
Is that Mrs jones? She isn't here.
Just a moment. A B
Answer the phone. Say who you are. Ask
2 Read the Learn th is! box. Find two offers with I ’l l ... in the to speak to your friend.
dialogue in exercise 1 .
Say he/she isn't there.
x _ Offers Offer to take a message.
< ^ We use I'll + base form to make an offer.
-* I'll help you with your homework. Leave a message.

Ask for B’s phone number.

3 Make offers and promises using these phrases.
a help you Hibelpfou d pay for your ticket Give your phone number.
b give him the message e wait for you
c phone again later f give you her number Repeat the number.
6 » Grammar Builder ( 6 F): page 118
Thank A and finish the call.

9 2.28 Listen to two phone calls. Choose the correct words. Finish the call.
1 Mark is in /o u t when Susan phones.
2 Susan leaves/doesn't leave a message.
SPEAKING Act out your dialogue to the class.
3 Anna is in /o u t when Jack phones.
A Jack leaves/doesn't leave a message.

r 64 1 Unit 6 «Out and about

Look at the photo. Answer the questions.
1 What is she doing?
2 What do you think she is saying?

Read the notes (1 -4 ) below. Where were the people when

they phoned and left messages?

c s s _ J , Where were they?

1 Unde Jack
2 Harry
3 Peter
A Dave Adams

U rfc/c T * c k p W o ^d th e - p o lic e
Complete these sentences.
s te .U o * . ta -lk t o »” “ ■
1 You phone him _ his mobile.
I t 's C a ./1 lo o c s .ll ^ ta - c i.'
2 ___ phone Dave Adams 674533.
Axj*%be*' ¿s 0 /S */8 fcS2-2- ^ * 3 Can phone him tom orrow Mary’s house?
I O/Vl 4 Can y o u __ him back?

i » 2.31 Listen and complete the phone messages.

Saw\, ©
A \d jfid y,
Harr^ pKo<nod 10. Hs >.o.s af IV>e parK.
Hq vjaifed Por Por aojos. Havorv'f -ocu 1 (À-ùrvâ-. fte’s qcity to tine 2-------- -
cjo^- a Poo-fbaW rro-fcK 4-Kis rrorwirv^? S te z e it v s a .fte r r ô c i'' a i ~------ 0 c lc c k . He
i cio^'f +KinR Ke’s vqvnj V>appy. You car% m iM s y o u to c c **e a h r o . ( U r m w n ry or

ç>W»or>e WiwN or» Kis wxoWiiq - 0 T Î7 SÜ87S. L .c

iv S »vvsbile? H
Hi*. iHAr.-'i/fif
/ 5 lU rsber , stS '-______ __________

AW _
AV G re y fronA th e 5_ p W jw d .
He s c u js laoat c a s is i . — You
L /S« , cmj\ p , c k d <Af> i h s 7 . G o b e fo r e
^eier f r ^ Lcrdc* He fu s s e d the - i k a i 's u U y e r th e q a r a q e d o s e s
ira.,r. ojkI orrn/ed la ie. He M inted to s p w k to H s tX A n s b e r , 5 q.

yen. but ifcu w eren 't here. U » you (?',*,* S tr u th

icMCrrow d t A\a ry 's feuse?
Write a phone message (30-50 words). Include this information:
• Who phoned?
A • Where is he/she?
• What’s the message?
bad. • What’s his/her phone number?
T h t m echanic ba\rt. AdamS p h & ytd fro m the,
cyxrocji. He t r i t d to n p a ir your car, b u t fh tr t's ChecK your work
a p ro b ltn \ P ltaS t p tw * . h im on 6 7 V 5 3 3 The. Have you
g a ro ff’ doSZS a f -fiv t included the information in exercise 5?
P tn n y
□ written 3 0 -5 0 words?
checked your spelling and grammar?

Unit 6 «Out and about

Vocabulary Complete the dialogue with the correct past simple form of
be or can.
1 Complete the sentences with the plural form of these words.
Girl You missed Jack’s party last night. Where you?
beach desert island lake mountain ocean Boy 12 at home.
river sea Girl Really? Why?
Boy 13 very well.
Everest, K2 and Mont Blanc are_______
Girl Oh dear. What wrong with you?
The Nile, the Mississippi and the Danube are
Boy Nothing much ... just a bad cold. But 15. go out.
Ireland. Hawaii and Greenland a re _______
Copacabana, Waikiki and Bondi are_______ cmi m
The Saraha and the Gobi a re _______
The Baltic and the Mediterranean are 6 Complete the e-mail with the past simple of the verbs in
The Pacific and the Atlantic a re _____ brackets.
8 Baikal, Michigan and Geneva a re _______
A- ■ / a i l l lig ir il
M 3 E ]
We aren't having a great time in London. We (arrive) at
2 Answer the questions using the places in the box. the hotel on Friday evening. Our room wasn't ready, so we
3 (wait) outside while they 3 (clean) it. Then, we
art gallery bus station car park m em a library * (phone) Reception and 5 (try) to book a table
park post office railway station theatre in the restaurant The receptionist4 (reply) that the
Where can I restaurant was closec We r. (walk) to a café near the hotel
see a film? N the Cinema. and • (ask) for four pizzas to take away When we ?______
see paintings?
see a play? (return) to the hotel with our piz2as. they said we couldn’t take
borrow books?
catch a bus? the food to our room My dad really ,c (shout) at them
leave my car?
play football? We're looking for another hotel
catch a train?
buy stamps?

rrerrc wii EEC BE

Grammar Everyday English

3 Write sentences using comparative adjectives and than. 7 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.
1 Lake Superior / large / Lake Victoria
entry help information time welcome
Lake Superior if.taogw than Late Victoria.
2 Prague / far north / London Sam Hello. I'd like some *. about the museum, please,
3 the Mediterranean sea / big / Baltic sea Clerk Certainly. How can I ?__ .you?
A Waikiki beach / long / Bondi beach Sam W hat 3 do you close?
5 Mount Everest / famous / Mount Kenya Clerk At six o’clock. Last 4 is at half past five.
6 Africa / hot / Europe Sam OK. Thanks very much.
7 the Amazon / w ide / the Danube Clerk You’re s_______

um m m

4 Complete the superlative sentences using the adjectives in 8 Choose the correct words
brackets and words from the box or your own ideas. Mr Samson Hello?
free Halle Berry Jim Carrey English Tom Oh, hi. Is that Mr Samson?
Manchester United maths Mr Samson Yes, speaking.
Tom 1 Can / W ill / Do I speak to Katy, please?
1 (beautiful) 1 U most beautiful actress in the world is Mr Samson I’ll see ? if / when / that she’s here.
Hatte fcerrf.
(funny)__ . actor in Hollywood is ______ Mr Samson I'm sorry, she isn’t at home. Do you want to
(good) football team in the world is 3 make / leave / do a message?
(important) things in life are______ Tom No, it’s OK. Bye.
(easy) — _ language to learn is
(difficu lt)__ subject at school is GEH m

33 El TOTAL ra n

Language Review 5-6

Reading Writing
1 Read the e-mail from Dave. Put the events in the correct 3 Imagine you are on holiday in a beautiful part of your country.
order. Write a postcard to a friend. Include information about:
a Dave and Penny climbed a mountain, • where you are staying and your opinion of it
b Dave and Penny arrived in the Lake District, • the weather
c Dave applied for a job at (he hotel, • activities
d Dave noticed an advertisement for a receptionist. _
e Dave and Penny visited a large lake.

4 i i Listen. What was Dave's news?

5 Q listen again. Choose the correct words to

complete the sentences.
1 Dave phoned Merton b u t answered.
a Marton b Anna c nobody
2 Dave couldn’t tell Mcirton his news on the phone because
Dear Marton a Marton could only talk for a minute.
How are you? I'm having a great holiday in (he Lake
b MSrton talked all the time,
District with my girlfriend. Penny. It's a beautiful place.
We arrived on Monday evening. We were late, because c M irton wasn’t at home.
we couldn’t find the hotel! On Tuesday, we visited 3 Dave started to tell Merton his news but then stopped,
Derwent Water, a large lake in the valley of Borrowdale.
Yesterday, we climbed Scafell Pike, the highest
mountain in England. a a guest phoned Reception and Dave answered,
I noticed an advertisement in the hotel this morning: b Marton walked away,
the hotel is looking for a receptionist. I applied for the c a guest arrived at Reception.
job immediately! The pay is better than my job at The
A A guest asked Dave for information about
Arcadia - and Penny prefers the countryside to the city
because it's more peaceful. Rent is cheaper, too. a the party on Friday night,
That's all for now. See you soon! b the cost of rooms at the hotel,
Dave c the opening times of the hotel restaurant.
5 Dave finally finished his news: his interview was
2 Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. a the day after his holiday.
b on the first day of his holiday,
1 Dave is enjoying his holiday.
c on the last day of his holiday.
2 Dave and Penny are staying at a campsite.
3 Dave and Penny arrived late because of a problem with 6 Dave is leaving The Arcadia Hotel
their car. a next month, b next week, c immediately.
4 Borrowdale is a large lake near Derwent Water.
5 Scafell Pike is a mountain in England. Speaking
6 Dave wants a new job.
7 Penny doesn’t want to live in the countryside. 6 Work in pairs. Retell the events that happened in the
8 It costs more to rent a flat in the countryside than in listening exercises. Use your answers to exercise 5 to
the city. help you.

Skills Round-up 1-6

World famous Vocabulary • countries • nationalities • make. do. have and lake • events in life
• free tim e activities • phrases for reading w ith sympathy
Grammar • past sim ple: irregular verbs • past simple: negative and interrogative
Sp«aking • talking about famous people • talking about your weekend
W riting • describing a hero • an e-mait message

V O C A B U L A R Y A N D L IS T E N IN G a m la b e l t\\c c c io U ric j o f iltc \\o rlJ .

a n d describe * fa m o u s person.

5 Look at the photos. Do you know these people? What

nationality are/were they?

6 $ 2.34 Listen and check your answers to exercise 5.

7 ^ 2.34 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false?

1 Picasso lived all of his life in France.
2 Picasso died in 1937.
3 Zsa Zsa Gabor studied in Switzerland.
A Zsa Zsa Gabor married five times.
5 Norma Jeane Baker changed her name to Marilyn Monroe.
6 Monroe was very old when she died.
1 Look at the map. Where do you live? Put a cross (/). 7 Pele played for four football clubs.
8 Pele scored 92 goals in 77 matches for Brazil.
2 Look at the list of countries in the box. Which are neighbours
of your country? 8 Play 20 questions. Think of a famous person
who is alive today. Your classmates have 20 questions to
Countries Austria Belarus Brazil Britain China
guess your name. They must be yes/no questions. Use the
Croatia the Czech Republic Estonia France
ideas in the box to help you.
Germany Hungary Italy Japan Latvia Lithuania
Poland Romania Russia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Are y o u ...
Ukraine the USA a man? a woman?
Polish? American? etc.
3 2.33 Match the nationalities w ith countries from a sportsperson? an actor/actress? an artist?
exercise 2. Then listen, repeat and check your answers. a rock/pop star? a scientist? a politician? etc.
Do y o u ...
Nationalities American Austrian Belarusian live in ...? work in ...? study ...? play a sport?
Brazilian British Chinese Croatian Czech Estonian appear in films/on IV? invent things?
French German Hungarian Italian Japanese write books or music?
Latvian Lithuanian Polish Romanian Russian
Slovakian Slovenian Spanish Ukrainian

1 Austria Austrian
2 Belarus...

4 Label the countries 1 -1 4 on the map.

What's number I? It's F-uf>sa

• • • Vocabulary Builder (part 1): page 134 • • Vocabulary Builder (part 2): page 134

Unit 7 • World famous

/ c a n t a lk z b ô u t p a s t e v e n ts .
Past simple: irregular verbs
Look at the photo. Who is the man on the right? Why is he
There aren’t any rules for irregular past simple forms - you
have to learn them! Use the list in the Workbook.

Read the Look out! box. Then complete the first halves of the
sentences ( 1 - 6) with irregular past simple forms and match
them with the second halves (a-f).
The Spanish (bring) □
Before Copernicus, people (think) lj
Marie Sklodowska-Curie (teach) □
In 1626 Peter M in u it___ (buy) □
Rosa Parks (fight) Q
King Henry V III___ (catch) □
physics at the Sorbonne University,
for the rights of black Americans,
potatoes to Europe from South America,
Read the text. Underline all the verbs in the past simple. malaria when he was 35.
Which are regular? Manhattan Island for $24 from Native Americans,
the sun went round the earth.
Vaclav Havel was bom in Prague in 1936. H e came from
Grammar Builder (7B): page 120
a well-known family and had one brother. H e left school
when he was 15 and got a job in a chemical laboratory.
Q 2.35 Listen and repeat the answers
A t the same tim e he went to evening classes to complete to exercise 5. Are -ought and •aught pronounced the same
his secondary education. A fter two years in the army, or differently?
he started work in the theatre. H e wrote his first
famous play, The Garden Party, in 1963. Me opposed the 0 2.36 liftfflk'M W fcM M Jl What are the past simple forms
of these verbs? Put them into pairs that rhyme. Then listen
C om m unist government and alter the Soviet invasion in
and check.
1968, he spent a num ber o f years in prison. Me became
rhc last President o f Czechoslovakia in 1989, and the begin break buy catch go make pay read
first President o f the Czech Republic in 1993. H e won run say see send speak wear
the International G andhi Peace Prize in 2003. be^ao - ran

Match the irregular past simple forms from the text with 8 When did you last do these things? Write true sentences
these base forms. using the tim e expressions in the box.

1 be wae/wect 6 write I ime expressions the day before yesterday last night
2 become 7 spend yesterday afternoon yesterday evening last week
3 get 8 have last month last year two days (weeks, months, years) a:
A go 9 come
5 win
1 do some housework
I some houttwort Iasi ww.fc tell a lie
Complete the sentences about famous leaders. Use past 2 buy some chocolate see a film
simple forms from exercise 3. 3 read a book send an e-mail
1 Nelson M andela_______ 27 years in prison. In 1994, he A make a phonecall take an exam
president of South Africa. 5 make a new friend 1 0 write a letter
2 Mahatma G andhi_______ to University in London and then
9 M aw aiiLcI Work in pairs. Tell each other things that you did
a job in South Africa.
last weekend. Find at least three things that you both did.
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi a scientist. He — from
Budapest. In the 1930s he discovered vitamin C and in
1937 h e a Nobel Prize.
The Chinese leader Mao Zedong ‘The Little Red
Book’ in the 1950s.
Queen Victoria and Prince A lb ert nine children.

Unit 7 • World famous f 69

I mw n r itc a b o u t fa m o u s people
m d th e ir a c k itv c M c n ij.

Look at the photo of Martin Luther King. Do you know what Find the past simple forms of these verbs in the text.
he fought for? Choose the correct answer. 1 be 6 win
1 women’s rights 2 study 7 make
2 the rights of black Americans 3 get 8 hate
3 workers’ rights A want 9 shoot
5 decide 10 have
2 Read the text and check your answer to exercise 1.
Match the highlighted words with the meanings below.
1 the same
f l nave a dream that my
2 people who hate you
lour children w ill one day
I have a dream live in a nation where they
3 country
A a very brave and good person
The third M onday o f January w ill not be judged by the 5 a day when people don’t have to go to work
each year is a national holiday colour ol their skin but
in the USA. It is called Martin by the content ol their How much do you know about these famous people? Choose
Luther King Day. character.1 the correct answers.

Martin Luther King was b o m in 1929 in Georgia in the south

o f the USA. His father was a priest, and M artin studied at
college and also got a job as a priest in Alabama.
At that time, black and white people in the USA were not
equal. For example, in Alabama, a black person had to stand
1 Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France
up on a bus if a white person w anted to sit down. O ne day. a
a S times.
brave black w om an called Rosa Parks refused to do this. Parks
b 7 times.
and King decided to w ork together to change the law. In the
end they won. and in 1956 Alabama changed the law. 2 Now Lance Armstrong has a charity which
a helps people be better cyclists.
King continued to fight for the rights o f black Americans. He b helps people who have cancer.
made som e famous speeches, w on the Nobel Peace Prize in
3 Nelson Mandela fought for the rights of
1964. and was a hero for millions
a black Americans.
o f Americans. Bui some white
b black Africans.
people hated him. O n 3rd April
1968. he m ade a speech lo a big 4 Mandela
crowd in M emphis. Tennessee. a worked in a prison,
He talked about his enemies b spent a long time in prison.
and his ow n death. The next 5 Mahatma Gandhi died in
day, Jam es Bari Ray shot a 1948.
Martin Luther King. b 1969.

King had four children: two 6 Mahatma Gandhi wanted the British to
boys and tw o girls. They all a stay in India.
decided to continue his work b leave India.
and to fight for the rights of
2.37 Listen and check your answers.
black Americans.
Write three sentences about a famous person from the past
that you admire. Use the words and phrases in the box to
Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. help you.
Martin Luther King Day is a British national holiday.
was bom ... lived ... studied ... worked a s ... helped ...
Martin Luther King was born in Alabama.
fought for/against... brave honest intelligent kind
King and his father did the same job.
King went to college.
Rosa Parks and King wanted the same thing. SPEAKING Read your sentences out to the class. Can they
King and Parks weren’t successful. guess the name of your hero?
King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1968.
Only two of King's children continued King’s work.

Unit 7 • World famous

Past simple: negative and interrogative
Describe the photo. What are the people doing? How are Read the Learn th is! box and complete the rules.
they feeling, do you think?
^ 1 We form the negative of the past simple with
i 1______ + base form
a 2 We form the interrogative of the past simple with
1______ + he I you ¡they, etc. + base form

5 Write questions and short answers about the dialogue in

exercise 2. Use the past simple.
1 Suzie / take / the photo?
Did Suitf tafcf- the photo? No, she- didn't
2 Molly / take / the photo?
3 Molly / go / to the Live 8 concert?
A Suzie / go / to the Live 8 concert?
5 Suzie / watch / the concert on TV?
6 Jack/w atch/the concert on TV?
7 Bill Gat es/ make/ a speech at the concert?

Make these sentences negative.

1 I watched Live 8 on television.
2 We went on holiday last year.
3 It rained last weekend.
A I had breakfast this morning.
Q 2.38 Complete the dialogue w ith the words in the box.
5 My sister broke my mobile phone.
Then listen and check your answers.
6 England won the World Cup in 2006.
Africa bands London photo speech 7 loe bought a CD.

- > • • Grammar Builder (7D): page 120

Jack This is a good . Where did you take it?
Suzie I didn't take it. My friend Molly took it at the Live 8
7 What did you do last weekend? Tick the activities.
concert in 1___________.
You Your partner
Jack Live 8 ?
Suzie It was a charity concert for *_________ . I didn't go. but I 1 go shopping

watched it on TV. It was amazing. Did you see it? 2 tidy your bedroom
Jack No, I didn’t. Did a lot o f 4__________play? 3 go to a disco
Suzie Yes. they did: Coldplay, Stereophonies, Keane... Bill
4 have a bad dream
Gates was there too.
5 eat in a restaurant
Jack Really? Can he sing? I didn’t know that.
Suzie He didn’t sing! He made a s_________ about Africa. 6 get an e-mail
7 listen to music
Look at the table below. Then find and underline more
examples of past simple negative and question forms in the 8 meet your friends
8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the
Past simple activities in exercise 7. Tick the activities your partner did.
He didn't sing. Did you go shopping? No, I didn’t.

Where did you take it? SPEAKING I Tell the class about your partner’s weekend.
Use the past simple affirmative and negative.
interrogative and short answers
Marta didn't 90 «hopping, but sbt her bedroom She didn't
Did you see it?
Yes. I d id ./N o , I didn't.

Unit 7 • World famous

I ca n u n d e rsta n d a biographical UKt.

1 Look at the list of events in a person’s life. Number them in

the order they usually happen.

Events in life be bom die have children get a job

get married go to school go to university retire Two great
Write five sentences about people in your family. Use the
phrases in exercise 1 and the past simple, affirmative or
NVj grandiathw dkin't 90 to school
parents 90I married m HS7.

3 Look at the photos. What are the inventions? Who invented L£szl6 B iro w as bo rn in B udapest in 1899. After
them? What nationality were the inventors?
h e left school h e studied m edicine at university,
A Read the text. Check your answers to exercise 3. but h e didn’t finish his s tu d ie s .1_________ He
noticed that new spaper ink dried v ery quickly
5 Complete gaps 1 -6 in the text with sentences A-F. There is
one sentence that you do not need. on th e paper, and put th e ink into his fountain
A In 1975 he taught architecture, but he continued to invent pen . 2________ He and h is b ro th e r Gyorgy then
B He did a number of different jobs and then became a invented a new type of pen with a small ball at
journalist in the 1930s.
th e end. T h e new pen w orked with th e thick ink.
C He was born in Budapest in 1944.
D However, it didn’t work because the ink was very thick. 1_________ In 1939 Laszlo m oved to P aris and then
E In the 1970s he worked as an architect and in his spare
time he invented a mechanical puzzle. to A rgentina. Biro invented many o th e r things
F It quickly became popular all over the world. b u t th e m ost im portant w as th e ball-point pen, or
G It wasn't the only thing he invented.
‘biro’. Laszlo Bird died in B uenos A ires in 1985.
6 Write questions for these answers. Use the words in
1 He was born in 1899. (w hen/be bom) E r n o R u b ik ’s father w as an en g in eer and his
When was Lasilo Wr6 bom? m o th er w as a p o e t.4_________A fter leaving
2 He studied medicine, (what/study)
3 She was a poet, (what / be) school, h e studied arch itectu re and design al
4 In 1939. (when / move to Paris)
th e Technical University. 3_________ Rubik called
5 300 million, (how m any/cubes/there)
6 In Buenos Aires, (where/die) it th e ‘M agic C ube’. It soon becam e popular in
H ungary and th e rest of Europe. 6________ In
th e early 1980s th e cu b e becam e popular in the
USA too, and got a new nam e: ‘Rubik’s C ube’. It
is th e w orld’s best-selling toy - som e people say
th e re a re 300 million cu b es in th e world. Rubik
becam e v ery rich and w ent on to invent many
m o re gam es and puzzles.

Unit 7 • World famous

Match these great inventors and
scientists with their work.
1 Marie Curie (1867-1934)...
2 John Logie Baird (1888-1946)...
3 Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922)...
A Thomas Edison (1847-1931)...
5 Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)...

a invented the light bulb,

b wrote the world’s first computer program,
c discovered radium,
d invented the telephone,
e invented the television.

8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the

scientists in exercise 7.

Unit 7 • World famous 73

2.39 Complete the dialogue with the past simple or 6 O 2.40 Listen again. Choose the correct answers.
base form of the verbs in the box. Then read, listen and 1 What did Jack buy for his dad?
check your answers. a a CD. b a DVD.
2 Where did Jack leave the present?
be go go make see see stay watch
a At home, b On the bus.
3 What did Jack think of the food at the cafe?
a He didn’t like it. b He liked it.
4 Why didn’t lack send the e-mail to his friend?
a He lost his computer.
b There was a problem with the computer.
5 Why didn’t Jack watch Troy?
a They gave him a Hungarian film by mistake,
b He fell asleep.

7 » 2 .41 la m M s m i l M How does Naomi react to Jack’s

story? Listen and repeat. Try to copy the intonation.
Harry H o w V * vourweekend?
Reacting w ith sympathy Oh dear! Oh no! Oh well!
Melissa It was OK, thanks.
That's a shame. Poor you! What a disaster!
Harry Did you * out on Saturday night?
Melissa Yes, I did. 15_ to the cinema with some friends.
8 Work in pairs. Take turns to say a sentence and react, using
Harry What did you* ? the phrases from exercise 7.
Melissa We 4 a film called X-Men 3. 1 I went for lunch with some friends, but the food was
Harry What was it like? horrible.
Melissa Really good. 2 I went to the cinema, but the film was really boring.
Harry How about Sunday? 3 I played computer games, but I lost really badly.
4 I went to a party, but I didn’t know anybody.
Melissa I * in on Sunday. I ju st; TV and
5 I did my homework, but I answered all the wrong
8 some phonecalls.

Tick the activities that Melissa did at the weekend.

9 Work in pairs. Prepare a dialogue using the chart below and
Going out: your own ideas.
go to the cinema □ go to a rock concert (ZJ
see a basketball match □ go to the theatre □
Staying in: Ask how B’s weekend was.
do homework Q make phonecalls □ =» - w Answer the question.
listen to music Q watch TV □
Ask if B went out on
Practise reading the dialogue in exercise 1 in pairs. Saturday night.

Say yes. Say what you did.

2.40 Listen to jack and Naomi. Choose the correct
sentence. React. Ask another question
a Jack had a terrible weekend, Naomi's weekend was OK. about Saturday night.
b Jack and Naomi both had terrible weekends,
c Jack’s weekend was OK, Naomi's weekend was terrible. Answer the question.

Complete the sentences describing Jack’s activities at the React. Ask about Sunday.
weekend. Use the past simple of the verbs in the box.
Say what you did on
go have meet rent write Sunday.
1 He shopping. 4 He an e-mail,
2 He some friends in town. 5 He a DVD. 10 SPEAKING Act out your dialogue in front of the class.
3 He dinner at a cafe.

Unit 7 • World famous

I ca n w rite an t- m a il message to
a f r it n d d escrib ing n \y wcck&nd.

■ / U » ■ 1H= s j f txg Read the e-mails again and answer the questions.
1 What did Gail buy in town?
Dear Lauren 2 Did Gail enjoy the basketball match?
I hope you're well. How was your weekend? My weekend 3 Did Gail go out on Sunday evening?
was great. I finished all my homework on Saturday morning.
4 Did Lauren’s team win the volleyball match?
Then I went into town and met some friends. We had lunch
5 What did Lauren think of the film?
in a café, then we went shopping. I bought two new T-shirts.
In the evening. I went to a basketball match with my brother 6 Why did Lauren go to bed early on Sunday?
and his friends. It was really exciting!
I didn’t get up until midday on Sunday. I had lunch at home Writing tip
with my family, then I went to the park and played tennis with Useful phrases for e-mails
some friends. I didn’t go out in the evening. I watched a DVD
We often use these phrases in e-mails to friends and family:
at home.
Great to hear from you! How was your weekend?
Say hi to Jack.
I hope you ’re well. (Jack) sends his love.
Love Say h i to (Jack)- Speak to you soon.
j j A a 4 ■ « * * * ____________ _
Read the w riting tip. Who uses the phrases in the e-mails in
Hi Gail exercise 1, Gail or Lauren? Write G or L.
Great to hear from you! Jack sends his love.
I'm fine, but my weekend wasn't very good. Choose four activities that you did at the weekend - two on
I played volleyball for the school team on
Saturday morning, but we lost. I didn't play Saturday, two on Sunday. Make notes in the table.
very well. In the evening, I went to the
Morning Afternoon
cinema with my parents. The film was really
boring. Saturday
On Sunday, it was my dad's birthday. We had a
barbecue in the garden, but it rained, so it
wasn't much fun. In the evening, I didn't feel Sunday
w e ll, so I went to bed early- Oh well.
Speak to you soon.
Best wishes Write an e-mail (90 -1 10 words) to a friend. Use the guide
Lauren below, your notes from exercise 5 and phrases from exercise 4.
• Begin with H i... or D ear...

First paragraph
Read the e-mails. Who had a better weekend, Gail or Lauren?
• Start the paragraph with a useful phrase.
Look at the list of activities. Tick the ones that Gail or Lauren • describe what you did on Saturday.
Second paragraph
Activity Gail Lauren • Describe what you did on Sunday.
do homework / • Add a useful phrase.
• Finish with Love or Best wishes and your name.
go to bed early

read a book

go to the cinema Have you

go shopping used some of the phrases from the writing tip box?
divided your e-mail into two paragraphs?
have a barbecue
□ written 9 0-11 0 words?
have lunch in a café ! checked your spelling and grammar?
go to a disco
play tennis

play volleyball
watch a basketball match
watch a DVD

Unit 7 • World famous

1 Read the listening tip. Match the key 6 Work in pairs. Choose one photo in exercise 7 and each
words in the box with opinions A-F in the Listening exam make a list of the interesting things you can see and do
task. there. Compare your lists.

fast wet and cold unfriendly cars dirty big

^ T h in g s you c a n see.
Listening pip
Before matching sentences to speakers, read the sentences
and think about the words you might hear. T h in g s you ca n J o

2 Oo the Listening exam task.

7 Do the Speaking exam task.
L is t e n in g exam ta sk
S p e a k in g exam ta sk
Listen to five people talking about different cities. Match
opinions A-F to speakers 1 -5 . Compare and contrast the photos. Think about these things:
A People in this city are not very friendly. □ 1 What can visitors do in each city?
B The weather in this city isn’t very good. □ 2
What can visitors see in each city?
Which city would you prefer to visit, and why?
C People in this city need to slow down. □ 4 Which city in your country is the most attractive for
D The traffic is terrible in this city. □ tourists? Why?
E This city is too big. □
F This city could be cleaner. □
3 £ 1 1 ". Which of the words in the box could
you use to describe the photos in exercise 7?

Adjectives exciting peaceful dirty interesting old

historical noisy modern
Nouns boat canal church old building park
skyscraper traffic shops

4 Complete these sentences about the photos.

1 Both photos show ...
2 The most obvious difference between the photos is th a t...

5 Complete the activities that you can do in a city with the

words in the box. Which do you like doing?

admire buy eat go go on go to stay visit


1 admire the buildings

2 boat trips
3 museums and churches
A nightclubs
5 souvenirs
6 in a nice hotel
7 in nice restaurants
8 shopping
9 round the streets and squares

Get ready for your exam 7

to READ Quickly read the text. What is the
significance of these dates and numbers?
1 Paris Hilton has got four brothers and sisters. □
2 Her fam ily are rich because they own
1 1981 2 20 3 2006 expensive schools. □
Reading tip 3 She went to school in the USA. □
4 Newspapers are interested in her because she
1 Read the text quickly to get a general idea of what it’s spent a lot of time with other famous people. □
about. 5 She was very happy going to parties and
2 Read each sentence carefully and identify the part of the music clubs. □
text where you can find the answer. 6 She is an actress, a fashion model, a writer
3 Read the text again, carefully, stopping to answer each and a singer.
sentence. 7 Her nightclubs are very successful.
8 The article suggests that Paris Hilton is famous
2 Do the Reading exam task. because she wrote a book about her life. □
R ea
■ i m din exam
m wg v a u ill task
3 W Get ready to SPEAK | Read the Speaking exam
task below. Then listen to two students doing the task. What
Read the text and mark sentences 3 -8 true (T), false (F) or
order did they put the three things in?
not given (NG).

4 Listen again. Who says these things? Write B for

[pH boy or 6 for girl.

1 I think money is very important.
Paris Hilton was born on 17th February 2 I don’t think money is the most important thing in life. CD
1981 in New York, USA. She is the 3 Rich people are usually happy.
oldest of four children. Her family A I think friends and family are more important than
are very rich: they own Hilton money. LJ

wk r - ^ hotels. Paris went to Dwight 5 If you aren’t healthy, it’s difficult to be happy.
School, a famous and expensive
5 Say whether you agree or disagree with the statements in
school in New York, but she didn’t
exercise A.
finish her studies there and she
didn't go to university. I agree / disagree with the first statement.
Because Paris Hilton is from a super- i s -----------------------------------------------
rich family, she didn't need to get a job
6 Complete the phrases the speakers used,
when she left school. She spent her time going to parlies
and music clubs with other celebrities, so newspapers and agree point right true why
magazines were interested in her life, and often had photos of
her. As a teenager, she was famous - but she didn’t really do 1 do you think that?
anything. She was famous because she was in the newspapers! 2 That’s , b u t...
3 I don’t .
But when Paris was about 20 years old. she started lots of
A Maybe you’r e .
different jobs. Now. she’s a fashion model. She’s also an
5 Yes, I see your
actress in films and T V programmes, and she's a singer: she
started her first album. Paris, in 2004 and finished it in 2006. 7 Do the Speaking exam task.
(The first single from the album, Stars Are Blind, was popular
in Europe and the USA.) She opened her own nightclubs S p e a k in g exam task
called 'Club Paris’. And she's a writer too. In 2004. she wrote
a book about her life. Because she was already famous, people Work in pairs. You and your partner have to put the
wanted to read about her. so the book was very popular. following three things in order of importance: money,
family and friends, and health.
But the newspapers and magazines arc still more interested
in her personal life than her work. W ho is she going out with'
Are they getting married? Photographers follow Paris Hilton
every day, and try to learn something new about her life.
And Paris often gives interviews to magazines because the
magazines made her famous and she wants to stay that way.

Get ready (or your exam 8

Vocabulary • food and drink • countable and uncountable nouns
• partitives (cup o f coffee, slice o f pizza, etc.)
Grammar • quantity: some and any. How m uch/m any?
• Articles (definite and indefinite)
Speaking • talking about traditional food • ordering food in a calé
W riting • a formal letter

I c m d c s tñ b t w W I
have fo r b re a k fa st.

5 2.45 Listen to the orders for room service. Write the

room number and tick the food and drink that they order.

Poom 101 £oom Poo™_____

1 Match the food and drink in the picture with the words in cereal /
the box. 2 sausages
2 eggs
Food apples bacon bananas bread cereal a banana
cheese eggs ham jam sausages toast tomatoes toast
Drink coffee hot chocolate milk orange juice jam
tea water water
orange juice
¡jj 1 1 Countable nouns are things that you can count. They
x I have a singular and a plural form.
hot chocolate
z ! an apple two apples
< l 2 Uncountable nouns are things that you can’t count.
6 O 2.46 Match the two halves of these expressions from
^ j j They only have a singular form.
the dialogues. Then listen again and check your answers.
bacon bacons m ilk milks
1 two slices o f ... a orange juice
2 Read the Learn th is! box. Then divide the food and drink 2 a glass o f ... b cereal
in exercise 1 into two groups, countable and uncountable 3 a cup o f ... c tea / coffee / hot chocolate
nouns. A a bowl o f ... d toast
5 a bottle of... e water
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Find out what your partner has for

What do you have for breakfast?

0 2.44 Listen, repeat and check your answers.
SPEAKING Cover the words in exercise 1 and say what food I always / usually/ sometimes have a bowl of cereal and
is on the table. Use There are for plural nouns and There’s
for singular (uncountable) nouns.

There are apples. There’s bacon.

m ]

Vocabulary Builder (part 1): page 135

Unit 8 • On the menu

I c a n t a lk a b c u t q u a n titie s .
some and any, How much/many?
Q 3.01 Read and listen to the dialogue. What food have
in the world!
Hannah and Oliver got? Tick or cross the pictures.
C om e and o rd e r ‘T he Big O n e ’ at
M am a L ena’s Pizza H ouse in P ittsburgh, USA
O n ly $99!!

S 150 slices of delicious pizza

There are N INE KILOS of pizza dough,
FOUR LITRES of tom ato sauce
and SEVEN KILOS of cheese
in The Big One!!
It tnkes 40 m inutes to cook! O rder som e drinks and
chat w ith y o u r friends while you are waiting.
Jffr s tH 3 0 0 Hiw O n e s c i v n fy e a r !

Read the advertisement quickly. Find the name of the pizza

in the photo and how much it costs.

? 1 We use How much ...?w ith uncountable nouns,

Oliver Let’s have some lunch. x How much time have you got?
Hannah Good idea. Are there any pizzas in the fridge? z How much water is there?
Oliver No, there aren’t. 2 2 We use How m any... ? with plural countable nouns.
Hannah What have we got? How many tomatoes are there?
Oliver There’s some cheese. And there’s some ham. How many books d id you buy?
Hannah Is there any butter?
Oliver Yes, there is. Read the Learn th is! box above. Then order the words to
Hannah OK. Let’s have ham and cheese sandwiches. make questions about the advertisement.
Oliver Ah. There’s a problem.
1 m oney/does the Big One co st/h ow much
Hannah What is it? How rnuth mone^ doe* the &iy Or» a»t?
Oliver We haven’t got any bread.
2 is there in the pizza / pizza dough / how much
2 Underline all the examples of some and any in the dialogue. 3 slices/how m any/are th e re /in the pizza
4 in the pizza / how much / is there / cheese
Then circle the correct words in the rules.
5 to cook/does it ta ke/ho w many/m inutes
1 We use some I any in affirmative sentences. 6 Big Ones/how m any/do they sell a year
2 We use som e/any in negative sentences.
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
3 We use some I any in questions.
exercise 6 .

3 Complete the second part of the dialogue with some

8 Complete the questions with How much or How many.
and any.
homework do you do a day?
Hannah Is there * pasta? sleep do you get a night?
Oliver Yes, there is. text messages do you send a day?
Hannah Let’s make * tomato sauce for the pasta. _______ money have you got in your pocket?
Oliver We haven’t got 3______
_ tomatoes. cousins have you got?
pizzas do you eat a week?
Hannah Are there* mushrooms?
_______ people are in this room?
Oliver No. there aren’t. But there's 5 money on the
time is there to the end of the lesson?
Hannah What for? SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
exercise 8 .
Oliver Let’s go out and buy 6 chips!
How much homework do you do a day?
Q 3.02 Listen and check your answers to exercise 3.
About 90 minutes.
inutes. I
< Grammar Builder (8B): page 122

Unit 8 • On the menu

I cm u n d e r s ta n d d c s c r ip tio *
o f t r a d it io n a l fo o d .
Traditional dishes ’
Look at the photos and answer the questions. Answer the questions.
1 Which of these dishes are popular in your country? 1 In the UK, do most families usually eat meals together?
2 Which of them do you like? 2 How many fish and chip shops are there in the UK?
3 Which three are traditional English dishes? 3 What is a ‘full English breakfast’?
4 On average, how much do people in the UK spend per
Read the text. Does it say good things about British cooking week in bars and restaurants?
at home, or good things about British restaurant food? 5 How many Chinese restaurants are there in the UK?
6 What is the most popular dish in the UK?

Match the highlighted words in the text with these

1 having a meal in a restaurant
2 food that you eat between meals
3 a machine that cooks food very quickly
4 food
5 places that sell drinks and often food
6 part of a country’s history and culture
3 cooked breakfast
Çè 3.03 Listen to four people talking about traditional
dishes where they live. Match the dishes with the places.

the north of England Scotland south-west England


1 Cawl is a dish fro m __________ .

2 Colcannon is a dish fro m ______
3 Lancashire hotpot is a dish from
4 Stargazey pie is a dish fro m ____

3.03 Listen again. Tick three ingredients for each dish.

Some ingredients are in more than one dish.

Some nations are famous for their cooking. For example,


in most French and Italian hom es, meals are an im portant i/i


part of family life. But in the UK, a lot of families do not 00
eat together. Parents and children eat snacks in front of u
the TV, or prepare th eir own food in the microwave at cawl
different times.
However, som e traditional dishes are still very popular in
Britain - for example, fish and chips. There are more than Lancashire hotpot
8,600 fish and chip shops in the UK and they serve about
300 million meals every year. Restaurants and pubs often Stargazey pie
serve ‘Sunday lunch’: roast m eat (beef, lamb, chicken,
etc.) with roast potatoes and vegetables. And many British Which of the dishes in exercise 6 would you like to try?
people sometimes eat a 'full English breakfast’ of bacon,
eggs, sausages, tom atoes and toast. SPEAKING Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss the
The British enjoy eating out, and on average, they spend questions.
£27 a week in restaurants. In a recent m agazine article 1 Do you like your country’s food?
about the 50 best restaurants in the world, 14 were in the 2 Have different regions of your country got different food?
UK. However, most restaurants do not serve traditional Give examples.
British food. For example, there are about 10,000 Indian 3 In your opinion, what are the two best and two worst
and 8,000 Chinese restaurants in the UK. Different styles dishes in your country?
of cooking from around the world are now part of British A What food from other countries can you eat in restaurants
culture. In fact, the nation’s favourite dish is not roast beef in your country?
or fish and chips - it is chicken curry!

80 Unit 8 • On the menu

1 Read the text. Which restaurant do you think is Jack’s 6 Circle the correct words in the text.
favourite? Explain your answer.
In 2001, Richard Evans went to {5)/ the
takeaway restaurant near his house and bought
a / the bag of chips. When he got home,
he opened a / the bag and started to eat
a / the chips. He found a / the fried beetle
in the bag. He went back to a / the shop and
complained. He showed them
a / the beetle, but they didn't
believe him . Mr Evans was
angry, so he phoned his
• There are three restaurants near my house. O n the local newspaper.
High Street, there’s a C hinese restaurant and an Italian A / The newspaper wrote
restaurant. The C hinese restaurant is good, but it’s an / the article about
expensive. The Italian restaurant is cheaper and the Mr Evans's chips. A lot
pizzas there arc brilliant. T here’s an Indian restaurant of people read a / the
on Mill Lane. I d o n 't go to the Indian restaurant article. Soon, a / the take­
because the food isn’t very g o o d .' away restaurant was not
so popular!

Underline all the examples of the, a and an in the text. What

kinds of noun do they go with? Tick or cross the boxes in the Some common expressions include an article and others
x do not. There are no rules - you have to leam them!

a/an the k no article article

singular countable nouns sd • play football, tennis, • play the piano, the guitar.
plural countable nouns etc. etc
• watch television • listen to the radio; see
uncountable nouns a film
'1 • have breakfast, lunch. • have a snack, a drink.
3.04 PRONUNCIATION Listen to how a and an are dinner a sandwich, etc
pronounced. Then repeat. • go to school, work. • go to the theatre, the
an apple a banana an Italian restaurant a lemon hospital, church. cinema, the doctor’s
an onion an orange a potato a tomato university
• at night • during the day; in the
Write a or an. What is the rule? morning, afternoon.
1 banana 5 Spanish orange evening
2 English book 6 enormous tomato
3 egg 7 uncle Read the Learn th is! box. Then complete the sentences
A Indian restaurant 8 young American with o, an or the, or tick them if they are correct w ithout an
Study the text in exercise 1 again. Then circle the correct 1 He goes t o church every Sunday. /
word in the rules below and complete the examples. 2 I went to the cinema last night.

3i/i 1 We use o ox an I the when we mention something for

3 He never eats anything before he goes to
4 My sister is a nurse and often works a t
the first time.
5 Can you pla y guitar?
There's supermarket in my street.
6 He usually does his homework i n morning.
2 We use o or a n /tfje when we mention something
7 Let’s have snack before we go out.
8 What time do you usually have dinner?
The food a t____supermarket is expensive.
9 I sometimes listen t o radio on the bus.
10 I want to go t o university when I leave school.
Grammar Builder (8D): page 122 11 I never w atch TV before breakfast.

Unit 8 • On the menu ( 81

I can undcrstMuS an iniervicw in j. m agazine.

1 Look at the diagram. What food and drink can you see? Reading tip
There’s a ... There’s so m e ... There are so m e ... Before you start reading, look at the title of the text
and any photos. They often give you an idea about
the content.
Eat occasionally

Fats & sugars 4 Read the reading tip. Look at the photo of Sonya Thomas and
the title of the text. What do you think she does?
a She cooks food in a restaurant,
b She serves food in a restaurant,
c She writes about food,
d She eats food very quickly.

5 Read the text. Find the answer to exercise 4.

6 Complete the sentences with the highlighted words in the

1 He eats lots o f_________ food, like fish and vegetables.
2 It’s __________ to feel sad if you don’t pass your exams.
3 He isn't fat. In fact, he’s very__________ . He only weighs
65 kilos.
4 A has got eight legs.
5 His real name is Ronaldo de Assis Moreira - h is _________
is Ronaldinho.
Eat often 6 I ________ in eating competitions but I never win.

2 Make a list of the food you eat on a normal day. Do you eat 7 Choose the best answers.
more food from the bottom of the pyramid or from the top? 1 Sonya Thomas is
a tall. b heavy. c thin.
3 Work in pairs. Look at the food in the photos. Match each
2 She became interested in eating competitions when
food with two groups in the diagram.
a she ate 50 hot dogs in twelve minutes,
b she appeared on TV.
c she saw an eating competition on TV.
3 Her nickname is *the Black Widow’ because
a she’s dangerous in competitions,
b she looks like a spider,
c she takes part in competitions.
strawberries and cream A Sonya is thin because
a she usually eats healthy food,
b she doesn’t like fat or sugar,
chicken curry c she takes part in eating competitions.
5 In Sonya’s opinion, why are eating competitions real
cheesecake a Because you can eat and stay thin,
b Because you need a strong mind and body to do it.
c Because there are only one or two competitions a month.

baked beans on toast

82 ; Unit 8 • On the menu

Can eating be
a sport?
Sonya Thomas is not a big woman. She's
165 cm tall and she only weighs about 45
kilograms. She usually eats healthy food - rice,
vegetables, fruit, fish and chicken. But once
or twice a month she has a big meal - a very
big meal - and she eats it very quickly. Why?
Because she takes part in eating competitions.
In fact, she's one of the best in the world.
For example, she can eat:

M 65 eggs in six minutes 4 0 seconds 8 f t 3.05 Listen. Complete the song with the words in the box.
5 kilograms of cheesecake in nine minutes
arithmetic bad classroom junk food know
11 3.8 kilograms of baked beans in two minutes microwave slow stressed
47 seconds
Johnny's got an addiction
(jj' 2.3 kilograms of chicken in twelve minutes
He's strung without conviction.
He was raised with a '______ ,
In this interview, Sonya tells us about her life and her work. I Sticky, trashy, fast food slave!
He’s a :_____ junkie.
Q: Why d id you firs t take p a rt in eating com petitions? I He could be a lot more hunky.
A: When I was a child I saw an eating competition on TV But he's a junk food junkie.
A man ate 50 hot dogs in twelve minutes. I wanted to Blame it on the food. yeah, you know it's J !
be like him. Mother doesn't really 4______ _
Shopping m a glossy show.
Q: Your nicknam e in co m p etitio ns is ‘th e Black Then again, her budget’s low.
W idow ’. Why did you choose th a t nam e? Her health’s so bad it makes h e r 5______ .
A: Because in competitions I’m small but very dangerous She's a junk food junkie.
- like the Black Widow Spider! She’s :______ and very jumpy.
She’s a junk food junkie.
Q: How d o you prepare fo r a co m p e titio n ? Blame it on the food. yeah, we know it's bad!
A: I often don't prepare at all. It isn't healthy to eat a lot of Jenny’s in a fix
food quickly. With her ______ .
Poor concentration -
Q: Do you do a lo t o f exercise? Boys in the 3 cause
agitation Glossary
A: Yes, I do. I exercise for about two hours a day, five days
She's a junk food junkie. junkie (informal) “ addict
a week.
She could be a lot more hunky (informal) ** big and strong
funky. trashy (informal) - of poor quality
Q: How can you stay th in when you eat so much in
But she's a junk food junkie jumpy (informal) - nervous
com petitions?
Blame it on the food, yeah! in a fix (informal) - in difficulty
A: There are only one or two competitions a month. The You know it's bad! funky (inform al - fashionable
rest of the time. I eat healthy food. Bad!

Q: Do you believe eating c o m pe tition s are a real 9 Which of these opinions are expressed in the song: a, b or c?
sp o rt? Do you agree with it?
A: Yes of course! It's the most natural sport in the world. a Junk food is delicious and cheap, so young people love it.
You need a strong body and a strong mind for eating b Boys eat more junk food than girts,
competitions - just like other sports. c Eating a lot of junk food is bad for your body and your mind.

Unit 8 • On the menu f 83

I c a n o r d t r fo o d m d d r in k in fl c a fc .

Carla’s Café
S oup
tomato • onion • vegetable £2.75
S andw iches
cheese • ham • egg • chicken £2.95
P iz zas
cheese and tomato
Extra toppings: ham • mushrooms
50p each
onions • chicken
Fish and chips
Chicken curry
Vegetable curry
Pasta w ith tomato sauce £5.95
Roast beef w ith roast potatoes and peas £7.00
Orange juice
£ 1.10
Boiile of water
£ 1.00
Coffee • Tea

1 Look at the photo. What can you see? What are ^ 3.07 lîN ihM lKM raiM ?! Read the Learn th is ! box, then
the people doing? Would you like to eat there? say these prices. Listen and check.
1 £6 5 £6.99
2 ^ 3.06 Read and listen to the dialogue. What do Ann and
2 £2.50 6 £8.20
Jake order? Complete the waitress’ notes.
3 £10 7 £1.50
Waitress Can I help you? 4 £1.25 8 £3
Ann Could I have a cheese sandwich, please?
Waitress Of course. Anything to drink? 5 Practise reading the dialogue in groups of three. Change the
words in blue for other food on the menu.
Ann I’d like a coffee, please.
Waitress Sure. And for you? Food
6 Q 3.08 Read the exam tip below. Then listen. What food
Jake Can I have a pizza, please?
and drink do the woman and man order? Write W or M next
Waitress Would you like any extra
to items on the menu in exercise 1 .
lake Yes... ham, please.
Exam tip
Waitress No problem. Anything to b rin k s
drink? It’s difficult to write and listen at the same time. When you
Jake Yes, please. A Coke. 5 are listening, just make notes or underline words on the
Waitress That’s £ 9.30, please. page. Write your answers afterwards.
Ann Here you are.
Waitress Thank yo u ... Here’s your change. 7 ^ 3.08 Complete the table. Then listen again and check.
Jake Thanks.
Waitress I’ll bring the food to your table. Enjoy your meal.
In the dialogue, find:
1 three different ways of asking for food or drink.
2 two other ways of saying *of course’ .
8 SPEAKING Work in groups of three. Prepare a dialogue.
Saying prices Students A and B: You are customers. Order food and a drink
z —
K</> £5 = ‘five pounds’ from the menu.
£4.50 * ‘four pounds fifty’ or ‘four fifty’ Student C: You are the waiter/waitress. Ask questions and
£3.75 = ‘three pounds seventy-five* or 'three seventy-five’ tell A and B how much it is.

9 Act out your dialogue to the class.

84 ; Unit 8 • On the menu

I w n v jr it t a le tte r requesting in fb rn u itio n .

Read the advertisement and the letter. Underline the three Use the phrases in exercise 3 to request the following
requests for information in the letter and match them with information.
the numbered notes. 1 Do you serve fish?
1 V s o s f a r ia o ckVxss’ 2 Are you open on Sunday evenings?
3 Do you have a table for 5 people?
A Do you have a set menu?
Taj M ahal 5 Js the restaurant in the town centre?

Read the w riting tip. How is the beginning and ending of the
Restaurant letter different from an informal letter? Check your answers
by looking at page 15.

Traditional In dian food. Writing tip

S e t m e n u a v a ila b le . G r e a t v a lu e . When you write a formal letter

A 40Markei Street. • Start the letter: Dear (M r Jones) if you know the name
of the person you are writing to. or Dear S ir o r Madam if
you don’t.
2 Hcv.1 >v\v-»cV>? 3 Ta'o!® P e r lO-frSoa^y ’i 4 fK ? • If you want a reply to your letter, write I look forw ard to
hearing from you. after the final paragraph.
• Finish the letter with Yours sincerely if you used the
Dear Sir or Madam, person’s name at the start, or Yours fa ith fu lly if you
I am organising a meal fo r a group of didn’t.
friends to celebrate the end of the school Imagine you want to organise a meat out for you and a group
year. We w ould like to book a table for 10 of friends. Look at the advertisement for a restaurant and the
on Friday 14th July for seven o ’clock. Could notes you have made. Write a le tte r (9 0 -1 1 0 words) to the
you please let me know if th a t is possible? restaurant following the w riting guide.

I have tw o fu rth e r questions. First, could

Set _____________________________
you please let me know how m uch the set
m enu costs? Secondly, could you please tell
me if there is a good choice of vegetarian
S t e f a n o 's
dishes on the m enu, as two of m y friends \ Italian re s ta u r a n t
do not eat m eat or fish?
Large choice o f dishes!
I look forw ard to hearing from you.
G re a t a tm o s p h e re - live m usic!
Yours faithfully.
X CM ¿ 2 - < 2 - / 1 H a -rv J o o d
22 St Ann's Street
Jonathan Harwood \
Paragraph 1
Complete the sentences with information from the • Say how many people, what the occasion is, the date and
advertisement and the letter. the time. Check the availability.
Paragraph 2
1 The restaurant serves food.
• Request the two pieces of information in the notes.
2 There a re people in Jonathan’s group.
3 They plan to arrive at the restaurant a t o’clock. C heck y o u r w orK
4 Two of Jonathan’s friends only e a t food.
Have you
Complete these phrases for requesting information from started and ended the letter correctly?
the letter. O followed the writing guide?
1 Could please let m e i f ... ? written 9 0-11 0 words?
2 you please me if...? checked your spelling and grammar?

Unit 8 • On the menu \ 85

Vocabulary 1 Hf w*nl out with friends a letter,
2 __________ TV. a film,
1 Complete the sentences w ith the correct countries and 3 __________ computer games. a CD.
li'.FTiS 1 3
She’s from Italy. She’s Italian.
She’s fro m . She’s German.
6 Write questions and short answers about Liam’s weekend.
He’s from Greece. H e's_______
She’s She’s from Russia. I Did he- 90 out v«ith friwvii.? Ye*, h t did
He’ s He's from China.
She's from the Czech Republic. She’s
chh m
He’s from ________ He’s Hungarian.
7 Complete the dialogue w ith the words in the box.
8 She's Belarusian. She’s from
9 He’s from Britain. He’s ______ a any many much some the
IM S F /^ l Girl We need to make some pizzas for the party. Have we got
1______ mushrooms?
Write the plural form of the countable nouns. Write U next to Boy No. we haven't. But we’ve g o t2. tomatoes.
the uncountable nouns. Girl Really? How 3 tomatoes have we got?
1 banana bananas a ¡am _______ 7 ham Boy About five. Is that enough?
2 bread U 5 water _______ 8 sausage______ Girl Not really. Is th e re 4 supermarket near here?
3 cereal _______ 6 apple _______ Boy Yes. there is. It’s on West Street. And it’s open in
5______ evening.
r c flH y a Girl Great! How 6 money have you got?
Boy I’ve only got £2. Oh dear!
Complete the sentence w ith orange juice, cereal and toast.
For breakfast, he usually has a bowl o f , two
roi! ya
slices o f and a glass o f-----------
Everyday English
cee m
8 Complete the dialogue with the questions in the box.

Grammar Did you go out on Saturday night? How about Sunday?

How was your weekend? What was the food like?
4 Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in Where did you go?
the box.
Owen *_________________________________________________
be be become give go spend win write Phoebe It was OK, lhanks.
Owen 1_________________________________________________
Ludwig 5 bom in 1879. He * to school in Phoebe Yes, I did. I went for a meal with my family.
London. His parents 1 poor. His uncle *__ him Owen 3_________________________________________________
a violin. H e s two years at Music School ir Phoebe To an Italian restaurant near our house.
H e6 a prize for his performances. H e 7__ Owen *_________________________________________________
Phoebe It was really good.
professional musician. Famous composers 8 music
Owen 5_________________________________________________
for him.
Phoebe I stayed in and did my homework.

um m
5 Look at the chart. Then complete affirmative and negative
9 Complete the dialogue.
sentences about Liam’s weekend.
Waitress 1 I help you?
Liam’s weekend
Adam Could 12 a mushroom pizza, please?
1 go out with friends / A write a letter * Waitress Sure. Anything > drink?
Adam I’d 4 a coffee, please.
2 watch TV X 5 see a film A
Waitress Sure.
3 play computer games ✓ 6 buy a CD /


Language Review 7 -8
S k ills
Listening 4 Answer the questions.
1 When did the original Globe Theatre open?
1 Listen. Put the activities in the order that Marton
2 How many people could watch a play there?
did them at the weekend.
3 What happened to (he theatre in 1613?
a He went shopping, 4 When did the original Globe Theatre close?
b He went to the theatre, 5 Where is Shakespeare's Globe Theatre?
c He sent some e-mails, 6 Why are there only plays there in the summer?
d He watched a DVD.
e He went for a pizza.
2 Listen again. What do M irto n and Dave order?
5 Write a questionnaire with four to six questions about what
your partner usually does at weekends. Find out some of this
Reading information:
• what he/she usually eats and drinks
3 Read the text. What kind of text is it? Choose from a -d .
• where he/she usually goes
a a newspaper report
• how much homework he/she usually does
b a formal letter
• how many phone calls he/she usually makes
c an information leaflet
• when he/she usually gets up and goes to bed
d an informal e-mail

The original Globe Theatre opened
in 1599 and was one ol the 6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in your
mosl im portant theatres In questionnaire. Make a note of your partner’s answers.
Then te ll the class.
London during me lire or
W illiam Shakespeare, in tact.
Shakespeare was one ol the
theatre s owners. Some o!
his most famous plays had
th e ir lirs t perform ance In the
Globe, including Julius Caesar.
Macdeth. Othello and Hamlet, inside
the theatre, there was space lo r about
3.000 people to watch me plays, k lire
in 1613 destroyed (he theatre, but the
owners rebuilt II. However, in 1642. me
new government closed all the theatres
in London. Two years later, they destroyed
the Globe Theatre and built houses there
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre is In the
centre ol London on the south side ol the
River Thames, it opened in 1997 and has
Deriormances from May to October. (There
isn't a pool, so there are no Deriormances
in winter.) m e new theatre Is safer than
the original theatre, because II has to
follow modern safely rules. But in all
other ways, it is exactly the same as the
original Globe Theatre, visito rs can find
out what it was like to go to the theatre In
17th century London.

Skills Round-up 1 -8 I 87
Vocabulary • transport • prepositions (by bike, on foot, etc.) • phrasal verbs • weather
Grammar • present perfect affirmative • ju s t • present perfect negative and
interrogative • already, yet
Speaking • talking about how you get around • talking about living in a foreign
country • buying a train ticket
W riting • an e-mail

i h o * I y e t to schcol.

1 Match the photos with words from the box. Which items
aren’t illustrated?
I scootrr

Transport bicycle (bike) boat bus car coach

helicopter lorry motorbike plane sw oter ship
taxi train tram underground van
We can say:
2 i^3.11 Listen, repeat and check your answers. Check the go by bike or cycle
meaning of any new words. go on foot or walk
go by car or drive
3 Put the means of transport into the correct groups. go by bus, or take/catch a bus,
train, taxi, etc. train, taxi, etc.
give somebody a lift to ..., or drive somebody to

5 Q 3.12 Read the Learn th is! box. Then listen again and
complete the sentences about how they get to school.
1 _________ walks or goes by bike.
4 f t 3.12 Listen to five teenagers talking about their
2 _________ takes the tram.
journeys to school. How do they answer these questions?
3 _________ usually goes on foot.
Complete the table.
A _________ walks to the station and goes by underground.
1 How far do you live from the school? 5 _________ goes with her dad in the morning and goes
2 How long does it take? home by bus.
Distance Time
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer.
1 Danny km mins
How far do you live from the school? A b ou t...
2 Charlotte km mins i s -----------------------------------------

3 Craig m How do you get to school?

4 Ann km mins How long does it take?
5 Joe km mins
Vocabulary Builder (part 2): page 136

<»• Vocabulary Builder (part 1): page 136

Unit 9 • Journeys
I can s<\y wiiait I have ju s t done.

4 Write the past participles of these verbs. Check the irregular

verbs in the list in the Workbook.

write have cook walk drink do stop go

Complete the sentences with the present perfect affirmative

of verbs from exercise 4. Use the short forms Ve a n d 's.
20 kilometres. They’ re really tired.
I ___________ a song. Do you want to hear it?
Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the names. Look. The rain ___________ . We can go out now.
1 ______ as lost his passport. I’m not feeling very well. I ___________six cups of coffee!
2 a n d _______ have misse l their plane. D ad _________ dinner. Come and sit down at the table!
3 ____________ dropped her bag. John_________ an accident. He’s in hospital.
•Where’s Chris?’ ‘H e__________ to London for the day.’
3.13 Listen and repeat. Check your answers to exercise 1. I ___________ my homework, so I can go out now.

Read the information and complete the examples. Grammar Builder (9B): page 12A

Present perfect: affirmative ?

• We form the present perfect affirmative with have or has We often use ju s t with the present perfect for very
+ the past participle recent events. We put it between h ave /ha s and the
past participle.
I/W e/Y ou/T hey 1 arrived.
V o you want a b iscu it?’
He / She/ I t J arrived. ’No, thanks. I’ve ju s t had lunch. *
• The short forms of have and has a re 've and's.
IJ finished my homework. Read the Learn th is! box. Complete answers (a -f) w ith ju s t
She 4 finished her homework. and the present perfect, then match them with the questions
( 1- 6).
• The past participle of regular verbs are the same as the
*l‘vt ju:.t heard a really funny story.’ (hear)
past simple form. ‘Sorry. I them.* (eat)
base form past simple past participle Mdon’t know. I __________________ (arrive)
drop 5_______ 6_______ ‘They___________________ football.’ (play)
miss 7_______ 8_______ *No. She . out.’ (go)
•Yes. He it.’ (buy)
• You need to learn the past participle of irregular verbs.
Ms it a good party?’ □
Use the list in the Workbook.
‘Why are you laughing?’ 0
base form past simple past participle
'Is your brother wearing a new jacket?’ □
eat 9_______ 10_______
*Can I have a biscuit?’ □
hear 11_______ ,J_______
‘IsSuzie at home?’ □
Use ‘Why are they tired?’ □
• We use the present perfect to talk about recent events
7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
that have a result in the present.
exercise 6 .
He 33_________ (lose) his ticket. Now he can’t get on the
plane. Wh-
Why are you laughing? I’ve just heard a funny story.
They 54__________ (eat) a pizza. Now they aren't hungry.

Unit 9 • Journeys
I a m ta lk c'.boni living in a fo r tig n country.

1 Look at the photos. What can you see? Where are the Match the highlighted words in the text with these definitions.
people? What are they doing? 1 countries which another country controls
2 most
3 came and lived
A not long ago
5 a time when there is very little food
6 people who come and live in another country

Are the sentences true or false?

1 Immigration into Britain started in the nineteenth century.
2 People left Ireland in the 1840s because there wasn’t
enough food to eat.
3 Many Irish people left Ireland and returned later.
4 The West Indies. India and Pakistan are former British
5 In the 1950s and 1960s the British government tried to slop
Match the headings with the five sections (A-E) of the text. 6 In the last few years a lot of people have arrived from
southern Europe.
The European Union Q Ireland Q
3.14 Listen to two people talking about life in Britain.
Introduction Q The former colonies I I
Who (a) was born in Britain? (b) came to Britain last year?
How have immigrants influenced British life?

Multicultural Britain

Britain has always been a mixed society. In the distant past,

Celts, Romans, Saxons, Vikings and Normans all settled in
Britain. During the pasl 150 years people from Ireland, the 3.14 Listen again. Choose the correct answers.
former British colonies and the European Union have also 1 Ania found it difficult at first because
come to Britain. a she was homesick, b she couldn’t speak English.

B Inpeople
the 1840s there was a terrible famine in Ireland. A million
died and a million more left Ireland, and never
2 a Ania can’t understand English people because they speak
too fast.
returned. Most went to the USA, but many came to Britain. b Ania can talk to and understand English people quite well.
In the 1950s and 1960s the British government invited people 3 Ania has made
from Britain’s former colonies to live and work in Britain. a only Polish friends, b both Polish and English friends.
The majority were from the West Indies, Pakistan, India and A Abdul’s parents were born in a Pakistan, b Britain.
Hong Kong.
5 Abdul thinks of himself as
People from countries in the European Union arc free to a British, b British and Pakistani.
travel, live and work in any other EU country. Recently a lot 6 Abdul speaks a only English, b English and Punjabi.
o f people have arrived from Central and Eastern Europe.
SPEAKING Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss these
E • There are thousands o f Indian and Chinese restaurants in
the UK.

• Immigrants from the West Indies started the Notting Hill Do you know anyone who has gone to live in another
Carnival in 1965. it is now the biggest street festival in country? Why did they move? What are they doing there?
F.urope. Do you know anyone from another country who has come
• There arc lots o f Irish pubs in Britain and Irish folk music to live in your country? What are they doing here?
is popular. What problems do people face when they go and live in
another country?
• West Indian music, like reggae, has had a strong influence
Would you like to live in another country? Why?/Why not?
on British pop music.

90 Unit 9 • Journeys
I can talk about
Present perfect: negative and interrogative r e ç o it t w i t s .

Look at the photo and describe it. What are the people doing?
3.16 Sarah is in Paris. She is phoning her friend Tania
in London. Listen and tick ( / ) the things Sarah and Peter
have done.

Six things to do in Paris

• clim b the Eiffel Tower
• visit N otre Dame Cathedral
• see the paintings in the Louvre Museum
• take a boat tr ip on the River Seine
• walk up the Champs Flysees
3.15 Peter and Sarah are getting ready to go to Paris.
• have a meal in the Latin Quarter
Read and listen to the conversation. Tick the things on the
list that they have done.
Peter OK. we’ve booked the 7 Write sentences about Peter and Sarah. Say what they have
tickets. Have you found and haven’t done.
T/h/xte i o do.__

the passports?
Yes. they’re here. Have
book o c te t * n T te f'vt ...
Thcf havtn' 1 ....
V W p a æ p o riï L J
you changed the money?
Chan ge morx’i/ LJ 8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer about Peter and
Peter No, I haven't. We can do
but/ q u d e b o o '* L J Sarah's list. Use the present perfect.
that at the airport.
Sarah OK. Have you bought a pack wrtca.se '— ‘
Have they climbed the Eiffel Tower?
1 ----------------------------------------
Peter Yes. I have.
Sarah Good. Now. we haven’t packed the suitcase. Let’s do 9 What have you done today? Tick or cross the activities in
the table.
that now.
You Your partner
Complete the table with the correct form of have.
take a bus
Present perfect
watched TV
use a computer
I/You/We/They _ packed the suitcases.
send a text message
He/She/It hasn't packed the suitcases.
phone a friend
Interrogative and short answers
buy a newspaper
l/you/we/they bought a guidebook?
hear a funny story
Has he/she/it bought a guidebook?
listen to music
Yes, I have./No, I .
Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.
10 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. Find
out what your partner has done today and tick or cross the
4 Write sentences about the list in exercise 2. Use the present activities in the table.
perfect affirmative and negative.
Have you taken a bus today?
They've boow4 iV» ticwts. Th«-^ havto’t ...
Yes, I have./No. I haven’t.
5 Complete the questions about the list using the present
perfect interrogative. Then write short answers.
11 SPEAKING Tell the class what your partner has and
1 M.iv they boottd the tickets? Yes. tVit-f tavc
hasn’t done today. Use the present perfect affirmative and
2 Sarah the passports?
3 Peter the money?
4 Peter a guidebook? I Blank
Blanka has taken a bus today. She hasn’t ...
5 th e y the suitcase?

• • • Grammar Builder (9D): page 124

Unit 9 • Journeys f 91
R EA D IN G I c*n u n d c r s tm d a n w q a zin c article in d etail.

Alone on the water

1 Match the pictures with the words from the box. Reading tip
weather cloudy cold foggy freezing hot icy Newspaper and magazine articles often start with a
rainy snowy stormy sunny warm windy summary of the story in the first paragraph. The other
paragraphs give more details.
i - Us ¿oW. i£>j aod
4 Read the reading tip. Then read the first paragraph of the
text and answer the questions.
1 What has Hilary Lister just done?
2 Why was it a great achievement?

5 Read the article and put the events in the correct order.
a She couldn’t use her arms or hands any more. □
b She started to design her own boat,
c She couldn’t walk any more,
d She sailed alone across the English Channel. Q
e She played a lot of sports,
f A friend took her sailing for the first time,
g She had sailing lessons,
h Her legs started to hurt.

6 Complete the sentences about Hilary using the past participle

of the verbs in the box. All the forms are in the text.

be become change give have sail

1 Hilary has ju s t alone across the English Channel.

2 She h as the first paralysed person to do this.
3 The journey h a s Hilary her life again.
4 Hilary hasn’t always paralysed.
5 She h as sailing lessons.
6 The experience has really_______ her life.

7 Find highlighted words in the text with opposite meanings to:

1 never alv«2f> 6 with other people
2 arrived in 7 last
3 common 8 hated
4 lost 9 sad
5 shortest

8 Work in pairs. Imagine that these questions are part of an

interview with Hilary Lister. Find answers to the questions in
the text.
1 Why do you like sailing?
2 How did you learn to sail?
3 How do you control the boat?
A How did you feel when you arrived in Calais?
2 f t 3.17 Listen and repeat the words in exercise 1. 5 What are you planning to do next?

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the 9 E lîW aikfcl Work in pairs. Act out an interview with Hilary
Lister using the questions and answers in exercise 8 .

What’s the weather like in picture 1?

It's cold, icy and foggy,

92 Unit 9 • Journeys
__ V - ~ - - f le g s or
even her head - but sh e has ju st sailed a lo n e
a cro ss the En glish Channel! How did she do it? Sam

'Where do you want to go?’ laughs Hilary Lister. We are on a

boat going out of Portsmouth Harbour, and Hilary is sailing ¡t.
Suddenly she's happy and free. Sailing does that to her. 'It’s given
me my life again,' she says.
Hilary is now paralysed because o f a rare illness, but she
hasn’t alw ays been like this. When she was a child she was
always active, and she played a lot o f sports. But when she
was 11, her legs started to hurt. By the tim e she was 15. she
couldn’t walk any more.
About six years ago she couldn’t use her arms or hands
any more. She thought her life was over. Then, tw o years
ago, a friend took her sailing for the first time. She loved it!
But she didn’t want to be a passenger. She wanted to sail a
boat herself. ‘I had this mad dream to sail across the English
Channel,’ she said.
Hilary didn’t know anything about boats or sailing.
But she started to design her own boat. Then she
found a boat and some people to help her.
? The controls o f her boat came from her
wheelchair and she can control the boat
with her mouth. She has had some lessons,
and she is now a very good sailor.
Last month Hilary’s dream came true. She
left Dover alone in her boat. It was sunny
but quite windy. Six hours later she arrived in
Calais, France. She was very, very tired, but
very happy. It was the longest journey made
by a completely paralysed person. And she has
become the first disabled person to sail across the
Hilary says the experience has really changed her
life. 'Next I want to sail around Britain,’ she says.
/ can b u y a train ticket.

Buying a train ticket

4 HWJJUKLcI Work in pairs. Practise reading the dialogue,
changing the words in blue.

5 Çè 3.20 Listen. Complete the table.

Destination Price Platform

1 Liverpool

2 Manchester

6 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

change direct next platform return same

1 Can I have a ticket to Liverpool, please?

2 When's the train?
3 Do I have to ?

A There’s a __ train at 10:47.

5 Are you coming back on th e day?
6 W hich does it depart from?

Clerk Next, please. 7 Ö 3.21 Listen and check your answers.

Alison Hello. I’d like a ticket to London, please.
Clerk Single or return? SpeaKing pip
Alison Return, please.
English-speakers use ‘ please’ and ‘thank you’ a lot.
Clerk Are you coming back today?
Remember to include them in your dialogues and
Alison Yes.
Clerk That’s £ 12 , please.
Alison Here you are.
Clerk Thank you. Here’s your change. 8 M a w a m c l Work in pairs. Prepare a dialogue using the
Alison Which platform is it? chart below.
Number 5. The next train is at 11 .25 .
Is it a direct train?
Ticket clerk
Clerk No. you have to change at Oxford. Ask for the next
Q 3.18 Read and listen to the dialogue. Where does Say where you want to
Alison want to go, and when does she want to come back? go to.
Ask when he/she is
</> Bus, train and plane times returning.
We usually use the 24 -hour clock for bus. train and plane
times. Answer.
We write: We say: Give the price.
11:25 ‘eleven twenty-five’
08:41 ‘eight forty-one* Pay for the ticket. Ask
15:07 ‘fifteen oh seven’ about the next train.
17:00 ‘seventeen hundred’ Give the time.

2 O 3.19 Read the Information in the Learn this! box. Then Ask about the platform.
listen and write the times.
1 __ 3 __:__ 5 __ :__
2 A _ : . 6 Ask about changing trains.

3 liK M lU K M rfllfflfl Work in pairs. Write down five times using Answer.
the 24-hour clock, then say them to your partner. Can your
partner write them correctly? SPEAKING Act out your dialogue to the class.

94 Unit 9 • Journeys
I C4W Ỷ ir itt ểtn c -m ạ ỉl
a bo ut m ỵ holiday.
An e-mail
Match the e-mails with the photos.

Read the Learn this! box and underline examples o fye fa n d

already in the e-mails.

already and yet

1 We use already with the present perfect affirmative T Hi Tara.
to say that something has happened earlier than
'Do your homework!' ‘I’ve already done it. ’ harbour b r i d g Z l n f n » tote'o'f d ofo h “ " f ' * Under lhe
2 We use yet with the present perfect interrogative to ask Yesterday we went shooDina i"®' WaS ,anlas,'C-
if something expected has happened. I haven't visited the opera house y e S d ° h a° L T VenirS'
any kangaroos! y 1 haven 1 seen
Have you found the passports yet?
U v ? a" ,W now- Have 0°<*ed your holiday ye.?
3 We use yet with the present perfect negative to say that
something expected hasn’t happened.
It's 9 p.m. but Dad hasn’t come home yet.

Hi Sâm
o %0 Grammar Reference: page 125 Caroline and I are in Moscow. Ifs very cold and icy -
snowed a lot. Bui I like raid weather and w e re havit^a
We've already seen a lot of sights. Yesterday we V sitedI the Kremlin
Read the e-mails. Are the sentences true or false?
and we walked around Red Square. It was fascinating. We also
1 The weather isn’t very good in Sydney. took a coach tour of the city.
2 Debbie enjoyed the boat trip. We haven't seen a ballet at the Bolshoi Theatre yet - we re doing
3 Debbie hasn’t bought any souvenirs yet. that tomorrow.
4 Debbie has already seen some kangaroos. I'm coming home on Sunday. See you next week.
5 Chris likes cold weather. Best wishes
6 Chris did two things yesterday. Chris
7 Chris hasn’t seen a ballet yet.
8 Chris is coming home tomorrow.
Write an e-mail (70-90 words) to a
Read the w riting tip. Which endings do the writers use in the friend. Use the guide below.
e-mails in exercise 2?
• Begin with Hi... or Dear...
Writing tip First paragraph
• Say where you are.
You can use one of these phrases at the end of an e-mail: • Describe the weather.
See you soon. Hope to see you soon. Second paragraph
See you next (week)- Look forward to seeing you. • Describe three things you did. (Use the
That’s a ll for now. Write soon. past simple and time expressions, e.g.
Yesterday we visited...)
... followed by one of these phrases and your name:
Third paragraph
Love Lots o f love Best wishes Regards
• Say two things that you haven’t done
Look at the list of things to do in London. Imagine you are yet. (Use the present perfect negative.)
on holiday there. Choose three things that you have already Four paragraph
done (✓), and two that you haven’t done yet C*). • Say when you're coming home.
• Finish with phrases from the writing tip
• visit the Tower of London
box and your name.
• see the Queen
• buy lots of souvenirs
Check, your worK
• take a ride on the London Eye □ Have you
• visit the British Museum used some of the phrases from the writing tip box?
• take a coach tour of the city □ followed the writing guide?
written 7 0 -9 0 words?
i checked your spelling and grammar?

Unit 9 • Journeys
1 Complete the definitions with the 4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of:
words in the box. (a) eating in restaurants? (b) eating at home?
Use the ideas in the box to help you.
buffet car apologise depart inspection
midnight passenger The food is better. It’s more expensive. It’s cheaper.
It’s more fun. You can meet your friends.
1 A is somebody who travels on a train, bus, plane
etc. 5 Do the Speaking exam task.
2 A t______ means at 12:00 a.m.
3 To______ means to leave. S p e a k in g exam task
4 If your ticket is ready fo r ________ , it means you are ready
Compare and contrast the photos. Think about these things:
to show it.
5 On a train, a ________ is where you buy food and drink. 1 Which place sells the healthiest food?
6 To______ means to say sorry. 2 Which restaurant would you prefer to eat in? Why?
3 Which is the best place to go to if you don’t have much
I L iste n in g tip
4 Which is the most/least expensive?
Read true/false sentences carefully before you listen to
the recording. Think about the words you might hear.

2 ft Do the Listening exam task.

L is te n in g exam task

Listen to six railway station announcements. Decide if

sentences 1-7 are true or false.
True False
1 The train from London Paddington is late. □ □
2 The train to Manchester leaves from
platform 2. □ □
3 The train to Edinburgh leaves at a quarter
to two. □ □
4 The ticket office is open until midnight. □ □
5 Passengers for Exeter and Plymouth have
to change trains at Bristol. □ □
6 Passengers don't have to show their
tickets on the Liverpool train. □ □
7 Passengers can buy a big meal on the train. □ □

3 Put the food and drink in the correct

group. Can you add any more? ■

biscuits coffee fish and chips hamburger

lemonade orange juice pasta with mushroom sauce
I, *

a sandwich tea

1 Meals

2 Snacks

3 Hot drinks

4 Cold drinks

Get ready for your exam 9

Ex a m
Quickly read the text and choose the 2 Do the Reading exam task.
best summary.
R e a d in g d p
a A film director was in a plane crash. He and a young girl
managed to survive and he later made a film about it. Read the text quickly to get a general idea of what it’ s
b A plane crashed in the jungle and only one person about.
survived. She followed a river and walked out of the Read the sentences that you have to put in the text
jungle. carefully. Think about the meaning of the sentences and
c A film director nearly got on a plane that later crashed in make sure they match the meaning of the text before
the jungle. Only one person survived. She tried to walk out and after the gaps.
of the jungle, but died. Make sure that the extra sentence doesn’t fit in any of
the gaps.

Escape from the jungle R e a d in g exam ta sk

Read the text. Complete the text by matching sentences A-G

It was Christmas Eve 1971. A film director called Werner with gaps 1 -6 . There is one extra sentence you do not need.
Herzog was at the airport in Lima, Peru. * Herzog
A Her head and her arm hurt, but she was alive.
waited for the next flight and the plane took off from the
B He needed to take a plane into the jungle, but the flight
airport without him. A few minutes later, it crashed into the
was full.
jungle. There was only one survivor - a 17-year-old German
C The problem was that she couldn't walk.
girl called Juliane Koepke. 2______
D She walked for ten days with no food.
When the plane crashed, Juliane fell through the trees and E But after ten days, they decided that everybody was dead,
landed on the ground. She woke up 24 hours later. 3_ so they stopped looking for people.
She knew that she needed to get out of the jungle. Juliane F The other 96 people on the plane all died in the accident.
didn't have the right clothes for a journey like this - she G So she knew that the important thing was to find fresh
had a miniskirt! - but she knew a tot about the jungle. Her water.
parents were scientists. They studied the jungle in Peru, and
the jungle was Juliane's home when she was a young child. ÎH jS Ü i’/ i Listen to two students doing
the Speaking exam task in exercise 5. Where do they decide
to go, and what means of transport do they decide to use?
When she found water, she followed it and soon came to a
river. She knew that there were often villages near a river.
4 O' Listen again and tick the phrases they use.
But i t wasn't an easy journey for her. ^ She often had
to walk or swim through dangerous water, full of crocodiles. Giving opinions
People flew over in small planes to (ook for survivors from
the accident. 1 I think we should ... fH
2 I don’t think we should ... I I
^ Two days later, Juliane Koepke walked out of the
jungle, very hungry and tired, but alive! Fifteen years later, Agreeing
Werner Herzog went back to Peru and made a film about
Juliane Koepke's amazing journey. 3 I agree. I 4 That’s right. O
5 Let's agree on ... | ]


6 I disagree. Q 7 I don’t agree. O

5 Do the Speaking exam task.

S p e a k in g exam ta sk

Work in pairs. Imagine that you want to go away

for a weekend to another city in Europe. Decide:
1 which city you are going to visit
2 how you are going to get there

T H IS U N IT IN C L U D E S • • •
Vocabulary • jobs • suffixes -e r/-o ra nd •ist • places o l work
Grammar • go in g to • w ill • s h o u ld /s h o u ld n 't
Speaking • talking about your plans • giving opinions • giving advice
W riting • a letter o f application

describe d iffe re n t je b s,

Match the photos of the jobs with words from the box. 4 Read the exam tip. What key words m ight these people say?
Choose from the words in the box. Add your own ideas.
Jobs actor artist builder bus driver chef 1 a chef 2 a shop assistant 3 a farmer
cleaner computer programmer doctor engineer
factory worker farmer hairdresser mechanic animals clothes countryside customers
department store dish kitchen outside weather
nurse politician secretary shop assistant
teacher writer
5 ^ 3.26 Listen to four people talking about their jobs.
Match the speakers (1 -4) with the jobs. Use the keywords
from exercise 4 to help you.

a c h e f^ a fa rm e rQ a n u rs e ^ a shop a ssistan tQ

6 3.27 Complete the sentences with words from the box.

Then listen and check.

computer customers feet hands money outside

public team

1 I like w orking__________ .
2 I don’t earn a lot o f_________.
3 I work as part of a __________ .
A I have to work with the general__________ .
5 I enjoy working with m y_________ .
6 I’m on my all day.
7 I don’t like using a ________ .
8 I have to work w ith _________.

2 3.25 Listen, repeat and check your answers. Check the 7 Decide which is the best job in exercise 1. in your opinion,
meaning of any new words. and which is the worst. Write down some reasons.
■fl* U s ! job is computer programmer
¿omputer programmers earn a Urt of rr-onff

We use o or an when we say what somebody’ s job is. don’t have to <ical wrth the pubta
She’s a doctor. He's an actor.
8 E G E H E B Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about
3 Read the Look out! box. Then write three sentences about the best and worst jobs and your reasons.
your friends and family.
What’s the best job. in your opinion?
M'f toitofi, &n£. is a bus driver is ---------------------------------------------
Computer programmer. They earn a lot of money and they
»«>• Vocabulary Builder (part 1): page 137 don’t have to deal with the general public.

Exam tip agree with you. / 1don’t agree with you.

think the best job i s ...
Before you do a matching task, read the task and
decide what the topic is, e.g. jobs. Then think about v
some key words that you might hear. For example, a nurse Vocabulary Builder (part 2): page 137
might say:
hospital doctors patients

Unit 1 0* Just the job

Read about Oliver’s plans for the summer. How many Write questions with going to about Paula, Carl and Victoria.
countries is he planning to visit? 1 w h e re /P a u la /g o /w ith her friends?
i vJhtrt ¡5 Paula 901119 to 90 wth her fntnds?

After my exams. I'm going 2 they/work?

to backpack around 3 w here/they/stay?
Europe with my girlfriend. 4 where/C arl/w ork?
Jenny. We're going to start 5 C arl/ha ve /a holiday?
in France Then we're going 6 w h a t/h e /d o /w ith his money?
to visit Italy We aren't going 7 w here/V ictoria/have/lessons?
to stay in hotels We re 8 V icto ria /se e /h e r friends?
going to cam p Where are 9 w hat/she/study?
we going to go after Italy? 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 4.
We don't know We’re going
to see how we feel I Where is Paula going to go with
wit her friends?

ToSpain^ |
Read the Learn this! box. Complete the table with the
examples from the text in exercise 1. 6 What are your plans for this evening? Tick or cross the
activities in the first column.
We use going to to talk about plans for the future.
We form the structure with: be + going to + the base Activities Your partner
form of the verb. do homework
I’m going to buy some new trainers. go out with friends

We 1_____________________in France. go to bed early
phone a friend
She isn’t going to take (he exam.
We 7______________________ in hotels. play computer games
interrogative read a book
Are you going to phone your parents?
send e-mails
Yes, I a m ./N o . I’m not.
Where 1__________________ after Italy? stay up late
surf the Internet
* • • • Grammar Builder (10B): page 126 watch TV

Complete the texts about three teenagers’ plans for the SPEAKING Work in pairs. Find out your partner's plans for
summer holiday. Use the going to future of the verbs in the evening. Ask and answer about the activities in exercise
brackets. 6. Tick the boxes in the second column.

Paula : .• iv ,: t. :v (travel) around Spain with some friends. Arey

Are you going to do homework?
They:___________ (not work). They 1___________ (stay) at
campsites. Yes, I am

C arl4_________ (work) in a shop. He s_ (not have)

I Are you going to go out with friends?
A r e yc
a holiday. He (save) his money.

No. I’m not.

Victoria (have) lessons at a summer school.
S he8.___ (not see) her friends. She"___________ (study)
music and drama. 8 SPEAKING Tell the class about your partner’s plans.

I Mart a is going to do homework and watch IV.

Unit 10 * lust the job

or teenagers
SPEAKING Look at the photos. Answer the questions. Match the highlighted words and phrases in the text with
1 What are the people doing? Use the words in the box to the meanings below.
help you. 1 looking after children while the parents are out
2 get (money) for working
check clean serve
3 jobs that you do for a few hours a week
counter customer fast-food restaurant
A the smallest amount of money you can get for working,
shop till
by law
2 Are they enjoying their work? How can you tell? 5 can’t
3 Which jobs are popular in your country for people your age? 6 delivering newspapers to people’s homes

Si» 3.28 Listen to Jack, Ryan and Lauren talking about

teenagers and part-time jobs. Match the speakers with three
of the opinions.
a It is a good idea for teenagers to work,
b It is a bad idea for teenagers to work,
c It is a good idea, but only if they earn a lot of money,
d There are good things and bad things about it.
1 Jack □ 2 Ryan □ 3 Lauren □

^ 3.29 Listen and complete the opinions w ith the words

in the box.

advantage education experience meeting paid

About half of 16- and 17-year-olds in the UK have got jobs,
and three quarters of this age group also go to school. They 1 Part-time jobs give you good of working.
do part-time jobs before or after school and at weekends. The 2 The o th e r________ of a part-time job is that you can earn
most common jobs are babysitting (very popular with girls) some money.
and paper rounds (popular with boys). Cleaning and working in 3 Part-time jobs are a good way o f ________ people.
a shop are also popular jobs. A Sometimes, part-time jobs make teenagers to o __
In the UK, school students are not allowed to work more than to study!
two hours on a school day, or more than twelve hours in total 5 The most important thing for teenagers is to get a
during a school week. They are not allowed to work before g o o d _______ .
7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. (but babysitters can work later). They 6 Teenagers can only get part-time jobs that are
must have at least two weeks' holiday from school each year b adly_______ .
when they don't work at all.
SPEAKING Work in pairs. What do you think about
Teenagers do part-time jobs because they want to earn some part-time jobs?
money. However, they don’t usually earn very much, in the Student A: Express an opinion from exercise 5 or your
UK, there is a m inim um wage for adults: £ 5 .5 2 an hour. For own idea.
16- and 17-year-olds, it is £ 3 .4 0 an hour. For children under Student B: Use the phrases in the box to say if you agree
16, there is no m inimum wage, so many teenagers work for or disagree.
£2 or £3 an hour. Take turns to be A and B.

I agree (with you). I don’t agree (with you).

Read the text. Answer the questions.
That’s a good point. That’s true.
1 How many young people aged 16 and 17 have jobs in I don’t think that’ s true.
the UK?
2 What is the most common job for teenage girls? Part-time jobs give you good experience of working.
3 What is the most common job for teenage boys?
4 How many hours in total can young people work during a
school week? That’ s a good point. / 1 don’t think that’ s true.
5 Can babysitters work after 7 p.m.?
6 Why do teenagers get part-time jobs?
7 What is the minimum wage for a 16-year-old?
8 What is the minimum wage for a 15-year-old?

Unit 10 • Just the job

Read the text quickly. What was Alex Tew’s idea? 3 Complete the text. Use the w ill future (affirmative, negative
a !o sell computers to university students or interrogative) of the verbs in brackets.
b to sell advertisements on a webpage
c to write a book

Martin Halstead is only 19. but he already

owns an airline company. Alpha One
Airways 1 (make) its first flight
on 14 December this year. The plane
2 (fly) from the Isle of Man
(an island between Britain and
Ireland) to F-dinburjjh. the capital
of Scotland. It 1 (not carry) a
lot of passengers because it is a small
plane. The journey 4______(take)
about 45 minutes. Tickets s (be)
cheap and passengers 6 (not get)
Million Doll any food or drink on the flight.7 the company______
(make) money? Nobody knows - but most people think that
Martin Halstead M (be) successful one day.
H o w c a n I b e c o m e a m illio n a ir e ? T h a t’s w hat Alex
Tew, a B ritish stu d en t, w rote on a p iece o f paper. A
4 Complete the questions for these answers about Alpha One
few m in u tes later, he had an idea: T U invent a new
Airways. Use w ill and the verbs in the box.
kind o f w eb p ag e!’ So h e in v en ted th e ‘m illion do llar
homepage*. C om panies pay A lex fo r v e ry sm all carry fly fly get make take
a d v e rtise m e n ts on his w ebpage - $1 fo r one pixel.
Alex is going to u n iv e rsity n ex t year. H e ’ll need 1 W hen Alpha One Airways________its first flight?
m oney to pay fo r h is stu d ie s - but he w on’t n eed a On H December this year.
m illion dollars. W hat will he do w ith all th e e x tra 2 Where the plane from?
m oney? 'I ’ll sav e som e an d I ’ll spend so m e.' he says. The /sle of Man.
3 W here it to?
Read the Learn this! box. Then underline an affirmative,
A it a lot of passengers?
negative and interrogative example of w ill in the text. No. it won’t.
5 How lo n g _________ the journey___________?
We use w ill to talk about the future and make predictions.
About 45 minutes.
We form the structure with: will + (he base form o f the 6 the passengers any food or drink?
* verb. No, they won’t.
5 Make predictions about your future. Complete the sentences
My grandmother will be 80 next birthday.
with w ill or won’t.

I I’ll be home before midnight.

(7/ is the short form of wilt)

I _____make a lot of money.
I _____have children.
I _____live in this town.
I _____work with my hands.
I _____have an expensive car.
negative 6 I _____visit the USA.
They won’t be at school next week. 7 I _____be famous.
(won’t is the short form of will not) 8 I ____ have the same friends when I'm 30.

interrogative 6 B j2 3 3 K 0 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your

Will she be home soon? partner’s predictions from exercise 5.
Yes, she will. /N o. she won't.
* Grammar Builder (10D): page 126 make a lot o f money?
When will you get your exam results?
Yes. I w ill. / No. 1won’t ^ |

Unit 10 • Just the job I 101

1 Look at the photos. Answer the questions.
1 Where do you think the people are?
2 What are the people doing?

Reading tip
Sometimes photos can help you understand difficult
vocabulary in a text. For example, one of the photos on
this page will help you understand the word castle.

2 Read the reading tip. Then look through the text quickly.
Match the photos with paragraphs A-C.

T h is year, about 150,000 you ng people in the

U K will take a ‘gap year'. A gap year is a break
between sch o o l and university, or between
sch o o l and your first job. For m ost young
people, it will be a ch a n ce to travel and to
have interesting experiences.
S o how do you ng people sp e n d their tim e?
Here are three you ng people who are g o in g to
do very different things.

'Next year, I’m going to study physics at

university. Before then. I want to spend some time
abroad and do something completely different. I’m
going to spend nine months in Thailand, working
at an animal rescue centre. It will be hard work. I’ll
help to look after the animals and I’ll show visitors
around the centre. It will be a great experience.'
Ja c q u i

102 1 Unit 10 • Just the job

3 Find the following information for each person.
7 3.30 Listen and complete the song with the words in
1 what they are going to do next year the box.
2 where they are going to go in their gap year
3 what they will do there cars hard home pay rich star star
A how long they are going to stay

4 Match verbs (1 -7) with words (a-g). Then find the phrases in
the text. Car Wash
You might not ever g e t1_____
i-t tafce ^ bcWfc
1 take a time But let me tell you it’s better than digging a ditch
2 spend b abroad There ain’t no telling who you might meet
3 have c a break A movie ? or maybe even an Indian chief
4 show d an interesting experience At the car wash
5 live e about other cultures Working at the car wash, girl
6 make f friends Come on and sing it with me
7 learn g a visitor around
Car Y/osh
5 Check the meaning of the places of work. Which four places Sing it with the feeling, now
are mentioned in the texts? Car wash, girt

Places of work bank building site cafe factory Some of the work gets kind o f 5_____
garage hair salon hospital office school shop This ain’t no place to be if you planned on
sports centre theme park
being a 4_____
Let me tell you it’s always cool
6 Work in pairs. Think of one or two jobs for each place of work And the boss don’t mind sometimes if you act
in exercise 5.
the fool
bin!dial site - bwtder A t the car w ash...

Work and work!

Well, those 4 never seem to stop
[BJ 'Next summer. I'm going to start a job at a sports Work and work!
centre - it'll be my first job. I want to take a break Keep those rags and machines humming
before that and live abroad. I found the ideal job for me Work and work my fingers to the bone
Work! Can’t wait till it’s time to g o f'_____
with Gap Sports. I'm going to live in Ghana in Africa
for six months and teach football to schoolchildren Hey. get your car washed today
there. It will be a really interesting experience. As the Fill up and you don’t have to

company's website says, I won't just teach sport. I'll Come on and give us a play
Do the wash, right away
probably help with other lessons in school too.’
At the car wash ...
O liver

I ’m going to start work next October. It’s an office

job - working in a bank. Before that, I want to spend
a few months outside, working with my hands. I found
the perfect job with a charity called Concordia. I'm 8 What are the two good things and two bad things about
working at the car wash, according to the song? Choose
going to help to restore an old castle in the west of from:
France. I'll be there for seven months. There will be Good things:
sixteen other young people from other countries, so a you’ll earn a lot of money
b you’ll have fun
it will be a great way to make friends and learn about
c you’ll meet some interesting people
other cultures.'
Bad things:
Darren d you won’t earn a lot of money
e you’ll never become rich or famous
f it’s a dangerous job

Unit 10 «Just the job I 103

I cíui tjivc s o M tc n t c.dviu

Giving advice
5 3.32 Listen to two dialogues. Match Keith and Sonia to
two of the problems a -d .
a '1 can’t find my mobile phone.'
b ‘1feel really ill this morning.*
c ’I want to go abroad this summer but I haven’t got any
d *1 can’t do my homework.'
Keith: □ Sonia: □

6 Complete the advice using should or shouldn't and the

verbs in the brackets.

à a You Wouldn't copy it from the Internet. /

b You
c You
look for it again. /
borrow money from your parents. /
1 What clothes do people usually wear when they go for an
interview? d You . call the doctor. /
e You find a job abroad. /
2 $ 3 . 3 1 Listen and complete the dialogue with words from f You talk to your teacher. /
the box. Do you agree with Judy’s advice? g You go to school. X

jacket jeans tie T-shirt h You report it to the police yet. /

Rowan Hi, Judy.

7 i t 3.32 Listen again. What advice do Keith and Sonia get
Judy Hi, Rowan. How are you? from their friends? Match each friend with two pieces of
Rowan I'm OK. thanks. I’ve got a job interview this afternoon. advice (a-h) from exercise 6.
Judy Really? You should wear a ’ and* Keith’s friend s a y s :^ and □
Rowan Do you think so?
Sonia’s friend says: □ and □
Judy Definitely. You shouldn’t wear1 anda
for an interview. 8 Work in pairs. Prepare two short dialogues using the chart
below. Choose a problem from exercise 5 and advice from
Rowan You’re probably right. Thanks for the advice.
exercise 6, or invent your own. Take turns to be A and B.
Judy You’re welcome.
3 Work in pairs. Practise reading the dialogue. Greet B. B
Greet A.
4 Read the Learn this! box. Then find one affirmative and one
negative example of should in the dialogue. Tell B your problem.

sh ould/shouldn't Say what A should do.

We can use should/shouldn’t + the base form of the
verb to give advice. React.
Say what A should do.
You should talk to your teacher.
negative Agree. Thank B for
You shouldn’t eat so much chocolate. his/her advice.

finish the conversation.
Should I buy this CD?
Yes, you should./No. you shouldn’t.
SPEAKING Act out your dialogues to the class.

Grammar Builder (10F): page 126

Unit 10 »Just the job

J¿unwrite¿1 ¡citerapplyingfor job. *?

An application letter
Look at the letter. Why did Emily write it? Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences. Then
underline similar sentences in the letter.
1 I am writing to apply for
2 I saw the advertisement in
3 I have experience of
Dear Sir or Madam. 4 I worked for a month as
I am writing to apply for a summer job 5 I can send you a reference from

at Westlake Animal Rescue Centre. I saw the a the newspaper.

b the manager of the theme park,
advertisement in the Coventry Daily News
c a job in your shop,
I have experience of working with animals Last d a waiter.
summer. I worked for six weeks as a shop assistant e working with computers.
in my local pet shop We have also got two cats at Read the w riting tip. Find phrases in the letter where the
home and I look after them. writer has avoided using a short form.

I am honest, reliable and hard-working. I can WriPi/tg tip

send you a reference from the manager of the pet
We don’t use short forms (I'm. he’s, etc.) in formal letters.
shop and also from a teacher at my school. I can
start work on 2 " July.
Read the job advertisement. Imagine you worked at a
I look forward to hearing from you. swimming pool last summer. How is that experience useful
for this job?
Yours faithfully.

Emily Blunt
Summer camp helper
We need a reliable, hard-working
person to work at our summer
camp in Oxford for children age 5
to 12 from around (he worfd. Your
In which paragraphs does Emily give this information?
job will include teaching sports
when she can start work who can give references and taking the children on trips.
her work experience her personal qualities
Please apply in writing to:
where she saw the advert the job she is applying for
Happy Days Summer Camps
Paragraph 1 mentions: 8 Lincoln Drive
Oxford 0 X 4 7UH

Paragraph 2 mentions:

Paragraph 3 mentions:

Write a formal letter (90-110 words) applying for the job.

include the information in exercises 2 and 5.

Check your work

Answer the questions.
1 How did Emily find out about the job? Have you
2 Where did Emily work last summer? used some of the phrases from exercise A?
3 How long did she work there? started and ended the letter correctly?
A How does Emily describe herself? _ ] divided the letter into paragraphs?
5 How many references can she give? written 9 0 -11 0 words?
6 When can Emily start work?
□ checked your spelling and grammar?

Unit 10 • Just the job f 105

Vocabulary Complete the dialogue with the correct form of going to and
the verbs in brackets.
1 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as
Girl 1 (you / be) at the party tomorrow night?
the first.
Boy No, I’m not. 17_____________ (stay) at home.
1 He drives to work. He goes to work b y _______ Girl Really? Why (you / do) that?
2 She sailed across the Atlantic. She crossed the Atlantic by Boy Because we’ve got an exam the next day!
Girl But it isn’t an important exam.
3 They cycled home. They went home b y ____ Boy A (you / miss) it?
4 She walks to school. She goes to school on Girl No, I’m not. But 15 (not revise) for it!

im s fa IE 1

2 Complete the sentences with a or an and the correct job. 8 Complete the text with the correct form of w ill and the verbs
helps people when they are not well, in brackets.
builds houses,
The Space Hotel will open (open) in 2020. I t 1_____________
cuts people’ s hair,
(have) 350 rooms, each with a view of planet Earth from
takes part in plays or films,
mends cars and motorbikes, the window. GuestsJ_____________ (arrive) by spaceship,
draws and paints pictures, and during their stay, th e y 3 (enjoy) a wide
cooks food in a restaurant or hotel, variety of activities. They certainly *_____________ (not get
serves customers in a shop. bored). But holidays at the Space H otels______________(not

m be) cheap. How much 6__ (they / cost)? About

$500,000 for two weeks!

Grammar rc ffla is

3 Write replies using the present perfect affirmative.

1 Do your homework! 3 Eat your pasta!
Everyday English
I've dortfc my tiomeworfc1 A Have a shower! 9 Choose the correct words.
2 Clean your room! 5 Buy a new phone!
Jade I’d like a ticket to Liverpool, please.
!M ] KZ3 Clerk Single or Jdouble / return?
Jade Single.
4 Write sentences in the present perfect affirmative with Just. Clerk That’s £28 please.
we / finish / our dinner A I / see / a terrible film jade Which -gate / platform is it?
Wt'vcjust ftm htd our iirtWtr 5 I / hear / a great joke Clerk Number 6.
my friend / go / home 6 he / b o o k /a holiday Jade Is it a ’direct / straight train?
the rain / stop 7 our friends / arrive Clerk No, it isn't. You have to ^change / move at Manchester.

EDS E3 urn m
5 Make these sentences negative. 10 Complete the dialogue.

1 I’ve bought a ticket. 3 You’ve finished your lunch. Shannon Hi, Charlie. *. are you?
I havtn'1 bougjrt a tewt. 4 He’s gone for a walk. Charlie Not great. I don’t K very well today.
2 The play has started. 5 She’s cooked dinner for everybody. Shannon Really? You *_____ go home and rest.
Charlie Do you th in k A____ ?

u m m Shannon Definitely. You 5__ go swimming. You’ll get

What have Ronnie and Louise done today? Write questions
and short answers.
(uFtH 13
Ronnie / have breakfast? /
Louise / phone / her m u m ? /
Y w m had toc.iUV.v V«. V: -u
3 Ronnie and Louise / play / tennis? /
A Ronnie / do / the housework? /
5 Ronnie and Louise / eat / all the bread? /

E M iZ l

language Review 9-10

Reading Listening
1 Read the e-mails. Which paragraph (A-D) contains 3 ft Listen. Does Marton invite Francesca for a drink?
1 an invitation? Does she say yes or no?
2 something that happened yesterday? □
3 some advice? Listen again. Choose the correct answers.
A a question about a new job? 1 Dave started his new job
a yesterday.
AJ _ b a week ago.
c a month ago.
Hi Dave
2 When Dave phones, Merton is in the
I hope you're enjoying your new job in the Lake District. Is
it quieter than The Arcadia Hotel? It's always really busy a living room.
here! b bedroom,
The new receptionist started yesterday. Guess who it is! c kitchen.
Your friend Francesca! She had an interview when she met 3 Marton hasn’t invited Francesca for a drink because
us for lunch at the hotel that day. She didn't mention the a he hasn’t seen her.
interview during lunch. Did you know about it? Anyway, it
b he doesn’t want to invite her.
was a nice surprise - I really like her.
c she’s always busy.
Write soon!
Best wishes A Dave tells Marton that he should
Marion a get to work early,
b stay at work late,
-------- -— _
c phone Francesca at home.
AJ O {______ __L _ l A « li i * * ! 1 5 Marton and Francesca both finish work at
a six o’clock,
Dear Marton
b eight o’clock,
I'm really enjoying my new job. It's quiet at the moment,
but it will get busier in the spring. The busiest months are c ten o’clock.
July and August. You should come and visit me some time
before then. Writing
Yes, I knew about Francesca’s new job, but she didn’t
want me to tell you. I'm not sure why, but I’m glad it was a 5 Write an e-mail to a friend. Tell your friend what you did last
nice surprise for you. Are you going to invite her for a drink weekend and what you are going to do next weekend.
one evening? I think you should do that. She has said
some nice things about you to me.
That's all for now. Speaking
Dave 6 Work in pairs. Find out what your partner is going to do this
evening. Get as much information as you can.

Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.

1 Marton is busy at The Arcadia Hotel.
2 Merton knew about Francesca’s new job before she
3 Marton is happy that Francesca is the new receptionist.
A Spring is the busiest time at Dave’s new hotel.
5 Dave thinks M£rton should visit him in July or August.
6 Francesca has never mentioned Merton to Dave.

Skills Round-up 1-10

© Present simple: affirmative Complete the sentences. Use the present simple affirmative
or negative. - > 1.1. 1.2. 1.4
Write the third person singular forms. - > 1.1,1.2, 1.3
‘Where's Kate?’ ‘I’ m sorry. I _______ (know)
1 study he 5 do she Dave and Sue haven’t got bikes - th e y (walk) to
2 watch she 6 like it school.
3 go it 7 finish he ja s o n (like) maths. He thinks it’s difficult,
4 fly he 8 play she I (stay) at home on Saturdays. I don't go to school.
Tina likes rock music, but sh e (hate) rap music.
2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in ex 1. 1 .1 ,1 .2 ,1 .3
We (love) computer games. They’re great!
1 She TV every evening. My aunt is a teacher. She (work) in an office.
2 Tom his homework on the bus. 8 John hasn’t got a CD player or a radio. He (listen) to
3 School at four o'clock. music.
4 Madeleine to school by bus.
5 Eva maths at university. 7 Look at the pictures and write two sentences, one affirmative
6 Pete football every Saturday. and one negative.
7 My mum classical music.
8 John to New York once a month.

3 Order the words to make sentences. 1 .1 ,1 .2 ,1 .3

1 uncle / in a shop. / works / My
Mf undle worfcft in a fcbop
2 pizza. / brother / loves / My
3 to school / go / We / by bike.
4 me. / My / like / classmates
5 grandmother / French. / His / speaks 1 she / play tennis 2 he I walk to school
6 My cousins / I / football. / play / and she / play football he / go to school by bike
7 lives / New York. / in / My friend’s aunt ‘She pla-fs ttnnif..
Shi dowo't plat football
4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.
1.1, 1.2,1.3

cook drive get up live read speak teach work

My dad the newspaper every morning.

I ______ French and English.
We____ _ i n a small house.
Paul and Kate______ in London.
You to work.
My mum is a teacher. She__ English at my school.
My sister sometimes dinner. 3 she / listen to music / in 4 he / get up early / on
her bedroom Sundays
I at six o’clock even/ morning.
she / watch TV / in her he I stay in bed / on
bedroom Sundays
< D Present simple: negative
5 Complete the sentences with don’t or doesn’t. -> 1.4
1 School finish at three o’clock. It finishes at half
past three.
2 We speak German.
3 My mum drive.
4 I go to school by bus. I walk.
5 Fiona and Sally like coffee. They like tea.
6 Mark listen to CDs. He listens to his MP3 player,
7 Tom and I _ come from Manchester. We’re from 5 she / teach maths
London. she / teach English
8 I’ m sorry. I _ _ understand this word.
9 My sister__ watch TV in the evening. She reads.
10 I play the piano but I play the guitar.

Grammar Builder • Unit 1

G r a m m a r m 11& l
be Interrogative Short answers
Have 1g o t...? Yes, 1have. / No, 1haven’t.
0 .1
Have you got...? Yes, you have. / No. you haven’t.
Affirmative Negative
Has he/she/it g o t...? Yes, she has. / No. he hasn’t.
1am 1am not
Have we g o t...? Yes. we have. / No, we haven’t.
you are you are not
Have you got...? Yes. you have. / No, you haven't.
he/she/it is he/she/it is not Have they g o t...? Yes. they have. / No. they haven't.
we are we are not
We use have got to talk about possession, and for describing
you are you are not people. Ibvt ^ou got a brother? wc haven't 90» an«f pelt,
they are they are not fcatt yrt brown e-f«. itv i blacw hair

Interrogative Short answers

Present simple: affirmative
Am 1? Yes. 1am. / No, 1am not.
Are you? Yes, you are. / No, you are not.

Is he/she/it? Yes. she is. / No, it is not. 1 Affirmative I

Are we? Yes. we are. / No. we are not. 1work. We work.

Are you? You work. You work.
Are they? Yes, they are. / No. they are not.
He/She/It works. They work.

0 .2
Contracted forms
Spelling rules for 3rd person singular (he/she/it)
I am — I'm you are —* you’re we are — we’re they are — they’re Most verbs: add -s.
I am not — I’m not is n o t— isn't are not — aren’t play + -s — plays
We don’t use contracted forms in affirmative short answers. Verbs ending in *ch / -ss / -sh / -0: add -es
Yes. 1 m Y e *rfrr / wafc/j + -es — watches go + -es — goes
Verbs ending in consonant + -y, - y - * /es
sfudy -y — /es— studies
Demonstrative pronouns
0.3 We use the present simple:
^ 5 ^ 2 3 this that these those • for something that happens always or regularly.
I votch TV tverj <A*f I get up a n 30 brother ptaf* basketball
We use this and these with objects that are near to us. • for a fact, or something that is always true.
This is a baa. ‘fiit&c a rt m-j tx>o»:s F-utscU Cco-fit cotnti from New Zealand
We use that and those with objects that are further away from us ^atf. \\Yt mil* I live in Orfoni
That's nvf VC Those Art taVV Irtts.
We use this to introduce people. Present simple: negative
This * Sarah
We use that to talk about something that somebody has just said. 1.4
7V i 'fou Harq?* TViat’«. ri^Vrt .*

l/You/We/They don’t play. He/She/It doesn’t play.

have got
Full forms
I don’t play. *= I do not play.
Affirmative Negative He doesn’t play. = He does not play.
1have got 1haven’t got • We from the negative with don't or doesn’t + the base form.
you have got You haven’t got (The base form of the verb is the infinitive without to, e.g. go,
have, work.)
he/she/it has got he/she/it hasn’t got

we have got we haven't got

you have got you haven’t got
they have got they haven't got
Grammar Reference • Introduction and Unit 1
Present simple: questions SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
© exercise 2. 2.2
1 Complete the questions and short answers. -> 2 .1
1 Do you like football?
Adverbs of frequency
No, I don't.
2 your brother walk to school? 7 Rewrite the sentences. Use the adverb of frequency in
Yes. h e _______ brackets. 2.3, 2.4
3 they live in London?
I get up early on Sundays, (often)
No, they I oftefl get up early on
A your parents watch TV in the evenings?
Yes, they 1 I’m late for school, (never)
5 Kate listen to rap music? 2 I speak English in English classes, (always)
No, she . 3 I do my homework before dinner, (often)
6 it rain a lot in Scotland? A I read a book in English, (hardly ever)
Yes. it 5 I help my friends with their homework, (sometimes)
7 you get up early? 6 I’m happy with my exam results, (usually)
Yes. I _______
8 Which of your answers to exercise 7 are true for you? Rewrite
8 you and your friends go swimming on Saturdays?
the others and change the adverbs of frequency so that they
No. w e _______
are true for you. 2.3, 2.4
2 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

- » 2.1
you / do / dancing / like? ©
Object pronouns
Work in pairs. Cover the section on object pronouns on page
2 work / does / your mum?
3 chess / your best friend / play / does? 111. Student A: Say a subject pronoun. Student B: Say the
4 do / speak / you / Russian? object pronoun. - » 2 .5
go / you and your friends / do / to the cinema?
play / computer games / do / you?
jr j [i]
SPEAKING Ask and answer the questions in exercise 2. 10 Put the words in the correct order. Don’t forget to add
-» 2.1 punctuation. - > 2.5, 2.6
1 know / them / we / don't
4 Read the answers and choose the correct question words. 2 her / can’t / I / find
- » 2.2 3 like / don’t / him / I
1 How / When do you get to school? 4 me / hardly ever / phones / she
By bike. 5 never / listen to / us / they
2 Where / Who do you sit next to in class? 6 do / like / it / you
I sit next to John.
3 When / Where do you do your homework?
After dinner.
A What / How sports do you like? 11 Match the sentence halves. - > 2 .7
I like football and tennis. 1 Come a this number for more information.
5 Who / Where does your best friend live? 2 Don't be b new people and make friends.
Next door to my house. 3 Learn c healthy - and have fun!
A Be d how to make films.
5 Complete the questionnaire w ith the question words in the
5 Meet e late.
box. -> 2.2
6 Phone f and see what it's like.
How What When Where Who

1 do you live?
2 do you live with?
3 do you get up on Sunday mornings?
U do you relax?
5 programmes do you watch on TV?

Grammar Builder • Unit 2

Present simple: questions © 2A

2.1 The normal position for an adverb of frequence is:

- immediately after the verb be
Questions He's b it (or school
isn't ataap
Do I work?
Do you work? - immediately before most other verbs.
TYvs-j ofltn tennis at the
Does he/she/it work?
You ncvtr pbone me
Do we work?
Do you work? Object pronouns ®
Do they work?
Short answers
I Subject pronoun I Object pronoun
Yes. I do. / No, I don’t.
1 me
Yes, she does. / No, he doesn't.
you you
Yes, they do. / No, you don’t.
he him
We form present questions with do or does + the base form of
she her
the verb. (The base form of the verb is the infinitive without to.)
Do -jou football? it it
Poes hr p\ai football? we us
Note: we don't use the third person singular form. you you
Poe* He plftf* football? X
they them
Dor* football' /

We use me. him, her, us and them for people.
We use question words (who, what, where, when, etc) to ask for
There's Ann Do ^oit Know her?
information. The question word comes at the beginning of the
question. We use i t and them for things.
Where- do fOu live? TViif. 16 four |>tn Po ^ou want it?
When ¿0 «jou 90 to be<P I ncvtr eat applw I hate them

What is sometimes followed by a noun. We use object pronouns after prepositions.

music do fou l.U ? U*ten to me!
Whal MilgMtft Ao -/cm at wboo\? Do 'foo viaot to ccw c with os?

If the question includes a preposition, the preposition usually

goes at the end. Imperatives
What music do -joo liftten to?
Who ¿0 ^ou live with?
We often use imperatives in announcements.
We form the imperative by using the base form of the verb, with
Adverbs of frequency o or without don't.
2.3 Tom our reading group!
Pont forget - wr meet evtq Monday.
We use adverbs of frequency to say how often we do something.

ncvtr hardty ever fiomtfiroe«. often usualif alw ^s

Grammar Reference • Unit 2

© there is/there are
1 Complete the sentences with There’s or There are.
© have to
4 Match the jobs in the table with the pictures. Write the
3.1, 3.2 numbers (1 -6 ) in the boxes.
1 14 classrooms in our school.
Jobs Mark Suzie
2 a TV in this classroom.
3 eight boys in this class. tidy his/her bedroom yes no
4 a book on my desk. clean the house yes no
5 three pens in my bag.
cook dinner no no
6 seven lessons in one school day.
7 a clock on the wall. do the washing yes yes
8 bin near the teacher’ s desk.
make breakfast yes yes
2 Make these sentences negative. -> 3.1, 3.2 go to the supermarket no yes
1 There’s a computer in the room.
2 There are 650 students in the school.
3 There are two possible answers. m
A There’s a teacher in the classroom.
5 There’s a table next to the door.
6 There are three plants near the window.
7 There are five shelves near the board.
8 There’s a bin under the desk.

3 Write questions and answers. Use Is there? / There is or Are

there? I There aren't. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
If there i compuler? Y». there is.
N 't ibire ar^ ptarttt? No. 1bcrt a rtn'i
a computer / * * *
any plants / % *
a noticeboard
any students?
a clock? /
a table? /
any COs? / 5 Look at the table. Then write sentences using the prompts
any blinds? / and have to, affirmative and negative. - > 3 A 3.r>
1 Mark / tidy his bedroom
Mark haa to li<fy his, bedroom.
2 S u z ie /tid y her bedroom
3 Mark / clean the house
A Suzie / clean the house
5 Mark and Suzie / cook dinner
6 Mark and Suzie / do the washing
7 Suzie / make breakfast
8 Suzie / go to the supermarket
9 Mark / go to the supermarket

6 Ask and answer questions using the prompts in exercise 5.

3M. 3.5

L“Does Mark have to tidy his bedroom? !» , he does.

SPEAKING Find out what your partner has to do at
home. Ask and answer about the activities in exercise 4.
3.A. 3.5

Do you have to tidy your bedroom? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

v -------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------
Grammar Builder • Unit 3
there is/there are o have to
3.1 3.4

Singular Plural Affirmative

Affirmative 1have to

There's a book. There are some books. You have to

He has to
She has to
There isn’t a book. There aren’t any books. be here before ten o’clock.
It has to
We have to
Is there a book? Are there any books?
You have to
Short answers [ They have to
Yes. there is. / No. there isn’t. Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

3.2 1don’t have to

We usually use the short form of there is: there’s. However, we You don’t have to
use the full form in affirmative short answers. He doesn’t have to
Is liwre ?. TV? Yea ihere is. (MOT Y « , the r e ? )
She doesn’t have to
be here before ten o’clock.
There are does not have a short form. It doesn’t have to
3.3 We don’t have to
We use /s there a... ? to ask about singular nouns. You don’t have to
Is ihtre a bin in the- ¿lawroom? They don’t have to
We use Are there any... ? to ask about plural nouns.
Arc »hrrc atif pens on the dcftK?
Do I have to
We use There isn ’t a... with singular nouns.
Do you have to
TViirt isn't 3 notoeboard in our classroom
Does he have to
We use There aren’t any... with plural nouns.
■ftiirt aren't ar>j b o o « ¡n riv^ whoolba^ Does she have to
be here before ten o’clock?
Does it have to
See Grammar Reference 8 for more information on some
and any. Do we have to
Do you have to
Do they have to

Short answers
Yes, l/we/you/they do.
No. l/we/you/they don’t.

Yes, he/she/it does.

No. he/she/it doesn’t.

We use have to to say that something is necessary or
t a t to be- 31 «.bool before 6 :3 0

We use don't have to to say that something is not necessary (but

it isn’t against the rules).
We dofi'l haw to have lunch at «¿hoo\ Som< pe-ople. ao home for lunch

Grammar Reference • Unit 3

3 Present continuous 3 can and adverbs
1 Complete the sentences w ith the correct form of be. 7 Write sentences with can, affirmative or negative.
4 4 .1,4.3 4.4. 4.5
1 Pete eating a pizza. 1 I / swim /
2 I wearing a jacket. 2 we / speak English /
3 Neil and I watching a film. 3 William and Mary / rollerblade /
A Sarah checking her e-mails. 4 Anne / sing A
5 It raining. 5 Charles and Elizabeth / use a co m p u te r/
6 You smiling. 6 Philip and I / cook /
7 Edward / do gymnastics /
2 Write the -ing forms. -> A.2 8 you / play the piano /
1 study A swim
2 d o __________ 5 read__________ 8 Look at the table and write questions and answers.
3 w rite __________ 6 have__________ - » A.A, A.5

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be and the

-ing forms in exercise 2. - > 4 .1 , A.2
r ride a bike

Clare and Beth

1 lake and Andy In the pool. play volleyball X /
2 My sister’s at university. She Spanish.
speak Italian / X
3 We gymnastics.
A I a magazine. Can Pob ride a bifct? Yes. h t tan.
5 You a good time.
6 John a letter to his uncle.
9 Draw lines to match the opposites. - > 4 .6 ,4 .7
4 Make the sentences negative. - > 4 .1 . 4.3 eariy badly
1 I’m working. fast late
quietly loudly
2 Tom and I are dancing.
well slowly
3 Kate is sitting next to Paul.
4 David and Lucy are listening to music. 10 Complete the sentences with adverbs from exercise 9.
5 Martin is wearing brown shoes. 4.6. 4.7
6 I’m walking to town. 1 ‘ Is he still in bed?’ ’Yes. He always gets up on
7 The sun is shining. Sundays.'
8 We’re chatting to Robert. 2 ‘You’re talking very . I can’t hear you.’
3 ‘ He's a great musician. He can play the piano and the
5 Write questions. Put the words in the correct order and add
guitar really______
the correct form of be. A. 1,4.3
4 I always arrive at school. I do my homework in the
1 wearing / a skirt / Maria? classroom before lessons start.
If. Maria wMrnvj & tfcirt? 5 'Wait for me! I can’t walk very in these boots!’
2 playing / Fred and Sue / computer games? 6 'Why are you writing ?’
3 gymnastics / doing / Sarah? ‘Because I don't want to make mistakes.’
A you / phone / your friend?
5 to Oxford / he / drive?
o Present continuous fo r future
6 Write questions and affirmative ( / ) or negative (X) short
11 Complete the conversation. Use the present continuous.
answers. - > 4 .1 , 4.3
A.8. 4.9
1 h e / speak/S panish?/
Helen W h a t1 you (do) this evening, Harry?
I* bfc speaking Spanish? No. bt iwVt.
Harry Nothing really. I •. (stay) at home.
2 Wendy and Pam / go cycling? / Helen Well, Pam and I (go) bowling. Do you want to
3 you / use / that computer? X come?
4 Pam / get up? ✓ Harry Yes, please. What time • you (go)?
5 Cathy and Steve / cook? X Helen Pam (work) at the café this afternoon, so
6 Harry / do / the washing up? / I *. (meet) her when she finishes work at six
Harry OK. see you at the café at six.

Grammar Builder • Unit U

Present continuous can
4.1 4.4

I Affirmative I Negative Affirmative

I’m eating. I’m not eating. l/You/W e/They/He/She/lt can dance.

You’re eating. You’re not eating. Negative

He’s/She’s /lt’s eating. He/She/It isn’t eating. l/You/W e/They/He/She/lt can't dance.

We’re/You’re/They’re eating. We/You/They aren't eating.

The full form of can’t is cannot.
I Interrogative Interrogative
Am 1 Can l/yo u/w e /th ey/h e /she /it dance?
Are you Short answers
Is h e/she/it Yes. 1can. / No. they can’t.
Are we/you/they
We use the short form can't in short answers.
Short answers
Yes, I am. / No, Pm not.
We use can to:
Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
• talk about ability;
Yes. we are. / No. we aren’t. I tan dancf- Pete, tan't cook, Can fou plaf the guitar? Yw. I ¿an
• make requests.
We form the present continuous with the correct form of be + the Can foo come, to nrf party?
•ing form o f the main verb.
drink: She is drinWng.
worK Thtf aren't worting.
listen Ar« >fOu listening? 4.6
We form most adverbs by adding •ly to the adjective.
4.2 slow —* slowly careful —* ¿arefulfy wsf —* eafilf
Spelling: -ing forms
Some adjectives don’t change when we form adverbs.
We add -ing to the end of most verbs
fast high laic low cartj hard
play + -ing — ploying
• The adverb from good is well.
If the verb ends in a consonant ♦ e, we usually drop the -e, and
add -ing.
dance -e + -ing — dancing
We use adverbs with verbs to say how something happens.
If the verb ends in a short vowel + consonant, we double the
It's raining tard VU sings
consonant and add -ing.
swim + m + -ing — swimming
Present continuous for future o
We use the present continuous:
• for something that is happening now. We can use the present continuous to talk about arrangements in the
Mum’s m Hitehen coottng dinner. future. We include a future time reference: this evening, tomorrow
• for arrangements in the future. afternoon, next Sunday etc.
Were gonvj to the cm cm a ibis tve ning
Pete is going to the cmema on morning
WtV< mating at ai* odtxx frirt evening

Sometimes there isn’t a time expression when it*s clear we are talking
about the future.
‘What ¿re- foti doit^ this evening?" Tm Maying ¡n áod watching I V
what time art fou going oot?

Grammar Reference • Unit 4

© Comparative adjectives Write sentences using comparative and superlative forms of
the adjectives. -> 5.1 -5.7
Write the comparative form of the adjectives. -> 5.1. 5.2
Natalie / old / Mary, but Sarah...
1 h ig h 5 friendly Natalie older than but Sarah is tht oldest
2 easy 6 nice ______ France / hot / Britain, but Spain ...
3 b ig 7 t a l l __ Harry / intelligent / Dave, but Robert...
4 w et 8 late ______ Magazines / cheap / books, but newspapers...
History / interesting / science, but music ...
Complete the sentences. Use the comparative forms of the
Kate / friendly / Steve, but W endy...
adjectives in brackets. 5.1, 5.2
New York / large / London, but Tokyo ...
Are motorbikes than cars? (noisy) The Simpsons / good / The Osbournes, but Friends ...
Sue is than Tina, (short)
The Sahara Desert is
Is Paris
Rome is
than the Gobi Desert, (wide)
from Budapest than London? (far)
_ than Prague, (hot)
would like
Choose the correct verbs. -> 5.8
John is at maths than me. (good)
1 ‘Do you like / Would you like a coffee?’ ‘Yes, please.’
Is Tom than Michael? (heavy)
2 *Do you like / Would you like pizza?’ 'No, I hate it.’
8 Germany is than France, (large)
3 *Do you like / Would you like to come to my party?* ‘Yes,
Write your opinions. Use comparative forms of the please.'
adjectives. 5.3, 5.4 4 I’m thirsty. I like / I'd like a glass of water.
1 science / history / difficult 5 ‘1 like / I’d like something to eat.' 'OK. Here’ s an apple.’
net more than htetor<( or
Histopj ¡6 more difficult than ultoct.
6 'Do you like / Would you like to come shopping with me?’
‘ No. thanks. I’ m doing my homework.'
2 Scarlett johansson / Cameron Oiaz / beautiful
8 H i d Wor k with a partner. Student A: Make offers
3 Wayne Rooney / Ronaldhino / famous
and invitations with would like. Student B: Reply politely.
A lions / elephants / dangerous -> 5.8
5 girls / boys / intelligent
1 a cola
6 money / love / important
2 come to the park
7 Lord o f the Rings / The Golden Compass / exciting
3 a cake
A go to the football match
Superlative adjectives 5 a banana
6 go for a walk
Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the
7 a cup of tea
adjectives. 5.5, 5.6
8 borrow my bike
1 Tom's very quiet. He’s the ju - it: t boy in the class.
2 Mount Everest is very high. It's mountain in the Would you like a cola? Yes, please.
3 I think geography is easy. It’s subject in school.
Would you like to come
4 It’s very wet today. It’s day of the year.
5 Rachel is very nice. She's girl I know. to the park? No. thank you.
6 Fred's exam results are bad. They’re results in the
7 My friend Jake is very funny. He’s boy in the class.
8 Neptune is very far away. It’ s planet from the sun.

Write questions. Use the superlative form of the adjectives.

Then give your opinion. - > 5 .7
1 What / beautiful / place in the world?
What's the moat beautiful plact in tht
I thmfc if the most beautiful plitf- in the world
2 Who / intelligent / person in your family?
3 What / popular / food in your country?
4 Who / famous / actor in your country?
5 What / important / school subject?
6 What / boring / sport?

Grammar Builder* Unit 5

Comparative adjectives Superlative adjectives o
5.1 5.5
Short adjectives: spelling rules Short adjectives: spelling rules
We add er to short adjectives to make the comparative form. We add est to short adjectives to make the superlative form.
old — older old — oldest
If the adjective ends in e, we add -r. If the adjectives ends in e. we add *sf.
large — larger large — largest
If the adjective ends in a vowel and a consonant, we double the If the adjective ends in a vowel and a consonant, we double the
consonant and add -er. consonant and add -est.
wet — wetter wet — wettest
If the adjective ends in •y, we change the -y into -¡er.
d ry — d rier If the adjective ends in -y, we change the •y into -¡est.
dry — driest
Irregular adjectives
Some adjectives have irregular comparative forms. Irregular adjectives
good — better Some adjectives have irregular superlative forms.
bad — worse good — the best
far — further bad — the worst
fa r— the furthest
Long adjectives
We use more for most long adjectives (adjectives with more than Long adjectives
one syllable). We use the most for most long ad/'ec(ives (adjectives with more
intelligent — more intelligent than one syllable).
intelligent — the most intelligent
than would like
We use than when we compare two things.
Afrita ti hotter than £uropc
I ’d like is a polite way of saying I want.
We usually use the object pronoun after than. The subject
CI’d like = I would like)
pronoun sounds very formal.
l‘<4 Itfce. Wm soup, pleaw. then tte cbtefcen
i A v -:, :.\ io r 1 tr t h v . V. /
We’d lifcc- to ticfcet* for tht tbow, pica»
Sbt't Sorter ttan I /
but f b p r l r r t i- v i I :-.io / We use Would you like ...?to make offers and invitations.
Would fou livcc a a3rvW h ?‘ "Yes.
foo like to come to tht cmtma?' 'No, ihanl^ ^ou '

Grammar Reference • Unit 5

© Past simple: be and can © Past simple: affirmative (regular verbs)
1 Look at the calendar and write sentences about Helen and 4 Write the past simple forms. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5
Joe. Use be, past simple (affirmative or negative). 6 .1 1 phone 6 m is s _____
1 Helen / Manchester / Monday 2 answer__________ 7 s to p ______
Helen was in Manchester on 3 lis te n _________ 8 v is it______
2 joe and Helen / Bratislava / Wednesday A hurry 9 travel
3 Joe / Paris / Tuesday 5 study 10 s p o t______
A Helen / Liverpool / Saturday
5 Joe / Moscow / Thursday 5 Complete the sentences w ith verbs from exercise A.
6 Joe and Helen / Liverpool / Friday 6.3, 6.4. 6.5
7 Helen / Budapest / Monday 1 I was late so I to school.
2 My mum and dad German at school.
3 Dave and Neil to music last night.
4 ‘Where are you?’ she asked. 'In the post office/ he
5 Last summer we Paris.
6 The train at the railway station.
7 Robert the bus so he walked to school.
8 Joe Sue. but she wasn’t at home.

6 Rewrite the sentences using the past simple.

6.3, 6.4, 6.5
1 I walk to school every day.
2 They agree to meet at six o’clock.
3 Kevin jogs in the park before breakfast.
‘ London ' M anchester A Sue studies maths at school.
: Berlin : ......... 5 The bus stops near the school.
Wed f Bratislava : Bratislava 6 We arrive at school at quarter to nine.
: M oscow : A thens....... 7 Jim watches television after dinner.
: Stockholm : Budapest _ 8 Sally phones her boyfriend on her mobile.
^ Liverpool : Liverpool 9 Fred helps his mum with the washing up.
10 The football match starts at seven o’clock.
Where were Joe and Helen last week? Complete the questions, 11 We live in London.
then write answers. Use be, past simple. -> 6.1 12 My dad works in Manchester.
1 Waf. Joe in London on Monday? Yc*. vo:
Where Helen on Tuesday?
Helen in Budapest on Wednesday?
4 _________ Joe in Stockholm on Saturday?
o I'll for offers
7 Complete the sentences. Use I’ll and a verb from the box.
5 Joe and Helen in Bratislava on Thursday? - » 6.6
6 Where Helen and Joe on Wednesday?
7 Where Joe on Thursday? answer buy carry make open send
8 Joe and Helen in Liverpool on Saturday?
1 ‘I'm hot.’ ' the window.’
3 Complete the sentences. Use couldn’t and the verbs in the 2 ‘My bag is very heavy.’ ‘__________ for you.'
box. 6.2 3 *We haven’t got any m ilk.’
'I’ m going to shops now. I some.’
find finish go hear listen play sleep understand A ‘I'm hungry.’ * a sandwich for you.’
5 ‘Have a good holiday!’ ‘Thanks. you a postcard.’
1 My dad to work because he was ill.
6 ‘The phone is ringing.* * it.’
2 lohn his Den. It wasn’t in his schoolbae.
3 Pam wasn’t hungry - she her lunch.
4 1________ jan because 1don't speak German.
5 We the teacher because the students were very
6 Ian to music because his CD player was broken.
7 1was very tired but 1
8 We tennis because the weather was bad.

118 ) Grammar Builder • Unit 6

Past simple: be and can Past simple: affirmative (regular verbs) ©
6.1 6 .3
The past simple of be is was or were. The affirmative form of the past simple is the same for all persons.
wasn’t = was not
1 Affirmative Negative I watched TV.
1was ill. 1wasn’t ¡11.
You watched TV.
You were ill. You weren’t ill.
He/She/It watched TV.
He/She/It was ill. He/She/It wasn’t ill.
We watched TV.
We were ill. We weren’t ill.
You watched TV.
You were ill. You weren’t ill.
They watched TV.
They were ill. They weren’t ill.
ib s s q h h Short answers
Spelling: past simple form (affirmative) of regular verbs
Was 1ill?
Most verbs
Were you ¡11? Yes, l/h e /s h e /it was. play + -ed — played
Was he/she/it ill? No, l/h e /sh e /it wasn't. Verbs ending in e
Were we ¡11? Yes, you/we/they were. dance + d — danced
Were you ill? No, you/we/they weren’t. Verbs ending in a consonant and •y
Were they ill? hurry -y — •¡ed —* hurried
Verbs ending in a short vowel and a consonant
6.2 double consonant + -ed
The past simple of can is could. stop — stopped
The forms of could are the same for all persons.
couldn’t = could not 6 .5
We use the infinitive without to after could. We use the past simple for an action or event at a definite point in
the past.
Affirmative Negative
vJt football afternoon
1could read. 1couldn’t read. I to school thir. morning.
You could read. You couldn't read.
He/She/It could read. He/She/It couldn’t read.
I'll for offers
We could read. We couldn't read. 6.6
You could read. You couldn't read. We use I'll + the base form to make an offer.
'My homew>r* ¡6 w y diffiojli. I ¿¿n't do i).'
They could read. They couldn’t read.
Til Vitlp fou ’
Short answers ‘I tavnVt <y>1 moncf *
Could 1read? Ttt \tM -joii some ’
Could you read? Yes. l/yo u/h e/she /it/w e /th ey
Could he/she/it read? could.
k1 | f ft i | i*. t ».•
No, l/yo u/h e/she /it/w e /th ey
Could we read? couldn’t.
Could you read?
Could they read?

Grammar Reference • Unit 6

© Past simple: irregular verbs © Past simple: negative and questions
Are these verbs regular or irregular? Write R or I. Then write 4 Put the words in the correct order to make negative
the past simple forms. **> 7.1 sentences. •
1 win 5 work 1 last night / watch / didn’t / TV / they
2 get 6 take 2 win / he / a Nobel Prize / didn’t
3 study 7 com e__________ _ 3 you / see / 1/ didn’t / at the party
A live 8 sta rt__________ A Harry / yesterday evening / tidy / didn’t / his room
5 forget / your birthday / didn’t / 1
Draw lines to match the irregular past forms with their base 6 didn’t / we / to school / yesterday / go
forms. 7.1 7 study / at university / she / music / didn’t
1 become a spent 8 a new sweatshirt / you / buy / didn’t
2 read b wrote
3 hear c sent 5 Write negative sentences using the verbs in brackets.
A spend d bought 7.4, 7.5
5 wear e became 1 1 Aw : to school yesterday, (go)
6 write f wore 2 1 any photos, (take)
7 send g heard 3 Dad the washing this morning, (do)
8 buy h read A My friend me an e-mail last week, (send)
5 They the match yesterday afternoon, (win)
3 Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in 6 We very hard last year, (work)
brackets. 7.1, 7.2, 7 3 7 I ___ dinner at home, (have)
8 She her name in the book, (write)
9 He President three years ago. (become)
10 They three months in Paris, (spend)
11 I my homework before dinner, (finish)

6 Write the words in the correct order to make questions about

yesterday. 7.4, 7.6. 7.7
1 did I after school? / What / you / do
what did >|ou do after teboot?
2 get up? / did / What / you / time
3 go / to / you / Did / school?
4 rain / in the morning? / Did / it
5 have / you / lunch? / Where / did
6 watch / you / Did / television?
7 go to bed? / time / What / you / did

7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in

exercise 6.

What did you do after school? I went to the swimming pool.

“ V I-----------------------------------

1 He to school this morning because he was late, 8 Write the questions to match the answers. Start with the
(run) word in brackets. -> 7.A. 7.6, 7.7
2 I my dad a book for his birthday, (give)
1 I went to Germany. (Where)
3 She pizzas for dinner last night, (make)
Where did fou go latf summer?
4 We to the cinema last weekend, (go)
I went with my parents and some of our friends. (Who)
5 They their teacher in town yesterday, (see)
Oh, the weather was lovely - warm and sunny. (What)
6 My parents on holiday last week, (be)
Yes, we spent a week in Berlin. (Did)
7 I hello to the girl next door when I left the house,
We went by car from home. (How)
We spent about three weeks in Germany. (How long)
8 I had to take my new MP3 player back to the shop,
Yes, the food was good. (What)
because it after a week, (break)
Yes, I did! I learnt quite a few German expressions! (Oid)
9 This lesson 10 minutes ago. (begin)
10 I the bus to school this morning, (catch)

Grammar Builder • Unit 7

Past simple: irregular verbs Past simple: negative and interrogative
7.1 7A
Some verbs have irregular past simple (positive) forms. There
Negative Interrogative
are no spelling rules for these forms; you need to leam them as
vocabulary. See the list in the Workbook. 1 didn’t watch. Did 1watch?
90 — w m iI I we-nt « h o p p in g ^ e & te r to f. He/She/It didn't watch. Did he/she/it watch?
spend — i,ç*nt I sp<nl all nrç mon*j.
We/You/They didn’t watch. Oid we/you/they watch?
7 .2 Full forms Short answers
The affirmative form of the past simple is the same for all didn't = did not Yes. 1did. / No, 1didn’t.
persons, singular and plural (/. you, he, she. it, we, they).
The forms are the same for all persons, singular and plural
I ww a friend \ast night
(/, you, he, she, it, we. (hey).
mw a fi\m
TVif'i iht accident 7 .5
Irregular verbs behave in the same way as regular verbs in In negative sentences, for both regular and irregular verbs, we
negative sentences and questions. (See 7D below). use:
I, you, she, it, we. they + didn’t + base form
7 .3
(NOT the past simple form)
Remember that the past simple of be is was / were. It behaves
differently from other verbs. (See Grammar Reference 6.) 7 .6
In questions, for regular and irregular verbs, we use:
Did + I, you, he. she, it. we, they + base form
(NOT the past simple form)
Did have bceafcfad?
If there are time expressions, they usually go at the end of the
Did b t 90 to the. swimming pool after whooP
Did fou tatch a bus to «bool this morning?

7 .7
We can put a question word before d id to ask for information.
what Aid -<ou Ao night?
Where did tb tf go for their holiday?

Grammar Reference • Unit 7

© Quantity Articles
1 Write the plural form of these nouns if they are countable. 5 Choose o or an. 8.4. 8.5
If they are uncountable, write U. - > 8 .1 1 a / an animal
banana banana» m ilk U 2 a / an big onion
1 bacon__________ 5 sausage__________ 3 a / an university
A a / an pizza
2 bread__________ 6 w ater__________
5 a / an American man
3 apple__________ 7 tom ato__________
6 a / an young woman
A to ast__________ 8 carrot__________
7 a / an uncle
2 Choose some or any with these uncountable nouns. 8 a / an hour
- > 8 .2
6 Write a, an or the. 8.4, 8.5, 8.6
1 There’ s some / any toast on the table.
2 I didn’t have some / any coffee for breakfast this morning.
3 Is there some / any milk?
4 We need some / any bread.
5 Have you got some / any money?
6 You didn't buy any / some bacon.
7 Let’s have any / some tea.
8 Is there any / some cheese?

3 Write some or any w ith these countable nouns. -> 8.2

1 There are apples on the table.
2 Have we got eggs?
3 John ate chips.
1 I’ve got cat a n d dog. cat’s name is
4 We didn’t buy sausages.
Lucky and dog's name is Bouncer.
5 Did you co ok carrots?
2 I’ve got brother and a sister.
6 We don’t need bananas.
3 We've got maths exam and English exam
7 Are there tomatoes?
tomorrow. maths exam is in morning and
8 There aren't sandwiches in my bag.
English exam is in afternoon.
4 Complete the questions with How much ... ? and 4 I went into town this morning and bought T-shirt
How m any... ?. 8.1, 8.3 and jacket________ jacket was expensive but
1 people live in your house? T-shirt was cheap.
2 time is there until the end of the school day? 5 Where are sausages? I need snack!
3 lessons do you have a day? 6 I had chicken sandwich and banana for
4 money do you spend a day on snacks? lunch. sandwich was delicious, but banana
5 water do you usually drink in a day? was horrible. Tomorrow I’ m going to have apple.
6 pages are there in this book? 7 ‘We need egg.’
eggs are in the fridge.’
5 Ask and answer the questions in exercise 4. 8 There’s man a n d woman at the door.
man wants to talk to you.

7 Write a, an, the or nothing. - * 8 . 7

1 I want to play football.
2 Jack is listening to radio.
3 Let’s go to cinema.
4 I'm thirsty. Can I have drink, please?
5 *What time does your mum go to work?’
‘At seven o’clock in evening. She works
6 My brother broke his leg and had to go to hospital.
7 Dave plays guitar and piano.
8 What time do you have lunch?
9 If you're hungry, have sandwich.
10 I went to bed very late last night.

Grammar Builder • Unit 8

Quantity Articles ©
8.1 8.4
Countable and uncountable nouns We use the indefinite article («a or an) with singular countable
• Countable nouns are things that you can count. They have a nouns only.
singular and a plural form: a rtst3urant a computer
an orange two oranges We can use the definite article {the) with singular and plural
• Uncountable nouns are things that you can’t count, you can countable nouns:
only weigh or measure. They only have a singular form. the rwiaurant 1hf- rtstauranti.
tttn t bread I like chubc and with uncountable nouns.
• We use words like bowl, glass, etc. with uncountable nouns the thcese
when we want to talk about quantity.
a botllc of mite à loaf of bread a Hilo o f cb u u - 8.5
a < .3 ^ of W m oayk We use an instead of a when the next word begins with a vowel
sound. This means most words beginning with a-,
8.2 e-, /-, o- and u- and a few words that begin with silent h
some and any an apple an Italian restaurant an hour
• We usually use some in affirmative sentences. We use it with Note: some words that begin with the letter u* do not start with a
plural nouns and uncountable nouns. vowel sound, they start with a /y / sound. We do not use an with
There art some apple* on the table- these words.
th ere * w m t brw<\ on 1he ihclf a university a ui»efu\ boo* a 11*5 solditr

• We usually use any in negative sentences and questions We

use it with plural nouns and uncountable nouns.
lie doesn't want atif food We use a or an when we mention something for the first time.
Arc there at*f banana*? There's a pu.ia in tbt- fridge
We use the when we mention it again.
8.3 Wc- can have the piiza (or ¿inner
How much / m any... ?
We use How much... ? with uncountable nouns. 8.7
’How much mil»: have w got?' Two litres.’ Some common expressions include an article and others do not.
We use How many...? with plural nouns. There are no rules - you have to learn them!
'\iow ¿o fou nttA?’ '
Expressions with no article
• play football, tennis, etc.
• watch television

• have breakfast, lunch, dinner

• go to bed, school, work, hospital, church, university

• at night

Expressions with an article

• play the piano, the guitar, etc.
• listen to the radio, see a film
• have a snack, a drink, a sandwich, etc.
• go to the theatre, the cinema, the doctor’s
• during the day, in the morning, afternoon, evening

Grammar Reference • Unit 8

© Present perfect: affirmative 7 'Is that your bus over there?’
*Yes, it is. I (miss) it!’
1 Complete the sentences w ith the verbs in the box. Use the 8 ‘Are you hungry?’
present perfect. (All the verbs are regular.) 9.1. 9.2, 9.3 ‘No, I (eat).*

cook cycle decide land phone start study 5 Write replies with just. Use the present perfect affirmative.
9.1. 9.2. 9.3, 9 * . 9.S
1 The lesson
2 We to go to France on holiday. 1 Tidy your room!
3 She him three times, but he never answers. I've ju6t it
4 I’m really tired. I ten miles today. 2 Don’t forget to phone Sam.
5 We nine units of this book. 3 When is George leaving?
6 Please stay for dinner. My mum a lot of food! A Let’ s watch this DVD.
7 The plane . Where are the passengers? 5 Do you want to read this book after me?
6 Don’t forget to write to your grandmother.
PRONUNCIATION Add the verbs to the chart. Write the past 7 Can you pack your suitcase, please?
simple and past participle forms. 9.4 8 Don’t forget to book the tickets.

know sell sleep think write

Present perfect: negative and interrogative
grow - grew - grown rhymes with
6 Make the sentences negative. - > 9.6
bite - bit - bitten rhymes with 1 Harry has had breakfast.
2 I've lost my personal stereo.
keep - kept - kept rhymes with 3 Rachel and I have spent all our money.
4 You've eaten the apple.
tell - told - told rhymes with 5 Vicky has taken the train to Leeds.
6 Luke and Emily have visited Spain.
bring - b r o u g h t - brought rhymes with 7 I’ve done my homework.
8 He’s gone to New York by ship.

3 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets. Check 7 Write questions and short answers. Use the present perfect.
the past participle forms in the irregular verbs list in the -* 9 .6
Workbook. 9.1. 9.2. 9.4 1 Tim / go to bed? /
1 I (see) that film three times. Has Tim gone to b«l? No. hi. hasn't
2 Matthew (go) to the cinema for the evening. 2 you / decide what to do? /
3 We (leave) our suitcases on the coach. 3 Robert / pack his bags? X
A Italy (win) the World Cup again. 4 Kate and David / write any postcards? /
5 jake and Sally (eat) all the chocolate. 5 you / buy any CDs? /
6 Ann (do) the shopping. 6 you and Tony / have lunch? /
7 Phil can't play tennis. He (break) his arm. 7 Sarah / go to Edinburgh? /

4 Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect affirmative. 8 Ask and answer questions using the present perfect. Use the
-» 9.1. 9.2, 9.3. 9.4 words in brackets in the answer. -> 9.5, 9.6
1 'Is Dave still here?’ 1 do your homework (Yes, just)
‘No. he (go) home.
Have you done your homework? ve just done it.
No. h t'f gone homt
2 ‘Is it raining?’
2 have breakfast? (No, yet)
‘ No, it (stop).’
3 phone Joanna? (Yes, just)
3 ‘Are Oliver and Samantha here?’
4 buy the new Anastacia CO? (Yes. already)
*Yes. they _ (arrive).’
5 find your keys? (No. yet)
U ‘Do you want a drink?’
6 write to tan? (Yes, already)
‘No, thanks. I (have) one.’
7 change the holiday money? (Yes. already)
5 ‘Has Kate got her mobile with her?'
8 see my new scooter? (No, yet)
•Yes, she has. I _ _ (speak) to her.*
6 'Is Daniel watching TV?’
'No. he (finish).’

Grammar Builder* Unit 9

Past perfect: affirmative Present perfect: negative and interrogative
9 .1 9 .6
Affinnative Negative
I’ve finished. I haven’t finished.
You’ve finished. You haven't finished.
He/She/It's finished. He/She/It hasn't finished.
We’ve finished. We haven’t finished.
You've finished. You haven't finished.
They’ve finished. They haven't finished.
Full forms Full forms
I’ve « I have haven’t = have not
she’s =* she has hasn't ■ has not

We form the present perfect with the auxiliary verb have and the
past participle.
Have I finished yet?
9 .2 Have you finished yet?
We use the present perfect to talk about past events that have a Has he/she/finished yet?
result in (he present, for example, recent events and news. Have we finished yet?
Did •jou hear? Mand^ lias pa&st-d a\l her ew m y Have you finished yet?
Have they finished yet?
9 .3
Short answers
The past participle of regular verbs is the same as the past
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
Yes, she has. / No. she hasn't.
va\«.<4 coofced «tudied Mopped

9 .4 We form the negative with haven't or hasn’t and the past

There aren't any rules for the past participles of irregular verbs.
We form the interrogative with have or has + subject + past
Sometimes they are same as the past simple form, sometimes
they are different.
'nave — tad — had
We use yet with the present perfect interrogative to ask if
90 — went — 900c
something expected has happened.
For a list of irregular verbs, see the list in the Workbook.
Have foo patfcf-d ^our suitcase f d ?

9 .5
We use yet with the present perfect negative to say that
We use ju st with the present perfect affirmative to talk about very something expected hasn’t happened.
recent events. Tim iwftn't even started his revision fet
I'm not hungry l*vc just cairn
We use already with the present perfect affirmative to say that
something has happened earlier than expected.
I'vt already pzcU-A (or tb« tnp

Grammar Reference • Unit 9

going to 1 He live in France.
2 He _ live in Britain.
1 Write sentences w ith going to, affirmative. 10.1,10.2 3 He get married.
1 she / have lunch in town 5bt’t> goma 1o havr lu o tl in town 4 He have children.
2 we / play tennis next Saturday 5 He be a chef.
3 11 surf the Internet this evening 6 He work v/ith computers.
4 they / visit their grandparents next month 7 He go skiing.
5 you / meet me at the café 8 He have a pet.
6 we / see a film this evening
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about
7 Pete and Sue / study maths at university
your future.
8 I / watch TV this evening
1 where / you / live when you're 25?
2 Make the sentences in exercise 1 negative. 10.1, 10.2 Whm- will fou livt when fou'rc V ft
She ¡«n't 9Oir»0 to havt iunth in town. 2 who / live with?
3 where / you / work?
3 Complete the conversation. Write questions with going to. A what job / you / do?
10.1,10.2 5 how many children / you / have?
6 what car / you / drive?
Dave What / you / do on Friday evening?
7 you / have any pets?
What are «jou goin^ to do on fri<taf cvwiing?
Sally I'm going to go to the cinema.
Dave What film / you / see? should
i ____________ _______ ______ _____ _____
7 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with should or
Sally The new lim a Thurman film.
shouldn’t. 10.5,10.6
Dave Who / you / go with?

Sally Mark and Jane.

Oave How / you / get there?

Sally By bus.
Dave W h a t/yo u / do after the film?

Sally We’ re going to go for a pizza.

Dave Whal time / you / arrive home? 1 He__________ go in the 2 She__________ take an
sun today. umbrella.
Sally At about 11 o’clock.

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.

10 . 1. 10.2
1 What are you going to do this evening?
2 What are going to do next weekend?
3 Where are you going to go in the summer holidays?

t will
3 He stand up. A She drink it.
5 Complete the predictions about Robert’s future. Use w ill or
won’t. 1 0 .3 ,10.A

Y o u r fu tu re
H om e: London
F a m ily : wife, no children
Jo b : computer programmer
H o b b y: skiing
P e ts: a cat 5 He park there.

Grammar Builder • Unit 10

going to ( g p Will
10.1 10.3
We form going to with the present simple of be + going to * the We form this tense with w ill + the base form of the verb. The form
base form of the verb. is the same for all persons.
Affirmative Affirmative
I'm Pll/You’ll/H e'll/S he’ll/It’ll
go to London.
You're We’ll/You’ ll/They’ ll
He’s/S he's/lt's Full forms
going to sleep.
We're l/h e/sh e/it/w e/yo u /th ey will
You’ re
I/You/He/She/It won't
Full forms go to London.
We/You/They won't
1am, he/she/ii is, we/you/they are
Full forms
l/h e/sh e/it/w e/yo u /th ey will not
I'm not
You aren't
Will l/y o u /h e /s h e /it
He/She/It isn’t go to London?
going to sleep. Will we/you/they
We aren’t
You aren’t 10.4
They aren’t We use w ill to:
• talk about the future;
Full forms HI be at home al seven o'clock
1am not. he/she/it is not, we/you/they are not ( won't Iwve school until I’m !(/
Vnt tun witt ri«- at 5 3 0 tomorrow morning
• to make predictions.
Am 1 Thcf won’1 <jct married
Are you Will you live m rtirs town all your life?

Is he/she/it
going to sleep? should
Are we
Are you 10.5
Are they should is followed by the base form of the verb. The form of
should is the same for all persons.
10.2 Affirm ative
We use going to to talk about plans for the future. I/You/He/She/It should
I'm ijoing to gel a job ntft work now.
We/You/They should
He ¡«Vi going to worfc in the holiday
Art 'jou 90109 to football on Saturday?
Yc&, l am/No. I'm not I/You/He/She/It shouldn't
work now.
We/You/They shouldn't

Should l/yo u/h e/she /it

work now?
Should we/you/they

We use should to give advice.
It’s told You shouW wear a coat
You fibouldn t •jour frien^'a bomtworfc

Grammar Reference • Unit 10

Vo c a b u l a r y ITT»
Pa r t 1 Pa r t 2
1 Look at the family tree and complete the sentences. Plural forms of nouns
1 To make most nouns plural we add -s.
cousin — cousins nose — 1_
2 If the noun ends with -s, *sh, -ch. z or x, we add es.
bus — buses dish — dishes watch —
box~ 5
3 If the noun ends with o, we add -s. or sometimes
•es. (Check in your dictionary.)
photo —»photos video — 4
BUT potato — potatoes tomato —•
4 If the noun ends with -y , we change the -y to -/es.
fam ily — families story — 6
5 If the noun ends with -f or -fe, we change them to -ves.
wife — wives le a f— 7_

5 Study the information above. Write the missing plural forms.

6 Draw lines to match the

singular nouns in box A
Dave Chris Clare foot women
with their irregular plural
1 Chris is Clare’s ____ tooth children
forms in box B.
2 Mary is Dave's ____ child feet
3 Clare is Dan’s person men
4 Frank is Mary’s man teeth
5 Ann is Chris and Clare’s
woman people
6 Chris is Frank’s
7 Dave is Sue’s 7 Underline the plural nouns in these sentences. Then write
8 Clare and Chris are Dave’s the singular forms.

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1 The leaves on the trees are yellow and brown.
Make a note of your partner’s answers. leaf tree
2 These potatoes and tomatoes are delicious!
1 Have you got brothers and sisters?
2 Have you got cousins?
3 Where are those men and women from?
3 Have you got uncles and aunts?
A Have you got grandparents?
4 She’s got big eyes and beautiful, white teeth.
3 Write sentences about your partner’ s family. Use your notes
from exercise 2. 5 The children’s dictionaries are in the classroom.

Milan ha& ^ot a brototr and two Mter«.

6 Have you got nephews and nieces?
He hasn't got or aunts

4 Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in brackets and 7 The glasses are on the shelves in the kitchen.
1 This is his bike. (David) 8 Complete the sentences with the plural form of the nouns.
TYte Pavid'f.
1 They've got two young (baby).
2 Where is their computer? (my parents)
2 My are very small, (foot)
Where if. my parent* computer?
3 She’s got two (watch).
3 That’s her skateboard. (Jane)
A Where are my (key)?
A John is at their house, (his cousins)
5 What’s in your - (sandwich)?
5 Have you got his MP3 player? (Mark)
6 Be careful! Those (knife)
6 Its ball is under the tree, (the dog)
are sharp!
7 What’s her phone number? (Maria)
7 They've got two _ (child).
8 Where are their books? (the students)
9 These are his pens. (Peter)
10 That’s their house, (my grandparents)

128 1 Vocabulary Builder* Unit 1

Pa r t l Pa r t 2
1 Label the photos w ith the words in the box. Verb + noun collocations

cycling dancing fashion football 5 Read the information in the Look out! box. Then complete
gymnastics jogging the table w ith the sports in the box.

With sports we normally use:

• play for team sports and ball sports;
• go for sports that end in -ing;
• do for other sports.

athletics basketball cycling football gymnastics

2 ________________3 karate rollerblading swimming tennis

play go do

1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3

Work in pairs and add more sports to the chart in exercise 5.

2 Complete the sentences w ith the words in the box.
Complete these verb + noun collocations with these words,
basketball books chess films music
photography rollerblading swimming play a film a photo go for chess music read watch

a 1 really like _ - especially in the sea.

I verb noun
2 I’ m interested in . My favourite band is
Kaiser Chiefs. 1 a book
3 1love ___ . 1go to the cinema every weekend. take t
A 1 really like _ . 1don’t play it. but 1watch games on a computer games
5 My hobby is . I’ve got a new camera. watch
6 1 love My favourite writer is Stephen King. s a walk
7 1really love in the park with my friends. c
listen to
8 1love ____ . 1play against my dad. 1also play against
other people on the Internet. football on TV
play •
3 Write three sentences like the ones in exercise 2 about
sports and hobbies. Don’t include the name of the activity.
8 Complete the text w ith verbs from exercises 5 and 7.
I'm interested in ...... .......
Joel has got a lot of hobbies He 1 chess at school and
I really like he also 2 rollerblading After dinner, he i for a
walk and he 4 to music every evening in his room Joel
I love_________
loves sport Hes athletics at school, and he6______
4 Work in pairs. Read your sentences to your football after school. On Saturdays. Joel and his friends ;______
partner. Can he/she guess the sports and hobbies? swimming On Sundays, they 8 basketball in the park On
Sunday evenings, they sometimes 9 a film

9 How many more nouns can you add to these verbs?

i read a m arline. 1 listen to 3 4 watch

Vocabulary Builder • Unit 2

Pa r t 1 Pa r t 2
1 Look at the timetable. What are the subjects? Write In the classroom; prepositions of place
3 V KEB M atch the things in the classroom w ith the
U*son i on Monday ii Spanish w ords in the box. Listen, check and repeat.

bin blind board books CDs chair CO player

clock computer cupboard desk noticeboard plant
poster shelves table TV window

Which of the things have you got in your classroom? Write

sentences with have got and haven’t got.
WcVc got four vnndowi. vie haven't got a

Match the pictures w ith the w ords in the box.

Listen, check and repeat.

Prepositions of place between behind in

in front o f near next to on opposite under

2 M aiiiaikHd Work in pairs. Look at the timetable in

exercise 1. Ask and answer about the lessons.

When’s the French lesson?

It’s at ten past eleven 6 Ask and answer questions about the picture
on Monday. in exercise 3. Then ask and answer questions about your

What time does the music lesson finish? Where’s the noticeboard? It’s opposite the window.
------------- s i---------------------------------
Where’s th e ...
| At ten o'clock.
s i-------------------

Vocabulary Builder • Unit 3

Pa r t l Pa r t 2
1 © BfrH Listen. W rite the correct num ber next to each Adjectives: opposites
P'cture* 5 Match each adjective in the box w ith Its opposite (1-11).

beautiful big cheap difficult early good

hot loud old slow young

1 o ld ________ 7 easy_________
2 fa s t________ 8 c o ld _________
3 b a d ________ 9 expensive_________
4 q u ie t________ 10 ugly_________
5 sm all 11 la te _________
6 new ________

6 Which adjectives in exercise 5 can you use to describe

clothes? Give examples.

Match the pictures with adjectives from exercise 5.

2 Now label the pictures in exercise 1.

t Mu* top

3 What are you wearing now? Write a list. 8 Think of two nouns to go w ith each of these adjectives.

big bad good ugly beautiful small

4 Write five sentences about clothes that you’ve got at home.
new loud quiet old
I've ^ot 3 btackjuKel.
I've 901

Vocabulary Builder • Unit 4 I 131

Pa r t 1 Read the Learn this! box. Write questions about the things in
the pictures. Use the adjectives in the box.
1 Complete the geographical features. Use a, e, /, o, and u.
1 h _ II 6 v _ II _ y ?
2 l_ k _ 7 _ s l _ nd
3 r_ v _ r 8 w _ t _ rf — - - n jîÜ
A b _ _ ch 9 f_r_st
5 s __ 10 d _ s _ rt »
— — 1
2 Complete the names of the continents on the map. -H 1 1

deep wide long old tall heavy

How „ (6 the laKc?

5 Complete the sentences w ith the adjectives in the box.

high long old tall wide

1 N A 4 A
? S A 5 A
3 E 6 A_

3 Which continent are these countries in?

1 China Chic » in • 5 Nigeria
2 Spain 6 India
3 Brazil 7 Argentina
4 Canada 8 Finland

Pa r t 2 1 She’s four years

Adjectives for measurement 2 Ben Nevis is 1,344 metres
3 The river is one kilometre
-• lW e can use Wow with adjectives to ask about A The car is three metres .
measurements. 5 The girl is one metre 50 centimetres
How old are you? How tall is that building? 6 kia g ja iH rt Ask and answer. Use adjectives from the
How long is the film ? How big is your garden? Learn this! box in the answers.
2 To talk about size and age we can use deep, high, 1 How old are you?
long, wide, ta ll and old. We put the adjective after 2 How tall are you?
the measurement. 3 How wide is your desk?
I ’m 16 years old. 4 How long is this lesson?
3 We use tall for people, trees and buildings. We use 5 How big is your classroom?
high for mountains.
Mount Everest is 8,850 metres high.

132 Vocabulary Builder • Unit 5

Pa r t l Pa r t 2
1 Match 1 -8 with a -h to make places in town. Words that go together
1 art a station 5 Match each verb in A w ith the words in B.
2 bus b office


3 car c station A B
4 post d gallery catch a car goto a boat trip
5 railway e hall
go a museum have a night club
6 tourist information f station
7 town park park a pizza pay for a ticket
8 police h office visit a train speak to a friend
order for a walk take a good time
2 Match the places in exercise 1 with the pictures.

6 Complete the sentences with a phrase from exercise 5. Use

the correct form of the verb.
1 'I’d like to , please.’ 'Certainly. Would you like
tomato and cheese, or ham?’
2 John always in town on Friday evenings and
dances until two a.m.
3 Let’s on the river.
A We can to London, or we can go by car.
5 Let's in the park. We can take the dog.
6 You can’t in the town centre. You have to use the
car park near the station.
7 Sarah is on the phone. She’s
8 ‘Here’s a postcard from Kate.’ ‘Is she ?* ‘No, she
isn't. She wants to come home.’

7 Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.

at at for for from from of in

3 Choose the correct words.
in to to with
1 'm going to the library / post office to borrow a book.
2 i always go to church / the railway station on Sunday 1 Thank you the lovely present.
morning. 2 Do you like listening music?
3 There are some beautiful paintings at the theatre / 3 I’m tired. I'm going bed.
art gallery. A I usually get up seven o’clock.
- 'm going for a walk in the town hail / park. 5 ‘Where’s Dan?* *He’s home.’
5 ‘Where’s the car?’ 6 I've got a letter my uncle in Australia.
* :'s in the car park / bus station in the centre of town.’ 7 There are a lot car parks in the town centre.
6 Tom needs some stamps. He's going to the church / 8 We live . a small flat.
post office. 9 Don’t walk so fast! Wait me!
7 Do you want to see a film?’ 10 Peter is going out some friends this evening,
No, let’s go and see a play at the theatre / cinema.’ 11 My birthday is December.
S <ou can see lots of interesting old things at the 12 ‘Where are you ?’ ‘Canada.’
ous station f museum.

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Which of these places are there in

art gallery bank bus station carpark cinema

church library museum park police station
post office railway station theatre
tourist information office town hall

Is there an art gallery? Yes. there is. / No, there isn’t.


Vocabulary Builder • Unit 6

Pa r t 1
We usually use British as the nationality adjective for the
1 Ask and answer questions about these cities. Use the
UK. We use English when we are talking about England
countries in the box.
only, Scottish for Scotland only, Welsh for Wales only, and
Austria Brazil China Japan the USA Northern Irish for Northern Ireland only.

5 What are the nationalities of these people?

| Where’s New York? It’s iru .. |

1 New York 4
A Rio de Janeiro
2 Beijing 5 Vienna
3 Tokyo

2 Complete the names of these European countries.

Country Capital
1 S' Alki.l Bratislava 1 Kylie Minogue is from
i ty lit Minwjur ¡5 AuMraluio
Rome 2 Rafael Nadal is from Spain.

3 H
Q Budapest
3 Brad Pitt is from the USA.
4 Prince Charles is from Britain.
5 Thierry Henry is from France.
m m m m
6 Gary Kasparov is from Russia.
A F Paris

5 S _____
■ i Madrid Pa r t 2
make, do, have and take
6 U Kiev
6 Complete the chart w ith do, have, make and take.

7 theC ______ Prague lunch/breakfast/dinner

R 1 _____ a dream
an English lesson
8 G 1 i Berlin
a photo
2 _____ an exam
a bus/train/taxi
3 M a M a iK cl In pairs, ask and answer about the capitals of
the countries in exercise 2. homework
3 ______ housework
What's the capital of Spain? It’s Madrid history/maths, etc. at school
4 Put the nationalities in the correct columns. 4 ______ a phone call
a speech
American Austrian Belarusian Brazilian British Chinese
Croatian Czech Estonian French German Hungarian
Italian Japanese Latvian Lithuanian Polish Romanian
7 Complete the sentences w ith verbs or nouns from exercise 6.
Russian Slovakian Slovenian Spanish Ukrainian 1 Can I borrow your phone? I need to make a
2 Do yo u Russian at school?
3 ‘Where do you usually have ?' 'At home.’
i -an American
4 I always walk to school. I never a bus.
5 All students have to take a n __ at the end of the
school year.
6 I can’t go out. I have to do my
7 I often a dream about flying.
2 'ish British 8 Sometimes it isn’t easy to make at a new school.
3 -ese
4 other

Vocabulary Builder • Unit 7

Pa r t l P a rt 2
1 Match three of the breakfasts w ith the orders. ^ooc* c a te g o r ie s
4 Add the food in the pictures to the correct categories (1-5).






cketse, lu w t, bread, coffee,
m i apple, orm ^e ju ic e tarrote
b re A k fa tt □

b tic o n , e g g , c k e & t,
btuuuiA, a ra ^e ju ic e Iwnont. salmon

breakfcM t Q

! c&'fud, m M , egg, hMK, to i t i l Listen, repeat and check yo ur answers.

lu r t cko c d a te , w o t * '
breaÂfMt D
Which words from Part 1 can you add to the categories?

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Find out your partner’s favourite

food in each category. Say if you agree or disagree.
2 Write an order for the other breakfast in exercise 1
What's your favourite fruit / vegetable / dairy product?

We use a singular verb. e.g. is, with uncountable nouns.

3 Do you like these foods? Write a sentence for each one with I agree / disagree.... is / are delicious / OK / horrible.
delicious, OK or horrible.

apples bacon bananas cheese coffee

What’s your favourite kind of fish or
eggs ham hot chocolate jam milk
seafood / kind of meat or poultry?
orange juice sausages tea toast tomatoes It's... |

Apples art ¿tlitioua. / Apple* art OK

baton a delicious / bacon rt horrible. I I agree / disagree.... is / are delicious / OK / horrible.

Vocabulary Builder • Unit 8

Pa r t 2
1 Label the pictures with the words in the box. Phrasal verbs

bicycle bus car motorbike plane ship Phrasal verbs

taxi train Phrasal verbs have two parts: a verb, and one or two
get in get out o f
verb + preposition verb + prepositions
Phrasal verbs are very common in English and very useful,

• We use get in and get out o f with car and taxi.

• We use get on and get o ff with bus, train, tram, plane,
ship, motorbike, scooter and bike.

5 Read the information in the Learn this! and Look out! boxes.
Match the phrasal verbs with the pictures.

get in get out of get o ff get on get back

slow down take off break down

Complete the means o f transport. Use a, e, I, o and u.

Listen and id e n tify the means o f transport,

Number th e w ords in the box from 1 - 8 .

b ik e Q helicopter □ lorry Q motorbike □

plane □ s h ip Q tr a m Q train □ ^
What are the past simple forms of get, take and break?
Check in the list of irregular verbs in the Workbook.
4 Read the information. Then complete the sentences using a
different verb or expression. Don’t change the meaning. 7 Read the Look out! box again. Complete the sentences with
1 She never drives to the shops. phrasal verbs from exercise 5. Use the past simple.
“She never apt* to iHc shop*, b-f car 1 Tom the bus at the wrong bus stop, so he walked
2 In bad weather, I take the bus to school. from there to school.
In bad weather I to school__ 2 The plane and flew into the clouds.
3 I always walk to the station. 3 We called the mechanic when our car
I always to the station _ 4 David the taxi and gave the driver the address of
4 I usually go to school by bike. his hotel.
I usually _ _ to school. 5 The train and then stopped at the station.
5 My dad usually goes to work by car. 6 *What time did you come home last night?’
My dad u s u a lly .to work. ‘I at eleven o'clock.'
6 Do you go to school on foot? 7 She her bike and cycled to the shops.
Do you to school? 8 Wendy the car and went into the house.
7 My mum drives me to the bus station.
My mum m e ___ to the bus station.

136 1 Vocabulary Builder • Unit 9

Vocabulary nTTTrTTio«
2 Match (he sentences with the jobs in the box.
Pa r t 1
actor chef doctor engineer farmer
1 Match the photos w ith the words in the box.
hairdresser shop assistant teacher
artist builder cleaner computer programmer
’I work in the kitchen of a big restaurant.’
mechanic politician priest scientist waiter
‘I’ve got lots of pigs and cows.*________
‘I work in a shop.’ ________
*l cut people’s h a ir.'________
'I work in a school' .
‘I work in a theatre.’ ________
‘I help people when they are ill.’
‘ I build roads and bridges.’ ____

SPEAKING Work in groups. Play 'W hat's my job?' Student

A: Choose a job from exercise 1 on page 98. Don’t tell the
class. The rest of the class asks yes/no questions and tries
to guess the job. Use the ideas in the box to help you.

work inside/outside help people sell things

make things earn a lot of money work in an office
work with your hands wear a uniform

Do you work outside?

I Do^yc Yes. I do. / No. I don’t.
------------- s î----------------

Pa r t 2
Suffixes: -er I-o r and -ist
4 Read the information. Find more examples in exercise 1 on
page 98.

We add -er. -or or -1st to the end of words to make the

names of the people who do the jobs.
■er driver singer
■or director visitor
■ist scientist journalist

5 Add er, o r or -ist. Use a dictionary to help you.

1 football — football__
2 guitar — guitar
3 translate — translat
4 tour — tour
5 dance — danc_
6 reception — reception

6 Complete the sentences w ith words from exercises 4 and 5.

1 A works in a hotel.
2 A plays in a rock band.
3 A understands more than one language.
4 A visits interesting places on holiday.
5 A performs in a theatre.
6 A writes stories for a newspaper.
7 A makes films and TV programmes.
8 A plays the most popular game in the world!

Vocabulary Builder • Unit 10

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