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Ahoy there mates,

Enjoying your holidays I presume, if not please do.

Let me skip the formalities and cut to the chase. I am contesting for the post of Class
Representative for the third semester.
Over the past two semesters we all had a great time and I wish that all the fun continues. The
following are the ideas I put forth, and wish to implement in our class,

• Two Resource drives will be made, one for the required materials for the courses and
another for the notes. Notes can be uploaded by anyone who wishes to do so. The drives will
be regularly checked and it will be made sure that all the obtainable information are present
and updated regularly.
• Any decision made be it regarding the CTs, the semester exam timetable, etc will be made
only after considering everyone's opinion. I assure complete transparency, and a good rapport
between the CR and he class and the professors.
• In the past two semesters I have attended almost every class and do not have any attendance
issues, which furthers the fact that each and every piece of information is passed on.
• Attendance has been a problem for a some of us, to rectify this issue, I will try my level
best to shift the 0830 and possibly the 0920 classes to an appropriate time slot (while not
compromising much of the free time we have) so that we get enough attendance and sleep.
• The events of the class committee meetings have always been a mystery to many. It will be
made so that all the information will be put up in the official group as soon as the meeting
gets over.
• While we were having fun we forgot to hold up the responsibility part, academics must be the
first and foremost. In order to help anyone in need. We can organise a committee within the
class to teach a few necessary topics, we can have sessions after the official class hours.
This will be surely increase our class's academic picture.
A way of helping others grow while we grow.

Choose your representative wisely, in the end it is all about the betterment and well being of our
class as one unit.

Last modified: 16:34

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