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(Bank Customers’ Survey)

Dear Respondent,
I, Baljit Kaur, am pursuing Ph.D in University Business School, Guru Nanak Dev
University, Amritsar. For research purpose, I am collecting data for “determining the role of
technology in delivering facilities and services in the banking sector of India”. This research
study is purely for academic purpose and the data provided by you shall be kept confidential
and shall only be used for research and academic work.

1. Kindly choose and tick only one of the following Banks, in which you hold an
account (In case you have accounts in multiple banks, please tick the one of which
you deal more and use the e-facilities).
S.No. Public-Sector Bank (✔) S.No. Private-Sector Bank (✔)
1. Bank of Baroda 1. HDFC Bank
2. Bank of Maharashtra 2. AXIS Bank
3. IDBI Bank 3. ICICI Bank
4. Corporation Bank 4. Yes Bank
5. Syndicate Bank 5. Indusind Bank
6. State Bank of India 6. Kotak Mahindra Bank
7. Bank of India
8. Union Bank of India
9. Oriental Bank of Commerce
10. Punjab National Bank

2. Frequency of usage of internet banking facility in your bank.

Daily Weekly Fortnightly Monthly or less

3. The following list relates to your level of awareness of technology-oriented facilities in your
bank. Please tick the appropriate level of your awareness.
List Level of Awareness
S.No. Very High Moderate Low Very
High Low
1. Mobile Banking
2. Credit Card
3. Debit Card
4. Net Banking/ Online Banking
6. 24 hours ATM (Automated Teller
Machine) Network
7. Tele-Banking
8. Home Banking
Annexure I

4. This survey deals with your feeling/perceptions about the electronic services in the
particular bank you have chosen. Please tick the appropriate level of
agreement/disagreement relative to your satisfaction to the extent you think your
bank is providing the following facilities.
S. Statements Strongly Agree Somewhat Neither Somewhat Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
No. Nor
1. Technology-oriented
system makes it easy to
find what I need.
2. Information technology
system makes it easy to
get anywhere on the site.
3. Net banking enables me to
complete a transaction
4. Information at bank’s
web-site is well organized.
5. Internet banking helps to
load web-pages fast.
6. Bank’s web-site is simple
to use.
7. Internet technology
enables me to get on to it
8. Bank’s web-site is always
available for business.
9. Banks launch and run web
pages right away using e-
CRM technology.
10. Internet technology does
not crash bank’s web-site
(the bank web page does
not display).
11. Information technology
does not freeze bank’s
web-Pages at bank site
after I enter my order
12. Bank’s web-site is truthful
about its offering.
13. Bank’s web-site makes
services available for
delivery within a suitable
time frame.
14. Web-site of my bank is
equipped with adequate
security features.
15. My bank secures
information regarding my
internet banking activities.
16. My bank does not share
my personal information
with other sites.

Annexure I

S. Statements Strongly Agree Somewhat Neither Somewhat Disagree Strongly

Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
No. Nor
17. I feel secure in providing
sensitive information (e.g.
credit card details) for
online transactions.
18. Web-site of my bank
makes appropriate
statements concerning the
completion of
19. Bank’s tells me what to do
if my transaction is not
processed on bank’s web-
20. My bank is prompt in
responding to my
queries/requests by email
or other means.
21. Bank compensates me
when services don’t
deliver on time.
22. Internet technology system
provides a telephone
number on bank’s web-
site to reach the company.
23. Internet banking has
customer service
representatives available
24. My bank does not misuse
my personal information
25. My bank keeps accurate
records of my account
26. If there is a mistake, my
bank can make it right
quickly and effectively.
27. My bank delivers the
service exactly as
28. My bank always provides
the service at the promised
29. Web-site of my bank
contains relevant
information explained in
an easy to understand
30. Web-site of my bank is
visually attractive.
31. Web-site of my bank is
updated regularly.

Annexure I

S. Statements Strongly Agree Somewhat Neither Somewhat Disagree Strongly

Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
No. Nor
32. Information technology
provides information at
the right level of details
33. Internet banking provides
search facility on the
bank’s web-site.
34. Internet banking has
secure login process in the
bank’s web-site.
35. Bank’s web-site is user

5. Please rate level of satisfaction about your experience with electronic banking
services in the banks in India. Please tick the appropriate column.
S.No. Statements Extremely Moderately Slightly Neither Slightly Moderately Extremely
Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied
1. I am satisfied within my
decision to avail e-Banking
facilities from my bank.
2. My choice to avail e-facilities
from my bank was a wise-one
3. I feel badly regarding my
decision to avail e-service from
4. I think I did the right thing by
availing from the bank-site.
5. I am unhappy that avail e-
facilities from the bank.

6. Please rate level of loyalty about your experience with electronic banking services
in the banks in India. Please tick the appropriate column.
S.No. Statements Extremely Moderately Slightly Neither Slightly Moderately Extremely
Agree Agree Agree Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Disagree
1. I frequently consider switching
to another banks’ e-facilities.
2. As long as the present
services continue, I doubt that
I would switch e-banking
3. I try to use my bank’ e-
services whenever I need to
make a banking transaction.
4. When I need to make a
banking transaction, my bank
e-facilities are my first choice.
5. I like using my bank e-
6. I believe that my banks’ e-
facilities are my favourite

Annexure I

7. Please rate level of trust about your experience with electronic banking services in
the banks in India. Please tick the appropriate column.
S.No. Statements Extremely Moderately Slightly Neither Slightly Moderately Extremely
Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree
1. Based on my experience with the e-
service in the past, I know it is not
2. Based on my experience with the e-
service in the past, I know it cares
about customers
3. Based on my experience with the e-
service in the past, I know it is
4. Based on my experience with the e-
service in the past, I know it is

8. Please rate on level of agreement/disagreement for your word of mouth (WOM) of

the electronic banking services in the banks in India. Please tick the appropriate
S.No. Statements Extremely Moderately Slightly Neither Slightly Moderately Extremely
Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree
1. I discuss the user-friendliness of its
2. I discuss security of transactions
and its Internet site.
3. I discuss the prices of products
4. I discuss the variety of the products
5. I discuss the quality of the products
6. I discuss ease of transactions.
7. I speak of the rapid delivery.
8. I speak of the bank’s notoriety

9. Any other information/suggestions you wish to give about your bank’s technology

10. Demographic profile

1. Gender:
Female Male
2. Age 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60
3. Occupation:
Business Salaried
Professional Students

Annexure I

Any other (Please specify) ___________________________

4. Monthly Family Income (in Rs.)

Less than 25,000 25,001-50,000
50,001- 75,000 75,001or above

5. Educational Profile
Higher Secondary or below Graduate
Post- Graduate or above
Any other (Please specify) ___________________________

6. Contact No: ___________________________

7. Email Id: _________________________________

Thank you very much for your time and cooperation


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