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NOV 16 1994 Lok NGINEERING DATA TRANSMITTAL Pogo tof_1 ver 608815 See attached Factory Acceptance Test Procedure for the Westinghouse 100 Ton Hydraulic Trailer. 2. Tot (Receiving Organization) 3. From: (Originating Organization) %. Related EDT W See Distribution List Engineering Services NA '5. Pro]./Prog./Dept./Div.2 6. Cog. Engrs: 7. Purchase Order Nov: 241-SY-101 M. J. Ostrom NA '8. Originator Renarks: 9. Equip. /Companent. Wo. NA 10. systen/sidg. Fact 241-SY-101 11, Receiver Remarks: 72, Major Assn. Ova. Wont NA WB. Perait/Pernit Application Wow: NA SS 1h, Required Response Date: ASAP. is care TEAST ©. o | a eae (erTueerpeeiguonctoas | mone | “arr” meer No. eee No. No, ‘Traneeattied Level | Trane Dispo- me oun 1. | WHC-SD-WM-ATP-112 0 Factory Acceptance sq 1 Test Procedure Westinghouse 100 Ton Hydraulic Trailer. rm = aaa Fasano Fane Dipociea ET TEs ot ee Topol 4 Reve = 1 Revioned cormee tine 80 Liceece 8: ponthavine vedwiconment_Revaved wleonnart Siomaten Det Regt Acnow, Rud) ved fammant_ Rest stnowteged : 7 SGNATURE/ISTRBUTION = ee {See Impact Level for required signatures) oy" Diep. W) Name 1 Signature (L) Date (M) MSIN (Name (K) Signature (L) Date (Mj MIN Re | Diep, Teabags W_osthem tee NP Goverahont_ We Teacher. GE Hanson See ATP Covereheet_ 15-07 aoe Tay. (ecr Gh Maflroy See ATP Coversheet S157 Safety 1S _Kropor See AP Coversheot RI-08 inv. Preiihroa. 7 Tther Te wackay tee AP overshoot SO-OS Ba fens” _ S55 Ap covershest 63-08 Bi DOE APPROVAL CIF required) eae 0 Approved Seren por | B Beste arcomente Sasnine TEST Baw — | 8 Sieepprove avecmments Sow iene I 5 o-1400-172-2 (07/919 0%? RECEIVED DEC 08 199% ost 1B0-7400-172-1 (077811 DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. RELEASE AUTHORIZATION Document Number: WHC-SD-WM-ATP-112, Rev. 0 Document Title: Factory Acceptance Test Procedure Westinghouse 100 Q Ton Hydraulic Trailer Release Date: 11/16/94 This document was reviewed following the procedures described in WHC-CM-3-4 and APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE WHC Information Release Administration Specialist: LX. Lurklend 11/16/94 V. L. Birkland TRADENARK DISCLAIMER. Reference herein to any specific comercial product, process, or service by trade TREN Jenarks nanufecturer, er otherwise, does. not necessarily constitute or imply, its endorsement, ram mercacions’ or favor ing by the United states Covernment of any agency thereof or {ts contractors Or Subcontractors this report has been reproduced from the best available copy. Available in paper copy and microfiche. Brincd’n the bite Sate of Brien, frat Cabe tthe U8, Department of Emery a He cneactre ° epartment of Energy fi etenetie and Technical tnfornation (0811) ox 63 ge, TH 37831 Telephone! (615) 576-2401 Available to the public from: U.S, Department of Comerce Mi "Technical Information Service (NTIS) 5285 Pore Royal Road) Springtieta, vA 22161 Felephone: (708) 487-4650 -6001-400.2 (09/94) WEF256

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