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Sam Morris LAA

Product description:
Ear Pone is a headphone brand that is specialised in creating headphones for young people
aged 16 - 20. I am going to use an advertisement to promote the product to the main target
audience, as well as using primary and secondary market research to inform and help the
creation of my promotional video to make it the most effective it can possibly be and reach the
target audience the best.

The product:

The target audience for the headphones is young people between 16 and 20, and my research
shows that this is the most effective age range for the promotion of my product, as they are the
most likely to purchase my product. The majority of people that i am targeting will be living in
united kingdom and my primary research helps to show that people from the united kingdom are
the majority of my target audience within the UK. Making my headphones more affordable in
comparison to the competitors product but still providing the style and fashion features, they will
cost roughly around £55. As my target audience fits into an economic group where large
spending is unavailable to the majority of people.

Who, what why where?

The reason the product is going to be successful is because of evidence provided by my
secondary market research. Apple airpods are brand of earphones with the largest stock for
shareholders, dwarfing even traditional giants like beats. They have succeeded in launching a
product purely based on brand name, influence and style, and have managed to become the
most profitable product on the market, despite being purely a fashion statement as opposed to a
quality listening product such as bose or sony. After analysing the markets response and the
audience responds to a product like that It shows that there is a clear gap in the market for a
product purely dependent on style and one that people are willing to pay for over traditional
headphone brands that have a larger focus on high quality audio in their products. A focus on
style over audio abilities also assists in lowering production and design costs overall.
Introducing an own brand of earphones with a focus on fashion would not only exploit the
largest sales gap in the market but would also be the most profitable wireless headphones to
design, produce and sell.


The products advantage over other products on the market is the unique combination of price
and style, allowing us to specifically target a demographic that will be able to afford the product
that is already in high demand due to the market gap for this product. The promotional video will
be the key element in getting the target demographic to purchase the product as it will promote
and highlight the stylistic and fashionable aspects of the product.


The product will be distributed throughout the United Kingdom, where the majority of my
secondary and primary research was taken, as well as where the research indicates the majority
of profit will come from as the largest portion of the target demographic is based.

Planning and Research:

The structure of an advert for a product like this is generally quite consistent despite the
differences in products, with some key changes, yet the general structure of the promotion
remaining the same. The structure follows a build up, A climax which usually presents the
product or brand and then a cool down from the action finally showing the details of the product
IE the brand or price. Usually these adverts are presented in montage form, using montage
editing to create a feeling of excitement to the audience and uses montage cutting to music in
order to present the product to the audience in an exciting way. The influence created by this
will help to shape the creation of my advertisement and has inspired me to use montage editing
to create excitement and build up and climax in the advertisement. The effect on the audience
will help to make them excited for the product, hopefully creating hype for the product and
increasing sales as well as promotion for the product.

Beats by Dre

The first research I conducted was to look at and evaluate the headphone adverts from different
large succeeding brands in the headphone industry. Due to the influence products like Apple
Air-pods and Beats by Dre have had on the creation of the product they were the first products I
looked to in order to evaluate what has been done effectively and what could be done better to
reach the target audience.

Beats were founded in 2008 by Big media personality, DJ and Rapper Dr Dre, and surged in
popularity due to there feel, appearance and regular reference and promotion in popular culture,
becoming a fashion symbol , and due to massive and sudden increase in popularity were
purchased by Apple in 2014, just 6 years after launch for $3 Billion. I evaluated there
advertisement with Post Malone and Swae Lee first, and used the video to help me understand
the critical influence that famous and influential people have in the promotion and business
model of beats, as the ability to capture the audience's attention and showing them idols and
important celebrity figures using the product and enjoying it, Allowing the audience to easily
sympathise and empathise with the figures in the advert, making it not only more effective at
helping to increase the likelihood of purchasing the product, but the spread of the advertisement

The second Beats advert that I analysed was the PowerBeats Pro advertisement. These
earphones were significantly more expensive than standard beats, standing at around £220
making them far out of reach of the price range that I had previously set for my product as well
as out of the range of my target audience. The main reason for the headphones being more
expensive was not only the increased mobility added by the product being worn in the ear
instead of over the head by the style of the product. This helped me to understand that by
creating a stylish product of a lower price the market may have a gap as other products that are
already specialised for style and mobility are far more expensive than even the regular products
offered by those companies.

Another company I studied was Bose who, despite being a company making products far more
focused on sound quality than the style of the headphones, still stands as a giant of the industry,
and therefore researching there products is invaluable. The noise cancelling headphones by
Bose are worth around £300, making them far too expensive. The advertisement I watched for
Bose clearly and effectively conveyed the effect of the product. This advert breaks from the
norm by having a very calm peaceful atmosphere that becomes calmer as the advert goes on.
I created a poll for people to vote on about headphones in order to let me get a valid picture of
the demographics of, and the desired specifications of the headphones I would be selling,
These are the results.

Primary research? - interviews/questionaires

How old are you?

What type of headphones do you like + Wired or Wireless?

What is the most important headphone quality?

I conducted interviews in order to gather information about the people living near me and to find
out their preferences about headphones. I found out that;

● They prefer wireless headphones due to the added mobility

● They prefer earphones due to the style and the lower profile
● They dislike headphones that are not stylish or are not visually appealing
● They don't like headphones with a complicated / not simplistic design

This shows that overall, a simple design and smaller, low profile shape would be better than a
large or complicated set of headphones, as less people would purchase that.

Target audience

The target demographic and target audience for this product are young people within the United
Kingdom between the ages of 16 and 20. I decided that the product that I made would be a pair
of headphones, and that they would be for 16-20 year olds, allowing me to create a style of
headphone that is popular with consumers within this age group. The first thing that I did was
perform Primary research, so I created an online questionnaire so that I could conduct primary
research on headphones, And received a large number of responses. The large number of
responses allowed me to generate an idea of what people are looking for in a product like
headphones, And I used my questionnaire to find out the ages of the people responding to it in
order to get an idea for the demographics and target audience of the product. This research has
heavily influenced the way that the headphones were designed and how they look, as well as
the conclusions I came to during the design, like the use of a more simplistic design, as well as
making the headphones wireless.

I also conducted secondary research in the form of analysing the advertisements of popular
headphone companies and brands, So that I could analyse the product and promotions of
popular and successful headphone brands. With the responses I received I understand what
type of headphones I will create and the primary and secondary research will allow me to
effectively create a product that appeals to a large amount of people and will become popular
and successful. The primary research showed me that the headphones that I create should be
earphones that are wireless as they are the most popular that i have seen in my primary
research, and I have decided to base my advertisement around the style and look of the
headphones, something that I have decided after examining my secondary research adn finding
that the most popular advertisements for the product that i am creating have focused on the
style shape and profile of the headphones over any other functions, so creating an image of the
headphones and showing off the style and shape of them is the main focus of the advert. It
would be counterproductive to focus on other aspects following the research showing that other
specializations are not as popular.

Development of the Idea over time

Over time with the input of primary and secondary research my idea has developed and
changed greatly, with me coming to the conclusion that my original idea for a wired pair of
over-ear earphones would be ineffective. My research tells me that people wanted to have in
ear earphones that were wireless. I have also changed my promotional video design. At first the
Idea was to show the product in use in daily life, but now, I will be using a montage type
advertisement with a focus on presenting the style of the product instead of showing the product
in daily use.

Overall this has taught me enterprise skills such as how to conduct interviews in order to receive
helpful and relevant answers, as well as how to compile and analyse secondary research
effectively. Before, I had no ability to effectively search for information that I am looking for, as
well as being able to respond to feedback from others based on the research on the market. As
I conducted the interviews I utilised my communication skills and abilities, and it has taught me
to develop my ideas to a point where I feel confident in the production of the product and
develop questionnaires and questions that are effective and relevant.

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