The Effects of Dos Attacks On Odl and Pox SDN Controllers: Huseyin Polat Onur Polat

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2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT)

The Effects of DoS Attacks on ODL and POX SDN

Huseyin POLAT Onur POLAT
Computer Engineering Department Computer Engineering Department
Gazi University Gazi University
Ankara, Turkey

Abstract—The use of Software Defined Network (SDN) in technologies. The fundamental elements of network
recently networking architecture has brought tremendous management technologies may be listed as security,
advantage in computer networking technology. Administrative performance management and control. An approach to network
issues such as routing, security and load balancing can be management outside these elements will lead to disruption of
centralized and automated in SDN controllers. Controllers have the understanding of the already rapidly changing and
been an integral part of the SDN architecture enabling intelligent developing services. With a new architecture, SDN has taken
networking. However, because all the packets are transmitted to the place of traditional networks due to their capability in
the controller, any flooded packet from an attacker who gets easily and rapidly responding to new developments.
access to SDN network may lead to Denial of Service (DoS)
attack. In this paper, the effect of DoS attack on bandwidth of In SDN architecture, network control and forwarding
two communicating hosts in SDN network for Opendaylight functions are separated from each other. As network control
(ODL) and POX controllers was investigate. We observed that has become directly programmable, the devices constituting the
the bandwidth was reduced as attack increases and the response infrastructure of the network (switch, router, etc.) are isolated
time was also too high. We also find out that, even after a flow from network services. This isolation allows applications and
table has been installed in switch, it was impossible for it to be re- network services to see the network as a single logical entity
installed again if a flow timeout has been reached due to a [1]. One of the greatest advantages brought by SDNs is the
controller handling too many packet-in events and error separation of the data and control planes and management of
notification from the switches.
the network by a central controller. This manner, it has been
Keywords—SDN;Controller; Opendaylight; POX; DoS made easier to make changes on the network due to the
management and programmability of the network. In
I. INTRODUCTION comparison to the traditional networks in terms of security, the
most noticeable characteristic is that network-traffic
While computer sciences have significantly advanced in the
information related to devices in the network may be collected.
last 10 years, principles of networks have not seen much
This provides greater advantages in detecting bad traffic [2].
change. The growing and developing data centers and the ever-
changing needs of the world of informatics have shown that the Despite the advantages, there are also genuine threats of
traditional approach will no longer be sufficient in network security problems brought about by SDNs. The most prominent
management. Technologies like cloud-computing, of these are attacks on the controller; which is the brain of the
virtualization, mobility which have been rapidly developing network. If anyone reaches the controller, he/she may reach the
especially in recent years have made network management entire network, therefore overtaking the control of the entire
more dynamic and open to integration with new structures. network. Similarly, DoS attacks on the controller also create a
Applications running over a distributed architectural structure great threat. DoS attacks are usually in the form of spoofed
and the diversity of the new generation devices of users traffic. They may be against a switch or a controller on the data
utilizing these applications paved the way for necessity of plane. They consist of transfer of bunch of packets to PCs
managing networks easily without the need for personnel (personal computers) or servers. If the packets are spoofed, the
support. switches look at the rules determined by the controller on the
flow table and send the packets to the controller if there is no
Another important issue is network management in
mapping. The legitimate and spoofed packets that are collected
growing and ever-complex data centers. More proactive
by the switches and sent to the controller, saturates the
solutions now are being created world-wide to overcome these
resources of the controller hence making the entire network
issues. The rapidly changing and ever developing diverse
unusable. These attacks may cause SDN architecture to crash
services makes it an obligation to advance alternatives in
or prevents the controller from installing a flow table for
network management. Firms in the field that are still using the
legitimate packets that need to reach a controller or a certain
traditional approach should consider the necessity to improve
their systems along with new network management

978-1-5090-6332-1/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT)

II. RELATED WORKS Charu P.P and Mary John [7] created a framework tool to
OpenFlow protocol in SDN network provides the conduct organized SYN flooding attack on SDN network. In
communication between the data plane and controller through a their study, three hosts were used, a malicious user, Dos attack
secure channel (such as SSh and IPsec). One of the DoS attacks user and frequently user were used to attack the SDN network.
carried out in SDN is the packets that are sent to OpenFlow The malicious user injects spoofed packets to the switch
switches using fake addresses. Secure channel used in infinitely with destination IP address generated randomly. DoS
OpenFlow protocol cannot prevent this kind of attack. In this attack user sends spoofed packets to the switch infinitely with a
case, all sent packets from the switch could reach a controller. source and destination IP addresses that are generated
As the number of the packets sent to the controller increases, randomly. The frequent user establishes normal connections to
its resources (bandwidth, CPU) begins to depreciate. The the server. However, no metrics were taken to measure the
controller whose resources are depreciated becomes congested. effect of these attacks on SDN network.
The result is that the controller as a brain of the network when On the other hand, Kandoi, R. and Markku A. [8] studied
is congested, the whole network collapses. two types of DoS attacks specific to OpenFlow SDN networks;
The researchers have investigated the various methods attack on the control plane bandwidth and attack on the
exploited in different vulnerability attacks on DoS in SDN switch’s flow table. They found out that the timeout value of a
networks. K. Cabaj et al. [3] highlighted the characteristics of flow table and the bandwidth between a switch and controller
SDN networks in relation to security. In order to implement a had significant impact on the switch’s capability. However,
secured security system in SDN networks, they suggested three their study was only focused on POX controller and did not
critical aspects that should be considered. First, a limited include other metrics such as switch buffer. To add on, the
feature provided by an OpenFlow protocol, which provides effect of bandwidth between two communicating hosts was not
communication between data plane and controller. Second, explained, if all the attacks were to be performed
global network view that should be monitored by a single point simultaneously.
and lastly no support should be provided for additional
applications like middleboxes, NAT or firewall in the
architectural structure of SDN. On the contrary, SDN III. SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORKS
architectures may include additional applications like load The idea of SDNs was developed by Stanford University
balancing, routing, firewall, middleboxes and NAT through based on the OpenFlow protocol. SDN as it may be understood
northbound API. from the name, it provides an architectural structure that allows
The study of Jeremy M. Dover [4] tried to exploit the for the control of the network with the help of a program. SDN
vulnerability in the Open Floodlight controller. He brought a new outlook to computer networks with a series of
demonstrated that an attacker with access to the OpenFlow values added through the virtualization. SDN as shown in Fig.
control network can selectively deny or disabling 1 separates the control and data planes from each other. The
communication between an individual forwarding plane with a devices become a transfer element, which transmits basic
controller by using datapath_id or dpid. The attacker data plane packets. Packets transmission decisions are not target-based,
will boot using the same datapath_id being used by a legitimate but flow-based. A flow may be roughly defined as package
data plane forcing the controller to terminate connection with field values acting as matching (filtering) criteria with a set of
the legitimate one. If the attacker purposely intended to deny actions [9].
the legitimate data plane access, it will rationally do it in a In the SDN/OpenFlow framework, a flow is a set of packets
tighter cycle than the legitimate data plane. that matches between a source and a target. The same service
While Seungwon and Guofei Gu [5] noted that an attack on protocols are applied to all packets flow on all transmission
SDN network by use of fingerprint attack can be recognized by devices. The flow allows combination of different types of
the different response time from the SDN network when there network devices such as routers, switches, firewalls and
is no flow for a packet and when there is a flow. Knowing the middleboxes to make decision on packets. Flow programming
target network is using SDN and the condition of the flow rule, provides an unprecedented flexibility achieved only through
the attacker can send a packet to consume SDN resources. the flow tables used. The control logic is isolated from network
devices and may be carried to an external resource.
In Kevin Benton et al. [6] explained the lack of support of
TLS in most of the types of switches and controllers used in SDN controller is a software platform that works with a
SDN network. They illustrated that a controller or whole SDN commercial server technology and provides the necessary
network may be exposed to DoS attacks with Packet-In resources and virtualizations based on logic-based and virtual
messages when the reactive rules designed are not carefully network outlook principles. Therefore, its purpose is similar to
implemented. They illustrated this by showing a l2_learning those of traditional operating systems. The network is
component in POX controller which usually leaves a programmed to run software applications over the network
possibility of many attacks like traffic flooding of a multicast operating system. In the process, interacting with devices under
address; a traffic to unknown MAC address is flooded without the data plane made possible through an OpenFlow protocol.
a rule insertion or a limit counter and filling up a switch flow- This is the most fundamental characteristic of SDNs.
table by crafting packets with random source MAC addresses. Centralizing the control logic has many advantages like;
providing a single point of control and policy over the entire

2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT)

network. It also reduce the operating cost by administratively h1 up to h6 was used for flooding packets to controller with a
control the enterprise operations in one point. random source IP addresses.
Routing Firewall Load balancing

Abstract Network viewa Remote SDN Controller

Northbound API

Network Abstractions

Global Network view

SDN controllers

h1 S1
S1 s2
s2 h6
Southbound API

h3 h4
Client – h100
h100 h2
h5 Server –– h200

DATA PLANE Fig. 2. Network Model

In this study, hping3 tool was used to simulate a DoS attack

to SDN controller. Hping3 is a packet generator and analyzer
Fig. 1. SDN Architecture for the TCP/IP protocol. This tool can be used for security
auditing, testing of firewalls and networks. In Fig. 3 hping3 has
many options to be included but for the sake of this study some
In SDN, DoS attack is an attempt to make network devices of them were omitted. The options used in this study are
like controllers, computers, routers, switches, servers or explained in Table 1.
network resource unavailable to its intended users. Attack in
SDN controller aims at making it hard for the controller to TABLE I. HPING3 OPTIONS AND EXPLANATION
handle all the requests. It also aims at installing fake flow hping3 Description
tables, which are useless to the data plane devices thus making --flood Flooding mode.
it impossible for the data plane devices to store flow table for --rand-source Using Random Source IP Addresses.
legitimate packets [8, 10]. Destination IP address of a target machine.

Normally in SDN, every packet received in port of a switch

is matched with the existing flow table. If a flow-table exists Node h1 in Fig. 3 floods the packet with a random source to
for a packet then a packet is forwarded to outgoing port, a destination Node h5. The aim is to flood a controller with a
otherwise a packet is stored in a buffer and a packet header is bunch of packets using Packet-In event. These packets are
forwarded to the controller using OFPT_PACKET_IN. When a received in the switch with different IP addresses, which results
controller is previously known to be on the outgoing port, a in a missed flow and is automatically forwarded to a controller.
flow table is installed to the switch by using
OFPT_FLOW_MOD otherwise flooding a packet to all switch
ports except an incoming port of a switch to learn the
The packet with a different source IP address means that
most of the packets will lead to packet miss in the switch flows
tables because of the packets being forwarded to the controller.
In this case, a controller will be flooded with many packets to
process and writing a flow table back to the switch. However, Fig. 3. DoS Attack using hping3
the switch buffers may run out of memory because of
overloading with useless flow table. As a result, no more flow Wireshark in Fig. 4 shows a bunch of packets with different
table will be installed in the switch. This bottleneck to the IP addresses forwarded from a switch to a controller using
controller may result in many packets being dropped hence low OpenFlow protocol. The packets forwarded to a controller is
throughput and a longer delay in the network. approximately 2000 packets/sec more than needed.
Fig. 2 show a network topology simulated in Mininet-VM-
2.2.1. A topology consists of one remote controller
(Opendaylight (ODL) or POX controller) and two OVSKernel
Switch of which, each is connected with four hosts and has a
connection speed of 2 Gbps. The connection between hosts and
switch were set to 100 Mbps. Host h100 and h200 was used
purposely for testing the bandwidth using iperf command. Host

2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT)

host attack and two hosts attack. Results showed that as the
number of flooding host attack increases, a negative impact on
the bandwidth between these hosts is seen.

Fig. 4. Wireshark Result


Fig. 6. TCP Bandwidth during POX controller
In this part, the effect of DoS attack in SDN controller was
measured by testing a TCP Bandwidth between two hosts VII. CONCLUSION
(Node h100 as a client and Node h200 as a server listening on
port 5001) using iperf command. An iperf is a tool that In this paper, we investigated the DoS attack in ODL and
measures bandwidth, jitter, loss rate and other parameters of POX controller and how it affected the bandwidth between two
network link. We launched hping3 attack after starting iperf hosts in SDN network. A low bandwidth result was shown
command between h100 and h200. The results obtained from from the results on ODL and POX controller after launching a
this command are as discussed below. DoS attack. Even after a legitimate user has established a
connection with a server, a DoS attack still negatively affected
A. DDoS Attack on ODL Controller a bandwidth of hosts. This effect is due to lack of insufficient
Fig. 5 shows a TCP Bandwidth between Node h100 and memory to add a flow table for a legitimate user in the switch
Node h200 when ODL controller was running as a remote after a flow timeout has reached. The controller congestion
controller for our network model. It is clearly seen that the when processing packet-In event and trying to install flow
flooded packets to the controller affect TCP bandwidth tables whose buffer has been removed from a switch is also
between these two hosts. ODL proactively installs default flow another reason for the negative effect.
tables in the data plane, but these flow tables cannot avoid These attacks may be prevented by implementing a packets
flooded packets to reach the controller. From our investigation, rate limiter to prevent any traffic that isolates the SDN
as the time for waiting for response from the server increases, it architecture. However, this should be implemented carefully
affects the bandwidth between the hosts. Additionally, time especially if a network consists of many hosts accessing the
taken to receive a response was too large compared to the real same server at a time. To avoid this, a flow aggregator may be
time used in iperf command. used depending on the target host or application.

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