Development of Cell Theory1

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Learning Outcome:

1. Describe the development of the cell theory

Development of Cell Theory

Cell Theory is a scientific theory which describes the

properties of cells.
Anton Van Leewenhoek and his compound microscope.
Robert Hooke, his microscope and the cell structure he had seen.
Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, A german Biologist and zoologist, focus their studies on plant
and animal cells and proposed the two of the three tenets of cell theory.
Rudolf Virchow, Albert Kolliker and Robert Remak ( from left to right) refuted Schleiden’s Theory of
Free Cell Formation through Crystallization in 1850. Later, Rudolf Virchow added the third tenet of the
cell theory.
Comparison Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell

#14 Nemenzo , Jemar C. Nemenzo
Learning outcomes :
2. Compare and Contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell

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