Lesson Plan in Entrepreneurship November 3-5, 2017: Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School

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Gov. Julio V.

Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School

Caridad, Hamtic, Antique

Lesson Plan in Entrepreneurship

November 3-5, 2017


At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

1. Define Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurs.
2. Identify the .
3. Value the importance of entrepreneurship.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Entrepreneurship
Reference: On line sources

Instructional Materials:
Activity Sheet
Visual Aids
III. Procedure
A. Activity
1. Group yourselves into 7 members each.
2. Each group will decide what are the businesses they want to create in the future.
3. Write at least one paragraph about your chosen business, target market, products to sell,
and what is your vision about your business.
4. Identify the SWOT of your business.
S- Strengths
5. One member of the group will present your business proposal/plan in front of the class.
B. Analysis
1. What can you say about your business proposal?
2. What are the things did you consider upon planning your own business?
3. Are your Opportunities attainable?
4. Why do you think
C. Abstraction


D. Application

IV. Assignment
Advance reading about:
1. Characteristics/Traits of Entrepreneurs
2. Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs
3. Functions of Entrepreneurs

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