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Lesson Plan in Earth and Life Science

 Identify the layers of the earth
 Described the layers of the earth
A. Topic: Layers of the Earth
B. References: Earth and Life Science
C. Science Concepts: Earth’s layers are the crust, the mantle and the core.
D. Science Process: Identification, observation
E. Materials: boiled eggs
i. knife or cutter
ii. diagram or powerpoint showing the earth’s layer
F. Values: Be scientific, Cooperation

III. Learning Areas

A. Guided Inquiry

1. Review/Checking of Assignments:
What is the difference between centripetal and centrifugal force?
2. Motivation:
Review the components of the earth’s surface by showing a globe. Ask them to identify the bluish
part of the globe and multi-colored portions. Point out the oceans and the continents.

3. Presentation
A. Presentation of Materials
B. Statement of Problem
 What are the layers of the earth?
 Where are different layers of the earth located?
C. Setting of Standards
 What must be observed in doing the activity?
D. Distribution of Activity Card
B. Guided Exploration

1. Activity Proper
2. Reporting
3. Analysis and Discussion
 What are the different layers of the earth?
 How important is to know the composition of the earth?
C. Guided Discovery
1. Generalization
 Name the earth’s layer.
 What are the descriptions of each?

2. Application
 Why do you think is important to know what is beneath the earth’s surface?
3. Valuing
 Why is knowing the earth’s layer important

IV. Evaluation
Fill in the blank

_______ 1 -3 The layers of the solid earth.

_______ 4. It is the outermost layer.
_______ 5. It is beneath the crust.
*Activity Sheet

I – Problems: What are the layers of the earth?

What are the descriptions of each?

II – Materials: boiled eggs

knife or cutter

III – Procedures:

1. Cut a hard-boiled egg in half with its shell intact.

2. Compare its parts to the model of the earth’s layer.

IV – Findings/ Results

Answer these:

1. How many layers do you see in the cut egg? _______________________________________________________________

2. Which layer of the egg represents the crust? Describe it.


3. What is the thickest layer of the egg? What does it represent?


4. Which layer of the egg represents the hottest layer of the earth?

5. On which layer of the earth do you live? ______________________________________________________________

6. Which layer has been explored? _______________________________________________________________

7. What human activities have gone deep down the earth’s crust?



Presented by:

Ms. Aileen T. Libranda

Lesson Plan in Science 6

 Describe each layer of the earth.
A. Topic: Layers of the Earth
B. References: Science and Health Grade 6 pp.275-279
C. Science Concepts: Earth’s layers are the crust, the mantle and the core.

 The crust is the outermost layer of the earth composed of a variety of loose solid rocks, like a
skin of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
 The mantle which lies beneath the crust is composed of solid rocks and hot molten rocks.
 The core is hottest layer of the earth.

D. Science Process: Description, Inference

E. Materials:
Small metal ball or a bearing
Tissue paper
diagram or powerpoint showing the earth’s layer and it’s description
F. Values: Be knowledgeable , teamwork

III. Learning Areas

A. Guided Inquiry

1. Review

What are different layers of the earth?

2. Motivation:
i. Miners and oil drillers have drilled into the earth but none of them has dug deeper than a few
thousand meters. If you are one of those, what will you do?

3. Presentation
i. Presentation of Materials
ii. Statement of Problem
 What are the layers of the earth?
 How will you describe the different layers of the earth?
iii. Setting of Standards
 What must be observed in doing the activity?
iv. Distribution of Activity Card
B. Guided Exploration

1. Activity Proper
2. Reporting
3. Analysis and Discussion
a. What is the earth’s crust consists of?
b. What is the layer beneath the crust?
C. what is the description of each layers?

C. Guided Discovery
1. Generalization
 What are the descriptions of each layers of the earth?

2. Application
 Why do you think is important to know what is beneath the earth’s surface and its description?

3. Valuing
 Why is knowing the description of the different layers of the earth important?

IV. Evaluation
Beneath our Feet:

The Three Layers of Earth

1. Where is the Earth's crust the thickest?

a. below the continents

b. beneath the oceans

c. below the equator

d. below the North Pole

2. How is the Earth's mantle like a peanut butter sandwich?

a. The mantle has three layers, like a peanut butter sandwich.

b. The mantle is sticky, like peanut butter.

c. The top and bottom layers of the mantle are the thickest parts.

d. Peanut butter sandwiches feel like the hard rocks found in the mantle.

3. Which layers of the Earth are made mostly of metals?


4. Write the word true or false for each sentence.

________________ The inner core of the Earth is about the nine hundred degrees Fahrenheit.

________________ The inner core of the Earth is made of liquid iron and nickel.

________________ The Earth's mantle lies directly below the inner core.

5. Explain how scientists believe the Earth's four layers were formed.



*Activity Sheet

I. Problems: What are the layers of the earth?

What are the descriptions of each?

II. Materials: Small metal ball or a bearing


Tissue paper

III. Procedures:

1. Get a small metal ball or a bearing. Feel how heavy it is. This will be your core.
2. Take a piece of clay about seven times the volume of the metal ball. Feel how heavy it is. This will be your
3. Take a piece of clay equivalent to about 1/17 of the clay you will use as mantle. Make a very thin layer out of this
clay by spreading and pressing it on the floor. Once it is about paper thin, get an equivalent volume of tissue
paper. This will be your crust. Feel how light it is.
4. Out of these three kinds of materials, make the model of the earth: Then, make a horizontal circle embracing
the mid-portion of your model.
5. Make another vertical circle, crossing the horizontal circle. Now you can determine the fourth part of your
model. Carve it away but do not take out the metal ball.
6. Now, label the layers of the earth.

IV. Findings / Results

Answer these:

1. What are the layers of the earth?


2. Which layer is the lightest? Why?


3. Which layer is the heaviest? Why?


4. Which layer is the hottest?


5. Which sub-layer of the core is solid? liquid?




Presented by:

Ms. Aileen T. Libranda


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