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Journal of Intellectual Property Rights

Vol 21, January 2016, pp 42-56

Patent Database: Their Importance in Prior Art Documentation and Patent Search
Vikram Singh†1, Kajal Chakraborty2 and Lavina Vincent2
Intellectual Property and Technology Management Unit, ICAR, New Delhi -110 012, India
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi – 682 018, India
Received 20 June 2015; accepted 21 December 2015

In knowledge based economies the nation’s economic status depends on the production, distribution and use of knowledge
and information. The recent trend in the economic growth of nations is mainly determined by innovative technological know-
how of the individuals. Intellectual property has gained attention in this era of knowledge. The vast amount of data generated
through the application of intellectual assets is managed with the help of various in- silico tools. In recent days, the patent
databases have gained importance due to the detailed information available on the granted patent and other details, such as,
legal status of the patent applications, which are not available through any other literature search. This review paper attempts to
describe different types of patent databases available, their unique features, strengths, weakness and their major purpose. This
paper details the information on how to access a patent database, the relevance of patent information obtained from these
databases in prior art search, patent analysis, and the drawbacks present in these patent databases.

Keywords: Patent database, prior art search, patent information, patent analysis

The beginning of 21st Century saw the rise of global also provides information that has not been published
economy where knowledge was given more in scientific journals or conference proceedings.
importance. The term "knowledge" signifies the About 80 per cent of patent information have known
application of human creativity and innovation for the not been published elsewhere.3,4 Searching patent
upliftment of the economy of the Nation. In this documents is a part of prior art search. After filing a
competitive world where creativity and innovations patent application and formal examination, the patent
are necessary, it is also important to protect one’s own office carries out a search of the prior art. A prior art
ideas, products and designs from being copied or search is to search all relevant technological
utilized without proper authorization. Intellectual information publicly known at the time of filing of the
property rights (IPR) play a major role in the patent application or when applicable, at the time of
protection of knowledge, creativity and skill, thereby the priority filing. This involves collection and
rewarding the innovation and value creation. The compilation of information disclosed to the public
global IP regime maintains a balance between the about an invention before a given date supported by
welfares of the creator of IP, entrepreneurs and the different National and International Patent Office’s,
society. Patents are described as a form of IP, which namely, Indian Patent Office (IPO), Chinese Patent
give exclusive rights to an inventor for a specific office (SIPO), Japanese Patent Office (JPO),
period of time, generally not exceeding 20 years in European Patent Office (EPO), Korean Intellectual
exchange for detailed public disclosure of the Property Office (KIPO), United States Patent and
invention. The disclosure of patents has long been an Trademark Office (USPTO), World Intellectual
important part of the intellectual property regime. It Property Organization (WIPO) etc. The non-patent
gives the public access to information regarding new literature, such as, newspapers, magazines, books,
technologies in order to stimulate innovation and manuals, conference proceedings, scientific papers,
contribute to the economic growth.1 product literature and other public documents are
Patent documents are a rich source of technical, important source of information for prior art search.
legal and business information and an important According to the WIPO, prior art search is done by
resource for researchers and inventors, entrepreneurs, the patent office after formal examination of the
commercial enterprises and patent professionals.2 It patent. But it is appropriate on the part of the inventor
______________________ to carry out the prior art search before commencing

Corresponding author: Email: the work, or before filing patent application. The prior

art search in the patent processing will speed up were documented in Table 1 with the web source and
patent prosecution, avoid duplication of research, details. The protocol for patent search has been
generate new ideas for Research and Development explained as a flow chart (Figure 1). The details on
(R&D), assist in allocating R&D funds, plan new accessibility of the databases were provided in the
products, find the legal status of patent applications, reference section. Most of the databases provide their
update new technological trends, monitor latest date of updation, gestation period and next
competitor’s research activities and prevent possible date of updation. Some of the available
infringement actions.5,6,7 Therefore, if the inventor online resources have been utilized for explaining the
does the prior art search in advance, he/she can prior art documentation and patent search process.
effectively utilize the finding during the process of The cases dealt here can be replicated by following
invention and filing patent application. The inventor the protocol discussed.
will also benefit from the information compiled
globally with respect to the invention by prioritising Major Patent Offices and Their Databases
the budget and time for research work, which can USPTO, EPO and JPO are the three major patent
appropriately support new information in a patent offices, which together account for about 90 per cent
driven knowledge regime. of the patent applications. These patent offices have
In the current IP regime, millions of patents are their independent patent application databases.13
spread across different databases that are integrated Other than the trilateral patent database; WIPO also
through online web sources. The patent information provides platform for intellectual property services
required for prior art search is available through these and information. Lately SIPO, IPO and KIPO have
patent databases. Therefore, searching patent played major role in providing patent information
databases is one of the important steps in prior art through their patent databases.
search. There are different types of patent databases
available i.e. online free patent information, WIPO
commercial, multinational, national etc. The patent The WIPO is a global forum for protecting IP and
information available on these databases is classified resolving IP disputes. It is a self-funding agency of the
as structured and unstructured data. The unstructured United Nations, established in 1967, and currently
patent data covers text including the patent title, having 188 member states. WIPO provides information
abstract, claims, and description. The structured on different types of IP, such as, copyright, patent,
patent data holds information, such as, inventor of the trademarks, industrial designs, and geographical
patent, assignee of the patent, and citation.8,9 indicators. For patent search and analysis WIPO uses
Searching patent databases to find relevant patents is the help of a separate database PATENTSCOPE, which
supported by various data and text mining tools. provides access to international Patent Cooperation
Patent Informatics involves scrutinizing patent data to Treaty (PCT) applications. It also offers information on
discover the patent intelligence using automated tools patent documents of WIPO member state regional
such as visualization, citation analysis, text mining patent offices. PATENTSCOPE helps to search
and other techniques. 10,11 However, it is of note that 46 million patent documents including 2.7 million PCT
presently no database has complete coverage of the applications.
entire set of published patent documents .12
The present review paper aims to provide detailed
USPTO is under the U.S. Department of
information on different patent offices and databases,
Commerce. The office has a collection of issued
searching protocols for patent databases, patent analysis,
patents in U.S. since 1790 and published patent
and strength/weaknesses of various patent databases
application data from March 2001. The preservation
from the point of view of a client doing prior art search.
and distribution of patent information by the USPTO
Data Source promotes the industrial and technological progress of
The data used in this review paper is from online various nations. USPTO contains separate patent
open source. In this study, standard search engines databases to access patent full text and images of
were relied for collection and compilation of granted patents and patent applications. The following
secondary information. The various open source are the different free databases maintained by USPTO
databases, which can be utilized for prior art search, for patent search:

Table 1− List of patent database, strength and weakness of the individual database
S.No. Database Website Information available Strength Weakness Purpose served
1. PATENTS- http://www.wipo. PATENTSCOPE - The search results are Data coverage is Provides the user
COPE - int/patentscope/en/ search 45 million patentsorted in order of low compared to statistical analysis of
(WIPO) documents + 2.7 million application date or Espacenet and the search and also
published international relevance. Depatisnet28. provides information
patent applications Supported with Problems in on the top patent
(PCT). Overall data statistical machine retreiving offices, IPC,
coverage in translation tool. information using publication dates, etc.
PATENTSCOPE - Information on legal patent number displayed in graphical
44,970,000 records status is also available. search. format.
(PCT - 2,652,401 + Provide links to various No options available Better patent data
national offices - national databases. to filter the results export capability.
42,307,897). Provide full text based on publication
searching capability. dates/applicants etc.
No limitation on the
number of patent search
2. PatFT - http://www.uspto. PatFT - Patent Full-Text Offers integrated Full text searches Various tools available
United gov/patent and Image Database for machine translation to and other search to access US patents
States patents issued from translate patent tools only for US like - AppFT Patent
Patent and 1976 to the present and documents. patents. applications database -
Trademark PDF images for all Provide patent legal GPSN Global Patent
Office patents from status information. Search Network -
(USPTO) 1790 to the present. Advanced search PAIR Patent
options to search entire Application
database from 1790 to Information Retrieval.
present status.
3. Espacenet - https://www.epo. Espacenet - Access to Provide browsing Full text search only Free patent database
European org more than 90 million options to search for EP and WO with the largest
Patent patent documents functions of the documents. coverage.
Office worldwide. Cooperative Patent Problems in Provide more tools
(EPO) Global Patent Index Classification (CPC); retrieving and features to get
(GPI) - Advanced tool a unique feature information using better patent search
for searching EPO's compared to other patent patent number results.
worldwide patent search system. search.
data – a complementary Provide patent legal The maximum
tool to Espacenet status information search terms per
Direct links to cited field are limited
documents of the patent compared to other
publication. databases.
Offers integrated
machine translation to
translate patent
4. JplatPat - http://www.jpo.go. Japanese platform for Retrieve information Full text searches Various tools available
Japan jp/ patent information – about published, and other search to access JP patents &
Patent https://www.j- available on the website granted and tools only for JP and PCT documents.
Office of the National Centre unexamined Japanese PCT documents.
(JPO) web/all/top/BTm for Industrial Property and PCT patents.
TopEnglishPage Information and Access to tools like
Training (INPIT) - Patent Map Guidance
database for patent (PMGS) & retrieve
information search free information from PAJ
of charge. (Patent Abstracts of
Japan) by keywords.

Table 1− List of patent database, strength and weakness of the individual database
S.No. Database Website Information available Strength Weakness Purpose served
Information on legal
status available and
provide English
translations of Japanese
patents and utility models.
5. SIPO - http://english.sipo. SIPO possess various Chinese Patent Full text searches Various tools available
China patent documents from Machine Translation and other search to access Chinese
http://www.pss- 94 patent institutions + System(CPMT) tools only for patents & PCT full text patent available. Chinese and PCT documents.
sipopublicsearch/ descriptions published Retrieve information. documents.
ensearch/ by 40 patent agencies. about published,
searchEn Total of 51622 patents granted and published in China are unexamined Chinese
made public. and PCT patents.
6. INPAIRS - http://ipindia Access to patent Access to PCT Full text searches Numerous tools
India document published information and other search available to access
patentsearch/search/ and applied in Indian Links to other tools only for Indian patents applied,
index.aspx patent office. international patent patents and PCT published and granted
Provide tools and links database websites. documents. in India
to check published Access to PCT
application, application documents.
status, patent agent
register, patent fees.
7. DEPATIS - https://depatisnet. Searches on patent Covers nearly Full text searches Free patent database
Germany publications from 90 million patent only for DE patents. with largest coverage
Net/ around the world. documents. The search result Can perform complex
Includes internal Can successfully does not have search tasks.
DEPATIS electronic retrieve information keyword
document archive of using patent number highlighting.
German patent search. Do not have options
information system. to translate the
IPC reclassifications patent publications.
are displayed in the
result list.
8. AusPAT - http://pericles. Access Australian patent View up to 165 discrete Limited data coverage Provide up-to-date
Australia records dating back to data elements for each – approximately 7% information about
ols/auspat/ 1904. application. of world patenting Australian patents.
Quick, structured and activity.
advanced search Access to only
options. Australian patents.
9. CPD – http://www.ic.gc. Access 95 years of Search, retrieve and Full text searches Various tools available
Canadian ca/opic- patent descriptions and study more than and other search to access Canadian
Patent cipo/cpd/eng/ images. 2,220,000 patent tools only for patents.
Database introduction.html Database is updated documents. Canadian patents.
every Saturday. Conduct searches in both
English and French.
10. Czech http://www.upv. Contains patent Quick, structured and Limited data Provides access to
Republic cz/en/client- applications published advanced search coverage since various national and
services/online- since 1991. options. 1991. foreign patent
databases/patent- Links to national and databases.
and-utility-model- foreign online patent
databases.html databases.
11. EAPATIS - http://www.eapatis. 60 million descriptions CISPATENT is a joint Limited data Over 20 local
Eurasian com/ensearch/ of patent documents. product of Common coverage only since databases (DB)
Patent Contains patent wealth Independent 1997. constantly updated are
Organization documents from EAPO, States and the Eurasian supported by

Table 1− List of patent database, strength and weakness of the individual database
S.No. Database Website Information available Strength Weakness Purpose served
USSR and Russia A multi-aspect patent
(since 1924). search in several
official languages at
the same time.
12. Finland Contains public patent Bibliography, Limited data Provide more tools
patinfo/default applications since early processing, payment coverage. and features to get
2.asp 1970’s and Public utility and legal status data and better patent search
model applications since links to patents granted results.
1992. since 2009.
Links to the electronic
application folders for
applications filed since
Link to the Espacenet
13. Ireland http://www.patentso Access to patent Provide tools and links Full text searches Various tools available document published and to check application and other search to access Irish and
earching.aspx applied in Irish patent status, protection tools only for Irish European patents.
office. abroad, patent agents, and European
and patent fees. patents.
Retrieve information
about published,
granted and
unexamined Irish and
European patents.
14. IPONZ - http://www.iponz.go Online tool to search the Retrieve information Full text searches Various tools available
New New Zealand Patent about published, and other search to access New Zealand
Zealand Register + published granted and tools only for New patents.
patent abstracts or unexamined New Zealand patents.
IPONZ summary Zealand patents. Multilingual search
information back to and translation tool
1979. absent.
15. KIPRIS – http://eng.kipris.or.k Access to over 2.1 Translated Korean Special search Various tools available
Korean r/enghome/main.jsp million published patent abstracts. analysis tools are to access Korean
Intellectual applications and patents Links to national and limited. patents.
Property registered. foreign online patent To activate machine
Rights databases. translation tool fee/
Information subscription
Service required.
16. IPOS - Access to information Provide tools and links Full text searches Various tools available
Singapore RPS/WP/CM/Searc related to IP applications to check published and other search to access Singapore
hSimpleP.aspx?Sear and registrations at application, application tools only for patents.
chCategory=PT Intellectual Property status, and international Singapore patents.
Office of Singapore. patent classification of
Singapore patents.
17. Industrial The IPO Slovak Link to the Espacenet Full text searches Various tools available
Property databases-and- Republic makes service. and other search to access patent
Office of registers available patent tools only for patent documents of Slovakia
Slovak http://data.indprop.g documents of Slovakia documents of & Czech.
Republic & Czech. Slovakia & Czech.
php?jazyk=en&typd Patent documents
okumentu=patenty& starting from 213521 are
new=1 available.
18. Slovenia http://www2.uil- Bibliographic data of Retrieve information Full text searches Various tools available
Intellectual granted patents. about published, and other search to access Slovenian
Property granted and tools only for patent documents.
Office unexamined Slovenian Slovenian patent
(SIPO) and foreign patents. documents. Contd.

Table 1− List of patent database, strength and weakness of the individual database
S.No. Database Website Information available Strength Weakness Purpose served
Links to national and
foreign online patent
19. Swissreg - https://www. Swiss + European Links to other patent Perform online Various tools available
Switzerland patents available. databases like searches of to access and search
https://www. All Swiss patents filed Espacenet. published Swiss Swiss patent after January 1978 are patent applications applications.
srclient/faces/jsp/ included. Earlier and patents which
start.jsp patents are also have been granted,
partially included. having effect in
Switzerland and
Lichtenstein only.
20. IPSum - View patent status and Links to other patent Special search Provide more tools
United .uk/p-ipsum.htm get up to date databases like analysis tools are and features to get
Kingdom information of UK Espacenet. limited. better UK published
patent applications. and registered patent
Search published patent search results.
applications and
registered UK patents.
21. Intellectual property Helps organizations to Multilingual and Specialist in patent
solutions provider. make complex business translation tool information, IP
decisions for their absent. document retrieval,
innovations. patent analytics, patent
Access to InnovationQ, archiving and
Prior Art Database, IP competitive
Professional Services, IP intelligence systems.
Portfolio Management
and IP Analytics tools.
22. MAREC – Collection of 19 million Contains documents in Data set of Used for offline patent
Information patent applications and 19 languages with downloadable search.
Retreival es/marec granted patents from EP, 19,386,697 documents patents from 1970 to
Facility WO, US, and JP sources in XML format with a 2008.
during 1976 to June uniform patent
2008. numbering scheme and
citation format.
23. http://www.patents.c Free patent search site Options to file patent – Special search Access to hire patent
om/ conducts patent search, fee based analysis tools are attorneys.
file patent application, Search patents for sale limited.
helps to find a patent or lease Multilingual and
attorney, search available Options to hire patent translation tool
technology through attorneys. absent.
patent exchange.
24. Google Access to granted Quick access to images Multilingual and Better patent data
Patents om/advanced_patent patents and published (thumbnails and full translation tool export capability.
_search patent applications from size); downloadable absent.
USPTO, EPO and PDFs; Google search Special search
WIPO. features; full text of analysis tools are
Contains 8 million older patents; links to limited.
patents and provides. "prior art" and Ask
25. Free Patents http://www.freepate Quick open access to Access to ACCLAIMiP Multilingual search Patent analysis results
Online text, images, and patent – Patent analysis and translation tool - automated
families in one page. software that can absent landscapes,
analyze data with a dashboards, custom
variety of tools - lists, data integration, and
patent landscaping, unparalleled data
matrices, maps and transparency for

Table 1− List of patent database, strength and weakness of the individual database
S.No. Database Website Information available Strength Weakness Purpose served
graphs. innovation
Links to national and management.
foreign online patent
26. Thomson http://www.thomson Complete source for Access to non-patent The database score Leading providers of
Reuters global patent data + data both scientific low on innovative information in
http://thomsonreuters scientific literature + literature and a business features as newer business and science.
.com/en/products- business information + news database. entrant Innography. Access to DWPI –
services/intellectual- news content in one Import patent and non- Derwent World Patent
property/patent- platform - analytical, patent content - analyze Index & INPADOC
research-and- charting and mapping data with a variety of legal status data.
analysis.html tools - share information tools - produce a variety Text clustering &
http://www.thomson with colleagues of analyses, including graphical text analysis worldwide - reduce lists, matrices, maps and of results.
http://thomsonreuter development time and graphs. Graphical citation time to market. Evaluate IP analysis an statistical
ices/legal/legal_prod Access to patent opportunities and risks - results analysis
ucts/intellectual_pro research and analysis get a global view of
perty/DWPI databases such as: your technology area.
http://thomsonreuter Thomson Innovation Examine the Thomson Data Analyzer competitive landscape -
services/intellectual- Micropatent. gain insight into your IP
property/patent- Agro Patent Fast Alert portfolio - pinpoint
research-and- IP Data Feeds: Markush potential business
analysis/agro- Structures. partners - spot potential
patent-fast- Derwent World Patents patent infringement.
alert.html Index (DPWI): DWPI Provides weekly
http://thomsonreuter contains over 18.9 updates on million unique agrochemical patent
services/pharma- inventions - 41 million applications from
life- patent documents - from European, PCT, Japan
sciences/chemistry- 41 major patent issuing and USPTO.
research/ip-data- authorities worldwide – Hierarchical corporate
feeds.html can access other related tree and patent family
http://www. databases; Derwent grouping tools Patents Citation Index available.
static/ (DPCI), Derwent
Innovations Index (DII)
27. Questel – http://www.questel. Questel offers more than FamPat - Main patent Access to non- Questel Similar Patent 500 databases for database covers more patent literature Search (SPS): specialists in patents, than 93 offices - search is limited. Semantic search
m/#WelcomePage trademarks, designs, and comprehensive family application to find
domain names coverage of worldwide patents that are similar
patent publications - to your concepts or
generate more precise ideas.
results - quicker to scan 'ANALYZE' tool
and understand. helps in identification
Provide advanced search of top assignees and
interface which helps in cited patents.
cross-language semantic Citation mapping,
search and highlights the interactive graphs,
search terms. graphical analysis of
Provides graphical patent families
representation of the
various family/citation
relationships (PatCitation)

Table 1− List of patent database, strength and weakness of the individual database
S.No. Database Website Information available Strength Weakness Purpose served
28. MineSoft - http://www. Pat Base : Global Available in 7 different Access to non- Specialist in patent
PatBase Family Database – languages. patent literature information, IP
http://www. Access to 90+ million Patent searching and search is limited document retrieval, patent and related analysis related patent analytics, patent
documents from over Minesoft Products: archiving and
100 countries, updated PatBase, PatBase competitive
weekly. Express, PatBase intelligence systems.
48 million searchable Analytics, Patent Order, Graphical 3D result
patent family records. Patent Archive, Legal analysis, Citation tree
StatusTracker, Patent analysis and graphical
Tracker, Cite Tracker, patent family analysis.
Patent Family, Tempus
29. ProQuest http://www.proquest Most comprehensive Basic, Advanced and Access to non- Complete prior art
Dialog™ .com/products- full-text patents offering Command Line search patent literaturesearching - Refined
services/ProQuest- 33 full-text & 69 options– all in one user- search is limited.
workflow tools -
Dialog-Patents- bibliographic patent friendly interface. Detailed patent
Collection.html authorities; 3 patent investigation - Identify
families — Derwent, and track new
PQD INPADOC, LNU inventors - Global
customer support.
30. Science and www.stn- STN - operated jointly CAS number search Special search tools Cross content search
Technical by Chemical Abstracts interface to retrieve are limited. of patent and non-
Network https://www.stn. service (CAS) and FIZ information on Machine translation patent data.
(STN) org/stn/ Karlsruhe worldwide. chemical compounds. tool absent. Sequence similarity, Access the world’s Patent family grouping. chemical structure and
scientific information on Access to MARPAT – markush structure
one integrated platform Markush structure search.
to maximize efficiency database & CAPlus
and synergy - CAS content.
collection, Thomson
Reuters’ Derwent World
Patents Index,
31. Equerion http://www. Multidisciplinary and Unumbio - offers the Access to non- Provide integrative flexible group of creation, correction, patent literature access to multiple companies, resources digitalization, search is limited. tools to handle patent
http://www. and associates around transformation and applications, the world providing maintenance of patent legislation, rules of
us/products/total- online information databases and content. different countries, services and systems on Inventia - offers PCT and maintenance of patent
http://www.inventia patents. non-PCT patent databases, tools to translations in 60 analyze patent data
ge.aspx languages, patent drawing and machine
http://www. preparation and document translation tool. legalization services in
over 110 countries.
(TotalPatent®): -
Analyze patent data
quickly and easily -
access to 30 full-text
and 100 bibliographic
patent authorities,
searchable; multiple
search options including

Table 1− List of patent database, strength and weakness of the individual database
S.No. Database Website Information available Strength Weakness Purpose served
a true semantic search -
integrated and linked to
various patent analysis
32. PatSeer Search 92 million + Unique capabilities Access to non-patent Build accurate assignee
records in patent include multi- literature search is portfolio searches.
database – 102 + dimensional (X v Y) limited. Integrated search result
countries. analysis, hierarchical filters
categorization, citation Hybrid patent database.
& family Trees, co-
citation Analysis, etc.
33. Molecular http://www.mcpairs. Data coverage from 1981 Supported by patent Data coverage is Allows the user to
Connections com/app/# to till date and updated in literature databases i.e. limited. search for full texts of
Patent http://www.molecular 7 days. PatBase, Thomson granted patents and
Information Innovation, Questel published applications
Retrieval Orbit, STN, Sci Finder, from India.
System - Lexis Nexis, etc and
MCPaIRS Non-Patent Literature
SnapView - Easy
refinement and
visualization of results.
Flexible search options
and easy-to-use search

Fig. 1− Flowchart depicting various steps involved in patent search and analysis

• PatFT – Patent Full-Text and Image Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT)
Database comprises of full text of patents is an independent administrative institution that
issued from 1976 and PDF images of patents provides information on industrial property. INPIT
from 1790 to till date. gathers and preserves information on industrial
• AppFT - Patent Application Full-Text and property throughout the world and offers the data for
Image Database helps to search in published consultations. The JPO retrieves reference materials
patent applications for full text. related to patents during patent search from Japanese
• GPSN - Global Patent Search Network helps platform for patent information (J-PlatPat), which is
to search full text of multiple international maintained by INPIT. The Japanese patent databasae
patents mostly available from State JplatPat grant access to tools like Patent Map
Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) of China. Guidance (PMGS) & retrieve information from PAJ
Information on published applications, (Patent Abstracts of Japan) by keywords.
granted patents and utility models during SIPO
1985 – 2012 can be retrieved. Translated The SIPO office of the People's Republic of China
versions of Chinese patents are also available. possess various patent documents from 94 patent
The information is updated regularly to institutions and full text patent descriptions published
include recent developments. by 40 patent agencies. More than 50,000 patents
• PAIR - Patent Application Information published in China are made public through the
Retrieval helps the patentees to retrieve Chinese Patent Office database SIPO. The database
information regarding their patent application has Chinese Patent Machine Translation System
status. (CPMT), and also useful in retrieving information
EPO about published, granted and unexamined Chinese
It is a national patent office where patent applicants and PCT patents.
can seek protection in member states of European IPO
Patent Convention (EPC). The EPO provides raw data The patent system in India is administered under
i.e. bibliographic data from 70 countries and 40 patent the control of the Controller General of Patents,
authorities for expert patent searchers. The data Designs and Trademarks. The office of the Controller
provided is updated on weekly basis. The EPO's General functions under the Department of Industrial
Asian Patent Information Services provide translated Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and
versions of patents thereby helping in searching Industries. The Controller General's office is in
original language patent databases. The EPO database Mumbai and there are four patent offices in India at
also provides information on the legal status and Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. The Indian
important reminders for the entire patent application Patents and Designs Act was formed in 1911, but it
process.13 Patent search is mainly done with the help came into force on 20th April 1972 with modifications
of ESPACENET database at the EPO. Through to support the modern technological development.
ESPACENET one can freely access more than The Patent Act of 1970 was subjected to amendments
90 million patent documents worldwide 1836 in 1999, 2002 and 2005. The Indian Government
onwards. The other data retrieved on patent search in currently follows the Patents Act, 2005 with regard to
ESPACENET are patent family information, legal the protection of patents within India.14 The Indian
status information, citations, links to file other Asian patent database INPAIRS provides access to patent
patents, etc. The database also provides option to document published and applied at IPO. The database
search functions of the Cooperative Patent has tools and links to check published patent
Classification (CPC); a unique feature compared to applications, application status, patent agent register,
other patent search system. ESPACENET provides patent fees, etc.
more comprehensive tools and features to obtain
better patent search results.
KIPO is the government department responsible for
JPO handling intellectual property (IP) related issues in
The JPO database contains data on patent South Korea. The major work is to promote the
applications filed in Japan. The National Centre for creation and utilization of IP, enhance IPR protection

both locally and abroad, foster human resources with legal status, corporate tree, etc. The various
specializing in IP, and promote IP awareness regional, national and multinational patent databases are
throughout the world. At KIPO 204, 589 patent freely available and their websites are listed in Table 1.
applications were filed till 2013 with an 8.3% growth
rate every year. The Korean Intellectual Property Commercial Patent Databases
Rights Information Service (KIPRIS) also provides There are many commercial patent databases that
access to over 2.1 million published applications and offer more useful services, such as, translations of
patents registered in Korea. The database has tools to patent information, additional systematic
translate the Korean patent abstracts and links to classification based on chemical structures, reactions,
major national and foreign online patent databases. biological sequences, etc. These commercial
databases provide value added services such as patent
Patent Databases family based data, manually corrected bibliographic
It is a repository of data related to the issued data, graphical patent family analysis, identification
patents and published applications. All the relevant of top assignees, top classifications, and top countries
data related to patents, i.e. patent number, claims, of filing, etc. The major commercial fee based patent
specification, review, reference etc., are collected and databases are listed in Table
maintained in a patent database. The first large public Patent Databases in Indian Context
patent database was launched by USPTO in In India, the IPR related issues came into
November 1995. The USPTO database now contains prominence after a while when global community
information regarding 326,033 granted patents and started implementing it. As India started moving into
615,243 patent applications as per United States (US) a global trade regime, the necessity of Indian patent
Patent Statistics Chart, 2014.15 The database is databases also rose into prominence. There are few
updated weekly on every Tuesday when new patents relevant patent databases in Indian context. The major
are issued. The EPO’s ESPACENET system is the databases in this regard are:
largest public database, which contains more than
INPAIRS Version 2 – It is freely accessible online
90 million patent documents from 80 countries,
patent search engine maintained by Government of
containing information about inventions and technical
India to search Indian patents. The patents filed and
developments from 1836 onwards.16 The commercial
granted in India can be accessed through INPAIRS.
online patent databases appeared in the early 1980s,
The database also provides information on published
followed by Compact Disc-Read Only Memory
applications and application status. We can also
(CD-ROMs) a few years later. Currently there are
access the Patent Agent Register and the Patent
more than 100 free and subscription patent and
validity with renewal fee. The database also provides
patent-related databases on the World Wide Web. The
access to PCT patents using the international patent
list of different types of patent databases available is
number. There is patent search engine help tool,
given in Table 1.
which helps to easily access the database for patent
National and Multinational Patent Databases information.
Patent offices of various countries collect, maintain MCPaIRS (Molecular Connections Patent Information
and store all the information about the patent Retrieval System) – It is a commercial patent database
applications filed and granted in their respective areas. maintained by Molecular Connections. MCPaIRS
This information is stored in patent databases which is helps to search the full text of patents published in
freely available online. These databases also contains India. The data is processed by experts and is
link to patent database of other countries. They provide available for use through web interface. The database
full text, CD ROMs, and search tools for accessing the comprises an elegant front page with bibliographic
patent information stored in patent database.17 details, application status, legal status information,
Multinational patent databases are the most etc. for all patents. The database contains patent
comprehensive database of patent documents available information from 1981 and is updated weekly. It is
in the world. They provide access to patent-related also supported by commercial patent literature
publications; provide multilingual support, contains databases i.e. PatBase, Thomson Innovation, Questel
bibliographic collections, co-citation analysis, machine Orbit, STN, SciFinder, Lexis Nexis, etc. and
translations, PDFs, drawings, simple/extended families Non-Patent Literature databases.

EKASWA A, B and C Database – These are the first can infringe already existing patents in other
Indian patent searchable databases available in CD- countries. It will monitor the claims of non-
ROM and Web. Ekaswa A contains patent terminated patent to check for infringement.
applications filed in India from January 1995 to (vi) Validity search – It helps the inventor to
December 2004. Ekaswa B contains patent applications monitor the validity of non-terminated
notified for opposition in India from January 1995 to patents. The search will also help to get
December 2004. Ekaswa C has access to patent knowledge on the technological defects in the
applications published in Official Journal of Patent patent which can hamper its validity before
Office published from January 2005 to June 2007. This termination. The validity search requires the
database is managed by Technology Information, usage of advanced analysis techniques in
Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) order to determine the relevance of patent
INPAT (Indian Patent Database) – It is a bibliographic claims and its originality.
database which provides information on 52,624 patents (vii) Patent to product mapping search – This is a
granted in India during the period spanning between comprehensive method to get information on
1975-2002. The database delivers information on patent technology development trends, competitor
title, applicant(s) name(s), inventor(s) name(s), patent styles, market involvement, product growth,
number, application number, application date, and determining the scope and utilization of
publication date, IPC code, etc.18 information for patent procurement through
examination and mapping of data to enable
Searching a Patent Database research and development.7,19,20
The awareness on how to search a patent database
is essential in order to get maximum information on For an effective prior art search in various patent
several areas of patent search. There are different databases, the patentee should have a basic idea about
tasks for which patent search are conducted, such as: the terms and techniques related to the invention. This
awareness will ease patent search.12 The several
(i) Patentability search – This is the first step in search criteria’s to retrieve patent information are
patent search in order to check whether your keywords or phrases, patent classification Systems
invention is valid, original and also to check i.e., International Patent Classification (IPC),
whether there exist inventions similar to Coopérative Patent Classification (CPC), etc., date of
yours. Thus it would be best if we conduct filling/grant/publication etc., patent reference or
patentability search before the development identification numbers (application number, patent
of the invention. number, PCT number) and names of applicants/
(ii) State-of-the-art search – The search is done to assignees or inventors and invention title.
get information related to prior technology in The detailed patent search will help the
particular fields. The researcher or the applicant/patentee to answers various questions
inventor will get a better idea about prior regarding his invention like what does the invention
inventions in their new technical field of do? What should be the end result of the invention?
research. The state of the art search will help How does it work? etc. The patent databases can be
to widen scope or to conduct more effective searched normally using keywords or phrases
and strategic research work. describing the technology or invention. However,
(iii) Monitoring/legal status search – It helps to keyword searching in patent databases is sometimes
monitor the legal status of a granted patent or problematic. When we search using English keywords
patent application. in patent databases using foreign languages we won’t
(iv) Bibliographic search – The search is done to get accurate search result, e.g. If we conduct a keyword
get background information on the work done search in JPO patent documents about half the total
in the specified area in chronological order. issued patents are undetectable to keyword searches.
The search is performed as personal Multinational patent databases like PatentScope and
background search, history search, and Espacenet cover patents in many languages hence it
chronological search. would be more useful for keyword searches.
(v) Infringement search – An infringement search The best way to search in patent database without any
is done to check whether our patented product error is to perform classification search. The patent

offices worldwide have developed classification systems determine the novelty in patents, to predict
- a standard system to identify technology groups to technological developments in their respective
which the innovation belongs. The three commonly used domains, to identify infringements, to develop a
patent classifications are the U.S. Patent Classification, strategic technology improvement plan, to determine
International Patent Classification and the European the quality of the patent for R&D, for technological
Classification. The Cooperative Patent Classification road mapping, to identify voids and hotspots in their
(CPC) up-to-date and internationally compatible respective technological realms and to identify
classification scheme covers the USPTO and EPO competitors.23 The end results of patent analysis are the
patent documents. These classification systems are development of patent maps, data clusters and patent
based on the international nature of the patents and networks. Patent map helps to picture the connections
hence are independent of languages. Searching patent among the patents by creating maps through keywords
documents by patent classification will help to overcome or phrases.24 Patent networks signify the relationship
the pitfalls caused by keyword searching. among the nodes of patents.25 Data clustering is used to
Searching of patent documents is a step-by-step group data into clusters or into categories to obtain
process; initially the search should be done in broad patent data according to relevance.26
and related area followed by fine and more focused Many of the enterprises currently have patent
searches. Patent information is obtained through database managers who collect, manage and store
various patent databases and there are patent search patent information from original patent database in
tutorials available in most free online patent their own servers. They tag the information in
databases. To begin with patent search; the major databases; provide innovative analytical and searching
patent databases i.e. USPTO, WIPO (PatentScope), tools to retrieve data accurately. The patent database
EPO (Espacenet) and JPO should be accessed. managers help to manage the entire patent search in a
Similar searches should also be done in different shorter time span by performing widespread accessing
regional and national patent databases to do a and evaluating the patent information stored in
comparative study and get more information related to numerous patent databases. They provide more
our invention at regional level. For value added refined patent information after analyzing the data
services such as, patent family based data, manually using search and analysis tools, multilingual services
corrected bibliographic data, graphical patent family and visualization tools.17
analysis, identification of top assignees, top
classifications, top countries of filing, etc. it would be What Is Lacking?
The coverage and quality of patent database is one
better to access commercial fee based databases.
of the core challenges in conducting patent searches
Patent Analysis on both free online and commercial patent databases.
After retrieving and processing the patent No single patent database has complete coverage of
information from patent databases, patent analysis is all patent documents12 and therefore, the client should
done which will help to determine the novelty of access multiple national, multinational and
inventions, also to know the strengths, weakness; and commercial patent databases. The patent databases are
competitiveness with our competitors.21 The patent not updated regularly. There are multilingual issues
analysis is useful in recognizing upcoming while accessing regional/national patent databases.
technological trends. Technological competitiveness, Occasionally there is a lack of access and links to
using IP information helps in valuing the advances of other related patent databases. Many of existing
a firm in a specific time interval.22 It can also free website links of patent database shows errors. The
patent experts from the strenuous task of manually commercial patent databases have access to many
analysing patent documents to determine the quality analytical tools but are very expensive.
of patents and speed up the analysis process. The Many of the free online databases lacks with
series of steps involved in patent analysis are - detailed information on patents filed back in history
extracting patents from patent databases, extracting i.e. during the 50’s and 60’s. Even though online
data from patents and analyse the extracted data to patent databases provide sufficient free IP data but, it
make reasonable conclusions. does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of
There are several public and private sector the information, nor accept any obligation for errors
organizations interested in analysing patents – to or omissions or their consequences. During the

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