Docker TOC 2

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Day 1:
 Introduction to Docker
 Docker Components
 Docker Architecture
 Classroom Environment with Docker setup
 Playing Around with Our First Docker Container
 The Docker Engine overview
 Docker Images overview
 Docker Containers overview

Day 2:
 Docker Hub overview
 Containers Creations
 Containers Operations
 Looking Inside of Containers
 Low level Container Info
 Getting a Shell in a Container
 Deep Dive – Containers
 Various Docker Image operations

Day 3:
 DockerHub
 Registry and Repositories in Docker
 Docker - Building Images
 Image build without Dockerfile
 Image Build with Dockerfile
 Container operations with self-created Images
 Example of Image Creation: Webservers (Httpd, Tomcat, Niginx), DB servers etc.
 Docker network creation
 Communication between different Docker containers
 Docker Volumes
 Creating Persistent Volumes
 Complete example using customized images, volumes and network

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