ICFAI University, Dehradun: Student Name Iud No Ibs No

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ICFAI University, Dehradun


IUD No 0901200606
IBS No 09BS0000606

Course Code: SLIT609

Course Name: Business Intelligence Using SAS
Faculty Name: Prof. Prashobhan

Date: 03-NOV-2010

Topic of the Assignment


Student Signature Faculty Signature


Chetan Arora
To examine the contents of the data file- spend.xls(2003 format). The data file is attached at the
end of the analysis.
The data consists of spending of a company on advertisements and the resulting index from the
benefit of the same.

proc univariate data = sasuser.Spent;

The SAS System 18:29 Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: Spend(Spend)


N 21 Sum Weights 21
Mean 50.4 Sum Observations 1058.4
Std Deviation 54.1091859 Variance 2927.804
Skewness 1.63466753 Kurtosis 1.68548147
Uncorrected SS 111899.44 Corrected SS 58556.08
Coeff Variation 107.359496 Std Error Mean 11.8075924

Basic Statistical Measures

Location Variability

Mean 50.40000 Std Deviation 54.10919

Median 27.00000 Variance 2928
Mode 26.90000 Range 180.90000
Interquartile Range 30.80000

Tests for Location: Mu0=0

Test -Statistic- -----p Value------

Student's t t 4.26844 Pr > |t| 0.0004

Sign M 10.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 115.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001

Quantiles (Definition 5)

Quantile Estimate

100% Max 185.9

99% 185.9
95% 166.2
90% 154.9
75% Q3 50.1
50% Median 27.0
25% Q1 19.3
10% 6.1
5% 5.7
1% 5.0
0% Min 5.0
The SAS System 18:29 Wednesday, June 2, 2010 12

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: MilImp (MilImp)


N 21 Sum Weights 21
Mean 40.4666667 Sum Observations 849.8
Std Deviation 30.1806119 Variance 910.869333
Skewness 0.7281237 Kurtosis -0.7506346
Uncorrected SS 52605.96 Corrected SS 18217.3867
Coeff Variation 74.5814132 Std Error Mean 6.58594945

Basic Statistical Measures

Location Variability

Mean 40.46667 Std Deviation 30.18061

Median 32.10000 Variance 910.86933
Mode . Range 95.20000
Interquartile Range 48.50000

Tests for Location: Mu0=0

Test -Statistic- -----p Value------

Student's t t 6.144394 Pr > |t| <.0001

Sign M 10.5 Pr >= |M| <.0001
Signed Rank S 115.5 Pr >= |S| <.0001

Quantiles (Definition 5)

Quantile Estimate

100% Max 99.6

99% 99.6
95% 92.4
90% 88.9
75% Q3 60.8
50% Median 32.1
25% Q1 12.3
10% 10.4
5% 10.0
1% 4.4
0% Min 4.4

OUTCOMES: The above analysis is just done to find the mean, median or say Univariate analysis of the data, Here Spend is the independent
variable and Millimp is the dependent variable. And finally the regression line is drawn.

proc means data=sasuser.Spent;

The SAS System 18:29 Wednesday, June 2, 2010 14

The MEANS Procedure

Variable Label N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum

Spend Spend 21 50.4000000 54.1091859 5.0000000 185.9000000
MilImp MilImp 21 40.4666667 30.1806119 4.4000000 99.6000000

The SAS System 18:29 Wednesday, June 2, 2010 15

The FREQ Procedure


Cumulative Cumulative
F1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
ATT.BELL 1 4.76 1 4.76
BUD.LITE 1 4.76 2 9.52
BURGER.KING 1 4.76 3 14.29
CALVIN.KLEIN 1 4.76 4 19.05
COCO-COLA 1 4.76 5 23.81
CREST 1 4.76 6 28.57
DIET.COLA 1 4.76 7 33.33
FEDERAL.EXPRESS 1 4.76 8 38.10
FORD 1 4.76 9 42.86
KIBBLES.N.BITS 1 4.76 10 47.62
LEVI'S 1 4.76 11 52.38
MC.DONALD'S 1 4.76 12 57.14
MCI 1 4.76 13 61.90
MEOW.MIX 1 4.76 14 66.67
MILLER.LITE 1 4.76 15 71.43
OSCAR.MEYER 1 4.76 16 76.19
PEPSI 1 4.76 17 80.95
POLAROID 1 4.76 18 85.71
SHASTA 1 4.76 19 90.48
STROH'S 1 4.76 20 95.24
WENDY'S 1 4.76 21 100.00
proc freq data=sasuser.Spent;

The SAS System 18:29 Wednesday, June 2, 2010 16

The FREQ Procedure


Cumulative Cumulative
Spend Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
5 1 4.76 1 4.76
5.7 1 4.76 2 9.52
6.1 1 4.76 3 14.29
7.6 1 4.76 4 19.05
9.2 1 4.76 5 23.81
19.3 1 4.76 6 28.57
20.4 1 4.76 7 33.33
22.9 1 4.76 8 38.10
26.9 2 9.52 10 47.62
27 1 4.76 11 52.38
32.4 1 4.76 12 57.14
40.1 1 4.76 13 61.90
45.6 1 4.76 14 66.67
49.7 1 4.76 15 71.43
50.1 1 4.76 16 76.19
74.1 1 4.76 17 80.95
82.4 1 4.76 18 85.71
154.9 1 4.76 19 90.48
166.2 1 4.76 20 95.24
185.9 1 4.76 21 100.00
The SAS System 18:29 Wednesday, June 2, 2010 17

The FREQ Procedure


Cumulative Cumulative
MilImp Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
4.4 1 4.76 1 4.76
10 1 4.76 2 9.52
10.4 1 4.76 3 14.29
11.7 1 4.76 4 19.05
12 1 4.76 5 23.81
12.3 1 4.76 6 28.57
21.4 1 4.76 7 33.33
21.9 1 4.76 8 38.10
23.4 1 4.76 9 42.86
29.2 1 4.76 10 47.62
32.1 1 4.76 11 52.38
38 1 4.76 12 57.14
40.1 1 4.76 13 61.90
40.8 1 4.76 14 66.67
50.7 1 4.76 15 71.43
60.8 1 4.76 16 76.19
71.1 1 4.76 17 80.95
78.6 1 4.76 18 85.71
88.9 1 4.76 19 90.48
92.4 1 4.76 20 95.24
99.6 1 4.76 21 100.00

proc gplot data = sasuser.Spent;


Spend MilImp
MILLER.LITE 50.1 32.1
PEPSI 74.1 99.6
STROH'S 19.3 11.7
S 22.9 21.9
BURGER.KING 82.4 60.8
COCO-COLA 40.1 78.6
MC.DONALD'S 185.9 92.4
MCI 26.9 50.7
DIET.COLA 20.4 21.4
FORD 166.2 40.1
LEVI'S 27 40.8
BUD.LITE 45.6 10.4
ATT.BELL 154.9 88.9
WENDY'S 49.7 29.2
POLAROID 26.9 38
SHASTA 5.7 10
MEOW.MIX 7.6 12.3
OSCAR.MEYER 9.2 23.4
CREST 32.4 71.1

Regression analysis on EXCEL SHEET:


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.651115141
R Square 0.423950927
Adjusted R Square 0.393632555
Standard Error 23.50152145
Observations 21

  df SS MS F eF
Regression 1 7723.278 7723.278 13.9833 0.001389
Residual 19 10494.11 552.3215
Total 20 18217.39      

X Variable 1 Residual Plot


-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
X Variable 1

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