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Vocabulary 01

Word Translation Meaning Sentence Picture

It is used as an
answer to express He is feeling
Alright Bien
consent or alright.

Which is very ugly My cousin is an

Awful Horrible
or unpleasant awful actress.

Which is very
different from the
usual, natural or My father looked
Strange Extraño
normal and has strange.
The chicken is very
What causes delight
Delicious Delicioso delicious.
or can cause.

Which is very
A day on the beach
Perfect Perfecto suitable for a certain
sounds perfect.

Lucia always wears

Always Siempre At all times
her favorite boots.

My father never
Never Nunca On no occasion returned to the land
where he was born.

Under normal He usually plays

Usually Usualmente
conditions; generally. chess with himself.
Word Translation Meaning Sentence Picture
A road vehicle,
typically with four
Car Coche wheels, powered by My car is new.
an internal
combustion engine
A large motor
vehicle carrying
Julio travels on a
Bus Autobús passengers by road,
slow bus.
especially one
serving the public
A series of railroad
cars moved as a unit I lost my train
Train Tren
by a locomotive or ticket to Paris
by integral motors.

The plane is flying

Plane Avión Transport method
too low.

Bag to transport
provisions in Juan forgot his
Backpack Mochila excursions, trips or backpack at home
other type of today.
A book of
The guidebook is
information about a
Guía de very expensive and
Guidebook place, designed for
turista is available in local
the use of visitors or
The map is very
representation of the
Map Mapa important to visit
land, or part of it, on
many countries.
a flat surface
A case with a handle
and a hinged lid, There's a lot of
Suitcase Maleta used for carrying money in that
clothes and other suitcase.
personal possessions.
Word Translation Meaning Sentence Picture
Which is normal,
It's time to pay the
Owed Debido money owed to the
obligatory or
Grant to (someone)
the use of Maria offered to
Lend Prestar (something) on the lend her some
understanding that it money.
shall be returned.

Which is composed She was always

Cash Efectivo
of coins or bills. short of cash.

It's almost time for

The sales Las ventas Price reduction the December

Having been used

We have spent a lot
Spent Gastado and unable to be
of money this week
used again.

Special Oferta Have a demand for a The computer has a

offer especial product special offer

An amount that has

The computer costs
to be paid or spent to
Cost Costo one hundred
buy or obtain
Prestado Give one thing to a
You can always
person to use it for a
Borrowed borrow your
while and then return
father's car.
Word Translation Meaning Sentence Picture
A garment for the
foot and lower part
I need to buy some
Socks Calcetines of the leg, typically
knitted from wool,
cotton, or nylon.
Short garment I bought a pair of
Shorts similar to a pair of shorts for my trip
trousers to the beach.
Footwear that covers
Richard's father
the entire foot, ankle
Boots Botas worked with
and a variable part of
rubber boots.
the leg.
A long coat made
I need to bring my
from waterproof or
Raincoat Impermeable raincoat to the
Band of cloth that is
put below the neck He usually wears a
Tie Corbata
of the shirt and tied suit and tie.
in front with a knot
Garment that covers
and protects the hand My gloves are
Gloves Guantes
and that, according dirty
to its use.
Stretch knit garment,
manual or I bought a wool
Sweater Suéter
mechanical, wool, sweater yesterday.
Garment consisting I like to wear a
Scarf Bufanda of a long and wide wool scarf when
strip of wool it's cold
Word Translation Meaning Sentence Picture
Person who has to
Gardener Jardinero take care of or Juan is a gardener
cultivate the gardens.
Person who has the
My hairdresser is
job of combing,
Hairdresser Peluquero the only one who
cutting and fixing
can cut my hair
A person who
The plumber fixed
installs and repairs
Plumber Plomero the pipe that was
the pipes and fittings
of water supply
That conforms to the
principles and My father is
Scientist Científico
methods of science scientist.
or is related to it.
Owner of a bank or
Juan is a banker
person that is
Banker Banquero who works very
dedicated to the
banking business.
That he is a specialist
in the technical I'm going to hire an
Electrician Electricista
applications of electrician.
Person legally
authorized to advise
Lawyer Abogado and defend the rights I'm lawyer
and interests of
another person
A person trained to
care for the sick or The nurse works
Nurse Enfermera
infirm, especially in all the time.
a hospital.
Word Translation Meaning Sentence Picture
Produce redness, Jose was very
inflammation or annoyed for
Annoyed Irritado
other reaction in a anyone
part of the body. criticizing.
I'm very excited
Very enthusiastic
Excited Emocionado about going back
and eager
to Ecuador.

We were amazed
That shows or
Amazed Asombrado to watch the
denotes amazement.
I tried not to get
That lacks clarity, angry with the
Confused Confuso
order or precision confused one of
my friends.
Hit the head of (a
person or animal), She was shocked
Shocked Conmocionado causing temporary when she was
unconsciousness or named the winner.
Feel or cause to feel Monica was very
Tired Cansado in need of rest or tired because she
sleep. worked all day.
Make a person not
I've never been so
know how to react
Embarrassed Desconcertado embarrassed in
or what to think or
my entire life
Showing curiosity The company
or concern about SURF is
Interested Interesado something or interested in
someone; having a investing in Latin
feeling of interest. America.
Word Translation Meaning Sentence Picture

Make a thing better I hope Juan gets

Get better Mejorar
than it was. better soon.

Review magazines
Consigue I can not get a job
Get a job where they advertise
un trabajo because I'm child

The effort you make

Get ill Get Recibir el Jose gets paid
to receive money in
paid pago twice a month.

Abstract entity My father does not

Get on well formed by what is get on well with
morally good. my friend.
A place or line where The coach is
Get two or more things getting some
together are connected or people together to
fastened together. make a new team.
Action to offer a
product for sale,
Obtener una Juan gets a very
Get an offer especially when
oferta cheap food offer.
offered at a lower
price than normal.
Only a fraction of
Only Maria can get
Consiga un students can get a
Get a place a place at the
lugar place in the
Showing curiosity or
concern about My parents have
Divorciarse something or decided to get
someone; having a divorced
feeling of interest.

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