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– 4,500 Calorie Meal Plan

Daily Breakdown
Carbohydrates – 600 g - 675 g
Protein – 200 g - 225 g
Fat – 89 g - 100 g

4,000 calories – Follow non-highlighted meal plan plus pick 3 snacks from the list below
4,500 calories – Same as 4,000 calories plan plus highlighted food items

Breakfast – Pick one of the below options
Option 1
2 cups of cooked oatmeal – steel cut or rolled oats
Make oatmeal with 1 cup of milk or milk alternative for added calcium and protein
1 Tbsp. of maple syrup or honey
½ cup or more of berries, fresh or frozen
2 cups of juice
1 piece of whole grain bread
1 Tbsp. nut butter

Option 2
2 whole grain bagels
3 egg scramble (made with 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites)
1 cup of vanilla yogurt
1 cup of fruit (melon, berries, kiwi…)
2 cups of juice
Add ½ cup granola to yogurt

Lunch– Pick one of the below options
Option 1
2 large whole-wheat tortillas
6 oz. of natural turkey meat
2 tsp. pesto or mayo
Lettuce, tomato, grated carrots….
¼ cup of humus, 12 baby carrots and 2 handfuls of mini pretzels
½ cup dried fruit – unsweetened or 1 extra cup of pretzels

Option 2
3 cups of pasta with red sauce or pesto
3 oz. of lean protein
Side salad

Dinner– Pick one of the below options
Option 1
2 baked/grilled marinated chicken breast
2 large baked sweet potatoes – you can also grill thick slices of sweet potato
1 cup or more of sautéed/grilled veggies
2 cups of milk or milk alternative
1 or more ears of corn

Option 2
3 cups of veggie stir fry
6 oz. of lean protein (chicken, beef, shrimp, tofu)
3 cups of rice
2 cups of milk or milk alternative
Add 1 extra cup of rice

Pick 3 snacks from the below list, or make up your own – Ideally look for something that is 200-300 calories and
contains carbs, protein and healthy fats.

• 1 piece of fruit and a handful of nuts
• 1 Clif bar
• PB&J sandwich
• Yogurt with granola
• Banana or apple with 2 Tbsp. of peanut butter
• 16 oz. chocolate milk
• Whole grain crackers with cheese and fruit
• Muscle Milk

More Breakfast Ideas
• 2 Whole grain bagels with peanut butter, banana and honey
• Egg scramble with veggies, sweet potato, black beans in a sprouted tortilla or with whole grain toast
• Whole grain waffles with the following optional toppings: almond butter, fresh fruit and yogurt
• Smoothie made with yogurt, fresh fruit, vegetables – make sure it is at least 750 calories

More Lunch Ideas
• Wraps
• Salad with beans and whole grains to make sure you are getting enough carbs
• Quesadilla made with a sprouted tortilla, cheese, spinach, corn and avocado
• Pasta salads

More Dinner Ideas
• Salmon, brown rice and salad/veggies
• Make your own soft shell tacos – meat, veggies, avocado, beans, cheese
• Pesto pasta made with whole grain pasta and or spaghetti squash, chicken sausage and vegetables
• Burritos

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