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2.1 Definition
Website Analytics is the measurement,collection,analysis and reporting of web
data for purpose of understanding and optimizing web usage.
2.2 Speaking 1
What information can you get about website traffic using a website analysis
application? Work in pairs. Make a list.

Sanji: Assalamualaikum
Zoro: Waalaikumsalam
Sanji: Do you know about website traffic?
Zoro: Website traffic? yes I know it can be used to see how many people visit our
website in visitor’s overview
Sanji: Yes, you are right,but there are still other uses
Zoro: Like what for example?
Sanji: Can be used also to see how many visitors to one of your articles and how long
people visit your site or maybe you just want to know how popular your content is.
Zoro: oh like that, thanks for his information
Sanji: You are welcome
2.3 Reading 2

A: Where do you find information about the website's visitors?

B: In 'Visitors Overview'.
1 Where can you find out how many people visit the website?
2 Where can you see what percentage of people view only one page on the website?
3 Where do you find information about how long they spend on the website?
4 Where do you see how many people searched for 'go taps' to find the website?

1. In visitor’s overview
2. In visitor’s overview
3. In visitor’s overview
4. In keyword “visits

2.4 Vocabulary 4

Match the website analysis tools 1-5 to the description a-e

1) Trafic from a) visitors who are opening our

blog / website, whether open
because of intentionally, or open
by chance.
2) meta tag website b) invisible information (e.g. a
hidden keyword) on a website
3) visitor map c) information about a user and the
sites they browse
4) user profile d) increasing the number of visitors
to your site
5) page optimization e) the movement and actions of
visitors to your site
2.5 Language 1

Question words (2)

We use how much/how many to ask How many people visit our website
about quantity every day? About 12.000.

How many hits do we get each

month? About 57.000.

We use where to ask about places Where are the visitors from? of the net
citizens worldwide.

Where do they go on our website? To


We can use how + adjective/adverb to How often do people visit our

ask about degree. website? At least once a day.

2.6 Listening 5
Listen and repeat these questions.
1 How many people visit the site?
2 Where do they go on the website?
3 How long do they spend on the website?

2.7 Language 2
Large number

50.000 fifty thousand

200.000 two hundred thousand

500.000 five hundred thousand/half a million

2.000.000 two million

2.8 Speaking 8

Work in pairs. You both work in website analytics. Ask and answer questions
about website visits.

Nami : Assalamualaikum

Robin : Waalaikumsalam

Nami : I want to let you know about my company's traffic website. The number of visitors 10
million each year

Robin : How visitors are located

Nami : The location of visitors comes from all over the world and the length of time on the site is 30
minutes. What about your site?

Robin : Number of visitors 500,000 each month, visitor from asia and length of time at location 5

Nami : Thanks for the information

Robin : You are welcome

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