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Unit 36: Lighting

Practical & Natural Lighting explanation
Practical lighting is not ideal for fully illuminating a character. Practical lights include
lamps, television sets and light fixtures, they are visible as models in a scene.Practical
lighting can help to make your scene more authentic as it can add dimension and depth
to your scene as you are able to motivate the light sources however you want. A
important part of using practical lights involve dimmers as having the light out in the
frame is distracting

Natural Lighting is when you use the light from the sun instead of adding artificial lighting
to the scene, this was a main reason to why the film industry was moved to the west
coast as there was more sun throughout the day. In a scene from skyfall we see that the
lamps behind the character are used to create more depth within the scene helping to
add shape and dimension. Natural lighting is currently a trend that is growing in the

Practical & Natural Lighting used in Tree of life
Natural and practical lighting is used throughout Tree of life, the use of natural lighting is
used to create a sense of authenticity and meaning in the attempt to bring the viewer closer
to the characters such as the scene where the child walks with his father, the use of natural
lighting is used to bring the viewer closer to the bond between the two.The lighting used in
the scenes are quite light and suggest a warming atmosphere for example the scene
where the it shows a man and a child. The film doesn't ever just use natural lighting as just
using natural lighting can cause continuity issues.

When directors decide to use natural lighting they find that it is easier as the actors don't
have to worry about hitting their marks to keep with lighting zones which offers more
creativity and freedom for the cast.
Professional lighting setups
One Point Lighting
An example of one point lighting is shown in a scene from the sixth
sense were a boy uses a torch to light up his tent, the use of one
point lighting creates a dramatic effect within the scene highlighting
the sense of mystery.

One point lighting is when only one light is used and this light is
usually called the key light. The example shown is an example of
one point lighting because the light used, being the torch it, almost
pushes the child into the background of the scene highlighting the
dark aura.

The type of lighting used is practical and is lowkey lighting as the

scene doesn't become brightly lit, it's more dark and eerie adding to
the genre. The psychological aspect of light from below is the fact
that it doesn't occur in the natural world as sunlight shines from
above, the fear that light from below brings to horror movies comes
from a deeper symbolism provoking the idea of light coming from
the depths of hell.
Two Point Lighting
Two point Lighting is usually the use of two lights in a scene, the key
light and another light such as a backlight which is used in the blade
runner scene highlighting the fact that she is almost being interrogated,
the lighting seems natural but also creates a mood of mystery as we as
the audience wonder if she is a replicant or not. The lighting used is
almost low key it casts a shadow on the right hand side of her face, the
use of the lighting doesn't make her seem human it almost tells you the
answer to the question being asked in the scene.
Three Point Lighting
Three point lighting, the use of three main
lights in a scene usually being, key light, fill
light and back light In the wolf of wall street
scene the lighting is not natural, three point
lighting is used focusing on the main
character making him seem powerful the
lighting helps to portray this as it lightens up
his entire body as if making the statement
that he is powerful and has nothing to hide as
there is not much use of shadows.

The mood of the scene is light hearted as

both characters seem to hide all ill intentions
but at the same time there is a sense of
fakeness as both characters try to hide what
they really want to say the bright lighting is
almost used to hide the real characters
Rembrandt Lighting
Rembrandt Lighting. The use of lighting to cast a shadow on a characters face, said to be
both natural and compelling. In silence of the lambs rembrandt lighting is used to create
mystery and a change of mood, in the scene it starts off with hannibal fully lit making him
seem charming as he speaks to clarice but when he moves closer to her his aura changes
and the lighting begins to highlight the characters true form.

Rembrandt was a 17th century painter his greatest creative triumphs are seen in his
illustrations of biblical scenes and use of shadow lighting.
Lighting for advertising
In the advertisement they use practical lighting to
give a warm, home feel, to get the scene to look like
nighttime the director blacked out the house and left
a cool moonlight coming in on the side of the
character and a key light off camera and practicals in
the background.

In the O2 advert one point lighting is used to isolate

the main character so that the focus is on him and
not the stuff happening around him. In the scene at
the train station two point lighting is used this
includes the key light and the backlight for this scene.

Genre Lighting
Film Noir Lighting
Film noir coming from the french meaning black cinema. In the
1940s Drugs, prostitution and crime were in the shadows and The use of half lit and half shadow shows the characters
film noir began its life as it was reminiscent of the darker nights duality being fakely nice and then having the sinister evil
of post war america. Some of the characteristics seen in film noir side.
The scenes show that good and evil is subjective as one
are often Rain soaked streets, Urban environments, flickering
person's good could be another person's evil the only reason
street lamps, shadows and films filmed in black and white. There we don't see our protagonist as the antagonist is because of
are two main elements of film noir being World War 2 and the perspective the director has chosen to focus on.
post-war disillusionment and post war realism. The silhouette
used in the scene of the night of the hunter creates mystery and As we look through different genres we see that genre and
a sense of fear, we see a silhouette of the man being the lighting have a relationship in portraying different meaning for
antagonist the lack of detail is used for the viewer to be afraid as example for film noir lowkey lighting is used to create a dark
the character is unknown. atmosphere as the genre focuses on post war realism and
post war disillusionment.
In a scene in the night of the hunter the use of half lit and half
shadow is used to show the characters characteristics as the
shadow shows that she is as deadly as the antagonist and the lit
side shows that she has good intentions and is on the side of the
Horror Lighting
In the descent trailer the tunnel scene only Uplighting: Lighting designed to cast it's light upwards this technique is used
one light is used being the one she has on to distort the human face creating shadows around the eyes. Also light from
her helmet being practical lighting, the scene
below looks unnatural as it doesn't occur in the natural world it also has
creates a claustrophobic feel as the only
light within the scene comes from the connotations with light coming from hell.
character who is struggling in a tight spot.
The light is also used like a spotlight as if to Silhouette: The shadowy shape of something or someone against a light
highlight the small spaces the characters background. When this is used in horror films it is used to show an
have as exits. exaggerated vision of the threat.

The scenes with the red flare is again like

the tunnel scene, practical one point lighting Spotlighting: narrow ray of light used to highlight a certain person or object
the scene draws the viewer's attention
towards it the red highlighting the murderous Underexposure: A darker scene again used in horror films to exaggerate the
aura. threat and crafting the atmosphere.
In the horror genre we see the relationship
with lighting is used to build suspense and to
Harsh light: harsh light happens when the the source of light is smaller
create a scary or spooky scene. In the horror
compared to the size of the subject
genre they usually use natural lighting and
low key lighting as a contrast so that the
scary scenes seem more scary.
Music video Lighting
The lighting in the first part of the music video is low key highlighting that the artist this is effective because insomnia is when a
person has restless nights, being unable to sleep and the lighting shows the how the artist is frustrated because of it. The director
keeps part of the music video black and white suggesting the idea of people being unable to dream colour this is effective as he
talks about insomnia but the director suggests that he is in fact sleeping already by the use of no colour in certain scenes. The
flashing lights also are effective in representing frustration caused by insomnia.

The director uses dissolves and cut aways to highlight the effects of insomnia as the lack of sleep can lead to someone losing their
sanity suggested by the devil child.

The uses of lighting is important for more than one reason, ranging from making it easier to see everything to portraying a certain
mood. For example if little lighting is used it would create a dull and sad feeling in the music video, which would highlight what the
song is about and if a lot of lighting is used it gives the impression that what we are watching is a happy and enjoyable moment.

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