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Direction: Read each statement carefully.

Write the letter of your answer on your

1. What system is responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
between the air and the cells?
A. circulatory
B. digestive
C. excretory
D. respiratory
2. Which part of the respiratory system filters and warm the air upon entering it?
A. air sac
B. bronchi
C. nasal cavity
D. diaphragm
3. How does the air enter our body?
A. nose > nasal passage > trachea > bronchi > bronchioles > alveoli
B. nose > nasal passage > trachea > bronchioles > bronchi > alveoli
C. nasal cavity > nose > trachea > bronchioles > bronchi > alveoli
D. nasal cavity > alveoli > trachea > bronchioles > bronchi > nose
4. During inhalation, _______.
A. the diaphragm moves down and contracts the chest cavity.
B. the diaphragm moves down and expands the chest cavity.
C. the diaphragm moves up and contracts the chest cavity.
D. the diaphragm moves up and expands the chest cavity.
5. All of the following are associated with respiratory problems EXCEPT
A. unbalanced diet
B. enough sleep
C. pollutants
D. smoking
6. What is the role of ALVEOLI in the transport of GASES in the body?
A. They serve as the linkage from the respiratory system and the circulatory system.
B. They serve as the carrier of the deoxygenated blood.
C. They serve as the carrier of the oxygenated blood.
D. They serve as the linkage from the respiratory system and the digestive system.
7. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. As the blood leaves the lungs, the blood is saturated with about 97% oxygen.
B. As the blood leaves the heart, the blood is saturated with about 97% oxygen.
C. As the blood enters the lungs, the blood is saturated with about 97% oxygen.
D. As the blood enters the heart, the blood is saturated with about 97% oxygen.
8. What is the primary organ of the circulatory system?
A. Heart
B. Arteries
C. veins
D. blood
9. A type of circulation which is described by the movement of blood through the
tissues of the HEART.
A. Pulmonary
B. Coronary
C. Systemic
D. Respiratory
10. The _______ prevents the back flow of blood.
A. atrium
B. valve
C. ventricle
D. septum
For 11-12, use the image below.

11. What is letter A in the picture?

A. Septum
B. Left Ventricle
C. Lungs
D. Tricuspid Valve
12. What is letter B in the picture?
A. Septum
B. Left Ventricle
C. Lungs
D. Tricuspid Valve
13. The beating sound your heart makes comes from:
A. Blood going in the wrong direction
B. Valves closing
C. The heart skipping beats
D. Your ears playing tricks on you
14. Arrange properly the statements below on how the heart works.
A- When the heart contracts, the right lower ventricle will pump the blood into the
lungs, where the carbon dioxide is exchanged for oxygen.
B- The heart receives oxygen-deficient blood from the body into the right upper
C- Oxygen-rich blood flows from the left upper atrium into the left lower ventricle.
D- After the exchange, the blood containing fresh oxygen flows into the left upper
E- When the heart contracts, the left lower ventricle will force the blood out to the
body through a network of arteries.
A. A, B, C, D, E
B. A, E, B, C, D
C. B, E, A, C, D
D. B, A, D, C, E
15. You can keep your heart strong by:
A. Eating heart-shaped candy
B. Doing activities, like playing outside, riding your bike, and swimming
C. Smoking
D. Sleeping 18 hours a day
16. Inflammation of larynx is termed
A. laryngitis
B. phlebitis
C. arthritis
D. bronchitis
17. Which two respiratory system problems are treated with medicine that dilates
the airways?
A. Sinusitis and bronchitis
B. Emphysema and tuberculosis
C. Asthma and bronchitis
D. Emphysema and pneumonia

Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up inside your arteries. Plaque

is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood.
Over time, plaque hardens and narrows your arteries. This limits the flow of
oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body.

18. Why is atherosclerosis especially serious when it develops in the coronary

A. It can then go on to affect the aorta.
B. It can make red blood cells die.
C. It can lead to a heart attack.
D. It can limit the functioning of white blood cells.
19. What is the basic unit of heredity?
A. Gene
C. autosome
D. chromosome

For 20-21, A plant with red flowers is crossed with a white-flowered plant of the
same species. All the seeds, when grown, produce plants with red flowers.
(Assume that the flower color is controlled by a single pair of alleles)

20. Which allele is dominant

A. Red color
B. White color
C. Pink color
D. Red & Pink Stripe
21. Which is recessive?
A. Red color
B. White color
C. Pink color
D. Red & Pink Stripe
22. In cats, the allele (S) for short fur is dominant to the allele (s) for long fur. What is
the phenotype of a cat with a genotype Ss?
A. Short fur
B. Long fur
C. medium fur
D. no fur
In rabbits, assume that the dominant allele (B) produces black fur.
The allele (b) for white fur is recessive to B.
Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit
1 2 3 4
Genotype BB Bb bB bb

23. Which rabbits will have gray coat color?

A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
24. If rabbits 1 and 4 were mated together and had 12 babies, how many of these
would you expect to be gray?
A. 0
B. 4
C. 8
D. 12
25. What is a type of inheritance where both alleles are expressed equally in the
phenotype of the heterozygote?
A. Complete dominance
B. Incomplete dominance
C. Codominance
D. Multiple allele
26. A red cow is crossed with a white cow and produced an offspring that is a roan
cow. What is a roan cow?
A. A purebred red cow.
B. A purebred white cow.
C. A pink cow.
D. A cow with red hair and white blotches.
27. In humans, maleness or femaleness is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes
called X and Y. What is the genotype for males?
28. Which of the following traits is not controlled by multiple genes?
A. color blindness
B. eye color
C. freckles
D. hair texture
29. A major benefit to come from the release of wolves into the Yellowstone
National Park is
A. increased numbers of elk
B. control of coyotes that kill cattle
C. control of the explosive population growth of domestic cats that menace
D. control of the grizzly bears
30. It happens when there is removing or clearing of forest to include cutting of all
trees, mostly for agricultural or urban use.
A. Eutrophication
B. Acid rain precipitation
C. Water pollution
D. deforestation
31. A conservation biologist would _____.
A. work with government officials to establish a plan for the protection of
endangered species
B. analyze organism characteristics that help them survive in particular locations
C. investigate the impact of industrial pollutants on an ecosystem
D. all of the above
32. Which is associated with air pollution?
A. global warming
B. destruction of the ozone shield
C. acid deposition
D. all of the above
33. What is the formula for photosynthesis?
A. 6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy → C6H12O6 + 6O2
B. 6CO2 + 6O2 + light energy ----> C6H12O6 + 6H2O
C. 6CO2 + 6H2O ----> C6H12O6 + 6O2 + light energy
D. 6CO2 + 6H2O ----> C6H12O6 + 6O2
34. Which of the following molecules is a waste product of photosynthesis?
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Water
D. Sugar
35. Chlorophyll is mostly located above the leaf of the plant to _________.
A. collect carbon dioxide.
B. collect light energy.
C. release oxygen.
D. release glucose.
36. Iodine is used to detect the presence of starch produced in photosynthesis. This
works when ______.
A. its brown color has not changed.
B. its brown color turned into dark blue.
C. its brown color become colorless.
D. its brown color become yellow.
37. The tendency of an object to resist change in its motion is known as
A. Mass
B. Inertia
C. Force
D. Motion
38. A net force (an unbalanced force that changes motion) causes an object to
A. stay at the same speed.
B. not move.
C. Accelerate or decelerate
D. None of these
39. Forces that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction are known as
A. balanced forces
B. net forces
C. friction forces
D. None of these
40. Two boys wearing in-line skates are standing on a smooth surface with the palms
of their hands touching and their arms bent, as shown above. If Boy X pushes by
straightening his arms out while Boy Y holds his arms in the original position, what is
the motion of the two boys?

A. Boy X does not move and Boy Y moves backward.

B. Boy Y does not move and Boy X moves backward.
C. Boy X and Boy Y both move backward. The motion
depends on how hard Boy X pushes.
D. Both will not move.

41. In science, a push or a pull of an object is called a(n)

A. force.
B. acceleration.
C. inertia.
D. friction
42. You are riding fast on a skateboard when your wheel suddenly gets stuck in a
crack on the sidewalk. Why does your body go flying forward?
A. there is a net force pushing you off your skateboard
B. your inertia keeps you moving forward
C. someone pushed you
D. none of these
43. The force that pulls falling objects toward Earth is called
A. Gravity
B. Free fall
C. Inertia
D. Acceleration
44. According to Newton’s third law of motion, when a hammer strikes and exerts
force on a nail, the nail
A. creates a friction with the hammer.
B. disappears into the wood.
C. exerts an equal force back on the hammer.
D. Nothing will happen
45. A hot iron is turned off and cools down to room temperature. The iron cools
A. the iron does not hold heat very well.
B. the room transfers cold energy to the iron
C. heat energy is transferred from the warm iron to the cooler room.
D. the thermal energy is destroyed during an interaction with the room.
46. Tom boils some water to make a cup of tea. While the water is boiling the
A. increases
B. decreases
C. stays the same
D. none of these
47. White light is actually a combination of several different _________ of light
traveling together.
A. speeds
B. types
C. Wavelengths
D. none of these
48. Compared to sound, light travels:
A. slow
B. very fast
C. about the same
D. none of these
49. Light travels in straight paths called:
A. cubes
B. rays
C. wavelengths
D. none of these
50. Light that bounces off an object is
A. refracted
B. transmitted
C. reflected
D. amplified
51. Which would light travel through fastest?
a. outer space b. air c. water d. a wall
52. Which of the following sentences uses work in the scientific sense.
A. Stan goes to work on the bus.
B. Anne did work on the project for 5 hours.
C. Joseph found that holding the banner in place was hard work.
D. An engine does work on a car when the car is moving.
53. In which of the following cases is no work done?
A. A weightlifter lifts a barbell.
B. A weightlifter holds a barbell overhead.
C. A weightlifter slowly lowers a barbell.
D. A weightlifter drops a barbell and the barbell falls to the ground.
54. Energy transferred as heat occurs between two bodies in thermal contact
when they differ in which of the following properties?
A. mass
B specific heat
C. density
D. temperature
55. When the net force is equal to zero the forces are said to be ____________.
A. Balanced
B. Unbalanced
C. Changing
D. Unchanged
56. Work is done when the force applied to an object causes the object to have
a __________
A. Displacement
B. Force
C. Magnitude
D. Vector
57. The work done can be calculated as
A. W=Fd
B. F=wd
C. d=fw
D. w= df
58. The energy of a moving object is called _______________.
A. Potential Energy
B. Kinetic Energy
C. Thermal Energy
D. None of these
59. Stored energy is _____________.
A. Potential Energy
B. Kinetic Energy
C. Thermal Energy
D. None of these
60. The rate of using energy is
A. Work
B. Energy
C. Power
D. None of these
61. Exists as ‘energy in transit’ and it is not contained in an object
A. Heat
B. Temperature
C. hotness
D. coldness
62. The energy that is contained due to the motion of its particles is called
A. Temperature
B. Solar Energy
C. Thermal Energy
D. Heat
63. If the objects absorb heat, what happens?
A. Its temperature remains constant
B. Its temperature changes
C. Its temperature does not change
D. Nothing will happen
64. What is the tool that measures temperature
A. Geiger counter
B. Thermometer
C. Ammeter
D. Rain meter
65. Thermal expansion can be applied to
A. Solids
B. Liquids
C. Gas
D. All of these
66. What measures electric current?
A. Voltmeter
B. Thermometer
C. Ammeter
D. Rainmeter
67. What measures the voltage in Electricity?
A. Voltmeter
B. Thermometer
C. Ammeter
D. Rainmeter
68. This is the hindrance for the electric charges to flow through the wires.
A. Flow of charges
B. resistance
C. circuits
D. current
69. This type of connection increases with increasing loads.
A. Parallel Connection
B. Series Connection
C. Circuit Connection
D. None of these
70. This type of connection decreases with increasing loads.
A. Parallel Connection
B. Series Connection
C. Circuit Connection
D. None of these
71. A teaspoon of sugar is dissolved in a cup of water. Which is the solute in the
A. sugar
B. water
C. cup
D. teaspoon
72. Sterling silver is made out of copper and silver. Which term correctly describes
the silver?
A. solute
B. solvent
C. dispersed phase
D. dispersion medium
73. PAU liniment is known for being effective in muscle pains, headaches, and
insect bites. What is the solvent used in PAU liniment?
A. water
B. alcohol
C. oil
D. kerosene
74. Which of these solutions is in the solid state?
A. tincture of iodine
B. dry air
C. brass
D. rubbing alcohol
75. Which of the following statements about the types of solution is true?
A. The solvent in the gaseous solution can never be a gas.
B. Solution can be classified according to the state of the solvent.
C. The solute and solvent in a solution can be a gas, liquid or solid.
D. The solution, solute and solvent can be a gas, liquid or solid.
76. Solution equilibrium happens when
A. Dissolution stops and crystallization starts.
B. Dissolution and crystallization stops.
C. Dissolution and crystallization continue at the same speed.
D. Dissolution slows down and crystallization continues at the same speed.
77. Which of the following processes favors the formation of a solution?
I. Breaking of solute-solvent interaction
II. Forming of solute-solvent interaction
III. Breaking of solute-solute interaction
A. I only
B. II and III only
C. I and II only
78. Choi added a big crystal of salt in a cold solution. He observed that the salt
crystal increased in size. How can you describe the cold solution?
A. unsaturated
B. saturated
C. supersaturated
D. polar
79. Which of the following statements describe saturated solution?
A. The additional solute in the solution will readily dissolve.
B. The additional solute in the solution does not dissolve.
C. The additional solute in the solution increase in size.
D. The additional solute bubbles and escape in the solution.
80. A salt crystal when added to unsaturated solution still dissolves. What is the
best explanation for this?
A. The solution has not reached the saturation point.
B. The solution has reached the saturation point already.
C. The interaction of solute-solvent in the solution was strong.
D. The size of the salt crystal is small relative to the amount of solvent.
81.Which of the following describes the supersaturated solution?
A. The solution holds the maximum amount of solute it can dissolve.
B. The solution has strong solute-solute interaction.
C. The solution holds less solute than the normal amount it can hold.
D. The solution holds more than the normal amount of solute that it can hold.
82. Which of the following does NOT describe a supersaturated solution?
A. Additional crystal in the solution increase in size.
B. The solution holds more than the normal amount of solute it can hold.
C. No solute crystallizes on cooling in the solution.
D. Solute crystals are left at the bottom of the solution.
83. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. There is a maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in the solvent at
specific temperature.
B. Supersaturated solution will readily changed back into saturated solution when
C. Additional of solute in a saturated solution will not further increase its
D. Any amount of solute can dissolve in a given amount of solvent.
84. Sophie made an experiment about solubility. She filled a test tube with 5ml
water and added one measured level scoop of salt and shakes the contents
thoroughly. What observation can she make out of her experiment?
A. The salt dissolved in water.
B. The salt does not dissolve in water.
C. The volume of water in a test tube increases.
D. The physical property of water does not change.
85. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Pressure changes have little effect on solubility if the solute is a liquid or solid.
B. The solubility of a gas in a liquid usually increases as temperature increases.
C. A supersaturated solution is an example of a dynamic system.
D. All solids are soluble in a liquid as temperature rises.
86. The solubility of CO2 gas in a liquid will decrease if
A. pressure is increased
B. temperature is decreased
C. temperature is increased
D. pressure is decreased
87. What condition will favor the carbonation process during beer manufacture?
A. low temperature & low pressure
B. low temperature & high pressure
C. high temperature & high pressure
D. high temperature & low pressure
88. Fishkill regularly take place on hot summer days. Fishkill occur in summer is due
A. eutrophication
B. decrease in dissolved oxygen
C. increase in dissolved oxygen
D. increase in biological oxygen demand
89. What would be the effect of increased temperature in the solubility of O2 gas
in water?
A. Solubility of O2 in water increases with temperature increase.
B. Solubility of O2 in water decreases with temperature increase.
C. Solubility of O2 in water does not change with temperature increase.
D. All of the above
90. Why are carbonated drinks stored in sealed containers?
A. To minimize effervescence of CO2 gas.
B. To increase the amount of CO2 dissolved in the solvent.
C. To maintain the atmospheric pressure of the beverage.
D. To maintain the beverage’s pressure greater than 1 atm.
91. Which of the following situations is possible?
A. Using water to wash oil-based paint left in benches.
B. Using water to remove bubble gum from a linoleum floor.
C. Using water to remove fats & grease on maong pants.
D. Using acetone to remove nail polish.
92. Ink from an ordinary fountain pen spreads if water is spilled on a page written
with it. However, ball pen ink written on paper does not spread when water
spreads on it. What explains this observation?
A. The ordinary pen’s ink is soluble in water while ball pen ink is not.
B. The ordinary pen’s ink is non polar while ball pen ink is polar.
C. The ordinary pen’s ink is insoluble in water while ball pen ink is not.
D. The ordinary pen’s ink and the ball pen ink are both polar.
93. Granulated sugar dissolves more rapidly than a cube of sugar. What factor
affects the rate of dissolving?
A. increased in temperature
B. stirring
C. surfaced area exposed
D. decrease in pressure
94. Which situation below is affected by temperature?
A. Sugar crystals dissolve faster in cold water when they are stirred.
B. Small pieces of panocha dissolves faster than whole panocha.
C. Sugar crystals dissolve faster at 800C than at 250C.
D. Biting taste of a softdrink is sustained in tightly closed container.
95. Mothball dissolves in kerosene but not in water. What explains this
A. Mothball and kerosene are both mixtures.
B. Mothball and kerosene are both polar materials.
C. Mothball and kerosene are both non polar materials.
D. Mothball and kerosene have the same dissolving power.
96. Analyze the table below and answer question.
Solubility of solute per 100g of water
10oC 30oC 50 oC
0.232 0.126 0.076
Sulfur dioxide 16.210 7.800 0.393
Methane 0.003 0.002 0.001
How does solubility of gases in water related to temperature?
A. Solubility of gases in water increases with the increase in temperature.
B. Solubility of gases in water decreases with the increase in temperature.
C. Solubility of gases in water remains constant with the increase in temperature.
D. Solubility of gases in water increases with the decrease in temperature.
97. A ceramic tile cleaner is essentially made of 130g HCL and 750g water.130g
HCl and 750g water. What is the percentage by mass of HCl?
A. 14.8%
B. 12%
C. 5.77%
D. 17.3%
98. A solution is prepared by dissolving 30.0g CH3COOH in water and the final
volume of the solution is 250ml. What is the molarity of the solution?
B. 2M
C. 4M
D. 5M
99. What is the molarity of the solution prepared by dissolving 30g urea(CO(NH2)2
in 6000g of water?
A. 0.08m
B. 1.00m
C. 5.00m
D. 8.33m
100. If 25g of CaCl2 makes a 2.5M of solution, what is the volume of the solution?
A. 0.15L
B. 0.20L
C. 0.10L
D. 0.09L
101. What is the molality of a solution containing 1.5 moles MgCl2 in 950ml
A. 1.58 M
B. 0.00158 M
C. 3.58 M
D. 0.00358 M
32. What is the mass percentage of a solution made by dissolving 4.0 g NaCl in
100 g water?
A. 4%
B. 5%
C. 3.85%
D. 5.85%
33. What is the difference between 1 molar & 1 molal solution?
I- A 1 molar solution contains 1 mole of solute in 1 liter of solution.
II- A 1 molal solution has 1 mole of solute in 1 kg of solvent.
III- A 1 molal solution has 1 mole of solute in 1 L of solution.
IV- A 1 molar solution has 1 mole of solute in 1 kg of solvent.
A. I & IV
B. II & IV
D. I & II
34. A solution is prepared by mixing 90 g of sucrose (C12H22O11) and 18g of water.
What is the molal concentration of the solution?
A. 12.6m
B. 14.6m
C. 16.6m
D. 18.6m
35. A sample of 0.892g of KCl is dissolved in 54.6 g of water. What is the percent
by mass of KCl in this solution?
A. 1.61%
B. 2.61%
C. 3.61%
D. 4.61%
36. What does one(1) molar solution contain?
A. A mole of solute in 1 kg of solvent.
B. A mole of solute in 1 L of solvent.
C. A mole of solute in 1 L of solution.
D. A mole of solute in 1 kg of solution.
37. A solution is dilute if _____________.
A. The solvent is much greater than the solute.
B.The solvent is much lesser than the solute.
C. The solute is much greater than the solvent.
D. The solvent & solute have the same amount.
38. Which of the following is NOT a concentration term?
A. vapor pressure
B. molality
C. molarity
D. percent by mass
39. What is the correct procedure in preparing 550 ml of 5M NaOH solution?
I- Multiply the mass by the volume expressed in liters.
II- Weigh the mass of solute and add enough water until the desired volume is
III- Convert the number of moles by multiplying with the molar mass.
40. What is the number of moles of 5.5M NaCl solution?
A. 5.5 moles
B. 0.095 moles
C. 0.0055 moles
D. 6 moles
41. Arrange the following steps in their proper sequence so that at the end you
would have prepared 25 ml of 20% ethanol solution.
1. Measure 5ml of ethanol
2. Add 20 ml of water to make 20% v/v ethanol solution.
3. Find the 20% of 25ml.
A. 3, 2, 1
B. 1, 2, 3
C. 2, 3, 1
D. 3, 1, 2
42. How many moles of sugar are there in 5.0 liters of 2.0M solution?
A. 2 moles
B. 2.5 moles
C. 10 moles
D. 3 moles
43. When 10g salts is dissolved in 90ml water, the concentration of the solution is
A. 10%
B. 9%
C. 90%
D. 100%
44. What is meant by 2.5M NaCl solution?
A. The solution has 2.5% in 100% solution.
B. The solution has 2.5g of NaCl in 97.5g water.
C. The solution has 2.5 moles in 1kg solvent.
D. The solution has 2.5 moles in 1L of solution.
45. Lance is requested by his Chemistry teacher to prepare 150 cm3 of 30%
sodium chloride solution. How much sodium chloride will he prepare?
A. 180 g
B. 50 g
C. 45 g
D. 90 g
46. Which of the following instances involved osmosis?
A. Fish is preserve by adding salt.
B. Dried mushrooms swell when placed in water.
C. Toxic metabolic products in the body go with the urine.
D. Coconut oil color is removed by treatment with activated carbon.
47. A semi permeable surrounds a living cell. The cell contains a solution of 10%
sucrose. What will happen to the cell if it is immersed in distilled water?
A. The cell will swell.
B. The cell will shrink.
C. The cell will remain the same.
D. The water in the cell will flow out.
48. Adding solute to pure solvent will cause
A. Elevation of freezing point.
B. Elevation of boiling point.
C. Elevation of vapor pressure.
D. All of the above.
49. One molal sugar solution will have boiling point of
A. 100.520C
B. 101.860C
C. 1000C
D. 1030C
50. What will happen to the blood cell if the injected solution has an osmotic
pressure higher to that of the blood cell fluid?
A. The blood cell will swell since the injected solutions will pass into the cell.
B. The blood cell will shrink because the fluid will go out of the cell.
C. The blood cell will retain their integrity.
D. Both a & b.

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