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Newton's second law of motion – problems and solutions

1. An 1 kg object accelerates at a constant 5 m/s 2. Estimate the net force needed to accelerate the
Known :
Mass (m) = 1 kg
acceleration (a) = 5 m/s2
Wanted : net force (∑F)
Solution :
we use Newton's second law to get the net force.
∑F = m a
∑F = (1 kg)(5 m/s2) = 5 kg m/s2 = 5 Newton

2. Mass of an object is 1 kg, net force ∑F = 2 Newton. Magnitude and direction of object's acceleration

Known :
Mass (m) = 1 kg
Net force (∑F) = 2 Newton
Wanted : magnitude and direction of acceleration (a)
Solution :
a = ∑F / m
a = 2 m/s2
Direction of acceleration = direction of net force (∑F)

3. Object's mass = 2 kg, F1 = 5 Newton, F2 = 3 Newton. Magnitude and direction of acceleraton is...

Known :
Mass (m) = 2 kg
F1 = 5 Newton
F2 = 3 Newton
Wanted : magnitude and direction of acceleration (a)
Solution :
net force :
∑F = F1 – F2 = 5 – 3 = 2 Newton

Magnitude of acceleration :
a = ∑F / m
a = 1 m/s2
Direction of acceleration = direction of net force = direction of F1

© 2018 | San Alexander

4. Object's mass = 2 kg, F1 = 10 Newton, F2 = 1 Newton. Magnitude and direction of acceleration is...

Known :
Mass (m) = 2 kg
F2 = 1 Newton
F1 = 10 Newton
F1x = F1 cos 60o = (10)(0.5) = 5 Newton
Wanted : magnitude and direction of acceleration (a)
Solution :
Net force :
∑F = F1x – F2 = 5 – 1 = 4 Newton
Magnitude of acceleration :
a = ∑F / m
a = 2 m/s2
Directon of acceleration = direction of net force = direction of F1x

5. F1 = 10 Newton, F2 = 1 Newton, m1 = 1 kg, m2 = 2 kg. Magnitude and direction of acceleration is...

Known :
Mass 1 (m1) = 1 kg
Mass 2 (m2) = 2 kg
F1 = 10 Newton
F2 = 1 Newton
Wanted : magnitude and direction of acceleration (a)
Solution :
net force :
∑F = F1 – F2 = 10 – 1 = 9 Newton

Magnitude of acceleration :
a = ∑F / (m1 + m2)
a = 9 / (1 + 2)
a = 3 m/s2
Direction of acceleration = direction of net force = direction of F1

© 2018 | San Alexander

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