Abstract Sri Suryanti, ITS

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Sri Suryanti 1, Prof. Dr. Basuki Widodo, M.Sc 2

Post Graduate Student of Mathemathic Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,Surabaya
Lecturer of Mathemathic Depatment, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya

e-mail : 1, srisuryanti13@gmail.com, 2b_widodo@matematika.its.ac.id


The river as a water source, very important function in meeting the needs of the community and
as a means of supporting major boost in national development and should be protected from the
influence of liquid waste or pollutants, which means that the water quality must be maintained and
secured from the causes of pollution, such as discharges / input from industrial waste, domestic
waste, agricultural and other wastes into the river.

In general, to express the quality of river water is still carried out by means of analysis of data
plotting the concentration of water parameters at a particular point in a river in mg / L to the
distance or length of the river in meters or miles or time of observation in the days, weeks and
years. Mean lingkage between the elements of hydrodynamic that can influence the pattern of
spread of pollutants in the confluence of two rivers, such as discharge, velocity and depth of the
river, with the water quality is not yet apparent. In the river system, the confluence of two rivers is
important, because it can affect the morphology and river hydraulics. Some characteristics of the
main river will be amended to tributary inflows. Therefore, in this study we will be assessed the
correlation between the elements of hydrodynamics with the dispersion of pollutants in the
confluence of two rivers. Pattern of relationship will be analyzed by using structural equation
modeling (SEM) and assisted with software LISREL 8.50. The analysis shows that the dispersion
(spread) of pollutants at the confluence of two rivers affected by the concentration of pollutants and
hydrodynamic elements.

Keywords: hydrodynamics, water quality, the dispersion of pollutants, SEM, LISREL.

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