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Corpus tasks test 3 (Units 9–12)


  Listen to different friends talking at Ethan’s party. For questions 1–6,
choose a, b or c.
1 Jenny’s wearing something that is made of .
a wool b  paper c  plastic
2 Tim wants some more .
a paella b  bread c  noodles
3 Andy thinks the music is .
a too quiet b  really cool c  quite boring
4 Zola went to get .
a some mineral water b a cola c  a lemonade
5 Greta likes Lucy’s .
a handbag b  jumper c  jewellery
6 Ethan hasn’t got many .
a CDs b  fireworks c  presents

Read about Ruby, Maria and Vashti. Tick (✔) the right answer.
I bought some trousers online last week. Under the photo on the website, it said they were
made of leather. I haven’t got a credit card so I used Dad’s. They were expensive but he
said that was OK. They arrived two days later but when I saw them, I felt quite angry. They
were made of something different and they were too short so I’m sending them back.
Last week I found an amazing cotton skirt on one website sale and a sweater in the
same colour on another. Mum gave me the money! I had to wait nearly a week before
they arrived. But nothing else was wrong and I wear them all the time. Not today! They
need washing! I love them because they’re different from most clothes you find.
I don’t usually buy clothes online but I really wanted a leather jacket and couldn’t find one
I liked in my size in the shops. My aunt saw one online and bought it for me. It arrived
the next day and it goes really well with most of my other clothes. I’ve got it on at the

1 Who bought something that was the 6 Who bought something in the sales?
wrong size? Ruby Maria Vashti
Ruby Maria Vashti 7 Who bought something that cost a lot?
2 Who bought more than one thing online? Ruby Maria Vashti
Ruby Maria Vashti 8 Who likes unusual clothes?
3 Whose clothes arrived the quickest? Ruby Maria Vashti
Ruby’s Maria’s Vashti’s 9 Who says she’s wearing the thing she
4 Who paid with an adult’s credit card? bought now?
Ruby Maria Vashti Ruby Maria Vashti
5 Who got something that was made of
Ruby Maria Vashti

Prepare! Level 2 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Read the email from Isabel. Answer Isabel’s six questions. Write 40–50 words.

From: Isabel

I’ve got a problem! I’ve lost my tablet. I need to get another one quickly!
Did you get yours online or from a shop?
Do they sell them in purple (my favourite colour!)?
How much did it cost?
What size is the screen on yours?
Have you got a lot of apps on it?
I’d really like to try yours. When can I come round to your house?

To: Isabel

Match the sentence halves. Write the letters.
1 I hope you a once a week.
2 Tammy isn’t as popular b fast as those ones.
3 We ate a c funniest video.
4 Those shoes are d plate of chips.
5 I go shopping about e made of leather.
6 Jan took a few f as her sister.
7 Kate’s only got a g few friends.
8 Let’s download the h photos at the seaside.
9 These printers are as i like Sofia’s pasta.

Total: 23

Prepare! Level 2 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015

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