English For Specific Purposes

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English for Specific Purposes


We at the USST Colleges envision a PREMIER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION committed towards providing EQUAL ACCESS AND
OPPURTUNITY in helping individuals achieve personal, academic and social transformation to become brilliant, dedicated and productive leaders
in Trade, Business, Arts, Humanities and Science and Technology.


Our mission is to CREATE and SUSTAIN a WORLD CLASS LEARNING ENVIRONMENT that will nurture creative, innovative and
reflective critical THINKERS and LEADERS committed in creating a QUALITY WAY OF LIFE for themselves and for the others through


To provide professional, scientific, technological, technical and vocational instruction and training in trade, business, arts, sciences and
technology and other areas of education in order to meet the manpower needs of business and industries in the region in the Philippines.

1. Strive for academic excellence in instruction and research, social and community involvement through accreditation.
2. Provide appropriate and continuing faculty and staff development programs.
3. Provide and maintain appropriate technologies, instructional facilities, materials and equipment.
4. Produce quality graduates who are globally competitive to meet the needs of business and industry and,
5. Attain university status through Unity, Solidarity, Sublimity and Teamwork(USST)
Course Name English for Specific Purposes
Course Credit 3 units
Course Schedule Friday 9:00-12:00
Course Description The course introduces the purposes of English in Specific purposes wherein the learners of English will
familiarized themselves with the different stages of development of ESP. In addition, the students
determine the needs of the learners wherein it will become their basis in choosing appropriate approach,
method, and strategies in planning and implementing lesson plan for specific learners of English

Contact Hours/week 3 hours

Prerequisite None
Course Objectives At the end of the semester, the students must have:
1. Unlock the underlying concepts of English for Specific Purposes;
2. Plan and assess teaching approaches, methods, strategies, and techniques appropriate to specific
learning content; and
3. Design teaching materials aligned to a learner –centered approach to ESP

Week Desired Learning Course content/ Subject Teaching and Assessment Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Matter Learning Task(ATs) Materials Table
At the end of the unit, the UNIT 1 Question-generation Written OHP 15
students must have: A. Emergence of ESP strategies Quizzes hours
1. Identified the  The Demand of a Laptop
different ESP stages Brave New World Reciprocal Teaching Oral
2. Determined the  The revolution in Recitation Hand-
trends in ESP linguistics Brainstorming outs of
3. Identified the  Focus on the Individual topics
Week 1-5 proponent of various Learners presentation
theories B. Illustration of ESP of outputs
4. Differentiated Stages of
classical Development
conditioning and  Register Analysis
operant conditioning  Rhetorical or
discourse Analysis:
Beyond the
 Target Situation
 Skills and Strategies
 A learner-centered
C. Trends in ESP
 Research expansion
 K-12 Curriculum
 Register Growth
D. Behaviorism
1. Behaviorism
 B.F Skinner
 Ivan Pavlov
 John Watson
 Edward Lee
2. Naturalist or
Nativist Theory
 Eric
 Noam
 Mcneil(1966)
3. Constructivist
 Piaget
 Brunner
 Vygotsky
4. Social Interaction
 Vygotski
5. Emergentism and
 John Stewart Mill
 O Grady
 Nick Ellis
At the end of the unit, the UNIT II
students must have: A. Development of Brainstorming Written Quiz Projector 15
ESP hours
1. Identified the  English for Specific Reciprocal Teaching Written Laptop
development of ESP Purposes Outputs
2. Understood the  English as a second Manila
theories of language language paper,
3. Aligned approaches,  English as a cartolina
methods, and Foreign Language
techniques to  English for Hand-
various subject Academic Purposes outs of
matter  English for topic
 English for Science
and Technology
 English for
B. Theories of
Language Origin
 Gestural Theory
 Behaviorism
 Chomsky’s Theory
 Social Interaction
 Critical Period
 Emergentism
C. Approach,
Method, and
 Teaching
 Teaching Methods
 Teaching
At the end of the unit, the UNIT III
students must have: A. Outline of “A Listening of topics Written hand-outs 12
Learning- quizzes of topics hours
1. Outlined a learner- Centered Self-evaluation
centered approach Approach to ESP” Sample of
subject matter in  SECTION 1. What Mini-workshop outputs
ESP is ESP? Designing materials
2. Analyzed the needs  SECTION 2. Outline of
of learners in Course Design Presentation of outputs outputs
specific field  SECTION 3.
Week 3. Understood the Application
11-14 design model of  SECTION 4. The
materials in aligning Teacher
to the needs of the B. Needs Analysis
learners C. A Materials
Design Model
 Input
 Content
 Language
 Task

At the end of the unit, the UNIT IV

students must have: A. Deciding on Reciprocal Teaching Written LCD 12
Materials quizzes Projector hours
1. Chose and Selection and Lesson Planning
decided on Preparation of Lesson Plan Laptop
teaching Materials Instructional Material’s
materials that  Opener making Demo Speakers
will be utilized  Input Teaching
Week in teaching  Comprehension
15-18 2. Planned a lesson Check
plan considering  Vocabulary
all the factors in  Language Practice
analyzing the  Tasks
needs of the B. Lesson Planning
learners of C. Execution of
English Lesson Plan
3. Executed a
lesson plan in a
classroom setting
Suggested Readings and References

1. Regular class attendance

Course Requirements 2. Major examinations
Prelim Examination
Mid-term Examination
Pre-Final Examination
Final Examination
3. Activities, seat works and short quizzes
4. Portfolio/ Projects(s)Reflection paper(s)

Grading System Attendance -10%

Decorum -15%
Quizzes -20%
Participation (Recitation, Assignments,
Projects, Portfolios,etc.) -25%

Major Examination -30%

TOTAL - 100%

Classroom Policies 1. Attendance is checked regularly. Late comers will not be admitted after 15 minutes.
2. Students wearing incomplete/improper school uniform will not be admitted. Likewise, proper dress code
should be observed during school activities.
3. Electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, etc.) need to be turned off or muted during class.
4. Requirements for the subject should be submitted on time. Late submission of projects is not acceptable.
5. Students who are cheating or plagiarizing materials in the course will not receive credit for the
assignments, projects or tests which will likely to lead failure in the course.
Prepared by: Approved by:

_______________________ __________________________
Instructor Vice President for Academic Affairs

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