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Defining Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR “analyses economics, legal, moral, social and physical aspects of environment.”

“Being the managers of other people’s money than of their own, if cannot well be
expected that they should watch over if with the same anxious vigilance with which partners in a
private copartner frequently watch over their own. Like the stewards of a rich man, they consider
attention to small matters as not for their master’s honor and very easily give themselves a
dispensation from having it.”

Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept which has become dominant in business report.
Every corporation has a policy concerning CSR and produces a report annually detailing its
activity. And of courses each of every claims to be able to recognize corporate activity which is
socially responsible and activity which is not socially responsible. There are two interesting pints
about this; first we do not necessarily agree with each other about what is socially responsible,
and although we claim to recognize what it is or is not when we are asked to define it then we
find this impossibly difficult.

Definition of CSR
The definition of corporate social responsibility is concerned with what is, or should be, the
relationship between global corporations, governments of countries and individual citizens. More
locally the definition is concerned with the relationship between a corporation and the local
society in which it resides or operates.

CSR should be seen as the corporate sector’s contribution to sustainable development that is
consonant not only with the best corporate practices but is also an embodiment of Islam’s
mandatory focus on equity and social responsibility. The need for CSR to take root in our
corporate culture is all the more acute given the prevailing economic and social conditions of
Pakistan. The Constitution of Pakistan prescribes certain essential principles of policy. Without
the observance of these avowed goals the country cannot progress towards elimination of
poverty. The principles of policy for promotion and social justice and the economic well-being
of the people include (subject to availability of resources) basic human necessities such as:
 Provide basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing, education and medical relief.
 Removal of illiteracy and providing free and compulsory secondary education.

Helping Hand
In society differently abled people are facing many challenges as they have to depend on
someone to attend to their day to day personal affairs and to provide for their livelihood.
Differently able people in economically depressed families are much more affected than in the
other families. So we decided to help other people to conduct such activities are:
 Plantation
 Food Packs
 Boxes for poor Kids
 Teaching Facilitate

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