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Everybody has a goal in life...

whether it's to pass a big test or to get the boy or girl you like to fall
madly in love with you. And some people don't believe that they have goals, which isn't true. If
you are one of those people who says, "I don't have a goal for myself," then you are wrong.

People make goals every second of every day. Goals don't have to be big, they can be the littlest
of things. Like, challenging yourself to try out a new t.v. series. Or, setting a specific time to do
homework. No matter what you say or do, you always end up setting a goal.

Goals can some-what resemble a dream or passion. Maybe you have a passion for music (like
me) and want to become a professional musician. Or you'd like to become an actor or a fire
fighter or a marine soldier. People set goals to get into their dream colleges. At the moment, I
am fourteen years old, my final year of middle school is about to commence. And I will sincerely
die for music. If I couldn't have it, I couldn't live. Now that is what you call passion. If you feel this
deeply about something, then go for the stars because no one should hold you back. No dream
is too small or too big, because only you can decide what path you want to pave.

You may encounter some mishaps such as someone else saying, "Oh, you don't have a good voice
so you can't possibly be a singer." Don't let someone splirt negative comments about you that
you know isn't true. Someone like this may just be jealous because you have a reasonable goal,
and theirs may not have ended up well.

If you are a personal firm believer in worship and religion, then you'll get a kick out of this:
Serendipity has come to surprise you. Your faith and hard work lie in its hands as it guides you
towards your dream. Be the musician, be the actress/actor, be the person you want to be. And I
promise you, that once you get there, you will be looking down on those people who told you
that you couldn't make it and you will hold your head up high and say with a proud expression,
"I told you so."

You may think that goals take forever to achieve, and you may just be right. It all boils down to
who you are. Mistakes happen and to be quite honest they do slow you down. But with the
courage of willpower and the strength of the biggest athlete you can imagine, (I'm picturing
Dwayne Johnson at the moment) you can reach the goal. It may take two years or two days or
even two centuries...but if you are willing to pull through, if you have the will to go through the
ups and downs for this dream, then do it.
Some people say that they can't wait long for their dreams to become a reality, that it's too good
to ever be true. Once again, you're wrong. Those people you see on television, those beautiful
women you see in magazines have worked hard to be where they want to be. All it takes is a good
fight. Life can be a bitch at times and it may throw you curve balls that interfere with your plans,
but you have to embrace those mistakes and face your fears head on to accomplish something.

You can only accomplish what you work for.

My name is Riley Snelson, and I have a goal. My goal is to make it into the amazing school of
Julliard when my time comes and finish what my musical career has started for me. I wish to be
the new and female version of Kenny G and Gerald Albright. (which by the way are AMAZING
saxophone players)

And right now, forever, and always, shall I play my part in what life has ahead of me. With the
right attitude and wit, I will pull through and I will one day be the one that younger girls and boys
will look up to.

What do I have to do for my dream to become a reality? Fight!

Fight for what is rightfully yours! Use your mistakes as fuel and your problems as adrenaline to
complete the simple task of taking a step closer to your dream.

Enjoy the little things and big things, don't be afraid to be adventurous and daunting. Just know
that everything you do, leads to your future. All the good things and the bad things collaborate
when you walk on that stage, when you feel the ground of the moon, when you reach your all-
time high.

Goals are what keep us alive, folks. Goals are what help you get through your day. Goals are what
help you achieve your dreams. Goals are what make you who you are. It might not be today, or
tomorrow...but if you fight for your throne, you will be the king someday.

Life is worth living when you know who you are.

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