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for seafarers
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A Publication of the MARINA STCW Office

ML-Deck: COMPETENCE 15 - Control Trim, Stability and Stress
No. Questions Choice A Choice B Choice C Choice D Answer

A disk with a horizontal line through its center, equivalent to the tonnage mark maximum allowable deadrise mark Plimsoll mark
1 summer load line, is called the: draft mark

A large GM will result in the vessel being: stiff tender subjected to a long roll good with transverse
2 stability

A longitudinal distance from reference point to center of gravity. Transversal Center of Vertical Center of Longitudinal Center of Transversal Center of
3 Gravity Buoyancy Gravity Buoyancy

A negative metacentric height: will always cause a should always be always results from off- All of the above are
4 vessel to capsize immediately corrected center weights correct

A partially full tank causes a virtual rise in the height of the: Center of gravity Center of buoyancy center of floatation Metacenter

A protrution below the waterline designed to reduce the ship's Bulbous bow Rake Skeg Battens
6 resistance to motion fitted at the bow.

A quick and rapid motion of a vessel in a seaway indicates: a large GZ a high center of gravity a low center of gravity a small GZ

A ship's forward draft is 22'-04" and its after draft is 23'-00". The at the bow in the lower holds amidships at the ends
8 draft amidships is 23'-04". This indicates a concentration of weight:

A slow and easy motion of a vessel in a seaway indicates: a small GZ a large GZ a low center of gravity a high center of gravity

A stress called compression is being placed on the sheer strakes if Sagging hogging under shearing force inclined
10 the vessel is:

A tank which carries liquid is dangerous to the stability of a vessel low in the vessel completely empty completely full slack
11 when it is:

A term called ceiling of a vessel. fashion plate Deckhead deadlight crows nest
A term generally used to designate one of the transverse ribs that garboard strake keel frame shell plating
13 make up the skeleton of a ship.

A transverse measurements of a piece of timber on board a log ship. Scarf Scantlings Scend Scantlings

A vertical pole in the center line of the ship. mast house catwalk mast jackstaff

A vessel aground may have negative GM since the: decrease in KM is virtual rise of G is displacement lost acts lost buoyancy method
equal to the lose of directly proportional at the point where the is used to calculate
16 draft to the remaining draft ship is aground KM, and KB is reduced

A vessel continually lists to one side and has a normal rolling period. The vessel has The center of gravity is The list can be The vessel has
Which statement is TRUE? negative GM on the centerline corrected by reducing asymmetrical weight
KM distribution

A vessel has how many degrees of freedom? three five four six

A vessel is “listed” due to the following conditions? inclined due to an off- have negative GM. trimmed by the head. inclined due to effect
19 center weight. of the wind.

A vessel list and trims from its: Center of floatation Center of gravity Center of buoyancy Center of underwater
20 volume

A vessel trimmed by the stern has a: list drag set sheer


A vessel with a large GM will: have a small amplitude tend to ship water on be subject to severe be less likely to have
22 of roll in heavy deck in heavy weather racking stresses cargo shift
A vessel's LCG is determined by: dividing the total dividing the total multiplying the MT1 by subtracting LCF from
vertical moment longitudinal moment the longitudinal LCB
23 summations by summations by moments
displacement displacement

Aboard a vessel, dividing the sum of the transverse moments by the vertical moments transverse position of inclining moments righting moments
24 total weight yields the vessel's: the center of gravity
Aboard damaged vessels, the MOST important consideration is bilge pumping capacity reserve buoyancy level attitude instability
25 preserving:

Adverse effects due to free surface will become apparent when: the vessel is trimmed the vessel's draft is the vessel's draft is a portion of liquid is
by the stern decreased exposing increased, thus removed from a full
more surface area to increasing the vessel's tank
the wind and current wetted surface area

Air gap is the vertical distance between the bottom of the hull and still water level wave crest wave crest plus the wave crest plus the
the: charted water depth charted water depth
and tidal corrections and tidal correction
and storm surge
An inclined vessel with a very short rolling period about a constant an off-center TCG an LCG greater than a negative GM excessive free surfaces
angle of list is likely to have: level vessel LCB


As the curves of GZ plotted in a base of displacement for constant Sets of curves Curves of statistical Cross curves of Heel correction curves
angles of heel: Stability stability


At an angle of loll, the righting moment is: maximum negative positive zero

Damage stability is the stability: which exists when the before collision after flooding at the maximum load
wind speed is less than
31 50 knots

During counterflooding to correct a severe list aggravated by an off- continue continue immediately stop deballast from the low
center load, your vessel suddenly takes a list or trim to the opposite counterflooding in the counterflooding, but in counterflooding side
32 side. You should: same direction the opposite direction

For a given displacement, the righting arm has its maximum value KG is minimum Angle of inclination is a Small-angle stability KM is a minimum
33 when: maximum applies
Free communication will adversely affect transverse stability only off-center on the centerline completely flooded open to the sea above
34 when the flooded space is: and below the
If a vessel lists to port, the center of buoyancy will: move to port move to starboard move directly down stay in the same
35 position

If the result of loading a vessel is an increase in the height of the metacentric height righting arm righting moment vertical moments
36 center of gravity, there will always be an increase in the:

If your vessel will list with equal readiness to either side, the list is negative GM off-center weight pocketing of free excessive freeboard
37 most likely caused by: surface

In the absence of external forces, adding weight on one side of a heel until the angle of list until the center of trim to the side decrease draft at the
floating vessel causes the vessel to: loll is reached buoyancy is aligned opposite TCG until all center of flotation
vertically with the moments are equal
center of gravity

Initial stability is indicated by: GM KM Deck load Maximum allowed


Jettisoning weight from topside: returns the vessel to reduces free surface lowers the center of raises the center of
40 an even keel effect gravity buoyancy

The vertical measurement from keel to waterline is called the: free board depth draft height

What will be observed of a ship that navigated from open sea with a Draft will increase Draft will decrease Ship will list Ship will heel
high water density when it enters a river with a low water density?

Your vessel is damaged and listing to port. The rolling period is long, Fill an empty double Transfer all possible Pump out ballast from Press up a slack
and the vessel will occasionally assume a starboard list. Which bottom tank on the movable weights from the port and starboard centerline double
43 action should you take FIRST? starboard side port to starboard double bottom tanks bottom tank

Your vessel is damaged, listing to port and on occasion flopping to Jettison any off-center Pump out any slack Pump out the after Press up any slack
the same angle to starboard. It has a long, slow, sluggish roll around topside weights to after double-bottom peak and fill the double-bottom tanks
the angle of list. There is excessive trim by the stern with little lower GM and correct tanks to reduce free forepeak to change forward of the tipping
freeboard aft. What action should you take FIRST to correct this the list. surface and increase the trim. center, then fill the
situation? freeboard aft. forepeak if empty.

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