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P-ISSN: 2347-4408

E-ISSN: 2347-4734

Level of Aggression in Male Adolescent through Pragya Yog with Chanting

Of Gayatri Mantra
Manoranjan Tripathy
Research Scholar, Department of Clinical Psychology, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, India

Abstract — The aim of the present study was to observe the effect Krishna's properties can be experienced by droning Gayatri.
of practicing Pragya Yog with chanting Gayatri Mantra on the By droning of Gayatri Mantra all the expediency of psyche
aggression level of male adolescents. For this study 30 subjects turned out to be step by step quiet down.
(college boys) were randomly selected form Bhawanipatna Central
School, Kalahandi, (Odisha) by using simple random sampling The event of animosity is as yet another case of the
without replacement. Aggression scale designed and standardized
collaboration between individual factors and circumstance
by Roma pal and Dr. Tasnem Naqvi was administered to collect the
data before intervention and after giving intervention of one factors. In spite of the fact that the social circumstance is
month. Results indicated that the Pragya Yog with chanting of critical, it doesn't impact everybody similarly—not all
Gayatri Mantra significantly decrease the aggression level of the individuals end up forceful when they see savagery. You
participants. might have the capacity to watch a great deal of fierce TV and
Keyword: Pragya Yog, Gayatri Mantra, Aggression & Adolescent play a considerable measure of rough computer games while
never being forceful yourself. Then again, other individuals
may not be so fortunate—recall that, by and large, watching
1. INTRODUCTION viciousness increases hostility. Similarly as we may know a
few people who smoked cigarettes every one of their lives yet
This research work has attempted to observe the never got lung malignancy, I would even now not suggest that
effect of practicing Pragya Yog with chanting Gayatri Mantra anybody begin smoking. The issue is that we don't know
on the aggression level of the participants and to highlight the whether we will be influenced until the point that it is past the
holistic approach of yoga practices to reduce the aggression. point of no return. Animosity happens when we feel that we
are being debilitated by others, and therefore identity factors
"Yogasana" (or asana to in brief) alludes to a stance
that identify with apparent danger likewise foresee hostility.
in which one feels loose while keeping the body dynamic
Animosity is especially likely among individuals who feel
inside. The rishis (Vedic sages) had definitely watched the
that they are being rejected by others whom they think about
sitting and standing stances of various creatures, which,
(Downey, Irwin, Ramsay, & Ayduk, 2004). What's more,
notwithstanding constrained resources, have magnificent
individuals who encounter a considerable measure of negative
physical abilities that man is denied off. They had considered
effect, and especially the individuals who have a tendency to
the impacts of various stances in the research facility of their
see others as debilitating, are probably going to be forceful
own body and created particular asanas which had reviving
(Crick & Dodge, 1994). At the point when these individuals
consequences for the whole body-mind-soul framework. We
see conduct that could possibly be antagonistic in purpose,
feature the principle asans (Asanas) of Pragya Yoga.
they have a tendency to see it as forceful, and these
Adroit routine with regards to these ordinary would observations can build their animosity.
help controlled developments for fortifying the nerves,
Individuals likewise vary in their general demeanors
muscles and distinctive organs and regularizing the blood
toward the fittingness of utilizing viciousness. A few people
supply in all parts of the body. Not just that, the droning of
are essentially more prone to have faith in the estimation of
the portions of the incomparable Vedic Mantra – the Gayatri
utilizing animosity as a methods for taking care of issues than
Mantra, in particular spin-off as coordinated here, with
are others. For some individuals, savagery is a consummately
profound breathing would instigate relieving impacts in the
adequate strategy for managing relational clash, and these
psyche as well.The Vedas are a portion of the soonest sacred
individuals are more forceful (Anderson, 1997; Dill,
writings, backpedaling 2,500 to 3,500 years.
Anderson, & Deuser, 1997). The social circumstance that
Gayatri is said various circumstances just like the encompasses individuals additionally decides their
incomparable mantra. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna declares convictions about hostility. Individuals from youth packs
to Arjuna, "I am the Gayatri." This implies the majority of observe brutality to be adequate and typical (Baumeister,

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P-ISSN: 2347-4408
E-ISSN: 2347-4734
Smart, & Boden, 1996), and enrollment in the group fortifies 1. Tadasan: Remain on the toes. Serenade 'Bhuh'
these convictions. For these people, the essential objectives (bhooh) and raise both the hands upward while
are to be regarded and dreaded, and taking part in viciousness breathing in bit by bit and profoundly. Look
is an acknowledged intends to this end (Horowitz & upwards to the sky. (All the four moves should
Schwartz, 1974). make put at the same time). Hold your breath
inside. This activity enables sufficient blood to
Hostility is any activity or arrangement of activities in which supply in the heart, extending the spine in
the immediate object is to cause to mischief or harm. reverse and in this manner giving it the truly
Animosity is about dependably classed as withdrawn conduct necessary rest. This training right away
caused by poor ecological conditions. Here are occasions evacuates dormancy. It is additionally gainful on account of
when hostility has positive outcomes, for instance when it shortcoming of the heart and blood issue.
might be accustomed to achieve positive social change
throughout everyday life. The significant clarifications of 2. Pada Hastasana: With the serenade ‘Bhuvah’,
forceful conduct are organic. For instance, hostility might be a bring both the hands descending from the stance
result of congestion and a need to build up a domain. Late of tadasan and breathe out at the same moderate
research has built up the conceivable part of the and predictable pace and bow the make a
neurotransmitter serotonin in forceful practices of beeline for touch the knees, likewise endeavor
chimpanzees with a proposal that same part might be seen in influencing the palms to touch the floor. Hold
people. Mental Speculations, for example, the dissatisfaction your breath out for a few seconds and return to
animosity hypothesis see as an as unavoidable outcome of the typical standing stance. Routine with regards
blocked or disappointed objective. A run of the mill case to this asana evacuates gastric inconvenience
would be the driver who stalls out in rush hour gridlock and and incites key quality in the Ida , Pingala, and Susumna
takes it out on other street clients, alleged street seethe. Social Nadis. (See the Part 5 for prologue to the term nadi). It
hypotheses, for example, the social learning perceive the likewise helps decreasing fat on the tummy and expanding the
significance of impersonation in the obtaining of forceful adaptability of the spinal line.
conduct. Kids get their hostility through viewing the
animosity of other who we compensated or not rebuffed 3. Vajrasan: With the serenade of 'Swah", put
somehow. the toes totally on the floor and set the
hindquarters on the feet. Both the legs ought
1.1. About Pragya Yog to be in shut contact. Keep the spine erect
and put the palms on the knees. Inhale
The apprentices should first endeavor to ace each of the typically amid this stance. The back, neck
recorded asans one by one independently. At that point and head ought to stay straight. Rehearsing
endeavor finishing some of them in the coveted grouping. this asan for couple of minutes consistently
Having aced over the subsequences, one may attempt the total is useful in keeping up great assimilation and curing gastric
grouping of the sixteen asans as depicted in the accompanying inconvenience and stoppage. It reinforces the muscles around
segment. At first it might require additional investment yet stomach and shields from the issues of hernia. Blood supply
with slow practice one will be tuned up and finish round of to the stomach and uterus is fine tuned by this training.
these asans will be over just in around ten minutes. Stand
erect. Half-shut the eyes and reflecting on the brightness of 4. Ushtrasan: Now get up marginally from the
Ruler Savita (control wellspring of rising sun) for a minute vajrasan with a serenade of 'Tat'. Remain on
serenade 'Om'. Having the confidence and inward feeling that your knees with the toes touching the floor
the profound energy of Savita is reviving the body, brain and and the foot rear areas confronting in reverse.
soul, take after – with every syllable of Gayatri mantra – the Simultaneously, twist in reverse to put the
succession of activities given underneath. All droning ought palms on the foot rear areas from the
to be made with profound mental engagement and relentless posterior. Breathe in profoundly while
and profound breathing (inward breath or exhalation, as looking upwards. This will blow up your chest. Hold the
showed). breath in for few moments. This asana extends the guts,
stomach, chest, and submits an adjusted way. Routine with
regards to this asana enables mending the issues of spinal pain
and bowing of abdomen/to stumble bones and so forth. It
makes the heart solid and enlarges the common

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P-ISSN: 2347-4408
E-ISSN: 2347-4734
flexibility of the spinal section. This additionally gives breath inside and twist the head in reverse marginally to gaze
exercise to muscles of the genital organs. It is a pre-essential the sky. This activity is likewise prescribed as a cure against
for larger amount yoga practices of initiating the Ida, Pingla cervical spondylitis and a few different issues of the spine or
and Sushumna. back. Separated shape giving mitigating activity to the lungs,
heart and the spine, it is particularly useful for sound working
5. Yogamudra: (Recall, the breath of the liver and kidneys.
was hold inside amid the
ushtrasan!). With the droning of 9. Tiryak Bhujangasan (left): In the stance of bhujangasan,
'Savitur', breathe out gradually and breathe out moderating. Presently breathe in and with the
sit on your legs as in vajrasana in the serenade of 'Dhimahi' (dheemahi) turn the neck towards the
meantime, hold together both the left and have a go at taking a gander at the rear area of right
palms at the back and extend foot. At that point hold the breath for few moments. With
upwardly and put the head on the floor so the chest and the exhalation get the head the front.
stomach touch the thighs. Hold the breath out for few
moments This stance additionally helps curing serious gastric 10. Tiryak Bhujangasan (right): Serenade 'Dhiyo', breathe in
inconveniences, setting the metabolic exercises right and and turn the neck towards the privilege to see the rear area of
expanding the hunger. It is prescribed in cutting edge yoga the left foot.Hold the breath for few moments and bring the
practices of enlivening the extrasensory vitality core called head again in the front with exhalation. Routine with regards
mañipurita chakra underneath the maritime. to the tiryak bhujangasan upgrades adaptability of the
midsection and enlarges the advantages of the bhujangasan.
6. Ardh Tadasan: Droning 'Vareñyam',
breathe in profoundly. Being situated in the 11. Shashankasan: Droning 'Yonah' come back to the stage 7.
stance of vajrasan, raise both the arms and
eyes upwards. Hold the breath inside and 12. Ardh Tadasan: Droning Prachodayat' (prachodayaat)
extend the arms as much as you can without rehash stage 6.
torment. Concentrate your eyes on the
hands. This asan gives a characteristic and 13. Utkatasan: After ardha tadasan in stage
gentle footing to the neck and mollifies the 12, breathe out gradually. Presently
issues, assuming any, as cervical serenade 'Bhuh' and with typical breathing
spondylitis.Likewise tadasan, it builds blood supply to the sit on the toes. The foot sole areas ought
heart and cures shortcoming of the heart and blood-stream not touch the floor. Give the calves a
related disarranges. chance to touch the thighs and knees touch
the bum. Place both the palms on the knees.
7. Shashankasan: Droning 'Bhargo', Twist the arms on elbows and keep the
breathe out at an indistinguishable pace hands before the chest with palms set on
from inward breath in the first asan. All each other in the stance of Namaskar. Back,
the while, sit in the stance of vajrasan neck and head ought to be erect. Breathing ought to be
and keep both the arms extended profound and proceeded at a predictable pace. This asan
ostensibly before the chest. Place the palms on the floor, twist offers quality to the calves and enhances adjust of the body.
from the midsection to influence the stomach to touch the
thighs and the head touch the floor. The arms ought to stay 14. Padhastasan: Droning 'Bhuvah' rehash stage 2.
straight with palms touching the floor. Hold the breath outside
15. Tadasan: Droning 'Swah' rehash stage 1.
for few moments. This asan dispenses with the issue of
obstruction and soothingly extends the muscles inside and 16. Returning to unique position: With a profound serenade of
between the rear-end and butt cheek locales. It unwinds the 'Om', breathe in gradually and profoundly, and stand straight
sitica nerves and furthermore helps in regularizing the with extended chest. Place the arms upwards and twist the
emissions from the adrenal organ. elbows over the shoulders in a stance as if you are holding an
overwhelming rock on the hands. Hold the breath for few
8. Bhujangasan: Droning
moments with an inclination that your arms, shoulders, chest
'Devasya' breathe in profoundly
and entire body are engaged by new key power. Presently
and pull your abdomen upwards.
shut the clench hands. Breathe out gradually, expedite the
Toes and palm ought to stay at a
arms the sides and stand straight in the stance of
similar place where these were in
consideration. Inhale ordinary in a casual disposition.
the past stance yet now the arms
should stand rectify. The knees These sixteen stages finish one round of the Pragya
and thighs should touch the floor. Draw your chest and head Yoga asans. With slow advance, one may finish 3 to 5 adjusts
upwards and raise the head like a snake's hood. Hold the
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P-ISSN: 2347-4408
E-ISSN: 2347-4734
each day. The breathing examples and droning of Gayatri Gayatri Mantra has been chronicled in Apparatus
Mantra likewise get consummated with truthfulness in day by Veda which was composed in Sanskrit somewhere in the
day rehearse. As it were, these additionally offer the range of 3500 years back. Nonetheless, it is trusted that this
advantages of prañayamas. In any case, on the off chance that mantra has been droned well before it was recorded in the
one has time and will or is prompted by the yoga instructor to content. For westerners, this mantra was a significant secret
do as such, the act of prañayamas prescribed in the and even most Hindus couldn't get the head and tail of it. It
accompanying Section would render extraordinary was a very much monitored mystery from those outside the
advantages. Hindu-Brahmin people group.

The CNS utilized its lower focuses of incorporation Today it is droned and sung the world over with
for the support of stance and harmony. These focuses are adoration and love. It is similar to Master's supplication which
arranged in the medulla and reticular actuating framework, holds noteworthiness and is very impactful. It is exceptionally
mind stem cores, cerebellum and basal ganglia. The automatic alleviating and divine in nature and its hints; is mending in
control relies upon the data originating from the nature. Its streaming cadenced example for sure makes it a
proprioceptors, arranged in muscles. Joints, ligaments and delightful piece of a person's day by day Otherworldly
soles. Postural reflexes and the muscles tons are extremely practice. Gayatri Mantra is a sincere and genuine supplication
very much directed by the lower focuses stops freely and to the preeminent being and in this manner it can be all
productively notwithstanding when the higher focus in the around connected – the mantra does not see your shading,
cortex are not included. race, ethnicity, position, belief, sexual orientation or
nationality. What truly matters is your commitment,
Pragya Yog done accurately complements the credibility, confidence and conviction. It sees your plan and
trading of air to and from the lungs opens and extended the your ability to be moved by the force of its energy.
mind boggling alveoli or air sacs of the lung tissue and
exercise the muscles of the thoracic area the lungs are The old Hindu sacred writings uncover how the sage
discharged of pollutions and stale air and subsequently body Vishwamitra was given the Gayatri mantra as a present for his
and cerebrum get rejuvenated by the additional supply of times of repentance and severities that he performed. This was
oxygen they get. a reward for Vishwamitra as well as it was an aid for the
whole humankind. It is said that the whole mantra spirals
Visit exhalation and inward breath going with through the Universe from the most profound piece of the
instinctive compression causes strain in the surface territory chanters hearts – engaging for the peace and altruism of all.
of flexible tissue covering the internal of the lungs .Once they Gayatri Mantra conjures and moves insight in us. To state it
expanded their surface remains nearly stayed for ever as they just the mantra says – "May the heavenly light of the
are versatile in nature. Maintenance took after by profound Preeminent Being enlighten our keenness, to lead us along a
inward breath gives additional time in expanded surface zone way of uprightness".
of lung for oxygen assimilation. Consequently oxygen supply
in blood gets moved forward. The Vedas state, to serenade the Gayatri Mantra,
cleanses the Chanter. To tune in to the Gayatri Mantra, purges
Breathing mindfulness happen amid Pragya Yog the audience. In any case, there is a lot more to this wonderful
rehearse handles the ANS. Other autonomic area and causes mantra than just refinement – it opens your heart focus and
endocrine emission get managed. extends our mindset. Gayatri Mantra causes us to open for
new openings.
In this way one might say that the Pragya Yoga
preformed with breathing example and dedication Most Hindu consider Gayatri to be an awesome
incorporates significant serenity, diminish passionate clash arousing of an individual personality and the individual soul –
and stress, refine heart and brain. It adjusts bio-plasmic the enlivening of the Atman. There is an association of
vitality and expels blockage in the nadis through it streams. aggregate cognizance – a place where we acknowledge the
Brahman that we are. The straightforward energy of Gayatri
On the off chance that one keeps on rehearsing the mantra is considered as near touching God. One famous
above asanas relevantly and is additionally earnest in doing understanding of Gayatri Mantra is – 'Gaya', which means
prañayamas and Gayatri Contemplation consistently at indispensable energies and 'trâyate or tri', which means – one
reasonable timings (ideally early morning), he would get the who jelly, secures, gives deliverance, awards freedom.
physical, mental and otherworldly advantages of Ashtang
Yoga. The shorter variant of Gayatri Mantra is significantly
more typical and honed generally around the globe "Om Bhur
1.2. About Gayatri Mantra Bhuva Swaha Om Tat Savitur Varenayam Bhargo Devasya
Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat"; which implies We
ponder the eminence of the Maker; Who has made the
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P-ISSN: 2347-4408
E-ISSN: 2347-4734
Universe; Who is deserving of Love; Who is the devotion and comprehension. Despite the way that the
exemplification of Learning and Light; Who is the remover of advantageous result and shocking satisfaction by the mantra
Transgression and Obliviousness; May He open our hearts occur through the straightforward legitimate system at more
and illuminate our Keenness. significant spaces of discernment.

In any case, the more extended variant of Gayatri The respect, and thankfulness towards the perfect
Mantra is more significant – "OM BHUR, OM BHUVAHA, power and the main thrust of the Universe, in order to be
OM SWAHA, OM MAHAHA, OM JANAHA, OM honest to the eternality. It keeps up the unobtrusiveness and
TAPAHA, OM SATYAM OM TAT SAVITUR honesty of the being– which are basic for the consistent
VARENYAM BHARGO DEVASYA DHEEMAHI DHIYO movement of the otherworldly procedure of sadhana.
YONAHA PRACHODAYAT" Per the Vedas there are seven
profound planes or domains of presence and Gayatri Mantra Thusly, for the person who serenades the Gayatri
is composed through Otherworldly extension, mindfulness, mantra with most extreme expectation and devoted
and advancement. confidence – their life starts to change on both individual and
otherworldly level and on the angles identified with society
It imperative to remember to serenade the Gayatri also. Besides, the nonstop routine with regards to Gayatri
Mantra with consummate elocution. There ought to be force mantra mixes the concealed mystic capacities and opens the
and profound veneration in your purpose of droning the entryways for materialistic and profound change.
mantra. When you serenade the mantra, you move toward
becoming with the Universe and the sound of the awesome Droning Gayatri may bring huge, down to earth
soul. benefits into your life and concede you the capacity to end up
everlasting, glowing light. Acharya (2000).
OM is the antiquated sound on which the whole
arrangement of sound of the Universe rises up out of. OM Research Problem: Does practicing of Pragya Yog chanting
Bhur Bhuva Swaha is basically conjuring the preeminent with Gayatri Mantra affect the aggression level of adolescent?
being in our supplications and contemplation. It additionally
implies we are conjuring the earth, the physical world, and Objective: To investigate the effect of practicing Pragya Yog
our spirit. chanting with Gayatri Mantra on aggression level of
At the point when the whole mantra is assembled, in
its embodiment it implies - "We contemplate that most Hypothesis: On the basis of existing body of the knowledge
lovable, attractive and captivating gloss and brightness of our between independent variables and dependent variables the
Preeminent Being, our Source Vitality, our Aggregate following directional hypothesis has been constructed:
Cognizance – who is our maker, inspirer, and wellspring of
interminable Bliss. May this warm and cherishing Light move “Practicing Pragya Yog chanting with Gayatri Mantra
and guide our psyche and open our hearts." significantly decreases the aggression level of practitioners.”

The Gayatri mantra makes a defensive shield for the 2. RESEARCH METHODS
chanter and has numerous otherworldly advantages. It is
Sample and Sampling: A sample consisting of 30
appropriately said that 'Gayantham Thrayate Ithi Gayatri' –
intermediate and undergraduate students from Bhawanipatna
that is the Gayatri mantra ensures the individuals who discuss
Central School, Kalahandi, (Odisha), respectively, was taken.
the mantra legitimately and with commitment – the devotion
not simply of the correct elocution or that of various Population: The entire sample belonged to the age group of
serenades yet the commitment of confidence, conviction, and 14-18 years. Pragya Yog chanting with Gayatri Mantra
love. practice was given to each and every subject of the group for
a period of 30 days regularly. In this research, pre-post single-
The old Indian holy people had devoted their lives to
group design has been applied.
the sadhna of Gayatri Mantra for a characterized affirmation
and for otherworldly refinement of the inward personality and Tools: Participants were given a questionnaire named as
achievement of each sort of divine angles conceivable. The "aggression scale" (A-scale) which was developed by Pal and
droning of the Gayatri mantra has been a fundamental piece Naqvi (1983) for measurement of aggression score.
of the lives of both normal men and peers of the most
antiquated sages too. Procedure: Practicing Pragya Yog with chanting of Gayatri
Mantra was given as intervention to the subjects for one
Gayatri mantra droning, as a general rule, gives month and scale was administered among them avoiding time
uncommon endowments to the person who discusses it with bar for its completion, but in direct observation.

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P-ISSN: 2347-4408
E-ISSN: 2347-4734

Pre Intervention Post Intervention
Outcome N SED t*
Mean SD Mean SD

Aggression 30 93.57 5.87 57.77 17.54 3.64 9.812

df = 29, *p<0.05

Graphhical Presentation





Mean SD
Pre Intervention 93.57 5.87
Post Intervention 57.77 17.54

4. DISCUSSION AND INTERPRETATION generalizability as the population of the current sample was
limited to one institution.
To test the hypothesis that pre-intervention mean (M
=93.57, SD =5.87) and post-intervention mean (M =57.77, 5. CONCLUSION
SD =17.54) of aggression scores were equal; a paired
samples t-test was conducted. Prior to conducting the To conclude, the present study shows that there is a
analysis, the correlation between two conditions was significant positive result by practicing of Pragya Yog
estimated at r =0.278, p < 0.05, suggesting that the paired Chanting of Gayatri Mantra on aggression. The practice of
samples t-test is appropriate in this case. As displayed in Pragya Yog Chanting of Gayatri Mantra on aggression
table no-1, the null hypothesis of equal aggression means significantly decreases the aggression level of adolescent
was rejected, df =29, p < 0.05 (two-tailed). The post students and keeps them away from tension, stress, and
intervention mean was statistically significant lower than anxiety
pre-intervention mean. So, it can be concluded practice of
Pragya Yog with chanting Gayatri Mantra is decreasing the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
aggression level of adolescents.
The authors would like to thank all the participants of this
4.1. Limitation of the study study. A special note of thanks to All staff members of
Central School, Bhawanipatna, Kalahandi for their kind
In this study, single-group pre-post design was applied. assistance.
Lack of control group is the limitation of this research. The
findings of the current study may have limited

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P-ISSN: 2347-4408
E-ISSN: 2347-4734
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