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Sem. Marc Adrian T.

Concepcion June 20, 2019

Philosophy 1 Church
The Unknown Title about God
Whenever I hear how God works in our lives, I feel amazed. I feel amazed on his
goodness and great intellegence. All the things work perfectly because of God�s
orderliness and amusing power. Without God everything will be put into destruction
and confusion. The orderliness and perfectness of the whole world will be gone for
no good.
When I read the Dei Verbum, my amusement to God became even more deeper and bigger.
He revealed everything to us human in order for us not to recieve suffering, which
is just worthy for us. Adam and Eve sinned from the very beggining. They disobey a
God who gived everything to them. All the things necessary for them in the Garden
of Eden. However, God, through Jesus Chirst showed us how He really love humanity.
Though we sin, God still loves. God is still willing to share his glory with us
humans, unworthy of his love.
How God shows us his great love by now at the present times? The answer is his
Church. Imagine, in as much as God provided everything for Adam and Eve in the
Garden of Eden. As so God, provided everything we need in order to be saved in the
present times, here on Earth. Everything we need is in his Church. The Church which
Jesus himself founded on the foundation of the Apostles.We are certain that the
Church is present until now because it is guided by the Holy Spirit. He is the one
who inspired the authors of the books in the Bible from the Old Testament to the
New Testaments. Moreover, take note that the and teachings of the apostles wether
written or by mouth are still here in the present times preserved by the Church.
Therefore, there will must be no doubt about the authority of the C

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