HiL Testing Questions

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HiL Testing Questions

1. Write the HiL setup diagram

2. Explain the tools used in HiL set-up
3. What is the start-up and shut-down procedure of D-Space or RTE used
4. Explain the calibration and flashing tool (INCA and Trace 32)
5. Explain the flashing procedure for Trace 32/flashing tool? What is the file used used for flashing?
6. Explain the message monitoring tool (Canoe / Canalyser). How to create IG blocks, database and
simulation nodes?
7. Explain scripting toos like TA2, TA3 test framework
8. Explain HiL variable mapping and calibration variable mapping by python
9. Explain test manager
10. How do you create and run test cases and report generation.
11. Explain the main services in UDS
12. What are NRCs? Explain NRC 11,12,13,22,31,7E, 7F,78
13. Explain Service ID request and response sequence.
14. Explain timing of execution and processing request (P2 CAN server) and P CAN client)
15. Explain SEED and key algorithm
16. Explain procedure to unlock security
17. Why routine control is used?
18. Explain classification of service groups and their uses
19. Explain the diagnostic trouble code (DTC)
20. Explain the status of DTC response byte.

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