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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS of the HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FORT LAUDERDALE. Held at 5:00 PM Thursday, December 14, 2017 437 SW 4 Avenue « Fort Lauderdale, Florida + 33315 « (954) 525-6444 Cumulative Attendance 6/22/17 through 5/10/18 Board Members Attendance Present Absent James Camp Ill, Chair P 6 a Robert W. Kelley, Vice Chair A 3 3 Dr. Nicholas Tranakas [p 5 1 Shirley Carson P 6 0 Dan Lindblade A 5 1 At this time, there are 5 appointed members to the Board, which means 3 would constitute a quorum. There were 3 members present. Staff: Guest: Mike Tadros None Roll Call/Determination of Quorum Mr. Camp, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:05 P.M. Roll was called and it was noted that a quorum was present. Approval of Agenda Motion was made by Dr. Tranakas and seconded by Ms. Carson. Motion voted on and passed unanimously to approve the December 14, 2017 meeting agenda Approval of Minutes - November 9, 2017 Motion was made by Dr. Tranakas and seconded by Ms. Carson. Motion voted on and passed unanimously to approve the November 9, 2017 meeting minutes. SECRETARY'S REPORT 1. RFQ # 2017-04 — Financial Advisor The HIA recently advertised a Request for Qualification for Financial Advisor: Attachment 1 was a summary of the proposals that were submitted. Copies of the proposals were available for the Board's review. The E.D. reviewed the selection criteria with the Board and presented the H/A’s recommendation which was Trident Housing Corporation d/b/a Packard Consulting for approval Dr. Tranakas moved the motion to approve the response from Packard Consulting to provide Financial Advisor Services for the Housing Authority, based on the caveat that the Financial Advisor fees are comparable with other Housing Authorities in Broward County. Ms. Carson seconded. All voted in the affirmative. 2. Discussion on Affordable Housing Portfolio & Sale of Single Family Homes This item was discussed previously and the Board was updated on the H/A’s current Affordable Housing portfolio, consisting of single family homes and duplexes on scattered sites. The E.D. discussed the HIA putting together a program/plan to sell about forty single family homes to first time home buyers. Board Meeting Minutes December 14, 2017 Page 2 The E.D. was proposing that the H/A start the process by offering residents the opportunity to purchase the homes they now occupy. Also, to first time home buyers through our Section 8 FSS Program and on the open market if there are not enough qualifiers. Dr. Tranakas moved the motion to approve the systematic sale of the single family homes. Ms. Carson seconded. All voted in the affirmative. 3. Schedule Closed Session A Closed Session was requested to be scheduled for the next Board meeting, January 11, 2018, or at another date depending on the Labor and Employment Attorney and the Commissioners’ schedule. The purpose of this Closed Session will be to discuss claims for wrongful and unlawful termination of former employee. The following persons shall be in attendance: James Camp Ill, Chair; Robert W. Kelley, Vice-chair; Commissioners Shirley Carson; Dr. Nicholas Tranakas; Dan Lindblade; Executive Director, Tam English, and Labor Attorney, Frank Henry and a Court Reporter. Dr. Tranakas moved the motion to accept; Ms. Carson seconded. All voted in the affirmative. 4, Redevelopment Update ‘+ Moving forward with the Suncrest Court Re-development — Hoping to start Construction in the fall of 2018 ‘+ Working on the Sailboat Bend I! project NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned ATTEST: Tam AXEnglish Executive Director/CEO/Secretary ‘Minutes Prepared by Gioria Lowe, Administrative Assistant

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