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Final Report on

The Huallaga Basin and

Adjacent Area

Proyecto de Asistencia para la Reglamentación del Sector

Energético del Perú
September 2000
Final Report on

The Huallaga Basin

Adjacent Area
The Hydrocarbon Potential of NE Peru
Huallaga, Santiago and Marañón
Basins Study



Proyecto de Asistencia para La Reglamentación del Sector

Energético del Perú


Gary Wine (Project Leader) Rolando Bolaños (Coordinator)

Dan Vetrici (Senior Geophysicist) Carlos Monges (Senior Geologist)
Elmer Martínez (Senior Geophysicist)
Isabel Calderón (Junior Geologist)
Carlos Galdos (Junior Geophysicist)

September 2000

The Huallaga Basin and
Adjacent Area

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................3

ENCLOSURES ............................................................................................................5
SCOPE OF PROJECT ...............................................................................................8
AREA ..........................................................................................................................10
REGIONAL GEOLOGY.........................................................................................10
Pre-Andean System ..............................................................................................10
Andean System .....................................................................................................13
HUALLAGA PROJECT AREA..............................................................................18
Huallaga Basin ....................................................................................................18
Structural Analysis of Huallaga Area..................................................................18
Thin Skinned Deformation of the Huallaga Basin – a Model..............................21
Stratigraphy of the Huallaga Area ......................................................................23
GEOPHYSICS ...........................................................................................................31
SEISMIC DATA......................................................................................................31
Seismic data Acquisition and Processing ............................................................31
Well data ..............................................................................................................32
Interpretation .......................................................................................................32
PETROLEUM GEOLOGY ......................................................................................41
GEOCHEMISTRY ..................................................................................................41
General ................................................................................................................41
RESERVOIRS AND PETROLEUM SYSTEMS ...................................................43
Cretaceous ...........................................................................................................43
PROSPECTIVE AREAS .........................................................................................45
OTHER LEADS AND OBSERVATIONS .............................................................48
CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................48
SELECTED REFERENCES ....................................................................................50

Figure 1: Areas of investigation of the PARSEP Group – Huallaga, Santiago and Marañón
Basins, and intervening areas. .....................................................................................8
Figure 2: Huallaga study area showing well and seismic database utilized in the evaluation.......9
Figure 3: Stratigraphic Column of Northeastern Peru. Highlighted in yellow is the
nomenclature used in this report ...............................................................................11
Figure 4: Geological map of study area showing the salient geological features (modified from
Ingemmet). For geology legend of map refer to Enclosure 1, Surface Geology, Seismic
Coverage and Well Map. ..........................................................................................12
Figure 5: Seismic line OR-95-08 showing the evolution of an early Mesozoic extensional basin
through the use of different datums (flattenings) .........................................................14
Figure 6: Seismic Profile 1 from the north (left) in the Maranon Basin near the Yurimaguas well
to the south (right) in the Ucayali Basin near the Orellana well. The upper section is
unflattened and the lower section is flattened on the top of the Chonta Formation. ..........14
Figure 7: Western portion of Seismic Profile 1, showing Inter-Sarayaquillo event and the
progradational cycles above. .....................................................................................15
Figure 8: Well logs of the Orellana 1X and Carmen 10 (northern Maranon basin) showing
porous Sarayaquillo sands overlying the Pucara Formation. The sands are possibly of
eolian origin ............................................................................................................16
Figure 9: Sarayaquillo eolian sandstone sequence outcropping along the Huallaga River, two
kms NE of the Callanayacu Dome (NW corner of INGEMMET Yanayacu geological map
sheet 14-l ................................................................................................................17
Figure 10: Seismic Profile 3 extending from the Huallaga Basin (left) to the Ucayali Basin
(right). ...................................................................................................................19
Figure 11: Seismic Profile 4 extending from the Huallaga basin (left) to the Loreto 1X well in the
Marañón basin (right). The upper section is unflattened and the lower section is flattened
on the Pucará. The white reflector within the Sarayaquillo is the interpreted intra-
Sarayaquillo event. ..................................................................................................19
Figure 12: Chazuta Prospect of Oxy’s in the footwall of the Chazuta thrust fault. Note the
thinning within the Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous. ....................................................20
Figure 13: Deflection of the Shanusi fault around the Tiraco Dome (Modified from Ingemmet
digital quadrangle maps). .........................................................................................20
Figure 14: Structure section across the Huallaga basin from the Cordillera Oriental (L) to
Marañón basin (R) along Mobil line MPH-91-24. ........................................................22
Figure 15: Cross Section from theYurimaguas 1X well in the Huallaga Basin (left) to the Huaya
3X well in the Ucayali Basin (right)............................................................................25
Figure 16: Cross Section from the Ponasillo 1X well in the Huallaga Basin (left) to the Mahuaca
3X well in the Marañón Basin (right) .........................................................................25
Figure 17: Coastal seismic line CP-739802 flattened on the Intra Sarayaquillo Unconformity
showing westward progradational relationship between the Sarayaquillo and Pucará
Figure 18: Isochron map of Chonta to Paleozoic interval showing paleo-highs and lows in the
vicinity of Shanusi and Loreto wells that would have had an influence on the deposition of
the Pucará Formation. The northeastern high area approximates the edge of the Jurassic
basin. .....................................................................................................................27
Figure 19: Seismic reference map .....................................................................................31
Figure 20: Seismic line 90-MPH-02 crossing Ponasillo1X well at SP 2581 ..............................33
Figure 21: Seismic line DMX-15-sw crossing Shanusi 2X well at SP 307 ................................34
Figure 22: Seismic line DMX-31 crossing Loreto 1X well at SP 567.......................................34
Figure 23: Seismic line OR-95-07 crossing Orellana3X well at SP 2135 .................................35
Figure 24: CHONTA Two-Way Time Map ........................................................................36
Figure 25: BASE CRETACEAOUS – Two Way Time Map .................................................37
Figure 26: PUCARA Two-Way Time Map ........................................................................38

Figure 27: PALEOZOIC Two-Way Time Map ..................................................................38
Figure 28: Chonta-Base Cretaceous Isochron ....................................................................39
Figure 29: Chonta-Pucara Isochron .................................................................................40
Figure 30: Pucará-Paleozoic Two-Way Time Map ..............................................................40
Figure 31: Shanusi area time-structure map on top of Chonta .............................................46
Figure 32: Shanusi area time-structure map on top of Pucara ..............................................46


1. Surface Geology, Seismic Coverage and Well Map

2. Pucará Facies Map NE Peru.
3. Well Logs
a. Coninca 2 b. Huaya 3X c. Insaya 1X
d. Loreto 1X e. Orellana 3X f. Pisqui 1
g. Ponasillo 1X h. Sta Catalina 2X i. Sta Clara A1
j. Shanusi 2X k. Yurimaguas 1X
4. Well Synthetics
a. Insaya 1X b. Loreto 1X c. Orellana 3X
d. Ponasillo 1X e. Sta Clara A1 f. Sta Catalina 2X
e. Shanusi 2X
5. Mobil Ground Gravity Survey First Vertical Derivative of Bouguer Gravity
6. Seismic, Well, Cultural Base Map
7. Seismic line crossings of wells
a. Ponasillo 90-MPH-2
b. Shanusi DMX-15-SW
c. Loreto DMX-31
d. Orellana OR-95-07
8. Time Structure Map Chazuta Thrust (Fault Plane Map)
9. Time Structure Map Chonta
10. Time Structure Map Base Cretaceous (Sarayaquillo)
11. Time Structure Map Pucará
12. Time Structure Map Paleozoic
13. Isochron Chonta to Base Cretaceous Map
14. Isochron Chonta to Pucará Map
15. Isochron Chonta to Paleozoic Map
16. Isochron Pucará to Paleozoic Map
17. Seismic Profile 1 from Yurimaguas to Orellana (time section, and flattened on
Chonta and Pucará Formations)

18. Seismic Profile 2 from Shanusi to Loreto (time section, and flattened on
Chonta and Pucará Formations)
19. Time sections
a. Seismic Profile 3 from Huallaga basin to Marañón basin
b. Seismic Profile 4 from Huallaga basin to Ucayali basin

Digital Data

20. SEGY copy of Oxy/Mobil/Deminex/Coastal Seismic Data sets

21. CD containing
a. Report
i. Main text and figures in A4 format
ii. Foldout Figures in A3 format
b. Well Data LAS files
c. Well Data File
i. Access Data Base
ii. PowerPoint diagrams for selected wells
d. Enclosures 1 through 19 in various formats
e. Attachments
i. Excel spreadsheet of PERUPETRO archived data pertaining to
this report
ii. Excel spreadsheet of seismic lines included in report
iii. Text file with seismic navigational data
f. Interpretation files of seismic data set in ASCII format


The Petroleum potential of the Huallaga Area is the first in a series of reports to be released by
PARSEP (Proyecto de Asistencia para La Reglamentación del Sector Energético del Perú), a joint
venture between the governments of Peru and Canada to evaluate the remaining petroleum potential of
the Huallaga, Santiago, and Marañón basins in NE Peru. To complete the study all the available well
and seismic data was standardized in a digital format, which allowed for almost a seamless data link
between the Huallaga, southwest Marañón and northwest Ucayali basins. Additionally, INGEMMET
(Insituto Geologico Minero Y Metalurgico del Perú) surface geological studies, and Oil Industry
reports from largely Mobil and Oxy, were used extensively in this study.

The seismic coverage of the Huallaga basin is restricted to its eastern margin and is insufficient to
evaluate the basin’s full hydrocarbon potential considering that only one well has been drilled in the
basin, the Ponasillo 1X well, which was TD’d in the upper Saraquillo of Jurassic age. The Thrust and
Fold Belt area, which separates the Huallaga from the Marañón and Ucayali basins, has never been
drilled in this region and is covered by only sparse seismic data. This lack of, and conflicting nature of
the data that is available in this complex area, created a challenge for the Group. As a result, data in the
neighboring regions of the Marañón and Ucayali were utilized extensively to assist in the

The available seismic data was interpreted interactively on a GeoQuest seismic workstation. Two-way
time and isochron maps were constructed for key seismic horizons correlated with geological markers:
Chonta, Base Cretaceous, Pucará and top Paleozoic. Depth conversions were not done due to the lack
of velocity information below the Cretaceous for the Huallaga basin. The Chazuta thrust fault was also
mapped to evaluate the structural model inferred from the surface geology.

The Huallaga basin and adjacent area in the Marañón and Ucayali basins, is one that has undergone a
complex structural evolution from the end of the Paleozoic through to the Recent. Although the
PARSEP Group has just touched the surface unravelling the geology and petroleum potential of the
area, several important new concepts about the region have come to light. From a structural viewpoint,
it is apparent that that no one tectonic mechanism satisfactorily explains the geometries of the
structures observed in the area. The interpretation taken by the PARSEP Group is that several
distinctive structural styles exists and are present in the form of inverted half grabens such as the Tiraco
Dome and Cushabatay High and the later thin-skinned, decollement structures associated with the
Chazuta and Shanusi Thrusts. Completing the structural picture, is a complex interaction of the above
two structural styles with that of salt tectonics which as of yet, is far from being fully understood.

Cretaceous reservoirs have been tested extensively in the foreland areas, and by the Ponasillo well, in
the Huallaga basin. None to date have yielded positive results. The young structures drilled in the
foreland areas were typically very porous and freshwater wet. The Ponasillo well in the Huallaga
indicated that the Cretaceous sediments were once buried at great depth and consequently, have little to
offer with respect to reservoir. Consequently, we see the Cretaceous as only a secondary target in this
area. In the foreland of the Marañón, however, the Shanusi 2X well tested gas from Pucará reservoirs
indicating that; 1) the Pucará has reservoir potential, and 2) that there is an active petroleum system in
sediments found below and, separated from the Cretaceous by effective seals within the Sarayaquillo
Formation. Pucará sourced oils have been typed to three seeps in and around the Huallaga basin further
attest to the petroleum potential of this formation. Pucará reservoirs and to our knowledge a previously
overlooked sandstone reservoir of the Sarayaquillo Formation of possible eolian origin, represent the
two most attractive drilling targets in this region.


The Huallaga study area report is the first of a series of reports to be released by the
PARSEP Group before the completion of their evaluation of the Hydorcarbon
potential of NE Peru. PARSEP is a joint venture between the governments of Peru
and Canada and stands for “Proyecto de Asistencia para La Reglamentación del
Sector Energético del Perú”. The parties comprising PARSEP are: the Canadian
International Development Agency (CIDA), Canadian Petroleum Institute (CPI),
Teknica Overseas Ltd. (TOL), and PERUPETRO. The technical work on this project
is being done by personal from TOL and PERUPETRO

The goal of PARSEP is to first standardize all the available information of the
Huallaga, Santiago and Marañón basins (Figure 1) in a usable digital format and then
through its utilization in this ‘seamless’ digital form, evaluate the remaining
petroleum potential of the above mentioned basins.

Study Area

Figure 1: Areas of investigation of the PARSEP Group – Huallaga, Santiago and Marañón Basins,
and intervening areas.


Initially, the project was to produce three interim reports, each studying in detail the
three basins. The Huallaga basin was elected as the first study area and early into the
project it became apparent that the basin boundaries were too restrictive. To

maximize on available data and to decipher the basin’s tectonic evolution, the area
was expanded to include the structurally complex fold and thrust belt between the
Huallaga, Marañón and Ucayali basins to the east as well as the southwest and
northeast respectively of the latter two basins (Figure 2). Through this process it was
possible to synthesis a preliminary tectonic evolution of this area as well as to shift
our thinking towards the Pucará Formation, which belongs to a significant, under-
explored petroleum system that is present in the area.

The report begins with some generalized statements concerning regional geology. It
is our goal that this report not be an in depth rework of published literature but rather
one in which new ideas are emphasized and put forth in an attempt to stimulate
further interest in and discussions about this complex but prospective area. With this
report a digital data set is included, that represents virtually all available seismic and
well data utilized in this study. This would allow others to replicate or challenge our
work as well as do their own interpretation.

Marañón Basin


Figure 2: Huallaga study area showing well and seismic database utilized in the evaluation.

In summary, the following report and accompanying digital data set represents;

1. Our present understanding of, and mapping in this complex area that
emphasizes the Pucará as the principal source rock and reservoir.

2. Status of work in progress such as the geochemical component of the project

that will be completed at a later date by the group

3. Unresolved issues such as certain tectonic and stratigraphic problems that will
have to be resolved by additional work outside of the project.

4. A complete digital data set of the data including seismic SEGY and well curve
LAS files that were used by the group in the study area.




The geological evolution of the study area is controlled by two major tectonic systems
recognized in the sub-Andean basins of Peru. The first, the pre-Andean System
encompasses three Marginal Sag / Internal Sag cycles of Ordovician, Devonian and
Permo-Carboniferous ages. These units cover the Precambrian basement of the
Guyanean and Brazilian Shields. The second, the Andean System was initiated with
the beginning of subduction along the western margin of Peru. It encompasses four
tectono-sedimentary cycles, ranging from late Permian to the Present. A stratigraphic
column of NE Peru is presented in Figure 3.

Pre-Andean System

The pre-Andean System begins with the Ordovician cycle, which is a siliciclastic unit
known as the Contaya Formation, that in the Marañón basin is up to 150 m thick. A
maximum thickness of 4500 m. is reported for the cycle in the Eastern Range of
southern Peru. In the study area, the Contaya Formation was encountered in the
Coninca 2X well, just to east of the southern Huallaga basin in the Ucayali basin and
in the Huaya 3X well located on the Contaya Arch. Refer to figure 4 or Enclosure 1,
(Surface Geology, Seismic Coverage and Well Map), for well locations and other
geological references. For seismic lines locations, refer to Figure 19.

Next in the succession is the Silurian, which according to Laubacher (1978), is

represented by argillites, flysch and tillites, reaching up to 1000 m of thickness in
southern Peru. This section is cut by an erosional episode in the Peruvian Oriente that
is result of positive tectonic movement during the Caledonian/Taconian Orogeny.
The Silurian cycle merges with that of the Devonian, which is comprised of sediments
of the Cabanillas Group that have been deposited in the Madre de Dios, Ucayali and
Marañon basins. In the south of Peru, Devonian sediments can reach thicknesses of
up to 2000 m, while in northern Peru, the maximum thickness attained is 1000 m. No
rocks of Silurian to Devonian age have been encountered within the study area nor are
any inferred seismically.

The Permo-Carboniferous succession rests unconformably over the Devonian Cycle

or over Ordovician sediments and/or Basement in the uplifted areas. It has a
widespread distribution all over the Andean Range, Peruvian eastern basins and
Brazilian Acre and Solimoes basins. In the Peruvian basins the earliest Carboniferous

Figure 3: Stratigraphic Column of Northeastern Peru. Highlighted in yellow is the nomenclature
used in this report

sediments to be deposited were continental to shallow marine clastics of the Ambo
Group. These sediments are followed vertically by the thin transgressive, clastic-rich
Tarma Formation, which is overlain, often unconformably, by the normally thick,
massive shelfal carbonates of the Copacabana Formation. The Copacabana limestones

Marañón Basin

Tiraco Dome
Oil Seep
Tiraco Depression

Cushabatay High
Oil Seep

Oil Seep
Huallaga Basin
Contaya Arch

Ucayali Basin

Figure 4: Geological map of study area showing the salient geological features (modified from
Ingemmet). For geology legend of map refer to Enclosure 1, Surface Geology, Seismic Coverage
and Well Map.

covered most of Sub-Andean Peru with the exception of the Contaya Arch where the
Cretaceous overlies rocks of lower Palaeozoic age. The Copacabana Formation in turn
was conformably overlain by the Ene Formation, a sequence containing black organic
rich shales and dolomites with minor sandstones. A number of wells in the study
area, the Coninca 2X, Orrellana 3X, and Huaya 3X have intersected thick sequences
of the Copacabana Group. Possible Tarma intersections have been noted in the
Coninca 2X and the Huaya 3X wells. The only Ene occurrence in the study area was
in an interpretive occurrence (not conclusive) by Coastal within the Orellana well.
The Ene, however, has been inferred seismically where it is believed to be overlying
the Copacabana limestones with it’s upper surface truncated by the
Palaeozoic/Mesozoic unconformity as interpreted on seismic line OR-95-08 (Figure

Andean System

The Andean System was initiated simultaneously with the beginning of the Andean
subduction. A major change in the tectonic regime at the northwestern border of the
South-American plate, promoted isostatic rearrangements. In a global scale, the initial
phase of the Andean System developed during the Pangaea break up (M. Barros & E.
Carneiro, 1991). The development of the Andean subduction zone during late
Permian to early Triassic times is supported by geological information gathered by
Audebaud et al (1976) along the Peruvian Eastern Range, where they recognized a
Permo-Triassic continental volcanic arc. The volcanic Lavasen Formation which is
seen in outcrops unconformably underlying the Mitu Formation in the Bolivar and
Leimebamba geological map sheets in northern Peru, just west of the Huallaga basin
(Boletin No. 56, Serie A: Carta Geologica Nacional, INGEMMET, 1995) could be a
remnant of this arc. The Lavasen Formation is also found intruding older rocks such
as the Ambo Formation. Its lower member is volcanic-sedimentary sequence with
interbedded red clastics. The upper member is comprised of thick lava flows and
breccias. Other Permo-Triassic volcanic arcs along the Andean Range in Argentina,
have been recognized by Polanski (1966), in Audebaud et al (op. cit.).

The Paleozoic platform at this time was now within a backarc setting and subject to
extensional tectonics during, which lead to the development of a series of horsts and
grabens trending parallel to the Andean structural grain. We are interpreting the
continental red beds of the Mitu Formation to represent the syn-rift depositional cycle
associated with this extensional event. The Mitu is interpreted seismically in the
study area to be unconformably overlying the rifted Paleozoic surface (Figures 5 and
6). Others have referred to Mitu as a result of the Jurua Orogeny, which has been
described (Mathalone and Montaya, 1993) as one of the most significant erosional
events in the geological history of Sub-Andean Peru.

Following the Permo-Jurassic initial rifting event and Mitu deposition, the area
underwent continued subsidence and significant marine incursion, which resulted in
the deposition of the Triassic to Jurassic aged Pucará Formation. Deposition of this
formation occurred as a carbonate and evaporite dominated sequence over a broad
depression that roughly coincides with the central to western Marañón and the

Copacabana Mitu

Unflattened section

Sarayaquillo Ene


Flattened on Base Cretaceous Unconformity

Sarayaquillo Cretaceous
Pucara Ene

Flattened on Pucará Formation

Figure 5: Seismic line OR-95-08 showing the evolution of an early Mesozoic extensional basin
through the use of different datums (flattenings)

Figure 6: Seismic Profile 1 from the north (left) in the Maranon Basin near the Yurimaguas well to
the south (right) in the Ucayali Basin near the Orellana well. The upper section is unflattened and
the lower section is flattened on the top of the Chonta Formation (at the end) .

westernmost Ucayali basins. This depression more or less is confined to the lows
initiated by Permo-Triassic rifting within the study area, and has been regionally
mapped to the north as shown in Enclosure 2 (Upper Pucará Facies Map), where it
forms the proto-Marañón basin. This map is our first attempt to define the limits of
the Jurassic basin through the use of a few selected seismic lines in the Marañón
basin. It will be refined considerably further into our evaluation of that area.

With the regression of the Jurassic sea, the Pucará Formation was conformably
overlain by Middle to Late Jurassic continental red beds of the Sarayaquillo
Formation. Termination of the Sarayaquillo deposition coincides with the end of the
Jurassic, which is represented by the regional Nevadan unconformity over which lies
sediments of Cretaceous age. This is a boundary generally well recognized on
seismic, below which the Jurassic is seen to thicken westward and locally subcrops
with considerable angularity. Cretaceous deposition was initiated in the greater
Marañón/Ucayali basin during Neocomian-Aptian times and was characterized by a
westerly thickenings wedge of fluvial to marginal clastics occasionally punctuated by
carbonate sedimentation.


Datum – Base Cretaceous




Figure 7: Western portion of Seismic Profile 1, showing Inter-Sarayaquillo event and the
progradational cycles above.

The termination of the Cretaceous epiric sea deposition was during Late Cretaceous
with the arrival of the first pulses of the Andean orogeny (Peruvian and Inca Phases)
at which time through to Middle Eocene time, molasse-styled deposition dominated
the basin. This was punctuated during the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene by a
marine transgression that resulted in the deposition of the Pozo Formation. Molasse

Filename : Carmen_Norte-10.log

Well Name : CARMEN NORTE-10

Filename : ORELLANA.log
Well Name : ORELLANA 3X
GR (GAPI) RD (OHMM) RHOB (G/CC) DT (us/ft)
Location : ORELLANA
0 200 0.2 2000 2 3 140 40
GR (API) AH10C (ohm.) TNPH (ft3/) DT (us/ft)
0 200 0.2 2000 0.45 -0.15 240 40
0 100 0.2 2000 0.45 -0.15
SPC (mV) AH30C (ohm.) SPHI (ft3/)
SP (mV)
-200 200 0.2 2000 0.45 -0.15
0 150
CALI (in) LLD (ohmm) RHOB (gm/cc)
0 100 0.2 2000 2 3

LLS (ohmm)
0.2 2000


1700 3600

1800 3700

1900 3800


2000 3900

2100 4000

2200 4100
GR (API) AH10C (ohm.) TNPH (ft3/) DT (us/ft)
0 200 0.2 2000 0.45 -0.15 240 40

SPC (mV) AH30C (ohm.) SPHI (ft3/)

-200 200 0.2 2000 0.45 -0.15

CALI (in) LLD (ohmm) RHOB (gm/cc)

0 100 0.2 2000 2 3

LLS (ohmm) 4200

0.2 2000


Sarayaquillo 4400

“Eolian Sand”
GR (GAPI) RD (OHMM) RHOB (G/CC) DT (us/ft)
0 200 0.2 2000 2 3 140 40


0 100 0.2 2000 0.45 -0.15

SP (mV)
0 150

Figure 8: Well logs of the Orellana 1X and Carmen 10 (northern Maranon basin) showing porous
Sarayaquillo sands overlying the Pucara Formation. The sands are possibly of eolian origin

deposition resumed in the Late Oligocene, which culminated during the Miocene
Quechua deformation and has continued through to the present.

At this point it should be noted that a very significant seismic event has been mapped
within the Sarayaquillo which has been designated the intra-Sarayaquillo event. East
of the Cushabatay High, this event can clearly be seen cutting down section from east
to west (Figure 6) where it is interpreted to represent a clinoformal surface within a
major progradational sequence of the Sarayaquillo Formation. Several ‘deltaic-like’
occurrences have been identified on this surface and are shown in Figure 6.

Figure 9: Sarayaquillo eolian sandstone sequence outcropping along the Huallaga River, two kms
NE of the Callanayacu Dome (NW corner of INGEMMET Yanayacu geological map sheet 14-l

Within the Sarayaquillo section, several significant porous sand bodies have been
noted in the Orellana 3X and Carmen 10 wells (Figure 8), where they are found to
directly to overly the Pucará Formation. A similar aged sandstone was noted in
outcrop along the Huallaga River where its depositional environment was interpreted
to be eolian (Figure 9). One interpretation has this sand overlying the intra-
Sarayaquillo event.

The tectonic and stratigraphic of significance of intra-Sarayaquillo event is far from

fully understood and it is going be investigated further by the PARSEP Group as we
expand our work into the north, into the Marañón basin.


Huallaga Basin

The Huallaga basin for all intensive purposes is considered a tectonic basin formed by
Andean compressional deformation during the Tertiary. Prior to this it represented
the western extent of the greater Marañón basin. The basin is 400 km long from north
to south with a maximum width of 100 km. A large linear regional structurally
complex uplift separates the Jurassic-Tertiary sequence of the Huallaga basin from the
equivalent section in the Marañón basin. This frontal belt is a complex product of
inversion, thrust and/or salt tectonics on which rocks as old as Jurassic are exposed.
The youngest rocks flanking the uplift are Neogene in age. Similar to the western
Marañón basin, the Lower Cretaceous beds of the Huallaga rest directly upon a sub-
Cretaceous Mesozoic section that includes Jurassic–Triassic carbonates and
evaporites which in turn overlies an unknown but presumably Paleozoic stratified
sedimentary section.

The Huallaga basin was not seriously explored until the early 1990’s when Mobil
signed four concessions totaling 36,000 km2, covering almost the entire basin. Mobil
acquired the first seismic shot in the basin and through three seismic campaigns,
recorded a total 1600 Km of data. After drilling the Ponasillo 1X well in 1992 which
was plugged and abandoned as a dry hole, Mobil relinquished their acreage in 1993.

Occidental in 1996 was the next company to enter the basin when they signed the
8,000 km2, Block 72 located along the basin’s eastern boundary. After acquiring 148
km of seismic in 1997-98 and reprocessing 615 km of Mobil data, Oxy relinquished
the block in 1998. In 2000, Advantage Resources acquired a very similar configured
block to Block 72, when they signed Block 87. Advantage is currently the only
operator active in the area.

Within the last 30 years, the areas peripheral to the Huallaga basin and within the area
covered by this report, were explored primarily by, Deminex in the early 70’s, and
Coastal in the late 90’s. Deminex shot close to 2000 km over their acreage position in
the southwest Marañón basin and drilled two wells, the Loreto 1X and Shanusi 2X.
Loreto was abandoned as a dry hole, and Shanusi was abandoned as a gas discovery
in the Pucará. Coastal held two blocks, Blocks 73 and 74, which straddled the
Marañón and Ucayali basins including portions of the Contaya Arch and the
Cushabatay High. Coastal shot a total of 640 km over the two blocks and drilled three
wells, Insaya 1X, Santa Catalina 2X and Orellana 3X, on Block 74, all were plugged
and abandoned as dry holes without shows.

Structural Analysis of Huallaga Area

In the Huallaga study area, the early Andean extensional event is evident through the
development of a series of largely NW–SE trending horsts and grabens. In the
foreland area of the Marañón basin immediately east of the Cushabatay high, the
development of this system is evident on the Chonta to Pucará, Chonta to Paleozoic
and Pucará to Paleozoic seismic isochons (Enclosures 11, 12 and 13 respectively) as a

series of highs and lows, and the flattened seismic sections displayed in Figures 5 and
6. The syn-rift sequence of this cycle is represented by the red beds of Mitu
Formation, which is unconformably overlain by the Pucará Formation. From Pucará
time through to the end of deposition of the Cretaceous, the area was tectonically
stable, experiencing only gradual subsidence. The exception to this generalized
statement was referred to earlier and is associated with the intra-Sarayaquillo seismic

A very problematic region in the study area is represented by the structurally positive
Tiraco Dome and Cushabatay High and the intervening structural low between the
two, herein referred to as the Tiraco Depression (Figure 4), all lying immediately in
front of, and to the east of the Chazuta/Shanusi thrust front. The two highs are
present with Jurassic Sarayaquillo exposed on the surface while the Tiraco Depression
has rocks of Tertiary age exposed. Our current interpretation has the Tiraco Dome
and Cushabatay High as two very significant half grabens filled with sediments of
Pucará and Mitu age that developed concomitantly with the NW – SE trending horsts
and grabens seen in the foreland in response to the same Permo-Triassic extensional

In the Oxapampa area of the Ucayali basin of central eastern Peru, 450 Kms south of
the Shanusi well which can be located on Enclosure 2 (Upper Pucará Facies Map),
several wells were drilled, one of them, the Oxapampa 7-1 penetrated 1800 m of an
interbedded carbonate and evaporite sequence from within the Pucará. It’s anticipated
that a similar type sequence is present within the Tiraco and Cushabatay half-grabens.
This sequence is interpreted on seismic by the first series of coherent seismic
reflectors below the Sarayaquillo at just below one second on seismic line 92-MPH-
31A displayed on Seismic Profile 3 (Figure 10 and Enclosure 16).

The Pucará succession in turn is interpreted to unconformably overly the syn-rift, red
beds of the Mitu Formation, which is seismically represented by a thick, non-
reflective package. This seismic unit is found overlying another defined by relatively
strong but discontinuous reflectors that are interpreted to correspond to the Paleozoic
surface at about 3.5 to 4.0 on seismic line 92-MPH-29 displayed on Seismic Profile 4
(Figure 11).

To support this hypothesis, are two gravity lows that correspond to the Tiraco Dome
and Cushabatay High, and a very significant gravity high that is associated with the
Tiraco Depression. This is displayed in Enclosure 5 (Mobil Ground Gravity Survey
FVDBG Map). This supposed contradiction of facts was described by Mobil in their
evaluation of the area to be the result of an igneous intrusion body that was emplaced
beneath the Tiraco Depression. We believe our interpretation to be much more
plausible and that a wrench related inversion of these half grabens occurred

Figure 10: Seismic Profile 3 extending from the Huallaga Basin (left) to the Ucayali Basin (right).
(at the end)

Figure 11: Seismic Profile 4 extending from the Huallaga basin (left) to the Loreto 1X well in the
Marañón basin (right). The upper section is unflattened and the lower section is flattened on the
Pucará. The white reflector within the Sarayaquillo is the interpreted intra-Sarayaquillo event.




Sarayaquillo/Evaporites Thrust



Figure 12: Chazuta Prospect of Oxy’s in the footwall of the Chazuta thrust fault. Note the thinning
within the Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous.

Figure 13: Deflection of the Shanusi fault around the Tiraco Dome (Modified from Ingemmet
digital quadrangle maps).

some time between the latest most Cretaceous and pre-Chazuta/Shanusi thrusting in
the late Tertiary, giving them their current structural configuration.

The actual time of, and mechanism for inversion is difficult to ascertain and may in
fact be represented by several periods of movement and events. For example at SP
3785 of seismic line MPH-23 (Figure 11) over Oxy’s Chazuta prospect (Oxy Report,
1996), appears to be the result of salt movement that began during the Upper
Cretaceous and continued through the Tertiary. This feature is the down plunge
extension of the Tiraco Dome (Anticline). Another example is from the Coastal
seismic line, CP73-98-04, which is part of the composite line displayed as Seismic
Profile 3 (Figure 9), located just south of the Cushabatay High. This line definitively
shows the Cushabatay High to have begun uplifting in Neogene time. Clearly,
however, the Tiraco Dome and Cushabatay High appear to have been in place acting
as buttresses during the westward advancement of the thrust front represented by the
Chazuta and Shanusi Thrust sheets. This is best shown on the surface geological map
in Enclosure 1 where the Chazuta thrust appears to terminate directly against the
Cushabatay High and in Figure 12 where the Shanusi Thrust appears to have been
deflected by the Tiraco Dome.

Much further work needs to be done in this area before the structural complexities can
be interpreted with more certainty. This can only be done with more fieldwork and
additional seismic acquisition.

Thin Skinned Deformation of the Huallaga Basin – a Model

In late 1999, PARSEP had the opportunity to interact extensively with Dr. Peter Jones
of Calgary, AB, on the tectonic evolution of the Huallaga Basin. Some of the
conclusions of Dr. Jones’ after he finished his work in the area, are presented below in
italics where he elaborates on the evaporitic nature of the Huallaga basin and
discusses several of the issues concerning salt tectonics in the basin which were not
really touched upon in the preceding sections. More importantly, Dr. Jones
introduces an alternative interpretation to the tectonic evolution presented above by
applying the concept of thin skinned deformation to explain the entire fold and thrust
belt including the Tiraco Dome and Cushabatay High, in the Huallaga Basin.


The Huallaga basin comprises a belt of deformed Jurassic through Neogene

sedimentary rocks, mainly clastics, overlying Triassic - Jurassic saline deposits in the
western part of the Marañón sedimentary basin. It lies east of the Cordillera
Oriental, which exposes Proterozoic through Jurassic, with no evaporite sequence. It
appears that the deformation is restricted to the area of evaporite deposition, and that
the Cordillera Oriental slid eastward on a glide plane in the evaporite. Total
shortening is in the vicinity of 100 to 150 km. Based on a long regional seismic profile
supplemented by INGEMMET mapping, the geology of the basin can be summarized
as follows.

The structures of the Huallaga basin are thin-skinned, falling into two categories.
Most of the crustal shortening is the product of four major low-angle eastward-
vergent thrust faults, exposed at the surface. From west to east these are: El Churo–
Dos de Mayos, Huincungo, Sacanche, Agua-Muyana (named the Tarapoto thrust by
Mobil, Chazuta thrust by Oxy), and the Tiraco thrust. The Tiraco thrust is an
interpreted subsurface blind thrust indicated by seismic data, and favored as the
thrust that brings up the Jurassic inlier that forms the Tiraco dome.

Except for the Tiraco thrust they are all rooted in a basal decollement in the
salt/evaporite section within and/or underlying the Triassic-Jurassic Pucara Group
which is also the oldest unit outcropping in the basin. The Tiraco thrust appears to be
rooted well below the basal salt horizons and presumably involves Paleozoic rocks.
These thrusts have slips in the range of 10 – 45 km, and extend for hundreds of km
along strike.


Figure 14: Structure section across the Huallaga basin from the Cordillera Oriental (L) to
Marañón basin (R) along Mobil line MPH-91-24.

This regional line (Figure 14) across the Huallaga basin is based on a compilation of
seismic profiles, some of which are interconnected. Other adjacent or overlapping
lines are “jump correlated”. There are no seismic profiles through the western part of
the Huallaga basin, and only one well, so geologic data is derived from geologic
mapping by INGEMMET and Mobil, mainly on a scale of 1:100 000. Much of the
mapping is based on air photo interpretation, due to the rugged and difficult nature of
the terrain.

The Tiraco thrust (lowest right on cross-section) differs from the others in two ways.
First, it is a blind thrust, visible only on seismic profiles, that does not reach the
surface. Secondly, it is rooted in the Paleozoic, about 2000m deeper than the
preceding thrusts. The reason for this is most probably that the evaporite unit, which
is 2 km thick through much of the basin, pinches out eastward, and so the latest and
outermost of the major thrust structures, the Cushabatay – Tiraco uplift, was
detached along an incompetent horizon in the Paleozoic instead.

Although they contribute little to the overall crustal shortening, there are several
spectacular folds, also hundreds of km long, within the basin. These appear to be
salt-cored anticlines, formed by transfer of evaporites from synclines into anticlines.

Many of them are cut by salt diapirs along their crests, and some folds are associated
with steep east-dipping reverse faults, which are probably caused by stretching of the
section above the evaporite cores of the folds

Stratigraphy of the Huallaga Area

In terms of stratigraphy, the focus in the Huallaga study area has been on the
sediments of Cretaceous and Jurassic age (Figure 3). Initially the emphasis was on
the sandstones of the Cretaceous, and the intention was to do a complete sequence
analysis utilizing well, seismic and outcrop data. However, this approach, changed
when the focus of the project began to shift towards the Pucará Formation. A more
detailed analysis of the Cretaceous sequences will be addressed in a future report after
the Marañón basin is fully evaluated. The Pucará on the other hand has been studied
extensively utilizing most of the available data.

Below is a summary of the current state of our investigations into the Cretaceous and
Jurassic rocks of the Huallaga study area.


Little new insight can be added to the already excellent analysis done by G. Díaz and
presented to the PARSEP Group in his “Guidebook to Stratigraphy and outcrop
Stratial Patterns of Southwest Marañón Basin Northeast Huallaga Basin”. This is
largely a summation of the extensive evaluation on the Cretaceous done by Oxy in
this region, in the 1990’s. Reams of data generated by both Oxy and Mobil
addressing the Cretaceous stratigraphy of this area is available in the archives of

The two cross-sections included with this report as Figures 14 and 15 show the
stratigraphic relationships of the Cretaceous between the Marañón Basin, Contaya
Arch, and Ucayali Basin (Figure 14) and between the Huallaga and Marañón Basins
(Figure 15). The points we would like to emphasis related to these sections and to the
Cretaceous in general, are listed below:

1. The Casa Blanca of the Ucayali basin is equivalent to the Upper Vivian
Formation of the Marañón Basin. For the purpose of this study in order to
maintain consistency in our well database and facilitate mapping, the name
Upper Vivian is used instead of Casa Blanca. It should also be noted that
elsewhere in the Marañón basin, certain operators have designated this unit as
‘Basal Tertiary’. In our opinion this is incorrect and these sands are of
Cretaceous age and should be designated as Upper Vivian.

2. The allocthonous section tested by the Ponasillo well has been transported an
estimated 45 km east towards the Shanusi well location via the Chazuta fault
(Jones, P., 2000). At the time of deposition the ‘Ponasillo sediments’ were,
approximately 160 km southwest of the ‘Shanusi sediments’ in a more basinal
direction. With this in mind the following observations are noted.

a. The overall sand/shale ratio of the Cretaceous has decreased
dramatically from the Shanusi to Ponasillo locations, as one would
expect. The overall thickness of the Chonta and Raya formations have
thickened and limestone has become a significant component to both
formations indicating a substantial decrease in siliciclastic material
basinward of the Shanusi well.

b. The Upper Vivian (Casa Blanca) is not present in the Shanusi and
Yurimaguas wells. Does this represent a facies change (or loss
through erosion?) that is regional in nature and may represent a
stratigraphic play type that can be pursued seismically in the Marañón

c. The thickness of the Cretaceous in the Ponasillo and the Shanusi wells
are virtually the same. In part compaction and condensed sections due
to the restricted sedimentation that would be expected basinward, can
explain this. Even with these compensations it is still rather
remarkable how little thickness variation within the Cretaceous
section there is between the two wells.
d. The Chonta limestone interval changes facies to a siliciclastic
dominated section between the Pauyacu well and the Yurimaguas,
Shanusi and Loreto wells.

e. With the exception of the Ponasillo well and what was noted in point
b) above, the continuity of all the Cretaceous sandstone units is rather
remarkably monotonous and does not bode well for the development
of any stratigraphic-type hydrocarbon accumulations within the
Cretaceous section in the area.

Pucará Group

The Pucará Group represents an economically important sedimentary sequence that

was deposited from upper Triassic to lower Jurassic times. It is divided into three
Formations, which from oldest to youngest are the, Chambara, Aramachay and
Condorsinga Formations, and all three are recognized along the northern and central
Andes of Peru. Generally speaking most of the studies on the Pucará have been site
specific with apparently little having done on a regional scale. Most references to it in
literature are largely focused on its economic importance as a host for some ore
deposits and with a fewer number referring to its sedimentological and
paleontological aspects. Very little other than that it is now recognized as a major
source rock for the Marañón basin, has been written about the Pucará Group with
reference to the petroleum industry.

The Pucará is represented by two mega-sequences, a lower transgressive cycle formed

by the Chambara and lower Aramachay Formations and an upper regressive cycle
consisting of the upper part of Aramachay and Condorsinga/Sarayaquillo Formations.
The Condorsinga Formation is overlain conformably by the Sarayaquillo, a red bed
sequence is latterly equivalent to the Pucará. The westward progradation of this upper
cycle and facies transitions between what we interpret to be the Condorsinga

Figure 15: Cross Section from theYurimaguas 1X well in the Huallaga Basin (left) to the Huaya 3X
well in the Ucayali Basin (right). (at the end)

Figure 16: Cross Section from the Ponasillo 1X well in the Huallaga Basin (left) to the Mahuaca
3X well in the Marañón Basin (right) (at the end)

equivalent in the subsurface of the Ucayali basin and Sarayaquillo Formation is

clearly evident in seismic line CP-739802 of Coastal just south of the Cushabatay
High displayed in Figure 17.

Chambara Formation – The Chambara Formation is of Norian to Rhaetian age and in

central Peru, is predominantly dolomitic, comprised of shallow restricted marine,
supra/intertidal, lagoonal and subtidal facies. Open marine shelf facies have also been
found which in part, are in the form of criniodal bank deposits (Rosas & Fontboté,
1995). In northern Peru, the Chambara is comprised mainly of limestones, rich in
shale and dolomitic towards its base. The upper section contains well-stratified
carbonate rocks, which include a siliciclastic-rich portion with a noticeable increase in
shale and silt layers. A continuous transition to the overlain Aramachay Formation is
observed near the top (Prinz & Hillebrandt, 1994).

Base Cretaceous Unconformity

Sarayaquillo Fm


Figure 17: Coastal seismic line CP-739802 flattened on the Intra Sarayaquillo Unconformity
showing westward progradational relationship between the Sarayaquillo and Pucará sequences.

Aramachay Formation - The deeper marine facies of Aramachay Formation of

Hettangian to Sinemurian age represents the period of maximum flooding in the
Pucará basin. The persistence of this 50 to 150 m organic rich mixed carbonate and
fine clastic facies along the Andes would indicate that deposition was within a
restricted marine environment that occurred during a basinal transgressive event

related to a rapid increase in sea level, followed by a relative slow sea level rise with
the onset of the upper regressive mega cycle.
Condorsinga Formation - In central Peru the Condorsinga Formation is represented by
a thick sequence of platform carbonates with restricted lagoonal and subtidal shallow
marine facies with thin intercalations of supra/intertidal sediments (Rosas & Fontboté,
1995). In northern Peru, and just west of the Huallaga basin, the Condorsinga is
predominantly comprised of limestones. Between the Huallaga and Marañón basins at
the north end of the Cushabatay High in the Callanayacu ‘salt dome’ area, the upper
Pucará Group is exposed as an evaporitic sequence interbedded with thin sandstone
and limestone strata at the base of the outcrop passing gradually to limestone
interbedded with thin sandstone and siltstone strata in the upper part. This interval
was interpreted to have been deposited in a marine environment very close to the
shoreline in a local transgressive sequence with an upward variation from evaporitic
facies to a carbonate neritic shelf environment (G.Diaz, 1999).

General Discussion

As part of our regional evaluation of the Pucará, which has now extended well beyond
the limits as defined by the Huallaga Study Area, a preliminary facies distribution
map has been constructed and is presented in Enclosure 2. The Pucará shoreline was
irregular in shape and had roughly an N–S trend to it with the hinterland being located
to the east. As interpreted by some, the Pucará depression was a restricted basin
partially isolated from the open sea by early positive movement on the NW–SE
trending proto-Marañon high that acted as a subtle barrier during basin development.
An alternative interpretation is that basin was in part restricted due to the development
of a volcanic arc system that began to develop in Permo-Triassic time.

Depositional patterns and facies distributions of the Pucará were probably greatly
influenced by pre-existing structural features. An example of such a feature is found
within the study area approximately 30 kilometers north of the Tiraco Dome. The
Shanusi well, a 1975 test by Deminex, intersected a porous and predominantly
dolomitic section within the Pucará that we interpret to be representative of an
intratidal depositional environment. What may be of depositional significance is that
this section is located on a paleo-horst block that was a positive feature during Pucará
time separating the Tiraco half graben, which was the yet to be inverted Tiraco Dome,
and the synclinal axis of the Jurassic basin in the proto-Marañón (figure 18). How
this may have influenced deposition and possibly enhanced reservoir characteristics
will be a subject for future studies.

One of the enigmas of the Huallaga area is the mode of occurrence of the salt mapped
on the Ingemmet geological quadrangle map sheets, on which all occurrences of ‘salt’
are referred to as domes. Is the salt actually salt or is it predominantly composed of
evaporites such as gypsum and anhydrite as others have noted (personal
communication)? In almost all instances the ‘salt’ exposed on surface, is found in the
same stratigraphic position, in contact with the Sarayaquillo Formation. In most
instances, we therefore consider the ‘salt’ to be non-diapiric in occurrence and in its
depositional position, stratigraphically. This being the case, the ‘salt’ can then be
correlated back to the upper Pucará Group, and would be representative of the
supratidal/sabkha facies that we believe represents the beginning of the transition

from marine, to continental environments during Jurassic times. In other words, this
represents the transition from the Pucará to Sarayaquillo. Based on our understanding
of the depositional model for the two formations, this would be a time-transgressive
boundary becoming progressively younger from east to west. From a petroleum
exploration viewpoint, the significance of this relationship is that an excellent regional
seal exists immediately above potential carbonate reservoirs of the Pucará Formation,
separating it from the Sarayaquillo and the Cretaceous aged formations above.

Another issue is concerns the thickness and presence of the salt in the subsurface.
Many have interpreted the anticlines of the Huallaga basin to be salt cored. One line
MPH-25, was reprocessed by PARSEP by Arcis Corp. and another line MPH-24, by
Kelman Processing, both of Calgary, Alberta. From both processing houses, we
received the same information there is no velocity support for the presence of pure
salt in the section. This may be because of the poor seismic data in the areas where
salt is interpreted or an alternative interpretation based on the velocity analysis is that
the section contains a sequence of highly altered carbonate and evaporitic sediments.

Figure 18: Isochron map of Chonta to Paleozoic interval showing paleo-highs and lows in the
vicinity of Shanusi and Loreto wells that would have had an influence on the deposition of the
Pucará Formation. The northeastern high area approximates the edge of the Jurassic basin.

Alternatively, an analysis of the Mobil gravity data by PARSEP shows that the first
vertical derivative of Bouguer gravity, Enclosure 5, generally shows a one to one
relationship of lows associated with surface mapped salt. Additionally, salt pillows
are well defined at depth on numerous seismic lines, with perhaps MPH 23 showing
the best example of salt ‘swells’ within the interpreted Pucará section below the
Chazuta fault.

Clearly, additional work needs to be completed in order to obtain a more
comprehensive understanding of the salt/evaporite deposition and occurrence within
the Pucará Group in and around the Huallaga area.

Pucará Facies Map

The Pucará facies map (Enclosure 2) represents an interpreted distribution of facies

from the upper part of the Pucará Group during Lower Jurassic time. This map was
generated utilizing most of the information currently available on the Pucara and
Sarayaquillo formations. In addition to an extensive array of data that included
seismic and well files (logs, reports, etc.), field sections, published papers, personal
communications, etc., were also utilized. The Marañón basin portion of the map will
be revised when that area becomes the focus of our studies later. To date only a
cursory evaluation of the data in that area has been made.

The main conclusions on the map are:

• The border as currently mapped does not necessarily represent the

depositional border of the Jurassic basin, which was probably further east. In
the northern Marañón for example, the contact between the Jurassic and the
Cretaceous is highly angular indicating that significant erosion associated
with tectonic uplift has occurred along sections of the eastern boundary.

• The upper Pucará facies found in the wells located at the north of the
Marañon basin (Capahuari Norte 2 and Carmen 10) and in the southwest
(Loreto and Orellana) are predominant of a transitional supratidal/continental
environment implying that the maximum influence of the Pucará seas were
not much further eastward.

• In the Forestal (northern Marañón) and Shanusi (southwest Marañón) wells,

the limestone and porous dolomite that mark the Pucará top, are interbedded
with fine calcareous and glauconitic clastics, which together imply a slightly
deeper marine environment, and are probably indicative of an intratidal

• The definitively deeper marine carbonate facies well described in the Andes
when compared with the proximal facies found to the east points to an
unambiguous westward basin direction. This is in contrast to the work done
by Rosas and Fontboté, on the asymmetrical subsidence of a half-graben
studied in central Peru. Based on this work, they concluded that the Pucará
thickened from west to east. Undoubtedly this was the right conclusion but
perhaps only on a relatively local scale. This type of local sub-basin
development related to half-graben development is probably applicable
locally in other parts of the Pucara mega-basin as well

Pucará Well Penetrations

Well penetrations of the Pucará in study area and elsewhere in the Marañón and
Ucayali basins are few. Below is a summary of the wells examined to date and our
interpretation as to how they fit into our current Pucará depositional model.

In the northern Marañon basin, the wells Capahuari Norte 2 (1A-41-9X), Carmen
Norte 10 (1-AB-31-160X) and Forestal 1 (1A-51-3X) all penetrated the Pucará
Group. The Capahuari Norte 2 well, cut 1309 m of Jurassic section with the upper 622
m comprised of a monotonous section of continental red beds of the Sarayaquillo
Formation. The lower 688 m was comprised of an upper section of intercalated red
beds and evaporites that might be equivalent to the Condorsinga Formation, a middle
section described as gray micrites, partly argillaceous and interbedded with thin
calcareous shales that might be an equivalent of the Aramachay Formation, and a
lower section containing only light gray to dark gray hard micrites that may
correspond to the upper part of Chambara Formation.

The Carmen 10 well, penetrated 1000 m of Jurassic section. Both the well log and
lithological data available indicate that the upper 716 m might correspond to the
Sarayaquillo Formation, which interestingly contains a thick but wet 275 m
homogeneous porous sandstone between 4020 to 4295 m (Figure 8). The lower 284 m
of the Jurassic consists of intercalations of continental red sandstones, siltstones and
evaporites that might probably corresponds to the upper part of the Pucará Group.

The Forestal 1 well drilled through 280 m of Jurassic section, then penetrated 287 m
of volcanic rocks described as being andesitic and were interpreted by the operator,
Oxy, to be Basement. The entire Jurassic section is believed to belong to the upper
Pucará and is comprised of intercalations of red siltstones, a few sandstones and light
gray to dark brown hard limestones. Evaporites were not reported in the mud log.
Any Sarayaquillo that may have been present was eroded by the Base Cretaceous

In the southwest region of the Marañon basin, the wells Shanusi, Loreto and Orellana
penetrated the Pucará Formation.

The Shanusi well penetrated 1563 m of Jurassic section. The Sarayaquillo Formation
consisted exclusively of continental red beds with some scattered levels of anhydrite
for a total thickness of 1544 m. In the last 19 meters the well TD’d in a dolomitic unit
of the Pucará Formation when a strong gas kick and subsequent mechanical problems,
stopped drilling operations. The mud log describes the Pucará dolomites as being light
gray, interbedded with very fine calcareous, glauconitic sandstones, siltstones and
greenish shales. This facies is believed to correspond to the upper part of the Pucará
Group and be representative of an intratidal depositional environment.

The Loreto well penetrated 1705 m of Jurassic section with the upper 1436 m
consisting of the continental Sarayaquillo Formation and a lower section
corresponding to the upper Pucará Formation. The mud log describes this later
section as a siliciclastic dominated section with intercalations of carbonates (light to

dark gray micrites and light cream oosparites), and thin, scattered anhydrite beds. Our
interpretation puts the Loreto well substantially landward of the Shanusi well and into
a marine/continental transitional facies.

The Orellana well penetrated an interpreted Pucará section immediately below what is
believed to be the eolian sand member of the Sarayaquillo Formation (Figure 8). The
Pucará here consists predominantly of red beds with a minor occurrence of limestone.
From its lithological description, this well is considered to be depositionally within a
transitional to continental facies.

In the Ucayali, two wells drilled in 1998, the San Alejandro 1X and the Chio 81-5-1X,
and two older wells drilled in 1961, the Oxapampa 7-1 and 7-2, penetrated the Pucara

The San Alejandro 1X drilled through 434 m of Sarayaquillo red beds before
intersecting 408 m of an interpreted Pucará section comprised mainly of very fine
light gray, slightly calcareous sandstones interbedded with gray siltstones and gray to
black shales (well file). The well reached a total depth of 3568 m in the Copacabana
Formation (?) after drilled through an interpreted 115 m of Ene Formation.

The well Chio 1X was drilled to test a seismic "mound" feature originally interpreted
to be an intra-Pucara reef anomaly. Below the base of Cretaceous, 543 m of
Sarayaquillo red beds were intersected before a thin bed (4.5 m) of anhydrite was
found overlying a thick sequence of salt. Drilling was suspended at 3823 m when the
bit was still in salt. Two thin stringers of material other than salt were reported at
3779 m and 3794 m. These stringers appear to be shale or a mixture of shale and salt
(well file).

Because of the proximity of the two older wells, only the deeper Oxapampa 7-1 will
be discussed. This well drilled through an apparent complete Pucará section that was
reported as being anomalous thick at 1931 m. The upper sequence with a thickness of
230 m, is mainly a light brown to gray silty to sandy limestone and dolomitic in part.
The middle section is comprised of 1000 m of anhydrite and halite interbeds with thin
dolomites and red clastics. The lower 701 m is comprised of light colored sandy,
glauconitic limestones with thin halite beds intercalated with reddish brown
sandstones and siltstones. Evaporite facies are present in all the section indicating a
transitional intratidal/supratidal environment. The well TD’d at 3149 m, after
penetrating 331 m of the Mitu Formation.



All seismic data referred to in this report is highlighted on Figure 19 below.

DMX 31
Figure 22

DMX 15 sw
Figure 21

OR 95-08
Figure 23

OR 95-08
Figure 5

90-MPH-2 Figure 17
Figure 20

Figure 19: Seismic reference map

Seismic data Acquisition and Processing

The digital seismic data utilized in the study was provided by courtesy of
PERUPETRO (Table 1). Usually the data as given to PARSEP, was as received, by
PERUPETRO from the Oil Company who submitted it. Some of the data supplied
was in a digitally scanned SEGY version of the available paper section, hence with
deteriorated amplitude information. The data quality in the Huallaga study area is
variable from very poor to good. Time shifts between surveys and lines of the same
survey, are present and for some seismic lines, irreconcilable, i.e. Deminex 30.

Despite our efforts to collect all seismic data acquired in the area, we did not receive
six seismic lines: three from the 1975 Deminex survey in the vicinity of the
Yurimaguas structure, and three from the Mobil 1990 survey, south of Ponasillo
structure. The seismic processing differs from survey to survey. We have access to
several seismic lines acquired and processed by Mobil (1991-1992) and later
reprocessed by OXY (1997). There was a considerable subsurface imagining
improvement in OXY reprocessing. Using pre-stack time migration, we reprocessed
in Canada as a test, two seismic lines 92-MPH-24 and 92-MPH-25 and succeeded in
improving the seismic resolution in areas of poor signal.

Oil Company Year Survey SP GI Chn Spread Fold Charge

Deminex 1975 Marañón 268 134 24 134-3216 600% 4.2kg/10-20m
Mobil 1990 Huallaga 25 25 240 37.5-3012.5 1200% 0.3kg/1.5m
Mobil 1991 Huallaga 25 25 240 37.5-3012.6 1200% 0.3kg/1.5m
Mobil 1992 Huallaga 25 25 240 37.5-3012.7 1200% 0.9kg/1.5m
Occidental 1997 Folded Belt 60 15 400 22.5-3007.5 5000% 2.5kg/15m
Coastal 1999 Marañón 80 20 240 30-3210 3000% 2.0kg/15m

Table 1: Huallaga Seismic Data

Well data

Seven wells tie the seismic grid in Huallaga area. From the digital sonic, density and
gamma ray logs, synthetic seismograms were generated and have been included in
this report as Enclosures 4a through 4g. Interval velocities as calculated from the
sonic logs are presented in Table 2.

Ponasillo Shanusi Loreto Sta Catalina Sta Lucia Orellana

kb / velocity m m/s m m/s m m/s m m/s m m/s m m/s
Vivian 447.0 4352.6 -1307.4 3403.9 -932.0 3458.6 -1031.7 1796.6 3326.1 -200.0
Chonta 212.0 3716.3 -1517.2 3179.5 -1143.0 3099.8 -1270.0 3085.2 1986.2 3048.8 -442.0
Agua Caliente -438.0 4186.7 -1996.0 4032.6 -1500.0 3798.9 -1643.0 3473.4 2274.2 3635.0 -743.0
Cushabatay -856.0 5013.7 -2350.9 4349.8 -1870.0 4181.6 -2004.0 3705.5 2593.8 3865.9 -1239.0
Sarayaquillo -1053.0 -2736.7 -2245.0 3598.6 -2315.0 2919.9 -1516.0
Pucara -3652.0 -
Mitu -2321.0 3710.0
Paleozoic -3436.0 4969.0
TD -1169 -4300 -3949 -2397 -4348 -4058
Table 2: Huallaga Well Data


The seismic interpretation was carried out on a GeoQuest workstation. The seismic
(SEGY), seismic survey (ASCII), well log (LAS), and culture (ASCII), data was
thoroughly controlled for integrity and accuracy; data released with this report is error
proof and should easily be accessed and loaded in any geo-science application. The
seismic correlations have been crosschecked in four key wells: Ponasillo, Shanusi,
Loreto and Orellana with synthetic seismograms (Enclosure 4). The intersecting
seismic lines are included as Figures 20 to 23 and Enclosure 7. The Vivian, Chonta,

Agua Caliente, Cushabatay and Sarayaquillo formations, have good seismic response
in all the drilled wells and have been correlated throughout the study area. The
Pucará, Mitu and Paleozoic horizons were correlated from the Loreto and Orellana
locations. West of the Chazuta thrust, the quality of these reflectors decreases
considerably leaving the interpreter with imaginative choices. Within Sarayaquillo
interval we correlated one seismic event that may be interpreted as a regional
unconformity. The significance of this event is presently unknown but its regional
continuity for such a clinoform-like occurrence is quite remarkable. Above this event
significant progradational sequences can be seen migrating south to north into the
Marañón basin (Figure 17)

Subsurface constructed two-way time maps were prepared for the Chazuta Thrust,
Enclosure 8, and for the principal reflectors, Chonta, Base of Cretaceous, Pucará and
Paleozoic, Figures 23 to 26 and Enclosure 9 to 12.


Seismic line 90-MPH-2 intersects the Ponasillo well at shot point 2581 (Figure 20).
The tie between the well and seismic is very good within the Cretaceous section. The
section below the Sarayaquillo Formation is transparent and no coherent seismic
reflectors are correlatable. We have interpreted the Pucará and Paleozoic events on
this line by extrapolating thickness and dips from near the surface trace of the Chazuta
Thrust Fault and projecting southwestward.

Figure 20: Seismic line 90-MPH-02 crossing Ponasillo1X well at SP 2581


Northeast 143 km of the Ponasillo well (Figure 19), on seismic line DMX-15 (Figure
21), at shot 306 is the Shanusi well. All the major, above-mentioned geological
markers are present at this location and with good seismic response. The well TD’d in
the Pucará Formation but no logs were run in the lower section due to the well being
abandoned prematurely after taking a gas kick in the same formations for mechanical
reasons. We interpreted the Pucará seismic marker at 2624 ms.

Figure 21: Seismic line DMX-15-sw crossing Shanusi 2X well at SP 307

Figure 22: Seismic line DMX-31 crossing Loreto 1X well at SP 567

Figure 23: Seismic line OR-95-07 crossing Orellana3X well at SP 2135


Sixty-two kilometers southeast of Shanusi (Figure 19) on seismic line DMX-31

(Figure 22), at shot point 567 is the Loreto well which logged the Pucará Formation at
a subsea depth of minus 3652m, which correlates to a 2292ms, seismic time. On the
seismic lines the Cretaceous section appears monotonous with parallel reflectors
thorough the entire area.


Seventy-five kilometers south of Loreto, on the seismic line Coastal 95-07 (Figure 19)
at shot point 2135, Orellana, the deepest well in the area encountered the Pucará at a
minus 1776m subsea depth and 1412ms in time, and the Copacabana at minus 3436m,
and 2050ms. As the only useable sonic log in this well was run through the Paleozoic
section, the correspondent synthetic seismogram is incomplete and therefore,
constrains the correlation.

The CHONTA Two-way Time Map (Figure 24), the Chonta Two-way time map is
constructed with the time values of what is interpreted to be the autochthonous
Chonta horizon east of the Chazuta thrust and allochtonous to its west where the
Chonta repeats. We have excluded the values of Chonta dipping beneath the thrust.
The Chonta subcrops in the central part of the map over the Cushabatay High and
Tiraco Dome.

Figure 24: CHONTA Two-Way Time Map

The map clearly contours the Shanusi, Yurimaguas, Loreto, Ponasillo, Orellana and
Insaya structures as well the NW-SE Biabo syncline located just west of the Ponasillo
well in the Huallaga basin. Running parallel to this, the Ponasillo Structure, a faulted
elongated anticline that at Chonta level has a two-way time closure of 1000 ms over
an area of 35 Km2. The Loreto structure is the largest in the area with a vertical
closure of 1250 ms, covering an area of 870 Km2. As the seismic character of the
Chonta - Cushabatay interval is consistent throughout the area and with what is seen
in the wells, the seismic data at hand does not show significant changes that would
warrant exploration targets exclusively for the Cretaceous. Additionally, the
Cretaceous outcrops along the Chazuta and consequently the shallower reservoirs in
the fold belt area would have been breached.

The BASE CRETACEOUS Two-Way Time Map (Figure 25) was constructed with
the same rationale as the Chonta two-way time map, the Chazuta thrust being the
boundary between the autochthonous and allochtonous sedimentary bodies. The Base

Cretaceous map displays the same structural elements as the Chonta map discussed
previously. The amplitude of the mapped structures remains almost constant as does
the Biabo syncline and the trough south of Shanusi.

Figure 25: BASE CRETACEAOUS – Two Way Time Map

The PUCARA Two-Way Time Map (Figure 26) is considered reliable outside the
Huallaga basin and considerably more interpretive within. The seismic Pucará
reflector is correlated in subsurface at the Loreto well and has good definition outside
Huallaga Basin. The two positive structures beneath the Tiraco dome and Cushabatay
High are of debatable origin. The Early Mesozoic section and tectonics that affected it
afterwards are not well understood. This issue has been addressed in previous
sections of this report.

The PALEOZOIC Two-Way Time Map (Figure 27) more or less mimics the Pucará
TWT map (Figure 26) with the exception of the two high areas corresponding to the
Tiraco Dome and the Cushabatay High. The difference being that the Paleozoic
represents the surface of the rifted platform which is not necessarily reflected at
Pucara level. The previous described structures all maintain positive closures with the
exception of Ponasillo.

Figure 26: PUCARA Two-Way Time Map

Figure 27: PALEOZOIC Two-Way Time Map

Three isochron maps were made, Chonta-Base Cretaceous, Chonta-Pucará, and
Pucará-Paleozoic. The first, the Chonta-Base Cretaceous Map (Figure 28) was
generated to look for thickness variations within the Cretaceous that could be the
result of early pre-Tertiary aged structural development. The map primarily shows
the drape effects associated with the underlying structure of the Paleozoic. The latter
two isochron maps were generated to help reconstruct the paleo-structure and paleo-
geography of the Pucará Formation.

Figure 28: Chonta-Base Cretaceous Isochron

The Chonta-Pucara Isochron Map (Figure 29) contours the Pucara surface before
the Andean Orogeny. Of significance is the southwest trending ridge, which
corresponds to the dramatic thinning of the Pucara formation overlying a Paleozoic
high. Additionally, another notable paleo-structure is that on which the Shanusi well
was drilled. This was addressed in more detail in a preceding section (Figure 18).
Several seismic profiles flattened on the Chonta (Figure 6, Enclosures 17, 18), depict
the Pucara onlaping the Paleozoic. The eastern Pucará onlap edge corresponds
roughly with the edge of the Jurassic depression depicted in Enclosure 2, Upper
Pucará Facies Map.

The topography of the Pucará - Paleozoic Isochron Map (Figure 30) is dominated
by the existence of a paleo-high rimming the southeast portion of the study area. This
is a reflection of the Contaya Arch further eastward. Along the East margin of the
Huallaga Basin the surface plunges SW and the seismic reflectors become less

Figure 29: Chonta-Pucara Isochron

Figure 30: Pucará-Paleozoic Two-Way Time Map




Due to logistical reasons, the geochemical aspect of the PARSEP project got a late
start and only recently has it just begun. Ultimately the goal of this project is
complete the following geochemical investigations throughout the PARSEP study
area of NE Peru.
1. Classify and determine the origin of oils in the greater Marañon Basin
2. Conduct basin modeling to
a. Reconstruct burial histories,
b. Determine timing of maturation for key source rock sequences and
c. Determine migration fairways through time

To date, we believe we have good understanding on the classification and origin of

oils in the greater Marañón basin and although this study is not focused directly on the
Huallaga study area we offer the following interim report the current status on our

Classification and Origin of Oils and Petroleum Systems in the Greater Marañón

Geochemical data from numerous oils, rock samples in outcrops and cutting samples
in wells were investigated in an initial project phase to classify oil families, to provide
information on the sources for these oils and to recognize petroleum systems in the
basin. These initial data and observations are the basis for a more quantitative
approach in the future on the assessment of the various petroleum systems present in
the basin.

Based on geochemical data from rocks 11 source rock Formations are identified that
contributed in the distant geological past or contributed in more recent geological
times to oil and gas generation in the long geological history of the basin. Some of
these source rocks are more gas prone, however a number of these Formations have or
had good and excellent oil potential.

The earliest source beds are the Ordovician Contaya and Devonian Cabanillas
formations. Both Formations are encountered in a few wells and are presently
completely over-mature. Oil and gas generation form these Formations probably
occurred in Jurassic/Cretaceous times with subsequent destruction and erosion of
hydrocarbons in early tectonic structuring of the basin.

In the Ucayali Basin the Ambo, Ene and Copacabana formations were active source
beds in this basin, however, these Formations apparently played no role in HC
generation in the Marañón, Huallaga and Santiago Basins.

The Pucará source rock has generated oils in both the Ucayali Basin and the Marañón
Basin. Pucará source beds and oils derived from this source have distinct geochemical
features and clearly point to a carbonate source environment with transitions into
marls. This variation of a pure carbonate source to a shaly carbonate can be clearly
recognized in Pucará source rock samples and in oils in the Marañón and Ucayali
Basins. The oil in the Samiria Well is the classical end member of Pucará oil.

The Chonta Shale contains two distinct source intervals, which generated ‘Chonta A1’
and ‘Chonta A2’ oils. Figure 1 provides an example of an execellent oil – source
correlation in the Tambo #1 well with a Chonta A2 shale about 200km(!) west of this

The Tertiary Pozo Formation is the youngest source rock in the Basin. The Pozo
Shale has variable TOC contents up to 10% with frequent readings in the 4-7% range.
The oil hydrocarbon potential of this shale is very good and locally excellent.
Although the Pozo is presently immature in large parts of the basin, it can be expected
to be fully mature in the Neogene basins with the Pozo Shale in depths of excess of
6000 – 7000m. Modeling attempts are in preparation to further constrain the
hydrocarbon generation characteristics of this shale in the basin.

In summary, the following Petroleum-Systems are (tentatively) identified:

1. Ordovician Contaya - ? oil (probably eroded)

2. Devonian Cabanillas - ? oil (probably eroded)
3. Ambo – Cashiriari (?)
4. Local Ambo – LaColpa (!)
5. Ene/Copacabana – Agua Caliente (?)
6. Pucara – Samiria (!)
7. Chonta A2 – Tambo (!)
8. Chonta A1 – Sungachi (!)
9. Pozo – To be discovered

Investigations are presently being carried out to decipher a complex pattern of

migration, reservoir filling, reservoir breaching and oil degradation followed by a
second phase of reservoir filling and oil mixing. We are investigating a concept of
early Pucará oil generation and migration, local reservoir degradation of this oil and a
second Chonta-phase of reservoir filling and mixing. This second Chonta –Phase both
followed established migration routes and deviated from it, probably as a result of
differential tectonic deformation in the basin.

Future investigation will focus on migration routes, migration histories, reservoir

filling, and timing of these events relative to basin evolution. A critical aspect is also
the mass balance of generated oils and to known or estimated reserves. This
quantitative geochemical basin approach should help to clarify the question of the
future exploration potential of NE Peru.

The geochemical work currently being done will provide critical data necessary for a
further understanding of the Huallaga study area, which is the theme of this
preliminary report. Not until this work is completed satisfactory can we put forth our

final conclusions and recommendations on the Huallaga area. In the meantime,
however, the proceeding sections of this report reflect our current line of thinking and
these ideas will be refined further as the geochemical study progresses.



Historically, the Vivian, Agua Caliente and Cushabatay Cretaceous sandstone

reservoirs have been the primary objectives in the Marañón, Ucayali and Huallaga
basins. After a review of the data in the study area, the Cretaceous reservoirs are
believed to be of only secondary importance due to the following reasons.

1. Within the constrains of our study area, the foreland region of the Marañón
and Ucayali basins, and the Contaya Arch, the principal Cretaceous reservoirs
all have excellent petrophysical properties and continuity. With the exception
of Huaya 3X and the Maquia wells, however, all are without hydrocarbon
shows of any significance and are generally fresh water wet. The Cretaceous
reservoirs are exposed on the surface along the western boundary of the
Marañón and Ucayali basins as well as on the Contaya Arch and subject to a
continual fresh water recharge and consequently subject to flushing.

2. The lack of identified Cretaceous typed oils in region would suggest that a
Cretaceous petroleum system is not active in the area.

3. In the Huallaga basin, the one well drilled, Ponasillo 1X, tested the
Cretaceous reservoirs of the allocthonous Chazuta thrust sheet and
encountered all potential reservoirs rocks to be well indurated, tight and with
little permeability. From studies done by Mobil, the Cretaceous section
encountered in the Ponasillo well, was believed to have been buried at depths
greater than 7000 meters. This observation does not necessarily condemn all
allocthonous Cretaceous reservoirs but it certainly increases the risk in
exploring for them. The notable exception to the above is through fieldwork
done by Oxy just west of the Tiraco Dome. Oxy noted in much the same
manner as described for the Ponasillo well, that the Agua Caliente and
Cushabatay sandstones were indurated and tight. The Vivian, however, was
present, supposedly with permeability and porosities, that were described as
‘good’. Currently, no explanation can be given for this anomaly.

4. Any structure of sizeable closure remaining untested at Cretaceous levels in

the foreland regions, are generally young feature that would postdate any
hydrocarbon migration - should there have been any. The subthrust area of
the Huallaga, however, is another story and is discussed in following sections.


Information on the Pucará is sparse and work on this aspect of our study is still
ongoing. In the immediate region of our present study area, only three penetrations

have been made into the Pucará, the Shanusi 2X, Loreto 1X and Orellana 3X wells.
Consequently, much of the analysis of this Formation is dependent upon outcrop

One of the results from this study is in the identification of the Pucará carbonate rocks
as a potential reservoir target. In our view it may offers the most attractive
exploration opportunities in the area for the following reasons.

1. The Pucará is a self-contained petroleum system with mature source rock,

reservoir and intra-fomational seals.

2. Most of the oils (if not all) found near the study area can be typed (work still
in progress) back to a Pucará source rock. These are;
a. Shanusi oil seep
b. Tiraco oil seep
c. Callanayacu oil seep
d. Maquia oil field

3. Presence of reservoir within the Pucará in the subsurface in the Shanusi 1X

well where vuggy and intercrystalline porosity was noted in dolomites of
‘inter-tidal’ (?) affinity. Porosity estimates of the porous zones were in the 10
to 20% range.

4. Discovery of hydrocarbons in the Pucará reservoir of the Shanusi 1X well.

Due to mechanical problems, this interval was never logged or evaluated.
Excerpts from the drilling report are as follows.
• At 4471m high-pressure gas of predominantly methane with minor
ethane, propane and pentane was encountered.
• Between 4481m and 4484m gas and salt water caused slight flow.
Formation pressure calculated to be 10,900 psi, equivalent to a 14.3
lb/gal mud.
• At FTD drill string got differentially stuck.
• Cemented in stuck BHA, top 4037, bottom 4478.
• Set plug from 4037m to 3990m.

5. Idealized paleo-geographic conditions for the development of reservoir quality

Pucará, i.e. shoaling of sediments and biohermal buildups on paleo-structures
(Figure 18 and 29)

6. Presence of effective seals.

a. The effectiveness of a regional seal in the Sarayaquillo as
demonstrated by the Shanusi 1X well.
b. Deposition within a sabkha type environment with preservation of
compete facies from sub-tidal through intra-tidal and supratidal to
continental has resulted in an ideal depositional environment for the
development of intra-formational seals (supra-tidal evaporites) and
possibly for large regional combination stratigraphic/structural traps.

7. Preservation of porosity and permeability at depth. Carbonates of the Pucará
are not subject to the diagenetic alterations that effect clastic reservoirs and
consequently there can be preservation of porosity and permeability at great
depths of burial.

8. The Pucará is highly under explored with only three penetrations in the study
area. One was a gas discovery and the other two intersected the Pucará in
what we are interpreting to be a supratidal to continental depositional
environment, and a non-prospective facies for reservoir development.


Once the Pucará was defined as a potential target by the PARSEP Group, it was
possible to define several new play concepts for the Huallaga and surrounding area on
which several prospective areas may be outlined. It should be noted, however, that
this study in its current state is far from complete and it is highly recommended that
additional fieldwork in this geologically complex area be preformed to firm up
concepts introduced in this report.

1. Cushabatay High and Tiraco Dome

These are interpreted to be two ‘paleo’- structural features that formed prior to
the main Andean Quechua deformation in the Mio-Pliocene. The Cretaceous
is eroded off the crest of these structures and the Sarayaquillo is exposed on
the surface. The objectives are the porous dolomites of the Pucará Formation,
similar to those encountered in the Shanusi well. The oil seeps, Tiraco and
Callanayacu (Figure 4) found on the Tiraco Dome and Cushabatay High
respectively, have both been typed back to a Pucará source rock (work in
progress), offer positive geochemical support. The greatest risk associated
with this play type is in the breaching of the Pucará reservoirs at the surface
through erosion, which is known to occur in the area the Callanayacu salt
dome, and/or by salt piercement and the resultant leakage if the salt found on
these two features is diapiric in nature. Addressing this latter issue, many
believe the salt in these two areas to be in situ evaporites associated with the
sabkha, supra-tidal transition of the Pucará into the red beds of the
Sarayaquillo. This issue was previously addressed under the Stratigraphy

2. Foreland Pucará structures

Three such features have been drilled to date, Shanusi, Loreto and Orellana.
Of these, only Shanusi was drilled in what we interpret to be a prospective
reservoir fairway within the Pucará basin. The Shanusi well tested the Pucará
basinward of other two on what has been interpreted to be a paleo-horst during
early Mesozoic time (Figure 18). Whether or not deposition of the Pucará on
this paleo-high was directly responsible for the porosity development
encountered in the well, is unknown at this time. With the PARSEP mapping
is evident that Deminex tested the feature at its structural culmination at

Figure 31: Shanusi area time-structure map on top of Chonta

Figure 32: Shanusi area time-structure map on top of Pucara

Cretaceous levels (Figure 31) but at Pucará level, considerable structure can be
gained to the southeast (Figure 32). As the original well discovered gas, this
probable has little interest from an economic perspective. It does indicate,
however, that hydrocarbons are migrating through the system and that perhaps
the gas represents a late generative phase from the Pucará source rocks. If this
feature is filled to spill point with gas (unknown at this time), and had there
been any previously reservoired oil at this location, the oil may have been
displaced further updip by the late gas charge.

Approximately 25 km north of the Shanusi well is the huge Yurimaguas

structure (Figure 24), which was drilled by Texaco in the 50’s. The well was
TD’d in the Cushabatay after encountering all Cretaceous reservoirs fresh
water wet. The Jurassic section remains untested.

3. Allocthonous Pucará Targets

Within the allocthonous Chazuta thrust sheet there are numerous surface
anticlines mapped in the northern part of the Huallaga basin where the
Sarayaquillo is exposed on the surface. Should the Sarayaquillo not be
thickened by tectonic processes i.e. duplexing, then the Pucará could be found
within closure at relatively shallow depths. As this is a carbonate sequence,
porosity occlusion due to a once deep depth of burial, should not be problem.
This, play type, however, is high risk, as little is known about source rock
maturation and timing of migration in this area. Timing of structuration of
these surface feature is presumable coincidental with the emplacement of the
Chazuta thrust and are consequently very young. Additional risks would be
reservoir development and as described above under point 1), breeching
through erosion or salt piercement. One of the big unknowns in this play type
is, ‘Does salt core this type of anticline?’.

4. In the vicinity of Chazuta, seismic data clearly shows a salt pillow about 8 km
wide that can be traced between seismic lines 40 km apart. Although most of
its growth was later, thinning of the lowermost Tertiary clastic section against
the east flank of this pillow provides evidence for movement prior to thrusting
and a corresponding potential for early migration into structural/stratigraphic
traps. This structure is particularly well displayed by line MPH-92-23, which
shows that the Chazuta thrust, is folded by the salt pillow beneath it (Figure
12). There are three phases of movement: early Tertiary (pre – thrusting),
Andean thrusting and late and post – Andean salt movement, which folded the
overlying Chazuta thrust sheet. If closure can be mapped over structures of
this origin, excellent targets exist within the Cretaceous reservoirs throughout
the sub-thrust region of the Marañón basin. The formation of this style of
structure would have been early enough to capture any hydrocarbon charge.


1. The Biabo anticline west of Ponasillo shows considerably more internal

reflectors at depth that may be indicative of duplexing. If this occurs within
rocks with reservoir affinities i.e. the Cretaceous, and Pucara, and a source
rock maturation and hydrocarbon charge story can be put together (see point 2
below), this virtually unexplored area could be prospective.

2. The Pozo Formation of the Huallaga Basin have been documented as an

excellent Type I/II source rock but immature. Perhaps in the Biabo syncline
located immediately to the west of the Ponasillo well where these shales are
found seismically in time at 4.0 to 5.0 seconds, the burial depth is sufficient
enough to place the Pozo Formation within the oil window.

3. Just west of the Huallaga basin an outcrop sample of the Lower Jurassic
Aramachay (Pucará) Formation (coord. - 196,915E, 9,214,980N) was found to
be an early mature source rock of excellent quality. Bitumen extracts show
GC, biomarker, and carbon isotope characteristics similar to the oils derived
from the Jurassic Pucará source rock known from the Marañón an the northern
Ucayali Basins, (Core Lab File No. 99057, June 1999). Little is known about
this area as it is outside our data coverage area (seismic and wells). The only
interpretative data available is through the Ingemmet surface geology
quadrangle maps. The presence of a quality, mature source rock, however,
bodes well for the hydrocarbon generative potential along the western margins
of the Huallaga basin

4. Identification of a new potential reservoir within the Sarayaquillo Formation,

which on logs, (figure 8) displays excellent petrophysical qualities. In the
subsurface the two know occurrences by the PARSEP Group has this
Sarayaquillo sand resting above the Pucará giving it potential access to Pucará
sourced oils.

The Huallaga basin and adjacent areas in the Marañón and Ucayali basins is one that
has undergone a complex structural evolution from the end of the Paleozoic through
to the Recent. Although the PARSEP Group has just touched the surface unravelling
the geology and petroleum potential of the area, several important new concepts about
the region have come to light.

From a structural viewpoint, it is apparent that that no one tectonic mechanism

satisfactorily explains the geometries of the structures observed in the area. The
interpretation made by the PARSEP Group, is that the original structural framework
of the region initiated with a Late Permian – Triassic rifting event. This created a

series of horst and grabens that through later thermal subsidence formed the Jurassic
depression that we believe represents the proto-Marañón basin. Superimposed on this
in the study area, are two major and distinctively different compressional structural
styles. The first is represented by inverted Permo-Triassic half grabens such as the
Cushabatay High and the Tiraco Dome, in which sedimentation may have been
predominantly evaporitic. The second style, by later thin-skinned, decollement
structures associated with the Chazuta and Shanusi Thrusts. Complicating the
structural picture further, is tectonics associated with salt movement, which appears to
have been active intermittently from the Cretaceous through to the Recent.

From a petroleum exploration viewpoint , the Pucara Formation should be considered

to be the principal reservoir target in the Huallaga region. Below, the salient issues
concerning the Pucara formation are summarized.

• The Pucará basin was developed from late Triassic (Norian) to late lower
Jurassic (Toarcian) time.
• The hinterland of the Pucará basin was to the east, formed by a pre-
existing horst and graben, rift-type, framework, trending roughly N-S and
comprising rocks from the Pre-Cambrian shield to Permian red beds.
• A broad carbonate platform was partially restricted by a “proto Marañon
geo-anticline to the west, trending NW-SE, like the today’s Andean
system, and/or, by an active volcanic arc.
• It contains a rich organic facies found mainly in the middle part of the
Pucará within the Aramachay Formation (Hettangian-Sinemurian) and also
in some upper levels within the Chambara Formation (Rhaetian).
• Sabkha type facies have been reported for the upper part of the Pucará
section outcropping at the Callanayacu Dome (north of the Cushabatay
High) in the Huallaga study area.
• Pucará gas saturated porous dolomites with high pressure were found at
4469 m. in the well Shanusi 1X, located 45 km north of the Callanayacu
Dome area. The well was abandoned by mechanical problems in 1975.

The Pucará Group has proven capabilities as an excellent source rock. The Shanusi
well has demonstrated that the Pucará can contain reservoir rock facies and that these
reservoirs can contain hydrocarbons. The Pucará formation depositional model and
tectonic framework of the region presented in this report can hopefully be utilized to
expand on the exploration potential of this virtually unexplored for reservoir.

In summary, the exploration plays we envision being present in the region are as

• Inverted Permo-Triassic rift basins with Pucara reservoir targets.

• Sub-thrust anticlines with good reservoirs in clean shallow marine
Cretaceous sandstones, and lower Jurassic porous dolomites.
• Growth salt structures with early pre-Andean movement, involving
Jurassic and Cretaceous reservoirs.
• Hanging-wall thrust structures, involving Jurassic carbonate reservoirs
targets at shallow depths.

• Intra-Pucara stratigraphic traps involving porous intratidal/supratidal
dolomites sealed by supratidal/continental evaporites.
• Structural traps within the ‘eolian’ sand member of the of Sarayaquillo
Formation, if connected to a Pucara generated oil, migration pathway.

NOTE: As an attachment to this report is an Excel spreadsheet of the data pertinent to
this study area in the PERUPETRO archives which is included on the CD
accompanying this report as Attachements/ReferencesPERUPETRO.

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Figure 6: Seismic Profile 1 from the north (left) in the Maranon Basin near the Yurimaguas well to the south (right) in the Ucayali Basin near the Orellana well. The upper section
is unflattened and the lower section is flattened on the top of the Chonta Formation
Huallaga Basin Cushabatay High Ucayali Basin


Pucara Cret


Figure 10: Seismic Profile 3 extending from the Huallaga Basin (left) to the Ucayali Basin (right)
0 mm 2500 0 mV 150 0 mm 2500
0.20 ohmm 2000 0 mV 150 0.20 OHMM 2000 2 gr/cc 3 0 mm 2500 0.20 OHMS 2000 0.45 % -0.15 0 mV 150 0.20 ohmm 2000 2 gr/cc 3 0 mm 2500 0.20 ohmm 2000
0 API 15 0.20 OHMS 2000 500 API 100 0 API 200 0.20 ohmm 2000 45 % -15 140 us/ft 40 0 API 200 0.20 OHMS 2000 2 gr/cc 3 140 us/ft 40 0 API 200 0.20 ohmm 2000 0.45 ft3/ -0.15 0 API 200 0.20 ohmm 2000 2 gr/cc 3 140 us/ft 40

1200 200






1400 400







CHONTA MK3 1600 600



1700 700






1900 900




2000 1000



2100 1100




12 1200


C 8
14 2500
RAYA 1400


2300 1300

2200 C





2300 20




2500 1500









Figure 15: Cross-section from theYurimaguas 1X well in the Huallaga Basin (left) to the Huaya 3X well in the Ucayali Basin (right)

Thrust Sarayaquillo



Marañón Basin
Huallaga Basin Tiraco Dome






Figure 11: Seismic Profile 4 extending from the Huallaga basin (left) to the Loreto 1X well in the Marañón basin (right). The upper section is unflattened and the lower section
is flattened on the Pucará. The white reflector within the Sarayaquillo is the interpreted intra-Sarayaquillo event.
0 API 200 0 IN 100 2 G/C3 3 0 GAPI 1000
0 mV 150 0.20 OHMM 2000 0 MV 200 0.20 OHMM 2000 45 none -15 0.20 ohmm 2000 0 MV 150 0.20 ohmm 2000 45 % -15 0 GAPI 200 45 none -15
0 mm 2500 0.20 ohmm 2000 2 gr/cc 3 140 us/ft 40 0 GAPI 200 0.20 OHMM 2000 45 % -15 140 us/f 40 0 GAPI 15 0.20 OHMS 2000 500 API 100 0 API 200 0.20 ohmm 2000 45 % -15 140 us/f 40 0 mv 150 0.20 ohmm 2000 2 gr/cc 3 140 us/f 40












1300 1C

1 3



















8CC 4900









2100 12C




RAYA 2200





2300 20







Figure 16: Cross-section from the Ponasillo 1X well in the Huallaga Basin (left) to the Mahuaca 3X well in the Marañón Basin (right)

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