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THE YEAR OF 2019 - 2021


Code of Conduct in the Company
Article 1
Normal Business Day, Working Hours and Clothes

1.1.1 Taking into account the applicable legislation, the normal working day and working hours
of the Company are regulated as follows:
1.1.1. Normal Business Day is 6 (six) days a week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. Friday is day off unless employees are required to
complete work.
1.1.2. Working hours consist of 2 (two) shifts. Shift 1 (one) is from 6.00 a.m. to 14.00
p.m., with break time from 11.00 to 12.00 noon. Shift 2 (two) is from
2:00 p.m. up to 22:00 p.m., with a break time from 18:00 to 19:00 local time.
1.1.3. The number of normal working hours is 8 hours a day and 48 hours a week.
1.1.4. Every worker who arrives late more than 30 minutes per day will be deducted
from the wages of Rp. 300,000 (three hundred thousand rupiah) per day, and the
limit of time compensation for late in 1 (one) month is 2 (two) times. if workers
exceed the Company's late compensation limit, they will terminate employment
with workers without any compensation.
1.2 Every employee without exception must follow the work hours stipulated by the Company.
1.3 The rules for working hours above do not apply to workers who require different working
time arrangements, such as: back office team, receptionist, telephone / fax operator, and other
positions determined by the Company.
1.4 Every worker is required to carry out attendance procedures by carrying out a report on the
attendance recording every time they come and go home according to the shift. Regulations
regarding attendance are arranged in more detail in internal memos.
1.5 Every worker must use work uniforms in accordance with the Company's standards and
1.5.1. Male and female workers: use complete work uniforms and work safety
equipment and work shoes standards required by the Company.
Article 2
Day Off

2.1 What is meant by days off here are the date of holidays which are officially stipulated by
the Government as holidays.
2.2 Because of the situation of work conditions, if the Company requires the workers enter
work on holidays for urgent tasks that need to be resolved immediately, workers are
required to attend work in accordance with Company instructions.
2.3 All parties responsible for duty on holidays are encouraged to arrange work arrangements
efficiently to suppress operational costs.

Article 3
Permission to Leave Work

4.1 For an urgent need, the Company may allow workers to leave their work for several hours
or days according to the needs requested in advance in writing to HRD and the project
manager and must obtain prior approval before leaving work. In such circumstances the
permit will be deducted / calculated as an unpaid leave (wages deducted / not paid).
4.2 Permission to leave work is given to workers for the following purposes:
- Marriage of workers 2 days
- The wife / husband / child / parent / father-in-law / sibling of the 2 days
worker passed away
- Labor wife gives birth or miscarriages 1 day
- Marriage of child workers 1 day
- Circumcision / baptism of child workers 1 day
- Parents / wives / husbands / children workers are seriously ill and 1 day
must be hospitalized

a. Every worker who leaves work without permission and / or is absent from work in
accordance with the shift of the division without reasons that can be accepted by the
Company is considered absent.
b. Every worker who has at least 2 absences and without explanation that can be accepted by
the Company and has been officially / written by the Company, is deemed to have resigned
or has voluntarily terminated his employment with the Company.
Article 4
Obligations and Responsibilities of Employees

5.1 Every worker is obliged to carry out the duties and obligations specified by the Company
to them properly and responsibly.
5.2 Every worker must obey office work hours, which is to arrive at the right time and go
home no earlier than the hour after the designated shift is completed. workers are
required to immediately begin work upon arrival in the work area / place where the
assignments are determined by the Company.
5.3 Every worker must carry out and hold firmly the Company secrets he knows of anyone;
except with the permission of the company leader.
5.4 Every worker is obliged to carry out and comply with the instructions or work
instructions were given to him by his superior or by the head of the Company who is
authorized for that, insofar as this does not conflict with human rights and applicable
5.5 Every worker must be willing to be sent or assigned to a different work location to carry
out the Company's duties.
5.6 Every worker must make a daily time report. This daily work report is a recording of
work reports are given to workers to be carried out and as monitoring by the Company for
the completion of its work. Provisions for making daily work reports are submitted
separately through internal memos.
5.7 Every employee is required to maintain courtesy and maintain good relations with the
Company and all its workers and all parties in the Company's project location work area.
5.8 Each worker is required to provide the last identity card and self and Education
documents and complete family cards, SKCK documents from the police and report to the
HRD any changes to his status, family structure, telephone number and address of
5.9 All workers need to use the company-owned work equipment properly, in order to make
every effort to the benefit of the company.
5.10 Workers are required to maintain the cleanliness of the work area; the work area must be
cleaned before the workers leave, including maintaining work uniforms and work safety
equipment that belongs to the Company.
5.11 Every worker is prohibited from selling and trading goods of any kind or circulating a
list of donations, posting or distributing posters that have nothing to do with the Company
and work, without the permission of the Company's leadership.
5.12 The workers are not allowed to gather or to sit in the canteen/kitchen area except kitchen
staff or company workers who have a business in the canteen/kitchen. The canteen/kitchen
must always be clean and maintained.
5.13 Every worker must use his working time effectively. This includes the use of breaks,
meals, and prayers. It is not allowed for workers to sit and chat during working hours.
5.14 Every worker is obliged to maintain the security of the environment/workplace,
checking all work equipment before and after the work. So, it won't cause damage and danger
that can harm the Company.

Article 6
Things The Employees Must Avoid
6.1 Every worker is not permitted or prohibited from offering his energy to other companies
and receiving side jobs other than by PT Mineratama Jaya Investindo. In order for employees
could fully focus on work in the office that led to satisfying results to the Company.

6.2 Every worker is prohibited from receiving from outside parties other than PT Mineratama
Jaya Investindo a gift in the form or money. If there is such a thing happens, this should be
reported immediately to the supervisor. If the worker accepts the deposit of money payments
for other purposes related to the work, then the person must submit to the accounting
department as soon as possible.

6.3 In carrying out their duties, the workers are not permitted any reason either directly or
indirectly to make expenses in any form for their own or other people's business without the
approval of the company's leader.

6.4 The company gives full freedom to workers to fairly carry out their worship according to
their respective ways and beliefs provided that all workers are strictly prohibited from
discussing and disputing these religions and beliefs in a work area/environment that can lead
to conflicts and wrong understanding.

6.5 Every employee is prohibited from committing immoral acts, within the Company, or
where the worker is assigned.

6.6 Every worker is prohibited from carrying firearms / sharp objects to the work area, also,
prohibited from storing and misusing narcotics, alcoholic beverages, drunkenness, gambling,
fighting or fighting with fellow workers and leaders within the Company or where the worker
is assigned.
Article 7
Sanctions Against Violations of Company Regulations
7.1 Every employee who violates the company's code of conduct or harms the company can
be subject to a termination of employment.

7.2 Violations that are deemed severe can be directly decided on their working relationship
and the violations referred to refer to the applicable laws and regulations but not limited to
matters including:
- Disregarding duties and carrying out their responsibilities are not by the Company's
instructions to cause the Company to suffer losses.
- Refuse/disobey the work instructions given by the Company.
- Committing a crime / criminal / immoral act.
- Other matters by Company Considerations.

According to the size of the violation, the warning letter is divided into:
- First and last warning letter, or
- Second and last warning letter, or
- Third and a final warning letter.
Each warning letter has a validity period of at least 1 (one) month, and if after one month, the
related employee commits another violation, the Company can terminate the employment
Work Relationships in the Company
Article 8
New Employee Recruitment

8.1 By needs, the Company can accept new workers with the status of contract workers.
8.2 To be accepted as a Company contract worker, prospective workers must have the
requirements set by the Company and must pass the entrance examination held by the
8.3 Every worker who is confirmed to be accepted as a contract worker will then sign a work
agreement and confidentiality agreement which is a separate entity with a probationary period
of 1 (one) month, starting from the time the person concerned works.
8.4 During the working contract period each party may terminate employment by the
applicable provisions, namely on the condition that termination of employment must be
notified in writing to the hard part and direct supervisor no later than 30 (thirty days) in
advance and the worker is obliged to complete all of his responsibilities. If the worker does
not comply with these provisions, the worker must pay the penalty/ fine of 2 (two) months in
full wages to the Company.

Article 9
Transfer / Task Replacement

9.1 In the context of job rotation, the head of the Company is authorized to move workers
from one work location to another (and vice versa), and the worker is obliged to take part in
the location / replacement of duties. If needed, workers must be willing to carry out their
duties in other areas within or outside the territory of Indonesia. The funds are willing to be
placed in the work project area of the Company by the work order letter from the Company
Leader with provisions determined by the Company.
Article 10
Employee Wages

10.1 Determination of the wage of workers based on the minimum wage set by the local
government, the level of education, the results of interviews and the results of the admission
exam, work experience, positions to be carried out and based on the Company's capabilities
and articles of association
10.2 The wages of the workers mentioned above are gross. This means that the income tax on
wages is borne by the employee concerned.

Article 11
Eid Fitr Holidays (THR) Allowances

11.1 Towards the eid fitr holidays, the Company provides a holiday allowance (THR) to
11.2 THR payments are made approximately 2 (two) weeks before the Eid Al-Fitr.
11.3 The amount of THR is equal to 1 (one) month basic salary. For workers who have a
work period of less than 1 (one) year but have reached 1 (one) month or more, then the
amount of THR is calculated proportionally (based on the Peacemaker 06/2016).

Article 12
Sick Leave

12.1 Workers who are absent due to illness and permission without a doctor's statement or
letter will be deducted from the related wages in the amount of Rp.300,000 (three hundred
thousand rupiahs)
12.2 The sickness certificate/letter from the doctor referred to in Article 12.1 must be
submitted to the HRD, and the direct supervisor is a maximum of 1 (one) day after the
employee has entered work again.
Article 21
Annual Leave and Procedure for Applying
13.1 Every employee who has worked for 2 (two) consecutive years will receive 12 working
days of leave with the full salary, which is calculated proportionally.
13.2 Every employee who has worked more than 3 (three) months but less than 6 (six)
months, if they sure needed, they can take leave in advance (unpaid leave rights).
The leave in question is for urgent and unavoidable personal needs, such as:
- parents are sick, and the person concerned must accompany him at the hospital.
- Siblings marry outside the city, and the person concerned must attend.
- take an education exam.
- and other reasons that will be considered according to the current situation and conditions.
For this condition, the leave request is submitted in writing by including the reason for taking
leave. The request must be approved by the supervisor (Minimal level Manager) and then
submitted to the HRD.
13.3 The maximum annual leave can only be accumulated for 12 working days; the number
of leave that exceeds 12 working days automatically falls.
13.4 Employees are not permitted to take time off during busy periods, i.e., from January 1 to
April 30.
13.5 Employees sent by companies outside the city/country to study or study at one of the
educational institutions for 1 (one) year or more with the status of study assignments, no
longer have the right of leave for the duration of their study abroad, because they can rest
during school/college holidays.
13.6 All forms of leave cannot be replaced with money.
13.7 Procedure for applying for leave:
- Employees who are entitled to apply for leave are employees who have been appointed as
permanent or permanent employees.
- Submission of leave application must be done by requesting a leave request form through
HRD. (see Attachment)
- The leave request will go to the HRD to check the remaining balance. If there are no
problems, then the HRD will forward the request to the supervisor mentioned in the leave
- The boss will then decide whether or not the leave request is approved.
- The leave application form will be saved by the HRD for calculating the employee's leave
13.8 The company will notify the related employee if the annual leave rights arise.
13.9 The annual leave of permanent employees for one year is as follows:

Position Number of Leave

Associate Partner 24
Manager 18
Associate Manager 17
Supervisor 16
Senior one and Senior 2 15
Associate 2 14
Associate 1 and Technical Associate 13
Head HRD and Head Admin 14
Back Office Staff 13

Article 22
Pregnancy / Childbirth Leave

14.1 Female employees who have been married, pregnant, and will give birth, are entitled to
3 (three) months of maternity / maternity leave with full salary payment.
14.2 The time for taking leave to give birth can be arranged by the employee, for example,
1/2 (half) months before and 2½ (two and a half) months after giving birth.
14.3 If the maternity / maternity leave is taken less than 3 (three) months, then the related
person still receives full salary payment and is added with compensation in the form of salary
for the period of her work at the time of maternity / maternity leave or leave rights added to
the annual leave rights. This is only given if the request to enter work during maternity leave
is from the company and does not apply if the company does not need it.
14.4 Miscariage leave is a maximum of 1½ (one and a half months). The length of leave is
based on a certificate/letter from the doctor.
14.5 The employee of the woman who wants to use this right is obliged to submit a written
application by filling out the leave form at least one week before the company by attaching a
list of the work being handled.
Article 23
Leave Outside the Company's Deposits and Procedure for the Application

15.1 Leave outside the company's expense means: leave without being paid a salary. Such
leave can only be considered in matters that are very important and urgent; such as:
completing thesis writing, taking an exam, continuing school and others.
15.2 To determine the length of leave outside the company's responsibility, the following
guidelines are used:
- To continue school or take another education for two years.
- For writing / completion of a thesis, a maximum of 1 month.
- For other purposes, a maximum of 15 working days.
15.3 Leave outside the company’s regulation is not permitted during the busy period, as
stated in Article 21, paragraph 4, unless it is approved by the head of the company.
15.4 After the employees completing a leave period outside the company's expense, do not
have report to the office, its count as their own resignment.
15.5 Unpaid leave is not counted as the employee's service period, either if the employee is
back at work or does not return to work after the leave of absence is due.
15.6 During the period of leave outside the company's responsibility, the employee is not
receiving a salary, also not entitled to any facilities previously applied to them.
15.7 Every employee who will take leave outside the company's responsibility must make a
written request for it to the Partner-in-charge in duplicate 2:
- 1st sheet (original document): to partner-in-charge.
- 2nd sheet (photocopy document): to HRD.
15.8 In the letter of application for leave outside the responsibility of this company, it must be
clearly stated:
- Purpose and reason of leave outside the dependents.
- The length and date of leave outside the company's responsibility begins and ends.
15.9 If the leave is not covered by this company for more than one month, it must be
accompanied by making an "Exit Checklist" (see the procedure for making an "Exit
15.10 Sheet 1 of the letter of application for leave outside the responsibility of this company
before being submitted to the partner-in-charge must be submitted first to the in-charge of the
related employee to be given a comment regarding the employment status of the related
employee to be given a comment on the employment status of the related employee.
15.11 2nd sheet after being received by HRD, temporary file according to the date in the
leave file outside the company's responsibility, which is still in process.
15.12 The first sheet of the letter of application for leave of absence outside of the company's
liability after being approved or rejected by the Partner-in-Charge and the Company
Chairperson, must be forwarded to the HRD for further processing.
15.13 HRD Division after receiving this 1st sheet, examining what the Company Leader
- If the application is rejected, the 1st and 2nd sheets of the application letter are filed
together in the Record File of the related employee.
- If approved, the HRD then creates Memos in duplicate 2 to share as follows:
Sheet 1: for Admin section.
2nd sheet: Together with the 2nd sheet of the letter of application for leave outside the
company's responsibility, it is stored in the employee's file record. (HRD then records the
leave outside the company's liability in the employee's leave card).
15.14 The HRD then informs the other parts related to the employee concerned.
Article 24
Work Termination
16.1 Every employee who is still in the internship is not permitted to resign, and if they
resigns not with the approval of the company leader or does not follow the established
procedure, they will be fined with a penalty of one (1) salary.
16.2 Every permanent employee who will resign from the company must apply formally at
least one (1) month in advance to the head of the company.
16.3 Permanent employees and those who are still in the trial period are not allowed to resign
during the busy period of January 1 to April 30. If the resignation during the busy period will
be applied witnesses fine of 1 (one) salary times and do not get a letter of recommendation.
16.4 Letter of Recommendation (Company Reference Letter) is given only to employees who
have worked in the company for more than one (1) year.
16.5 Every employee who will resign must make and complete an "Exit Checklist" and attach
a delegation of work and documents to other staff assigned no later than two days before the
end date. If this is not fulfilled, then the final salary, letter of recommendation and other
certificate can only be processed if the matters listed in the "Exit Checklist" have been
completed properly by the employee. The final salary, letter of recommendation, and other
certificates are submitted no later than two weeks after the date of termination with the Exit
Checklist record has been completed.
16.6 The company has the right to withhold part / all of the salaries of the resigned employee,
in compensation for article 24 paragraph 1 and company property damaged/lost due to the
negligence of the employee, or as repayment of his debts to the company.
16.7 Every permanent employee who resigns before 1 (one) year, after participating in the
last formal education provided by the company, he will be fined according to the contract that
applies to it.
16.8 A permanent employee who resigns not with the approval of the company leader or does
not follow the established procedure will not be given a letter of recommendation, other
certificate and the last salary of the employee will not be paid.
16.9 Employees who have completed the "Exit Checklist," are no longer allowed to lend or
give things that can result in loss or re-emergence of obligations of the employee concerned
to the company.

Stated: in Jakarta

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(Morhan Tirtonadi) (Lingga Ardyansyah) (David Kurniawan)

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