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Direction: Kindly give your honest and sincere answers to every item in the questionnaire.
Please fill out the blank or check the space provided which appropriately describes your answer.

Part I. Profile of the Respondents

A. Name of Teacher: _________________________________ (optional)

B. Age:
56-65 years old: _____
45-55 years old: _____
36-44 years old: _____
25-35 years old: _____

C. Sex _________ Male ___________ Female

D. Civil status: ________ Married _________ Single ________ Widow/Separated
E. Position:
Teacher: _______ T-I ______ T-II ______ T-III
Master teacher: ______ MT-I ______ MT-II _____ MT-III

F. Highest Educational attainment

PhD Degree: _______
MA with Ph D Units: _____
MA Degree: _____
MA Units: _____
BS Degree: _____

G. Length of service:
35 and above: _____
25-34 _____
15-24: _____
5-14: _____
Below 5: _____

H. Monthly salary
15,000 and above: _______
10,000 – 15,000: ______
Below 10,000: ________

I. Number of CPD units earned:

41 and above:
21-30 units: _____
11- 20 units: _______
10 and below: __________
Each item in this form is followed by a number of responses. Please check (/) your answer
using the three point rating scale space which corresponds to your answer.

3 agree
2 disagree
1 undecided


A. Attending Conferences/Seminars
Indicators 3 (R) 2 (NI) 1(D)
1. Certification/Diploma and transcript of records of a full-pledge
Master’s holder is equivalent to full credit units.
2. Participants of CPD program is approved to 2 credit units per
3. Photocopy of certificate of the resource speaker is approved to 3
credit units per hour.
4. Local authors are recognized by the PRC presenting his/her
published article and table of contents equivalent 10 credit units.
5. Study tours/visits from sponsoring institution are approved by the
PRC maximums of 20 credit units per tours.

B. Earning a Degree
Indicators 3 (R) 2 (NI) 1(D)
1. Teachers with master’s or doctoral degree should have a greater
salary than holding a bachelor’s degree.
2. Teachers’ need a graduate degree to qualify for a higher salary
grade and promotion.
3. Pursuing second degree at state or university is expensive than an
online program including housing, transportation and other
4. In aiming for professional progress, a teacher must take law
5. If teacher’s goal is to become a school head/education
administrator, then you will most-likely need to earn a master’s
/doctoral degree.

C. Self-Efficacy
Indicators 3 (R) 2 (NI) 1(D)
1. CPD programs provide skills to be an effective teacher.
2. CPD program is a requirement for professional growth it also
ensures that you and your knowledge stay relevant and up to date.
3. CPD promotes peer coaching and mentoring to improve teaching
4. Training with CPD makes teachers productive and enthusiastic in
their job.
5. CPD expose teachers to new and different teaching and learning
strategies that are very useful in classroom management.


A. Social Status
Indicators 3 (R) 2 (NI) 1(D)
1. CPD promotes a sense of belongingness among the teachers in
2. Earning CPD units can lead to increased public confidence in
individual profession as a whole
3. CPD assist teachers to move into new positions where you can
lead, manage, influence, coach and mentor others.
4. With CPD training everybody initiates team effort, harmony and
working relationship.
5. CPD enhances to collaborate/cooperate with teachers and other
personnel at school regarding pupils/students activities through
the application of knowledge on social learning dealing with

B. Promotion
Indicators 3 (R) 2 (NI) 1(D)
1. Attending CPD program is needed to obtain units for promotion.
2. CPD encourages teachers to acquire more skill through attending
seminars to prepare them for future promotion.
3. With my CPD training, teachers/employees promotion should be
based on the knowledge and skills.
4. Certificate of attendance with CPD helps teachers’ chances for
5. Special Education Teachers is essential for promotion because
they are working with student/pupil with disabilities.

C. Competence
Indicators 3 (R) 2 (NI) 1(D)
1. CPD promotes peer coaching and mentoring to improve teaching
instruction and learning.
2. The school administrator endorses teachers to attend CPD
seminar for improvement of instruction and learning.
3. CPD helps teacher to grow professionally and influence students
in the most positive ways.
4. CPD upgrades the knowledge of teachers in their teaching
5. CPD gives an opportunity to keep up to date in current teaching
approach, learns new skills/ideas and quickly apply to his/her


A. Facilitator of Learning Process
Indicators 3 (R) 2 (NI) 1(D)
1. Through CPD program teachers are gaining a sense of self-
confidence on becoming a facilitator.
2. CPD makes teachers satisfied with their profession as facilitator.
3. CPD is about development because the goal is to improve a
teacher’s performance by assisting them in gaining a deeper
understanding of new learning takes place.
4. CPD training helps teachers to facilitate in their learning
5. CPD training increased teachers level of confident and become a
more effective facilitator.

B. Pedagogies and Strategies

Indicators 3 (R) 2 (NI) 1(D)
1. CPD provide or develop creativeness/resourcefulness of teacher
in solving problems in the classroom.
2. CPD encourages the teachers to involve their pupils in the
planning and teaching of their lessons so that it can increase the
enjoyment and engagement of the students in learning.
3. CPD training teaches the teachers to go beyond about what they
are going to teach.
4. CPD promotes the use of teaching processes that develop Higher
Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), practical work approach in the
delivery of subject matter and the use of example and teaching
5. CPD enhance the competency of teachers particularly in teaching
methodology and assessment practices in English, Science, and

C. Innovator of technology
Indicators 3 (R) 2 (NI) 1(D)
1. In CPD activities, using technology increases academic
achievement, productivity and professional practice.
2. Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers and
parents in order to nurture student learning by showing positive
attitude towards the use of technology in keeping records of the
3. Accessing information from internet thereby bringing
students/pupils closer to global competitiveness.
4. CPD believes that the successful of using technology depends on
the availability of materials at school/home and only if there is
adequate teacher training.
5. Mastery of using technology makes teachers feel more confident as

D. Repository of learning materials

Indicators 3 (R) 2 (NI) 1(D)
1. CPD encourage teachers to use a variety of materials such as
charts, pictures, and metaphors that inspire pupils to learn.
2. CPD promotes the adequate supply of materials (guides and
modules for teachers) and learning materials for students.
3. CPD encourage teachers to use materials consistent to the
Learning Guides to K to 12 Curriculum
4. With my CPD training I learn to keep the pupils portfolio and
make it as an evaluation of their performance.
5. Keeping of instructional materials in the proper and safe place are
very useful in the classroom management.


A. Engagement
Indicators 3 (R) 2 (NI) 1(D)
1. CPD Seminars can cost at a thousand pesos or above per session.
2. Monthly salary is not enough; teachers could not afford the
registration fee.
3. Attending CPD programs is costly in itself. If it is in another city,
the participant also has to pay for fare, lodging, and meals.
4. CPD training is not useful in solving the difficulties that teachers
had in the classroom.
5. CPD training is not accessible to busy professionals.

B. Time constraints
Indicators 3 (R) 2 (NI) 1(D)
1. Teachers may not have time to attend CPD trainings because of
social obligations.
2. CPD conflicts with teachers’ time management.
3. Teachers find difficulty to adopt the new strategies which CPD
would like to promote.
4. CPD program takes more of free time like rest and family
5. The agency/company does not allow their employees to file a
leave just for CPD seminars/trainings.

C. Motivation
Indicators 3 (R) 2 (NI) 1(D)
1. CPD trainings/seminars are not challenging and enjoyable.
2. CPD trainings/seminars are not useful in my actual teaching.
3. Teachers cannot meet the requirements of CPD because of too
much work like lesson planning, classroom management, and
parent-teacher assemblies.
4. Attending CPD program is inaccessible.
5. Lack of interest because school heads do not allow teachers to
attend workshops/seminars.


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